Chapter Eight

Travis stared at the devastation of his house. He shook his head as he squished over soaked carpet.

The window panes had cracked, letting him know how Grimm had burst the pipes. He’d thrown so much frost into the room that the glass had broken under the pressure.

Fucking Rina. All of Travis’s wards were down, unable to hold up to the combined magical might of the Jotun and the Aesir. He’d learned from Val that Grimm had shared blood with the frost giant female and gained her abilities over ice magic. Seeing the proof of it in his home was devastating. He’d loved this house, dreamed of some day bringing Jamie here to live in peace.

It was just one more thing the Old Man would pay for.

Morgan, wearing rain boots, followed behind him, his disgust plain to see. “Told you it was bad.” Jeff and Magnus could be heard sliding on the once pristine tile floor of his kitchen. The natural slate had cost him a bundle too.

Travis nodded, wondering if there was anything left in the house worth salvaging.

“Knock knock.”

Travis turned to find a woman standing in the doorway. She had long dark hair pulled back in a ponytail. Bright hazel eyes watched them with thinly veiled suspicion.

Travis held up his hand. “It’s my house.”

She smiled, an expression full of cynical amusement. “Travis Yardley-Rudiger?”


She held up a badge. “Detective Antonia Mancinelli, Homicide. I have a warrant to search these premises.”

He frowned. “A warrant?”

“Yes, sir.” She stepped gingerly into the house, making a face as her sensible shoes squished on the soaking carpet. “Yeah. You need to step outside, both of you, and let my people do their job.” She shook her head as the techs pushed their way into the house. “What the hell happened in here?”

“Burst pipe.” He ignored her dubious look and focused on why she was there. “Can I ask what this is in relation to?” Although he had a pretty good idea.

“The murder of Oliver Grimm.”

Travis almost growled, but the detective was watching him closely. “Murder? I thought he simply left.” Out of the corner of his eye he saw Magnus and Jeff walk cautiously into the room, their eyes glued to the detective in the doorway.

She smiled, a gotcha expression if he ever saw one. “Step outside please, Mr. Rudiger.”

Jeff stepped forward. “Let me see the warrant.”

She raised her brows. “You are?”

“Jeff Grimm.” He waved. “Those two bookends are Morgan and Magnus Grimm, my brothers.”

When the detective held out the warrant all of them studied it. It was legit, which didn’t leave Travis much choice. Travis exited his house with a grimace as a team of techs rushed past him. He wasn’t certain what they hoped to find in the waterlogged mess, but he wasn’t too concerned considering there was nothing there. He avoided the brothers as they stood near the entrance of his house, watching the technicians and cops with suspicion and concern. Instead he waited near his car and answered questions put to him by a detective he’d had dealings with in the past. The man was all business, though, asking his questions with no sign that they’d helped each other on several occasions.

He frowned when he saw Detective Mancinelli exiting the house with a smile. She was chatting with one of the other detectives who held several evidence bags in his gloved hands and looked like he’d found the lost city of gold. She sauntered over to where Travis was answering questions. “I need an address where I can reach you.”

He rattled off, again, Logan, Jordan and Kir’s address and gave the cops his cell phone number.

She closed her notebook with a snap and a smile. “Thank you for your time, Mr. Rudiger.” She turned to leave. “Oh, by the way? Don’t leave town.”

“I hadn’t planned on leaving town for a few weeks.”

“Oh, really?” She turned back. “Where were you thinking of going?”

No way was he planning on telling her that he was going out of the country to set a werewolf free.

“I’m planning on asking my girlfriend to marry me. I wanted to take her to Vegas, possibly elsewhere for a honeymoon.”

“Who’s the girlfriend?”

He wouldn’t bother trying to hide it. If she didn’t know already she’d soon find out. “Jamie Grimm.”

She raised both her eyebrows. “Jamie Grimm?”

He nodded grimly. If the detective tried to mess with his woman, she would be in for a world of hurt.

Something of what he was thinking must have shown in his eyes, because hers narrowed. “I’d like to speak with her.” She checked her notebook. “She’s staying with her sister, Mrs. Saeter, right?” She looked up at him. “Same address as you?”

