Chapter Five

Fen awoke the next morning to a mumbling armful of red-head. Jeff was muttering to himself, the sound cranky and oddly endearing. He felt the man leave their bed and stumble toward the bathing room. He settled back down, knowing his mate was safe and not going anywhere. Jeff was going to relieve himself and use that awful toothpaste stuff he insisted on. Fen shuddered. If his mate insisted on using it he’d have to find something that didn’t taste quite so awful.

Fen sat up and rubbed at his eyes, stretching and yawning. He ignored the curses flowing from the bathing room. He did not hear his name, so the anger was not directed at him. He scratched his stomach and headed for the bedroom door. He would have his mate’s coffee brewing before he left the bathing room.

The brown liquid, or “liquid gold”, as Jeff called it, would put his mate in a considerably better frame of mind.

The whistle coming from his couch had him turning, claws ready to protect and defend.

“Morning to you too.”

Fen understood now why his father called Jamie a pita. She could certainly be a pain in the ass at times. “Good morning, sister of my mate.” He frowned.

“Why are you here instead of with Tyr?”

She shrugged, looking uncomfortable. “We had a fight.” She eyed him up and down, the look curiously clinical. “Could you go put some clothes on?”

Fen looked down at his nakedness. Jeff would throw one of his fits if he knew Fen was naked in front of his sister. “If you will put on coffee for Jeff.”

“Done.” She stood, grinning at him. “Did you two have fun last night?”

With that evil grin on her face he’d have thought she was a daughter of Loki.

“Yes, we did.” He shut the door on her laughter and grabbed the pants his mate handed him. “Jamie’s here.”

The quick concern worried Fen. “I’ll go talk to her.”

Fen nodded and watched his mate stalk from the bedroom, those riotous red curls sticking straight up from his mate’s head.

“Jesus, Jeff. What happened to your head? You look like you got attacked by a beaver.”

Fen shook his head and went to brush his teeth. Almost as soon as he’d turned the water on Jeff was back. His mate grabbed a brush and left without a word.

Fen hurried through his routine, wincing at the taste of the toothpaste. He left the bedroom and walked into the living room, the scent of the coffee strong.

He found the twins seated on the sofa, Jeff running a brush through his twin’s curls, his own sticking up all over his head. Fen would dearly love to watch those curls grow down to Jeff’s waist. It would be glorious and wild and strong, just like his man.

Right now? Fen stifled a laugh. Jamie was right. It did look like his mate’s head had been attacked by an animal.

“So he thinks we made the wrong decision.”

Jamie nodded. “He got really upset and said he needed to go save Mom from Dad. But Dad wouldn’t hurt Mom, would he?”

The brush paused. “Only if he’s still on the juice and Grimm orders him to.

But he might fight it.”

“Oh God.” Jamie buried her face in her hands. “Maybe we shouldn’t have told her.”

The brush resumed its path. “No. She deserved to know.”

“That’s what I thought.”

Fen watched the twins together, the one grooming the other, soothing each other with their presence, and knew he’d never be able to take his mate far from her. It would kill them both to be separated. They needed each other in ways only another wolf could understand.

They were a pack of two trying to become a pack of four. What made it more difficult was that all four were alpha and bound to clash.

“What are we gonna do, Jeff?”

The whisper was so soft Fen wasn’t sure he was supposed to hear it.

The brush moved smoothly through Jamie’s hair. “Trust what’s left of our family to get us through this.”

The soft knock on the front door shouldn’t have surprised him, but he’d been so caught up in watching the twins together that the rest of the world had faded away. He answered and allowed Travis into his home. “She’s getting her hair brushed.”

Travis sighed. “Then they both must be upset.”

Fen nodded and shut the door, lulled by the soft voice of his mate. He watched the twins together and accepted the fact that Travis would be a part of his life from now on. “I’m going to mark him.”

“You haven’t already?”

Fen shook his head. “We’ve mated, but not bound ourselves. It will change him.”

Travis nodded. “Let him share blood with Kir first.” Fen snarled quietly, not wanting to interrupt his already upset mate. “Listen to me. Kir wants to do this so that Jeff will be immortal.”

