A man tended the garden. Everyone else was probably preparing for or eating dinner at this point in the early evening, but Jim couldn’t be around people. Not yet. The lone gardener had given him a curious look when he first entered, but went about his tasks, leaving Jim to his thoughts.
It didn’t do much good. Jim’s thoughts were racing a mile a minute and for the first time in a long time, he didn’t know what to do. He’d made an ass out of himself in the gym. He owed Grady an apology for that, at least, but couldn’t bring himself to seek out the damned alien and make things right. Jim despised himself for the pettiness of his emotions. He hated the way love screwed with his control. He didn’t want it, but he had no choice. He was in love with Gina and he’d do anything to keep her.
After about an hour, the gardener finished his work and headed toward Jim. He didn’t want to talk to anyone, but he was the trespasser here. The gardens were some of the most sensitive areas of the installation since any sabotage here could ruin the food supply. He understood vigilance and knew he should be going, but he also valued the peace of the open space filled with green, growing things.
“I guess our little operation can’t really compare with what I hear you’ve got going down south,” the man observed as he sidled up to a position a few yards from Jim’s bench. Both men faced outward, perusing the rows and rows of vegetation.
Jim appreciated the man’s oblique approach. He seemed a nice enough sort, and Jim didn’t mind talking about the gardens in his home facility with someone who was truly interested.
“We’ve had the hydroponics sections up and running since just after the cataclysm. We also have a few of the scientists who designed the whole thing in residence. They’ve been able to work wonders.”
“I bet. We’re learning as we go here. Bill and I found some old written manuals and BURTIN helped us locate information in his memory banks, but neither of us were farmers before. The O’Haras have given us some pointers, but they aren’t real familiar with this kind of farming either.”
“I bet.” Jim looked around, finally settling his gaze on the man. He looked fully human, yet his words indicated a familiarity with the Alvian hybrid. “You work with Bill?”
“Son of a bitch saved my life,” came the surprising answer, given with a smile. “I wanted to hate him at first. I escaped from the city and was on the run when he found me—delirious with pneumonia and burning alive in my lean-to. I was so sick, I let my campfire get out of control and nearly paid with my life. Bill found me and brought me to the O’Haras. He and Doc Mick nursed me back to health.”
“When did you figure out he was an alien?”
“Not for some time.” The man sent him a sideways look. “I was sick as a dog for the first few weeks. When it came time to consider moving on, the O’Haras suggested Bill and I move along together. We both had mountaineering skills and were both on the run. It was a good idea, even though I had to get used to the idea that my companion was a goddamned alien. Then Jaci came along, and we both realized we had to protect her. That’s why we decided to come to this cave complex, though neither of us knew the full extent of the facility until we actually got here. We thought it was an old mine. Then Mike and Dave showed up, and we had the beginnings of a little community. A few weeks later other people began to arrive, and we’ve been taking in strays ever since.”
“You’ve got a thriving community now from what I can see.”
“Yeah, I reckon we do. But I’ve got to tell you, without our alien friends it would be a lot more primitive. Jaci is a wiz with technical stuff and has figured ways to use the crystals the O’Haras smuggle up to us from Davin. She’s mostly responsible for restoring full power to this entire facility. Then the cousins set Bill up as the Farmer in the Dell, and he took to it though he’d never even seen a seed before in his life. He and I run the hydroponics area together for the most part now. It’s too big for just him alone and we’ve got work crews to help us out as it gets bigger. The gardens are good for him. They bring him peace, which to my mind, he richly deserves.”
“What makes you say that?”
The man shifted and settled back against the table he’d been leaning against, seeking a more comfortable position.
“He was the Council’s top assassin, and the geniuses over there decided to use him for their very first guinea pig. He’s lucky he’s not completely insane. You train a man to kill people all his life, then give him emotions. They were playing with fire, though they didn’t even realize it. He could’ve become a complete psycho. Or he could be wracked with guilt over the lives he’s taken. Lucky for us—not so much for him—it’s the latter. That man has a lot of demons that haunt him. More than anything, he deserves our compassion and sympathy, or we’re no better than those who made him what he was.”