Again he nodded. Shit. If the detective got one look at Jamie she’d know something weird was going on. How would they explain the healed wounds?

She turned. “I’ll be in touch, Mr. Rudiger.”

I’m sure you will, Detective.

He watched as all of the cops pulled away, but not before putting crime scene tape over his front door.

Great. Just great. Now his house got to become a breeding ground for mosquitoes. Thanks to that tape he couldn’t even call in a crew to clean the damage up. It would sit, moldering, until the cops were done their investigation. By the time they let him back in the house would probably be unsalvageable.

“Well. That sucked big hairy moose balls.” Travis sighed as the brothers joined him, Jeff leading the way. “They wanted to know why Morgan and Magnus were working for you instead of Grammy. She practically accused them of helping you kill Grimm.” The men exchanged a look. “Now what, boss?”

“We go home.” He got into his car and hoped Jeff wasn’t in a chatty mood. Jeff climbed in and, seeming to sense his mood, kept quiet all the way back to the condo.

He hoped that Jamie was in a more receptive frame of mind when he got to her. He needed her after this shitty day, even if all she allowed him was a hug.

Toni drove away from Travis Yardley-Rudiger’s house. What the hell happened to that man’s house?

The water damage had been extensive. As near as she could tell, several pipes had burst, flooding the house with water and eliminating almost any forensic evidence. They’d gotten carpet fibers, hair from his hairbrush for DNA to cross-check against what they’d found at the murder site, but that was it.

It was as if the man knew he was under investigation and had somehow rigged his pipes to blow. But how? They’d found no signs of explosion, and she’d brought in a bomb expert just to be sure. It looked like the pipes had frozen, then burst. Which was impossible, considering it was friggin’ June and a steamy eighty degrees.

It was one hell of a puzzle, and one she had every intention of solving.

She swung by Pete’s place, hoping he’d be able to give her some insights into what was going on. An hour later she was still confused. Pete hadn’t been able to tell her much of anything. She’d done something she swore she’d never do. She’d told Pete details of the Grimm murder that were supposed to remain confidential.

If she couldn’t trust Pete, she didn’t know who she could trust.

Still, Pete had read her the riot act before buckling down and going over the evidence with her. He’d promised that if he thought of anything he’d contact her, but she didn’t hold out any hope.

She swung off by the market on her way back to her house. She’d finished off the Chunky Monkey the night before and she had the feeling that she’d need more.

Besides, tonight was the Top Chef marathon.

Jamie jumped as the front door of the condo slammed shut. Travis stomped in, ignoring everyone in the living room as he headed for the kitchen. She heard the fridge open and some glass bottles banging together. She bit her lip, looking around the room at her family, wondering what had driven Travis to head straight for the beer.

He flopped down on the sofa next to her, beer in hand. His head dropped onto the back of the sofa, his arm going around her shoulders. “God, what a shitty day.”

“What happened to your house?”

“Grimm. He froze all of the water in the pipes until they burst. Water all over everything, ankle deep before Morgan opened the front door and let it all out. Morgan shut the main off, but the damage was already done.” He took a deep pull on the beer bottle, his throat working as he swallowed. Jamie cuddled up against him, stroking his chest, trying to soothe him. The stress in his voice was hard to bear. “That’s not all.” He sat up, pulling her even closer. “The cops came with a warrant to search my house.”


“They were looking for evidence in the murder of Oliver Grimm.”

What? ” Jamie sat up, pushing against Travis’s hold. “What would make them think you murdered Grimm?”

He shared a look with Logan that she didn’t like. “Grimm will make it look like we killed him.”

Logan nodded. “Damage control?”

“Not sure. We don’t have a clue where he is. If we did, things would be different.”

“Hugin and Munin give him an edge we just don’t have.”

The names sounded vaguely familiar. Where had she heard them before? “Who are Hugin and Munin?”

Travis smiled down at her, but it was grim. “Thought and Memory.”

Of course. Her father had told her tales of Odin’s constant companions. “The ravens?”

“They’re actually an item created for Grimm by the Dökk Alfar before the war broke out.”