“He’ll be immortal when he bonds to me. My father was immortal when he fathered us—that passed down to us.” He’d heard the lie about how the apples of Idunn supposedly conveyed immortality. How could the Aesir have been so stupid as to believe it?

“Are you sure marking will pass that immortality down to Jeff?”

Fen nodded. “Yes. It’s a gift I’ll willingly share.” Jeff was not sharing blood with the man he’d lusted over before Fen arrived. Fen wouldn’t be able to stop himself from attacking Kir.

“Then how do you explain all the werewolves that aren’t immortal?”

Fen froze. “Other werewolves?”

The two exchanged a long, thoughtful look. “How did we get other werewolves while you were locked away?” Tyr stroked his beard, his expression thoughtful. “There are other pantheons out there. We don’t associate with them too much. Grimm preferred us to stay away from them.”

“Can’t imagine why,” Fen muttered. His gaze once more locked on his mate as one of the twins muttered the word Vincente. “Who the fuck is Vincente?”

Tyr’s lips twitched. “I’ll let you discover that for yourself.”

Fen growled again.

The hairbrush Jeff had been using flew through the air and smacked Fen right in the chest. “Quit it.”

Fen bent down, picked it up and tossed it back to his mate. “You quit it.”

Two pairs of twinkling eyes peeked over the back of the sofa. Jamie glowered at her mate. “I’m not giving up Vincente, Travis.”

“I never asked you to.” Travis crossed his arms over his chest and glowered right back.

“You share?” Fen was shocked. Tyr had never struck him as the type to enjoy sharing his woman with someone else, let alone someone who might or might not have slept with his woman’s brother.

All three began to laugh. “Would you trust me if I told you there’s nothing to worry about?” Travis moved to the sofa and pulled his mate to her feet. Jamie went easily despite the argument they’d had earlier. “Because there isn’t.”

He’d have to think about that. Trusting Tyr again wasn’t going to be easy, but he’d have to try, if only for Jeff’s sake.

“I still think Jeff and I did the right thing.”

“What did you do?” Fen watched the twins, saw the identical winces that crossed their faces.

Jeff stood. “When we were at my mom’s we told her everything. Your dad, Kir, Jordan, what Grimm did to Jamie. All of it.”

“And?” Fenris failed to see the problem.

The twins exchanged another speaking glance. “Thor is our father, remember?”

“How weird is it to say that?” Jamie added softly.

“Very.” Jeff was studying Fen, gauging his reactions. “Travis thinks we shouldn’t have told her, that we’ve endangered her. I—” he darted a quick glance at his twin when she elbowed him “— we disagree.”

Fen immediately shook his head. “No. I think the danger was in keeping your mother ignorant. Now that she knows what Grimm is capable of she’ll be on the look-out for him.”

“But she’s mortal. She can’t fight Grimm. Hell, she certainly can’t hold him off mentally.” Travis sighed. “I don’t wish ill on her. She’s a wonderful woman.

But there’s no way she can confront Grimm in any way and hope to win.”

Fen shrugged. “Then we bring her here. She may not be capable of taking him on, but we are.”

The relief on Jeff’s face was worth any problems bringing Jeff’s mother into the situation would cause. Going against Thor would be an unexpected, and pleasurable, bonus. “That’s an option, but Mom wanted to confront Dad over his lies.”

Fen grimaced. “That could be problematic.”

“Indeed.” Travis took hold of Jamie’s hand. “We need to let Jordan know what you told your mother. Okay? Can we agree on that?”

Jamie nodded. “Yeah. She needs to know.”

Jeff picked up the brush and ran it quickly through his unruly locks. “We’ll be there in half an hour.”

Fen’s brows rose. It would take much less time to throw on some clothes and walk down the corridor. Perhaps his mate had something in mind? A way to reward him for offering to bring home Jeff’s mother?

Fen was all for that idea.

From the wicked gleam in Jamie’s eye she was thinking the same thing.

“We’ll see you over there.” She waved jauntily. “We’ll see ourselves out.” Before the door shut behind her he heard Travis’s dark chuckle. “Have fun!”