Jim could tell this man felt strongly about his words, and Jim even understood why. He’d heard about the inhuman experiments the Alvians routinely perpetrated. He wasn’t too surprised to find out they’d done the same thing to their own people.
“You were a prisoner?”
The man nodded. “As far as I know, I’m the only one to ever escape that city and it cost me dearly. I’ve got a baby daughter I’ve never seen.”
“I’m sorry. My name is Jim, by the way.” Jim extended a hand in friendship, which was taken.
“I’m Sam.” They shook hands, and Sam moved back to his leaning position some feet away. “It’s not all bad though. We’re free here, and I know my daughter is as safe as she can be in Davin’s engineering facility. He’s another alien who’s got a heart. He took Ruth and my daughter in and they live in relative comfort while learning about the aliens’ crystals. It’s both a blessing and a curse. They were moved there because of Ruth’s special gift for working with crystal, but for the same reason, Davin can’t let her go like he did Mike and Dave. Officially, they’re dead. Davin was able to arrange an accident for them so they’d be free to live here with their mate, Jaci. But Ruth’s gift is something special. As a result, the Council has taken a special interest in her. It would be hard for Davin to devise a way to smuggle her out and impossible for me to go there. I killed an Alvian solder to escape and have taken out a few since.” Cold sorrow entered the man’s eyes as he looked out at his garden. “I’m a wanted man as far as the Alvians go. For now, I have to stay under the radar.”
“I hear that. Some of my people are in a similar situation, having taken out Alvian patrols and the like.”
“It’s not easy living with a price on your head, but it does make you realize what’s important. My advice to you, whether you want it or not, is to grab onto your gal with both hands and don’t let go.” Jim looked up at him as Sam smiled. “Oh, I heard a bit about what’s going on with you, Gina and Grady. If she’s willing—and if you think he’ll be good to her—then you should probably consider making it a threesome. Better to be with her. Take it from someone who misses his woman every day.”
Some time later, after leaving the garden, Jim found Grady sitting in the cold sand at the edge of the lake. Little glints of quartz lit the area with a soft glow that came from the sand, the walls, even the ceiling far above.
“Mind if I join you?” Jim didn’t wait for an answer as he sat a few feet away, facing the gently rippling lake.
Grady didn’t even look up. Jim found some flat rocks easy at hand that were just perfect for skipping and took a shot. The first one skipped three times before sinking below the surface in the dim light. The second bounced off the surface four times. He’d been good at this in his youth. It was good to see those old skills gained in idle summers at the lake house with his parents hadn’t been lost over the many years since.
“You know, there is a solution to our mutual problem. It’s not one I can say I ever would have entertained before—and I’m not sure Gina will go for it—but we could try it as a threesome.”
There. The proverbial olive branch had been extended. Jim wasn’t sure if it was the right thing to do, but he didn’t see any other choice that would satisfy them all. After his talk with Sam, the least he could do would be to entertain the idea. If the other two potential partners in this little drama were amenable, he’d give it his best shot.
“You mean like Jaci and her mates?” Grady turned to him, acknowledging him for the first time. “From what I have seen, Mike and Dave were best friends even before they met Jaci. You and I have no prior connection. We do not know each other. We have little in common and are not even of the same race. Do you think we could really share Gina’s love?”
“Well, when you put it like that, it does seem difficult…but not impossible. Perhaps we should try to see if we could be friends at least. There’s too much tragedy in this world already. I don’t want to be responsible for yours, if Gina chooses me. On the other hand, I can see this is difficult for her and I want to at least explore any idea that would make it easier. This is all about her happiness as far as I’m concerned.”
“A valid and important point.” Grady nodded, clearly thinking through what Jim had said. “Gina’s happiness is paramount.”
“We agree on that at least.”
“True.” Grady sported a rueful grin, but his eyes held darkness as he gazed out at the rippling lake. “So much is new to me. Emotion, interaction, true friendship…love. I don’t understand a lot of what I’m feeling at times. I know that makes it difficult for you to understand me, and it doesn’t help that I am one of the soldiers responsible for capturing so many humans. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to forgive myself for that, and I don’t expect you will either.”
