Chapter 8

Haley attacked her chores with a vengeance that did nothing to ease her tension or her troubles. Dusting, mopping, vacuuming-all of it failed to soothe her the way it had for the past couple of weeks.

Both Cam and Zach had tried to get her to stop working so hard, but it was all she had. She stood in the downstairs hallway, wrapping the cord to the vacuum when she heard a scuffle. Her head whipped up.

It was Nellie.

"You startled me," Haley said with a nervous smile. "You're amazingly quiet for such a pregnant thing."

Nellie didn't smile back. Her eyes, full of worry, tipped Haley off, and a dread spread through her. "What is it? You in pain? Having a contraction? You've got to sit more, dammit."

"I'm fine, Haley."

Regardless, she took Nellie's arm, fretting over the unusual paleness of her face. "Come on, let's go to the kitchen. I'll get you something to drink. You can keep me company while I put the breakfast dishes away."

Nellie went with her, and sat at the table. "I just came from the barn. The guys are out there." She put her feet up on another chair with a sigh. "They didn't see me, of course, or I never would have heard them talking about you."

Haley's hands fumbled on the pitcher of tea, nearly dropping it. They were talking about her.

With her back to Nellie, Haley stared out the window over the sink. The day, as per Colorado usual, was glorious. Long silver clouds streaked across the brilliant blue sky. Rain clouds, she could almost hear Cam tell her. A nostalgic pain hit her with the force of a gloved list.

She was a wanted woman, hunted by the law.

Would Cam ever again want to dance with her in the middle of a thunderstorm, with only the rain and lightning for their music? Would he ever again kiss her with the aching tenderness he had in his truck? Or with the barely restrained furious passion he had the morning she'd burst into his house after hearing the plane?

She doubted it. Just as she doubted Nellie could possibly understand the predicament she now found herself in.

"I thought we were friends, Haley."

Friends, she thought, wincing at the hurt tone of Nellie's voice. Oh, how she'd wanted that. More than anything, she'd wanted that. She forced herself to turn and face Nellie. "We are."

"You're in trouble. A friend would have come to another friend for help."

"You already helped me. Gave me a job. A home."

"You know what I mean," Nellie said in the harshest voice Haley had ever heard from her. "Dammit, you know what I mean."

Haley found that by concentrating on carrying the tray to the table, she could almost steady her hands. Almost believe things were normal. "I couldn't involve you. I don't want to see you hurt."

Nellie took her hand and pulled Haley into the chair next to her. "Do you really think Jason, Zach or Cam is going to let me get hurt? It's you I'm worried about. I heard them say what serious trouble you're in. They're trying to figure out a way to help you. Cam was talking about going to South America."

"He's been doing his homework," Haley said grimly. She jumped up, unable to contain herself. Dammit, dammit. The welling panic shook her. How could she stop him?

Nellie watched Haley pace. "Don't be mad at me for listening."

Haley halted abruptly, letting her shoulders droop. "I'm not mad. How could I be?" She felt Nellie come up beside her. "You're the first friend I've ever had, Nellie. Did you know that?"

"You're a geologist. You must know lots of people."

Haley sighed heavily. "No. Not really."

Nellie touched her shoulder, her eyes bright with emotion. "You never talk about yourself. I know- I mean, I could tell you're not used to people. Not really."

"I'm not used to people like you. Nice, loving, caring people. I didn't grow up like this." Haley turned away from the compassion, the understanding, feeling as if she could simply shatter from the pressure. "I tried to explain that to Cam, but he didn't want to understand."

"It's not easy for him. You must know that. He feels he has to protect you."

"But that's ridiculous. I don't want him to protect me."

Nellie's face softened. "After what happened to Lorraine, can you blame him for his desperation to keep you safe?"

Haley moved away, went back to the sink, leaning against it because suddenly her feet wouldn't support her. "I'm not his wife."

"He has feelings for you."

"He told you that?"

Nellie laughed. "Of course not. He has pride. Too much of it. But then again, all the Reeves men do. No, he didn't say a word. But I can see it in his face when he watches you. Oh, yes," she said at Haley's glance of surprise. "He watches you. Just as you watch him when you think no one's looking."

"Oh, great. I must be a great source of entertainment for all of you."

"No. We think what's happening between the two of you is the greatest thing to happen to Cam in a long time. We care about you, Haley. Maybe if you and Cam-you know-got together, you'd stay."

A nice dream, Haley thought, closing her eyes. "This is very difficult for me, Nellie."

"Are you saying you don't have feelings for him?" Nellie crossed her arms and gave her a knowing look. "Go ahead, Haley. Try to tell me. But I'm warning you, you're not a very good liar. I'm on to you."

