Chapter 5

Chandler lay back on the mat in Corpse pose after finishing her class. Palms up, legs slightly open, she enjoyed the benefits of a demanding routine and let her muscles relax. She had an hour free before the intermediate students arrived, and needed to clear her mind. The morning class had been difficult because of her constantly drifting thoughts regarding a certain business executive.

Why did she think she could challenge him?

Logan Grant was, indeed, a master of the game.

She’d been prepared for him to initiate a ruthless game of pursuit and retreat. She expected him to break her down by playing on the weakness of her body’s reaction. Throughout the last week she built up her defenses to handle any maneuver thrown at her. When she realized she had no need to fight off his advances, she discovered his subtle manipulations already began to work.

When she demonstrated a new stretch, he always seemed to need her personal assistance. As his employees teased him on his inability to copy her movements, she’d be forced to position his muscled arms; come in contact with the bare flesh of his calves; adjust his shoulders so the breath went deeply into his lungs.

He always arrived early to help her set up for class. He insisted he liked to clear his mind before the other employees arrived. She would have believed him if it hadn’t been for the accidental brushes of his fingertips against hers as he reached for the mats; or how he stood behind her, his breath a warm rush against the nape of her neck, his voice murmuring in her ear when he made a comment.

He acted like a gentleman, but she knew every moment they were together he wanted her. Desire shown through his speech, his touch, his eyes.

He was driving her insane.

She eased herself to her feet and bent to position both hands on the mat. Her head hung down and released her neck muscles. She discovered many things about the famous CEO by casually questioning his employees. She wasn’t surprised to find respect and admiration in most of their statements.

What intrigued her was the warmth expressed by everyone she spoke with. She found he financed a luxurious vacation for an employee recovering from a hospital stay. He set up special tuition reimbursement plans for anyone who wanted to pursue educational classes. His open door policy invited workers with a problem to see him personally, and its continued usage proved the effectiveness of such a plan. All surprising actions from a man with a heart of steel.

But did any employee know the inner Logan Grant? Chandler realized his job demanded all of his effort and time, but the sacrifice was evident when she watched him from across the room. Even when surrounded by people, he always stood alone. An invisible barrier stretched around him. Logan had climbed the ladder of success, but he hadn’t taken anyone with him. It had been a lonely climb.

She wondered why knowing that about him hurt. Her new feelings were dangerous. She’d been prepared to withstand the aggressive actions of a man who wanted her in his bed. What she hadn’t expected was the tender emotions flowering inside of her in response to the onslaught of a warm, summer rain rather than a crashing thunderstorm. But perhaps he knew how she felt. Perhaps it was all part of his game of seduction. Perhaps—

“I think I’m extremely jealous of the men in your classes.”

Chandler jerked upward and spun around to face a pair of wicked gray eyes. He towered in the doorway, looking powerful and at ease in his black, conservative, custom tailored suit. He’d taken off the jacket and hooked it over his shoulder. His white starched shirt sleeves were rolled up to his elbows, and a pair of red suspenders molded the fabric to his frame. Black winged tip shoes peeked from underneath his slacks. He cut an intimidating figure. She tried to gather her scattered thoughts. “What do you mean?”

Logan walked towards her. “If that’s the view students get during class, sign me up.”

She blushed at his pointed gaze, and realized her hips and backside had been raised in the air. “That is not very gentlemanly of you to notice, or comment, Mr. Grant.”

He put his hands to his heart. “I was only trying to protect a lady from future embarrassment. What if I had been an old evil lecher bent on ravishing your body?”

“Aren’t you?”

“Aren’t I what?”

“Bent on ravishing my body?”

His eyes darkened. One lid dropped in a naughty wink. “Yes, but I draw the line at being called old and evil.” He reached out and brushed at a stray tendril of her golden brown hair. “How do I know you didn’t strike this pose to drive me insane?”

She fought a smile. “Mr. Grant, I would never deliberately provoke you.”

She knew by the look on his face he remembered that night. His voice dropped. “You’re doing it right now.”

“Doing what?”

“Provoking me.”

“I’m not doing anything.”

“Each time you call me Mr. Grant in such a proper tone, you challenge me to make you say my first name. I have many pleasurable ideas in mind. Want to hear them?”


He smiled and tossed his jacket on the coat rack. “Too bad. Anyway, I’m sure you’ll be happy to know I’ve come on business.”

Chandler blinked and grabbed for composure. Too many delicious ideas lingered in her mind. “What kind of business?”

