Chapter Six


At a quarter past six, I approach Norma Anders’ open door. As my chief financial manager, I’m not surprised to see her working after hours, but her assistant’s presence is unexpected. He’s leaning over the desk facing her, and their discussion is hushed. I knock on the doorframe to announce my presence.

Her assistant straightens immediately, and he moves out of the way so Norma can see me.

I catch her gaze. “I need to sign that power of attorney if you have it ready.”

“Of course.” She nods to her assistant. “Boyd, will you—”

“Certainly.” The young man rushes past me to his desk, presumably to get the paper I require. I wonder briefly if he’s always this anxious or only when the owner of the company stops by. Honestly, it’s rare for me to venture down to Norma’s office. She’s usually summoned to mine.

Despite my infrequent visits, I’m relaxed in this setting. I don’t wait for Norma’s invitation to come in.

“Make yourself comfortable, Hudson,” she teases after I’m sitting across from her. “I expected you to ask for this earlier this afternoon.”

“I lost track of time.” It’s not entirely dishonest. I’ve had my mind on other things, such as my plans for later that evening, but I purposefully procrastinated making this visit. It’s a waste of my time to spend hours signing for the acquisition of The Sky Launch. Giving Norma power of attorney to do so in my stead is practical. But signing the paper is, in very many ways, my official declaration that I’m pursuing this insane plan.

So I didn’t request her to bring it by. I put it off until long after my secretary and most of the building had gone home. In the end, though, here I am. With my pen ready in my breast pocket, no less.

Boyd returns and hands a file to Norma. “If that’s everything, I’ll be leaving.”

“Yes, right.” She peers at her watch. “It is rather late. Thank you for staying. I’ll see you in the morning.”

“Right. Tomorrow, Ms. Anders.”

A glance passes between them and I realize that the two are fucking. It’s not likely obvious to most others, but I’ve studied human nature and relationships extensively. I know an “I-see-you-naked-on-a-regular-basis” look when I see one.

I don’t mention it or let on that I recognize the situation, though. If I did, I’d have to be willing to reprimand Norma. Social relationships are not permitted between management and staff, and it’s a terminable offense. But she’s too valuable of an employee to care about something so unrelated to what I employ her for.

With Boyd gone, Norma opens the file and finds the paper I need to sign. She briefly looks it over before handing it to me. I don’t read it. I sign and date where appropriate and hand it back.

“Are you sure you want to do this?” she asks as she takes the document from me. She’s already putting it back in the file, knowing I’m not going to change my mind even though we’re going to have a conversation about it.

“I’m positive.” I’m not positive. I’ve never entered into a business deal with as much doubt as I have now. It’s not the financials that bother me. Even if I lose money, it’s too small of a company to even scratch the surface of my holdings.

“The price is reasonable enough, but, Hudson, this is not a good business investment.” She’s not trying to belittle my decision, I remind myself. It’s Norma’s job to question me.

“Is it a particularly bad one?” I should at least hear her out.

She scans through the prospect sheet regarding The Sky Launch. “Not necessarily. If you’re willing to give it some time and attention.”

“I am.” Too much time and attention. I’m lucky everything else at Pierce Industries is running smoothly at the moment.

She closes the file and leans back in her chair, her elbow propped on the armrest, her chin held in her palm. “Why are you so set on a nightclub?”

“I own nightclubs in other cities.” I have one in Atlantic City. Another in Miami and two in Vegas. This won’t be my first venture into the industry, and as the current owner has assured me, the staff at The Sky Launch is self-sufficient. Whatever happens with Celia, I plan to have Alayna groomed to take over as general manager as soon as possible. Once that takes place, my involvement at the club will be minimal.

“Let me rephrase, why are you so interested in this night club? I could get some people looking, and we could find something else local that’s going to take less of your time and be more profitable.”

I dodge the suggestion. “How’s your family?”

“I love how you think changing the subject will distract me from pursuing this. I’ll make you pay by actually answering your question. My brother’s home now. I wish I could say fully recovered, but that will take time.”

