“Let’s take you back to him then,” Justice stated softly.

Ellie met his gaze. “Thank you.”

They’d made it a few steps when a snarl of warning sounded behind them. Justice spun, grabbed Ellie, and put her out of harm’s way. She stared at Justice’s wide back when he shielded her with his body. She peered around him.

Ellie recognized Slade, the NSO officer, and he had the woman doctor from inside blocked from getting any closer with his outstretched arms corralling her. The doctor had a frightened expression on her pale face due to being snarled at. Slade looked tense and a softer growl rumbled from his lips. Justice relaxed his stance.

“What do you want, Doctor Norbit?”

Slade glanced back at Justice. “You know her? She ran after us.”

Justice nodded. “Slade, it’s all right. Let her pass. She’s no threat.”

Trisha Norbit edged around Slade when his arms dropped. Her gaze locked on Ellie. “I just wanted a private word with Ms. Brower.”

Justice shoved his thumbs into the front pockets of his jeans. “What is it you wanted to say, Doctor?”

The doctor still looked frightened. “I wanted to give her my card.” She pulled one from her skirt pocket to offer it with a trembling hand.

Ellie hesitated to take it. “Why would I need it?”

“In case you need me. You have to know how important this is. I would be your doctor. It would be strictly confidential if we spoke. If you and Mr. Fury are being intimate please think of what this could mean if you allow me to examine you and be in charge of your medical care.”

“That you’re nosy? That’s what it would mean.” Slade snorted. “Leave her alone, Doctor. She would have mentioned it inside if she wanted your help.”

Trisha Norbit ignored Slade, keeping her focus on Ellie. “I’ve seen the medical reports on their physiology and they are slightly different from us. There is so much that is unknown.”

“What is different?” Slade frowned but then a grin split his full lips. “You mean we’re bigger than your men.”

Doctor Norbit flashed an irritated look at Slade but her attention refocused on Ellie. “Don’t you want to know if you could get pregnant? Wouldn’t you like to know if it’s possible if the right treatments are applied?”

Justice frowned. “I’ve had many talks with doctors and they’ve assumed it’s not. We’re incapable of breeding children.”

Doctor Norbit cocked her head at Justice. “We don’t know anything for certain but we’ve never had a mixed species couple to do a case study on either. If this woman and one of your men are engaging in intercourse, don’t you think it would be a good idea to see what could result from it? It’s not just pregnancy that concerns me. Think about it, Mr. North. More of your people might want to get involved with mine. Wouldn’t you want to know if there are any adverse affects? Your men weren’t able to get your women pregnant but she’s totally human.”

“What kind of adverse affects? Penis envy?” Slade chuckled. “I’ve been to the men’s room with humans, Doc. The only thing your women should be afraid of is realizing how small your men’s dicks are compared to ours.”

Trisha Norbit shot Slade a dirty look. “You’re a pig.”

Slade’s smile died and a low growl issued from his throat. “I’m canine, not pig.”

“It’s a slang term, not a species call,” Ellie managed to say without laughing. “She thinks what you said is dirty and offensive.”

Slade nodded at Ellie before he grinned at the doctor. “But honest.”

“Enough.” Justice chuckled. “As amusing as this conversation is getting, I have a call to take from the president. That wasn’t just an excuse to get us out of there.”

“Please,” Doctor Norbit pleaded softly. “Ms. Brower, Ellie, please take my card. I’m the New Species doctor. I understand the need for discretion and can visit Mr. Fury’s home privately. No one needs to know. Just consider letting me in on this. You have no idea how important it is for us to understand how we relate to each other sexually.”

Ellie debated but took the card, shoving it into in her jeans pocket. “I’m not having sex with Mr. Fury. I stated that inside and I know if I were it would turn into a circus.”

Slade’s nostrils flared and he shifted his gaze to Ellie. She glanced at him. He inhaled slowly and smiled. She looked away from him. He knew she lied, could smell Fury’s scent on her, but she was relieved when he didn’t say anything.

“It’s imperative I know how our species interact during sex,” Doctor Norbit explained softly. “I’m in charge of the health and well-being of not only New Species but humans too. Between the New Species and the human employees, I really have to know what I’m dealing with. It’s just a matter of time before it may become an important issue.”

“I’ll tell you what,” Ellie lied. “If I ever consider having sex with Mr. Fury, I’ll let him know, and on the off chance he’s interested, you’ll be the second person I tell.”

Ellie spun away and stared to walk. Justice immediately matched her steps while they headed toward Fury’s home. He chuckled.

“You handled that nicely.” He hesitated. “You might want to give her a call tomorrow. According to the files I reviewed, she’s one of the best doctors in the country. I personally handpicked her. She’s young but brilliant and she’s New Species friendly. If she says she’ll keep a lid on it, I would tend to believe her.”

Ellie nodded. “I won’t hesitate if I think I need a doctor.”

Chapter Thirteen

Fury paced the entire time that Ellie was gone, certain something would go wrong. He had refrained from rushing to the control room to spy on the meeting with the cameras set up around Homeland. He had access to those feeds as head of security and second-in-command. He hadn’t left though, wanting to be at home awaiting her return.

He trusted Justice and their men to protect Ellie. He’d trained all their security officers personally, each and every one, and his people knew how much she mattered to him. He missed her scent, hearing her musical voice, and when he closed his eyes, her face appeared, burned into his memory.

To sleep with Ellie, feel her skin against his, while they talked late into the night had been wonderful before falling asleep. He wanted to do it every night and hear every detail of her life—minus any mention of men she’d known. He didn’t want to imagine anyone ever touching his Ellie. He’d have to track them down and take them out. If her husband ever did show up at Homeland wanting Ellie back as his wife, he hadn’t been kidding about beating the man until he changed his mind. She was his, now and forever.

The thought of her ex-husband reminded him of her deficient parents. Fury paused his pacing and stared hard at the door. She would never be alone again. She had him and all his people as her family. He would assure her of that and make it known that she belonged with him. He’d fight tooth and nail with Justice if that’s what it took to make it a New Species law that any humans who were with New Species were considered one of them. He wanted her to have the same rights he had, knowing she made no distinction between them so none would be made against her when it came to his people. She should be considered New Species.

He nodded, deciding to push that new law at Justice while they made new ones to govern their people. Soon they’d manage their own Homeland and he’d talk Ellie into making their relationship permanent. It already was, to him.

She just needed to come home.

Forever seemed to pass before he spotted her through the window. He fought the instinct to rush outside, run to her, and hold her but he kept calm, as much as he could. No one had tried to take Ellie since she didn’t look afraid. Justice and the team members appeared completely at ease. He jerked open the front door.

Fury stepped outside and strode toward Ellie, his relief evident on his face.

“We are being watched,” Justice warned softly. “Ellie, walk into the house as though you don’t give a damn. Fury, don’t look so happy to see her. She just lied to a roomful of people. Don’t make her effort meaningless by kissing her in full view of anyone within sight. Let’s talk for a minute so it seems you rushed out the door to interact with me.”

Ellie kept walking. She wanted to touch Fury when they passed but she managed not to, refused to even glance his way until she entered the house. She closed the door, kicked off her shoes, and paced the room. A minute later Fury walked into the room and locked the door behind him. Their gazes met for a split second before she lunged at him. Strong arms caught her up and hugged her tightly.

Ellie’s feet didn’t touch the floor when she found her face buried against Fury’s neck. He clutched her so tightly it nearly hurt. “I can’t breathe,” she gasped.

Fury’s hold on her eased. “You’re back.”

“I’m back.”

Fury swung her into his arms and strode through the house, carrying her into the bedroom to set her on the edge of the bed. He reached for his shirt and pulled it over his head. Ellie smiled at him.

“When you came home last night you thought I’d be too tender to do anything but let you hold me while we slept. This morning when we woke you refused to shower with me because you said I needed a few days more to adjust to you. Why are you undressing?”

Fury kicked off his shoes and shoved his pants down. His dark, sexy gaze fixed on hers. “That was before they took you from me. I have to have you now.”

Ellie stood and started to undress. A naked Fury waited and watched her silently until she finished removing her clothes. She took a step closer to him.

Ellie gasped when Fury lunged, grabbed her and spun her around. She found herself bent over the bed on her knees before she could catch her breath. His body curved over hers, pinning her under him.


He growled then buried his nose against her neck. He inhaled deeply and softly groaned.

“You’re just going to mount me?” It startled her. “No foreplay? Nothing?”

“You’re mine.”

A little fear eased into Ellie. “You’re scaring me. My body isn’t ready for you.”

“I don’t mean to.” He nibbled her earlobe. “I just want you. I paced the entire time you were gone, imagining the worst. I just want inside you. I want you screaming my name and your scent filling my head. I need to feel your wet heat, to bury myself in you deep and hold you there for as long as I can keep us connected.”

“Forget foreplay,” Ellie said in a shaky voice, turned on by his words.

His hands gripped Ellie’s hips but moved on to slide up her ribs until he cupped her breasts and used his hold to tug her more firmly against his chest. His mouth opened on her shoulder to allow his tongue to trace the skin there. His firm hands squeezed her breasts, his thumbs teasing her nipples until they responded by hardening.

Ellie reached down between their bodies until her palms rested on his thighs. She hesitated for only seconds before she moved them and cupped his firm buttocks. She pulled him tighter against her body and frantically wiggled her ass against his stiff cock.

Ellie released his ass and squirmed her hand between their bodies until her fingers curled around the hot, hard flesh of his thick shaft.

Fury moved against her fingers, allowing her to stroke him. Ellie shifted her hips and lowered her chest to the mattress. She positioned him until the head of his cock was just where she wanted and then he pushed forward. She was wet and ready for him as he slowly started to press into her pussy. A loud moan from her welcomed him. He filled the aching need she suffered. Her body stretched to accommodate his broad erection. It felt wonderful. She moaned, moving her hips to push back against him.

Fury withdrew a little and then his hands released her breasts to slide across her skin to her hips. Firm hands curved around her there, got a good grip, and he thrust into her more quickly, deeper. Ellie moaned louder at the wondrous pleasure of his pounding cock.

“You’re so tight and hot. So wet for me,” he growled. “I don’t want to hurt you though.”

“You can’t,” she panted. “God. It feels like there’s only you. When you move inside me it’s all that exists.”

Fury withdrew and then thrust into her hard and fast. Ellie whimpered. Fury froze, his hips locking into place, his cock buried deep inside Ellie.

“Don’t stop,” she begged.

“I hurt you.”

“No. God no. You feel so good. Don’t stop, Fury.”

He growled and nibbled on her neck. His tongue worked the sensitive flesh on the side of her neck, teeth scraped skin, making her aware of them, and it notched up her passion. Ellie tried to push back against him but Fury held her hips firmly in place, holding her still.

He started to move again, driving in and out of her slick channel faster and faster. Ellie’s body tensed in anticipation of her pending climax and her fingers clawed the edge of the bed. Fury’s teeth sank into her shoulder, gripped her firmly, but he didn’t break the skin. She didn’t give a damn if he did at that point. Only the driving pleasure building inside her existed as he growled and hammered her firmly, rubbing against nerve endings that were aching for release.

Fury shifted and drove into her over and over at a new angle, hitting the spot that drove her into a mindless splash of gripping ecstasy. Her body seized around Fury. She shook as she climaxed. Fury’s body nearly crushed her against the bed as he released her shoulder from the grip of his teeth. He threw his head back and a loud sound tore from his lips as he started to swell inside her.

Ellie threw her head back against his shoulder when more waves of pleasure hit her. She screamed out Fury’s name again.

They were both breathless and lying across the bed with Ellie pinned under him when calm settled over them from the aftermath of sex.

I love Fury. I never knew something this strong could exist between two people. I never want to leave him and never want to be without him. That was why she had walked away from my previous life. She was certain, once and for all, that she’d done the right thing.

Fury recovered faster than Ellie. He lifted some of his weight off her back and chuckled. “I really missed you.”

She opened her eyes and craned her neck to stare at him over her shoulder. “I’ve only been gone for an hour.”

“It was a long one.”

Ellie laughed. “Remind me to leave the house more if this is what I get to come home to.”

He chuckled. “Forget it. I think I should just tie you to my bed and keep you here. I don’t need you to leave to want to be right where I am.”

Their bodies were relaxed and seemed to have melted together. To Ellie, it was a heavenly feeling. Fury touched her, his hands caressing her where he could reach. Ellie made soft little sounds of pleasure. His palms felt amazing on her skin. Fury gently eased his cock out of her after the pressure from the swelling created by his release eased.

“How flexible are you?”

Ellie shrugged. “I don’t know.”

Fury stood. Ellie shifted around to get to her feet but Fury suddenly bent to scoop her into his arms. He smiled as he rounded the bed to gently lay her head on his pillow at the top of the bed and adjusted her comfortably until she was stretched out on her back.

“You’re going to break something if you keep carrying me around,” Ellie teased. “I could have just crawled up here if you’d just told me this is where you wanted me.”

“You aren’t heavy enough to hurt me. I’m a hell of a lot stronger than you. I could carry you around for hours and not break a sweat.”

He gripped her calf and lifted her leg upward. Ellie watched silently as Fury climbed onto the bed with her, pushed her leg to bend it, and settled his hips into the cradle of her thighs. Ellie reached up to touch his chest, letting her fingertips explore every ridge of muscle there, finding a lot of them on his very fit body. Her gaze roamed his shoulders, enjoying looking at him. He was beautiful. Her fingertips brushed his nipples and he inhaled sharply as they instantly responded and beaded. Ellie sat up until her mouth closed over one of his taut nubs.

Her tongue traced a circle around the hardened bud and his body tensed above hers. Fury groaned. Ellie smiled around his skin and then sucked his nipple into her mouth. Her teeth lightly nipped the tip. Fury’s body jerked and he growled. His cock instantly responded against the cradle of her lap, growing hard against her, trapped between their bodies. She hadn’t expected him to recover from sex so soon. Most men needed time to recuperate. Fury, she thought, isn’t anything like most men. I love that about him too.

Ellie released his nipple and let her hands surf over his ribs to his back. Her nails raked his skin lightly from his shoulder blades down his spine. Fury arched against her chest, reminding her of a really big kitten. She smiled and licked the skin between his nipples. She wished she had honey. She would love to drip it onto his skin and lick it off. Her fingernails traced up and down his back from his shoulders to the curve of his sculptured ass again, loving the way he arched and quivered.

“You are sweating.”

Fury smiled. “I said you weren’t heavy enough to make me break a sweat but you are definitely hot enough to make me sweat with need.”

She laughed. “I see.”

Fury’s mouth lowered and Ellie lifted hers to meet his. Ellie loved the way he kissed her. There was nothing tentative about him. He dominated her mouth, his full lips strong and sure. His tongue teased, exploring her mouth with licks and thrusts, a silent promise of what his body would do to her. She was barely aware of his sharp teeth when the side of her tongue rasped against them. She moaned into his mouth, arching her body against his, wanting him. Her body burned for him to make love to her again.

Fury’s hand slid around her thigh. He gripped her behind the knee and shoved her leg higher to wrap around his waist while he came down on top of her, pressing her flat onto the mattress. Ellie tried to break from the kiss but Fury’s other hand cupped her cheek and under her chin to hold her still. He kept kissing her, refusing to stop, and groaned into her mouth as he shifted his hips. His cock stretched her vaginal walls as he slid into her slowly, fully, to bury his sex deep inside hers. Ellie moaned against his tongue.

Fury finally broke the kiss. He opened his eyes and Ellie stared into them. “Don’t look away from me, sweetness. Your eyes are the most amazing thing to me and watching how you respond when I touch you is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.”

Ellie wanted to cry at hearing such wonderful, touching words. No man had ever spoken such remarkable things to her as he did. He really meant it. She believed that with her whole heart.

“That’s the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me.”

Their gazes held while Fury stared to move inside her. She clutched his shoulders, clung to him as he thrust inside her body slowly, deeply, creating ecstasy with every movement. She had the urge to throw her head back and her eyes nearly closed from the pleasure. Fury’s hand cupping her face tensed, holding her in place.

“Keep looking at me,” he ordered. “I want to see your eyes when you come.”

Ellie stopped thinking, only able to feel and do as he commanded. It became near torture as Fury slowly thrust in and out of her. The feeling intensifying but she wanted him to move faster. Her eyes nearly closed again but Fury growled as his hips plowed into hers hard.

“Look at me.”

“Faster,” she begged. “I can’t take this. It feels too good. I ache. I need…”

Fury thrust into her faster, kept eye contact with her the entire time, and Ellie clutched him tighter as he pounded into her. She tensed, feeling something akin to pain slide through her abdomen before rapture exploded when the climax struck. She never looked away from his gorgeous eyes.

She watched his eyes narrow and then his face twisted into savage satisfaction. The brown of his eyes seemed to turn black as his mouth opened to growl her name. She could feel his cock swell inside her as heated semen poured into her from his release. Fury smiled.

“Tell me that didn’t feel better.”

She realized her fingernails had dug into his shoulders. Horrified, she released him. There were indents where her nails had been and blood welled inside the tiny marks the second her fingernails were gone.

“I’m so sorry!”

Fury laughed. He twisted his head to glance at the damage to one shoulder. His gaze met hers. “I’m glad.”

“You like scratch marks?”

“Wait until you see the back of your shoulder. I don’t feel so guilty now.”

She tried to look at her shoulders but Fury collapsed on top of her. He didn’t crush her but he definitely pinned her down. He kissed her quickly and then he lifted his head to grin down at her.

“I bit you, Ellie.” He winked. “I kind of broke the skin a little. Ready for a shower?”

He actually bit into me? Ellie knew she probably should be upset, maybe horrified, but she didn’t feel that way at all. It hadn’t hurt when he’d gripped her with his teeth, thinking at the time that’s all he’d done, so she had no complaints if he’d drawn blood. She smiled instead. No harm, no foul, she decided. It can’t be worse than my nail marks. “Yes. And I’m hungry too. We missed lunch.”

Chapter Fourteen

Ellie studied Director Tom Quish with suspicion. The blue-eyed man had a handsome face for someone his age. She guessed him to be in his mid-sixties and in remarkably good shape. She could see that clearly since he wore a tank top and a pair of sweatpants. He’d been jogging before he stopped at Fury’s house. It had come as a surprise to find him on the doorstep when the bell had rung. She recognized him from the conference room, could never forget the man who fired Director Boris. It had been a satisfying thing to see.

“May I come in?”

Ellie stepped out of the house and onto the porch next to him. She spotted two New Species officers across the street, knew Fury had them watching the house, but as she met their gazes, she didn’t see alarm. They obviously didn’t believe the new director was a threat to her safety. They’d have stopped him from reaching the front door otherwise. She relaxed a little.

“It’s not really my house, as you know, and I wouldn’t feel comfortable inviting you inside.” She took a deep breath. “May I help you?”

“I hope so. I’m here to offer your job back at the women’s dorm. The women highly respect and like you, Ms. Brower. They decided to replace the current house mother and your name came up.”

Ellie tried to hide the dismay his statement caused. The man’s eyes were cold and blue, reminding her of chunks of ice. He had laugh lines around his mouth though, which deflected his chilly, disconcerting look. He seemed nice enough and she believed his motives were honest, but didn’t know how to respond. If she took the job she’d have to move out of Fury’s home and didn’t want to do that.

“Can I think about it?” Stall, she ordered herself. “It was quite traumatic for me when I was fired. It left me homeless and jobless at the same time.”

He swept his gaze up and down her. His eyes were intelligent, maybe too much so. “Of course you may think about it. The job is yours if you want it. I would just request that you decide soon. We need a new house mother inside the dorm as soon as possible. As you know, we have more women arriving within the next few weeks.”

“I didn’t know that,” Ellie admitted. “I thought they were only going to send in a few dozen women at first to make sure it would be a good environment.”

