
I’ll try to keep it short this time, but since there’s truly a small army behind each book, I’d be remiss if I didn’t at least acknowledge those on the front lines.

For holding me up even when I think I’m going to crash, thanks so much, Lord. For dealing with my deadlines, occasional talking to my computer, and a hundred other things, you’re the best, Matthew. For giving me a background of unconditional love, thanks so much, Mom, Dad, and family.

Melissa, Ilona, Vicki, and Yasmine, whether it’s critiquing my manuscripts, offering encouragement, laughter, or a safe place to vent, you ladies rock!

Nancy Yost, you make the impossible job of being an agent look easy. Erika Tsang, as always, your editorial input is invaluable for making my stories the best they can be. Thomas Egner, you delight me with each new amazing book cover. Amanda Bergeron, Pamela Spengler-Jaffee, Carrie Feron, Liate Stehlik, and the rest of the team at Avon Books/HarperCollins, I so appreciate the support you give to me and my novels!

Thanks so much to Tage, whose assistance has allowed me more time to write. Thanks also to all the members of Frost Fans; you make me feel like I’m at a virtual coffeehouse chatting with friends when I’m on the forum. Plus, thanks to the ladies on the Charlaine boards; you humble me with your enthusiasm for my series. To the group from Vicki’s boards, thanks, and I’m looking forward to more post-True Blood chats! To review sites, bloggers, booksellers, and readers who’ve spread the word about my series or offered a word of support: Thank you all so much. It means more than I can ever articulate.
