Chapter Seven

DD: So, how does this work?

It was Monday, and Shelly was standing in line at the hospital cafeteria. She’d been staring at her phone for the last twenty minutes, trying to understand exactly what he meant.

As she stared at the contact name she’d filed him under—DD, aka Delicious Daniels—she smiled and thought about just how delicious he’d been in that parking lot. Oh yeah. Those hands, so big and talented, and that mouth, so sinful. The man is positively scrumptious.

How does what work? Shelly thought as she swiped her employee badge. I’d been pretty clear, hadn’t I? Sex. No strings. Secret. What more needed to be said?

“Dr. Monroe?”

Like a guilty schoolgirl getting caught passing notes in class, Shelly shoved her phone in her pocket and turned to see Dr. McKinney behind her.

Great, just what I needed.

“Sir,” she acknowledged, tipping her head slightly.

“How’s your day going so far?”

Shelly shuffled along the line, picking up a bottle of water and an apple. Moving down further, she looked at her boss. “Busy. People always need to breathe.”

He smiled at her lame joke before continuing on. “That would be true, Shelly.” He paused, and then asked quietly, “Hey, listen, are you ever going to say yes to an invitation from me? Or is this a hopeless case?”

Shelly glanced around them as discreetly as she could, hoping no one had heard. Then, she turned back to him and smiled.

Really, what harm could there be in going for a drink with the man? She thought as he returned her smile. Maybe he really is fun and interesting outside of work.

She was about to answer when she felt her pocket vibrate. Plus, she had Josh as an outlet for those other things. So, yes, maybe now was the time to take Roger up on his invite, considering she didn’t need him to flip her switch. It was already being flipped—in a big way.

“How about tonight?” Shelly asked, turning to see Roger’s mouth fall open a little.


Shelly smiled. “Sure. I usually go to Lena’s fiancé’s for dinner on Mondays.”

“Oh, yes, Exquisite.”

Nodding, Shelly picked up a pre-wrapped chicken salad sandwich. “Yeah, that’s the one. Would you like to come with me?” She watched as the usually calm and professional McKinney stumbled around a little.

He then nodded with a slight flush. “Yes, I’d love to.”

Shelly grinned and winked at him. “Great. So, we can go from here tonight if you like. Say seven? I’ll come to your office.”

“Okay then. Yes, that sounds wonderful.”

Turning, she waved at him as she made her way out of the cafeteria. “See you then.”

“See you,” he replied, waving back, although Shelly hadn’t caught that because she was too busy digging in her pocket for her phone.

DD: So? How does it work? Do I just tell you I’m hard, and you come running?

Sucking in a deep breath, Shelly moved to the side of the busy hospital corridor and quickly typed.

I assume you mean our deal?

Shelly hit send and started back down the hall. Not two seconds later, it buzzed, and she glanced down.

DD: Of course, Shelly. Why else would I contact you?

Well, that kind of stung, Shelly thought with a wince, but he was right. That was the deal in place. Stopping in front of the elevator bank, Shelly leaned in and pushed the up button. Taking a step back, she typed.

It can work 1 of 2 ways. You can either text me or call to request the time. If I’m available, I’ll tell you.

After she hit send and the doors pinged open, Shelly got inside, standing at the back. Geez, this all seems so impersonal, business-like almost. Why not just ask for a fee, Monroe? She thought, mentally kicking herself. Why on earth did I decide to do this?

DD: Okay. I’m hard, horny, and want YOUR lips around my cock at 2 p.m. Can you make that happen?

That is why she did this.

Shelly felt her thighs clench, and her stomach flip upside down. The damn man was nowhere in sight, and she was already getting twitchy. Shelly glanced at her watch. It was just going on 1:30 p.m., and she knew she had her schedule blocked until 3 p.m.

Hmm, all the possibilities, but if she was going to be the one down on her knees doing all of the hard work, he should have to make an effort, too. Smiling, Shelly squeezed her thighs together, trying to ease the ache that had started to throb, and typed.