“I’m having dinner with an important client tonight. I gave him some information about your seminar, and he seems interested. I’d like you to come with me.”

She hesitated. Having dinner with him could be dangerous on her part. But if she declined she’d miss an important opportunity. After a few moments, she nodded. “Okay. Thank you for speaking with him about the program.”

“You’re welcome.” He glanced around with interest. “This is a beautiful studio.” He walked toward the oversized bay windows which overlooked the Hudson River and mountains in the distance. “Very peaceful. You have to actually strain to hear the sounds of the taxis and factories.”

She laughed. “I fell in love with this location the moment I saw it. A fire gutted the building years ago, and it remained vacant. I think the structure was too far off the beaten path for investors to make a profit.” A gleam of pride shone in her eyes as she spoke. “I renovated the place and bought it outright.”

“You did a wonderful job.” His gaze encompassed the bare wood floors and large, airy space. One wall was covered with mirrors, and at the far end the windows were flung open, allowing the late summer breeze to whisper in. Black and white photographs displayed a figure posed in a series of different postures called Sun Salutation. Near the front of the room, small vases filled with fresh daisies and wild flowers graced an elaborate rock garden. Toward the back sat a pottery bowl filled with softly bubbling water. A small Buddha statue sat in the center. The plump, smiling figure radiated peace.

He motioned toward the display. “What’s that for?”

“When students first come into the studio they take off their shoes and bow before starting their practice. It’s a way of leaving your ego at the door. There’s no competition in a yoga class, so we try to come to the practice with humility. Buddha represents enlightenment. Flowers and water represent new life. Rocks represent the earth. We pay our respect to all of these elements.”

The beauty of her words struck him full force. He pondered them as he strolled through the room. Logan caught a glimpse of her office in the corner and peeked through the open door. The room held a worn pink sofa, one battered desk, and a variety of papers scattered across the floor. Purple mats and meditation cushions were stacked neatly in the corners. He smiled and breathed in the faint scent of incense. “Did you have a difficult time finding students? Your location is away from the mainstream where business thrives.”

“The first year was a struggle,” she said. “I invested in some advertising and sponsored workshops for the community, so it helped with new clients and referrals.” She shook her head, remembering those months of hard work as she struggled to make a profit on a business she believed in, but others mocked. “I’ve reached a point where there seems to be enough demand to increase classes and hire more help. There’s so much more I want to do here. When I first decided to develop the Yoga and Arts Center I knew I wanted a place where people could escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. I stumbled upon this building when I visited a meditation retreat close by. I knew immediately this was what I had been looking for.”

He watched her from across the room with curiosity. “This was an enormous undertaking for anyone. Did you have help?”

The shutter dropped over her face and closed off all emotion. “No,” she said softly. “I did this by myself.”

“But now you need me.”

Her gaze cut to his. Fire glittered within her eyes, reminding him of emeralds catching the sun. “I needed an opportunity to show how my program could work. If you had declined my proposal, I would’ve found someone else.”

He closed the distance between them. Her head tilted back to look at him with defiance. “But you didn’t.” Logan ran his finger along the side of her jaw. “You found me. You’re mine now. You belong to me.”

Raw, sexual energy sizzled in the air. She fought for breath as her fingers curled into tight fists to hold herself back from touching him. She wanted him. Wanted his mouth on hers, his hands on her body, his taste against her tongue. All the weeks of abstinence only increased her hunger. Logan growled something under his breath, either a curse or a prayer, and his head lowered toward hers. His arms reached out to snag her and draw her closer and—


Her name echoed through the room. He released her, never taking his gaze from her face. Chandler shook herself out of the sensual spell and turned, torn between relief and regret at the interruption.

Harry rushed through the entrance in his usual manner and stopped short when he spotted them. “Oh!” He hesitated. “Sorry, I didn’t know you were busy.”

She waved him in. “It’s okay, we were just finishing up.” She made the introductions and watched them shake hands. Logan acted as if he was measuring up a business rival. Poor Harry looked confused. “Logan was just leaving. He doesn’t like to be away from the office for too long.”

“Oh, I have plenty of time,” Logan drawled. “My schedule is clear for the afternoon. So, you’re Chandler’s lawyer?”

Harry beamed with pride. “Yes, Chandler is my first official client. She was one of the only people who supported me though school. Even after I failed the bar she always believed in me.”

“I gather you two are close friends.”

Harry nodded. “We’ve known each other for years. Whenever I’m under pressure she helps me relax. I knew when she decided to open the Yoga and Arts Center she’d become a success. You were lucky to snatch her up before she’s in demand.”