“The statues on his desk?” Jamie remembered seeing Grimm stroking the paired raven statues that sat on his desk in his office. She also remembered playing dolls at his feet while he wheeled and dealed on the phone above her. She shook the memory off. “They’re his ravens?”

“Yes. He has complete control over them. No one else can control them. They were created just for him.”

“So going and taking them wouldn’t do us much good, would it?”

“It’s not a bad idea. If he doesn’t have access to them, he’s weakened even further.”

“I’m sure he’s managed to get the ravens by now. If he hasn’t he’s a lot stupider than I thought.”

She sighed. “He’s got them.”

A knock sounded on the door just as Travis nodded. Magnus went and let Uncle Val in.

“Guess what?” He headed right into the kitchen, grabbing a beer.

“The police had a warrant to search your house for evidence in the murder of Oliver Grimm?”

Val stopped. “You too?”


“Well. Isn’t that special.” He threw himself on the other side of Jamie. “Hey, pumpkin.” He kissed the top of her forehead before bringing the beer bottle to his lips. Halfway there, it paused. “Jamie?”


“Where’s your cast?”

“Gone.” She held up her wrist, twisting it back and forth to show that she was perfectly healed.

“Don’t need it.”

He studied her face, visually tracing where all her bruises and scars had been. He opened his mouth to say something, but couldn’t. He put the bottle carefully down, stood, walked over to Logan, and took the surprised man into his arms. “Thank you.”

Logan looked stunned. He returned the embrace slowly. “Ah. You’re welcome.”

Val pounded Logan on the back. He let go of Logan with a big, happy grin and sat back down next to Jamie. “You look beautiful, pumpkin.”

She pouted at him. “Don’t I always?”

“Seeing you without all those bruises makes you extra beautiful today.” His eyes narrowed as he studied her features, the grin dimming a bit. “Who else did you share blood with? Travis?”

She nodded.

Val looked at Travis. “Thank you.”

Travis’s arm tightened around her shoulders, pulling her in even tighter to his chest. “Don’t thank me.

We nearly lost her last night.”

“What happened?” They filled Val in on what had occurred, ending with Baldur’s appearance. He scrubbed his face with his hands when they were done. “Well, hell. At least you’re all right.”

They ate the pizza Jordan had ordered. “So, what’s next?”

“Contact Nik?”

“We haven’t seen Nik since…when was it, Logan?” Kir leaned over and handed Logan another beer, stealing a bite of the redhead’s pizza in the process.

“Paris, eighteen fifty-seven, I think.” Logan in turn stole Kir’s entire slice of pizza, earning himself a glare. With a smirk he bit down, taking a huge chunk before handing it back. “And I never did understand why he didn’t turn us in.”

“Speaking of which, anyone know which side he’s going to come down on?” Travis leaned forward, snagging the last piece out of the box before Morgan got hold of it. He held it to Jamie’s lips, his eyes lighting with satisfaction when she took a dainty bite.

“Who knows? Nik is a secretive son of a bitch.”

“Nik as in Niklas DeWitt?” Jeff rolled his eyes. “Let me guess, he’s one of you guys.”

Jamie shivered. Niklas DeWitt was one of the few people in the world who gave her the heebie-

jeebies. It was those strange silver eyes of his. He had the look of a man who’d seen it all, and his flat silver eyes reflected that. The one time she’d met him she’d practically peed her pants in fright. He’d stared hard at her long and hard before he’d smiled the coldest smile she’d ever seen and headed for Travis’s office.

Luckily she’d been gone to lunch when he left and she hadn’t seen him since.

Travis nodded. “He’s Heimdall, Guardian of the Bifrost Bridge that connects this plane of existence to Asgard.”

Oh. Well, that explained that. She rubbed her forehead, a slight headache building behind her eyes.

Heimdall was the god who never slept. It was said he saw everything that happened in all of the nine realms. Wonder what he saw when he looked at me. “So if he helps us, we’d have the same advantage Grimm has?”

“Not quite. Nik can be blocked with magic. It’s harder to block the ravens.” Travis stroked her forehead. “Headache?”

