Chapter 14

The party overflowed with humans and other-worlders, twinkling jewelry, and rich fabrics. Real cotton, real silk, not the synthetic versions worn by the masses. The room fairly buzzed with activity. Amid a thick haze of illegal cigarette smoke, expensive perfume, loud, laughing voices rolled through the air like a cadence of ocean waves. Candles glowed from wall sconces, giving off a dim, antique light. Alcohol flowed like a giddy river.

Mahogany floors, plush carpets. Every piece of art hanging on the walls depicted a woman in different stages of dishabille and seduction. Several alabaster columns with ivy twined around their entire lengths stretched to the vaulted ceiling. The elegance surprised me. This foyer and living area did not resemble the modern, vibrant office I’d seen when ghost-walking.

I remained at Ambassador Chow’s side as we worked our way through the throng of guests. Both men and women, humans and other-worlders, constantly slid their gazes over me in speculation. The humans speculation soon turned to appreciation for my golden color. I could almost see the direction of their thoughts—my skin and hair decorating their walls.

I scanned the crowd for Lucius, for EenLi, for Jonathan, but I saw only strangers. Every few minutes, Claudia paused to speak with someone. I forced a casual, this-is-exactly-what-I-want-to-be-doing tone each time I translated her conversations with the other-worlders.

Most of the complaints, as Claudia had predicted, were about discrimination. A Mec’s office was wrecked by humans. An Arcadian—a race known for their white hair, psychic abilities, and dabbling in mind control—wanted the laws changed so he could marry his human lover. A catlike Taren had been locked in an A.I.R. jail for two weeks because he’d been accused of stealing a dress from a human. When the dress had been discovered in the back of the human’s closet, the alien was released but without an apology.

Claudia offered each of them a fervent assurance that she would speak to the Senate and do everything she could to get their problem resolved. I hoped she followed through. I was an other-worlder, but I’d never known these prejudices, and it struck deep that others had. Michael had always protected me. If someone had looked at me oddly, they were never again allowed inside Michael’s house. If someone said a derogatory word to me, they were never heard from again.

“You’re not too bored, are you?” Claudia whispered when we had a rare moment alone.

“Of course not.”

“I haven’t seen Hunter.” Her gaze darted left and right as she made sure we weren’t overheard. “Hopefully I was wrong, and he won’t dare show his face here.”

Just then a tall, handsome man stepped from the crowd and approached us. Jonathan Parker. I recognized him instantly. Blond. Strong. He wore a black silk suit that fit him perfectly. Our gazes met, and his thin lips played in a welcoming smile. Up close, he reeked of money, self-indulgence, and confidence.

“Hello,” he said to me, barely sparing Claudia a glance. His low, seductive timbre scratched across my nerve endings.

“Hello,” I returned, using my huskiest voice. I even managed a soft, welcoming smile without gagging as I held out my hand.

“I’m Jonathan Parker.” He clasped my fingers and lifted them to his mouth, then placed a line of kisses between each of my knuckles. “You must be Ambassador Chow’s new assistant.”

“Yes, I am.” Did he think I’d be charmed by such a display? Of course he did. He fancied himself a smooth-talking ladies’ man. I shook off my revulsion as images of his dead wives flashed inside my mind, and fluttered my lashes. Coyly I withdrew my hand. “I’m Eden Black.”

“Such a lovely name.” His heated gaze swept over me, lingering on my cleavage. “Eden…a man’s paradise.”

I chuckled seductively, as if I’d never been so flattered. The action stretched my acting talent to its limits. “I certainly hope so.” Bastard. The man was married, was supposed to be helping Lucius win me, yet here he was hitting on me as if I’d jump instantly into his bed. Naked and ready.

“Jonathan,” Claudia said, a stern edge to her tone. In that moment, she was all business. She pinned him with an equally stern stare. “I’m glad you found us. I need to talk to you about something very important.”

Still his gaze remained on me. “You know I’m always willing to listen to your causes, Ambassador Chow.” His voice had lost its sensual edge and was now crisp with formality. “First tell me where you came to find this vision of loveliness.”