“Fun? I don’t have time for fun.” Jeff ran back to the bathing room—no, bathroom—, shedding clothes as he went. “I only have half an hour.”

Huh? Fen followed his mate, confused but happy about the overall level of naked he was seeing. Jeff was bending over the tub, starting the shower. Jeff saw the expression on his face and pointed up. “Bed head.”

What? Jeff bent over again, the position displaying his fine ass. Fen tilted his head and tried to picture one of the many toys he’d seen online plugged into Jeff’s ass, spreading him. Preparing him. For the first time Fen realized exactly what a butt plug was for. He’d be able to enter his mate with very little preparation, almost like entering a woman. All he’d have to do would be to…unplug the plug.

Hmm. He was beginning to like the Internet.

Jeff stepped under the hot spray of water, soaking his curls. The fall of the water across his chest, the movement of muscle under wet skin, taunted Fen. He needed to get into that shower. He needed to touch, to scent and to mark the man currently running soap through his hair.

He needed to mark his mate.

Jeff washed his hair quickly. Fen was growling low in his throat, that sexy I’m gonna fuck you growl that Jeff had heard the night before. If they had the time he’d be pulling the wolf to bed, but they didn’t.

He only had half an hour, and it would take at least half that to tame his hair.

I should just shave it off and be done with it. But Jamie had threatened to beat him if he ever cut off all his hair, and he believed her. She’d find some way to make his life miserable until his hair grew back, and with his luck it would grow back in even more unmanageable than it already was.

“No, Fen. Sit. Stay. Good boy.” He rinsed out the soap and reached for the conditioner. Sure enough, he soon had a wet, aroused man plastered to his back.

He tried to remember why that was bad, but he was coming up blank.

“I told you that only works on dogs.” A hot tongue wended its way up his back and Jeff shivered. Fuck. If he didn’t throw off the wolf he’d be late. Really happy, but late.

“We don’t have time.”

“Why not?” Sharp teeth nipped his earlobe.

Jeff growled. God, he was going to sound like a frickin’ girl. “My hair.”

“What about it?”

Wandering hands had taken hold of his cock and balls, and Jeff’s brain completely stopped functioning. It was hard to think when all the blood in his head had fled south for the winter. “Guh?”

Fen’s deep, satisfied chuckle shook them both. “I think we have time.”

“Gghzt.” Jeff’s head fell back against Fen’s shoulder as that calloused hand stroked up and down his length. Who knew the wolf would be such a water baby? The man seemed to love pouncing on Jeff in the shower. Then he remembered one of the reasons he’d hopped in the shower. “Conditioner.”

Fen’s hand didn’t even pause. “Get it.”

Jeff stared down at the bottle and realized what he’d have to do to get it. If he got it he’d really get it. “Fen.”


Now that wasn’t fair, licking a man’s happy spot like that. Jeff shivered hard as Fen’s tongue danced around the juncture of his shoulder and neck. If he had a tail it’d be raised, waiting for his mate to mount him.

Jeff bent his knees until he could reach the conditioner without bending his waist, thus keeping himself from pushing his ass into Fen’s crotch. It had the added bonus of removing Fen’s hands from his crotch, allowing blood to once more flow north of the equator. “We need to hurry.” He poured a generous amount of the conditioner into his hand and worked it through his curls before standing up.

Unfortunately that rubbed his entire backside along Fen’s front side. The wolf let his appreciation be known by moaning his approval. “Elskede.

Grabby hands once more roamed all over him. Hell. Fen was bound and determined to fuck him, and sex was way better than waffles anyway. “Wait!”

Fen barely paused. “What now, elskede?”

“Soap. If you’re going to do that, we might as well kill two birds with one stone.”

Fen’s brows furrowed. “Why would you want to do that? Arrows are much more accurate.”

Jeff sighed. They really didn’t have time for American Idioms 101. They’d be there all day, and the hot water heater wasn’t that good. Besides, his dick had decided to pronounce it Happy Hour and Jeff was done fighting it. “We really need to get you on the Internet.”