“A little.” She looked up at him to find the beginnings of a worried frown on his face. She didn’t want to tell him yet that the majority of the headache was from practicing magic, of all things, while he’d been dealing with the cops. Besides, she owed Jordan a new vase and she really didn’t feel like getting into it again with her sister. “I’ll be all right.” She let a small grin grace her lips. “That which does not kill me merely pisses me off.”

The amused snort from Logan was ignored by Travis. “You sure?” She nodded, to his obvious relief.

“Okay. But we’re heading to bed soon, understand?”

She bit her lip, uncertain of what that was going to entail. If Travis made another move on her she knew now what her answer would be, but would he make that move after the way she’d acted earlier?

She’d been a total spaz, and she wouldn’t blame him a bit if he pulled back a little. “Okay.”

The heat that filled his expression was tamped back down when Jeff threw a wadded up napkin at them. Jamie glared at her brother. “Don’t you have a date, or a case to work on, or something?”

Jeff grinned. “Nope. My boss gave me the month off, and frankly some of us have been too busy to chase tail.”

Travis flipped him the bird.

“Besides, who else do you trust to hunt down Nik?”



Jeff stared, startled, at Logan and Kir. “Why not?”

“Because Nik can’t be found unless he wants to be found. Besides, you can’t go where Nik is likely to go.”

“Where? Siberia?”

“Try Alfheim or Vanaheim. Or even Asgard. While Jordan and Jamie can go there now thanks to their blood bonds, you can’t.”

Jeff flopped back on the sofa. “You people suck.”

Jamie grinned at her twin. “Bored?”

“Titless.” He sat up. “Give me something to do? Anything.”

Travis focused on Jeff. “I have an idea, but I’m not quite certain if you’re up for it.”

Jamie’s eyes flew to Travis’s face. He’d sounded weird. “What idea?”

Travis darted a quick glance at Logan. “I want to be the one who frees Fenris.”

Logan’s quickly indrawn breath could be easily heard. “What if he tries to kill you?”

Jamie tensed. “Yeah, what if he tries to kill you?” Because she’d have a new fur coat if the wolf laid one paw on her man.

“I’m taking Jeff and Jamie with me, but first I have to deal with Grimm’s little game.”

He acted as if they hadn’t said a thing. Wasn’t Tyr the one who’d betrayed Fenris, chaining him down before the wolf was impaled through the jaws on a sword? Jamie very much doubted Fenris would be in a forgiving mood, apple explanation or not, despite having taken Travis’s hand in payment.

“I’m in.”

Jamie swung her head toward Jeff, startled by the eager look on his face. “What?”

He leaned forward. “Bored. Titless.”

She leaned forward too. “Dog. Kibble.”

Travis ignored them both. “I want volunteers to go speak to the Norns.”

Magnus and Morgan raised their hands. “We’ll do that,” Morgan said.

“Logan, Jordan and I will go speak to Hel.” Kir placed his hand over Logan’s open mouth. “If she’s not safe with us, she’s certainly going to be safe in Helheim. And you know your daughter has to meet her.”

Logan frowned but kept his protest between his teeth.

Magnus sighed. “What about Jormungandr?” Apparently her brother wasn’t quite over his objections to freeing Logan’s children, but he was going along with the majority.

Travis scratched his chin thoughtfully. “I’ll get in touch with Kye.” Travis smiled ruefully at Jamie’s confused look. “Sorry. Kye is Njord, god of the sea. Maybe he can find him.”

Logan nodded. “Good idea.”

“You’re determined to do this?” Jamie asked her twin. Hell, she could practically feel the excited energy vibrating off of him. It was the same way he got when he got a really juicy case to work on. Once he was on the hunt there was no pulling him back from it.

He growled and took everyone’s empty plates and glasses, and she knew the fight was over.

Looks like I’m going to Norway. She leaned back into Travis with a new worry. How were they supposed to survive the ultimate pissed-off werewolf?

“Time for bed, sweetheart.” Travis held out his hand, gratified beyond belief when Jamie took it.

“Wait, I have something for you.” Logan dashed off to the spare bedroom and came back with, of all things, their luggage. “Here.”

Travis looked at it. “You’re kicking us out?”

