An Eternal thank-you to Maria Carvainis and the entire MCA crew. You are the calm sanity behind my well-intentioned madness.

To my dream team: Danielle Perez, Claire Zion, Kara Welsh, Craig Burke, and everyone at NAL who’s worked so hard on this novel. Thank you so very much!

To Kara Cesare, for truly getting “them” and for truly getting “me.”

To my behind-the-scenes team: Jennifer Lyon, critique partner from heaven; Julie Ganis and Kerry de la Rionda, BFFs and ledge talker-downers; and Mindy Stern and Debra Borys, PhD, my windows into mind trauma and life on the “fourth floor.” Thank you ever so!

And finally, to my life, my loves, my eternal blessings: Daniel, Isa, Lucca, and the wacky canine trio. Thank you for your patience and support.