Fenrisùlfr, so-called monster, son of Loki, and all around badass, blushed so dark a red Jeff was afraid he’d have an aneurysm. “Um. Do you like purple with sparkles or flesh colored?”

Jeff blinked. “Internet?”

“Butt plugs.”

Jeff bit back his laugh. He had the feeling he knew who’d sent his somewhat naïve lover to the web. “Remind me to talk to your father.”

Fen wrinkled his nose. His whole posture went from sex on the hoof to uncomfortable schoolboy. “I don’t want to know what he prefers, thank you.

That’s wrong.”

Jeff lost it. Fen was really going to think he was a girl, because he sure as hell was giggling like one.

“Laugh all you wish, but the thought of my father and anal wands or cages or—” Fen shuddered “—penis sounds just makes me… Who came up with that idea, anyway? Sticks you put inside your penis? What sadistic bastard thought that was a good idea? Where I come from we called that torture.”

Jeff leaned back against the wall, the giggles leaving him breathless. He knew it was more than likely the stress that had triggered it, but damn, the look on Fen’s face was priceless. He was even covering his cock with his hands, as if Jeff was going to come after him, sounds in hand and a leer on his face.

Fen shook his head and soaped up his hands. “You humans are very strange, mate.” Fen tipped his head. “I saw this video that showed women being tortured.”

Jeff sobered. “What?”

“They were submitting voluntarily too.”

Jeff immediately relaxed as Fen’s hands ran over his body. “What were they doing?”

“Getting something called a Brazilian. Turn around and I’ll do your back.”

Jeff turned, not surprised when Fen cupped his ass. “I didn’t know people could make faces like that. What was really surprising was they all said it wasn’t that bad.” Fen clucked his tongue. “Very strange. Although I’m forced to admit, I did like YouTube. Have you ever heard of the Powerpuff Girls?”

Jeff chuckled. Life with Fen would never be dull, that was for sure. “Lemme guess who your favorite was. Buttercup, right?”

Fen sniffed. “It could have been Blossom or Bubbles.”

“But it was Buttercup.”

Fen nipped his neck. “Maybe.”

Fen’s hands still cupped his butt, his soapy hands rubbing in lazy circles.

“Are you going to wash my back or just my ass?”

His cheeks were lifted and spread. “I don’t know.” A soapy finger worked its way inside his body, and suddenly it was time for all of his blood cells to migrate south again. His cock perked up as Fen nibbled the side of his neck. “You are pretty dirty here, elskede.”

Jeff whimpered, leaning back into Fen’s touch. Screw it. No, better. Screw him. Screw him until he couldn’t see straight. That sounds like a plan.

Apparently Fen thought so too. The werewolf reached for the soap again, stopping when Jeff shook his head. Wordlessly he handed Fen the conditioner instead. “Less chance of it hurting me.”

Fen didn’t say a word, but within seconds his finger was back in Jeff’s ass.

“Want you, elskede.

Jeff quivered at the pure lust in Fen’s voice. His accent was even thicker than normal, want becoming vant. Fen’s finger withdrew, only to be replaced by something thicker. When Fen’s fingers scissored, opening him up, he realized Fen had put two fingers inside him.

Jeff reached down to his cock, stroking it in time with the thrust of Fen’s fingers. “Please.”

“Please what?”

Jeff growled. “Please fuck me.”

“My pleasure.” Fen withdrew his fingers and thrust into Jeff. The bite of pain was sharp, but faded rapidly. Fen held still until Jeff nodded, and then Fen began to move, stroking in and out of Jeff’s body with lazy strokes. “Mine.”

Jeff whimpered again, too turned on to give a crap. He placed his arms on the cold tile and rested his forehead against them, bracing himself for Fen’s thrusts.

Fen picked up the pace, taking Jeff harder, faster, his hands clamping down on Jeff’s hips. Jeff could hear the wet slap of their flesh, Fen’s hips slapping against his ass as the wolf tried to take them both to heaven and back. Jeff reached down once more and began stroking his cock. “You stop, you’re a dead man.”

“Not going to. Gods, you’re perfect.” Fen leaned over Jeff’s back, his hot breath on the back of Jeff’s neck. “Howl for me, elskede.