Norma’s brother had a breakdown recently and had been admitted to a mental hospital. While I normally try not to get involved with my employees’ private lives, Norma had explained the situation so that she could get some emergent time off.

“He’ll get there,” I assure her.

“I know he will. And Gwen’s still at Eighty-Eighth Floor.” Her brows lift with an idea. “Now that’s a nightclub you should look into buying.”

She’s not going to let it go until I give her a more satisfactory reason for wanting Alayna’s club. “There’s asset in The Sky Launch I can’t get elsewhere.” It feels wrong to refer to Alayna as an asset, though, legitimately, she is. “A star employee. I peg her as an up-and-comer in management and I want to be her employer when that happens.”

Norma considers for a few seconds. Then she sighs. “I can’t decide if you’re being honest or blowing smoke up my ass. Whichever, you win. I’ll stop giving you my two cents.”

“You’re one of the four most important people in my life other than my family. I value your opinion.” Though I’m grateful that she’s dropping this issue, I usually do appreciate her input.

“Really?” She leans forward, her elbows braced on her desk. “Who are the other three?”

I reply without missing a beat. “My secretary, my assistant, and my unofficial head of security.” That’s as good a title for Jordan as anything.

Norma frowns. “Isn’t it sad that they’re all on your payroll?”

“It’s not sad. It’s the way I like it.” I brush invisible lint from my pant leg, not meeting her eyes. I don’t find my relationships sad. I’m content. But is that how I want to live the rest of my days? Merely content?

Her frown remains. “Did I see Celia Werner here the other day?”

I don’t like Norma’s concern about my social life or lack thereof. It gives her an excuse to play matchmaker and I’m not interested in that at all. So I let her believe what she wants about Celia. It’s easier. “Yes, she was here.”

“You’re not redecorating anything right now, are you?”

I don’t answer, but my expression tells her that I’m not. It’s the only work-related reason that Celia would be around—if she were handling a redesign of one of the offices.

Norma assumes as I guessed she would. “As much as I’m happy to see you with a woman in your life, I really wish it wasn’t her.”

Now that’s what’s sad—that Celia is the woman in my life. That my past has tied me to the person who I despise and look down on more than anyone…other than myself.

I stand, unwilling to continue the conversation. “Thank you for your help, Norma.”

I leave quickly, as if by escaping the discussion I could escape the reality that the discussion centered on. But there’s no escape from this reality. I’ve made my bed. Time to lie.

* * *

It’s near ten that evening when I pull my car into the lot at Columbus Circle. My grip tightens around the steering wheel. I clutch on, pouring all my aggression into my grasp. Then I let go. The action helps center me. I’m anxious and I need to burn off some tension.

Really what I need is to go home and run a few miles on the treadmill. But I’m here already. So I get out of my Maybach and head toward the front doors of the club.

I’ve been to The Sky Launch twice before now. Both times were during the day, once with the seller and another time with my appraiser. I’ve never seen it in operation nor have I met any of the employees. Before I do, I want the opportunity to observe them in their environment.

That’s my excuse for this visit. It’s bullshit. I want to observe Alayna in her environment. I don’t give a fuck about anyone else. The schedule posted to the wall in the staff room indicated that she was taking the next week off. Tomorrow is her graduation, so I assume she’s using the time to celebrate. Tonight is my only chance to see her at work. When she returns, the transfer of ownership will be complete, and I will be her boss.

It’s a weeknight and not yet summer, but there’s a line outside the club. I manage to get in quickly—an expensive Armani suit is an automatic ticket into most anywhere. Inside, I spend a few minutes surveying the dance floor. The DJ is good and the layout works well. I glance up at the bubble rooms that circle the second floor. They’re the highlight of the club. With a little emphasis, they’d draw an even bigger crowd. In fact, it’s not hard to imagine how well the place could do with a few tweaks.

I catch myself brainstorming and stop. That’s for Alayna. Marketing was her area of interest at school. After her presentation, I have a feeling her ideas for the club would blow mine out of the water.

Thinking about Alayna and her ideas, I can’t wait any longer. I have to find her. The schedule I saw indicated she was to be tending the first floor bar. I make my way through the crowd that thickens as I close in toward the counter.