Jim decided to let that statement sit for a while. He was touched by the man’s candor and his regret. Jim didn’t think Grady was sophisticated enough yet to be able to fake the deep emotion Jim sensed from him. Guilt ran deep in Grady Prime’s soul. The feeling was overwhelming. Nearly crippling. It would take time for him to come to terms with that kind of regret.
“So you’re a soldier. And a leader. That’s what Prime means, right?”
Grady seemed surprised at the change in topic, but went with it. “Prime is the designation given to the top of each hereditary line. I am the top Grady on this planet. All other Gradys are my subordinates. The Grady line is the top of the regular soldier lines. There are special ops branches, of course. Sinclairs head up the covert operators and Pfins lead the waterborne forces, but the majority of the regular army reports to me.”
“So you’re like a general. Or maybe a commander in chief.” Jim thought out loud. “I was a special operator, which I assume means the same thing in both our systems. I started my military career in the army, then sought special training to become what we used to call a Green Beret. That was our army’s special forces, but each division of our military had their own brand of special operator. After I got out of the military, I was recruited by the Central Intelligence Agency. That was my country’s covert operations group that would work in secret, in other countries.”
“I am familiar with the concept. I’ve read a lot about the governmental and military structures that existed before my people came here. Justin O’Hara explained quite a bit of it to me as well. I believe he was also a Green Beret at one time.”
Jim thought that was interesting. He recognized the name. He’d known a new recruit named Justin when he was on his way out, right before he’d been hired by the CIA. He hadn’t made the connection until now.
“I think I knew him, but not well. Someday, maybe we’ll have a chance to catch up, but my duty to my people in Colorado means I’ll have to leave here soon. At least for a while. I owe them that much. If Gina and I do get together on a permanent basis, I’ll move heaven and Earth to be with her wherever she wants to be, but I have to square things in Colorado first. I can’t leave them high and dry.”
Grady looked at him with respect. “A good leader does not leave without putting his best man in charge. I made sure the army would be in good hands before I agreed to participate in Mara 12’s experiment.”
“So you’re retired?”
“I thought I was. But the Council recalled me for one special mission.” Grady sighed heavily and threw a rock out into the lake. It didn’t bounce. It made a huge splash about fifty yards away. Jim was impressed. Grady had a good arm. “If they truly understood what the experiment did to me, they never would have sent me on this fool’s errand.”
“They sent you to kill Bill, right?”
Grady scowled. “I am no assassin. That is what special operators are for. I agreed to track him but I never said I would kill him, even though I knew that’s what they wanted. I accepted the mission because I wanted to find him for my own reasons. I knew he’d had the treatment. I wanted to see for myself how it had turned out for him.”
“I can understand that.” The fact that Grady was no longer blindly following orders given by the Alvian High Council said a lot. “So now that you’ve found him, what have you learned?”
“I am left with more questions than answers, but I’m glad to see him stable and coming to terms with his new life.”
“How are you going to square this with the Council? I assume you’re not going to kill him.”
“No. I never thought to try—unless it was an act of mercy. If I found him deranged or posing a threat to others, I would have put him down out of respect for the friendship we once had. The man I knew would not have wanted to live that way.”
“But he’s sane, so everything’s cool. What now?”
“I don’t honestly know. The only thing I know for certain is that the secrecy of this base—and yours—must be maintained. I will not betray the humans living here no matter how this turns out.”
Jim felt a wave of relief for a worry he hadn’t known he carried. “Thank you,” he said with quiet respect.
“It’s the least I can do.”
“Are you two okay?” Gina’s voice came to Jim telepathically. She was nearby.
“Yeah, we’re okay. This Grady guy is an interesting character. Why don’t you come over?”
She hesitated. “I’ll be there in about five minutes.”
“Gina will be here soon,” Jim said to Grady.
“Did she communicate telepathically with you?” Grady’s eyes looked both stormy and wistful.
“Yeah. We both have psychic talents. That bother you?”
“Yes.” Grady was truthful almost to a fault. “That and other things will make any joint relationship difficult.”
“Like what other things?”
“My jealousy, for one. It is new to me and very powerful. Even now I am jealous that you can speak to her privately, without me knowing, unless one of you lets me in on the secret.”