"Isn't there something-anything-else we can talk about?"

"Absolutely." Nellie's eyes were serious, probing. "Let's talk about us helping you."

"No." If she did, they'd die. "I won't risk getting you hurt."

Nellie looked like she might protest, but didn't. She came close and gave Haley a quick, fierce, very protective hug. "Then promise you'll stay here."

"I can't."

"Honey, for me. Promise."

"Nellie," Cam said mildly. He was leaning against the doorjamb. "Leave it alone. You can't force her."

Haley's heart all but stopped at the sight of him. He moved into the kitchen, his long, lean limbs working with their usual grace and fluidity. They hadn't had much time alone in the past few days. Now she knew why. He'd been busy butting into her life. His face was void of expression, but he couldn't mask those eyes. Filled with unleashed heat, they landed directly on her with the impact of an explosion. The physical pain of it made her look away.

"But, Cam," Nellie protested. "If she leaves, she could get hurt."

"You heard us, then," he said flatly. "Jason will be upset, Nel. He won't want you worrying about this."

"Yeah, well, he should have told me himself." Nellie put a hand on her hip and gave him a long look. "And for the record, I don't need your protection, she does! Do something, Cam, to make her believe that. Do it right now before she gets hurt."

Without waiting for him to make a move, Nellie turned to Haley. "Please, Haley. Listen to me. Zach used to be a cop. He's got lots of connections. He can help."

Sure. He could help extradite her. Then she'd go to trial for crimes the South American authorities were already certain she'd committed. She'd be executed before the next sunrise.

"Nellie, could you give Haley and me a minute?" Cam sent Nellie a special sister-to-brother look, communicating without a word.

Nellie locked Haley in a quick bear hug. She repeated the motion with Cam, whispering something in his ear that had him nodding his head solemnly.

"Thanks, honey," he said to her, leading her to the kitchen door with an arm around her waist. "Now go rest. And stop worrying about this or Jas will have my hide."

He waited until they were alone before turning back to Haley. His gaze pinned her to the spot. "Nellie was drilling you."

"Kindly, but yes." Haley had never felt so… sick. She'd destroyed any chance she would have had with the most wonderful man on earth. "I know you're upset with me."

"Do you?"

"Yes. And I completely understand. I can leave, but I'd like to wait until-"

He let out a disbelieving laugh. "You understand nothing, Haley. Absolutely nothing, if you can calmly discuss my wanting you to leave."

"You… don't want me to go?"

A muscle worked in his cheek and into his eyes came the warm light she'd wanted so badly to see. "God, no." He came toward her, but stopped short of touching her.

"What do you want?"

He let out a low laugh. "A lot of things. To know you, for one."

"You know me."

He just looked at her, then opened the leather jacket he wore. From the inside pocket he took out two things she recognized immediately. He held up the tiny notebook and the pocket phone book she always kept in her purse.

"I found these under my desk. I'm guessing they came from your purse. The funny thing is," he said in a deceptively calm voice, "I consider myself a smart man. Not terribly motivated, I admit, but that's another story." He flipped through her notebook. "These notes might have been written in Greek for all I understand. Lots of geology talk. Magnitudes, intensity, seismic waves, that sort of thing. I'm guessing they have something to do with South America."

"Yes," she said harshly. "Thanks to those notes, people's lives have been destroyed. Thanks to me, there's been earthquakes, a bomb set off, and uranium found, then lost because of greed." She gulped hard. "Thanks to what's in those notes, my life has been turned upside down and I'm a wanted woman, on the run from God-knows-whom and the law."

Cam tilted his head and studied her thoughtfully. "Feel better?"

She did. Letting it all out felt a whole lot better, but hell if she'd admit it when she was so keyed up, that if he so much as touched her, she'd explode. "That's my phone book, too," she snapped. "Hope you enjoyed your little sneak peek into my life, Cameron." She reached for it, a little surprised when he gave it right over.

"I didn't enjoy anything," he said quietly, his voice gentle and incredibly apologetic. "I just was hoping you'd tell me why you don't have any non-geology numbers listed in there except for an Isabella Whitfield in Manhattan. Is she a relative?"

"She's my mother, though I have no idea if that's the current address for her. We… sort of lost touch." Another lie. Not told to avoid danger this time, but for self-preservation. How could she admit her mother didn't want anything to do with the nerd kid she'd never understood? "There's no one else in there because, as I told you, I don't have anyone else."

"You have me," he said, startling her by taking her shoulders. His eyes held so much, her own grew wet. "You keep forgetting that."

