
One Year Later

"The space shuttle landed without a hitch today," the television anchor announced. "Thanks to the hard and amazing work of a select few, we're one step closer to completing the International Space Station."

Corrine sighed with pleasure, both because the mission had been successful, and because her husband had come up behind her, slipped his big hands around her and was rubbing her stomach.

"Nice?" he murmured, dipping down to kiss her neck.

"Any nicer and you'll send me into labor." His hands stroked her nine-month-pregnant belly until she wanted to melt with bliss. "Just saw the news," she told him. "They're back. The landing was perfect."

"Not as perfect as ours last year."

"I know." She sighed again, remembering just how wonderfully successful their own mission had been. "I'm ready to go back up."

Mike laughed and turned her in his arms. "Can you wait until you give birth, do you think?"

"What do you think he'll be when he grows up?" she wondered, feeling the baby within her kick with the velocity of a rocket.

"She'll be anything she wants, though I imagine stubborn as hell, poor baby. Just like her mommy."

"I'm not stubborn."

"Uh-huh. And I'm not the luckiest man on the planet."

"You're the luckiest man on the planet?"

He smiled that just-for-her smile he had, the one that made her feel like the most special, precious woman alive. Even after all this time, her heart went pitter-patter. Her mother had been right, as always. Love was worth the work.

"What?" he asked with a little smile, his thumb gliding over her lower Up, his eyes full of so much warmth and love her throat tightened.

Her stomach contracted.

It wasn't the first contraction, or the second, and she knew the time had come. "I love you, Mike."

"You say that as though you just realized it," he said with a little laugh.

"No." She hid her wince as the contraction stole her breath. "I've always known," she managed to say, watching his eyes mist. "Oh, and Mike?" Unable to keep it in, she gasped as the contraction ended. "It's time."

"Baby, we can't. You're too far along for lovemaking now."

"No, I mean it's time."

He blinked, then his jaw dropped. "Oh my God."

The look of pure terror on his face made her laugh in spite of her pain. "You've flown every aircraft known to man. You've traveled off this planet. And yet the thought of having a baby terrifies you?"

He scooped her up into his arms. "Sit down," he demanded.

"I already am," she said, as he paced the room with her.

"We need to get organized!"

"We are." She pointed to the packed bag by their front door.

"We need a doctor!"

"Maybe," she conceded, pulling him down for a quick kiss. "But honestly, Mike, everything I need, or will need, is right here. He's holding me."

"God, Corrine." He rubbed his cheek to hers. "You've given me everything I could ever need, too."

And five hours later, she gave him even more. A beautiful baby girl with dark, dark eyes and wild hair and a fierce, demanding cry that reminded him of his amazing, accomplished, beautiful wife.