If you can work out where my office is by 2 p.m., I’ll make that happen.

Then, she hit send.

The elevator came to a stop at her floor, and she got out, walking down toward her office. She was almost there when she heard her name being called. Turning, she saw Lena coming down the hall, dressed in the usual scrubs and a lab coat.

“Hey there. I’m glad I caught you. Are you coming tonight?”

Pushing aside her little phone-tag game, Shelly tried to focus. “Ah, yes, actually. I hope you don’t mind me bringing someone.”

Lena smiled immediately. “No, not at all. Who are you bringing?”

Shelly knew this was not going to go over well. “Roger McKinney,” she mumbled quickly. It was almost—almost—comical the way Lena’s mouth fell open.

“Please tell me you’re joking?”

Shelly shrugged and shook her head. “Nope. I’m not.”

Lena raised a hand to rub her forehead. “Why would you want to date McKinney?”

Shelly laughed and moved past Lena, making her way to her office. Lena pivoted on her heel and jogged to catch up.

“I’m serious, Shelly. The guy is a hard ass who is balding.” She paused, and then accused triumphantly, “You told me you didn’t want to date a balding man!”

Shelly looked at her friend and shook her head slowly. “I told you I didn’t want to go on a blind date with a balding man. I know McKinney.” Shelly paused and sighed. “Plus the man’s been asking me out for three weeks. It was the easiest thing to do. And who knows—maybe he’s fun outside of work?”

Lena stood at the doorway of Shelly’s office and asked, “Have you lost your mind? Mason and I said go and get a guy to bang, not date, least of all McKinney!” Pretending to shudder, Lena asked, “Are you going to sleep with him?”

Shelly sat down in her chair and removed her phone, looking at it and then placing it down on the desk.

Still nothing, huh? Maybe he’d changed his mind when he realized she wouldn’t be the only one making an effort.

“No. I’m bringing him to dinner just to get him off my back…and also just to see if there’s even a remote possibility he’s relationship material.”

Lena threw her hands up in the air. “You’ve gone mad,” she rolled her eyes and shook her head. “No sex is making you mad.”

“Who said I’m not having sex?”

Lena froze, and then took a step forward, placing her palms on the back of the empty chair facing her.

“You had sex? With who?”

Shelly arched a brow and crossed one leg over the other. “Who I have sex with is not yours or Mason’s concern, and no, I haven’t had sex, but I had a really good orgasm.”

Lena stood back up, placing her hands on her hips. “By yourself doesn’t count.”

Licking her lips slowly, Shelly grinned. “It wasn’t by myself. Now, go! Leave! I need to finish up, so I can go to dinner with you and McKinney.”

Shelly stood and walked around the desk just as the phone vibrated on top of the stack of folders. Both women turned to stare at it, but luckily, Shelly had turned the screen notifications off, so the screen was blank.

“Was that him?” Lena asked in a whisper.

Shelly finally reached her friend and started to push her out the door.

“Was that who?” Shelly asked, trying to deflect.

Lena dug her stubborn heels in. “Mr. Orgasm?”

Shelly burst out laughing and shook her head. “I have no idea.”

Geez, when did I become such a liar? When I started this ludicrous deal with Josh. That was when.

Now at Shelly’s office door, Lena turned on her. “Fine, don’t tell me. Just answer one question for me.”

Shelly put her hands on her hips. “What?”

“Was it worthy of a repeat?”

Shelly felt a smile so wicked and smug spread across her face that she almost wished it hadn’t been caused by a man whom she could never keep. “Oh yeah.”

Lena returned the smiled and then turned. “About time,” she muttered as she walked away.

Racing over to the table, Shelly grabbed the phone and unlocked it, to see a message that made her breath catch.

DD:University Hospital. 8th floor. See you at 2.

While her whole body shivered and her thighs clenched, all Shelly could think was, Two o’clock couldn’t come quick enough. Pun intended.

