
There are so many wonderful people to thank at Entangled Publishing: Liz Pelletier, Kaleen Harding, and Candace Havens for their gems of editing advice. Erin Crum for her mad copy-editing skills. Heidi Stryker for designing a gorgeous cover that has quickly become my favorite. Jaime Arnold, J.J. Bonds and Katie Clapsadl for being promotion goddesses, and Tahra Seplowin for having all the answers.

Thanks and cheesecake to Nalini Akolekar, my lovely agent, for having my back and pushing me in the right direction. (We didn’t get cheesecake this year at RWA, did we? We’ll order double next year to make up for it.)

Huge thanks to the wildly talented Katie Reus for giving such an incredible blurb for this book.

Much love to my stalwart beta reader and critique partners: Aggie Smith, A.J. Larrieu, and Lisa Sanchez. I’m constantly amazed by the quality of your feedback. I feel like I’m in Wayne’s World and I’m not worthy. (80’s child…forgive me.)

Most of this book was written during a weekend mountain retreat filled with wine, laughs, and chocolate. Thanks to Kate Perry, Sara Ramsey and Susan Hatler for providing crazy-good inspiration. (We lived—I told you we would! As long as we didn’t take that “trail”…)

Thanks, as always, to my friends and family for understanding exactly how much this “writing thing” means to me. I can feel your support every step of the way. Justin, Kelli and Gavin, you three are my light and always will be.

Lastly, I’d like to give my deepest thanks to the readers and book bloggers who read and loved Gone with the Wolf, Seattle Wolf Pack #1. Thanks to your emails and reviews, Logan came to life and Four Weddings and a Werewolf was born. I hope you love him and his story as much as I do.
