Thank you first and foremost to my sister, Tyse Kimball. Tyse, this book wouldn’t exist without your support. From titles to Pandoras to critical moments in the story, we discussed it all. Thank you.
To my editor at Scholastic, Erin Black, our brains are so similar it’s scary. You rock my world with your mad editing skills. Thank you for loving Tella, Madox, and Guy from the start. I’m mailing you a Pandora egg ASAP!
To Nina Goffi, Rachael Hicks, Esther Lin, and everyone else at Scholastic who helped Fire & Flood along the way, thank you. Also, to the Scholastic sales peeps, I used to be in your shoes and I know how hard you work to make it rain. Hugs!
Thank you to my agent, Laurie McLean, for selling Fire & Flood. You were the first person to read the manuscript and say, “It’s absolutely perfect.” Also, a big thank-you to Rachel Harris, Jenny Martin, and Trisha Wolfe; all brilliant writers who’ve helped me on this journey.
Thank you to my grandma for always being so excited to see me; to my mom for being a meticulous early reader; to my dad; to my brother; to Jeremiah Kimball; to friends Angee Webb, Gianina Bailey, and Laryssa Rastrelli; to the Dallas crew of writers, bloggers, and librarians; to the Scotts and the Wittmanns for their continued support; and to all my nieces and nephews on both sides — you kiddos are awesome.
And, finally, to my husband. You are my best friend and soul mate. I make up silly songs about you and sing them while you’re at work; that’s how much I hate the hours we’re apart. I’ve been married to you for five years and it isn’t enough. It will never be enough. I love you, Lion.