She��d already been awake when the doorbell rang and conversation began in the other room. Alisha washed her face, happily noting that she only looked half like death warmed over. By the time someone knocked on Devon’s bedroom door, she’d pulled on sweats and one of Devon’s oversized sweatshirts, rolling up the sleeves so her hands weren’t buried in the excess length.

“Come on in.” Alisha scrambled in her bag for her hairbrush, looking up in time to see Erin poke her head around the corner. “Hey you.”

“Hey you, yourself. Dammit, girl, what the hell were you pulling? Hospital time? You need a vacation, you should ask Marcus for one.”

Alisha sat on the edge of the bed and went to work on her hair. “Yeah, trust me, an actual holiday would be far better than the local ER. For one thing, I tend to remember holidays.”

Erin shook her head, closing the door behind her and sitting in the chair beside the dresser. “You really okay?”

Alisha nodded. “Tired, but no more than when we’ve pulled back-to-back rescues too many days in a row. I figure one more solid sleep and I’ll be up to full speed.”

“Good, because while I don’t want you to rush it, I need you at Lifeline before I get testosterone poisoning.”

Guaranteed grin. “They are a handful, the guys.” She paused, eyed Erin closer. The urge to tease was probably a sign that she was feeling a lot better. “But there’s Lana now. Surely she helps fight the overload?”

Erin made a rude noise. “Don’t even start me on that woman.”

“Aren’t you besties yet?” Alisha clicked her tongue. “I’m so disappointed.”

Erin chuckled. “Sarcasm becomes you. You need to try it more often.”

Alisha blinked innocently. “I wasn’t being sarcastic.”

They stared at each other for a moment, then burst out laughing. When Alisha could speak again she put her brush down on the side table and twisted to face Erin. “Forget Lana. She’s not a part of the team. How do you like the new chopper?”

“It’s awesome. Anders and I have worked out the bugs, and she’s ready to roll at the next call-out.” Erin pointed in her direction. “So you get better, because I want you along, okay?”

The warmth flooding Alisha wasn’t only from her nap anymore. Having Erin express interest and caring was something special—something that hadn’t been there the previous season. Finding a place as friends as well as co-workers was so right. “I’ll do my best. Devon’s taking good care of me.”

Erin nodded. “I bet he is. He’s totally gone on you.” Alisha laughed, pausing when Erin didn’t join in. The woman raised one perfect brow, her smooth dark skin shining in the soft bedroom light. “You doubt me? You need to open your eyes. I mean, I joked about losing the bet, but you two are good together. Don’t miss the signs.”

“We’re hot together, I’ll admit that. He’s not half the pain in the ass he used to be.”

“Hate to tell you this.” Erin gave her that look again. “I don’t see Devon’s changed much. He’s still the same works his ass off, jokes about it type of guy he’s always been.”

Alisha went searching for socks so she could think about that more before she responded. Devon had shown a new face in the past days, but had she been the one ignoring the real him? Did it matter?

Lingering effects from the drugs forced her to focus on the here and now. She looked Erin in the eye. “I like him.”

“Honey, you always liked him.” Erin winked, her deep brown eyes twinkling with amusement. “You just weren’t admitting it to yourself.”

Like a lot of things. “Hey, I have a question. A pretty awkward, personal question.”

Erin smoothed her shirt and leaned back in the chair. “Ask. If I don’t want to answer, we’ll change topics to discuss the weather.”

“You ever have someone you needed to discourage? I mean, a guy.” Alisha’s cheeks heated. She and Erin had gotten closer, yes, but romantic advice was not on the list of things they’d spent time discussing, even with the change in status quo. She rushed onward. “I remembered you saying something once about there being someone . . . bossy . . . in your life and that they weren’t around anymore. That’s all.”

Erin lost her relaxed posture, leaning forward on her elbows. “You got troubles, hon? Are you in danger?” Her eyes widened. “Shit, you think you know who might have drugged you?”

The idea of Vincent being involved seemed impossible. “I’ve got troubles, but right now I have no idea how Vincent could have orchestrated something like drugging me. I’m . . . Devon knows. It’s part of the reason why I’m living here temporarily.”

“Vincent?” Erin frowned. “Who’s that, and what’s he been doing?”

Alisha gave a brief rundown, noting with satisfaction that Erin didn’t seem ready to run from the room, but instead her spine stiffened as if she were ready to do battle on Alisha’s behalf.

When Alisha was done, Erin nodded slowly, folding her fingers together and holding them to her lips for a moment as she considered. “I’ve had a bad relationship before, oddly enough not with the guy you heard me mention. He was . . . a different issue. As well, in a way, the solution to the first creep.”

“You had a guy get rid of the first troublemaker?”

