
“Arik, are you crazy?”

Arik smiled at his sister as she looked around Than’s place, where servants from all the Horseman households were scrambling to set things up for what promised to be a huge party.

“Maybe,” he said, and hell, it might be true. What was definitely true was the tension between Runa and him, the unspoken crap about how he’d been avoiding her calls.

“I just don’t get it.” Runa rubbed her arms through her cream Angora sweater. “Limos sent you to hell, and now you want to marry her?”

“She didn’t send me to hell. It was sort of a misunderstanding.”

Runa gave him a look that she usually reserved for when one of her triplets was misbehaving. “A misunderstanding is when your mate missed recording your favorite TV show because he was listening to a football game instead of you.” She glared over at Shade, who gave her a sheepish grin as he shoved trestle table benches around. “A misunderstanding is not when someone lands you in hell for a month.”

“That’s behind us,” he said. “This marriage is the only way to save her.” And, if it worked, himself.

“So this is a marriage of convenience? You don’t love her?” Runa sounded almost relieved, and he so wasn’t sure how to answer that.

He had fallen for Limos, but he couldn’t say it out loud. Not yet. When he said it, it would be to Limos. He might not have thought he’d ever get married, but now that he’d made the decision, he’d take it seriously, and his wife would be his partner in every way. She would be the first person to hear the important things, like how he felt about her.

“She saved my life,” he hedged. “She was prepared to make a huge sacrifice for me, and now I can do the same for her. I want this, Runa.”

His sister took a deep, long breath before turning her gaze on him. “Okay, then.” She folded herself into his arms and squeezed him tight. “I’m happy for you.”

Hugging her back, he kissed the top of her head. “I figure marriage hasn’t hurt you, so there’s hope for me, I guess.”

She pulled back to look up at him. “Wow. That’s the first time you actually sound like you approve of me and Shade.”

He snorted. “I still don’t like the bastard, but I’m not stupid. He’s good for you, and there’sed. st time yo no one I trust more to keep you safe.”

“What about you?” Runa’s voice went low and serious. “Are you safe? Will this marriage put you in any kind of danger? If her Seal breaks—”

“If her Seal breaks, we’re all in a lot of trouble.” He smiled, hoping to reassure her. “Limos found her agimortus, and she’s keeping it on her until we can secure it somewhere it’ll be safe forever.”

That, of course, was an issue of contention between the Horsemen, the R-XR, and The Aegis. They’d all done a brief teleconference an hour ago to discuss the best course of action, and naturally, everyone thought they were the best people to safeguard Limos’s little cup.

“What about Pestilence?” she asked. “He is her brother, so what if he decides he wants to hurt her through you?”

“Stop,” he said softly. “Everything will be okay.”

He prayed he sounded more confident than he was. Runa didn’t know Arik had been soul-sucked by the asshole, and if he had his way, she never would. She was strong enough to handle it; he’d never doubt her strength. But if she knew, she’d never stop worrying, and after all she’d been through, she deserved a life free of the ugliness in his.

“What about you? Are you okay?”

She didn’t need to expand on that. She was asking if his time in hell had affected him. “I’m okay.” At her skeptical look, he rolled his eyes. “Seriously. I know I should be a drooling mess on the floor, but I think the Seminus demon who patched me up might also have patched my mind, too.” A vampire walked by, his arms loaded with a case of Dom Perignon. Damn, these Horsemen didn’t screw around, did they? “Hey, ah…”

“Don’t.” Runa stepped back. “Don’t ruin this with talk about our past.”

He hadn’t planned to, exactly, but this was related, and he swallowed against the sudden dryness in his throat. “I just wanted to say that I was sorry for avoiding you lately. What I did to you—”

“Wasn’t your fault. Stop it, okay? And don’t ask for my forgiveness, because there’s nothing to forgive.”

“Are you sure?” He glanced around the room, the way he had a hundred times since arriving, to make sure he kept track of everyone who came in and out. You could take the soldier out of the battle, but the wariness always remained. And in this case, the battle was still going on. “Did your nightmares return?”

She’d been plagued by nightmares about both their childhood and the part she’d played in their mother’s death, and regret had eaten her alive for years. Until Shade had released her from all of it.

Guilt flashed in her eyes, giving him the answer he dreaded. “Only for a night. Shade ended it.” Her lips curved into a secret smile. “Trust me, it wasn’t horrible.”

Arik held up his hand. “Okay, that’s enough. I definitely don’t want to get into TMI territoto wiry.”