“They’ve decided it is.” He smiled. “You helped them make that decision. Every woman at the dorm highly endorsed you as a positive role model. I heard your cooking classes were a favorite.”

Ellie smiled back. “I tried to make it fun.”

“And you succeeded. They are very fond of you.”

“I do miss them,” she admitted. “I am fond of them too.”

“I heard they needed help learning how to do almost everything.”

Ellie shrugged. “They were locked inside sterile cells inside the testing facilities. Learning how to dust, make coffee, and cook pancakes wasn’t exactly something they had the opportunity to learn where they were raised. I remembered how daunting a washing machine could be when I became a teen and my mom told me I had to wash my own clothes. When you are raised with all of that stuff, you learn it a little at a time. They’ve had all this technology shoved at them suddenly. It’s all the things we took for granted. Imagine facing an answering machine when you didn’t even know what a telephone was a year before.”

Interest sparked in his gaze. “Did they talk to you about their lives before they were freed?”

Ellie studied the man warily. She refused to share private details she’d been given in friendship. “Some. Why?”

His expression softened. “I’ve read the reports and talked to a lot of them. It’s horrible what they had to deal with all their lives. I swore to Justice North that I’d do my damnedest to make sure the rest of their lives were nothing similar to the past. It’s very important to me that the New Species be happy and safe. I want what is best for them and I think that’s you, for their women.”

It touched her. Ellie would have taken the job back in a heartbeat if it weren’t for having to leave Fury. She caught a glint of satisfaction flash inside Tom Quish’s eyes and opened her mouth.

“You’re really good at manipulation. You know that, right?”

A grin curved his lips. “It’s my job. How else do you think I’ve been able to get all the funding for Homeland so quickly and talk the military into giving it up? The reason it’s nearly completely built and we could move into it so fast is because it had been slated for a new Army base. Charm and good friends in high places have their advantages. Will you take the job, Ms. Brower?”

She wanted to but couldn’t. “I have to think about it still.”

“You look as though I’ve held out candy to you that you want really bad but you’re afraid to take it because you were taught to never trust strangers.”

She grinned. “I couldn’t have put it better myself.”

“I’m good with words too.”

“What is going on?” Fury stormed up the sidewalk glaring at the new Homeland director. He moved to Ellie’s side, tense and angry.

Ellie glanced up at him and wanted to flinch. He looked as if he were a jealous boyfriend, which she guessed he was. If he didn’t get a leash on his emotions the director would be an idiot not to see they were involved. She peered up at him and gave him a warning look but he refused to glance at her. He was too busy glaring threateningly at the director.

Tom Quish took a few steps back. “I’ve been just talking to Ms. Brower. It’s good to see you again, Mr. Fury.”

“What do you want with her? She stays here. You have no power to make her leave.”

Quish’s gaze darted from Fury to Ellie and back. Ellie could almost see the man’s mind taking in the scene, his thoughts going where she feared they would, and it just confirmed it when he took another step back. A wary, “oh shit” expression paled his tan features.

“I came to offer Ms. Brower her job back. Your women really miss her and they fired the last woman who held Ms. Brower’s position. They’ve stated they wish Ms. Brower to return to the dorm. I’ve been told by Justice that the women could choose their own house mother. I came here to let her know the job is open and available for her if she’s interested.”

“She doesn’t want it,” Fury stated firmly in an angry snarl.

Shit, Ellie thought. Fury isn’t keeping his cool at all. Her gaze flew to Tom Quish. He studied her and then he looked at Fury again. “She could remain living inside your home if you are worried about her safety. She could work at the dorm during your working hours. It’s not exactly what the job hours entailed but I’m sure everyone would be able to work around a schedule that you would find suitable.”

Fury finally glanced down at Ellie. “What do you think?”

It amazed her that he’d thought to ask her for her opinion at all after how he’d first reacted by refusing her job offer. She nodded. She knew Tom Quish watched both of them with fascination. Fury nodded back. His focus returned to Tom Quish.

“She will take the job on the condition that she lives with me.”

Tom looked amused suddenly. “Great, Ms Brower. Can you start tomorrow at nine?”

“Yes,” she answered before Fury could open his mouth and speak for her again.

The director seemed pleased. “Terrific. I’ll make the calls and have everything set up. Someone from security will drop by later with your new badge.”

“Thank you,” Ellie called out as she watched the new director jog away and out of sight before she dared face Fury. She shot him an annoyed look. “Damn it. You should have kept your cool. He knows we’re a couple. You acted like my boyfriend.”

Fury’s gaze darkened as his mouth tensed into a line. “I am.”

“Well, no one is supposed to know that. Remember? And thanks for letting me make a decision finally.” She stormed inside the house.

“Why are you angry?” Fury followed her and closed the door.

Ellie spun and put her hands on her hips. “We are supposed to hide our relationship, remember? Do you want those doctors bugging us to do tests and have people in our faces demanding we tell them how we have sex? I don’t. What if they want to video it? And you told him I didn’t want the job without even asking me first. I miss the dorm but I want to live here with you too.”

Fury knew he’d messed up. He’d been instantly alarmed when he’d gotten word from his men that Tom Quish, the new director, had come to his door. There could be no reason for a human to be in that section of Homeland except for Ellie. He’d quickened his pace knowing that everyone on the human side preferred Ellie not live with him. He’d heard their concerns and ignored each one.

Ellie loved working with New Species women, he knew how much they meant to her, so when he heard Tom offer her job back, he’d instantly said no without thinking. It had to be a lure to get her to leave him but one look at Ellie’s face told him that he’d messed up by answering for her. Human women could be as stubborn as New Species ones. They demanded the right to make their own decisions, and while they appreciated some protection, they were by no means weak enough not to be able to fend for themselves if the need arose.

He’d backed off when he received the assurance that Ellie could live with him and the job wasn’t a bribe for her to leave his house. He’d relaxed when the new director walked away but Ellie’s anger remained. He studied her features and knew she was still ticked off at him. He’d overreacted but he just wanted to protect and keep her with him.

He’d grown tired of hiding their relationship. He was proud to be with Ellie, even if some of his people didn’t understand. Some of them were still a bit bitter toward humans. That was their problem to deal with and as long as they didn’t take it out on Ellie, they could slowly release that bias in their own time frame.

He knew he needed to defuse Ellie’s anger. She had a quick wit, a great sense of humor, and she didn’t hold grudges for long. All things he’d learned about her. Sex also worked to soften her up and get her to forgive him.

A smile curved Fury’s lips. “Do you know how appealing you are to me when you’re angry? Videos, huh? I could buy a camera and tape us having sex.”

“No!” Ellie glared at him. “You better be teasing about that last part.”

He laughed. “I am. I don’t want to video our sex. I just want to have it.” He stepped toward her. “You are sexy when you’re mad at me, sweetness. I’m not kidding about that. I’m hot for you.”

Ellie backed up and let her hands drop from her hips. “I’m mad at you. Don’t you ‘sweetness’ me, Fury. I want to yell at you. You didn’t hide the fact that we’re together and you told that man I wouldn’t take my job back. That’s my choice.”

“You are right, I am wrong, and I’m sorry.” He grinned as he inched closer to her.

Ellie backed up more. “You’re humoring me, aren’t you?”

“Yes.” He winked. “Now let’s have sex.” He lunged, opening his arms, and tried to grab her.

Ellie spun toward the kitchen, amused at his playful demeanor. It was great to see the usually serious man so lighthearted. Damn, how can I stay mad at him when he acts this way? She couldn’t. She entered the kitchen and dodged around the small island. She grabbed it and her gaze narrowed when Fury stopped on the other side.

“We’re talking. Stop it.”

“We’ll talk during sex.” He edged to the left.

Ellie shook her head and moved to keep him on the other side of the island. “Damn it, Fury. I’m trying to be mad at you. Wipe that grin off your face.”

He paused and his smile faded. “I won’t grin.”

Her gaze narrowed and watched his lips twitch. Amusement sparked inside her. She almost laughed. She had to struggle to remember why he’d made her mad in the first place. Oh yeah.

“You can’t go around making decisions for me and you know we’re supposed to hide that we’re a couple.”

“You are really turning me on right now. You’re breathing hard and if you don’t watch it, your breasts are going to break the buttons on that shirt.” His gaze riveted to her chest. “Breathe harder. Please?”

Ellie glanced down at her shirt but saw movement from the corner of her eye when she did. Her head jerked up too late. Fury grabbed her. His arms wrapped around her waist and swung her up until she sat on the island, bringing their faces almost level. Fury shoved her legs open and stepped between her parted thighs. His arms wrapped tighter around her waist, pulling her against his body in a tight hug.

“I am sorry I made you angry.” He gave her a sincere look. “Now let’s have make-up sex. I heard it’s the best.”

Ellie cupped his face with her palms and grinned. “You’re bad. Do you know that?”

“I’m good. Do you know that or should I remind you?” He dipped his head and nuzzled Ellie’s face aside until his lips brushed her throat. His tongue darted out and licked the sensitive spot under her ear. His hot breath fanning her tickled. “I could take you right here.”

Ellie laughed. “Bedroom.”

Fury straightened his head and his voice deepened. “Here.”

“Bedroom. We prepare food on the island, Fury.”

His eyebrows rose as he released her and inched back. He reached for her shirt and unbuttoned it. Ellie held her breath as Fury opened it and tore it off her. He unfastened her pants next and moved his body out of the way. He pulled her down from the island until her feet were back on the floor and then bent in front of her, going to his knees, and helped her out of them.

“I guess the kitchen is good,” Ellie whispered, totally getting turned on.

Her heart raced as she kicked her pants away and reached for the front snaps of Fury’s pants when he rose. He yanked his shirt over his head, just tossing it aside.

“Very good,” Ellie muttered as she brushed against his body. Her tongue traced his nipple.

Fury groaned and he shoved down his pants, kicking them down his legs. Ellie’s hands ran across his flat stomach and surfed lower, slipping her fingers into the waistband of his briefs. She raked his hips with her fingernails. Fury pushed his hips forward against Ellie’s body. His arousal pressed into her stomach where he became trapped between their bodies.

“Honey,” Ellie whispered as she moved her mouth to his other nipple.

“Sweetness,” he growled.

Ellie smiled and pulled back from his chest. “I want honey from the cupboard behind you. It’s up to the left. My left.”

Dark eyebrows rose slightly. “Honey? You want to eat right now?”

She grinned. “I want to lick it off you.”

His fangs dented his bottom lip when he groaned softly. He twisted his body and stretched to retrieve the honey from the cupboard in record time to hand it over to her. Ellie twisted off the cap. She glanced at him once, assured he was into it, and turned the plastic container upside down above one of his nipples. She let the golden treat drip onto his chest and over the other nipple. She heard Fury take a sharp breath but he didn’t say a word. She set the container on top of the island next to them.

Ellie arched up on her tiptoes and started to lick his skin where the honey droplets stuck to him, following each one with her tongue. Fury groaned deeply. Ellie moved lower, to his nipple, and lapped at the honey there, teasing the hardening bud. She covered his nipple with her mouth and started to suckle him. Fury’s hands tangled in her hair but he didn’t try to tug her from her task.

“That feels amazing,” he growled.

Ellie nipped him with her teeth. He jerked from the shock of the sudden jolt it created. His cock thumped against her stomach and it had grown more rigid when he ground his hips against her softer belly. She released his nipple and slowly moved across his chest. Her tongue and teeth cleaned away the sweet drops slowly, teasingly. Then she pushed him back against the counter. Fury moved to lean against it.

His black, passion-filled gaze met Ellie’s when she looked up at him. She’d noticed when he had become really turned on, his eyes darkened. She loved it and him. She moved forward and started to go for the drops of honey that had rained down on his stomach. One by one she found them and licked them off. She paused at the waistband of his briefs when she realized she’d run out of drops. She smiled up at him and then slipped her fingers into the band to tug them down. Fury’s cock had grown so hard that she had to actually put the elastic of his briefs to the test to free it from them.

Fury made a groaning sound when she kissed his hipbone and turned her face, studying his impressive erection up close. She couldn’t avoid a turned-on Fury. She smiled and ran her tongue along the side of the hard, hot flesh that stood at full attention for her—trailing up his shaft to the head.

Fury snarled and then grabbed her upper arms, jerking her up to her feet. Shock tore through Ellie as she stared into his face. He looked angry. She frowned.

“Don’t you want me to keep going? I was just getting to the good part.”

He hoisted her up until Ellie found her ass planted on top of the island again. Fury turned away from her and yanked open drawers, looking for something.

“Fury? Did I make you angry? What”

“I can’t let you do that. I’m frustrated as hell but not mad at you.”

“Why not? I want to.”

Fury turned, revealing he had a roll of silver duct tape in his hand. He walked over and gently flattened his palm over her chest. He pushed until she ended up flat on her back on the cool surface. He leaned over her.

“My cock swells. Remember? I’m so damn ready to come right now that I wouldn’t last a minute. Can you imagine if I swelled inside your mouth?”

She stared at him with dawning comprehension. “Oh. That probably wouldn’t be good, considering you’re already pretty big. I think it would be okay though as long as I stick to the top. You swell near the base.”

His features relaxed as some of the tension melted away. “Yeah. I’d love for you to do that but don’t turn me on so much next time, the first time we try something. I’m a shooter, Ellie. You can feel me inside you when my semen releases, can’t you? I’d shoot so hard and so much, I’d choke you. You can do that to me later if you’re up for a second round. Now I need to calm or it won’t be good for you.”

She stared at the tape with confusion. “What is that for?”

He grinned. “Give me your wrists.”


He grabbed a dishtowel. “Now.”

She hesitated but she trusted him enough to lift her arms. Fury smiled and wrapped the dishtowel around them and then used his teeth to pull tape free from the roll. It astonished Ellie when he wound tape over the dishtowel and bound her wrists together. She lay there and watched him pull more tape, leaving it still connected to the roll and her wrists.

He rounded the island to stand at her head. She looked up at him until he squatted down out of her line of sight. She heard more tape being pulled and then he slowly tugged her wrists above her head with the tape until her arms stretched. She heard him doing something at the side of the island before he stood. He’d gotten rid of the roll.

Ellie pulled on her wrists but couldn’t bring them back down. Her gaze flew to Fury. He looked damn amused. “What are you doing?”

He lifted up the honey and shifted her legs, bent over the island until his hips wedged between her thighs. “I want to eat some honey too.”

Ellie bit her lip and shivered. Fury turned the bottle over and dripped honey over her lower stomach and lower still, until drops hit the inside of her thighs. Fury moved his hips, pushing hers farther apart, and Ellie closed her eyes when more drips landed on her spread pussy.

Fury sat the honey bottle on the edge and then bent over her. His hot mouth and tongue licked her as he lapped up each sweet drop. Ellie wanted to touch him but her hands were secured over her head. By the time he reached the inside of her thigh she burned with raw need.

“Fury,” she begged.

“Easy. I’m getting there.”

“Now, Fury. Please? Do that later but I need you. Please? Take me.”

He growled. Ellie opened her eyes and met his. He rose and gripped her inner thighs, moving his hips closer to hers. Ellie wrapped her legs around his waist as he pulled her a few inches down the island to the edge a heartbeat before he entered her body. Ellie threw her head back and cried out in pleasure.

“Let me go,” she moaned. “I want to touch you.” She pulled on her wrists but the tape and dishtowel wouldn’t break. He’d tied the tape too tightly around the material.

Fury’s hands gripped her hips as he started to thrust into her at a steady, deep pace. Ellie thrashed on the countertop. She moaned, whimpered, and wondered if she’d survive how good the sensations were to have him awakening her body, bringing her to the edge of ecstasy. He moved faster, feeling even better. Ellie tightened her legs around his waist, moving them higher to give him freer access with his hammering hips.

She heard him growl and then pressure registered against her vaginal walls as he started swelling inside her. The pressure increased while he continued to fuck her. One of his hands spread where he held her and his thumb brushed against her clit, rubbing it. Ellie screamed, climaxing hard, and Fury roared out her name as he buried his cock deep, his body trembling as hot semen poured into her as he came hard within her.

“Fury!” A male voice roared.

Ellie’s eyes flew open. She was dazed, shocked, and horrified when Justice rushed into the kitchen with two NSO officers on his heels. Justice threw himself at Fury, tackled him, and threw him away from Ellie.

Ellie screamed in fear and shock at what happened as Justice and Fury locked in battle in the corner of the kitchen. Justice punched Fury and Fury tried to throw the other man out of the way to get to her. The two NSO officers rushed to help Justice restrain Fury, grabbed his arms, and slammed him into the counter. Fury roared, tossed one of the men hard into the nearby counter. Glass broke.

Ellie twisted hard to her side, trying to roll off the countertop where she lay stretched naked, her wrists still restrained above her head, but too upset, too shocked, and too full of adrenaline to be graceful.

Her movement was too violent and she ended up misjudging the edge. She fell and pure panic struck when she couldn’t even grab for something to stop her fall. Pain exploded inside her head as she slammed into the side of the island, the tile edge of it making contact with her temple. Blackness rushed at her along with intense pain. She heard one thing before she lost consciousness.

“Ellie!” Fury yelled.

* * * * *

Fury hated being restrained inside a cell when he awoke in the security office. Justice paced the floor. Fury’s memory returned at that point.

“Where is Ellie? Is she all right?” He’d sprang to his feet to grab at the bars that contained him.

“She’s at the doctor’s.” Justice faced the bars, looking grim. “You forced her?”

“No,” Fury snarled. “I would have explained that to you if you hadn’t attacked and knocked me out.”

“You had her tied down and she screamed.” Justice’s normally tan face appeared unusually pale. “I never would have believed you’d harm her now that I know how strongly you feel about her if I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes.”

“I didn’t force her.”

Justice snarled. “This is the kind of shit we feared when some of us started to show stronger animal traits with our honed instincts. You were aware of them though, we’ve discussed it at length, but you didn’t control yourself.”

Anger rolled through Fury. “I’m aware that I am unreasonable when it comes to Ellie and that I have mated her. It goes beyond sex. I’ve claimed her as mine but I would never hurt her, Justice. You have the entire situation wrong.”

“You’re out of control!” Justice moved fast, grabbed the bars inches from Fury’s fingers, and barred his teeth in a vicious snarl. “We know all about force, don’t we? You love her? Then you shouldn’t have tied her down and made her take your cock.”

“I didn’t,” Fury snarled.

Justice released the bars and backed away. “I want to trust you but…” He shook his head. “You’re the first one of us to take a mate. You’ve allowed your animal instincts to rule you enough to take it to that level. We aren’t fully human, no matter how much we pretend to be for the sake of peace between them and us, and there are no cameras here. Is it that bad, Fury? The need to take her so strong you would force her?”

“I didn’t!” Fury tried to calm down by releasing his death grip on the cell bars and retreated a few steps. “I won’t lie. I’m obsessed with her. I breathe and live Ellie. My heart beats for her, Justice. She is everything to me. I think I’m addicted to her scent. Without it around it’s all I can think about. Despite all of that I’d never do anything to cause her pain. You have the situation wrong.”

“I need to hear it from her. Until we see how this mating takes and what side effects you suffer from it, I’m sorry but I can’t allow you to speak to her.”

Fury moved forward quickly, gripped the cell door, jerked on it, but it was locked. “Let me out. Is she hurt? I need to get to her.”

“You are going nowhere until I talk to her. Securing a woman and tying her down is force. Have you lost your mind?” Justice softly growled. “You’re insane when it comes to the human, damn it. I’m stunned and—” He cleared his throat. “How could you do this?”

“I wasn’t hurting her. You know me. You know she’s everything to me. I would never harm her. We were making love.”

“The years inside the testing facility have driven you to insanity if you believe forcing a female by tying her down and her screaming from pain is making love. You’ve become twisted inside your mind, Fury. I have to leave. My heart is breaking.”

Justice spun away, quickly moving toward the door.