“She found me, and I’m grateful that she did.”

“I needed a change of scenery to escape a bit of…unpleasantness at home,” I said, “and Claudia needed a translator.”

“Unpleasantness?” Jonathan replied, his eyes locked with mine. “Please tell me you were not subjected to the types of discrimination Ambassador Chow is always complaining about.”

I glanced (shyly) away. “I wish it was that simple.”

Maybe I’d take Parker out after EenLi. An employee perk, if you will. Everything about him irritated me. Changing the subject, I said, “Claudia has spoken so highly of you, Mr. Parker.”

“Please, call me Jonathan.”

“Jonathan,” I said, pretending to savor the name. I definitely deserved an award for my performance. How could Lucius say I wasn’t a good actress?

“Jonathan, I must speak with you.” Claudia stepped in front of me, a silent demand to be heard. “I’m afraid Eden is in danger. The unpleasantness she mentioned has followed her here.”

I moved beside her and watched Jonathan arch a perfectly sculpted brow. “Danger?” He grinned slowly. “How ominous that sounds. Whoever would harm such a delicious creature?”

“You,” she said.

“Me?” His face darkened and twitched with affront and I caught a glimpse of the killer he tried to hide. “I can assure you I would never harm a woman, and certainly not this one.”

“Not you personally, but through your association with a certain individual.” Claudia’s voice rose, projecting to those hovering around us.

He frowned, and his gaze moved over those people in a silent command to go about their business. “Perhaps we should move this conversation elsewhere,” he suggested.

Claudia shot me a triumphant grin. “I knew he would help us. I’ll only be a minute, Eden. Jonathan, can you guarantee she’ll be safe while we’re gone?”

I think he wanted to ask who she thought would hurt me, but thought better of it out here. He already knew the answer, anyway. “Of course,” he said. He turned to me. “If anyone accosts you, there are Ell-Rollises posted along the edges of the room. They each have pyre-guns under their jackets and have been ordered to subdue unruly guests.”

Claudia employed Ell-Rollis guards, as well. Had Jonathan given them to her? They could be in league together. After all, I had to wonder why she wanted to talk to him without me. “You two go on,” I said. “I’ll be fine. I’m going to make a quick trip to the ladies’ room.”

Jonathan’s gaze lingered on me for a long while, classical music floating around us like a gentle breeze, before he led Claudia away. When they disappeared in the crowd, I followed the path they had taken. They passed two half-man, half-lizard Ell-Rollises, then Jonathan scanned his fingers into an ID box. A bright blue light enveloped his hand. A door slid open, and I caught a glimpse of light wood, those red and purple columns, and those fuchsia and yellow bookshelves before the door shut, cutting off my view.

I had to get into that room. But how? Secret door? I blinked. Yes! Of course.

In all of Michael’s homes, he had installed a secret door to every room. He wanted to be able to get inside anyplace at anytime, as needed. I bet Jonathan was the same. Men with something to hide, as well as men with something to find, liked unlimited access. Liked watching and listening when others didn’t know they were watching and listening.

Michael could get to any room in his house through a hidden corridor that began in his bedroom. Jonathan would have that, too. I knew it. Felt it. In his bedroom, he would be able to lock himself away for hours, do anything he wanted, no one the wiser.

I didn’t have long before Jonathan and Claudia finished their chat, so I had to act quickly. During one of our phone conversations, Lucius had given me the layout of this house—just in case. Well, just in case had arrived. I knew Jonathan’s bedroom was upstairs, third door on the left. There were probably guards upstairs, so I’d have to be careful.

I’d need a distraction. Nothing overt, just something to draw attention away from the stairs. I spun slowly around, thinking, gazing, studying. An idea hit me and I grinned. When a waiter passed me with a tray of red wine, I claimed two glasses. There, below the steps, was a woman in a sleek white dress, speaking with several men. Her hair was salon red, her skin sun-kissed, her makeup perfectly applied. She’d obviously spent hours preparing for this event.