I spot her when I’m still twenty feet away.

In the days that followed the symposium—weeks now, three to be exact—I’d often wondered if I’d imagined the effect that Alayna Withers had on me. My sanity isn’t exactly indisputable, after all, and the way I’ve obsessed over and transfixed myself on this stranger is indeed crazy.

But even across this distance, with the music blaring so loud that I can’t hear her voice and the lights so dim I can’t make out the details of her features—even now, she pulls at me with a magnetic force that is neither explainable nor rational. My eyes cling to her as though she were the only glow in a dark room. And isn’t she?

She’s swept away in her work. The way she shuffles around her fellow staff members to serve her customers—it’s a dance, beautiful and mesmerizing. The smiles and nods she shares with those around her are so engaging that I’m instantly jealous of every recipient. I want her smiles. I want her nods. I want to engage her.

It’s more than my competitive nature at hand here. It has nothing to do with my past games or experiments, though the feeling of exhilaration is identical. It’s perplexing and I’m not a man who’s easily confused.

I tear my focus away long enough to make it to an empty seat at the far end of the bar. Then my gaze returns to her. My constant staring will likely be attributed to a thirsty customer trying to signal the wait staff, but frankly I don’t care what Alayna thinks of me just as long as she thinks of me at all. I yearn for her attention with such a deep ache. Yearn for the instant that she looks at me, connects with me. I’ll turn down any service that isn’t from her. I need to know if I have any of the effect on her that she has on me.

As I watch her, one of the other bartenders—a man that I imagine is David Lindt, the manager of the bar—gathers the staff around him. Soon he’s distributed shots and all are partaking.

If I were really here to spy on my staff, this would be the episode that might grab my attention. Drinking behind the bar is not an acceptable way to run a club. However, though I can’t hear exactly what’s being said from my side of the counter, the cheers and hoots seem to indicate a special occasion.

From the way everyone’s focused on Alayna, I gather it’s about her.

“Woo hoo!” she screams, as if to confirm my thoughts. “Goddamn, that’s nice!”

She’s fun, I realize. Besides being smart and responsible, she knows how to enjoy herself. It’s so different from me, so foreign that it should be a complete turn-off. Instead, it intrigues me more. As if that were possible.

Once the shots are consumed, the staff disperses. Alayna stays behind the bar. I’m more relieved than I want to admit. My relief is replaced with envy as she moves to embrace a customer. Who is this man? I’ve had Jordan tailing Alayna for the better part of two weeks. His findings have shown she has a limited social life, her outings relating only to work, school, and exercise—namely, running. There has been no evidence of a boyfriend or even a close friend. Has Jordan missed something important?

I strain to hear the conversation between the two. Quickly, I deduce that the man is simply a regular customer. My relief returns. Though I may have to step in if he continues to stare at Alayna’s breasts the way he is. I don’t blame him. They’re exceptional breasts. I can’t stop staring myself. But they should not be shared with the likes of drunk assholes who only want a quick fuck.

Thank God I’m neither a drunk nor someone who wants a quick fuck. Slow. That’s how it will go with Alayna. I’ll take my time when I fuck her and it won’t be just a one-time thing.

Jesus, where did that thought come from? I hadn’t planned to pursue Alayna sexually. It certainly wasn’t part of Celia’s scheme. But now that I’ve thought it, I can’t seem to get the idea out of my mind.

It’s her damn outfit. She looks like sex on legs.

I make a mental note to speak to Alayna about her wardrobe choices for work.

I manage to stop thinking about my cock by concentrating on the other information I’ve gleaned from my eavesdropping. Alayna has admitted she has no plans for her vacation. I don’t like that. She should be celebrating her accomplishments. Furthermore, the hint of disappointment in her posture leads me to believe she wishes she had plans.

But I can’t dwell on this. Because she’s sliding down the bar toward me. Finally, her attention is mine.

“Now what can I get…you…?” Her words trail as she meets my eyes. The intense grip of her gaze on mine nearly takes my breath away. It leaves her speechless as well, her jaw slack as she takes me in.