“Justice? Come back! Release me. It’s not what you think. I’m not insane and I would never hurt my Ellie.” He violently shook the cell bars but they held.

He spun and howled out in rage. Ellie had gotten hurt and he couldn’t go to her. His best friend believed he’d gone insane from mating.

Chapter Fifteen

Ellie knew something was wrong even before she fully awoke. Her head throbbed with dull pain. She opened her eyes only to stare at a light and study a ceiling she didn’t recognize. Confusion hit her. Where am I? What happened? Someone leaned over her, getting between her and the light source from above.

Ellie recognized Doctor Trisha Norbit instantly and frowned. Why is that woman standing over me? The Doctor’s hair had been pulled back into a messy ponytail and her neat appearance was gone. She looked worried as her blue eyes blinked down at Ellie.

“You’re okay. I gave you some pain medication. Would you like to sip some water?”

Ellie frowned. “What happened?”

Trisha frowned back at her. “You don’t remember?”

Remember what? The last thing I remember is…memory slowly returned. Ellie struggled to sit up. She frantically searched the room for Fury. She had somehow ended up inside a small bedroom but he wasn’t there with her.

“Where is Fury?”

“They have him in lockup.”


Trisha took a seat on the edge of the bed. “Someone informed Justice that the new director had gone to your home.” She took a deep breath. “Justice went to see you and Fury to ask what Tom Quish wanted. He knocked but when no one answered, he and his security officers let themselves inside after they heard you scream and they heard Fury yell out. They ran into the kitchen and saw him hurting you. They believe he tied you down to prevent you from fighting him off.”

“Hurting me?” Ellie’s mouth fell open. She was so astounded it took her seconds to respond. “We were having sex.”

Trisha bit her lip. “You hit your head hard on the edge of the island you were secured to. I had to give you a few stitches at your temple.” She paused. “I can have a rape councilor here within an hour if you want to speak to someone. Your head is going to be fine. You might have a slight concussion but I’m sure you’ll be physically fine. Emotionally…” Trisha reached over and took Ellie’s hand. “I’m here for you. I think you should talk to a rape counselor. No one will know. Justice North is waiting in the other room to talk to you when you’re ready. He promised they will punish Fury severely for what he’s done but if you want to contact your outside police he will do that for you. It’s your call.”

Ellie yanked her hand away from the doctors. “Justice!” She yelled his name.

The bedroom door was thrown open in seconds. Justice looked like hell. His shirt had been torn, he had a busted lip, and sported a bruise over one eye on his forehead. He stepped into the bedroom and froze.

“Let him go now.” Ellie’s voice shook with anger and horror. “He didn’t hurt me. You did. Let Fury out right now, damn it!” She started to yell but didn’t care. “What the hell is wrong with everyone? Fury wasn’t raping me!”

Shock blanked Justice’s face. He opened his mouth but nothing came out.

Ellie grabbed the blankets covering her, threw them back, and felt grateful she wasn’t naked. She hadn’t been sure until she swung her legs over the edge of the bed. Someone had dressed her in a two-piece light-pink, baggy pajama set. She put her feet on the floor. Her head ached enough that she nearly regretted leaving the bed as she used it to push up to stand.

“Don’t get up,” the doctor demanded as she grabbed for Ellie. “You’re drugged. You need to stay down.”

Ellie slapped at the woman’s hands and turned her anger on Justice. She managed a step before her knees gave way. The doctor grabbed her but they were both heading for a crash onto the floor when Justice suddenly lunged forward to wrap his arms around both women. His strength showed when he gently positioned them to angle their fall to the bed. Ellie hit it and the doctor came down next to her on the soft mattress. Ellie lay there glaring up at him as she fought tears.

“He wasn’t hurting me. How could you think that?”

He hesitated. “You were tied down and screaming. He’s the reason you’re injured.”

Tears spilled down her cheeks. “We were having sex and it was great until you tackled him and threw him away from me, you son of a bitch. We were having fun, laughing, and then…” Her voice broke as she just stared at him. “You hurt me, not him. You did. Everything would have been fine if you hadn’t run in there, attacked Fury, and I wouldn’t have taken a header off that island.”

Justice backed up a step and grew paler. “But I heard you scream when we walked up to the front door. You were tied down when we rushed inside.”

Ellie looked at the doctor. “Don’t their women get loud sometimes at the end of sex?”

The doctor shrugged. “I don’t know. Some of our females have loud sex. That’s true.”

“He tied you down,” Justice reminded her softly. “That’s force.”

“It wasn’t. Are you deaf? We were playing and having a great time. Didn’t you notice he put a dishtowel around my wrists to keep the tape from touching my skin? Do you think if he tried to hurt me that he would have cared if I got red marks from the tape?” More hot tears tracked down Ellie’s face. “Where is he? Did you hurt him? Let him go. I want Fury right now.”

Justice turned away. “I’ll get him.” He walked out of the bedroom and slammed the door closed behind him.

Ellie turned onto her side on the bed and covered her face. She couldn’t stop crying. A hand brushed her back, the doctor trying to comfort her, and Ellie sniffed.

“Did they hurt Fury?”

“I don’t know,” Trisha admitted. “I treated one of the officers who came in with you. Fury did some damage before they took him down.”

Alarm at that news shot through Ellie and motivated her to sit up, wiping at her face. She stared at the doctor. “But you didn’t have to treat Fury? That means he’s okay, right?”

The doctor hesitated. “I don’t know. I’m sorry. If he’d really been hurt you would think they would have brought him here too or called an ambulance to treat him.”

“God!” Ellie rasped. “Why the hell did this happen? We were laughing and making love. Then this.” She shook her head and regretted it instantly when it made her dizzy from the movement. “Why can’t everyone leave us alone?”

Trisha’s look softened. “No one knows what to expect. I’m sure Mr. North and those two officers thought they were saving you.”

“From Fury?” Ellie ignored them as more tears slid down her cheeks. “Fury wouldn’t hurt me.”

Trisha reached over and took Ellie’s hand. “I’m sorry.”

The bedroom door almost exploded inward and Ellie and Trisha both jumped as Tom Quish entered the bedroom. His gaze jerked from Ellie to the doctor. “What the hell happened? I just received word that there’s a big problem here. Security informed me one Species is locked up and Ms. Brower had to be carried into your home unconscious by two Species men who looked as if they’d been involved in a brawl.”

Great, Ellie thought. Just fucking great. She couldn’t even speak. Now the director was involved in her worst nightmare too.

Trisha released Ellie’s hand. “How dare you come bursting into my house? This is my bedroom, Director Quish. As for what you heard, an unfortunate accident happened and that’s all.”

She moved forward, putting her body between Ellie and the director. He looked confused.

“What happened?” He sounded calmer.

Trisha straightened her shoulders and glared at the director. “What happened is that someone got past your security and scared Ms. Brower. She screamed. Mr. Fury, Mr. North, and the security officers were at the house,” the doctor lied. “I told you I saw some idiot with a camera today sneaking around by the clinic. It could have been the same guy.” She twisted her head to stare at Ellie with wide eyes. “Was the guy you saw peering into the window a short blond man wearing jeans and a green shirt?”

Ellie stared at the doctor, trying to hide her stunned surprise that this stranger would tell lies to protect her secrets but managed to nod. “That sounds like the guy who startled me.”

A frown marred the director’s face. “Then why is Mr. Fury in lockup?”

Relief flashed over the doctor’s face before she faced the director again. “Because he wanted to hunt the son of a bitch down and kill him. Ms. Brower was startled, fell back, and hit her head. It knocked her out cold when she struck the edge of the counter. You know how protective of women these guys are. She’s a guest in his home and some flash-happy jerk scared her, she got hurt, and he lost his temper. You know they can hunt and track with those animal instincts. Mr. North thought it would be a bad idea to allow Mr. Fury to kill the man since he’s a human. They didn’t see eye to eye in the heat of the moment. Mr. Fury is being detained until he can cool down.”

“That’s true,” Slade agreed from the doorway he leaned against. He wasn’t wearing the NSO uniform this time, instead he sported jeans and a black tank top. “I came over here to take a statement from Ms. Brower about the man she saw at the window. If you’ll excuse us, Director, I’m off duty but I’d like to get her statement as fast as I can. Maybe you could get your security guards to search for this guy before he causes more problems?”

Ellie watched Tom Quish’s face, seeing anger there. “Fine. If that’s the story you want to tell, I’ll run with it.” He gave Ellie a grim frown. “Are you all right, Ms. Brower? Is there anything I can do for you?”

“I’m fine now,” she promised softly. “But thank you for caring.”

He spun on his heel to march out of the room. Ellie stared at the doctor, still surprised that the woman would help her by lying. The doctor shrugged.

“I told you that you can trust me.”

Slade blew out a heavy breath. “I think I’ll go have a seat in the living room to prevent anyone else from barging in.” His gaze slid to Ellie. “They are bringing Fury to you and he should arrive real soon. He’s pissed as hell but fine.” His gaze swung to the doctor and he grinned. “You lie good, Doc.” Slade winked at her and softly closed the door behind him.

Trisha’s shoulders sagged. She sat down next Ellie on the bed. “I’m not the best liar. Was that at least passably good?”

“Pretty good. He left, didn’t he?”

Trisha studied Ellie. “You need to take it easy for a few weeks. You really whacked your head good on that counter. If you suffer headaches, dizzy spells, or just don’t feel right, you need to call me immediately. I want you to take it easy and try not to have sex for at least a week. You need to remain calm with no physical activity. Keep the area where I stitched you as dry as possible. I used dissolvable stitches and I won’t need to remove them. I doubt you’ll see much of a scar.”

“Great.” Ellie couldn’t hide the anger that flared or her sarcasm at that bit of news.

“Could I ask you just a few questions?”

“Like what?”

“Well,” Trisha scooted to face her, adjusting her body on the edge of the mattress. “I read some of the medical records on New Species and realize Fury is canine. It says their penises swell during sex.” She paused. “Does the swelling hurt?”

“No,” Ellie shook her head. “I can’t believe this happened.”

“How long do you usually have to wait until the swelling goes down?”

Ellie frowned at the doctor.

“Please? I want to know.”

“So you can help other people if a woman decides to sleep with one of them?”

Trisha hesitated. “For my own benefit. I’m attracted to one of them.”

Ellie relaxed. “Oh. Well, in that case, it’s not painful. The swelling only lasts a few minutes. Maybe three.”

“Thank you. Any surprises?”

“I love him more than my own life.”

Trisha stood. “You can go home with him tonight. Just remember what I warned about your head and Mr. Fury is going to need to wake you every few hours to make sure you’re okay. If he has any trouble rousing you, he is to call me immediately. I’ll get you pain pills to help with the headache you’re going to have after the medication wears off.”

“Thanks, Doctor Norbit.”

“Just call me Trisha.” She left the room.

Ellie heard voices a few minutes later. The bedroom door swung open and Fury stalked inside. Ellie gasped. Bruises marred his face and someone had given him a shirt that looked as though it had been shredded in places. He crossed the room in just a few strides, leaving the bedroom door ajar. He sat down carefully and reached for her, his arms wrapping gently around her. He picked her up and lifted her carefully onto his lap to hug her tightly against his chest.

“Are you all right?”

She wound her arm around his neck. He had a bad black eye but it wasn’t swollen closed. She studied the damage to him. One of her hands trembled as she touched his face, pressing her palm to the only area of his skin that didn’t seem injured.

“I needed some stitches on my head. Are you all right? What happened to you?”

He growled. “They tried to stop me from reaching you.” His gaze lingered on her forehead. “There are stitches under the bandage?”

“Just a few. I’m fine though.” Her hand left his face and she reached for the shirt he wore. She pulled the neck of it away from his skin and peered down the front of it, spotting red marks on his chest. Her horrified gaze flew up to stare into his eyes.

“I’m fine. Major communication breakdown.”

Ellie fought a sob. “This was more than that.”

Fury held her a little tighter. “Yeah but it’s cleared up now. I’ve learned an important lesson from this.”

“What’s that?”

“We’re going to barricade the doors next time.”

A smile tugged at Ellie’s lips for his sake, appreciating his attempt at humor. “I want to go home. Trisha said I can leave. She’s getting me some pain pills right now. We’re banned from sex for a week and you’re supposed to wake me up every few hours to make sure I’m okay.”

Fury flinched. “A week, huh?” His brown eyes softened. “I’m just glad you are all right. I heard you scream. It terrified me when you fell, you weren’t moving, and I smelled your blood.”

“I’m fine.”

Fury stood, shifting Ellie inside the cradle of his arms. “Let’s go home.”

Ellie rested her cheek against his shoulder and wrapped her other arm around his neck. She left wearing borrowed pajamas but she didn’t care who saw her. Fury walked toward the bedroom door, using his foot to pull it completely open. Justice, Slade and Trisha waited for them in the living room.

“I’m sorry,” Justice apologized softly. “I didn’t know or I never would have rushed into that kitchen.” He met Fury glare. “I didn’t think you would hurt her but after the last time, I wasn’t sure.”

Trisha frowned. “What last time? What happened before?”

Ellie sighed. “It’s just another mix up, Trisha. I’ll tell you about it another time.”

Trisha held out a pill bottle toward Ellie and Fury.

“I’ll take those,” Slade offered, plucking them from her hand. “I’ll drive them home. It would look strange to see Fury carrying a woman wearing night clothes.”

“Just take one pill as needed for pain,” Trisha instructed.

Slade hesitated at the door. “Do you want me to take her for you, Fury? Those Taser guns hurt like a son of a bitch.”

“I’ve got her,” Fury growled.

Slade opened the door and stepped out of the way. Fury carried Ellie out of the house to the waiting car at the curb. Slade opened the back door for them. Fury shifted Ellie inside his hold and climbed into the car with her on his lap. He sat down hard enough to jar her and made pain shoot through her head. She groaned softly.

Fury growled.

Ellie rubbed him where her hands touched. “I’m fine. It’s just a headache.”

Fury hugged her tighter, obviously upset. Ellie was shocked at how bad their evening had turned out. She had to blink back tears for fear that Fury would grow even more upset if he saw them.

* * * * *

Ellie smiled at the women who shared the dorm kitchen with her. The eight women were new, having just arrived early that morning. Ellie had been shocked when the eight women had been brought to the door with their suitcases. Breeze had stood at her side to welcome the new dorm roomies.

“They are so small,” Ellie gasped.

“Yes,” Breeze acknowledged grimly. “They are.”

Ellie glanced up at her. “I just assumed you were all tall since so far that’s all I’ve seen.”

Breeze hesitated. “We’re the experimental prototypes, Ellie. We were changed for strength and endurance to test out drugs that would make humans stronger. Justice sent us here first because we are more durable. We’re tough. Those,” Breeze’s attention focused on the women entering the house. “Those are the truly unfortunate ones.”

“What does that mean?”

Breeze shot Ellie a warning look. “Later.”

Ellie had assigned them rooms and now they had assembled inside the kitchen for their first lessons. It had been an odd feeling, being around women her own size and even smaller after getting accustomed to the much larger New Species women. The new women ranged from around five-foot to about five-foot-five. They had smaller body frames, similar to frail humans except their facial features revealed them as New Species. They also seemed timid and shy, unlike the larger New Species women. Ellie smiled in an attempt to put them at ease.

“I know this all seems like a lot but trust me, by the end of the week you will be cooking and you will know how to handle everything inside this kitchen.”

A blonde with big gray eyes raised her hand.

Ellie kept her smile in place. “Yes?”

The blonde bit her lip. “Are you one of us?”

Ellie shook her head. “I’m not New Species.” Ellie glanced at Breeze. She’d stayed close to the group of women as if she were their shadow since they’d walked into the dorm a few hours before.

“She’s pure human but she’s a good one,” Breeze assured softly. “She’s our house pet.” Breeze winked at Ellie. “We call her a poodle. That’s those cute dogs that are small and have puffy hair.”

The blonde looked shocked as her wide gaze turned to Ellie. “Aren’t you angry, being called a pet?”

Ellie chuckled. “I know it’s meant with love. What is your name?”

The blonde hesitated. “They call me Halfpint.”

Ellie glanced at Breeze. Breeze shrugged. Ellie had a ton of unanswered questions but pushed the one she really wanted to ask back for later. “Well, do you have any other questions?”

Halfpint addressed Breeze. “May I?”

Breeze sighed. “You don’t need permission anymore. You’re free. There’s no fear here, Halfpint. You can ask anything you want.”

Halfpint straightened her shoulders. She looked frightened when she faced Ellie. “Are you training us to go back to be better at what we were meant for?”

“No,” Breeze snapped. “That’s done and over. You are free. Do you understand? You are here so you can learn to run your home like any other human. They all learn how to cook meals and operate appliances.” Breeze stood suddenly from the chair. “I need some air.” She fled the kitchen.

Confused, Ellie stood there. She didn’t know what was going on. Halfpint’s gray eyes filled with tears. Ellie moved to stand in front of her.

“It’s okay. This is all new to you. Are you all right?”

Halfpint wiped at her tears. “I made her angry.”

Ellie glanced at the empty doorway knowing she couldn’t disagree with that. “What did you mean by going back to what you were before?”

Halfpint looked even more fearful. She turned suddenly and threw herself into the arms of another woman, hugging her tightly. Ellie realized they were all suddenly afraid for some reason. No other New Species women had ever been afraid of her. Ellie stepped back, hoping it would alleviate their fear.

“Why don’t you go and unpack you clothes? We’ll just take today really slow and you can meet the other women. I put notes on the backs of your doors to let you know when meals are served. If you have any questions I’ll be here until five. The other women will help you if I’m not around.”

Ellie watched the women flee then went in search of Breeze. She spotted her through the living room window and let herself out of the building. Breeze sat on a bench under a tree on the front yard of the dorm. Ellie sat next to her.

“What was that about?”

Breeze used her foot to rub the grass. “What was done to them pisses me off. The doctors created them weak on purpose. Those women are afraid to even ask you a question and did you hear that comment about before? No matter how many times they are told that shit is over, they are still terrified they are being lied to, and being sent back.”

“I don’t understand.”

Breeze lifted her head and revealed the tears in her eyes. “They spliced their DNA with domestic animals to make them weak and small. They didn’t create them to run tests on. They weren’t combined with different species for medical research. They made them to be used and abused.”

Ellie crossed her arms. “For what?”

Breeze wiped at a tear that slid down one cheek and let her head drop. “Gifts. The doctors made them to be sex slaves to the bastards who funded the testing facilities. They were passed over to whatever asshole had enough money and was perverted enough to want to fuck an animal that was human looking enough to be appealing. They made them small enough to be helpless and unable to defend themselves.”

“Oh God.” Ellie knew the blood drained from her face. “Please tell me you are kidding.”

Breeze shook her head. “We found some of them but Justice is still searching with the help of your government. We were too late to save most of the ones we’ve traced the money transactions on so far. The men who were arrested confessed to abusing them to death. These were the ones who were tougher and bigger, who survived the worst.”

“I think I’m going to be sick.”

Breeze met her eyes. “Me too. Not only did those bastards hand out gifts to sickos with animal fetishes but they gave them to the worst of humanity. Murderers who have admitted to beating the life from them or starved them to death.”

Ellie was glad she’d missed breakfast or she might have thrown it up on the grass at her feet. “So when they said before, they meant that? They think I’m trying to train them to be better…” She clamped her mouth shut as bile rose.

“Gifts,” Breeze growled.

“Those sons of bitches.”

Breeze nodded. “I shouldn’t have lost my temper but I get enraged. I had it bad, Ellie. Trust me. We all had hellish lives but they had it so much worse. I had a few guards try to sexually assault me. I fought back and even killed one of them. Most of the staff inside the testing facility was willing to protect us against that and it didn’t happen often. They said we were too expensive to damage. The testing facility only made us have sex with our own people but we didn’t hurt each other. We shared dignity and respect and kindness. They didn’t have that when males touched them.”