Jeff licked his lips. He’d have to ask Logan what elskede meant. Fen used it an awful lot. Then all thought was lost as something white-hot pierced the back of his neck. For a split second the pain was excruciating.

Then his brains exploded out of his cock as the most intense orgasm he’d ever had in his goddamn life ripped his body to shreds. Jeff screamed, his voice cracking and breaking, unable to withstand the pleasure.

Jeff collapsed against the cold tile, certain he’d died. He figured his body was dangling from the end of Fen’s cock, heart stopped, and a permanent expression of bliss on his face. “Shit.”

Fen was panting in his ear, draped across his back, and Jeff could only assume the wolf had come when Jeff did. A soft kiss landed on the back of Jeff’s neck. “Mine.”

“Mmm.” Jeff still considered that up for debate, but if Fen kept making love to him like that, then maybe Jeff wouldn’t mind belonging to him.

Fen withdrew from his body, stroking one last time across Jeff’s prostate. Jeff shivered. “Are you all right?”

Jeff nodded. He wasn’t capable of speech at the moment. He was still quivering, trying to reassemble his atoms after the nuclear explosion Fen had set off. “Mmm.”

He heard Fen chuckle. Behind him he heard Fen fumble the removable showerhead before a cascade of warm water began rinsing him off from head to toe.

Oh yeah. He could get used to this whole belonging thing.

The showerhead moved up, and Jeff winced as the conditioner hit the bite mark. “Ow.” He put his hand back there instinctively, shielding it from the conditioner.

The bite mark felt raw, painful. Jeff withdrew his fingers and stared in shock at the blood slowly washing away under the spray. “Fen?”

“Yes, mate?”

“Why are my fingers bloody?”

“Because I marked you.”

Jeff straightened and turned so fast he got a face full of water. When he was done choking he bellowed, “Marked me?”

When Fen’s eyes uncrossed he answered, “Yes. You’re mine now.”

Jeff stared at the smug expression on Fenris’s face and did something he might or might not have the time to live to regret. He punched the man dead in the face and left him sprawled on the bottom of the tub, showerhead in hand and a shocked look on his face. Jeff stomped out of the shower muttering curses, toweling himself off before the asshole still sprawled in the tub could stand up and come after him.

Before slamming the bathroom door shut he shot Fen the bird. “Bite this.”

Fen blinked. He reached up carefully and turned off the water, grateful he got it right. He didn’t need to be boiled alive on top of felled by a small, angry human.

He sat up and stared down at the dripping showerhead. “I think he’s mad at me.”

“Really? You think?”

He winced. Damn, Jeff could be loud, even through a door. He could hear drawers slamming open and shut, and suddenly he panicked. Was his mate angry enough to leave him?

He hopped out of the tub, slid on the tile and landed once more on his ass.

He gritted his teeth and stood, reaching for his own towel before running into the bedroom. “Don’t go.”

Jeff turned with a scowl, jeans in hand. He was already in his underwear.

“Why not?”

Fen gulped. Jeff couldn’t leave him. Fen would die without his mate. He couldn’t be alone again. He was so frightened at the thought he got lightheaded.

“Please. Don’t leave me alone.”

The expression on Jeff’s face softened. “I’m just going to Logan’s for breakfast, remember?” Jeff pulled on his jeans and reached for his T-shirt. “You are too.”

Fen could breathe again. He hadn’t realized he’d been holding his breath until it gusted out in a relieved sigh. “Jeff—”

His mate held up his hand. “Don’t get me wrong. I’m pissed as hell. You didn’t even ask me, Fen.” The scowl was back. “Am I going to turn furry?”

Fen nodded. “You’re immortal now too. You’re my mate, the second strongest werewolf in the world.”

“Considering there are only two of us, that’s not surprising.” Jeff pulled on the T-shirt and sat on the edge of the bed. “You can’t do something like that without talking to me first. What if I wanted to wait a while? We barely know each other.”

Fen stalked forward. “I know you.” He clasped his mate’s face between his hands. Jeff’s vivid hazel eyes glared up at him, still darkened with the remnants of passion and anger. “You’re strong, stubborn and compassionate. Loving.