"No, I don't forget. I just…" Just what? What would keep him safe? "I just don't want you."

"Really?" He pulled her to him, his eyes dark and intent. She braced herself, but his kiss was tenderly devastating, and she had no defenses against it. She moaned and held him close, trying to memorize each and every sensation, to keep it all in her heart forever.

Cam pulled his head back a fraction. "Don't want me, huh?"

She was wrapped around him like cellophane on candy. She flushed.

"It's all coming back to haunt you, isn't it?" he asked roughly, giving her a little shake. "Lies have a nasty habit of doing that, you know. I warned you." He inhaled deeply as if it hurt to breathe. "I told you, I can't do this anymore, and I meant it." He sank his fingers into her hair, forcing her to look into his terribly hurt eyes. "But you can't stop, can you? You can't stop lying. Not even to yourself."

Anger surged, hurt seeped deep. She pushed him away. "Dammit, I'm not Lorraine! I'm not lying to you about getting my nails done, or spending too much money on clothes! This is life and death and… God. I don't want to witness yours." She shoved at him again, the tears she didn't want to acknowledge threatening to spill. "You have a terrible habit of crowding me, Cameron, I keep telling you that." She whirled from him, then leaned over the table on stiff arms.

He came up behind her-she could feel him, though he didn't make a sound. She closed her eyes against the deep, yearning ache he invariably caused.

"I'm not going to die." His voice, by her ear, was gravelly with emotion. "And neither are you. I won't let it happen. But, Haley, you've got to trust me-at least with how you feel for me. You're killing me, here."

She felt wretchedly ashamed now. In his voice was something she'd always wanted, something she could have, if she would only reach for it. But she couldn't. He couldn't know what it did to her heart, to be offered something she'd wanted her entire life-trust-and then to have to turn it away. "I'm going to leave, Cam."

He dropped her notebook on the table in front of her. It clamored noisily in the silent kitchen. "I wish you could believe in me. I want that more than you could know. But even more than that, I want your safety. I don't want anything to happen to you, Haley. You want me to stop crowding you. Fine. I will. But don't leave."

She felt his fingers brush over the back of her neck in a soft, loving caress. She held herself rigid, knowing if he so much as touched her again, she'd give in and fly into his arms.

"Don't go," he whispered. Without another word, he left the kitchen.

She waited until the door shut before sinking into the nearest chair, dropping her head into her arms. The tears she'd been holding back fell freely, but it didn't matter.

Nothing mattered.

She'd done this to herself. She'd fallen in love with a man she could never have. Her sobs echoed around her, like her dashed dreams, crushed hopes and broken heart.

* * *

Much later, Haley thought to check the pager, which had been ominously silent.

Nothing. She shouldn't have been so surprised, but she was. The service had been disconnected. There would be no more messages.

She was completely alone.

* * *

Cam pushed the papers littering his desk away and shoved ten fingers into his hair. Haley was going to leave, if he didn't stop her. He'd call the police and turn her in before he let that happen. But what would that do to her-that final betrayal?

Without stopping to think about the wisdom of it, he pulled out her mother's phone number and dialed it.

An English guy answered. He turned out to be the butler, giving Cam the third degree. By the time Mrs. Whitfield came on the line, Cam had started to regret the call.

"Mrs. Whitfield," he said in his most charming Southern voice. "I'm a friend of your daughter's and-"


Well, who the hell did she think? "Yes, Haley. I know you haven't seen her lately, but she could really use your support right now-"

The woman laughed, long and coldly. "I paid for her education, which was more than most would have done. I'll not give her another penny."


"Tell her to capitalize on her brains. For whatever they're worth."

Something deep inside Cam chilled when he pictured Haley as a little girl, with this icy woman for a mother. No wonder she felt she could rely on no one but herself.

"I'm sorry," Mrs. Whitfield said. "I have another call."

She wasn't sorry at all, except for the fifteen seconds she'd wasted. But he had to try one last time. "Your daughter is in trouble. Aren't you in the least bit concerned? Or even curious?"

"Frankly, no," she replied. "I've tried to make my mark in that woman's life, tried to show her what was important, but she never listened. Haley has made a lifelong habit of living her life as she saw fit. She'll continue to do so, with or without me."

Unbelievable, Cam thought, his hand shaking as he hung up the phone. Absolutely unbelievable. Her mother didn't care. How different from his own mother, who before she'd died of cancer five years ago, had butted into all her sons' lives night and day, all out of love.

So much about Haley made more sense now. The way she hesitated to lean on anyone, her stubborn insistence on doing everything for herself, her incredibly low self-esteem. His hand slammed down on his desk as anger vibrated through him.