Ellie rose to her feet on unsteady legs. “I guess I’m going to have to really reach out to them and hopefully they can learn to trust us.”

Breeze stood and smiled down at Ellie sadly. “You are small the way they are and maybe that will help them. Halfpint thought you were one of them.”

She and Breeze returned to the dorm. Depression coursed through Ellie. Every time she thought she had a handle on the kind of horrors the New Species had suffered, a new one was exposed.

* * * * *

Ellie smiled at Fury. He hadn’t wanted her go to work but she’d argued with him that morning. Now he was going out of his way to make it up to her. Makeup sex couldn’t happen since Fury feared he’d hurt her somehow. Ellie’s smile died. She wished he’d realize she wasn’t as fragile as he believed her to be.

“I feel so bad for them,” she admitted.

“You’re softhearted.” Fury rubbed her cheek with his thumb. “They are free now. We’ll find more of them soon.”

“I wish I could do something nice for them.”

“What do you have in mind?” Fury pulled Ellie down on the couch to sit next to him.

Ellie curled against his side, loving to cuddle with him. “I don’t know. Breeze mentioned they were kept away from anyone except their abusers.”

“Yes. They call us animals but those men were truly the beasts. Some of those women were found locked inside basements. They were kept far from any other person to avoid their presence being discovered. They were never taken anywhere and never even owned clothing in some cases.”

Ellie shivered from the horrible images that tidbit created inside her mind. “They thought I’d tried to teach them how to use the kitchen so they’d have a new skills to take back with them to their former owners.”

Fury flinched. “I heard it was bad. Justice keeps them far away from all the men. He wants them to grow stronger emotionally before they are introduced to us.”

“But you protect your women. I’ve seen it.”

“We do but they’ve never had that, Ellie. They’ve been hurt and abused by men. It’s all they know.”

“Where have they been kept after they were rescued if they haven’t been around men? Were all of them discovered at once and brought directly here?”

“No. Justice contacted a church. They have a few secluded retreats without any males. They accepted the women with open arms to give them some time and peace to recover from what they have been through. They are to be sent here when the therapists believe they are strong enough. The first batch is a test to see how they do. Hopefully they are able to overcome their pasts and find a future.”

“And if they aren’t?”

“Justice has thought about making our own female-only community to protect them.”

“Those poor women.” Ellie snuggled tighter against Fury’s side and glanced at the television. Fury enjoyed watching baseball and a game would be on soon. “I wish I could think of something to do to help them.”

“You’ll come up with something.”

“Yeah. I hope so.”

The news came on before the game. Ellie sat up straight and stared in shock at the reporter who opened with the evening’s top story about the New Species. They flashed an image of Fury carrying Ellie to a car. He appeared furious in the photo and Ellie looked to be in pain.

“Son of a bitch,” Fury growled. He moved, stretching for the phone.

“Shush,” Ellie ordered him. “I want to hear this.”

“How the hell did they get a picture of that?”

“I don’t know.”

They both listened to the story. Fury finally clicked off the television and lunged to his feet. He dialed the phone as he stormed toward the kitchen. Ellie heard his furious undertones from the other room. She sat there, trembling.

The public now knew about her and Fury. The reporter stated she and Fury were the first New Species and human couple. They’d hinted that Ellie—they’d mentioned both of their names—had somehow been injured. The reporter claimed it may have been Fury who’d harmed her.

She closed her eyes and fought angry tears. Worse, she hurt for Fury. Why did people think he would hurt her automatically just because he happened to be a New Species? They even knew he’d been mixed with canine DNA, had mentioned that during the report. It obvious that someone inside Homeland had leaked that information to the press.

Ellie still trembled when she rose to her feet. She found Fury pacing inside the kitchen, talking on phone. Their gazes met. Fury paused, looking furious and pale. Ellie walked directly into him. One of his arms circled her waist and he rested his chin on the top of her head.

Ellie just held Fury until he ended his call. He hung up the phone and slammed it down on the counter. His other arm wrapped around her waist, holding her, while he rubbed her back.

“Justice is on it. He has to call a news conference, Ellie. He has no choice. They were hinting that you’re being hurt. We need the support of the public.”

She nodded against his chest. “I know.”

“There has to be a leak somewhere. They knew I’m canine. That’s not publically known. They cited our first names.”

Ellie winced. “Do you think it was Doctor Norbit? I’d hate to think she did this.”

“I don’t know but we will find out. I hate to say it but I’m betting it was her or someone inside the human security force. They have access to our files too. Someone informed me that Tom showed up at the doc’s house. Human security alerted him and that means they knew something had happened.”

Ellie pulled back from him far enough to peer up at his face. “I’m sorry they implied you hurt me. They are idiots.”

Some of the anger eased from his features. “It’s not your fault. People always assume the worst. Hell, my own people thought me capable of it.”

“What do we do now?”

His lips twitched and he gave her a slight smile. “Look on the bright side. We don’t have to hide our relationship anymore.”

She snorted. “Yeah. They had it on the news. I guess I should probably call my family soon before they hear about it and freak out.”

His smile died. “What if they are upset about you being with me?” His gaze searched hers. “Will you leave me?”

Ellie hugged him tighter. “Never. I swear. I don’t care what they think.”

He couldn’t hide his relief. “I checked something out.”


He hesitated. “Have I told you that I love you?”

Ellie’s heart soared. “No. You haven’t. Are you telling me now?”

His lips twitched before he spoke and amusement sparked his gaze. “That depends. Do you love me?”

Ellie laughed and nodded. “I do.”

“I love you, sweetness.”

“I love you too.” Tears blinded her until she blinked them away. “I’ve loved you for a while but I refrained from telling you.”


She shrugged. “I guess I was being stupid. Human guys tend to flinch a little when a woman declares she’s fallen in love quickly.”

His eyebrows arched. “I’m not one of them, not fully, and I’m filled with joy that you love me. Never say you are stupid again. You’re cautious because you have been hurt by a man in your past. That will never happen with us because this time you chose well.” A smile curved his lips, a teasing sparkle in his beautiful eyes.

Ellie had to fight her emotions not to become overwhelmed. She did laugh at his joke. He loves me! More tears blinded her. She had to blink them back. It wasn’t just sex to him, he shared her feelings. Suddenly their problems seemed irrelevant. He loves me!

“Good. I love you more than words can say and I’m so happy you love me too.”

Fury chuckled. “I checked into marriage.” His smile died. “They don’t have a special marriage clause for us but it isn’t exactly against the law either since there’s nothing regarding New Species.”

Marriage? Ellie stared up at him in shock. She’d never once expected Fury to think about that kind of commitment but he obviously had. Did she want to be married to him? She stared up into his eyes. He had become a huge part of her soul since that first haunting day she’d seen him inside his sterile cell.

“You want to talk about getting married? Really?”

“Would you mind being married to me? I love you and I want to commit to you, Ellie. That’s the deepest one humans have.”

“I love you for that even more.”

He lifted her and carried her into the living room. He sat back down on the couch with her on his lap. She put her arms around him and they smiled at each other.

“Would you seriously consider saying yes if I were to ask you to marry me in the near future?”

Ellie laughed. “I would but you aren’t supposed to ask if I will consider it. Just ask me.”

“I would but I haven’t had a chance to buy you a ring yet.” He reached up and gripped Ellie’s hand behind his neck. He brought it to his lips to press a kiss on her palm. Then he turned her hand to study her fingers. “I don’t know what size your finger is unless they just come in small.”

“I’m a size six.”

“Six.” His gaze met hers as he held her hand inside his. “I’m having the legal department look into whether we can get married. All they have found so far is that it isn’t on the books but there’s nothing against us marrying either. We’re what they called a landmark case. It sounds like we are real estate.”

Chuckling, Ellie nodded. “Yeah. It kind of does.”

“They believe it shouldn’t be a problem. They were hoping no one would find out until after we were married if you agreed to be my wife. Now I’m afraid someone will think of it and try to protest our right to do that.”

“I don’t think they can. You have rights, Fury. They can’t give New Species the right to live as all citizens live then tell you that you don’t have the same rights as other people. It would just be too wrong for words.”

The phone rang and Fury lifted Ellie off his lap and gently placed her onto the couch next to him. He got to his feet to get the phone. Ellie leaned back and tried to relax. She could hear Fury’s voice but not the words.

He wants to marry me. She grinned.

* * * * *

“The calls are already coming in, Fury.” Justice swore softly. “I just got off the phone with the president. He fully backs us but I hear the worry in his voice. I assured him things are fine and that the news reports were purposely grim.”

“Good. I called our teams and they are on standby to assist the human forces at the gates in case we get an influx of protesters. I’m expecting that to happen. It’s going to drive those nut jobs insane that their worst fear has come true and that a New Species officially lives with a human woman.” Fury paused. “I’m sorry for the trouble but I wouldn’t change it. She’s worth it to me, Justice.”

“You have made that clear and as I said, we are happy for you both. We back you.” Justice paused. “I know we need to address this issue with the press. They are imagining the worst—that she was injured by abuse from one of ours, and we need to clear this matter up.”

“Agreed but I refuse to put Ellie in front of them to answer questions. They will verbally attack her and say mean things that will hurt her feelings. I won’t allow that. It’s my job to protect her. We need to allow the humans to deal with their own kind. They are getting paid to handle the press. Let them do it.”

“It’s also your job to protect Species and our image. We may have to allow them to see Ellie to assure all humans she is fine. We need the public on our side, Fury. The last thing we need is more humans hating us and showing up outside the gates. The president can’t back us if he’s getting slammed by everyone for doing so.”

“I can do my job and Ellie is New Species. She’s mine to protect as well. I won’t risk one for the other because it won’t come to that.”

“Good. I will call a meeting with Tom next and he’s the best public relations person we have. He’s heavily into politics and has a vast amount of experience in dealing with the public. He’ll tell us the best way to handle this.” Justice sighed. “I wish these anti-New Species humans would just go away.”

“I wish it as well but we’re free. This seems to be the price of it. We realized it wouldn’t be easy from the start. We’ll get through this. Our security teams are prepared for the worst and you’ll handle the humans. You’re much better at dealing with them than I am.” A chuckle escaped Fury. “I don’t envy you that job today.”

“Is there any way you’ll allow the press access to Ellie?”‘

“No. She’s waiting for me to end this call and I’m going to her. She’s worried. I need to soothe her.”

“Did you just say you needed to soothe her?” Justice laughed.

A flash of irritation tore through Fury. “What? She gets upset and I can’t stand to see her that way.”


“I get to run my hands all over her.” Fury chuckled. “I distract her and as her mate it is my job to keep her mind on more pleasant things. Are you really going to give me shit about doing that? If you had a woman waiting for you, you would want to soothe her as well.”

“Go. I envy you right now. I have no one waiting for me.” Justice hung up.

* * * * *

“Justice is going to hold a press conference tomorrow. He’s decided we don’t have to talk to them unless we want to. I told him we won’t.” Fury said when he walked out of the kitchen without the phone.

Ellie arched an eyebrow. “You might have asked me.”

Dark eyes narrowed. “I am not going to put you up on display and allow humans to say hurtful words to you.”

“Don’t get angry. I’m trying not to get mad myself. You need to ask me things though. It’s just the right thing to do.”

Fury growled. “You’re mine to protect.”

Ellie sighed. She loved him. He was naturally dominant, it being his nature, and he wanted to protect her. She could either fight him every step of the way or just accept that he was prone to that behavior. She knew he loved her as deeply as she loved him. She nodded and his anger eased.

“I just want to shelter you.”

“I know, Fury. I just like to be asked. All right?”

“I’ll try. Do you want me to call Justice back and tell him that we will be there for the reporters to question?”

“You’d do that for me? Go with me if I wanted to?”

He sat down next to her. “If you go, I go.”

She loved him even more for saying that. “Don’t call him back. There’s no way I want to be there.”

“Women,” Fury growled but he smiled.

Ellie leaned toward him and softly brushed a kiss on his lips before pulling back. “Get used to it if you want to marry one.”

“I do.”

The phone rang again. Fury cursed. “Damn it. It’s not going to stop.”

Ellie silently agreed. “I guess I should call my family on my cell phone while you take that call. It would be rude not to give them a heads up before they see it on the evening news.”

Fury’s expression darkened.

“I don’t care if they aren’t happy about us. You’re my life now, Fury. You’re all that matters. I should call them though so they hear it from me.”

“Maybe I should just tear the phones out of the walls.”

Ellie was tempted to let him but then reality set in. “Then they’d come to the door.”

“Good point.”

Chapter Sixteen

“I’m really sorry that I had to make you be here.” Director Tom Quish appeared sincere as he glanced between Ellie and Fury. “Justice is furious with me but I have more experience handling the press and the public than he does. Most people love a good romance. We need those people on our side. They want to see you together and it will squash all the nasty rumors circulating in the tabloids.”

“Do we want to ask what those rumors are?” Fury arched his eyebrow.

Tom shook his head. “Not really, unless you really do have Ellie locked up, living inside a doghouse and chained with a collar to get revenge on humans for what was done to you. It’s crap like that.”

Ellie turned her head to smile up Fury. “That sounds kind of kinky.”

He laughed. “Maybe I’ll build a doghouse.”

“That’s what I need,” Tom encouraged them. “You are both taking all this really well.”

Fury shrugged. “I got angry but Ellie told me it only made it worse. She cried when I swore I would kill them all.”

Tom’s smile faded instantly. His eyes widened in horror.

Ellie chuckled. “He’s kidding.”

“Thank God.” Tom smiled again.

“I didn’t cry when he said that. I told him I didn’t like seeing blood.”

Fury chuckled. Ellie winked at him. Tom groaned.

“You two are going to kill me out there if you act this way. People won’t know what to think of you. I’m hoping that was a joke.”

“They think I’m a savage animal who is forcing Ellie to be my sex slave.” Fury’s teeth clenched. “Am I wrong?”

“Calm down.” Ellie moved closer to him and touched his chest to caress him with her hand. “Anger isn’t our friend. Remember our talk this morning? I know how mad you are but that’s what they want to see. You need to keep control of it. Laugh at them. If you get accused of crap like that by some reporter, just think of this.” She moved closer to him. “I would love to be your sex slave any day.”

Fury smiled wide enough that his canine teeth showed. “That won’t stop me from being angry. That will make me want to take you home.”

“One hour, Fury. That’s as long as you have to keep your cool. You can control your temper. You need to do this,” Ellie assured him. “You can yell later and be angry then if it gets hairy out there.”

He cupped her face. “I promise to try, Ellie. I would do anything for you.”

“Thank you.”

“But if they insult you, I might get angry. You know my temper is short when it comes to someone harming you or saying bad things about you.”

Ellie groaned. “They will insult me. I’m pretty sure of that. I can handle it so just keep calm.”

“What kind of male would I be to sit there while they say bad things about you?”

“A smart one,” Tom snapped. “The world is going to be watching this, Fury. You two are huge worldwide news. You have no idea how much coverage will be out there. If you charm the press they will love you. They will totally back you having a relationship. If this goes bad then it could get ugly. We really need the incoming money, Fury. Think of all the New Species and Ellie even. What would happen if support got pulled and the funds stopped coming in that keep Homeland open? It would close down and then where would everyone be? Our legal staff is working hard on those lawsuits to get cash inflowing but I’ve been assured it won’t be too much longer before Mercile Industries is going to pay for what they’ve done.”

“Fine,” Fury sighed. “I understand. I will sit there and be calm no matter how much I want to hurt someone.”

“Thank you.” Tom sighed. He shot Ellie a grim look and crossed his fingers. The man walked around his desk and yanked his jacket on. “Let’s go.”

Fury took Ellie’s hand. She tried to fight down her nervousness. She’d never had to talk in front of a bunch of cameras and reporters before. For security purposes the press conference would be held in front of the main gates. That way it kept everyone out of Homeland but next to the security walls to help them control the area.

“I’m here,” Fury assured her. “I won’t allow anyone to harm you.”

Ellie flashed him a weak smile. “I just hate being around a bunch of people but I’m going to be fine with you at my side.”

Fury kept a firm grip on her hand and pulled her closer against his body when they walked outside the gates. Ellie realized immediately it had turned in to a media circus of the worst proportions. Flashing cameras blinded them when they drew closer to the area set up for them.

Justice and Tom walked ahead of Ellie and Fury. Fury released her hand and put his arm around her waist. His body shielded her from a lot of the cameras. The press shouted out questions they purposely ignored since Tom had prepared them well.

Ellie took a seat between Fury and Trisha Norbit. Ellie was grateful to be next to the woman. Trisha squeezed Ellie’s hand under the table and flashed a brave smile. Ellie squeezed Fury’s hand. His other hand covered hers so he held it between both of his. He rubbed her skin gently to assure her. Tom stood and tried to quiet the press. Good luck, Ellie thought. A shouting madhouse had broken out.

Tom was able to silence the crowd after a few minutes. Ellie listened while Tom spoke to the press.

“The rumors circulating about Fury harming Ellie Brower aren’t true.” His voice rang out clearly. “They are a couple who live together inside Homeland. The video you saw on television happened after Ellie had a simple accident. She was treated by our doctor. This is Doctor Trisha Norbit. She will verify that for you.”

Trisha leaned forward to the microphone, introduced herself, and immediately a volley of questions were shouted out by reporters. She had to wait until their voices died down to speak.

“Of course the rumors aren’t true,” Trisha shook her head and looked angry as she glanced around at reporters. “It was a simple accident while Ellie cleaned the kitchen,” she lied. “She hit her head on the edge of the kitchen island when she stood from sweeping the floor. She had a bump to her head. Mr. Fury wasn’t even home at the time of the incident. He came home and found Ellie. All you saw was him carrying Ellie out to the car after I treated her. It was that simple.”

“Ms. Brower,” one of the reporters rose to his feet. “Is that true?”

Ellie forced a smile and tried to slow her erratic heart rate, caused from being in the spotlight. “Unfortunately. Trust me.” Just smile and lie, she told herself. I can do this. “Imagine how mortified I am. I bumped my head and it’s on the eleven o’clock news.”

“Are you and Mr. Fury having sex?” Someone else rose and asked.

Ellie hesitated. “Are you having sex? That’s kind of a personal question, isn’t it?”

“I’m not.” The male reporter smiled. “But I would be if I were dating someone. Come on, Ms. Brower. Are you and Mr. Fury having sex?”

Ellie squeezed Fury’s hand to assure him she was fine when he tensed. “My sex life is not up for public discussion but I will say that Fury and I are living together, as Tom let you know, and we are involved in a serious relationship.”

The man nodded and sat down. Another man popped up. “Mr. Fury, do you bite Ms. Brower? We heard rumors that there is biting during sex.”

Fury’s hold on her became intense enough that she had to hide a flinch. Ellie used her thumb to rub the back of his hand. Fury relaxed and shook his head.

“I would never hurt Ellie.” He suddenly pulled back his upper lip to show his teeth quickly. “It would hurt if I bit her.”

Questions started flying. Ellie fought back a laugh at the absurdity of some of them. Tom yelled for order. He repeated his instructions of one question at a time or the interview would end. Silence reigned again and one person stood.

“How do you two kiss with his sharp teeth?”

Fury opened his mouth. Ellie bumped him with her shoulder and answered. “How do you kiss someone with an overbite? Or someone with buck teeth? Or someone with missing teeth? You just do. That’s a silly question.”

“So you two do kiss?”

“Of course I kiss him. Look at him.” Ellie turned her head and smiled at Fury. She looked back at the reporter. “Teeth aren’t a problem.”

A female reporter rose next. “How do you feel about being with a man when you know he can’t have children with you?”

“Doctor Norbit,” a male reporter shouted out of turn. “Are you doing research on them?”

“No,” Trisha denied. “They are people, not lab rats.”

“How do you feel about being with someone that you may never be able to have children with, Ellie?”