“Damn skippy.” He dug into his pocket and pulled out a set of keys. “Pick a condo, any condo.”

“Logan.” Jordan barked at her husband, looking mortified.


“You can’t kick them out!”

“Why not? I’m kicking everyone out. It’s not like I’m singling them out.”

“Where are they going?”

Good question.

“They’re staying on this floor, but, babe, this place is too small for all of us. If it makes you feel better, I got the M and M’s and Jeff a place here too.”

“Is that what you were working on all afternoon?” Jamie was smiling as she took one of the keys Logan held out.

“Hell, yes. I love you guys, but I’m tired of people walking in on my naked time. I sure as hell don’t want to walk in on your naked time.”

Jeff reached out and snagged one of the keys. “And I’m getting tired of seeing your naked time.” He looked up, his expression serious. “Is the entire floor safe?”

Logan nodded. “Saw to it while we were waiting for the pizza.”

“I’ll reinforce it in the morning.” Two elements would be stronger than one, and Travis and Logan, thank goodness, weren’t opposing elements. If Logan had been a frost Jotun rather than fire, they might have had issues when they tried to twine their magic together.

“What happened to the neighbors?” Jamie returned to his side, standing close to him. Once again he put his arm around her, his cock twitching as she snuggled in close to him. If he was reading the signals right whatever bug had been up her butt earlier today was mostly gone now.

“Oh, they’re all still in the building, just in different, previously empty condos. Let me tell you, I’m pooped from changing all that paperwork and all those memories.” Logan snorted. “All except Dick Head’s personal log, that is.” He snickered when Jordan smacked his arm.

“Who’s dickhead?” Jamie was laughing, her arm was wrapping around his waist. Suddenly he really couldn’t give a crap what Logan had done to get them the condos, he was just grateful no one would be walking in on his naked time.

“The building manager. He’s a little, um, uptight. He and Logan have clashed before.” Kir handed a key to Morgan and Magnus and another key to Val. He looked down at the key in his hand, grinning when he saw the Tiwaz rune etched on it.

Morgan held up their key. It had a cartoon peanut M and M etched onto it, complete with legs, arms and eyes. Magnus had a matching one with a plain M and M. “Very funny, asshole.”

“I thought so.” Logan smirked as everyone laughed.

Travis was startled to see the wolf’s head etched into Jeff’s key, and could tell that Jeff was too.

Neither one of them said anything, however, as Jeff pocketed the key and grabbed his bag.

“Which one are we in?” Magnus was already heading for the door, key and luggage in hand.

“Pick one. The keys will turn into what you need and then they’ll stay that way, so don’t change your mind.”

“Oh, cool.” Jamie grinned up at him. “Ready to go?”

Travis’s dick throbbed behind his jeans as her breasts rubbed against his side. “Hell yeah.” He was planning on picking the first door they came to. The sooner he got her alone the sooner he could get her naked.

“Who are the extra keys for?”

He looked at the keys still held in Kir’s hand. Jeff had a good question.

Kir looked down at the keys in his hand. When he looked back up, his pupils were white. “I don’t know yet.”

“Oookay. Outta here.” Jeff hugged Jordan and Jamie, waved bye to the others, grabbed his duffel bag and headed out the door. “Later, weirdos.” He didn’t bother shutting the door behind him.

“And on that note…” Morgan grabbed his bag and walked toward the door. His brother was long gone. “Thanks, Logan.” Morgan turned back briefly. “Tomorrow night, our place? No sense in making Kir clean up two nights in a row.”

“Works for us.” Kir smiled and waved the men out the door. “Night, guys.”

“Go. Leave. My clothes are coming off in two seconds. One.” Logan crossed his arms and glared at Travis and Jamie, his lips twitching as his two lovers groaned.

Jamie grabbed Travis’s arm and began running for the front door, laughing as their bags landed at their feet. The door to the Tait-Saeter condo shut with a snap on the word “Two.” laughter sounding through the door until it was abruptly cut off.

“C’mon, let’s find out where we’re staying.” Travis tried to pick up all of the suitcases but Jamie was having none of it. She grabbed three pieces all by herself, leaving him with the last, and heaviest, bag.