“Ew. Neither do I.” She looked over at Shade, who was clomping his way toward them, looking like the Terminator in his black leather jacket, sunglasses, and big boots that cracked like gunshots on the floor. “I’m going to have him take me to Limos so we can do the girl thing to get her ready. I’ll be back for the ceremony, okay?”

He hugged her again. “Thank you for everything.”

“No,” she said softly. “Thank you. Until Shade, you were the only person who never let me down, and the only person who was ever completely honest with me. You trusted me with your secrets, and you didn’t doubt my strength when even I did. Without you, I never would have learned to trust any man. So really, it’s because of you that I’m happy.”

Shade came up next to Runa and offered his hand to Arik, who took it, and that was the first time they’d ever shaken hands.

“Good luck, man,” Shade said. “That’s one hell of a family you’re marrying into.” Shade’s voice went low. “Just never forget how much your mate’s brothers mean to her. Because I can tell you from experience that she’ll put you on the floor if you forget.”

Smiling, Runa hooked her arm around Shade’s waist. “Love you, bro.”

“Love you too,” Arik croaked.

Runa took off with Shade, leaving Arik drowning in a stew of conflict that was entirely of his own making. Because of him, Runa had learned that not all men were lying, cheating, abusive scumbags. Great. Awesome. Give him a goddamned medal.

But he had lied to her, and suddenly, no matter how much he told himself that the things he’d kept from her, his “omissions—not lies—” had been for her own good, he wasn’t sure he was convinced anymore.

* * *

Limos really liked Cara. She had since meeting the human, but after spending the day with her, she realized how truly special the female was.

They’d done a speed-shopping trip in New York City, where Limos had bought a wedding gown, shoes, jewelry, and makeup. All the while, Cara had been texting and phoning more people than Limos could keep up with, but she heard the names Sin, Tayla, Kar, Runa, Serena, Gem, and Idess bandied around. Then, by the time they went back to Ares’s place to get Limos ready, Runa and Idess were there, and Cara took off with Ares to handle something at Than’s place.

It was the first time meeting Idess, and Limos was struck by the statuesque brunette and how nice she was. Not that Limos expected her to be a bitch or anything, but angels who lost their wings tended to be a bit bitter.

Speaking of bitter, Harvester still hadn’t turned up. Neither had Reaver. Limos couldn’t let their disappearances ruin tonight, but she wished Reaver could be there for her. He hadn’t been their Watcher for long, but she’d connected with him instantly. He wasn’t like other angels, with their stuffy, formal, stick-up-the-ass-ness. Reaver was actually… fun. Hillyonight, bus time as an Unfallen seemed to have given him a stick-up-the-ass-ectomy.

“So you’re truly okay with performing the marriage ceremony?” Li asked the ex-angel as they stood in Cara’s bedroom. “You could be risking a lot.”

Idess tested the heat for the flat-iron she intended to use on Limos’s hair. “From the sounds of it, not doing it would risk even more. The world can’t afford for you to be paired up with the greatest evil to have ever existed.” She shrugged. “And besides, Arik is Runa’s brother, and I’d do anything for family. I owe the Sem brothers a lot.”

“Idess also has a very powerful father who few would tangle with.” Runa twirled Limos around to fasten the buttons on the back of the wedding dress.

Limos looked up from admiring the exquisite beadwork on the front of the floor-length gown. “Who?”

Idess grinned as she took a piece of Limos’s hair and pulled it through the flat iron. “Azagoth.”

“The Grim Reaper?” Limos hoped her voice didn’t sound as strangled as she thought it did. “He’s your father?”


Limos and Idess could be half-sisters. Now was probably not the time to mention that, and truthfully, until Pestilence was no longer a threat—if he was ever no longer a threat—it was best to keep anyone he could hurt out of his realm of knowledge. If he learned he had another sibling, Limos wouldn’t put it past him to torture Idess for fun.

“Okay,” Limos said, needing a change of subject. “So you’re cool with this.” Her stomach fluttered as Runa came around to slip Limos’s white satin high heels on her feet. “And you, Runa?”

“Arik deserves to be happy.” Five words, but Runa said it all. She might not approve, exactly, but she’d accept this was what her brother wanted.

“He does deserve that. I’ve not met many males like him,” Limos said quietly. “Arik… he makes me want to be a better person.” Telling Arik the truth made her feel better than telling any lie ever had. “That’s so sappy, isn’t it?”