Ellie stared at the same female reporter who asked again about kids. She hesitated. “There’s never a guarantee, no matter who you are with, that you can have children. There are plenty of couples in this world who are together and then discover for whatever reason they can’t have them. That’s why we have surrogate mothers, sperm banks, and adoption available for those couples. I don’t think anyone meets someone and judges if they like them or not on the basis of how well their reproductive system works and how many children they can get out of that person. That’s just unreasonable and stupid. I’m not concerned in the least about that. I don’t even think about it.”

The reporter sat. The next one popped up and it went on. Ellie tried to keep her calm. They were asking stupid questions for the most part. They wanted to know if Fury helped with household chores and if Ellie treated him as if he were a regular person. Fury kept his cool, laughed at a lot of the questions, and never lost his temper. Ellie watched him, really proud of how he took it all. He could be charming when he wanted to be. He met her gaze and smiled back at her.

“Ellie?” A man in the back suddenly yelled.

Ellie turned her head, trying to find the source. “Yes?”

“How does it feel to betray your own race by allowing an animal fuck you?”

Shock tore through Ellie at the sudden verbal attack. Just as she found the jerk who’d asked that question, a thin, tall man in a business suit suddenly shoved at the people in front of him, flashing a gun clutched in his hand. Screams erupted around them and gunfire exploded. Ellie froze in horror before someone slammed her into the ground and something heavy crushed down on top of her.

Ellie’s eyes flew open. Fury sprawled over her, covering her body with his. Shots continued to ring out along with panicked screams and shouts from the crowd. Fury crawled higher to cover her better, twisting his body to put himself between her and the source of the attack.

His arms dug underneath her and then he lifted her, shoved her knees into her chest to force her into a tight ball inside his arms, and staggered to his feet. He sprinted for the gates with Ellie clutched in his arms, hunched over her, still shielding her body with his.

Fury jerked hard, his hold on her slackened, but then tightened again. He kept moving and yelled out words she didn’t catch. Ellie was too shocked to understand him and she couldn’t breathe. He had her crushed within his arms and her knees and legs were shoved against her chest, compressing her lungs. The pounding impact of his body as he ran didn’t help either. Ellie couldn’t see much with him wrapped around her and the way he held her so tightly.

She knew they cleared the gate, saw a section of the wall flash past them just as Fury collapsed onto his knees. He groaned loudly but somehow kept hold of her inside the cradle of his arms. Then his grip eased. Ellie moved in his arms, lifted her head, and she saw pain twisting his handsome features.


He shifted her and put her on the ground in front of him. She looked up at him and watched his eyes roll back in his head. He just crumpled sideways, crashing onto the grass next to her. Ellie ignored the shouting, the screams, and all the other sounds going on around them. She frantically crawled to huddle over his still form. That’s when she saw the blood.

“FURY!” She screamed his name. Her hands frantically grabbed for his side where the red stickiness spread. Her terrified, panicked mind understood he’d been shot. She pressed both palms over the wound, trying to slow the bleeding. Her terrified gaze locked on Fury’s face. He breathed but wasn’t conscious.

“Someone help me!” Ellie screamed.

Trisha Norbit suddenly dropped to her knees on the other side of Fury’s body. Trisha shoved Ellie’s hands away and tore at Fury’s shirt to get a look at the wound. Ellie ignored her hands, covered with Fury’s blood. She inched up to his face while the doctor and a few other people started to work on him.

Ellie trembled. “Fury?” She touched his face, not caring that her fingertips brushing his skin were bloody. Tears streamed down her face. “Fury? Please wake up.” Her voice broke with a sob.

“Get me a med kit,” Trisha demanded loudly. “Now!”

He didn’t move. Ellie frantically looked at the doctor. “Trisha? Is he going to be okay?”

Trisha met Ellie’s eyes and then turned her head away. “We need to get him to the hospital immediately. Call the trauma center and tell them we need an operating room prepared and—” She cursed. “Justice? I need a few of your canine people to come with us. He’s going to need blood and hopefully one of them will match his close enough.”

Justice stood behind Ellie gripping his cell phone. “I’ll get them all.”

“Trisha?” Ellie continued to shake.

Trisha met her gaze then, her expression grim. “He’s been shot twice, Ellie. It’s really bad. I promise I’m going to do everything I can to save him.”

Ellie totally fell apart in that instant. She knew he wasn’t going to make it. She saw all the blood soaking her hands, his clothes, and Trisha’s hands. She caressed his face and whispered his name. Someone grabbed her from behind and yanked her away from the man she loved. She fought whoever held her, screaming Fury’s name, but he didn’t move. The man holding her held on tighter and spun away.

“They need to work on him, Ellie. I’m going to drive you to where they are taking him. You need to calm down,” the man yelled in her ear. “This isn’t helping him.”

Ellie sobbed. She stopped screaming and struggling, admitted the futility of it. Slade held her and he was as big as Fury. Her feet weren’t even touching the ground. He kept hold of her, saying soothing things in her ear, as Ellie watched the doctor and the emergency medical staff work on Fury, trying to stabilize him. Someone brought a stretcher and they quickly loaded him onto it. She looked up when she heard a news helicopter circling.

Slade turned with her, still kept a good hold on her in case she tried to run after Fury, and quickly strode toward the parking lot. He gently dumped her into the back seat of one of the SUV’s when he got there and grabbed his radio.

“Canines, meet me at the parking lot. We’re ready to roll. I have Ellie secured.”

Slade got behind the wheel, turned in his seat and studied Ellie. She cried, curled into a ball on one of the back seats, but had overheard enough to piece together most of what had happened from the car radio. Slade was obviously torn up too by what had happened. It was obvious by his grim expression and the pained look in his eyes as they stared at each other.

“I was patrolling the wall when it happened. There were three shooters in all. I took out one of them but I couldn’t get the other two without risking hitting innocents. I’m sorry I wasn’t able to take them all out before they shot him.” His gruff voice paused. “Fury will be fine,” Slade promised in a firm voice. “We are stronger than humans and we heal faster. We can take more punishment.”

Ellie wiped at her tears. “I can’t lose him.”

Slade nodded. “You won’t.”

Men opened doors and climbed inside the SUV. Ellie noticed they were armed to the teeth with weapons secured from ankle to chest on their big bodies. They were also canine, judging from the shape of their solemn eyes. Slade started the engine and backed out of the parking space. He punched the gas and headed for the gate. He turned his radio up to hear it clearer over the sound of the engine.

“Clear the way. We’re just about there.”

He didn’t even slow as they came to the opened gate. The crowd normally present had been evacuated from the area. Gunfire and bloodshed had scattered the protesters and the reporters.

* * * * *

Ellie paced and kept glancing at the men surrounding her. There were at least seven NSO officers guarding the private waiting room. The hospital had offered one to them as soon as they realized the NSO officers were armed and determined to guard Ellie. More officers were outside the operating room where Fury fought for his life.

“He’s still alive,” Justice assured Ellie.

She nodded, knowing Justice spoke on his cell phone with one of the NSO officers who guarded the operating room. The officer could see inside to give detailed information. Ellie was grateful for the relay system Justice had thought of, to keep tabs on how Fury faired. Ellie didn’t know how people could stand just waiting without any kind of word when a loved one underwent surgery.

Slade entered the room, moved directly to Ellie, and offered her a large, white, covered Styrofoam cup. A straw stuck out of it. Ellie forced a smile.

“Coffee doesn’t come with a straw but thank you.”

“It is iced coffee.” Slade smiled. “You’re shaking. I didn’t want to hand you something hot that could spill. Fury would kick my ass if I allowed you to get burned.”

Tears filled Ellie’s eyes and she smiled for real at him. “Thank you.”

He nodded before turning away to approach Justice next. Justice kept the cell phone against his ear but shifted it away from his mouth.


Slade sighed. “All three shooters are accounted for. One survived, unfortunately. The police informed me the man is an idiot who can’t stop talking. He’s claiming to be a member of the Pure Humans terrorist group.”

Justice snorted. “We aren’t supposed to call them terrorists but go ahead.”

“They heard about the press interview and infiltrated it by using photographer credentials. We didn’t cover security.” Slade growled the words. “It seems, if they had a press pass, they weren’t searched.”

“From now on we handle all the security where any of our people are concerned.”

Slade nodded. “Any word on Fury?”

“He’s fighting and has survived this long. We have two blood matches. Searcher and Darkness are inside the room donating blood as needed.”

Ellie sipped her iced coffee while she listened to them. She had to admit that everyone had really been great to her. They were guarding her and Fury. The New Species had made sure plenty of their men came to the hospital to be blood donors for Fury. Just regular human blood might have worked but matching their altered chemistry worked better. Justice had explained it to her.

Ellie remembered when they’d reached the hospital. Justice had taken her into one of the bathrooms, talked calmly to her, and promised everything would be done for Fury. He’d led her to a sink while he’d talked. She’d still been in shock as he’d washed her bloody hands as if she were a child and then handed her clothing someone had brought for her with the tags still attached. He’d left her inside the room to change out of her stained, bloody clothes. He hadn’t left her side after she’d stepped out of the bathroom. Her attention returned to him.

He shifted the phone back to his mouth. “Yes. I’m still here. What is going on?”

Ellie’s heart fluttered when she saw Justice close his eyes. Fear gripped her hard when Justice snapped his phone closed. Ellie continued to stare at him until his eyes opened. His gaze turned her way.

“He’s alive, Ellie. They removed both bullets and closed him up. They stopped the bleeding and his vitals are good. Trisha is sure, barring unforeseen circumstances, that he will make it.”

Tears slipped down her cheeks when she realized Fury would live. She nodded but was afraid to really believe it until she saw him. Hours passed before they took Fury from recovery to a private room in the ICU. They allowed the NSO to guard him and watch from the observation room next door.

Ellie rubbed her neck, tired, but she didn’t want to go to sleep. She watched Fury through a wall of glass, from the same room as the officers. They only allowed her to sit with him at his bedside for a few minutes at a time. A doctor, not Trisha, monitored Fury.

It brought back memories of other times she’d regarded Fury through glass when he’d still been locked inside the testing facility. It made her want to cry once again. It broke her heart to see such a strong, vital man helpless.

Justice sat in the corner. Someone had brought him a laptop computer and he had his earpiece for his cell phone clipped to his ear. He spoke softly to someone every once in a while. Ellie glanced at him. The man never seemed to stop working. Ellie’s focus returned to the glass. Fury slept on. The doctor checked Fury’s vitals and then left through another door.

“Ellie?” Justice spoke softly.

Ellie turned. “Yes?”

Justice gave a small smile. “He’s going to be fine. I told you that Trisha ordered that he stay sedated. New Species don’t do well laying flat on a bed because we like to be mobile. It’s best to keep him out of it while he heals more or he’ll try to get up no matter how bad it hurts him. We’re annoyingly stubborn that way, unfortunately.”

“I know. I just don’t think I’m going to feel better until I hear his voice and look into his eyes.”

“I understand. I know Fury requested marriage information. Were you aware of that? He told me he planned to ask you.”

“Yes.” She sat down. “We talked about it last night actually.”

“He loves you. Do you know that?”

“I love him too. He’s everything to me.”

“You didn’t have to tell me that. I see it every time you look at him.” He paused. “We never had anything that belonged to us while growing up. Did he tell you that? We never dared care about much either. The staff and doctors always took it away from us or used any perceived weakness against us as a punishment. Marriage means security to him, that he can keep you until he dies. It means that you belong to him and that you won’t ever be taken away from him. I wanted you to be clear about. If you do marry him he will expect that to mean forever. Don’t agree unless you are sure.”

“I am.”

His eyes narrowed. “He won’t let you divorce him. That’s what I’m saying. It would kill him. Marriage is permanent to him. It is vowing that he never has to fear losing you. He will die or kill to protect you and will love you with everything he has to give. I have heard about your human marriages. We’re not similar to humans at all in this matter. He would be loyal and Fury would kill another man if you allowed one touch you. We are possessive as hell. It’s been forced into us like the DNA they put into our cells. Not only did it physically change us but we carry some of the characteristics. We are protective and aggressive. We are possessive of what is ours. I don’t know if Fury explained that to you but I wanted to. We call it mating and it’s for life. He already has mated you but part of him has held back because he had to accept that you might leave him. He’s committed to you already.”

“Thank you but you can save it if you are trying to scare me. I love him. I don’t plan on divorce and I sure as hell wouldn’t cheat on him.” Ellie wasn’t offended. She knew Justice just wanted to make sure she understood what she was facing as Fury’s wife. “I’m looking forward to spending my life with him. Every second of it.”

“He will scare you sometimes. We snarl, growl and dominate. We try to restrain it but it is worse since we found our freedom. We struggle with the animal and the humanity inside us, Ellie. I know how independent women are. Our own females are that way up to a point but they also understand our males. They’re able to work around us better. I just wanted to you be aware of it. He won’t mean to insult you or your pride. It is just our nature to be aggressive and take control of situations.”

“Like when he turned down a job for me without asking?” Ellie smiled at the memory.

“He did that? You took the job anyway.”

“He finally asked me if I wanted it. It did irritate me at first.”

A smile flicked across Justice’s mouth. “I’m sure it did. He wanted to look out for you though.”

“I know.”

“So you are already aware of the differences.”


Justice hesitated. “May I ask you a very personal question?”

“Sure. Go ahead.”

“Why did he bind you?”

Bind me? Her mind blanked for a second and then she understood what he meant. Oh. Ellie blushed. “You mean with the dishtowel and the tape?”


“He got a bit overexcited and wanted to calm down. He bound my hands so I couldn’t touch him.”

“He was angry?”

Ellie shook her head, blushing more. “He got overly sexually excited. He wanted it to be good for both of us and he wanted to touch me until I became as aroused as he was. I love to touch him so he bound my hands.”

Justice’s eyes sparkled with amusement. “I understand now. You don’t mind being bound? Our people hate to be restrained. We fear it.”

“Nobody ever hurt me the way your people were. I don’t have nightmares about being tested and prodded. I’m sure some people would find it frightening to be tied up but I don’t. I trust Fury and know he wouldn’t hurt me, nor do I have a problem with being dominated. It appeals to me when Fury does it. Is that a good way to put it?”

“Perfect. Thanks, Ellie. I am sorry for my reaction and the resulting harm I caused you. I thought he had lost his mind and had hurt you. Ever since the day he grabbed you in that conference room he hasn’t been sane where you are concerned. I believed he really wanted to do you harm.”

“He actually did want to kill me that day.” Ellie chuckled. “I’m glad he changed his mind.”

“I do have some good news.”

“What is that?” Ellie leaned back against her chair, relaxing. “I could really use some.”

“Something good has come out of all this.” Justice motioned toward Fury. “I just concluded a meeting with our public relations director. She informed me the press has backed us a hundred percent. Phone calls and emails have been pouring in supporting us. Your people are horrified over what happened. The cameras were still rolling and a lot of the news stations carried the broadcast live. Did you know that?”

Horror washed through Ellie. “They were broadcasting it live on the news when Fury was shot?”

“It’s all right,” Justice said, to reassure her. “It’s actually a good thing, it seems. Good opinion for New Species has jumped phenomenally. How much do you remember of it? I know you aren’t trained to retrain details or react calmly under extreme conditions the way we are.”

“Not much. All hell broke loose and then Fury carried me to the safety inside the gates where we couldn’t be shot at anymore. Then he collapsed on the ground.”

“When the men opened fire,” Justice informed her calmly, “Fury reacted. He kicked over the table to shield everyone sitting there from the incoming bullets. He threw himself over your body to make certain the bullets would strike him instead of you. He was shot once and must have realized the table wasn’t thick enough to stop them. At that point he lifted you up and ran to get you to safety. He took another bullet while running.” Justice paused. “You were the target. They wanted to kill you. He got you to safety before anyone accomplished that.”

Tears blinded Ellie and she had to wipe them away. Fury had saved her. She knew he had but hearing exactly what he’d done to protect her broke her heart. He’d taken two bullets for her.

“They did harm me. They shot Fury.”

“I know. The good news is, our public relations director believes the general consensus is that every father is wishing right now his daughter grows up to marry a New Species since Fury risked his life to save yours. Women think we are natural heroes.” He shrugged and gave her a confused look. “I’ve been assured that’s a good thing for fathers to feel that way.”

Ellie couldn’t help herself. She laughed. “It’s a good thing women tend to be very attracted to those kinds of men.”

“I see. Thank you.” He winked at her. “I’m supposed to know these things but the truth is, I’m still learning about humans.”

“I’m glad the response was favorable toward New Species.”

He nodded. “The bottom line is, this turned out to be a positive thing for us. Fury risked his life to save you and that seems to have gone over really well for the general public. We even got word that a lot of your people are pressuring the government and local law authorities to do something against the extremist groups who have targeted us. They are putting pressure on anyone who has supported the protestors to stop. This really could be the best thing that happened, as horrible as that sounds. It gave the world a real view of our situation and made us a bit more human to them.”

Ellie’s gaze returned to the glass to watch Fury’s sleeping face. “I’m glad something good came out of this.”

“Me too. He’s going to be fine, Ellie.”

She nodded. “I know.”

* * * * *

The pain tore through Fury when he woke but he thought of Ellie first. He struggled to sit up, to find her. Strong hands held him down.

“Fury?” Ellie’s sweet, soft voice called to him.

His eyes opened and there she stood, pale, tired, and hovering just inches above his face. He breathed in her scent to assure she wasn’t an apparition. The smell of medicine, cleaners and something foreign nearly overpowered hers though.

“Don’t move, Fury,” she ordered him. “You were shot.” Big tears welled in her beautiful blue eyes. “You saved me and you’re going to be fine. You need to stay very still to help you heal.”

He studied her face carefully. “You are unhurt?” Fear jolted through him at the thought of what could have happened to his Ellie. “I just wanted to get you out of the line of fire. I couldn’t allow anything to happen to you.”

“You got me to safety.”

He relaxed and the strong hands holding him down released. “Where is Justice?”

“I’m here.”

Fury turned his head to stare at his best friend. “Protect my Ellie while I can’t. I want a full team guarding her. Only New Species. I only trust our people to make sure no one hurts her. She’s priority, Justice. Swear.”

“You know it’s being done without you having to ask. Heal and don’t think about anything but getting better. She’ll have around-the-clock New Species officers guarding her and no one will get near her. I give you my word.”

Fury’s gaze drifted back to Ellie and he moved his arm, reaching up to caress her cheek. His thumb brushed at the tears that slipped down her face. “I love you.”

“I love you too, Fury. I was so afraid you’d die on me.”

“You won’t get rid of me that easily. You’re stuck with me forever.”

He loved seeing her smile through her tears. She was safe, he’d taken the bullets instead of them striking her, and that’s all that mattered to him.

“Good. They gave you some heavy medication to help you sleep but I’m right here, okay?”

“I love you. Did I tell you that?” His voice slurred and he fought to keep his eyes open.

“I love you too and you did tell me. Just get better. I’m fine.”

He relaxed, let the pain take him, and blackness came quickly.

Chapter Seventeen

Ellie watched Tiny, the small brunette, scrub the hallway floor as she laughed. Ellie had to hide her own smile. She glanced at Breeze.

“You’d think washing the floor is cool, to see her do it.”

Breeze chuckled. “You should see the joy some of them get scrubbing a toilet. Kind of crazy. I hate to clean them. The chemicals smell bad.”

“You guys do tend to have oversensitive noses.”

“No kidding. How is Fury doing?”

“Great. He’s angry that they are keeping him so drugged up. They had to. He kept trying to get out of bed, demanding his clothes. You should have seen the poor nurse who walked in on that one. Imagine Fury butt naked and snarling for his clothes. She screamed when confronted with that. I think they finally got her to stop running by the time she reached the parking lot.”

“Why would that send a woman screaming?” Breeze looked confused.