* * *

Josh figured he pretty much broke every single traffic law to get his car parked at the University Hospital parking lot by 1:50 p.m. He glanced at his watch as he raced through the lobby to the directory board.

He’d mulled over the decision to call Shelly all through Sunday. He’d gone back and forth on the pros and cons of having this kind of a fling.

Sure, he’d heard all the time of people who had friends with benefits. But are we even really friends?

As far as Josh could tell, he and Shelly had friends in common, but as far as two individuals went, they hardly knew anything about one another.

One thing he was certain about was the fact that he’d told Mason a huge “hell no” to dating her, which worked perfectly since she had made it clear she wanted to keep things a secret.

So, of course, it all made perfect sense that he was now standing in the lobby of her place of employment, searching for her name, so he could go upstairs and get his sex on.

Finally, he spotted “Dr. Shelly Monroe, Pulmonologist, Level 8.” Good, the computer site was right. He made his way over to the elevators and stood with five other people.

One lady turned and looked him over quickly. When her eyes met his, she gave him a shy smile. Josh winked at her and watched a blush spread all across her cheeks. He grinned as the elevator pinged and they got in along with the others. They were both at the back of the crowd, and she kept sneaking glances at him. Each time he caught her, he smiled, and she blushed.

She was cute in a soft way. Her dark brown hair was held back by a black headband. Josh noticed she was fiddling with the strap of her purse as she looked at him, and he figured it was some kind of nervous gesture.

See, Josh thought, this is the kind of woman you are supposed to want, not the dirty-talking man-eater upstairs. However, when the elevator stopped at Level 7 and the young lady beside him moved to get out, Josh watched her go with only one thought. I’ll never be able to do what I’m about to with a woman like that. Wouldn’t that be a damn shame? After all, he had a feeling what was about to happen was going to blow his mind—literally.

* * *

Shelly glanced at her desk clock as it flicked to 2:03 p.m. He hadn’t shown. She hadn’t expected to feel so disappointed. It wasn’t as though they were an item—or ever going to be.

Sighing, she sat back in her chair, rocking it as she tapped her pen against the desk. She was in such a funk about it that she was about to call McKinney and tell him she needed to cancel their date tonight. Then, her office phone buzzed. Sitting up straight, she dropped the pen and answered over the speaker.

“Yes, Amy?”

“Dr. Monroe, there’s a Joshua Daniels here to see you.”

Shelly sucked in a breath and looked at the clock. 2:05 p.m. He was late, but there was no way in hell she was turning him away. She wanted this, and she wanted it now. Clearing her throat, Shelly buzzed her assistant.

“Send him in, Amy.”

Letting go of the intercom button, Shelly sat back in her chair with her legs crossed and her eyes on the door, waiting for him to enter.

She knew she had the advantage, and she planned to use it. Feeling her heart start to hammer inside her chest, she waited in dead silence, straining to hear the moment he was close. Then, there was a soft but firm rap against the wood. Choosing to stay silent, she watched as the handle turned, the door opened, and then—Holy hell, there he is.

The man was the very definition of sex. His hair looked as though he’d run his hands through it, and several long brown strands had escaped, falling forward into his face. He was dressed in jeans today—worn torn jeans that were faded and well-loved by the look of the washed denim. Up top, he was wearing a long-sleeved navy flannel shirt that was unbuttoned and hanging open over a white tee that molded over every delicious muscle of his chest. On his feet were workman boots, and for some reason, this hard-working handyman look was really pushing all of Shelly’s buttons in exactly the right way.

He stepped into the office and shut the door behind him, waiting silently for some sort of cue from her.

Finally, when she’d looked him over thoroughly, she stated, “You’re late.”

She watched as he brought his arm up and looked at his watch, and then he dropped it back down by his side and sauntered into the room.

“Not by my watch.” He moved around the chair that sat facing her, leaning across the desk. “Want to check, Doctor?”