Determined, I strode toward her. The different layers of scarves I wore danced at my ankles. Another female passed the group just in front of me, and she was holding her own glass of wine. When I reached her, I tripped her and “accidentally” tripped myself, spilling both of my wineglasses. Both women screamed as red liquid cascaded over their hair, their clothes.

The entire room seemed to turn toward them, intent on finding out what had happened. “Towels,” I said. Several others began muttering about towels. “I’ll get them towels.” Without another word, I slunk up the staircase as quickly as possible.

No one tried to stop me. When I reached the top, I meshed myself behind the wall and into a shadowed corner. Just beyond, I could hear footsteps pacing back and forth. One…two sets, I realized.

I didn’t have time to spirit-walk. Didn’t have time to learn their nuances and sneak around them. Determined, I reached up to remove my hairpins—but I paused, dropped my hands to my sides. Killing them wasn’t necessary, and I didn’t want blood on my dress. I quietly palmed the miniature pyre-gun strapped to my thigh and programmed it to stun. My adrenaline spiked—even as my feet ached. Damn heels.

Say hello, boys, I thought, leaping into action, racing straight for them, not even pretending to be lost. My hair swished back and forth down my back. Immediately I saw that both Ell-Rollises were holding pyre-guns. They were startled to see me and raised those guns to shoot. But they paused when they realized I was a woman, and their scaled, yellow faces darkened with confusion. That pause cost them.

I fired two shots in quick succession. A stream of blue light erupted, nailing one. The second stream slammed into the other. They froze in place, where they’d be locked in stun for hours, unable to move. But I couldn’t allow them to later tell Jonathan what they’d seen, so I fed them the hallucinogens. They wouldn’t know what was real, what wasn’t. They might even be blamed for stunning themselves. I bypassed them and quickly worked at the ID box that locked the bedroom door. A few seconds and two cut wires later, I was inside the room, the door closed behind me. I sheathed my gun.

Before I could revel in my victory, a hand smashed over my mouth and jerked me into a hard, hot body. I recognized Lucius’s decadent scent. Recognized the contours of his chest. I’d felt it that day in the woods, had seen it in my dreams. Still. Grab me, would he? My eyes narrowed. It was time to prove to this man he wouldn’t always get the upper hand with me.

I shoved my elbow into his stomach once, twice. He puffed out a breath, and his hold on me loosened. Spinning around, I kneed him. Hard. I didn’t curb my strength. He dropped to the fluffy white carpet with a pained moan. While he was down, I slammed my fist into his temple, and his head whipped to the side. I didn’t want to break his nose or blacken his eye. Not because I liked him, but because it wouldn’t do for people to know he’d been in a fight.

“Don’t ever grab me again,” I told him quietly.

“Dear God,” he said. There was pain in his eyes, but also respect. And admiration. “You’re in a slinky dress, and you look like a lady. You shouldn’t do that to a man.”

“I’ll do whatever it takes. Always.”

“Good to know.” He lumbered to his feet and massaged his balls. “Don’t ever hurt the boys again. I get vicious when they’re threatened.”

I rolled my eyes. “What are you doing here?”

“Same thing you are, I’m sure, and there’s no time to waste. This way.” He grabbed my hand—I didn’t hurt him this time—and led me to a mural of naked, frolicking couples. He reached out, caressing his fingers between a redhead’s splayed legs.

“What are you—”

The mural parted, revealing a dark entryway. I almost clapped in excitement. I’d been right about the corridor! Lucius tossed a grin (still a little pained) over his shoulder before tugging me inside. The door closed, and total darkness surrounded us. Total silence.

Lucius never slowed as we descended a staircase.

“I hope you know where you’re going.” My words echoed through the small, cramped space.

“I’ve been here a thousand times. I know the way.”

An eternity had passed, or perhaps only a few minutes, when he ground to an abrupt stop. He released my hand. I heard a scratch, a clang, a muffled curse from Lucius, and then another door was sliding open. Rays of light seeped into my line of vision.

“In here,” he said.

“Should we be talking?” I whispered.

“Soundproof walls.”