Ellie chuckled. “He’s a big guy, Breeze. He was angry and all that blood of his pumped everywhere. I mean everywhere. Now imagine being some timid woman who walks into a room with a big, muscular naked guy with a major erection and he’s snarling at you.”

A grin spread across Breeze’s face. “Our men are impressive that way.”

“Yes, they are,” Ellie agreed with a matching grin.

“She wasn’t turned on?”

“She was scared for her life.”

“What a dumbass.”

Ellie laughed. “Where did you pick that one up?”

“I’ve been watching more television. I’m down these days. What a dumbass. A twit. A brainless floosy.”

Laughing harder, Ellie shook her head. “You still need work. You were doing well until you called her a brainless floosy. A floosy is a woman who sleeps with a lot of men. This woman saw a naked one and bolted from terror.”

“Got ya.” Breeze winked. “I’ll watch more television.”

“Oh boy. I do have a question.”

“Hit me,” Breeze smiled. “That is slang.” The smile died. “Don’t really hit me though. You couldn’t hurt me but I might hit you back and that would injure you.”

“I understood.” Ellie tried to hide her amusement. “I’m sure you could hurt me if you did. My question is, where do you guys come up with your names? They are great but what do you have against regular names like Mary or Tina?”

“That’s simple. We aren’t regular people. Some of us are named for our best skill and some of us are named for our favorite thing. Some of us go with names we think describe us best. I picked Breeze because I enjoyed the breeze upon my face most of all after I knew freedom.”

“My name was picked for me,” Halfpint said as she walked to the couch and sat down by Ellie. “When they took me to the medical hospital where they were treating New Species, one of the doctors looked right at me and said that the other women could make two of me. They started calling me Halfpint while I recovered and it stuck.”

Ellie fought a laugh but managed to smile instead.

“The doctors who treated us had only seen our experimental prototype females. Halfpint was one of the first of her kind to be treated,” Breeze explained.

“Tiny is smaller than I am so when they brought her in, the doctors called her that name.” Halfpint beamed.

“Justice picked his name because he wanted it for our people,” Breeze informed Ellie. “He is from a testing facility up north and he chose that as his last name.”

“I thought most of you didn’t have last names.” Ellie glanced at Breeze for an answer.

“No. We don’t. We’ll work on that eventually. When we need one, we’ll pick something. Justice has offered to share his last name with anyone who wants it. What do you think of Breeze North?”

“It’s catchy,” Ellie admitted.

“I like it too. It has meaning and I’m from the same testing facility as Justice.”

“I didn’t know that.”

“Yes. They used to try to breed Justice and me often. He is a good man.”

“I know he is,” Ellie agreed. The image of Justice and Breeze together shocked her. She was unable to picture them being intimate.

“When you have females and males from the same testing facility chances are we were forced together. The scientists wanted to see if we could have offspring. They thought if one male and female didn’t produce, if they switched us, maybe we could conceive with another male.”

“We were never given to any of our males,” Halfpint whispered in a soft, sad voice. “I wish we had been.”

Breeze reached over to pat Halfpint on the arm. “I am sorry. They were always kind and gentle with us. We shared respect and dignity. I wish you had known that as well but if you are ever ready, you will know it one day.”

Ellie wanted to ask but didn’t. Halfpint looked at Ellie. “I’ve been one of the luckier ones. They only gave me to an older man who didn’t share me. Tiny…” Halfpint blinked back tears. “The man they gave her to happened to be young, strong, and hurt her more. He also made her available to some of his friends. The one who had me was frailer and his strikes weren’t very painful. The last few years he wasn’t able to use his man part. It failed with age. He became angry when he tried and hit me but he didn’t hurt me much. He mostly yelled near the end.”

“I’m so sorry.” Ellie resisted the urge to try to hug the other woman, to give comfort. “Do you know how they found you?”

“The financial records were traced,” Breeze answered. “Anyone who made really large deposits into the Mercile Industries accounts had warrants served on them when we realized some of our women were given away. They found Halfpint. That’s how most of the gift females were retrieved.”

“It was terrifying,” Halfpint whispered, almost seeming afraid someone would overhear. “I heard loud noises and then all these men with guns broke down the door. I thought they’d come to kill me. That’s when I saw a woman behind them and she told the men to leave us alone. She talked to me while she removed my chains and led me safely out of where I’d been kept. She promised to take me somewhere I wouldn’t be hurt anymore.”

“A New Species woman?” Curiosity filled Ellie.

“No,” Breeze shook her head. “She’s a full human. I forgot her name but she goes on all the raids when a new warrant gets issued. She is the one who takes charge of our females when they are found and brings them to us for care and treatment.”

“Her name is Jessie.” Halfpint smiled. “She has fire-red hair and really blue eyes. She is small like us. She has the softest voice.”

“Ellie?” One of the New Species women drew her attention.

“Yeah?” Ellie stood.

“You might want to go home. I just got a call on the dorm phone saying that Fury left the hospital. He’s heading there.”

“But he shouldn’t to do that until the day after tomorrow.”

Breeze snorted from behind Ellie. “Our men don’t always do what they are supposed to.”

“Oh hell,” Ellie sighed. “I’ll see you guys tomorrow. I hope he didn’t hurt anyone,” she muttered under her breath.

* * * * *

Ellie pushed and pulled Fury toward the bed even though he didn’t want to go there. She shot a dirty look at Tiger, the NSO officer who smiled, highly amused at the situation. His arms crossed over his chest and he refused to help Ellie make Fury get into bed. He did back up, making his intention to leave clear.

“I don’t want to lie down. I’ve been doing that for a week,” Fury growled.

Ellie shook her head. “You are going to rest or I swear I’ll borrow a Taser gun, shoot your ass, and tie you to the bed.”

Fury growled viciously at her and his dark eyes narrowed. Ellie growled back at him and tugged harder. “Don’t snarl at me. I will do it right back. Now let’s get you undressed.” She glared up at him. “You are supposed to be in the hospital still. Don’t give me any shit, Fury. I love you to death but if you don’t lie down, I will borrow his Taser gun. I mean it.”

Fury stopped fighting. He suddenly showed his sharp teeth as he grinned. “If I get into bed naked will you take off your clothes with me?”

Ellie gasped at him. “There won’t be any of that. You just had surgery a week ago, were at death’s door, and you’re not cleared for that yet. Now behave.”

“I’ll be in the next room.” Tiger laughed.

Ellie spun to watch the security officer leave. Her gaze flew back to Fury. “You knew he hadn’t left and said that on purpose.”

He chuckled. “He’s gone now. Take off your clothes and I’ll strip too. We’ll both go to bed. I can look and touch at least.” He turned and wrapped his arm around her. “I want to feel you against my skin. That will make me heal faster.”

“I didn’t know touching skin to skin helped your healing process.”

“It doesn’t but I’d feel better.”

Ellie laughed. “I’ll make a deal with you. You get undressed willingly, climb into bed, and I’ll make you some lunch. After you eat, I’ll come lie down with you.”


“No. You’re supposed to be resting but I might scratch your back and play with your hair. You’ll enjoy that.”

He softly growled. “Sweetness, I’d lie down on a bed of nails if you wanted to touch me and play with me but it’s not my back or my hair I want you to put your hands on.”

Ellie licked her lips, thinking, and decided it might not hurt him if she just rubbed him with lotion if he held real still. Fury growled, pressing his body closer to hers. She nodded.

“I’ll get lunch. You get into that bed. I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

He released her. Ellie moved toward the door. She heard material tear and turned her head to look over her shoulder to discover Fury watching her. He’d torn his shirt open instead of taking the time to carefully pull it over his head and the bandage on his side. She laughed.

“In a hurry?”

“Run to the kitchen and back.”

Ellie opened the bedroom door with a laugh and nearly walked into Tiger. The man inched back, grinning. He looked highly amused.

“Don’t tell me. Great sense of smell and keen hearing?”

“I’ll guard him from the living room. That way, I have enough rooms between us not to hear what he wants you to play with.”

Ellie fixed Fury a turkey sandwich and grabbed a soda. She also took him a bag of chips when she headed for the bedroom. Even if he arrived home days early Ellie was thrilled to have him with her. She’d wanted to stay at the hospital full time but the hospital staff didn’t want her there. The media had become a circus and it made it worse when she was with him.

She closed the bedroom door firmly. There wasn’t a lock but she didn’t worry about it since Tiger knew not to come in. Fury was on the bed, obviously naked under the sheet, a happy grin on his handsome face, and he had pushed pillows behind his back to comfortably wait. The sheet tented over his lap. Ellie saw that and laughed.

“A little excited to see me with lunch?” She teased. “I know you like turkey but geez, Fury.”

His dark gaze sparkled. “Are you really going to make me eat that first?”

She perched on the edge of the mattress and handed him the plate. Her attention lowered back to the impressive pole keeping up the “tent”. “I’d put this on your lap but there’s no room.” She chuckled. “Eat up, sweetheart.”

With a groan, Fury grabbed the sandwich and took a huge bite. He barely chewed. Ellie laughed and opened his soda to hold out to him. He took a drink but kept his gaze fixed on her. Ellie stood and headed toward the bathroom.

“Where are you going?” Fury growled at her as his smile faded.

“I’m coming back. Patience.”

“I have none.”

Ellie opened the cupboard inside the bathroom and found lotion. She grabbed a hand towel. She returned to the bedroom brandishing both for him to see. “How does a massage sound?”

“Don’t tease me. It’s been a long, lonely week.”

Ellie sat on the edge of the bed and uncapped the bottle. She poured lotion into her hands and used her elbow to shove the sheet away from his lap. Fury groaned and arched against her palms the second she touched his hard, aroused cock. Ellie leaned forward, licking at his chest. She had to avoid the tape that kept his bandage in place. He’d taken one shot to the back near his side and another shot to the back near his shoulder. He had been lucky his shoulder blade hadn’t been shattered by the bullet.

“I love you,” he groaned.

Ellie stroked him slowly, loving every second of touching the velvety skin that wrapped around his steel-hard shaft. She teased him with her mouth from one nipple to the next while her hands massaged him from the crown to the base of his cock. Fury growled and swelled to a substantial size. She looked down. This time she wanted to see him come.

Fury snarled her name as he tensed against her. His entire body quivered when he started to come. A lump formed on the underside of his cock just above his balls at the base of his shaft. That’s what she felt when he was buried deep in her pussy at the end of sex. The sight fascinated her as it continued to bulge.

She remembered his claim of being a hard shooter. She curved one of her hands over the top of his cock head while she stroked his shaft faster, fisting him a little tighter. Hot jets of his white semen blasted hard against her palm and she realized he hadn’t been kidding about choking her if he was really excited. She lifted her gaze to watch his face.

He threw his head back and shouted her name as she milked him of every drop of semen. Ellie smiled as she continued touching his oversensitive flesh until Fury grabbed her hands to make her stop.

Ellie kissed Fury on his lips. Her tongue teased his bottom lip. He groaned her name as his hands reached for her breasts.

“Do you feel better? More relaxed?”

He growled in response.

Ellie pulled away from his exploring hands to clean him up with the towel and threw it toward the bathroom. She put a little distance between them. Fury’s gaze locked with hers.

“I want you,” he growled.

Ellie squealed in surprise when Fury lunged suddenly, grabbed her arm and gave her a hard yank that sent her sprawling on top of the bed. Her back hit the mattress and Fury came down over her to cage her to the bed under him. Ellie stared up at him.

“You’re going to open up your wounds, Fury.”

“I won’t.” He reached down to grab hold of Ellie’s skirt, fisting it with his hand. He pulled hard to jerk the material up Ellie’s body to her waist.

“Fury, stop.”

His dark gaze met hers. “I’m still having lunch. You’re on the menu.”

Desire seeped right through to Ellie’s bones. “But your stitches”

“I’ll be careful not to pull on them.” He smiled. “I’ll keep to the high ground so I don’t move much. What is that you call it? Your button? I’m in the mood to lick a button, Ellie.”

“I should say no but I can’t,” Ellie rasped, her entire body coming alive with the promise of what he wanted to do. She pressed against Fury’s hand as he wiggled his fingers into the edge of her panties. He hooked the center section of them and yanked hard. He threw the torn material away from the bed.

“You know you should stop wearing those things,” he growled. “They just annoy me.”


He chuckled. “No argument?”

She shook her head. Fury’s fingers massaged her clit, teasing her, and driving her passion higher. He shifted lower on her body. She opened her thighs wider so he could settle between them. “I’ll burn all of them if it makes you happy as long as you don’t stop touching me.”

“Burn them,” he urged softly, sliding down the bed even lower over Ellie. He used his free hand and jerked her shirt up to her breasts. His mouth brushed her lower stomach and his tongue traced her bellybutton. “Burn the bras too.”

“Anything,” Ellie moaned, ablaze with passion. She’d missed his touch so much she already hurt to come though he’d barely started. She moaned. “I love your thumb and the way you torment me.”

Fury inched lower, his mouth sweeping over the material bunched over her hips to find skin again. He pushed her thighs apart wider. Fury growled and then lowered his face. Ellie clawed at the bedding and moaned his name, arching into his mouth when he licked her pussy.

“I missed your taste,” he rasped. “I’m addicted to you.”

His tongue wiggled, found the exact spot that drove her mindless, and she moaned to let him know how amazing it felt. He pressed tighter against her, keeping the flat of his tongue there to rub back and forth over her clit.

“Fury,” she moaned.

“I said ‘stop’, damn it!” Tiger yelled.

The bedroom door flew open. Fury’s head jerked up but his fist grabbed hold of the material bunched at her waist to yank Ellie’s skirt down enough to fill the space between his chin and her body to hide the view of her exposed pussy. Confused and in a daze, Ellie twisted her head. A woman and Tiger jerked to a halt just inside the door. The woman stood open-mouthed in shock. Tiger laughed before he spun around to present his back.

“I tried to stop her.” Tiger chuckled. “Sorry, Fury. Sorry, Ellie. This is the home-healthcare nurse.”

Fury growled. Ellie frantically pushed at her skirt to lower it down her legs more but Fury’s body prevented her from managing it. She wiggled away from Fury’s shoulders until she could sit up all the way. Her gaze ran down Fury’s body, sprawled on his stomach over the bed. Most of the sheet had twisted across his hips covering his ass, barely. Ellie then looked at the twenty-something brunette nurse who gawked at both of them. The nurse snapped her mouth closed but then it opened again just as quickly.

“You shouldn’t be doing that,” the woman preached. “Mr. Fury, you’re going to open your wounds. Ms. Brower, shame on you!”

“Get out,” Fury growled. He grabbed Ellie’s ankle when she tried to climb off the bed. “Now.”

The nurse had a pretty face but her expression was stern at the moment. “I will not. It’s a good thing I got here when I did.”

“I don’t think they agree with you,” Tiger snorted with a laugh. “I think you have really bad timing. Right, Fury and Ellie?”

“Get her out of here,” Fury demanded.

“I can’t.” Tiger turned back around and shrugged. “She’s your nurse. She’s going to be living here for the next week. That was the condition Justice set, since Ellie is gone every day, at work. You agreed so you could come home early to recover with Ellie. Sorry, Fury. It’s out of my hands.”

The nurse shook her head. “You know he was shot twice to protect you. Wasn’t that enough for you, Ms. Brower? He needs to sleep and not move around.” The woman bent down to the floor. She straightened, holding Ellie’s torn panties between her finger and thumb. She glared at Ellie. “This kind of thing is not acceptable.”

Tiger leaned against the wall, clutched his stomach, and started laughing again. Ellie knew her face must be bright red while Fury looked ready to kill something. The nurse tossed Ellie’s torn panties into the wastebasket by the door.

“Everyone but Mr. Fury needs to leave this room right now. I need to make sure he didn’t tear his stitches and he needs his pain medication.”

Ellie jerked her ankle, which was still in Fury’s grip. The second he released her, she climbed off the other side of the bed. She walked to the dresser and yanked open the drawer containing her panties. She knew her face continued to flame red when she marched into the bathroom and closed the door behind her. She hurried but could hear everything going on in the next room.

“And I thought this would be a boring job,” Tiger said and chuckled loudly.

“Shut up,” Fury growled. “Don’t ever come into our bedroom again when that door is closed. Ever.”

Ellie walked out wearing panties again. She marched back to the dresser and opened another drawer to pull out a pair of sweatpants for Fury. She met the glare of the nurse. “You need to leave or turn your back while I help Fury dress.”

The nurse snorted at her. “No need. I just plan to give him a sponge bath.”

“I’ll give him a sponge bath. You can give him his pills. You need to leave so he can put these on.”

The nurse and Ellie squared off. “It’s my job to care for Mr. Fury.”

Ellie’s mouth tightened. “It’s my job to take care of him. I also happen to be a nurse.”

“Uh-oh,” Tiger groaned softly. “Territory fight.”

Fury frowned, incensed he’d been interrupted from enjoying his Ellie—again! All he’d thought about was getting home to her so they could be alone without the watchful looks of security and hospital staff. He’d missed holding her in his arms, hearing her laugh and talking to her late into the night while they cuddled. He’d also missed her taste and having her hands on his body. He had recovered well enough to make love to her.

The nurse shouldn’t have arrived until much later and he wasn’t happy with the one they’d sent. She glared at Ellie in a way that had him fighting back a snarl. No one should look at his woman with anger, and if he hadn’t promised to allow a nurse into his home, he’d make Tiger escort her to the main gate immediately.

New Species women were protective of their possessions. As he watched Ellie, saw how her shoulders were set and her mouth tense, he realized that Tiger wasn’t far off the mark. The two women were about to fight for dominance.

No way would he allow his woman to fight another. Ellie could be harmed. He forced himself to relax, hoping that his calmness would also soothe her, show her that she should feel secure being his female and that the other one posed no threat. He would never allow any woman except Ellie to touch him. He’d make it clear who bathed him, who dressed him if he needed help and that the female nurse took Ellie’s commands. He took a deep breath.

“Ellie gives me baths,” Fury stated clearly. “Only Ellie.”

The nurse glared at Fury. “She isn’t your nurse. I am.”

“I don’t give a damn,” Fury snarled, his temper rising toward this rude human. “Ellie is the only woman I want touching me. Ellie?” Ellie turned her head and her gaze met his. “Calm down. I belong to you.” He kept eye contact with her to make sure she’d know he meant it. “I don’t have affairs. You are the only woman I want.” The only woman I’ll ever want for the rest of my life, he silently amended. He was certain that mating was definitely forever. Every second with Ellie only tightened the bond he had with her. “You’re it for me.”

“I know that.” Her tense expression softened.

“Don’t tear out her throat.” He decided to use humor to grab Ellie’s attention and if it frightened the nurse, so be it. He hid his chuckle. “No matter how much she deserves it for walking in on us.”

The nurse gasped and jumped back from Ellie. “They told me you were human. You’re New Species?” Panic laced her voice.

Amusement sparked inside Fury at the annoying human’s fear. “She’s New Species all right. She’s with me.”

Ellie sighed. “I’m as human as you are. Not exactly a great thing in my opinion.” She approached Fury. “I wasn’t going to tear out her throat. Geez. I just don’t like the idea of her touching you all over.”

He smiled. “Jealous?”

She gave a slight nod. Her anger seeped out of her expression completely. “I give the sponge baths.”

Fury reached out to clasp Ellie’s hand. “Only you. Now, can I have another sandwich? I’m hungry still.” He fought back frustration. “My meal was interrupted.”

A smile touched Ellie’s lips. She dropped the folded sweatpants over his sheet-covered lap. “Since we’re not alone, put those on.” Ellie faced the nurse. “You follow me. I’ll show you to the guestroom while Fury gets dressed.” She shot Tiger a dirty look. “You…stop grinning. It’s not funny. Can you stick around for a minute and make sure he doesn’t fall over when he puts those on?”

“Sure thing.” Tiger chuckled. “This is definitely not a boring assignment.”

“Bite me,” Ellie muttered as she passed him.

