Chapter Eleven

The red dress Rose squeezed on my body would have made a nice torture implement in the dark ages. It clung to my form so tightly I couldn’t take a deep breath. Not that I wanted to—my small breasts would pop out. The height difference between us was apparent, since the hem of her dress barely covered my ass. I didn’t know where she found heels to fit my feet and I didn’t ask. If I sneezed, I would burst a seam and the outfit would come apart like a popped balloon.

One good thing came from this experiment. Colby’s jaw dropped as I entered the room. His eyes traveled the length of my figure and for a moment, I thought he was going to cancel the whole expedition.

Warmth spread over my cheeks. I never cared to play dress-up. There was no function in these outfits, but after witnessing his expression, I changed my mind. I foresaw a shopping spree in my near future.

The heels proved difficult to maneuver in. I could walk but if I had to fight, they’d be a test on my equilibrium. Rose gave me her leg holster with a small caliber gun that I wrapped around my upper thigh. It would be like bee stings to the vampires, but it was better than going unarmed.

“Can either of you drive?” Colby held out a set of keys.

“I can.” I snatched the set before Mutt could. I’d had enough theatrics without crashing a car. We followed Colby out to the back, where a black, sleek sedan was parked. “Nice.” I ran my fingertip along the modern lines. “Is it fast?”

“Of course. It’s mine.” Colby folded his arms over his chest. “And I want it back. In one piece.” He approached me with a small metallic gadget.

“What’s that?”

“A tracker. I’ve already lost one member of my team. I won’t lose you too.”

“I don’t think there’s room in this dress for a—” I jumped as he slid his fingers in the neckline of my dress and stuck the tracker to the skin between my breasts. “Oh.” A fire couldn’t have burned my cheeks any hotter.

“Cesio had better not find it.” Colby’s words were meant for my ears only. A warning gaze met mine.

“What kind of female do you think I am?”

“A beautiful one.”

I blinked.

“You haven’t met Cesio yet.” He opened the driver side door and helped me inside. As I sat, he tugged the hem of my skirt over my ass. “Maybe you should wear your jeans instead. This dress is too small.”

I gave him my best feral grin. “Oh no, I’m liking the reaction it’s getting.” I crooked my finger at him to come closer. “Seriously, what happened to Rose?”

“None of your business.”

“If I’m going into that club, I think I have a right to know what might happen.”

He glanced through the windshield where Rose tried to tidy Mutt’s t-shirt with a wet face cloth. “She was a companion once. When she decided to leave that lifestyle, there were complications. None of it pleasant.”

Even vampire hearts could break. She did seem comfortable among them. I should have guessed. Whatever complication Rose had experienced I was sure I could avoid.

Colby bent, placing his nose behind my ear to inhale. Then he pressed a light kiss to my skin and straightened when Mutt settled in next to me. “I’ll be close by watching.”


“I have my ways.” He closed the door.

Mutt stroked the dash as if it were a big cat. “I want one.” He sounded so wistful.

“You will. You have eternity to gather wealth.” I started the engine and shifted into drive.

“I know, and I’m allowed to dream big.” He leaned back into the seat, hands behind his head. “I think I’d like to have a human companion as well.”

I snorted. “Will she look like Rose?”

“Don’t make fun of my dreams, Gwen.” He grinned, his fangs sharp and long as he chuckled. “Rose is too feisty for my taste.”

“Why don’t you already have a human?” We’d never discussed much about relationships, considering what a minefield of shifter hormones I’d been.

He gazed out the window. “I can barely take care of myself. What could I offer a human for her loyalty in return? I imagine living in my warehouse, living off cheeseburgers wouldn’t attract the best quality of companions.”

I shook my head. “I’m glad you’re thinking about it. Once this is over, we can discuss ways you can start making money.”

“Legal ways.”

I shifted in my seat. “I didn’t imply otherwise.”

“No, but the brotherhood has. I could steal or glamour those to do it for me.” He made a face. “I never broke the law as a human, and I think living as a mortal was much harder. Why would I weaken my resolve when things are finally starting to look up?”

Traffic passed by me unseen as his words sank in. This glimpse into Mutt’s soul showed me what the Nosferatu might have seen in him. A glimmer of hope sparked in my chest. Something I’d never thought I’d find in a homeless vampire.

“There are many legal options for you. I’m sure of it. If not, then we’ll have to create one.” I nodded to no one in particular as I made the vow. “First, let’s find your friend.”

Parking at the club turned out easier than I’d thought. They had a valet. Fancy, fancy. Mutt left his customary winter cap in the vehicle and offered me his arm before we approached the bouncers. The club’s sign threw artificial light over the entrance. It gleamed off his bare head and his clan’s trademark pointed ears. The bouncers let us through without question, and one even bowed. No one remarked on his very casual attire.

“I didn’t know they reacted to you like this.” I glanced around the bar as the locals parted when we strolled inside. The Nosferatu were almost myth among regular vampires. A thing they used to scare each other. One glance at my date, and I could see he didn’t like the fear he produced.

I sighed. He’d have to get used to it.

He strode straight to the bar. “Beer.” He glanced at me, a frown creasing his forehead. “What do you want?”