We stepped into a plain gray room that boasted a single wall of windows, nothing more. Those windows gazed into the library, where Jonathan was lounging on the lime green couch, Claudia seated across from him. They each held a glass of dark, rich liquid.

I stopped and stared, but Lucius walked to the window and pushed a panel of buttons. The speakers came on, and we could suddenly hear what was being said.

“—won’t hurt her here, I promise you,” Jonathan was saying.

“Oh, really? Your friend came to New Dallas because he knew Eden would be here. He’s a stalker, Jonathan. A dangerous criminal who once kidnapped her and locked her away. Now, can you offer me a hundred percent assurance that he’ll leave her alone?”

Jonathan chuckled. “That certainly sounds like something Hunter would do. The man has balls of steel. But I’m not his father, and I can’t control him.”

Anger gleamed in Claudia’s dark eyes. “You’re laughing about this?”


“No. Eden is an alien and my employee, and therefore I am her protector. You’ll either keep your friend under tight watch, away from her, or I’ll bring in the media. You know several of them are sympathizers and will crucify you.”

I blinked in surprise. She was defending me, fighting for me. Wasn’t backing down. Was determined to help me. In that moment, I realized she wasn’t working with or for Jonathan. She really did care about her job, about aliens.

A muscle ticked in Jonathan’s jaw. “Very well,” he said. “I’ll speak with him.” Done with the conversation, he unfolded to his feet. “Come. I’ll escort you back to the party.”

Claudia, too, stood. She didn’t wait for Jonathan, but turned on her heels and strode out. Before he left, he tossed his glass against the wall, and gleaming shards rained onto the floor. All that sneaking around for a small glimmer of conversation.

I glanced at Lucius, who was watching me. Our gazes met. Clashed. The intensity in his eyes was disconcerting. Confusing. “We better get back, too,” I said.

He latched onto my arm, stopping me from movement. “Can you handle this?” he asked roughly. “Once we leave this room, there’ll be no going back.”

Was he doubting me again? “I can handle it, Hunter. You don’t have to worry about me.”

“These are dangerous people.” He stiffened, but slowly, slowly relaxed and surprised me by saying, “The other day, I told you I had a mother. She raised me the first ten years of my life. She was a drug addict and a whore, but she loved me in her own way. I think she was glad when Social Services took me away.”

I couldn’t open my mouth to save my life. I was riveted by his words. Why he was telling me this now, I didn’t know.

“I was given to a nice, conservative family, but I was already street-hard and used to doing whatever I wanted, so that didn’t last long.”

When he paused, I gulped and finally found my voice. “What happened to you?”

“I was sent to a sadistic couple who liked to rent out their foster children.”

A cold sweat broke over my skin at the implication of his words. I should have let the subject drop. Knowing about him, about his past, wasn’t necessary and might actually harm my resolve to resist him. To dislike him. I should have let it drop, yes, but I didn’t. I had to know. “Rent out?”

His shoulders lifted in a rigid shrug. “The first time they gave me to a man, I was scared and ashamed. Have you ever been raped, Eden?”

My eyes wide, I shook my head no.

“It’s a thousand times worse than anything you’ve ever heard about it, and it’s what’s going to happen to you if something goes wrong.”

“I can protect myself,” I said shakily.

“I thought so, too. But the second time I was sold, I tried to fight. I was strong for my age, and I’d been in a lot of fights. He had me pinned to the ground in minutes, as if my struggles meant nothing. I’d never felt so helpless in my life.”

“I’m sorry.” I didn’t know what else to say. I’d had a childhood of privilege. Yes, I’d seen my parents murdered, but nothing had been done to me physically. I’d known love and safety. “So very sorry.”

“The third time, I went into a rage. Before I could be subdued, I stabbed the fucking pedophile in the stomach. He died, and I spent the next seven years locked away.”

“But you were a child.”

He shrugged again. “I was due to spend three more years inside, but Michael stumbled upon my case and got me out. I didn’t tell you that for sympathy, so wipe that look off your face. I told you because I want you to realize those are the type of people we’re dealing with here. They don’t care about anything except pleasure and money. They’ll rape you, sell you without blinking an eye, and we’re about to gift-wrap you and hand you to them.”

