Chapter 15

Cara stretched against Talen’s hard body later that night while grimacing and throwing off the heavy comforter. “You let off a lot of heat,” she murmured, her body liquid putty after several hours of her husband showing her just how much heat he was capable of.

As an answer he tugged her closer into his embrace and ran a thoughtful chin across her forehead. “Cara, it’s time to stop running.”

“Running? From what?” She yawned and burrowed down.

“From yourself.”

She stilled as her heartbeat picked up. “I don’t know what you mean.”

“Yes, you do.”

“I’m tired, Talen.” She snapped her eyes closed.

“Good. The time between wakefulness and pure sleep is the best time to reach out with your mind. Now, tell me how I’m feeling.”

“Content,” Cara countered.

“You don’t need special abilities to make that determination, mate.” He chuckled against her hair. “Now, tell me what Katie is feeling.”

“I don’t even know where she is, Talen.” She tried to control her anxious breathing.

“Yes, you do. Tell me where.”

“No.” Her breathing turned choppy as she tried to pull away from his inflexible body. He easily held her in place.

“Why are you about to have an anxiety attack?” He did nothing to hide the firmness beneath the concern.

“I don’t know.”

“Don’t lie to me, mate.” The firmness turned to stone.

“I’m not,” she breathed out and started to struggle against his hold. He smoothly, almost casually, rolled until she lay trapped beneath him. His heavy weight pushed her into the mattress, his eyes direct on hers. Two strong hands pinned hers on either side of her head, his brand rough against her skin. Even on edge, a thrill of desire rushed through her.

“Tell me what Katie is feeling.” He clearly emphasized each word.

“She’s probably asleep, Talen,” Cara said in exasperation. The desire waned.

“We both know she isn’t,” he countered.

“How?” Cara couldn’t help but ask.

“Because those of us not denying our natural abilities can all but feel her frustration and need to hit something.”

“Men do that to us,” Cara said, disgruntled. She pressed up into the solid body above her and hid a satisfied smile as he hardened. She did it again. His eyes narrowed on hers as green started to slide through the gold.

“Don’t distract me, mate.”

For answer, she arched up again. She nipped his collarbone before wrapping both legs around his muscled hips. “What do you mean … mate?” Her breath hitched for an entirely different reason as a dark flush worked its way across his sharp face.

His eyes dropped to her mouth. She ran her wet tongue along her bottom lip.

“You don’t know what you’re inviting, Cara.”

“Don’t I?” She challenged, tightening her thighs around him, her blue eyes filling with dare.

The growl low in his belly vibrated against her and sent liquid heat spilling from her. His heat melted through her pores as her legs surrounded him. With a wicked grin, he placed both of her hands in one of his and stretched her arms above her head. She was trapped, helpless. He tugged and her breasts flattened against his hard chest. His other hand ran down her length to firmly grasp her bottom and lift it off the mattress.

“Talen?” she asked, uncertain.

He didn’t answer as he drove inside her with one powerful stroke. Even as ready as she had been, he startled her and she cried out. He filled her past what she had thought possible. She lost her ability to think. His mouth lowered to brush across her pebbled nipples. He slowly moved in and out of her raging body before he took one pink berry in his mouth and suckled. Hard.

She moaned against him as he tortured first one then the other breast while he continued to glide through her softness. His mouth wandered up her neck to kiss her eyes, cheeks, and finally her mouth. Her body was on fire and she wanted more.

“I get lost in your scent, your passion,” Talen’s breath brushed her neck. “There’s no sweeter taste in the entire history of the world than your skin on fire. For me.” He growled low and deep as he withdrew from her body before plunging in again. “I want all of you, mate. And I’ll get it.”

Her mind reeled at the claim. A hint of threat wove beneath the words but she couldn’t focus on it. For seconds, for minutes, he moved within her—around her. A gentle kiss, a tweak to her nipple that had her seeing stars, then he’d increase his depth, increase his speed until she was so close … Then he’d slow down again. Damn it.

She lost track of time, of how long he had been inside her as he continued his assault. His movements were too slow, too controlled.

Finally, her mind mush, her body vibrating like a plucked guitar string, Cara gave a frustrated sigh and clenched her thighs against his hips. “Move faster.” She didn’t recognize her own voice with its low, desperate edge.

“No.” He continued to take his time, driving her nearly to madness. His mouth took hers in a brutal kiss that shot her blood like electricity through her veins. Then, he quickened his strokes and started to pound. Just as her internal muscles started to clench, he slowed down.

“Talen,” she drew out his name on a moan, her thighs gripping him with a strength that impressed them both.