“We could agree not to use telepathy around you. It’s not like we have to, and I can see how secret communications could be divisive. As for jealousy, you’re not the only one who has to deal with it.”
“You too?” Grady looked over at him, seeming surprised.
“I wouldn’t be human if I didn’t feel some discomfort with the idea of sharing. As you said, we don’t have a history like Mike and Dave do. We’re relative strangers. But I think we could be friends given time. Rome wasn’t built in a day.”
“It was an ancient city on another continent.” Gina joined them on the sand, sitting between them and jumping right into their conversation. “The Romans ruled most of the Western world at one time before their civilization fell. So why are we talking about Rome?”
“We weren’t,” Grady said, seeming lost himself as he tried to backtrack. “Jim used a phrase I did not understand, and I asked for clarification.”
“Ah.” She nodded sagely, looking from one to the other with a gentle smile. “Rome wasn’t built in a day. That’s a very popular saying. It means things will improve with time. What, in this case, were you speaking of?”
“The possibility of friendship between Grady and me,” Jim supplied. “We were just saying that we don’t know much about each other, but we’re willing to learn.”
“That’s a good start.” Gina seemed really pleased. “So why the turnaround? I thought you two were on the outs.”
“It’s because of you, Gina.” Grady Prime was so earnest Jim almost rolled his eyes, but Gina seemed genuinely touched by his words. Grady took advantage, moving closer to her, cupping her cheek in his hand. “I am in love with you, Gina. If you could only hear the Hum of our resonance, you would understand. I would die for this. For you.”
“Grady.” Her voice trailed off as she moved into his arms and they shared a passionate kiss, oblivious to their surroundings.
Jim was about to get up and leave when he remembered Sam’s words. He could see how much Grady loved her and that she wasn’t indifferent to him either. How could he fault her for responding to such an impassioned declaration?
But Jim loved her just as much, if not more than Grady did. Could he really stand by and let the alien walk off with his prize?
He had three options. Walk away. Fight for her. Or the toughest of all—work to make all three of them happy, if such a thing was possible. He looked to the example set by Jaci and the cousins, and the other threesomes he’d heard about. If they could make it work, perhaps he could too. It was worth a try. Anything was better than doing without her or making everyone miserable.
Making a decision, Jim scooted forward on the sand, reaching out to touch Gina’s waist. It startled Grady enough to break the kiss and stare over her shoulder at Jim. A silent moment of understanding passed between them before Grady looked back at Gina’s upturned face.
“Do you want this, my love? Do you want both of us?”
“What?” Gina moved away, confusion on her lovely features. “Is that what you guys were talking about? You want to try this as a three-way?”
“Want? Honestly, no.” Jim was man enough to admit. “But we can’t always have what we want, and I think this is what we need to do. It’s the only way I can see for all three of us to be happy.”
Gina didn’t know what to think. The idea of having both of them was tantalizing, though she’d only just started thinking about it since meeting Jaci and the cousins. From what she could see of their relationship, it worked for them. Could such an arrangement work for her and these men? She had no idea, but if they were game, she was willing to try.
More than willing, if truth be told. Each man turned her on in his own special way. Together, they would be devastating, she was sure. But was she brave enough to try? There was only one way to find out.
Turning to Jim, she leaned into him, kissing him deeply. When Grady’s arms came around her waist from the other side, she suppressed a shiver of lust. Having two men at once should have shocked her. Instead, the naughty idea tantalized, making her want to try all sorts of things with them.
Jim broke the kiss and stared down at her. “Are you sure?”
There were still doubts, but they were eclipsed by the kindling flame in her womb as Grady’s hands stroked between her thighs. “I want to try.”
The cloth barring Grady’s touch was too much. She wanted to feel his fingers against her skin, just as she wanted to feel Jim’s. At the same time.
Just the thought of it made her hot.
Jim’s hands went to her shoulders, pulling her in for another deep kiss. His kiss spoke of possession, of desire, while Grady’s hands worked on her trousers. He tugged them off completely, along with her panties and shoes, placing the pants on the sand beneath her bare butt. Gina was almost too far gone to notice, but the special care he took for her comfort was appreciated.