You’re smarter than anyone I’ve ever known. You hold your own with men who are gods, and they all, every single one of them, respect you. Do you know how hard it is to win my father’s trust? That alone tells me everything I need to know about you and your family.”

Jeff sighed, leaning into Fen’s hands. Fen felt some of the constriction around his chest ease. They would get through this. “You should have asked.”

The heat was gone from his mate’s voice. “I’m sorry. Deep down, I’m still a Viking, still a child of my people. I haven’t lived through what the others have.

My first instinct is to take, not ask.” Jeff was stiffening under his hands, and that wouldn’t do. There was only one thing he could say to ease his mate’s mind.

“You will have to help me.”

Jeff’s eyebrows rose and a spark of mischief lit his face. “Will I get to punch you again?”

Fen rubbed his jaw, nearly howling from joy. His mate had forgiven him.

“I’m not sure. You hit quite hard, my mate.”

Jeff laughed. “Then I’ll save it for when you’re really being a jerk.” He stood and took hold of Fen’s hand. “Let’s get you dressed and go visit your father.”

Fen nodded and allowed his mate to lead him wherever he wished.

The Old Man looked down at the trap he’d set. Gleipnir was coiled around his belt, ready to be used once more to bind the wolf. He wiped the blood off of his chin and called to his lover. “Rina?”

“Yes, my love?” The cool blonde stepped out of the office, her hands covered in blood.

There was blood spray across her nose, attesting to the fact that Rina liked to do her work face to face.

“What do you think?” He wanted his lover’s point of view before putting the final touch to the portrait he’d created.

Rina walked around the tableau and studied it from all angles. “I think it will work.”

“When Tyr arrives he’ll be in for a shock.”

Rina smiled. “An entire family obliterated right under the God of Justice’s nose.”

“The children were a nice touch, don’t you think?”

Rina nodded. “A bit over the top, perhaps, but you are an artist, my love.”

The Old Man grinned. “Wonder what the humans will make of it?”

“Who cares?” Rina waved her hand, and both of them were clean. An illusion, but a powerful one. “Are you done, or do you need a bit more time?”

“Just a few minutes more. I want to add one final touch before we go.”

Rina nodded and sauntered out of the room. “I’ll have the car running.”

“You do that.” The Old Man stared down and added the final touch to his grisly tableau. A scattering of wolf fur lay over the bodies, clutched in their fists as if they’d torn it out trying to save themselves. The Old Man smiled in grim satisfaction. “There. If Tyr doesn’t pitch a fit over this I don’t know what I’m doing. He’ll turn on Fenris faster than I can say gotcha.”

The Old Man walked out of a place that had once been a loving home, leaving behind a slaughtered family and shattered dreams…

Skye woke up from the dream screaming in horror. What would be done to that family was beyond vile, all in the name of a vengeance she couldn’t begin to understand.

Somehow, she already knew it had started, that by the time she got to them it would be too late. There was nothing she could do to save them.

Nothing. If she got there as fast as she could she wouldn’t even die for them, the deed done and the perpetrators gone.

But she could save the people the atrocious act was aimed at. Skye got dressed as quickly as she could and sprinted for the elevator, certain that there was only one place to go. She had to get to Fenris Saeter and warn him before it was too late.

“He bit you.” Logan couldn’t look more pleased. “I knew you were his mate.”

Jeff bopped Logan on the back of his head. “Shaddup. He didn’t even ask first. Just bared fang and bit. Asshole.”

Logan handed him a glass full of orange juice and gestured toward the huge dining room table that had appeared overnight. “Have a seat. The others will be here shortly.”

“Even Morgan and Magnus?” Jeff couldn’t wait to fill his big brothers in on what had happened while they’d been gone.

“Nope. Last I heard they were on their way to Yggdrasil to speak to the Norns.” Logan held up his cell phone and shook it. “They don’t exactly have signal there.”

Jeff rolled his eyes and took a sip of his OJ. He coughed at the strong taste of alcohol. “Wow. Dude. You got vodka in my orange juice.”