The loud music made it hard to hear and stung my sensitive shifter hearing. No wonder Colby preferred to lure the vampires outside.

“Club soda.” One of us had to keep a clear head and drive home. I leaned against the bar and faced the crowd. Their initial shock at Mutt’s arrival seemed to have faded as they mingled. A few women still whispered and tossed him glances. Something protective snarled in my chest at those petty vampires. I didn’t need to hear their comments to know what was exchanged. They’d best keep their backstabbing claws from Mutt. It wouldn’t be the first time I’d heard of power-hungry females trying to ride a Nosferatu’s coattails, and Mutt’s youth made him vulnerable.

I bared my teeth at them. The young vampire would experience enough pain in his long existence, but it didn’t need to start while I was around.

A glass appeared in front of my face. “What are you doing?”

“Sneering. Warning off the bitches.”

He laughed, and I saw his shoulders relax. “Thanks. I can’t wait to hear the rumors tomorrow. They’ll range from my needing to hire protection to my owning a harem of beautiful shifters.” He took a long swig of beer. Vampires couldn’t eat food but they could enjoy liquids. Most turned to alcohol.

I tossed my hair over my shoulder. “At least they’ll get the beautiful part right. So, do you see Cesio?”

Mutt shook his head as he finished his beer and signaled for another. “He won’t be out here in public. He’ll be upstairs in the VIP section. Just wait. Word will spread of my being here, and he’ll show up. He’s dependable like that.”

“In my pack, we call it predictable. Not a good trait in a predator.” I sipped and watched the balcony above us, where I assumed the VIP area was housed. “How do you know he’ll come?”

Mutt leaned on his elbows and stared at his reflection in the mirror on the other side of the bar. He nursed his beer this time instead of chugging it. “Because we’ve played this game ever since I became Nosferatu. I enter with a date. He steals her.” His chuckle held a dark edge. “I started bringing women who weren’t his taste, but he still came.”

“They all went with him?” Mutt needed more than lessons in combat—he needed a dating intervention, and I was so not the person to give him this.

“You’ve never seen Cesio?”

Colby had said the same thing. Now, I was anxious to see the overlord. “No, I haven’t, and the point of this exercise is so he does lure me away.”

“I know.”

“Maybe you should stop scowling at the mirror and make googly eyes at me. How about placing your arm around my shoulders or something?”

Mutt glanced at me. “If Colby is watching, I’m sure I might lose said arm. Are you mated now?”

“I don’t know. He’s been running for so long I’m not sure he knows how to stop.”

Mutt’s expression became darker. “You deserve better than that, Gwen. What a jerk.”

I sighed. “Can we discuss my love life another time?” I eyed his empty beer mug as the bartender replaced it with a full one. Again. “Don’t make me carry you out of here.”

“The stuff doesn’t touch me.”

How many times had I heard my brother say the same thing? Rolling my eyes, I wandered away from Mutt to make it easier for Cesio to lure me away. This whole day was proving to be very long, and I was anxious to return to Colby and let him help me out of this dress.

With furtive glances, I watched the empty balcony to the VIP section while I meandered past dancers and couples, all the while keeping my back to the wall. So I startled a little when a hand landed on my lower back. Whipping around, I came face to face with a dark-haired vampire. His milk chocolate eyes promised to make all my fantasies come true, and his smile oozed a confidence that my satisfaction was only moments away. A strand of hair fell across his forehead, as if begging me to settle it back on his head with my fingers. “Hello.” He pulled me closer. “You must be Gwen Fatima Brizido.”

Only years of training kept the surprise from showing on my face. “Yes, I am.”

“You’re more stunning than I’d imagined after our phone call.” A concerned look appeared on his face, but it was lie. “I’m so sorry I couldn’t have helped you more. All is well with your shifter friend?”

It took all my control not to fist my hands at the memory of Colby unconscious and me helpless. “Yes, he’s well.” One day this vampire would ask my aid, and payback would be sweet.

“I was informed you were looking for me.” He trailed his fingertips over the hem of my dress, brushing my upper thigh. “I’m flattered.”

“I’d like to speak with you in private.” I glanced at the crowded club.

“What of your charge?”


“Mutt. I know you’ve been sent to watch over him. You understand I have no power to intervene on his behalf. If he’s giving you trouble, you’ll have to go to the local Nosferatu authority. I’m powerless against the whelp.”

I hadn’t been aware that my role in Mutt’s life had been made public. I guess my master thought it prudent to inform Cesio? Somehow I doubted it. “It’s not about Mutt.”

The overlord blinked very slowly, as if considering my words. “I have a private room. We’ll retire there and talk.” He wrapped his arm around my waist, which gave me the impression he wanted to exchange body fluids, not words. He guided me toward the back of the club, where I saw an elevator. I kept from breaking his fingers by recalling Red’s predicament.

“I thought we could go to my hotel room,” I said. “Less chance of us being disturbed.” And where Colby would be waiting like usual. Shit.

Cesio paused at the elevator. “I don’t go anywhere without my guard, Ms. Brizido. One doesn’t get to my age by being stupid. If you wish to speak with me, either follow or make an appointment.” The door slid open, and he stepped inside without glancing back at me.

I took a deep breath and followed. Colby was going to have my hide.