She reached out and grabbed his thick wrist, tugging him further over the desk. He placed his other hand flat down on top of the glossy surface to brace himself as she looked at his watch. It did in fact show 2 p.m. Raising her eyes to his, she saw him quirk up an eyebrow.

“What was my punishment going to be?” He paused as she sat back in her chair.

He straightened and took a seat on the opposite side of the desk.

Shelly looked at him, sitting across from her, with his legs spread and his hands resting on his jean-clad thighs.

“I was going to send you away,” she said bluntly.

He seemed to think that over, and then nodded once. “Sure, you were.”

Shelly cocked her head to the side, and then stood. She watched his eyes track her as she rounded the desk and came to stand in front of it. Leaning back, she rested her butt up against the edge, looking down at him.

“You don’t think I would’ve?” she questioned, letting her eyes fall down to those spread legs and the expanding bulge in between. “My time is very valuable, especially around here.”

He tilted his head to the side, those deep brown eyes sliding down her scrubs before they came back up to rest on her face.

“Oh, I believe it. You’re a doctor, and this is a hospital. Of course, you’re valuable. Makes me wonder though if you brought me down here to tease or to deliver?”

Shelly had to hold back a smile at his direct question.

So, he thinks I’m a tease, does he? Well, he’s in for a rude awakening then.

Keeping her eyes on him, she leaned over to the side, pressing a hot pink–manicured nail to the intercom button.

“Yes, Dr. Monroe?”

Smiling the sexiest smile she had in her arsenal, Shelly let her eyes fall to his crotch.

“Why don’t you go and have lunch now?” she said to Amy.

Shelly saw his thighs bunch and raised her eyes to meet his hot ones.

“Are you sure?” Amy asked.

Without taking her gaze from his, Shelly pushed the button again and answered, “Yes. It’s slow, and I won’t be going back up to the units until around three.”

There was silence as they sat in her office, the air crackling with tension, and then the intercom buzzed.

“Okay, I’ll be back by three.”

Standing up and away from the desk, Shelly answered, “Very good.”

Then, she stepped forward until she was beside Josh’s chair. “Don’t you move a muscle.”

* * *

Josh sat glued to the seat.

He couldn’t have moved if the building was on fire, and he had a feeling in about two minutes it very well could go up in flames. He knew one thing for certain. He was on fire, and the reason for that was currently walking to her office door to—click—lock it.

Taking a deep breath, Josh closed his eyes and tried counting backwards from thirty to calm down. He’d known the minute he stepped in and saw her, sitting behind her big wooden desk in her sky-blue scrubs and lab coat, he was screwed.

The woman was so unbelievably gorgeous that it almost hurt to look at her. She literally looked like a Barbie doll and was absolutely flawless, except for all of her stupid notions about rules and secrets.

Today, she had pulled her hair half up and tied at the back of her head, leaving the rest of it to fall down to her shoulders in a straight line. Those amazing blue eyes of hers popped out even more with the scrubs she was wearing, and her curvy little body tested the boundaries of the flimsy fabric, somehow managing to make even them look unbelievably hot. A diamond in the rough, he thought. The lady was a diamond, and as he sat there trying not to explode before she even touched him, he thought he was most definitely the rough.

He felt her walk back toward him. As she moved by the chair, she reached out and dragged a perfectly pink-manicured nail across his shoulder. She walked in front of him and stopped between his thighs.

Looking down, she asked softly, “Aren’t you going to undo your pants?”

Josh swallowed. Shit, this is really going to happen. She is really going to get down on her knees and give me a blow job in her office at 2 o’clock in the afternoon! Hell, maybe there is a plus side to this sex-with-no-strings deal.

Nodding, Josh moved to stand, and she took a step back. He wasn’t an overly tall man, but at six-feet, he topped her by a few inches. She looked up, watching his face as he started to undo his belt.

“So, this is it? I’m going to undo my belt, drop my pants, and then you will—”

“Get on my knees,” she interrupted, stepping up close to him, “take you in my hand, and then suck you into my mouth.”