Then I know.

I know that no one has ever looked at me this way. I know that this connection is not just one-sided, that she feels it too. I know that I scare her and fascinate her as much as she scares and fascinates me. I know that sooner or later I will fuck her, that she will enjoy it. That I will enjoy it. And somehow, with certainty that exceeds every other fact that I’ve come to accept in this space of seconds, I know that my life will never be the same again.

Eventually, I remember I’m supposed to be placing my order. “Single-malt Scotch. Neat, please.”

She shakes her head as if snapping out of a haze. “I have a 12-year-old Macallan.”

“Fine.” A single word and I barely manage to rasp it out. She doesn’t look at me while she pours my drink and I already miss the warmth of her eyes. Then, as she hands me my glass, I purposefully let my fingers brush against hers. I had to. I needed to know how it felt to touch her.

I’m rewarded with far more than the softness of her skin and the zing of electricity that passes between us. I’m rewarded with her shiver. It’s visible. I do affect her. I’m more than pleased.

She’s wary of me though. She yanks her hand away and scurries to the other side of the bar.

I wonder at her thoughts as I sip from my glass. Because of her history, I might assume she reacts to many men the way she did to me. Yet, I’ve watched her all night and she’s seemed at ease with everyone except me. She is afraid of me, but I believe that fear has to do with herself. I’ve done nothing to frighten her, though I haven’t masked any of the lust she’s sparked inside me. Is that enough to throw her?

I’m seconds away from forming a theory. And then I force my thoughts in another direction. It is there that I finalize my intent with Alayna Withers. I will lead her through the stupid game of Celia’s. I will participate as I’ve agreed. Separately, I will seduce her, because after the brush of her hand, I can’t imagine not touching every inch of her with my fingers, my mouth, my tongue.

But Alayna will not be my subject. I will not experiment with her emotions. I will not let her break. If anything, this will be a study of myself. It will be an opportunity to see if anyone can break me.

As I solidify my plans, I nurse my drink and continue to watch her. Soon, she’s left to manage the bar herself. She cleans the counters with what seems to be nervous energy. Then she looks toward me. It’s a ray of sun escaping heavy cloud cover when her eyes find mine again.

She sweeps toward me and nods at my near empty glass. “Another?”

“No, I’m good.” I don’t need any more. I’m intoxicated by her presence. I reach in my breast pocket and pull a hundred from my billfold. I don’t intend to accept the change.

She rings up my order at the register and I realize our encounter is nearing an end. I feel compelled to talk to her, to soak up as much of her as I can in the last few moments of anonymity that I will share with her.

I debate for a moment an appropriate conversation starter that will neither give anything away about me nor appear creepy. I remember the toast that was shared among the staff and choose to remark on that. “Special occasion?”

Her brow creases. “Uh, yeah. My graduation. I walk tomorrow for my MBA.”

I already know this, but as I’m genuinely impressed by her, it’s not hard to display admiration. “Congratulations. Here’s to your every success.” I lift my glass to her and then shoot back the last of it.

“Thank you.” Her eyes are on my mouth and I can’t help myself—I lick my lips and delight as her pupils dilate in reaction.

She reaches out to give me my change.

I almost change my mind about accepting it. It would be another opportunity to touch her, and I burn for that. But I’m already stiff as it is. I don’t want to encourage my desire, not tonight. So I shake my head and say, “Keep it.”

“I can’t.”

“You can and you will.” It’s not the first time I’ve tipped so generously, but it’s the first time I’ve really cared that it be accepted. “Consider it a graduation gift.”

“Okay.” She concedes, but I sense that it’s difficult for her. “Thanks.”

Her surrender, simple as it is, arouses me further. She’s turned from me now, but I’m not ready to let her go. “Is this also a goodbye party?” She faces me again. “I don’t imagine you’ll be using your MBA to continue bartending.” God, those eyes. Those eyes find me, every time.

She hesitates. “Actually, I’d like to move up here. I love the nightclub scene.” She seems to prepare herself for my criticism.

Three weeks ago, I would have given it. Now, I say, “It makes you alive.”