“She helps you relax with yoga?”

“Sure. She also gives a great massage. Knows all the pressure points.”

Chandler almost groaned. She knew her friend’s intentions were good, but the look on Logan’s face was quite distressing. He looked as if he could cheerfully strangle her friend. “Harry, is there something you needed?” she interrupted.

“Want to have dinner tomorrow night? I need to talk to you about some things happening at work. Anyway, I’ve been craving Italian lately.”

The room fell silent. Chandler dared a look at Logan’s face and was sorry she did. He looked ready to strike.

His lean, muscled length coiled tight, as if to hold himself back. His jaw clenched and unclenched. She watched with fascination as his gaze came to rest upon her with a warning deep in its depth.

A thrill shot through her at his obvious jealousy. It seemed his control over the last week was finally at an end. He thought something was going on between her and Harry, and wanted to put an end to it. He had the same look he always gave Richard when he caught them together.

Chandler bit back the explanations on the tip of her tongue meant to soothe his worries. Logan Grant had started this game the moment he kissed her. Surely, it wouldn’t hurt to put him in his place by making him think she could be involved with Harry. Time she taught him a lesson.

Her lips curved in a smile. “Sounds good. Why don’t I meet you at seven?”

“Great. We’ll talk then. Nice to meet you, Logan.” He turned and left. The clock ticked and she stood her ground as she waited for Logan to finally speak.

“You will not go to dinner with him.”

She blinked. “You’re joking.”

His face set like hard stone. Slowly, he walked towards her with a predatory grace. “Consider your affair with him over. If something was meant to happen between the two of you it would have occurred years ago.”

She took one step backward for each one of his. “You have no right to tell me what to do. You know nothing about the relationship I have with Harry.”

“I know you’re not in love with him.” Arrogance pulsed through his tone. “I know you don’t respond to him the way you do to me. I also know he’s not right for you. Just like Richard Thorne isn’t for you.”

“And you are?”

His jaw tightened. “I won’t let you go running to your ex-lover because you’re scared to death of the way I make you feel. You do the same thing with Thorne. You’re with him because he makes you feel safe.”

“Safe is good.”

“Safe is cowardly.”

He advanced a step. She retreated as she said, “Harry is sweet. You’re overbearing and insufferable. I won’t let you walk all over me.”

“You don’t belong with him.”

“Harry listens to my ideas and supports me. You’re domineering and a pigheaded.”

“I won’t let you do things that will get you in trouble.”

Chandler continued backing up from his looming figure. “Harry’s patient and understanding. He'd never rush me into bed without being my friend first.”

“I won’t wait around on the sidelines while you try to compare me to men in your past.”

“Harry would never demand something I’m not ready to give.”

“I won’t let you lie about your feelings.

She caught the gleam of triumph in his eyes too late. Her back slammed against the wall and trapped her from further retreat. She tilted her chin in defiance. He was so close she saw the heat in his eyes, smelled the musk of his cologne. She rallied her crumbling forces and battled for control over her treacherous body. “Harry would never use forceful tactics to get what he wanted.”

“Harry will never make love to you the way I will, Chandler.”

Her knees went weak and her gasp of outrage was smothered by his mouth over hers. He plundered her lips in a sensual invasion that drove the breath from her lungs. Heat exploded through her as his tongue thrust against hers, diving in and out of her mouth as if to plummet every dark secret, demanding her response, until she grasped his shoulders for balance and hung on. Her nails dug into the hard muscles as the searing kiss went on.

Raw sexual energy crackled between them as Logan slid his hands up her back to rip at the pins holding her hair. He dragged the honeyed strands through his fingers and murmured in pleasure as the heavy waves tumbled down to cloak them in a world of mindless abandonment.

She pressed her body against his, luxuriating in the feel of his hips cradling hers, the lean strength of his thighs, the bold evidence of his arousal. He pulled back, heard her strangled cry of protest, and re-slanted his mouth to kiss her more deeply. He used his lips and teeth and tongue to push her to the limits of control, until she became helpless beneath the onslaught and surrendered completely.

When he withdrew from her, it took a few moments to register the loss. She blinked in confusion and stared up at him. His eyes were hot and smoky as he gazed at her, but his words fell like icy drops of water and made her stiffen in shock.

“Cancel your dinner appointment with him. If you insist on starting this game, I’ll insist on finishing it.”

When she finally recovered enough to hurl some choice words at him she was too late.

He was already gone.