I straightened my shoulders, fortified my determination. “If I don’t do this, no one will. People will continue to be bought and sold, slaves to their masters. I have to do this. I, at least, know what to expect. I know how to defend myself. They don’t.”

He didn’t speak for a moment. Just watched me, studied me. I don’t know what I expected from him, but what he did wasn’t it. Without warning, he jerked me into his chest, and his lips came crashing down on mine.

I didn’t think to resist. Couldn’t. He’d been hurt so long ago, and there was a deep need inside me to soothe that pain. To make it go away, to wrap him up in total safety. His tongue thrust and battled. Mine thrust and battled, as well, each of us craving something from the other. Something we shouldn’t.

His strong, strong arms wound around me, slithered up and down my back before cupping my butt and lifting me up until I cradled his erection. “You excite me,” he growled. He didn’t seem happy with the knowledge.

“Yeah, well, you excite me too.” I definitely wasn’t happy with the knowledge. “You also infuriate me.”

He licked the seam of my lips. “You dropped me to my knees today, and that’s something no one else has done.”

“You deserved it.” I nipped at his jaw.

“Yeah, I deserved it.” He paused, pulled away from me. “You’re a better agent than I gave you credit for.”

The unexpected praise shocked me. Thrilled me. Rocked me. My heart actually skipped a beat. “Th-thank you,” I stuttered.

He drew in a deep, shuddering breath. The beams of light that couched his face gave him a menacing yet angelic ambiance. Conflicting, like the man himself. “All right, then. Now that that’s settled, let’s go buy your ticket into hell.”

We traveled through the tunnel again and back into Jonathan’s room. I needed that time to get myself under control. To stop thinking about Lucius and his kiss, Lucius and his praise, Lucius and his past, and to concentrate on the mission.

He led me through a back way. We soon reentered the party undetected and became part of the laughing crowd. Like a dream, smoke wafted around us. “This dance is mine,” he said.

His strong, callused fingers wrapped around my wrist as his rough, husky voice shivered along my spine. Without waiting for my reply, Lucius dragged me onto the dance floor.

Back in character, I cast a helpless look over my shoulder, searching for Claudia or Jonathan. I didn’t see either of them.

Soft, lulling music hummed from strategically placed speakers that were hidden in the walls. Lucius wound his arms tightly around me, and I fought the urge to sink completely into him and continue our kiss, picking up where it left off.

I gave him my complete attention, trying to appear fearful and furious. Meanwhile, my body thrummed with the pleasure of his heat and pine scent. If only he hadn’t praised my abilities…

In the light, I saw that his dark hair framed around his chiseled face, and his faux-brown eyes glowed with…what? I couldn’t read the emotion there, only the extreme intensity. My fingers itched to trace the fake scar that slashed down his temple. My mouth watered for another taste of him. The small tastes he’d already given me weren’t enough. Not nearly enough.

The music began to fade from my ears, and the people around me vanished from my vision. The gray suit Lucius wore fit him to perfection, molding itself over each and every one of his muscles. Though his eyes were now brown, his lashes were the same: long, black, and spiky.

“Goddamn it, put up some kind of fight,” he growled quietly. “You’re supposed to hate and fear me. Not fuck me with your eyes.”

Common sense slammed into me. My teeth ground together, and my gaze narrowed. I slapped him with so much force his head whipped to the side. The people around us gasped. Lucius didn’t remove his arms from me. No, he tightened his hold. Slowly he turned and faced me again.

“Better,” he said, his eyes now glowing with amusement.

Just for fun, I slapped him again.

He lost his amused glow. “I think people get the message.”

“You sure?” My tone was dark with suppressed animosity…and desire.

A muscle ticked in his jaw. “I’m sure.” He jerked me deeper into his arms. “Miss me?” he asked, his voice dropping an octave.

Maybe his kiss had weakened my resolve to dislike him, maybe his praise had, or his confession about his childhood, because I suddenly wanted to give him an honest answer—the one thing I hadn’t given him in all our sexual sparrings. But I had to stay in character from this point on, and we both knew it.