“That’s my job,” Fury called out, laughing. Tiger laughed with him.

* * * * *

Ellie wanted to murder Belinda Thomas. She unclenched her hands and tried to take deep breaths but it didn’t help. She counted to ten slowly. Nope, I’m still pissed. Ellie unclenched her teeth. The last thing she needed was to have to visit a dentist for broken teeth. Her temper boiled.

The nurse was with Fury again. The woman currently sported a pair of cut-off jeans that should have gotten her arrested for indecent exposure and had topped off her bad fashion choice with a bra-like top. With her tan, flat stomach revealed, she bent over in front of Fury while pretending to vacuum the already clean floor. Fury’s gaze seemed riveted on the inches of bare butt the woman flaunted.


His attention instantly shifted to Ellie and he smiled. “Hi.”

Belinda jerked with surprise, shot Ellie an unfriendly frown as she straightened and turned off the vacuum. “You’re home from work early today.” It sounded close to an accusation.

Ellie nodded. “Is that the new nursing outfit? Someone should talk to your boss.”

Anger flashed in the nurse’s eyes. “It’s hot. I’m not required to wear a nursing outfit while doing home care.”

“Well, you should be. I vacuumed this floor yesterday. You didn’t need to do it again.”

Dark eyebrows arched. “Maybe you should learn how to vacuum better,” the woman replied snottily. “I do a lot of things really well. I guess I’m just better at these kinds of things than you are.” The nurse winked at Fury.

Ellie took a step toward her. “You little”

“Ellie!” Fury’s voice rose. “Come here. I missed you.”

Ellie walked to Fury instead of decking the bitchy nurse the way she wanted to. Her anger remained as she sat on the bed. Fury had the nerve to look amused and that made her madder. He seemed to enjoy her jealousy and she felt green with it. Belinda Thomas had been flirting outrageously with him for days.

“I’m going to go heat up some oil,” Belinda called out. “I need to rub your shoulder. It will get stiff if I don’t.” She walked out of the bedroom carrying the vacuum.

“Don’t let her get to you,” Fury urged softly.

“I just walked into our bedroom to catch you staring at her ass,” Ellie ground out. “And if she touches you with hot oil, I swear to God I’m moving out, Fury.”

His amusement vanished instantly. “I am not attracted to her, Ellie. I’ve been looking at her ass but it is because her skin is weird. Your ass doesn’t look that way.”

“Weird?” Ellie tried hard not to blow up.

“She has folds of skin lining the bottom of her ass and there are dents. Your ass is full and smooth. I love your ass.”

“You’re staring at her ass because she has cellulite?”

“I’ve got nothing else to do. She took my remote and stated that television was bad for my recovery. I wanted to make her give it back but Tiger said I’m not allowed to torture its location from her to find out where she hid it.”

Ellie stared at him. “I can’t live like this. She’s flirting with you. Maybe you don’t know it but she is. She’s driving me crazy. I’m a nurse. I can take care of you and I don’t care if you promised Justice he could send one here for you.”

“You’re jealous.”

“Yes, damn it. I am.”

Fury grinned. “I love you too. Don’t feel that way. You’re the only one I want. Don’t let her get to you. I know she is flirting. She can do that all she wants to but it doesn’t matter. I feel nothing for her.” He pulled Ellie into his lap.

“You’re the one I’m hard for. Feel that? All for you. Only for you.”

“Time for that shoulder massage,” Belinda called out.

Ellie closed her eyes. Fury pulled her tighter into his arms until her head rested on his good shoulder.

“Go away,” Fury growled at Belinda. “Ellie will massage me.”

“Now, Fury,” Belinda huffed. “I’m a professional. You should tell your little friend there to go do something while I tend to that shoulder.”

Ellie tensed. Fury snarled, obviously enraged.

“Ellie is not my little friend. She’s going to be my wife. Never talk about her as if she matters so little when she is everything to me. I also told you not to call me by my name. It is Mr. Fury to you. I ordered you to get out and damn it,” he roared, “get out!”

Ellie’s ears rang. She heard Belinda gasp and then the door slammed closed behind her. Fury’s hands rubbed her back.

“She’s gone.”

Ellie lifted her head. “Thank you. I trust you. I do. It’s just that…” She shook her head. “I know it will be better once you’re all healed up and that bitch is gone.”

“We’re under a lot of stress with other people inside our home and we don’t get much alone time.” He paused and cupped Ellie’s face in his hands. “I can’t wait to be alone with you again. There’s nothing I want more than for us to just be together.”

“I know. She just pushes all my buttons, Fury. I honestly can’t think of anyone I dislike more and she just throws herself at you. Can you imagine how you’d feel if I had a male nurse who hit on me as hard as she does you?”

“I can’t imagine.” He grinned. “No male would dare. It would be tough for him to come onto you with broken hands to prevent him from touching you and a broken jaw to prevent him from speaking to you.”

She laughed. “Oh, don’t give me ideas on what to do that that woman. I can’t wait until she leaves. Thank God it’s going to be soon.”

He laughed. “Yes. Thank your God for that.” His eyes sparkled. “I’ve been promised a hot oil massage. Want to give me one?”

“I’d love to.”

“Not my shoulder,” he growled softly. “And get out of those jeans. I hope you kept your word and aren’t wearing panties.”

“Hey, I promised to burn all of them if you didn’t stop touching me but you stopped that day when Nurse Witch walked in.” Ellie climbed off his lap and took a few steps from the bed. She unzipped her jeans and spread them open. “But I’m not wearing them anyway.”

Fury’s gaze locked on the skin she exposed. He growled and grabbed the bedding, shoving it off. He rose to his feet quickly. Ellie licked her lips as she glanced nervously at the door.

“We need to put a lock on that.”

Fury growled. “She wouldn’t dare.”

Ellie put up a finger. “Hold that thought.” She turned and ran to the small desk. She grabbed the chair and carried it to the door to wedge it under the doorknob. She spun and grabbed her shirt, yanked it over her head, and tossed it to the floor.

“You didn’t burn the bras.” Fury gripped the waist of his sweatpants, shoved them down and kicked them away.

“I had to work. You don’t want me bouncing around in front of other men, do you?”

“I’d have to kill someone who stared at my breasts.”

Ellie laughed, stepping out of her jeans. “Your breasts, huh?”

Fury reached her. “Mine.” His hands cupped them. Ellie wrapped her arms around his neck.

“Massage first?”

“No. I got to be first last time. Lie down for me, Ellie. You owe me a meal.”

Ellie slipped out of his arms and climbed on the bed. She flipped onto her back and smiled at Fury as he came after her. “If someone interrupts this time, I’m going to have to kill someone.” Fury growled as his hands gripped her thighs, his hands caressing her skin. “I have a gun inside the nightstand drawer.”

Ellie laughed. “You shouldn’t have told me that. I might use it on that nurse.”

Fury winked at her. “I’ll teach you how to fire it later.”

Chapter Eighteen

“No.” Fury growled the words. His dark eyes flashed rage.

Ellie watched him grimly. “Justice stated it was important. The public wants to see me and make sure that we’re fine now. I could tell them you’re doing well and healing.”

“No.” Fury crossed his arms over his chest.

Ellie took her hand off the lower portion of the phone. “He won’t allow it, Justice. I’m sorry.”

Ellie listened and then hung up. She sat down on the edge of the bed. “He understands and he’ll just release a press statement from us. He said someone would bring it by later for our approval, before tonight when it’s released.”

“I don’t care what it says. Call him back and tell him to say whatever he thinks needs to be said. I trust his judgment.”

“Fine.” Ellie hesitated. “Why don’t you want me to talk to reporters?”

“You aren’t going anywhere out there. Someone shot at you. I am not going to allow you to be a target again.”

Her anger eased. “You’re worried about me.”

“I always worry about you. It’s my job to protect you and that means I won’t allow anyone to make target practice out of you again.”


“Okay? You are complying? No argument?” He didn’t look completely convinced. “You won’t go behind my back to talk to the reporters, will you?”

“I already told Justice no. I’d never do that anyway.” Ellie frowned at him.

“You don’t like me telling you what to do.”

She shrugged. “I know it’s because you are worried about me and you have reason for it since you were shot twice the last time we were in front of reporters.”

Fury relaxed on the bed. “Thank you.” His tone roughened.

“It’s time to change your bandages and give you your medications,” Belinda said as she walked into the bedroom carrying her medical bag.

Annoyance rolled through Ellie. She made a face at Fury to show him her thoughts but then stood. “I think I’ll go take a shower.”

“Hurry back.”

Ellie shot a dirty look at the nurse as she walked into the bathroom. Belinda ignored the fact Ellie existed. It had been that way since Fury had yelled at the nurse. No one had walked into their bedroom again once the door closed though. Ellie stripped out of her clothes and adjusted the water. She was tired and it had been a long day at work.

A loud sigh passed her lips when she stepped under the hot spray of water. She closed her eyes, tried to relax and just enjoy the moment.

Her mind drifted to work, though, immediately. One of the human security guards had done a walkthrough of the dorm and had surprised one of the small New Species women. She’d had a screaming fit the second she’d encountered him inside the kitchen.

It had taken Ellie an hour to calm the woman. Afterward, Ellie had to make phone calls to the security office, to Darren Artino, and to Justice. She had requested that no male security guards be allowed in the dorms unless an emergency took place until the new group of women adjusted to being around men. It had been an ordeal to get security to agree but Ellie had won that battle with Justice’s help. To make it worse, she had come home to face Nurse Bitch and all the stress that came with her.

The bathroom door suddenly jerked open. The door hit the wall so hard Ellie jumped. She grabbed for the shower door and yanked it open. Fury stood inside the room, anger darkening his features. Ellie grabbed for a towel and then flinched, pain shooting through her hand, and looked down. She saw a scratch from hitting the top of the corner of the metal, it had sliced her palm slightly. Blood rose up but she ignored it. It was tiny and her concern fixed on Fury.

“What is it? What’s wrong?”

Fury slammed the bathroom door closed, sealing them inside together. “That woman has to leave!”

Ellie wrapped the towel around her body and stepped out of the shower. Water dripped everywhere but she ignored it. “Nurse Bitch? You’re preaching to the choir.”

“That one, yes!” Fury trembled and had paled as he stared at Ellie. “I did not kiss her. She grabbed me and put her lips on mine. She tried to push her tongue inside my mouth.” He snarled. “I shoved her off me and she started to undress.” He snarled, enraged. “I came in here. I want her out of my house.”

Now Ellie was angrier than Fury. “She kissed you?”

“She gave me a shot and changed my bandage. She suddenly tried to kiss me when she threw herself on my lap. Get her out of here or I will hurt her, Ellie.”

“Stand in line.”

Ellie dropped her towel and yanked her nightgown off the hook by the door. She didn’t want to take the time to go in the other room to get fresh clothes and she didn’t want to put her dirty ones back on. She studied Fury, taking note of his tense features. He watched her silently.

“I’ll take care of it.”

“I did not flirt with her to provoke that.”

Ellie nodded. “I believe you.”

Fury suddenly grabbed Ellie as she tried to storm past him. He pulled her into his arms and cupped her face. “Kiss me.”

“Let me take care of her first.”

“Kiss me,” he snarled. “I have her scent on me and I can’t stand it.”

Understanding dawned. She knew how sensitive Fury’s sense of smell could be and he liked her scent a hell of a lot, always rubbing against her just to get it on his clothes. It was a little strange but great to know he wanted to smell her wherever he went.

She turned into his arms and kissed him. She rubbed her body against his. He didn’t seem to care that she was damp and it seeped through her nightgown to his clothes. She ran her hands along his face and neck. She made sure to rub anywhere that she thought Belinda might have grabbed him.

Her feet left the floor and the wall pressed against her back suddenly. Fury’s hands slid down to her hips. He lifted her higher, spreading her legs, until they were wrapped around his waist. Reality intruded and Ellie struggled inside Fury’s arms. She released his face and let her legs drop.

She tore her mouth from his. She instantly saw a smear of blood on his jaw and cheek from her forgotten injury. “Let me go. I bled on you.”

Fury instantly looked worried. “You’re bleeding? Are you hurt? I was too distracted to notice and was trying not to inhale that woman’s scent clinging to me.”

She blushed. “I just scratched my hand on the shower door. I guess I caught a rough edge. I just need a bandage and then I’ll deal with Belinda. I also have PMS so she’s going to be sorry she screwed with you today.”

Something in Fury’s eyes changed. Fury inhaled. “I don’t smell that it’s your time.”

“That is so freaky. Breeze warned me that you guys can smell a woman on her period from half a mile away. She told me how to deal with that when it happens.”

Fury softly growled. “She needed to.”

“She said otherwise I’d never make it home without being sniffed after.” Ellie suddenly smiled. “She was joking, right?”

“It’s a turn-on,” Fury growled, passion darkening his gaze.


“Have you ever let a man touch you at that time?”

Ellie shook her head. She hadn’t. Her ex-husband had been disgusted by it and Ellie hadn’t really had a desire to press the issue. She didn’t exactly feel sexy at that time of the month, between the bloating and cramps.

“You’re hotter and wetter inside.” He moved closer to Ellie, pressing her tighter against the wall. “Did I mention it’s a turn-on?” He growled at her and then firmly pinned her against the wall again.

“Fury, back off.” Ellie laughed and gently pushed at his shoulders to put some space between them. “I haven’t started it yet. My palm is still bleeding and I need to go talk to that nurse. Hold that thought. It shouldn’t take long and we can resume this.”

Fury growled deeper, refused to back away and kept her pinned tightly. Unease inched up her spine. She shoved at him harder.

“Fury? Please? You’re crushing me. You need to let me go.”

He backed off but looked as though he didn’t want to. Ellie inched her body between his and the wall until she broke free.

Ellie shook her head at him. “Back off, big guy. I mean it. I have some nurse ass to kick out of this house and then we’ll get you back into bed.” She rubbed him. “I’ll take care of you then. You’re still not completely healed. You heard Trisha. If you took me standing up you might open up your stitches. Just a few more days and we can have sex any way we want but for now we still have to take it real easy, on a bed.”

Heat boiled through Fury’s system, and he fought hard to control it. He frowned, fighting the urge to howl. He breathed hard, watching Ellie move around the bathroom. It wasn’t directed at her but he got really angry all of a sudden.

He wanted her so much it actually hurt. His body burned with the need to grab her, pin her to the wall again, and take her. His hands fisted at his sides as he fought the urge. She’d said no and he’d never hurt Ellie, never force her, but he battled his desire to grab her.

What the hell is wrong with me? No answer came to him as he breathed in and out. The hot flash grew stronger and as he inhaled Ellie’s scent his dick hardened until it throbbed painfully.

It has to be a reaction to that woman coming on to me and touching me. He knew he’d become seriously addicted to Ellie’s scent, needing it around him, or he longed for it. He just didn’t realize how strong that compulsion had grown until another woman had touched him.

This has to be one of those animal traits rearing its ugly head. He needed to get a grip on it for Ellie’s sake but the longer he stood there the harder it was to even try to conceal his need to fuck Ellie. He wanted his cock inside her.

The urge to taste her blood made him drool a little as the scent of it teased his nose. It shocked him, left him a little scared—horrified even. He backed up, his breathing increasing to pants and tried to get control of his mind.

The urges built until he couldn’t contain them any longer. Fury spun suddenly and punched the wall. The agony of pain shooting up his arm helped. The anger receded enough for him to think again.

Surprise froze Ellie for a second at Fury’s violent outburst but she understood how upset the hellish nurse could make someone. She could easily relate to his reaction. “Still mad about what she did? Did nailing the wall help?”

He turned, shaking out the hand he’d just slammed into the drywall. “No. I’m mad that I can’t touch you the way I want.”

“I know but we don’t want you to have to go back to the hospital, Fury. Now go back to bed and I’ll handle Nurse Kissy Force. We’ll have sex after, on the bed, real slow so you don’t strain anything.” She shoved a adhesive bandage over her palm. “I’m getting rid of her once and for all.”

Fury snorted and then yanked the bathroom door open. Ellie followed him into the bedroom, left him there, and went in search of the nurse. She didn’t take the time to put on panties since her nightshirt fell to her knees. It wouldn’t take her long to tell Belinda Thomas to pack her shit and get out. She’d never seen Fury so agitated.

Ellie found the nurse sitting on the couch looking irritated, holding the remote control to the television. Tiger reclined on a chair by the door, flipping through a magazine. His eyebrows rose as Ellie walked into the living room wearing her nightgown.

“Little early for bed, isn’t it?” Tiger glanced at his watch. “It’s only four.”

“You,” Ellie pointed at Belinda, “are no longer needed. You’re fired. You’re done. Call it whatever you want but go pack your things and get out.” She faced Tiger. “Get her off Homeland grounds pronto or I swear she’s going to the medical center on a stretcher. She’s not to come back here ever again.”

“You can’t tell me what to do.” Belinda glared at Ellie. “I’ve been hired by Justice North to take care of Fury. He’s the only one who can fire me.”

“Fine.” She stomped to the phone. She knew Justice’s number by heart now. She dialed quickly.

“Justice North here,” his calm voice announced.

“Belinda Thomas just threw herself at Fury. He’s killing mad and I’m worse. I just told her to pack her shit and leave but she informed me that you’re the only one who can fire her.”

He paused. “She what?”

“She threw herself at Fury. I took a shower and she mauled him on the bed. He came into the bathroom in a rage. I’m lucky he didn’t crush me trying to get her scent off him. He is beyond angry, Justice. I’ve never seen him so mad. We both want her gone and don’t need her anymore. I’ll take the next few days off work to care for him myself. Just please get her out of here.”

Justice’s voice deepened. “Are you all right? Did he hurt you?”

“I’m fine. He is just enraged that she hit on him and was really aggressive, trying to get her scent off him to get mine back.”

“Did he hurt you? Did he have rough sex with you? Do I need to send the doctor?”

“We didn’t have sex. He just rubbed against me and almost crushed me against a wall. Who cares about that? I want this woman gone, Justice. He wants her gone. Will you fire her or do I have to break her arms to make certain she can’t work here anymore? Trust me, I’ll do it.”

“I’m on my way. Hand the phone to Tiger now.”

Ellie marched the phone over to Tiger. He appeared alarmed when he accepted it. Ellie glared at Belinda. Flames should have been shooting from her nostrils from the level of burning rage she experienced.

“Pack your shit. He’s on his way to fire you.”

Belinda stood. “You”

“What?” Ellie shouted, totally pissed off.

Green eyes glittered with anger. “You’re going to get yours.” Belinda stormed down the hallway.

Ellie tried to force back her temper. She glanced at Tiger. He leaned against the front door, away from her, and the tense expression on his face made her frown. She stared at him as he hung up.

“Are you all right?” Ellie was concerned since Tiger actually appeared a bit pale.

“Ellie, come with me now.” He opened the front door wide.

She glanced down. “I’m not going outside in my nightgown. Why would you want to talk to me out there? That woman is packing and can’t overhear us from her room.”

Tiger stalked toward Ellie quickly. “Damn it, woman. Don’t argue with me. You need to get out of the house now.”

Ellie retreated a few feet. Tiger stopped and sniffed at her with a frown. “I smell blood on you. You told Justice that Fury didn’t harm you.”

“He didn’t.” She held up her palm to show off the pink bandage wrapped around the curve of her hand. “I sliced it a little getting out of the shower. Fury would never hurt me.”

He sniffed again. “I don’t smell much of your blood.”

“That’s because it was just a scratch. It didn’t bleed much.”

“We need to leave right now.”

She backed up more. “I’m not going anywhere with you. I’m not even dressed and if you think I’m leaving Nurse Bitch alone with Fury, think again.”

“Ellie,” Tiger hissed, “they pumped Fury full of our healing drugs to help him recover faster. We have been assessing him for signs of threat but now he’s acting hostile. You’re in danger here and need to go to safety.” He glanced at his watch. “He was given his medication about fifteen minutes ago, correct?”