All he wanted was to show her how life could be, show her patience, kindness… love. And all she wanted to do was fight those very things as hard as she could. Understanding her motivation didn't help.

He hoped to God she managed to stay out of his way until he could rein in his feelings for her. If not, he'd kiss her again, or humiliate himself and beg her to feel a fraction of what he felt for her. He'd chase her away, and send her into the unknown danger she feared so.

A small noise had him looking up. The subject of his thoughts stood in his doorway, watching him with wary, vulnerable eyes. Damn it, she looked beautiful. And he wasn't close to being prepared to face her. Not yet.

"I'm busy," he said evenly, tapping his pencil against a file.

"I'm… sorry. I just wanted to talk to you."

He tossed his pencil aside before raising his reluctant gaze to hers. She wasn't going to make this easy for him, but he'd face it. If only to keep her here. "I thought you were all talked out."

"I thought so, too." She moved into the room, bringing the light, sweet scent that was so uniquely her. She'd changed into a pretty floral dress that he remembered as Nellie's, but he'd never remembered it being so… alluring. It swept to her ankles, its fitted bodice emphasizing her thinness. She'd lost weight, he realized with a pang of alarm. It wouldn't be good for her health. If only… Well, there were a thousand if-onlys.

"It's going to rain," she said inanely, her voice that throaty whisper that always brought visions of hot, lusty sex to mind.

Which added frustration to his growing bad temper. "Yes. And as I doubt you've come to ask me to dance in it, you might as well spill it." He would absolutely not plead with her to give him what he wanted. Her twiddling fingers spoke of her own nervousness, but he couldn't cater to her feelings now. He had his own to protect.

She sank into the chair in front of his desk. "I came to ask you to not be mad at me."

The fight drained out of him in one sweep at the urgent, almost-desperate need on her face.

How was he supposed to remain distant when all he wanted to do was wrap himself around her, comfort and protect her? As he rose and went closer, the signs were there for him to see and agonize over. She'd been crying, and as she lifted drenched eyes to his, he could see the tension, the pain blazing in them.

He squatted before her, tried to take her hands in his, but she gripped his desk so tightly, he couldn't pry them off without hurting her. "Haley," he murmured, guilt racking him. Selfish, he berated himself. He'd been so selfish, thinking only of himself. "Come on, darlin'," he urged, stroking her hands until she loosened her grip. He turned her toward him, bringing her hands up to his lips. "I'm not mad at you."

Her eyes closed, her voice filled with exhaustion. "Oh, please. Not you, too, Cam. Don't you start twisting the truth."

"All right." He couldn't contain his reluctant smile at her self-demoralizing tone. "I was mad. I was also acting selfishly. Come on." He stood, still holding her hands. "I'll walk you back to your house. You should sleep. It'll probably help the headache."

"How did you know?"

"I know you better than you think. Or at least, better than you want to admit." He tugged her gently to her feet, giving in to the impulse to pull her close.

He slid his hands up, cupped her jaw and brought his face closer to hers. God, he could drown in those eyes. "Haley, I know I agreed to walk away, to be just friends." His fingers sank into her lovely, silky hair. "But I don't want to anymore."


He didn't want to hear it so he covered her mouth with his. Under his fingers, her muscles went lax, even as her pulse raced. Slow and soft, he reminded himself, though his body urged him to hurry and possess. The change in her-the gradual, hesitant response-was so irresistibly sweet, he pulled back just to look at her.

Tears streamed down her face. Making a sound of dismay, he ran a finger over her wet cheek.

"I can't do this, Cam." She backed up, shaking her head, touching her fingers to the lips he'd just kissed. "I can't. I won't hurt you." And she turned, stumbling toward his door.


She didn't, and as she yanked the door open, he tripped over the chair she'd pushed in his way. "Dammit, wait." Shoving the chair aside, he moved, only to stop short again in the middle of the room when she paused to look at him. One more step on his part and he knew she'd bolt. He lifted his hands in a silent plea, hoping he'd say the right thing. "I believe in you."

She gripped the door. "I'm not a good bet."

"Why? Because your mother says so? She's a joke, Haley. Don't let her influence your life."

"My mother?" She gaped in disbelief. "You- You talked to her?"

He nodded reluctantly, and her eyes widened. He said quickly, "I called her, thinking she could help you-"

"You what? How could you? Never mind, don't answer that." She stiffened. "Just do me one favor-stay the hell out of my life!"

He stiffened, too. "As long as you stay here."

"Are you going to hold me prisoner, Cameron?" she asked softly.

"If that's what it takes to keep you safe, you bet," he replied grimly.

Without another word, she left the office.