“What?” He chuckled against the soft spot behind her ear.

“Stop teasing me.”

He lifted his head with a satisfied male grin at her bruised mouth, bemused expression, and flushed skin. “You don’t get what you want until I get what I want, mate.”

“Wh … at?” she asked in confusion, moving against him again. “What do you want?” Jesus. She’d give him anything at this point.

“Open yourself up, Cara.”

“Talen. I’m as open as a girl can get.” She moaned the jest as her hands started to struggle in his.

He chuckled against her mouth. “That’s not what I mean. We’ll start slow. Forget about other people, just concentrate on me.”

“I am,” she hissed in frustration.

He nipped her bottom lip before laving the small wound with his tongue. “I mean, feel what I’m feeling.”

“I am feeling you, damn it.”

He shook his head above her, only the fine dotting of sweat on his brow showing what his control cost him. “No, you’re not. You’re feeling from within your own skin. You don’t get what you want until you feel from inside my skin.” He leaned down to punish her with a hard kiss. “I promise you’ll like it.”

“I can’t.” She moaned in frustration as she writhed against him.

Talen stilled, his body trapping her while his eyes held hers captive. “You can. And you will.”

Cara ached. Hell, she hurt. The need for release clawed through her with animalistic demand and became sharper, stronger than any anxiety she may have held. Nothing in the world mattered more than giving her body the exploding release it so desperately craved. With a shudder, she gave in. She opened her mind and sought the connection she already had with him. Instantly, strength and power slammed into her. Along with incensed desire and need. He finally started to move. To hammer into her as he felt her within him.

Cara’s eyes flew sightlessly open as her body sailed. As the feelings between them rose, she could no longer tell which feelings, which compulsions, were hers. She couldn’t have imagined the fire welling within him. The blinding need to take, to claim. The basic, primal urge that drove him to assert his dominance—to imprint his very soul on her. In her. She had been blissfully unaware of the incredible strength he had shown in his restraint thus far. In his control.

As she accepted him, it shattered.

His teeth latched onto her neck as he slammed harder, farther into her. Spicy sweet blood teased her own taste buds as he drank. She could feel the strength and light that filled him as he lusted for her blood. As he let it fill him. As she filled him.

With a carnal growl, he twisted his hips and sent her careening somewhere she hadn’t been. Somewhere she couldn’t have imagined. She exploded into a million pieces without a coherent thought of protection, of staying attached to her world. There was only him. And he followed her with a hoarse shout.

Then, as she saw blackness, sleep claimed her with soft arms.

The comfort of a mindless sleep was hers only for a short while. Her mind, maybe her soul, wouldn’t let her off that easy. She had changed something. She had finally accepted a part of herself, and her conscience had a price to pay. Like a gambler paying his bookie, relief could only be found in the repayment.

The dream started hazy like a southern summer day. She walked in a pretty blue flowered dress, her small brown Bible clutched in her tiny hands as the faded screen door clanged shut behind her. Orange blossoms perfumed the air. “It’s okay, Mama. Don’t be upset,” she said softly to her mother as she bounded down the steps.

“I’m not upset.” Her mother looked back with bruised blue eyes, a concerned furrow between her brows.

“Yes, you are, I can feel it,” she had said. With certainty.

She hadn’t seen him standing to the side of the house. She wouldn’t have spoken otherwise. The backhand caught her by surprise, and she cried out as she hit the hard dirt ground. “The devil’s in you as much as your sister.” Daddy had shouted, his ruddy cheeks puffed in a round indignant face. “If I could beat Satan out of her, I can beat him out of you.” His large shadow fell across the sun as he walked closer.

Crying out with alarm, she awoke to find herself clasped against a firm chest. Heat and spiced pine coated her skin, providing warmth through muscle, bone, and heart to her soul.

“I’m sorry,” Talen murmured against her forehead, having walked in her dream with her. “Let it out, darlin’.”

She shook her head even as the tears started to fall. He held her, whispering comforting words in languages she’d never heard before. But felt to her bones. Finally, when she was finished, he brushed her hair off her forehead. “I’d kill him if he wasn’t already dead.” The softness of Talen’s voice failed to conceal the rage vibrating through his body.

She burrowed into his warmth. Into safety. “I didn’t mind when my father died. But I do wish Mama could have lived. Safe and happy instead of dying with him.”

“I know, baby.” He settled the covers more securely around them. “Go to sleep, Cara. I can protect you in your dreams now. Trust me.”

Amazingly enough, she did. Sleep was a comfort this time.