“Take your hands off me,” I demanded and tried to pull away from him.

His hold tightened even further. “You like to play hard-to-get, Eden, but we both know how easy you’ll be,” he said, and there was a ring of truth in his tone. He wasn’t speaking to my character, but to me. “You like where you are.”

“Take your hands off me, damn it!”

“First, admit that you like when I hold you. I want to hear you say it.”

I pursed my lips. I’d admit nothing, not for our audience and certainly not for him. “I’ll scream.”

“Do it. Scream.”

“Bastard. You’d like that, wouldn’t you?”

“I won’t wait forever, you know. I will have you.” He leaned toward me, placing his lips near my ear, as if he meant to kiss me and whisper sweet words of love. Softly, so softly, he said, “You’re the most erotic thing I’ve ever seen. Your nipples are hard and your sheer dress does nothing to hide them.”

I slapped him again, harder than before. It was either that, or sink into him. He stumbled backward.

“Stay away from me.” I projected my words loudly, loud enough that the people around us heard. “I don’t want you. I’ve never wanted you.”

I swirled around and finally found Claudia. Her eyes widened when she spotted me, and her features became pinched with shock and concern. Jonathan’s darkened with anger. Claudia said something to him, and he motioned to one of the Ell-Rollises, who immediately raced toward him.

I reached them, and Jonathan’s attention veered to me. He forgot the guard as he took my hand, turned it, and kissed my wrist. “I’m sorry if my friend frightened you.”

I pointedly withdrew from his hold and glared at him. “He dragged me to the dance floor and wouldn’t let me go. He could have hurt me.” I stomped my foot, the perfect pampered child.

“I wouldn’t have let him, I assure you.” His brown eyes were already so dark they appeared black, but they darkened further. “Claudia explained what happened between you and Hunter. Believe me, I won’t let anything like this happen again. I’ll talk to him.”

“Thank you.” But I remained stiff.

There, I thought with satisfaction. I’d done my job. I’d effectively established my dislike of “Hunter.” I’d proven I wanted him nowhere near me, which would validate his growing desperation for me. I gave my attention to Claudia. “I’m feeling poorly. Are you ready to leave?”

She nodded, her color high with anger. She truly was concerned for me. “Yes, of course,” she said. “Let’s get you home. You’re shaking.” Like a mother hen, she wrapped her arm around my waist and led me through the crowd and to the front door.

“See that they make it to their car safely,” Jonathan commanded the Ell-Rollis. I felt his gaze boring into my spine—and ass.

I couldn’t help myself. I tossed a glance over my shoulder, past the Ell-Rollis now shadowing us, and watched as Lucius approached Jonathan. The two men began arguing. People inched away from them, but not far enough that they couldn’t listen. Unfortunately, I was too far away to hear.

Jonathan pushed him.

Lucius balled his hand into a fist, and it appeared like he was going to pound the stupid man into a bloody, lifeless heap. But then Jonathan pointed a finger in his face, said a few words, and Lucius nodded stiffly.

Both men glanced to me.

I didn’t pretend to misunderstand what they’d been talking about, and didn’t pretend I hadn’t watched with interest. Lucius abruptly swung around and stalked toward the back door, widening the distance between us.

Still glowering with anger, Jonathan stared at me, silently commanding me to appreciate his efforts on my behalf. I merely offered him a half smile and turned away. Though I desperately wanted to race after Lucius and find out what had been said, I forced myself to keep pace beside Claudia. What kind of power did Lucius wield over me that he made me forget my job, my surroundings, my…everything? If I knew, perhaps I could fight against it. Fight against him.

The return drive to the ambassador’s residence was filled with chatter—all of it Claudia’s. She lamented on the plague that was man, promised to speak with Jonathan again, and asked me over a thousand times if I was all right.

“Not a good first day on the job, was it?” she said.

“I’ll be fine,” I told her. “I handled Hunter once, and I’ll handle him again.”

Unfortunately, I was lying on both counts.