Grady manipulated her lower body until she was half-lying on the sand. He spread her legs, coming down between them. His tongue preceded his fingers as he parted her folds and licked her clit, making her squirm in Jim’s arms. Jim supported her shoulders, his fingers working the buttons on her top until her bare breasts spilled into his hands.
Jim moved, kneeling beside her, shifting her to lie in his lap while he bent over her breasts. Between his mouth on her upper half and Grady’s between her thighs, she was in heaven. She’d fantasized about this sort of thing once or twice, but fantasies could never equal the reality of having two hungry males totally focused on her.
Two men she loved.
The thought brought her up short. She did love them. Each in their own way, but neither less than the other. She’d been half in love with Jim since she was a kid, and he’d only endeared himself to her more since meeting again. He was a demanding lover who pushed her to new heights every time they came together.
Grady, by contrast, was a considerate lover whose gentle handling told her without words how precious he thought her. He made her feel like a queen, and his lovemaking gave her a feeling of ultimate ecstasy she’d never known before him. He was magic.
Gina had always had a love of literature and making love to Grady was like making love to one of Tolkein’s elves. He had the pointy ears, the melodic voice, more strength than most human men and the coloring. He was also so careful of her—except when he was in the thrall of his own climax. Then all bets were off and the animal inside him came out to play.
She loved that moment when he was out of control. Even then, she knew he would never use his superior strength against her. He’d die before he ever hurt her. She trusted him beyond doubt, beyond anything. She felt the same way about him.
Which is why the idea of having to choose between Grady and Jim had been so painful. She prayed this little interlude worked for all three of them. It was certainly working for her!
She wasn’t able to think anymore when Grady’s talented tongue began a fluttering dance around her clit. Jim’s lips tightened around her aroused nipple, laving and sucking, making her want to scream.
But they were in a public place. Sure, the lakefront was deserted at this time of night, but anyone could come upon them. They were out in the open, hidden only by the gloom of the cavern and the distance of this remote lake from the rest of the facility.
Gina had never been a sexual exhibitionist, but these two men made her want to try all sorts of things that were new to her. New and exciting. Just the idea that someone could be watching them heightened her arousal.
Wanting to be more than just the receiver of such amazing pleasure, Gina reached for Jim’s belt. It was awkward, but as soon as he realized what she wanted, he sat back.
“You want my cock, baby?”
His words were pitched low in the darkness but Grady stopped, looking up. Both men were totally focused on her. She had no idea what was racing through Grady’s mind, but Jim’s eyes spoke of heat and desire. She knew what he wanted. She wanted it too.
“Yes,” she whispered, licking her lips. She’d never felt like a siren before, but as the flames in Jim’s eyes roared to a new level, she knew she’d hit the right note. He made short work of his belt and the zipper, releasing his engorged cock.
Gina smiled, rising up on her elbows. Jim helped support her shoulders, moving into a position where all she had to do was open her mouth.
She took him in, loving the thick, hot feel of him. She couldn’t really maneuver in the position they’d put her in, but it didn’t matter. Her men did all the hard work. Jim stroked lightly, moving his hips in a slow rhythm that set them both on fire. Grady watched for a moment before returning to tease her opening with a much more aggressive tongue.
All Gina could do was squirm.
Grady lifted away, and she moaned at the loss. Jim seemed to like the vibration against his cock, so she moaned again when Grady lifted her thighs and pushed them upward, spreading her as he touched the tip of his hard cock to her eager opening. She was completely in their hands and had never felt safer or more intensely aroused.
Her eyes closed as Grady slid into her. The sensations were unparalleled in her experience. Her body hummed, her blood sang as both men thrust into her in long, slow sweeps.
“Look at me, baby,” Jim commanded.
Her eyes popped open, looking up into Jim’s heated gaze. One of his hands supported her shoulders, the other stroked her hair, positioning her head just the way he wanted. His hips began to move faster but he never gave her more than she could handle. He was demanding, pushing her boundaries, but caring of her comfort.