In the end they didn’t get the first door. They were about five doors down from the Tait-Saeters’, which bothered him not one little bit. He followed his woman into the living room, enjoying her gasp of pleasure as she took in the warm, romantic feel of the decor. He could feel the lingering traces of the spell Logan had placed on the door washing over the rooms, acknowledging the new owners and setting the fire jotun’s wards in place.

“Can you feel that? What is that?”

He looked at her, noticing her confused expression. “Protection spells, wards meant to keep Grimm out.” As soon as he had a chance he’d add in his own protections, putting Jamie behind a double barrier.

He still had to explain to her how she could sense what was going on.

“So why do they do that bright light thingy whenever…I…Oh my god.”

She was looking toward the living room, a dreamy look on her face. Taking his eyes off her he got his first real look at his new home. The condo was done in warm, rich tones and dark woods with bright pops of color here and there that spoke of a vibrant personality. A turquoise-colored, overstuffed chaise was positioned to enjoy the wall to wall windows, a reading lamp strategically placed nearby. The traditional sofa was a soft tan color with high, rolled arms and a loose pillow back. It had more of the turquoise color on it in the form of throw pillows. The dark wood coffee table and end tables matched the intricately carved wooden legs of the sofa. The hardwood floors were dark oak, giving the place a timeless feel. The dining set was in the same dark wood, with chairs upholstered in the same fabric as the sofa. Wine cooled in an iced bucket next to the dining table, which had been set for two. The brightly colored dishes popped against the plain placemats.

He watched indulgently as she drifted into the kitchen, her groan of pleasure rekindling his interest.

He wanted her to make that sound while he was buried so far inside her she’d be able to taste him in the back of her throat. He wished it was his skin those delicate fingers trailed over rather than the granite countertops, that soft sigh of pleasure something he’d teased from her throat. As soon as he got her attention he planned on doing just that.


He came back through his lust-induced fog to find she’d moved into the master bedroom. Leaving the luggage where it was he followed.

She had her hands over her mouth, her wide eyes taking in the bedroom. The walls were that turquoise color she seemed to love so much. The bed, a large, dark canopy bed with an ornately carved headboard, dominated the room. Soft drapery hung from the canopy, turquoise, tan and black blending together in a surprising harmony. The bedding was rich, brocaded silk in a creamy color that toned the rest of the bedding down a notch.

“You like it?

Her eyes were wide with wonder. “It’s everything I ever dreamed of.”

Right then and there he determined that he would never, ever complain no matter how she wanted to decorate. It was worth it just to see that look on her face.

He reached for her, pulling her into his arms and pillowing her head against his chest. She settled in with a sigh, her arms wrapping around his waist.

“I might never leave here.”

That would be good. At least I know she’d be safe. Not that he actually believed it. Jamie was too vibrant, too alive to remain cooped up for long. He’d already seen the signs of restlessness in her, which was one of the reasons she and Jeff would be going with him to free Fenris. He had no idea what the Wonder Twins would get up to if he left them behind. He smiled. Jordan was getting to him if he was thinking of them by her nickname for them. “Yeah, it’s a nice place.” Not as nice as his had been, but if it made her happy then that was all that mattered.

“No.” She leaned back in his arms, her expression filled with wary hope. “I mean, here.” She tightened her arms around him, making her meaning clear.

“Are you sure?” Because if she teased him again his cock was going to rebel and just jump right off his damn body. Hell, she’d probably be able to put a leash on it and take it for walks.

“Are you sure?” She bit her lip, sighing when he leaned down and brushed a soft kiss over the tiny hurt. “I’ve seen your girlfriends, remember, so no lying. Not a one of them was the cute brainy type with wildly curly hair and extra personality.”

The fierce look on her face hid the uncertainty he could still hear in her voice. “Would you believe me if I told you they were all practice while I waited for you?”

She leaned back in his arms and waved her hand, making a face. “What is that smell?” She sniffed, ignoring the grin slowly taking over his face. “Phew, that bullshit is nasty.”

God, he loved this woman. “I’ll take that as a no.”