“It’s your wedding day. Sap is expected.” Runa’s smile reminded Limos of Arik. Their coloring was different, but they had the same mouth, the same shaped eyes, and the same precise, deliberate movements.

“Can I ask you something?” Limos said, and Runa shrugged. “Not to be rude, but… what are you?”

One of Runa’s eyebrows arched. “You’re thinking about my warg shift in the middle of the day?” When Limos nodded, Runa continued. “I was bitten by a werewolf and left to die. Arik found me, took me to the R-XR, and they experimented on me with a potential cure. It didn’t work, but I now have the ability to shift at will instead of only on full moons. Now, enough of monster talk.” She took a small jewelry box off the bed and opened it to reveal a pair of stunning blue topaz earrings. “Something borrowed and blue.”

Idet savess handed Limos a white garter. “Something new. And hold on for something old.” She dug into a small satin bag and pulled out a delicate bracelet made of tiny carved ivory beads. “This is from Wraith’s mate, Serena. She’s a treasure hunter, and she found this in an honest-to-God pirate chest. Legend has it that it was worn by Eleanor of Aquitaine at her wedding to her first husband, King Louis the seventh.”

“Ah… you do know that the marriage ended badly, right?” Limos asked.

Idess shrugged. “Well, she didn’t wear it for her second marriage, and that one didn’t turn out so well, either.”

“Good point.” Limos slipped on the bracelet, the garter, and put in the earrings. When she was done, she looked in the mirror for the first time since the other females had messed with her hair and makeup.

She nearly fainted.

“Are you okay?” Runa asked.

Limos’s eyes stung. “I… I’m…”

“Beautiful,” Idess finished.

“Yes.” Limos’s voice was little more than a whisper.

Human girls all over the world dreamed about their wedding day, spent years going over it in their heads. But Limos had spent centuries fantasizing about what she’d do if she were a normal woman, changing her ideas as trends came and went. Now, it was finally here. She felt beautiful, feminine, like the luckiest female ever.

Runa’s cell rang, and she answered it, then returned to Limos. “That was Shade. He said everything’s ready. We’re supposed to arrive outside where you usually cast a gate.”

Limos led them all outside, and even though her hand was shaking, Limos threw a gate, and then she, Runa, and Idess stepped through, coming out in the snowy courtyard in front of the entrance. Someone had erected a long tent and laid out a red carpet, along which a trail of candles lit the way to the front door.

“Wow,” she said. “This is amazing.” Thanatos and Ares approached, both in tuxes, and both grinning like fools.

“We’ll be inside the house,” Runa said. “Good luck.”

The females hurried inside as Limos’s brothers stopped in front of her.

“I’ve never seen anything so beautiful,” Than said, going down on one knee to kiss her hand. He was always so formal.

Ares leaned over to kiss her lightly on the cheek. “You’re stunning.”

Limos had to choke back sobs. “Thank you.” She cleared her throat of the hoarseness. “Who is escorting me?”

“We both are.” They each held out their arms, and she took them, walking between her brothers toward the entrance of Than’s keep.

When they stepped through, she stopped, momentarily in awe. The grin ld out theeat room had been transformed into a true winter wonderland. The floor was strewn with fake snow and glitter. Lit Christmas trees filled the room, and huge bouquets of poinsettias, silver and white flowers, and sparkling baby’s breath decorated tables loaded with food and drink. A champagne fountain gurgled near the far wall, and a huge fire roared in the hearth, its flames throwing a mix of colors, from the usual orange to blue, green, and purple.

And upon a makeshift stage in the very center of the room, were Idess and Arik. Limos’s gaze locked with Arik’s, and her heart fluttered. He was wearing a crisp, formal military uniform that perfectly suited his broad shoulders, deep chest, and slim waist. At his hip he wore a ceremonial black holster, but she doubted there was anything ceremonial about the pistol tucked inside. His long legs were spread slightly, his hands behind his back.

His intense gaze bored into her. Hunger gleamed in the hazel depths of his eyes, taking the breath right out of her lungs. She’d always found him to be handsome, had always seen the soldier in him. But now, as he watched her walk toward him she saw the whole, exquisite package—honorable soldier, powerful warrior, ferocious lover, heart-stoppingly gorgeous male.

“You sure about this?” Thanatos whispered in her ear, and as though Arik heard, he gave a single, slow nod.

If there had been any doubt before, it was gone.

“Yes,” she whispered back. “I’ve never been so sure about anything.”
