
As they often are, this book was very much a group endeavor. Nick Rixey’s world came to life around a birthday dinner table, as great friends and wonderful authors Stephanie Dray and Christi Barth helped me brainstorm the series plot. With the help of Jennifer Schober, those rough ideas took shape into something much more ambitious than I expected—but also hugely exciting. And then my wonderful editor, Amanda Bergeron, entered the picture, helping make this writer’s dream come true. Without these four women, I never would’ve had the chance to meet Nick, Becca, and all the other wonderful characters at Hard Ink Tattoo.

Bringing the story to life on the page was one of the most challenging things I’ve ever done—and one of the most rewarding. I absolutely could not have accomplished it without the constant cheers and encouragements of writer friends Lea Nolan, Joya Fields, Christi Barth, and Stephanie Dray. Christi went way, way, way above and beyond by critiquing the entire manuscript with lightning-fast speed and incredible insight. And Stephanie, too, offered a critique that pushed me to make the story better. Amanda Bergeron offered wonderfully thoughtful and engaged editorial guidance and challenged me to go deeper into the characters and the story. I can’t thank each of them enough.

I also need to offer a special thanks to my husband, Brian, and daughters Cara and Julia for putting up with an MIA wife and mom while I escaped to the world of Hard Ink. This book would never have been finished without their devotion and support, and it means the world to me.

Finally, I offer thanks to Laura’s Heroes for everything they do, and to the readers, who welcome characters into their hearts and minds and let them tell their stories over and over again! –LK

Special acknowledgment to the following readers who suggested dog names I used in the book:

Sadie: Cathe Green, Michelle Wilson, Dawn Howell Tinari, Kelly Ridgely DeLeon, Alison Gail Rush

Georgia: Sheri Vidal, Sara Long Butler

Phoebe: Julie Cooper Barber, Polly Greathouse Coffy, Amanda Brown

Shiloh: Nancy Lux-Nicholson

Trinity: LaVerne Clark, Carrie Marcinkevage

Hopalong: Amy Villalba

Tripod: Linda Eisenberg

Cujo: Carlyn McGill

Ilene: Laura Stein Bubley

Eilene: Panera friend Elicia Brand Leudemann

Clover: Joanne O’Meara, and Hope: Amy Villalba, Hayley Reynolds, Crystal Sworden, Grace Zamora, Christina Mesmiller, were other names I wanted Becca to consider, but there was just too much going on! Thanks to the nearly two hundred people who suggested names for Becca’s puppy! You guys rock!