Kir strolled by and stole his glass, taking a sip as he flopped into the seat next to Jeff. “Nah. You got orange juice in my vodka.” His voice was mellow, deep and vaguely slurred. Jeff had to wonder how many screwdrivers he’d already had.

“So explain to me why we’re getting drunk at ten o’clock in the morning.”

Jeff settled back and crossed his arms over his chest. This ought to be good.

“I’ve been getting phone calls from your father. It seems your mother is kicking him out of the house.”

Ouch. “Let me guess, he blames you.”

Kir shook his head and took another sip of vodka. He leaned back and closed storm-filled eyes. “Nope. He wants to know if he can come live with us.”

Everyone at the table froze. “Oh fuck no, Blondie. No fucking way.” Logan was practically vibrating, a myriad of emotions flashing across his face before it settled into determination.

Kir opened one eye and stared at Logan. The other remained firmly shut.

“Do you think I’d say yes? Seriously? The man might be my brother but he’s an asshole.”

Logan grumbled under his breath but settled. He began shuttling huge plates of food to the table, waving away anyone who offered to help. “What the hell is he thinking?”

Jeff blinked and tried desperately not to laugh. Oh hell. He’d completely forgotten about that little fact, hadn’t he? He should have had fun with this before. He plastered his most innocent expression on his face and turned to Kir.

“I think you should tell him to fuck off, Uncle Kir.”

Jordan sputtered, spitting tea onto the tablecloth. Logan dropped a plate of sausages where Travis’s nonexistent right hand would have been. Jamie, who’d been leaning back in her chair, hit the floor before Travis, distracted by sausages, could catch her. Uncle Val, who’d just come into the dining room, stared down at her with a bemused expression. “Did I miss something again?”

“Oh no! Don’t you dare call him Uncle Kir!” Jordan had recovered her voice nicely, only choking a little on the word uncle.

He knew his grin was evil and really didn’t give a shit. This was fun. “Why not, Aunt Jordan?”

Kir gulped down the vodka-laced orange juice as if it were water.

“Oh. That.” Val took a seat and snagged a sausage. “Be grateful we aren’t the Greeks. Talk about inbreeding. At least our dad didn’t marry his own sister.” He shuddered and wrapped the sausage in a biscuit before taking a huge bite.

Everyone stared at him as he chewed. “What?”

Fen picked Jamie up, chair and all, and set her straight. “No, he just shared Frigg with his brothers, Vili and Ve.”

“Who?” Jamie looked absolutely horrified. “You mean she had sex with Uncle Luther and Uncle Henry?”

“Every chance she got,” Logan muttered, placing a huge platter of pancakes and a bowl of pineapple chunks between himself and Kir. He finally took a seat and placed his arm around Jordan’s chair. “Dig in, everyone.”

“Oh God. No. Do not tell me Grammy was in a ménage a quattro.” Jordan shuddered and held her stomach. “I think I’m going to puke.” She grabbed the bowl of pineapple and began chowing down.

Jeff hid his smile. “No wonder she doesn’t miss the Old Man that much.

She’s still gettin’ some.”

“You think he used the apple juice to get them to all agree to that arrangement?” Jordan looked up at Logan hopefully.

“Nah. I think she’s a little slut-puppy who likes getting her furrows plowed.”

Jordan slapped him in the stomach. “Logan!”

Kir started laughing, his blond head resting on his arms.

Jeff grinned. He loved family time even more these days. “Pass the pancakes, Uncle Kir.”

Uncle Kir threw a pancake at his head.

There was a knock on the door. “Never mind, I’ll get it.” Jeff got up and answered the door to find a stunning blonde standing there. Her hair was practically on end, her eyes wide and full of fear. Her shirt was misbuttoned, her jeans barely zipped. Her feet were bare, and she looked like hell. Every instinct he had came to attention. Something bad had happened to this woman, and his first thought was to grab her arm and yank her into the condo. Had she been assaulted? He couldn’t see any signs of damage. “Can I help you?”

“Skye?” Jeff looked back to find his lover standing there, staring at her.

“What’s wrong?”

She broke down, sobbing into her hands. “I think someone’s dead.”