The half-amused, half-aggravated look was one he knew well. She usually wore it when she felt someone had said something extraordinarily stupid. She’d given him the same look when she’d been sixteen and unwittingly won his heart.

He pulled her in closer. “Okay, how about I’m not a perv who’s into little girls. And not one word about Vikings and fourteen-year-olds, got it?” When she shuddered he added, “Back then you lived to be maybe thirty. Marrying at fourteen was normal.”

She coughed, “jailbait” into her hand.

He began slowly walking her back toward the bed, unable to keep the big grin off his face. He felt like he was glowing with happiness. He looked at his arm. I am glowing with happiness. “You are so weird.”

I’m weird? I’m not the umpty-bazillion-year-old god here.”

He paused, the grin—and the glow—fading. He knew now what the real problem she was having was.

“How much does that bother you?”

She blew her hair off her forehead, ignoring it when it landed right back where it had been. “Tyr?

You’re older than my grandfather.”

He sighed, secretly delighted when she used his real name. “Right.” He absently stroked her back, trying to figure out how to get around this admittedly large stumbling block. “But I’m not a psychopathic asshat.”

Humor flashed briefly across her face before irritation settled back in. “I’ve seen the goddesses you, ahem, date.”

The way her nose wrinkled as she made little quotation marks with her fingers was so cute he just had to kiss the tip of her nose. “I haven’t slept with a goddess in over fifteen years.”

Her eyes narrowed. “Fine. I’ve seen the Barbie dolls you’ve slept with.”

“I never slept with a plastic woman.”

“Boobs are supposed to move. Many a silicone chip gave its life so that Cindy What’s-Her-Face could have double D’s.”

His hand went from absent to firm, sliding down to her ass. He petted it, loving the feel of the firm globes.



The irritation was slowly giving way to humor. “Barbie dolls.”

He blinked, his gaze narrowing in to the soft cleavage revealed by the soft green shirt she was wearing. “What were we talking about?”


I can get behind that.

“With other, blonder women.”

Or not. “I’m sorry, honey, but I have no intention of sharing you with anyone, male or female.”

Because if anyone besides him touched her that way he’d be forced to kill. His vision began to mist over at the thought of what her ex might have touched, might have tasted. He’d wasted so many years. Right now he couldn’t even remember why he’d waited.

“Tyr. Sex.”

His vision miraculously cleared. “Yes. Tyr. Sex.” His mouth homed in on the side of her neck, biting, licking and sucking until a huge, dark hickey appeared and her breath came in deep pants.

“Oh god.”

“Mmm-hmm.” He nibbled his way up her neck to her ear, drawing the lobe between his teeth and worrying it gently.


“Let me love you.”

Let me love you. If only he knew. She was dying inside for him to love her just as much as she loved him.

No matter what, she did love him. Ancient Norse God of Justice or three-eyed purple alien, she loved him. So she didn’t fight him when he pulled her shirt slowly up and off of her. She didn’t protest when his hand slid down her torso, cupping her breast and thumbing her nipple until it throbbed with want. She didn’t utter a single word when her bra was removed. After all, she’d already decided to give herself to him, nerves be damned.

She undid the button and zipper of her own pants, watching the mist creep across his eyes as she did so. It was strangely exciting to watch, to know that she was the one who made him lose control like that.

She licked her lips and the mist covered half his iris, the white slowly bleeding into the blue, his jaw clenching.

He bent down to lick her nipple, drawing it slowly into the warm, moist heat of his mouth. She arched back, trusting he would keep her from falling.

With a wild groan he moved again, pushing her back onto the bed. “I waited so long for you.” His shirt was quickly removed, his heavy lidded gaze never leaving her naked breasts. “I almost lost you.” His shoes, socks and pants came off next, a ragged moan escaping him as she slipped her fingers under the edge of her jeans. The blue of his eyes was almost gone. When she actually started to stroke herself he shuddered. “Fuck, Jamie.”

“Yes. Fuck Jamie.”

That did it. The blue of his eyes were completely gone, his skin taking on a luminescent shimmer as he reached for her jeans, tugging them and her shoes off. He rested his hand atop hers, silently encouraging her to continue, learning the rhythm she used to pleasure herself. He smiled as he dipped his fingers inside her pussy, slowly fucking her with them as she stroked her clit.