Ellie glared at him. “Belinda told me she would give him his meds when I headed for the shower. Fury did say she gave him a shot. Why would I be in danger?”

Tiger moved quickly and grabbed Ellie around her waist, spun her, and clamped his hand over her mouth. Her feet left the floor. Tiger strode quickly toward the front door with her struggling, caught inside his arms. They were outside in seconds.

“Quiet,” Tiger growled next to her ear. “And don’t be afraid. He’ll smell it. You said he took your scent. Just take some deep breaths and I’ll explain it all to you, okay? You have to keep your voice down. Promise me?”

Ellie was furious, not afraid, when she nodded against his hand. The body holding hers relaxed as he lowered her to the ground and released her. His hand left her mouth. Ellie spun to glare up at him.

“What was that for?” She hissed.

“Don’t you realize how injured Fury was?” Tiger frowned. “A human would have died. It’s been just over a week but he’s walking around. He’s been healing really fast. Didn’t you wonder about that?”

“You guys just do that faster. Fury told me it’s normal for New Species.”

“We do to a certain degree but not as fast as Fury has, without help. This is classified but as Fury’s mate, you’re considered New Species. You need to be told. Not all of the records were destroyed when we were discovered. Some of the doctors hadn’t kept all their notes and research on the computer systems they destroyed when the testing facilities were breached. In some cases we were even able to get the formulas and exact chemical compositions of some of the drugs they used on us.”

The news surprised her. “Why keep it a secret?”

He hesitated. “Did you ever wonder why the President and the United States was so eager to hand over a military base to us for our home? To be so agreeable with whatever demands we made? We had some humans who were very sympathetic, very happy to give Justice advice. They told him about sovereignty. We demanded equal human rights and were given them as well. New Species govern themselves on American soil, on the land we were given. We were also extended diplomatic immunity in many ways for New Species. We’re considered American citizens but given special concessions.”

“Of course you’re Americans. You were born here. It’s only right you are given a safe place to live. There are so many hate groups out there that it wouldn’t be safe for any of you to try to merge with regular society right off the bat.”

“Mercile Industries were given billions of dollars to help fund drug studies and research for decades. The President signed off on the last six years of the money given to Mercile. It came from military funds.”

Ellie stared at him, confused. “How does this apply to Fury right now?”

“Mercile promised to create drugs that would make the armed forces stronger, better fighters, heal faster after battle, and even heighten their senses. A pharmaceutical advantage that other countries wouldn’t have. They vaccinate our fighting forces to prevent them from catching diseases when they send them to other countries. Imagine giving them a shot that would make them stronger, faster, and harder to kill in battle situations. It would win wars easier, quicker, with a lot less casualties. No one knew Mercile had crossed moral and legal boundaries to gain the advancements they were promising to develop. Every dollar they were given helped enslave us and paid for blood, sweat, and torture.”

People would be outraged if they discovered their tax dollars had been sunk into something so vile. Every human rights organization on the planet would be up in arms and some countries might accuse the government of horrific crimes.

“That’s awful,” she whispered. “I’m so sorry. What does this have to do with Fury and why you believe he could be dangerous? I want to get back inside, Tiger. Just get to the point.”

“They created a lot of drugs and a few of the recovered reports stated that some humans who volunteered to take them died. One batch of the drugs increased healing in New Species at a phenomenal rate.” He cleared his throat. “It also drove a small percentage of New Species temporarily insane when tested on us. The doctors didn’t drop the study. According to the few notes on it, they believed an insane, injured person on the mend was worth the temporary insanity. New Species who had that adverse effect of rage-driven insanity always recovered fully. The humans in that study weren’t so lucky. Either they died, or if their bodies healed, their minds were permanently destroyed.”

Her mind clicked. “You were worried Fury would go insane?”

“Yes. The notes weren’t complete. We don’t know a time frame on when the insanity strikes or how long it lasts if he’s one of the unfortunate ones. Aggression and murderous rages are part of those side effects.”

“And you believe he’s exhibiting them?”

“You said he was enraged and very aggressive, that he forced you against the wall when he scented you, Ellie. Tell me the truth. Is he acting normal for him? You know him well.”

She hesitated, remembering the scene inside the bathroom. “He didn’t hurt me and I don’t believe he will. Maybe he’s just mad because that nurse could piss anyone off. I’m not on experimental drugs but I still want to strangle her.”

“It’s best to be safe than sorry. You need to be taken away from him until we are certain he’s not a danger. The human side of Species seem to fade during the reaction and our animal instincts take total control. We’re natural predators and he may have scented you as prey, Ellie.”

“Don’t be ridicules,” Ellie sputtered. “Fury loves me. He was just upset that Nurse Bitch in there threw herself at him. He didn’t hurt me and he wouldn’t.”

Tiger watched her face closely. “We can’t take any chances.”

She hesitated. “I understand but I’m not leaving him. Let’s just go talk to him and you’ll see that he’s fine.”

A car pulled up in front of the house. Ellie turned as Slade opened the driver’s door of the car and Justice climbed out of the passenger side. Trisha and a stranger got out of the back.

“You’re safe.” Justice looked relieved. “You need to leave. Tiger will drive you to Doctor Norbit’s house.”

Trisha held out keys to the tall New Species. “These are to my house. I have a guestroom.” She visually scanned Ellie from head to foot. “Help yourself to my clothes and anything else you need. My closet is your closet.”

“Where is the nurse?” Slade glanced around the area.

“Inside still.” Tiger shrugged. “She’s packing her things.”

“Damn it,” Justice growled. “He might attack her. She started this. Get Ellie out of here.”

Slade jerked open the front door and stormed into the house, Justice right behind him. Trisha and the stranger stood outside. Ellie studied the man with curiosity.

“This is Doctor Ted Treadmont. He’s the leading scientist on New Species,” Trisha said. “You need to go, Ellie. You can come back when it’s safe.”

“How many times do I have to say that Fury isn’t going to hurt me before someone listens? I’m not leaving.”

Tiger cursed. “He’s going to kill me for this.” He suddenly lunged, grabbed Ellie around her waist, and clamped his hand over her mouth. He jerked his head at Trisha. “Don’t stand there, Doctor Norbit. Could you please go open the trunk of the car for me? There’s a release pull for it on the dash. I need to get her away from him in case he goes nuts.”

Trisha ran for the car. Ellie struggled and clawed at Tiger’s arms but he wouldn’t put her down and she couldn’t do more than make soft sounds with his palm cupped firmly over her mouth. She kicked at his legs but no matter how many times she nailed him with her bare feet, it didn’t slow him down. The trunk opened and Tiger dumped Ellie inside.

“Don’t,” Ellie screamed. The trunk slammed closed, leaving her in the dark. Ellie kicked at it and shouted. “Let me out!”

The car started. Ellie kicked again but the trunk lid above her wouldn’t open. She screamed, still shocked that she’d been locked inside the trunk of a car by Tiger. She’d trusted him. She stopped screaming as the car speeded away.

She hated small, cramped places. She fought a panic attack. The car turned suddenly and Ellie rolled to bang into something hard. Pain slammed into her knee. She screamed again. She’d take a beating inside the trunk from being thrown around if he made a lot of sharp turns at that speed. The car turned sharply again and Ellie slammed against the back of the trunk against the passenger compartment. Pain shot up her arm.

Ellie curled into a ball and struggled to breathe normally until the car finally stopped. She knew there was plenty of air but it didn’t stop her from suffering. Her claustrophobia had never been this bad. The trunk opened and Ellie tried to frantically claw her way out. She gasped in gulps of fresh air as Tiger reached for her.

Ellie smacked at his hands. He jumped back when Ellie practically threw her body from the trunk. She stared at him wildly.

Tiger frowned. “What is wrong with you? We’re at the Doctor’s house.”

“Don’t you ever lock me inside a small space again!” Ellie shouted. She stumbled back a few steps. Hot tears slid down her cheeks. “I hate small, dark places!”

“Stop shouting,” Tiger ordered. “I’m sorry. Calm down, Ellie. Just take some deep breaths. You’re fine. Breathe in and out. That’s it. I didn’t know you had hole sickness.”

“I don’t have hole sickness!” She stopped shouting. “What is hole sickness?”

“You panic when you are put inside dark, small places. That’s what we call it. I’m sorry. Are you all right now? We should go inside. That nightgown is thin and I am afraid we will draw unwanted attention here. This is the human area of Homeland.”

His words sank in, she realized she was nearly nude and wanted clothes immediately. Then, I’ll find my way home. Ellie nodded and followed Tiger to the front door. He unlocked the door. Ellie walked in and then turned, kicking Tiger in the shin hard enough to hurt her foot.

Tiger cursed and growled at her. “What was that for?”

“Everything. I don’t suffer from hole sickness. I have claustrophobia.”

He frowned. “Doesn’t that mean the same thing?”

“Go to hell.” Ellie stormed away from him into Trisha’s bedroom, remembering where it was from her last visit. She slammed the door between them and headed to the doctor’s dresser.

Ellie borrowed a pair of sweatpants, an exercise bra, and an oversized T-shirt from a rock concert Trisha must have attended. She tried on a pair of the doctor’s shoes but they didn’t wear the same size. She had to remain barefoot. Ellie grabbed up the phone from the bedside table and called home, wanting to talk to Fury. She shot a nervous look at the door, afraid Tiger would walk into the room and stop her.

“Ellie?” Fury sounded pissed.

“Hi, Fury. They made me leave. Are you all right?”

“Where are you?” He growled.

“Don’t tell him!” Tiger yelled, nearly exploding into the room.

“Where are you?” Fury repeated, roaring the words.

Tiger tore the phone from her fingers and slammed it down into the cradle. He glared at Ellie. “Did you not hear the whole scent and prey talk we had?”

“I just wanted him to know I’m safe and ask him how he is doing. You guys are seriously overreacting if you think Fury is a danger to me.”

Tiger arched an eyebrow. “Really?” He picked up the phone. “Let’s see how off the mark we are.”

“Who are you calling?”


Ellie sat on the edge of Trisha’s bed, glowering up at Tiger. He listened and a frown marred his features. He hung up. “Something is really wrong. Justice didn’t pick up his phone. It connected to his voice mail after six rings.”

“So he’s busy.”

“He always answers.” Tiger dialed another number. He listened and his face grew pale before he hung up.

“Slade didn’t pick up either and he always answers by the third ring. They both entered the house and they aren’t answering their phones. Shit.” He dialed another number. He cursed after a minute and hung up. He waved the phone at Ellie. “Doctor Norbit isn’t answering either.”

“Maybe they are talking to him right now and don’t want to be rude by answering their cells.”

“Call home, talk to him for a few minutes to see how he is, but don’t tell him where you are. Can you do that?”

Ellie accepted the phone. “This is just moronic.”

“Just talk to him. You know Fury. See if he’s your male or if he’s not quite himself. Ask him where Justice and Slade are.”

“You’re going to feel stupid.”

“I’ll risk it. Just don’t tell him where you are. Promise?”

“Sure,” she muttered, glad to speak to Fury. Tiger was being paranoid.

Fury answered on the first ring by snarling her name. He sounded so mad she barely recognized her own name coming from his lips.

“It’s me. Are you all right?”

“Where are you?”

“They were afraid you were reacting to one of the medications they’ve been giving you and think you’re dangerous to me. I’m fine. Are Justice and Slade still there?”

“Where are you?” He ground out the words harshly. “Tell me right now, Ellie.”

Ellie met Tiger’s concerned gaze, having to admit that Fury was acting weird. “I’ll be home soon. Are Justice and Slade still there?”

“They are outside,” Fury growled. “I will come find you if you won’t tell me where you are. Come home right now to me. You don’t want to make me have to search for you.”

“You need to calm down. The doctors just wanted to check you out and I’ll be right home after they are sure everything is fine.”

“I’m coming for you,” he snarled. He slammed the phone down.

“Fury?” She shook her head, stunned. “He’s really angry. He said he’s coming for me and hung up. It sounded like…a threat.”

“Damn it,” Tiger groaned. “He’s in total hunt mode, just as I feared. We need to get you the hell out of here.” He hung up the phone and then snatched his cell phone from his back pocket. He dialed.

“This is Tiger. Justice and Slade have lost contact. They were at Fury’s. He’s gone feral from the medication and he’s hunting his mate. I’m at Doctor Norbit’s house with Ellie. I need one team sent to Fury’s now and I need a second team sent here to extract her from the kill zone.” He hung up.

“Kill zone?” Ellie gasped. “Have you all gone crazy? If Fury is mad it’s because you took me from the house and he’s worried.”

Tiger reached down and gripped Ellie’s arm firmly. “He’s not worried. He’s nuts. Move your ass. Your mate is one of the best trackers we have. We need to get you out of his reach.” He yanked her to her feet.

“Stop it!” Ellie yelled. She jerked out of his hold.

“Let me remind you what I already said if you didn’t catch it the first time. The drug he’s been given can override his human side and let the animal loose. Your mate is mainly animal right now, and if I’m right, and he scented you, that means he’s hunting you as if you’re prey. Being prey means he will probably harm you if he finds you.”

“Fury loves me. He’s just mad that—”

“He could kill you. Imagine how he’s going to feel when the drugs are gone from his system and he has to live with something he had no control over. He’ll have to withstand the painful knowledge that he killed the one thing he loves. Now if you give a damn about him, move your ass, Ellie. Let me get you somewhere safe to make certain he doesn’t do something that will destroy both of you.”

Ellie stared at Tiger. There was a lot about New Species that wasn’t known. Is it possible he’s right? Fury did act kind of crazy from the moment he burst into the bathroom. Of course leaving him wasn’t an option to her if he needed her.

“I need some spare clothes and I have to use the bathroom. Where are we going?”

“We need to get you away from Homeland. That’s a certainty. Homeland isn’t big enough to hide you and we don’t need a scene with human witnesses.”

Ellie entered the bathroom and yanked open cupboards, searching for aspirin, feeling a stress headache coming on. The doctor didn’t seem to keep any medicines inside her bathroom. Ellie turned, startled a bit at seeing Tiger hovering at the doorway.

“I need to use the bathroom and that isn’t going to happen with you watching me,” she warned. “Have you ever heard of privacy?”

“Hurry,” Tiger demanded. “He might not have to track you if he guesses we brought you here.”

* * * * *

Breeze climbed out of the car and grimly assessed both males. Justice and Slade waited outside Fury’s home. She’d expected the worst when she’d gotten the call but Fury hadn’t hurt either of them. She’d been informed of the situation, of their only plan to save the Species male, and she’d agreed. She approached them with dread.

Justice spoke first. “Breeze, I’m sorry to ask this of you.” His gaze dropped to her feet, where it stayed. “He could really hurt his female. She’s so much frailer than our women. He could break her bones just by holding her and she would probably die if he’s as aggressive as we fear.”

Breeze winced inwardly. “I understand. She might hate me for this later but I won’t allow her to be killed. I’ll go inside and deal with the situation.”

Justice finally raised his sad gaze. “I’m so sorry.”

Breeze nodded. “I am very fond of Ellie. I would do this for you because you asked but I need to do this for her.”

“She’ll understand once it is explained.”

Breeze snorted at Justice. “Males know nothing.”

That response drew a frown from him. “If we go in and attempt to restrain him, he will try to kill us, or we will have to kill him,” Justice explained softly. “Until we can assess him, it’s too dangerous to tranquilize him. The added drugs could cause an overdose or heart failure. Sending you in to calm him is the only thing we could think to attempt. Scream for help if he won’t allow you to help him. I won’t allow you die. We’ll have to put him out regardless of the consequences if he attacks.”

Breeze opened the front door and stepped inside the house. She closed the door firmly behind her and paused there, fighting down fear. She’d only seen this situation once before and she’d barely survived it. She straightened her shoulders. Ellie had become her friend and this happened to be a Species problem. She only hoped he didn’t kill her outright since she wasn’t the female he wanted.

Breeze froze a few feet inside the living room, inhaled deeply, and then backed up. She yanked open the door to speak to Justice. “Who has been inside this house?”


“Tell me,” Breeze growled.

“Me, Tiger, Slade, Fury, Ellie and the nurse were here. Why?”

Breeze glared at him. “Is the nurse a short female with green eyes?”

Justice nodded. “That describes the nurse, Belinda Thomas. What is wrong?”

“I know this scent. She worked inside my section of the testing facility. Didn’t you ever meet her? Her name isn’t Belinda Thomas. It’s Beatrice Thorton.”

“Are you sure?” A deadly cold glint entered Justice’s angry eyes.

Breeze showed her own anger by barring her teeth. “I would never forget the stench of someone so evil. She took care of Fury?”

Justice paled. “She’s in charge of his medications.”

Breeze growled deeper. “She was one of the cruelest of them. This is no coincidence. She was in charge of test drugs given to us.”

They heard something break from the back of the house. Breeze clenched her hands into fists. “Where is she?”

“I had her taken to security while they process her out of Homeland. We couldn’t retrieve her things yet so she’s waiting for them to be delivered.” Justice reached for his cell phone and then realized in the rush to flee Fury’s rage, he’d left it inside the bedroom. When he’d been thrown into a wall, it had fallen from his pocket. “I’ll have her taken into custody.” He spun and walked to the car to use the radio.

Breeze closed the door, worried by the sounds coming from the back of the house. If their enemy had been giving Fury the wrong drugs, they could be dealing with something really bad. Breeze trembled slightly and then she straightened her shoulders. Maybe he could be reasoned with and it wouldn’t be as bad as she feared. She heard more things breaking. It sounded as if Fury had started to destroy at least one room of his home.

* * * * *

“I’m coming,” Ellie snapped, glaring at Tiger who waved her toward the front door. “Let me put on socks first though. I don’t want to be walking around barefoot wherever we go.”

“Hurry up. The team will be here at any moment and I want us ready to go when they arrive.” He strode toward the front door. “I just hope Breeze can stop him before he leaves the house in search of you.”

Ellie heard what he said and she took a step toward him. “Breeze? Why would Breeze go to Fury’s house?”

Tiger turned. “She’s going to attempt to get him to scent her instead. She knows he would kill you in the state he’s in and she wants to save your life. Out of all of our females, she is the strongest. We wanted one of Fury’s testing facility females since he’d be familiar with them but they were too frightened. They’ve seen this happen before inside the testing facilities when they overmedicated one of our males. Only Breeze was brave enough and willing to risk her life for yours. Now, hurry, Ellie. If Fury won’t scent Breeze he will come for you.”

“She’s going to allow him smell her? Why would that be risking her life?”

Tiger cursed. “Sometimes if we’re in hunt mode and crazy, the rage can be turned into sexual desire.” He paused. “It’s not something a female would enjoy, Ellie. If he accepts Breeze in your place, let me assure you, it will be hell for her. He could still kill her.”

Ellie felt punched in the gut, hard. “You mean she’s…he’s…they’ll…”

“It would be down to basics animal sex and violent, Ellie. Now do what you need to and let’s get out of here. There’s no telling if he’ll accept her or not. He could just kill her and she might only be able to slow him down. They think if they try to drug him more after whatever has been given to him, it could kill him outright. We’re trying to save you both.” Tiger turned his back to peer out a window, watching for his team to arrive.

Her heart pounded. She closed her eyes and let everything slam into her. Son of a bitch.

“I think I’m going to be sick.”

She fled to bathroom, slammed the door, and flipped the lock. Ellie turned on the water full blast in the sink to cover the noise and yanked open the bathroom window.

Chapter Nineteen

Ellie had gotten lucky. Tiger had left the car keys in the ignition when he’d taken her into Trisha’s house. He probably had assumed she remained inside the bathroom until he spotted her streaking across the yard for the street. He’d yelled as she’d thrown open the driver’s door but by the time he’d made it outside, she had the engine started and left tire tread along the street in her haste to prevent him from stopping her.