“Him, and a restraining order.” Erin shifted position to sit on the bed beside Alisha. “Look, there are times no matter what you do, no matter how firm you are in handling a situation, you won’t be able to deal without help. It’s one of the downfalls of being a woman in today’s society.”

Alisha nodded. “Society can go suck eggs.”

“Agreed.” Erin caught her hand and squeezed it. “Thanks for telling me. I’ll keep an eye out for you, but honestly? Being involved with Devon is great front-line help. On a different topic, if you need to get your stuff out of your old apartment, well, I’ve got room to store things. Heck, you can move in with me temporarily if you’d like—I’m not keen on a permanent roomie, because I enjoy my personal space, but the offer is there if you need it.”

Alisha would be crying in a minute if she wasn’t careful. “Thank you. I just want Vincent to go away. I’m not changing my mind, so I don’t see what good it does him to hang around.”

Erin hummed. “He’s staying in Banff? How can he do that for a prolonged period of time? I thought he worked for the company your dad owns.”

“I assume he’s using the computer to work remotely.” Alisha had wondered the same thing. “I’d call my father to find out, but the last time I asked him a question about Vincent I got nowhere. Plus, I don’t need more pressure from that quarter for me to do the right thing and come to my senses.”

“To hell with that,” Erin muttered. She rose to her feet. “Come, grab something to eat and say hi to the guys—they’ve been worried sick about you.”

Alisha stood. “Thanks for the ear, Erin. I appreciate it.”

“Anytime.” She nodded. “And say the word, and we’ll take care of your apartment for you. I’ll coordinate, get the guys to add the muscle power. We’ll be done in no time.”

“I might take you up on that offer,” Alisha promised.

They stepped into the hall and down to the living room. The team swarmed Alisha. One set of muscular arms after the other surrounded her as she was passed down the line and hugged fiercely. Tripp’s teddy bear envelopment was followed by Anders’s more casual embrace. Xavier squeezed her extra hard before flipping into paramedic mode and examining her eyes.

“Ambulance chaser,” she joked, pressing a hand against his chest. “Go away.”

“Attention hog.” Xavier patted her shoulder, then gestured toward the couch. “Put your feet up. You get to cast the deciding vote for the first show of the night.”

Hellboy marathon?”

“God, no.” Devon slipped onto the couch beside her. “How can someone so sweet and innocent like you watch that crap?”

Alisha accepted a plate of food from Tripp, leaning on the couch contentedly. “What? You want to do the Lord of the Rings again? I think you’ve got a serious crush on Legolas.”

Tripp blinked. “Well, who doesn’t?”

Anders cackled. “Or Gimli.”

Devon rolled his eyes. “Yeah, right, I’m all about the dwarves. But make it Thorin, and you’d be closer to the mark.”

That earned him a few hoots of laughter, and Alisha smiled harder and relaxed into the easy acceptance of the team as they distracted her by being themselves.

Less than twelve hours ago Vincent had threatened her. It seemed impossible, like some drug-induced hallucination. Glancing around the room, though, she couldn’t bear to think of not being a part of this. The smiles, the jokes. The honest-to-God caring.

Beside her Devon had balanced his plate in his lap so he could drape an arm around her shoulders. She snuggled in tight, allowing his body heat to comfort her like a living blanket.

The show began, conversation continuing over the soundtrack since they’d all seen the show a hundred times. Conversation and teasing were the order of the day, and her fears faded. How could anything tear her from something so powerful as the caring and commitment she’d found in Lifeline?

* * *

Devon couldn’t stay away. The last of the team had silently slipped out once they’d discovered Alisha had fallen asleep sometime during the second movie. He’d remained motionless, her head resting on his chest, with knowing glances tossed his direction, especially from Erin and Tripp, before the door clicked shut behind them.

He carried her to the bedroom, her breathing staying even and heavy, she was so out of it. Devon arranged her on the bed, pulling off her sweats, but hesitating over the sweatshirt until he decided she couldn’t possibly be comfortable sleeping in the bulky thing.

She nuzzled against him as he supported her with his body and slipped off the top, her sleep-warmed skin scalding him with the desire to consume her like a feast. Leaving the room wasn’t possible—not unless he wanted to spend his evening returning every five minutes to check on her like some crazed stalker.

So he gave in and stripped, joining her in the bed. She turned and cuddled in instantly, her strong fingers skimming over his chest. A happy noise escaped her, somewhere between a sigh and moan.

He kissed the top of her head as she eased one of her legs between his, tangling them together intimately. All of it so natural, so comfortable, they could have been lovers for years instead of weeks.

The whole thing with Vincent had shaken him more than he’d thought. Adding in Tripp’s concerns, he really didn’t know what to think, other than that he was determined to keep Alisha safe.