He leaned down and took her nipple into his mouth, balancing himself on his right arm, his hand smearing her juices around her asshole. “Tyr.”

He shuddered. “Not yet. Some day, when I’ve made you ready, but not yet.” One finger dipped in, the burning sensation making her gasp. At the same time he took her other nipple, the blooming pleasure making her arch into his mouth. He nuzzled her neck, nipping and licking and sucking, his fingers moving back to her pussy and slamming in. “You smell so good.”

She was thrusting now, meeting him stroke for stroke. “Oh god.”


“Oh god.” She could feel it blossoming in her lower belly, tingling in her fingers and toes. She was so damn close she could taste it. Her fingers moved faster on her clit, doing everything she could to make herself come.

He stood up, surprising her. He knelt between her spread knees, his tongue darting out to stroke her clit right alongside her fingers, and that was it, that was all she wrote as her orgasm broke over her in dark waves.

When she opened her eyes he was once again standing, staring down at her out of sightless eyes, the fingers he’d fucked her with being slowly sucked clean. A spasm raced through her pussy at the sight of the bliss on his face.

“You taste good too.” His grin was feral as he repositioned her on the bed, head on the pillows, legs spread wide. “I wonder how you feel.”

She expected him to slide into her, his hot cock ramming home, but she was wrong. Oh so wrong.

He began a slow, torturous exploration of her body that left her panting, breathless and wanting. He fanned his fingers over her quivering stomach. He glided down her arms, tickling the tips her fingers. Her feet were gently massaged. Up one leg and then down the other, never once touching her drenched pussy.

“Roll over.”

She blinked. He can still speak English? But she rolled over, not even thinking about the view of her ass he was getting.

She needn’t have worried. He sighed happily as his fingers traced the soft globes. “You have the best ass.” She giggled as he leaned down on his arm, nipping with his teeth, his beard tickling her just enough to make her shiver. “Does that tickle?”

“When do I get to play?” She was dying to get her hands on him.

He draped himself over her, pressing her down into the mattress. His cock nudged at the lips of her pussy. “After I prove to you that you’re the only goddess I want to fuck.”

Goddess? Wait. Didn’t Logan say something about—?

But he did it again, he shut her brain down just like that. All it took was him sliding home inside her, his hard body still holding hers down. God, his cock felt so good, hard, warm and throbbing.

He began a slow, torturous fuck, his hips moving as if he had all the time in the world. He would draw it out, letting her feel every ridge, every vein before gliding back in, the tip of his cock just nudging her cervix. “You like this? You like feeling me all over you, inside you, part of you?”

“Fuck yes.”

His beard stroked her cheek. He turned his head, his teeth nipping her shoulder. “Want more?”

She reached behind her and dug her fingers into his hair, pulling it hard to let him know she meant business. “Make me come.”

He grinned again, an animalistic growl pouring from his throat as he began shafting her in smooth, hard strokes. His hand burrowed beneath her, his fingers finding her clit and stroking it just the right way.

She tried to buck back into him but his body held her down. All she could do was accept what he gave her. “Let me fuck you back.”


He sped up, damn near pistoning into her now. She wanted to come so badly she was groaning under him. The sensations were almost too much. “Tyr.”

“Yes. Come, Jamie.”

She tightened the walls of her pussy, intent on taking him with her.

His rhythm stuttered, the smoothness gone as he fucked her wildly. “Gonna. Jamie.”

His breathless cries were music to her ears. Then his fingers pinched her clit, stroking her hard, and all she could see were stars dancing behind her eyes as she came so hard she couldn’t even draw breath.

He was right behind her, gasping out his own release, his light bathing them both until she could no longer see, only feel him above her, his body bowed as he spilled himself inside her.

He collapsed next to her, his light dimming, the white mist slowly bleeding away until sleepy blue eyes smiled at her. “Love you.”

She breathed a silent thank you as he kissed her gently. He loves me. She made sure to mouth the words back, knowing she’d given a piece of her soul into his keeping.