Josh looked down at the face that was now only a couple of inches from his and breathed in deeply. The woman smells fantastic like—he sniffed again—apples.

“No small talk?” he asked with a raised brow as he finally undid his jeans.

She looked down between their bodies, and then reached out, gripping the open denim and spreading it apart. She ran a finger up and down the hair leading down to his now painfully hard erection.

“What is there to say? The deal is what it is. You called. I answered. You’re here, and I’m willing.”

With that, he watched as she lowered herself down to her knees, looking up at him with her beautiful, perfect face an inch from his aching cock.

* * *

Shelly was so turned on she could barely talk.

Josh had her so hot and bothered that she was surprised she hadn’t melted through her scrubs. He was standing in front of her with his feet spread apart and his jeans wide open, and she was now dipping her hands inside his pants to lift him free. She heard him softly groan when her fingers wrapped around his naked flesh. Looking up at him, she blew a light hot breath across the tip of his throbbing erection.

“Fuck,” he cursed as his legs shuddered.

She felt his whole body tremble. Lowering her lashes, she bent over him and flicked her tongue across the swollen head. She saw his hands flex by his side and thought he might try and grab her hair, but he didn’t. He just clenched his fists steadily against his legs. Grinning against his pounding sex, she gripped the base firmly and stroked her tightly wrapped fingers around his hard length.

He let out a strangled groan and looked down at her. “The request was for you to suck it, I believe.”

Nodding in acknowledgment, Shelly whispered against his vulnerable flesh, “I believe you are correct.”

Then, she opened her lips and took him deep inside her mouth.

* * *

The woman is a fucking sex goddess, Josh had decided. She was from some other planet where sexy women were created to go around and torture helpless men. As she knelt at his feet, sucking his cock deep down her throat, all he could think about was possessing her—forever.

He really needed to stop thinking like that, but damn it was hard when she was sucking him like a pro and moaning as though she loved it. He refused to mess up her hair, out of fear she’d never let him touch her again, so instead, he kept his hands clenched by his sides.

He’d let his head fall back and was now thrusting his hips toward her to get his cock as deep as she could take it. Josh groaned when he heard her whimper. He wondered why there was some sick part of him totally getting off on the fact that this woman—this beautiful, smart, highly educated professional woman—was currently down on her knees sucking his cock. Fuck if that doesn’t turn me on.

Finally past his breaking point, he let go and reached up, gripping the side of her head, not caring anymore what happened after this immediate moment in time. He felt her moan around him, and the vibrations from her throat reverberated up his stiff shaft, sending shockwaves of pleasure up his spine, which then caused him to thrust harder.

She raised a hand and cupped his balls, squeezing gently, and that was all it took. Josh groaned loudly and thrust deep, spilling himself into her mouth. Then, he watched as the sexy siren swallowed every last drop.

* * *

Shelly sat back on her heels on her office floor and stared up at the disheveled man above her. What the hell is going on? This man makes me lose my ever-loving mind!

She was so worked up right now that she wanted to strip out of her scrubs and beg him to take her. His breathing was labored as he looked down at her. With his jeans open and his erection right there, barely deflated at all, Shelly thought he was the sexiest man she’d ever seen in her life.

“Wow, Shel,” he said with a smug smile. He reached down, rearranging himself, and pulled his jeans back together, zipping up.

Shelly blinked and tried to gather her wits about her.

“That sure was something else.” He ran his hands up through his sexy hair, and then looked down at her where she was still sitting at his feet on the floor.

He held out a hand for her, and Shelly gripped it, letting him pull her to her feet. Once she was there, she was about to tell him no problem and send him on his way, but he nodded once and turned, walking to the door.

She watched as he unlatched it and reached for the handle. Before he walked out, he turned to look at her, sitting with her butt against the desk to hold herself up, and winked.

“Thanks again, Doc. Now, I feel great.”

With that, he left before Shelly could say one damn thing.