How to accomplish that, he had no idea. Waves of helpless frustration swamped him harder than the sexual desire he always felt in her presence. This wasn’t about wanting her, although there was no doubt that he did. It was about being there for her and not letting her down.

She’d said she trusted him, but should she?

The fear that he wouldn’t be enough made him stare into the darkness for a long, long time.

He must have drifted off. It was the only explanation, because there was this incredible heat surrounding his cock. Wet pressure pulled him from dreams that involved entirely too much of Alisha’s eyes—turned blue with passion—staring up as she wrapped her perfect lips around his shaft and sucked him.

Only it wasn’t completely a dream. Her eyes were there in front of him, staring earnestly as the blood rushed to his cock. She’d separated their bodies far enough to wrap her fingers around his shaft as she worked him in a smooth steady pace that had his balls tightening and him blinking to regain consciousness.

“I’m taking advantage of you,” she whispered.

“Sweet Jesus.” Devon took a deep breath, attempting to muster up the strength to force her to stop. “Alisha, oh hell . . .

She palmed him harder, her thumb skimming over the crest, slick from the come already slipping from him. “I woke up and wanted you, but I figured if I told you that, you’d offer all kinds of reasons why we shouldn’t fool around.”

“We shouldn’t,” he protested.

“See?” she asked. “I couldn’t bring myself to actually make love with you before you woke up—that would be rather creepy. I hoped a little . . . encouragement would be okay.”

His balls had no objections. His brain? “Alisha, hon, it’s too soon.”

Her lower lip stuck out slightly as she mock-pouted. “The doctor said I was supposed to go ahead and resume activities as soon as I felt up to it.”

Another pump of her fist down his dick dragged a groan from him. “You know he meant work.”

A devilish smile snuck over her face. “You feel up to it, don’t tell me you don’t.”

Devon shook his head. “You’re terrible.”

“Maybe, but I want you. I want to feel you touch me and make my body come alive with pleasure. Want to feel you inside me.”

The entire time she spoke she stroked, ensuring that his mental capabilities were far from full strength. Other than he’d caught that this was what she wanted, which was the only part that needed to register.

He couldn’t deny her anything. And sex? Even less could he say no to her wanting some sheet-tangling, sweaty action.

Only he wasn’t about to let her do the work.

He covered her hand with his own, stilling the urge to rut on her like an animal. He tightened their joint grip enough to ease off the need for release as he leaned in and kissed her.

Sweet lips met his, her tongue darting out to tease as she angled her head and pressed her torso forward. Devon soaked in her flavour, reveling in the gentle touch of her fingers as he set her hand free and she instantly set out to drive him mad. Tiny caresses flitted over his chest, his hips, her hands seemingly everywhere as she explored.

He concentrated on her mouth. On sucking her bottom lip, then biting lightly. On kissing the corners before sneaking along her jawline to her ear, the tender lobe tempting him as he rolled her under him. Every time he put his lips to her body she squirmed happily. Every nip or suck or lick elicited a delicious sound. Moans, little sighs. A fluttering gasp as he licked his way down her breast and took a nipple between his teeth.

He wanted to consume her one piece at a time. A slow, thorough feast that would let her know exactly how much she meant—

Devon froze for a second before lifting his gaze.

It wasn’t right, the emotions engulfing him. They’d said this was nothing more than itch-scratching of the best sort—a kind of shared pleasure between friends.

That wasn’t what he felt anymore, but damn if he knew how to tell her. Now he was scared to have her run screaming for all the opposite reasons than the other woman he’d been involved with. This was good, them together. It was more than good, it was right.

He didn’t want it to end.

Alisha stroked his jaw, rubbing her palm over the stubble. “That’s a serious expression.”

He rapidly changed tack to avoid having to answer the question in her eyes. “This is a serious business, making sure you’re satisfied.”

He settled more firmly, hips between her thighs as she opened to him.

“You more than satisfy me.” She arched upward, rubbing her mound against his cock, and another little moan escaped her as his hard length slid over her clit. “Hurry. We can get to the good part. I’m all warmed up.”

Her cheeks flushed to deep red, the faint light from the hallway making him wonder as he skimmed a hand down her body. He eased his fingers between their torsos, slipping through her folds effortlessly as wet heat coated him. “Well, that’s sweet.”

Alisha lifted her chin. “I told you I wanted you.”

“Were you playing with yourself, Alisha? Before you wrapped your hand around my dick and got me hard, did you put your fingers between your legs and rub your clit?”

Her eyes widened as he spoke, and then she nodded. Licked her lips. “Yes.”

“And now you want my cock? You want me to hold you in place while I fuck you?”