“Exactly.” She breaks into a smile.

“It shows.” When I’d first learned she’d chosen to stay at The Sky Launch rather than use her degree in a more traditional way, I’d assumed that Alayna had an affinity with the club. Having witnessed her in this environment and comparing it to her presentation at Stern, I see it’s even more than that. This place is a life force for her. She’s struck me with her beauty both times I’ve seen her. Here, though, her beauty is transcendent.

“Laynie!” It’s the drunk kid down the bar. Alayna leaves me to attend to him. I eavesdrop, cringing as he gives her his number. I wonder how many times she gets hit on in an evening. It bothers me more than I want it to. Once more, I curse her outfit.

Thankfully, she doesn’t seem too interested in this guy. She throws his number away the minute he leaves, catching my eye as she does.

I could smile and nod and we wouldn’t have to discuss it. But I find myself wanting to know, so I ask, “Do you do that with every number you receive?”

Really, I just want her to talk to me some more. Yet another way to demand her attention.

She studies me. “Are you trying to figure out if I’d throw away your number?”

I can’t help myself—I laugh. “Maybe.”

She smiles, illuminating the space around her. It’s the kind of smile that some men would do anything to see as often as possible. I wonder what it would feel like to be that kind of man.

Then she leans on the counter toward me, and my gaze is pulled to the gorgeous curve of her tits. “I wouldn’t throw yours away. I wouldn’t take yours at all.”

I manage to lift my eyes to hers. “Not your type?”

“Not necessarily.”

I’m enjoying this conversation much more than I should. “Why then?”

“Because you’re looking for something temporary. Something fun to play with.” She leans closer and it takes all my strength not to look back down at her breasts, not to notice if her nipples are puckered against the thin fabric of her blouse, not to reach forward and brush them with my fingertips.

“And I get attached.” She straightens. “Now doesn’t that just scare you shitless?”

Scare me shitless? It turns me the fuck on. Everything she does and says is more fuel for a fire of desire that is slowly overtaking me. I’m beginning to think I’d do anything to be near her. Oh, that’s right—I’ve already done anything.

And she assumes she’s the dark one of the two of us. It’s amusing.

“You, Alayna Withers, do anything but scare me.” I stand and button my coat. I’m tempted to stay longer, but I’ve just dropped that I know her name. I shouldn’t be here when she realizes. “Congratulations again. Quite an accomplishment.”

Long after I’ve left, I feel her eyes on me. The warmth and life contained in her gaze clings to my body even after I’m home. Consumes me. I think about her while I’m in the shower as I stroke myself. I come fast and hard and still her presence cleaves to me like a second skin.

Needing to see her again soon, I decide to gift her a week at my spa in the mountains near Poughkeepsie. I’ll have it delivered anonymously and then I’ll join her there. I can meet her on equal ground. I can get to know her, spend time with her, seduce her. It would likely put Celia’s scheme in jeopardy which is just an added bonus.

The idea thrills me and delights me as I think about it.

And then I let it go.

I know from experience that Celia is a worthy foe. Any violation of her plan on my part will result in retaliation. Though I don’t fear what she can do to me, I am attached in this odd way to Alayna Withers. I care about what Celia can and will do to her. My protection can only be effective if I stay the course.

Though I’m a fairly humorless person, I laugh at my own attempt to fool myself. I’m not invested in this for Alayna’s benefit. It’s all for my own. I want to be close to the woman. I want to study the effect she has on me. I want to see her survive, but it’s for my own selfish satisfaction.

Still, I decide to give her the spa trip. I’m not sure what motivates me to do so. I don’t leave my name on the gift note so it’s not about endearing her to me. I truly want her to go because I think she’d enjoy it. Because I want her to have a moment of pleasure in a life that has been less than easy. Perhaps I am capable of unselfish actions after all.

Or maybe I just know Alayna will have a better chance in Celia’s game if she enters it pampered and well-rested. That’s a more likely reason for my actions. I’m capable of manipulating the thoughts of many, but I can’t convince myself that I’m a better person than I am, no matter how hard I try.
