
First and the most important thanks is to our Father in heaven, for blessing me every day, without Your guidance, I wouldn’t have done or finished with this if You were not involved in this every day. You are my purpose of life and I will love You till the end of time.

Then I would like to thank my extraordinary beta readers, Cloey, Lasse Moller, Ken and Esmerelda Lourens, for your valuable input, patience and willingness to delve into another world head first.

To the lovely people of my writing group: Claire my GG, Lucy, Amanda, Kelly and Rodney. Your input and compliments pushed me through the tough and difficult times I wanted to give up.

For the endless support of my family; I would be lost without your loving support and your ability to keep me pursuing this project when I didn’t want to carry on.

To Vinique; for devouring an endless pile of query letters without a word of complaint. Love you to bits and thank you for being such a significant person in my life.

To Graeme, with your unique personality, and for the back flip of this novel. You are a jewel and a genius when it comes to words.

A special thanks to my wonderful editor, Hillery, you are a true Paegeian and your love for beautiful words has given Firebolt the wings it needed to soar.

To Grace and Rebecca, my proof readers, for polishing my work to perfection.

To my cover artist Mary Park. Your grace and elegance with lines, shadows and colors has made my novel cover truly spectacular. You were able to reach into my imagination, capture, and re-imagine a world I thought only I would ever see. Because of your passion and skill I truly hope my book will be judged by its cover.

And last but not least, Kitty and everyone at GMTA publishers. You saw my potential in my novel and your continued excitement and encouragement throughout this process has been truly infectious.

You are all unique, inspiring and gifted. I'm truly blessed to have each and every one of you in my life. Without each of your gifts and support, Firebolt, would still be a dream. Thank you for weaving my dream into reality.

Lots of love,

Adrienne Woods