That tongue of hers snuck out again, and he swooped in and kissed her before she could retreat, their tongues twisting together until she moaned.

Devon breathed harder as he continued, his volume on the edge of a whisper, voice deep and husky. “I’m in no hurry to get to the finale. I like going down on you. I think I’ll take my time and go lick up all that sweetness you’ve warmed for me. Use my tongue until you’re squirming and screaming my name. Maybe a few times. Then we can get to the part where I slip my cock inside you and make you shout all over again.”

“Devon . . .”

She wasn’t breathing as easily anymore now, either.

He worked his way down her firm body, stopping to give her breasts a moment’s attention. Staying because he couldn’t stand to leave. The tips tightened to hard peaks, glistening with moisture as he alternated between tasting one then the other. Alisha thrust her hands into his hair and attempted to keep him in one place. Either that, or she was trying to pull him over top of her.

He wasn’t ready. Not by a long shot.

He pressed a kiss along the underside of one firm mound. Licked slowly along her ribs. He had to use distraction techniques to convince himself to leave her breasts, focusing on the treasure he headed toward next. The sweet scent of her desire drawing him onward.

His jaw brushed her belly, and she sucked in air, the rub of whiskers on his chin leaving faint red marks on her tender skin. Only she didn’t seem to object. He kissed her belly button. The top of her mound. Devon slid his palms down her thighs to her knees, then gently pressed her legs apart.

Gazing up her body was the most incredible sight. Her sex open to him, wetness shining on the soft folds as they opened. Her uneven breathing shook her breasts. Wetness shone on her lips from having licked them. Her eyes—

Her eyes trapped him. The fire in their depths lit a fuse that had nowhere to burn but through them both.

Like a trigger had been pulled, Devon exploded into action. He scooped his hands under her ass, lifting her hips and lowering his head in one motion. He’d moved deliberately until this point, but now he didn’t hesitate. Licked the length of her sex, drove his tongue into her. Lapped and sucked and feasted greedily as she writhed. Her volume escalated as he concentrated on her clit until she fisted the bed sheets.

“Devon, yes. Oh yes.”

He was up and over her in a moment, the condom jerked from the stash in the side table and rolled over his shaft faster than he thought possible. There was only one thing he needed, only one desire driving him. Only when he pressed the tip of his cock between her folds and the slick heat welcomed him in, he slowed again. Unwilling to rush. Savouring every second of that first moment of connection.

Alisha groaned her approval, lifting her legs and wrapping them around him. The change of angle allowed him to slip deeper yet.

He pressed up on his arms, hovering over her as their eyes met. He couldn’t look away, the hunger and passion mesmerizing him. He pulled his hips back so slowly his arms shook with the effort, but the fluttering of her eyelids was worth it as he hit her sweet spot. And again.

“So tight around my cock. So perfect.” Devon adjusted his position to open up room between them. “Lick your fingers.”

She frowned before lifting a hand to her mouth and touching her tongue to the tips.

“Wetter. That’s it. Suck them until they’re good and slippery.”

Devon rocked his hips fast enough to keep them both on the edge. The wet heat of her sex embracing his cock was so good he didn’t want it over too soon. The sight of Alisha twirling her tongue over her fingers was strangely erotic, especially since he had an ulterior motive.

“Good.” The word rumbled up from where he trembled on the verge of losing control. “Now touch yourself. Rub your clit until you come on my cock.”

Alisha’s eyes widened as she hurried to obey, the back of her warm fingers leaving a streak of moisture on his stomach. He could tell the moment she touched the sensitive bundle—the tension in her face grew, her rate of breathing picked up. Ragged and unsteady, her hand bumped his groin as they both quickened the pace. Increased the pressure. Alisha’s gaze remained pinned to his as her lips tightened into a pout, pleasure wrapping itself around her and then tearing her apart as she climaxed and took him with her.


Devon buried himself as deep as possible and froze, the snug fist of her sex constricting again and again, jolting his release through his balls and into the condom so hard he worried about blowing the thing apart.

Alisha closed her eyes, squeezing them so tight that if it weren’t for the smile twisting her lips he would have thought she was in agony. She dragged in a deep breath before exhaling like a runner finishing a long race.

He stared, unable to turn away, memorizing her face as she relaxed under him, fully sated. Her eyes slowly opened, long lashes fluttering as their gazes met. He wanted to say something. To make a joke to lighten the moment. Maybe tell her he was glad she was feeling better. Something.


But no words came. None he could say aloud, because what wanted to escape was tender and caring, and far too close to telling her he couldn’t stand not having her in his life.

He’d gone and fallen in love, and that terrified him more than the most dangerous rescue he’d ever faced.