She looked downward but couldn’t really see Grady until he leaned forward, changing position slightly to dig deeper into her core. His wide cock rubbed a spot inside her on every stroke that nearly sent her into orbit.
Gina wrapped her legs around his waist, digging her heels into his ass, asking without words for what she wanted. He stepped up the pace, just as she’d hoped, as did Jim. The pressure on that spot inside her made her climb closer and closer to the sun and oh, how she wanted to get burned.
Her throat ached from the guttural sounds forced from her on every stroke. She knew the vibrations transferred from her mouth directly to Jim’s cock. He timed his thrusts to take advantage of her predictable vocalizations. They were in synch. All three of them. The thought was enough to drive her over the edge as Grady moved faster within her.
Her climax broke like a tsunami over the shore, drowning her in pleasure. A split second later, both men joined her. Jim erupted in her mouth even as he pulled back trying to spare her, but she wanted it all. She swallowed what she could of his come though some spilled out over her cheeks. Grady shot into her, his elevated alien temperature warming her from within in a way no human man could duplicate. She loved the feeling. Almost as much as she loved him. And Jim.
She loved them both. This moment out of time with both her men was absolutely perfect.
“Much as I’m enjoying this, I think we should move someplace a little less public.”
Jim’s voice came to her minutes later. She must’ve dozed off because when she opened her eyes, the cavern was quite a bit brighter than it had been before. She sat up, clutching the edges of her shirt together.
“What time is it?” She scrambled for her pants, searching the area for prying eyes.
Jim’s hand settled on her calf, stroking gently. “It’s all right. You only slept for five minutes.”
“Then why is it so much lighter in here?” She looked around at the sparkling walls of the cavern, now luminescent.
“We did that,” Grady spoke from a few feet away, watching her. “Our resonance powered the small flecks of crystal present in this rock.”
“You’re kidding.” Gina stopped and really looked at the softly glowing walls.
“No. If there had been more crystal present in this cave, it would now be glowing brightly. Our harmony is captured in the crystals, enhancing their native power.”
“I had no idea.” Gina dressed even as she continued to take in the luminous walls.
“Few have ever seen this kind of reflective resonance in recent times.” Grady stood, fastening his trousers. “But I’ve seen it before, in even greater quantity. The crystal here is but a trace element in the stone lattice. The effect would be much more pronounced were we near a higher concentration of crystal.”
They all heard footsteps approaching at the same time. The intruders were far away, but heading in their direction. Gina wanted to be gone before anyone realized what they’d been doing.
Jim stood, shielding Gina as she buttoned her shirt while he discreetly zipped his pants. Within moments they were heading away from the lakeshore, back into the populated areas of the complex.
“Which way?” Gina asked when they reached the main cavern.
“My rooms are closest,” Grady offered.
Gina saw the way Jim hesitated, but after a moment he turned and the three of them walked together toward the nearest barracks building. There were several in the enormous main cavern, but Grady’s was the nearest by far.
They managed to get inside without anyone seeing them. All three of them were good at moving stealthily. Gina’s heart was pounding by the time the door to Grady’s quarters closed behind them.
She looked around at the room. It was quite different from the one she’d been issued. For one thing, it was larger. The bed, too, was a king size compared to the double in her room.
“This must be the luxury building. My room’s a lot smaller.”
Grady was taller than Jim, and she suspected he needed the larger bed. Maybe that’s why he’d been assigned to this building, even though it was farther away from the main area than the other barracks. Whatever the case, it didn’t matter. All that mattered was that his bed would fit all three of them.
She felt eyes on her and looked up to find both men staring at her. Grady’s face was easy to read. He wanted her. Again.
Well, she was up for that. With these two at her beck and call, she thought she’d be downright insatiable.
Jim’s expression was more difficult to decipher. He looked hungry, but there was a tick in his clenched jaw that made her worry. Was he really okay with this? He seemed okay. For now.
She decided then and there, it was her job to make sure he saw all the advantages of this kind of relationship. Oh, how she’d enjoy her work. She licked her lips as she straightened away from the door.
Jim took one step forward, his dominating presence making her wet.
The single word made her womb clench. The look in his eyes made her want to do anything he asked. Without a word, she began to undress.