Chapter 14 - Conclusion

6 months later

"Riley, come on... wake up Babe."

Riley rolled over and groaned. "What time is it?"

"It's just after 1am. That was Jess. She's at the hospital with Kim, she's in labor."

"Okay," Riley mumbled still groggy. Her eyes popped open when it registered what Sam had said. She pulled back the covers and leapt out of bed. "Well come on what are you

waiting for we don't want to miss it."

Sam chuckled as she got up to get dressed. "Jess said she's four centimeters and it might be a while."

They hurriedly dressed and headed for Los Angeles.


Sam approached the nurse's station. "Hi I'm here to see my sister-in-law, Kim

McKenna." Kim used her maiden name at work but had changed her last name to Jess's

when they decided to have a child.

"Sure go on down, she's in room 302."


Sam slowly pushed the door open. It had been a little over 2 hrs since Jess's call. Kim

was lying on her side as Jess massaged her back. She and Riley quietly stepped into the

room. Riley immediately went to Kim's side.

"Hey how're you doing?" she asked with a soft smile as she leaned down to kiss Kim.

They'd grown very close in the last six months. She pushed the sweat soaked hair back

from her face.

"Besides the fact that my back is killing me and I swear this kid is trying to kick her way out. I'm just peachy." Kim replied grumpily.

Riley smiled making no comment, she'd dealt with women in labor during her internship.

Sam wasn't as bright.

"It'll all be over soon." Sam advised with a smile.

Kim growled at Sam. "I've been in labor with this kid for 10 hours. So let me tell you the next two minutes isn't soon enough." She snarled.

Sam looked shocked. She'd never heard Kim speak in that tone of voice before. Jess just

grinned; she'd been on the receiving end of Kim's temper for the last 10 hours. Riley

pulled Sam down so she could whisper in her ear. "Honey, women in labor are not

rational, just nod your head and be quiet."

Kim's labor had picked up in the two hours since Jess's call. They'd be moving her into

the delivery room soon. Riley was surprised to see Sam turn pale when the next

contraction came.

"Would you guys like to be present for the birth? Kim and I talked about it and you're more than welcome to if you want." Jess asked once the contraction had passed and Kim

had released the death grip she had on her hand.

Riley was unsure as Sam looked quite pale. She'd delivered babies during her internship

so wasn't concerned for herself. She glanced over at Sam. Sam swallowed heavily before

nodding yes.

The next contraction hit sooner than expected. Kim clutched her belly and growled at

Jess. "You're having the next one. I have brothers too you know!" Riley couldn't help the snicker that slipped out when Jess blanched. Jess glared at her before turning back to

sooth Kim.

Things progressed rapidly from that point. As they moved Kim into one of the delivery

rooms everyone grabbed a gown to cover their clothes. Jess changed into scrubs and

positioned herself behind Kim in the bed. Kim's obstetrician strolled into the room.

"Ready to go?" She asked with a smile.

'I've been ready; where the hell have you been?" Kim growled.

It wasn't long before the cry of a new voice filled the room. It almost covered up the

sound of a body hitting the floor. Riley spun around to find Sam out cold. She rushed

over to make sure she was all right. Other than a goose egg on the back of her head and a

case of terminal embarrassment she was fine. They walked over together to view the

new arrival.

Kim had the baby cradled to her chest and Jess was cradling them both from behind. "I'd like you to meet Erin Marie McKenna." Jess introduced with tears trailing down her


They gazed down at the baby. She was long with large hands and had a head of thick

black hair. It looked like Erin was going to take after Jess and be a big tall girl. Her little eyes slowly blinked open and Sam could see they were light blue like Kim's but knew

that could change. She was a beautiful little girl.

The nurse came in and shooed them out so they could get Erin all checked out and Kim

settled in a room.

"We'll see you in a bit." Sam promised as they left.


They got to see Kim and the baby about an hour later. They entered to see Jess up on the

bed with Kim as she attempted to nurse Erin for the first time. They spoke softly to Kim

as they watched Erin nurse. Once she'd fallen asleep Kim turned to Riley. She'd seen the

look of longing on both women's faces as she'd nursed Erin.

"Would you like to hold her?" She asked Riley.

A brilliantly smile lit Riley's face as she gently took the baby from Kim's arms. Sam

came up behind her and cradled them both in her long arms. Riley had a look a pure joy

on her face.

"Maybe we could have one of our own someday." Sam whispered in her ear.

Riley was floored that Sam had even mentioned it. She'd thought about it a lot, as Kim's

pregnancy had progressed but never thought Sam would agree. "I'd like that." She

admitted softly.

They stayed for a while but when both yawned repeatedly Jess urged them to go back to

their place and get some sleep.

"I called Mom and Dad, they were ecstatic to finally be grandparents. Kim's folks said they wanted to wait a bit so Kim could settle into a routine with Erin then they plan on

visiting. Mom was already asking how soon it would be 'til we could bring Erin for a

visit. I got in touch with Cheryl; she and Frank are going to fly down as soon as he gets

off work. So you'll have the house to yourself and it would really help me out if you'd

feed Thor and let him out."

They kissed Kim and the baby goodbye assuring them they'd be back later and headed

for Kim and Jess's to get some rest.


They talked about the baby all the way back to the house. Riley couldn't resist teasing

her big tough cop for passing out when Erin was born. Riley headed for the kitchen

while Sam let Thor out. She'd spent many weekends in this house over the last six

months and felt very at home here. They made themselves some sandwiches before

getting ready to take their nap.

They headed toward the guest bedroom. When they reached the end of the hall Sam lead

them into Kim and Jess's room instead. The bed was unmade and it was obvious they'd

left in a hurry. Sam pulled Riley into her arms and began to kiss her passionately. She led her over to the bed and tried to get her to lie down.

"Sam what are you doing?" she protested as Sam's kisses became more insistent.

"Hey Jess got Kim pregnant in my bed. I'm just returning the favor." She grinned as she pressed Riley back into the bed.

"Oh you're going to get me pregnant huh...? Well let's get to it."

Sam knew Riley couldn't be serious but couldn't help the surge of hope her words

invoked. Riley saw the look on Sam's face and decided to take a chance.

"You know your brother will be here tonight. Maybe he'd be willing to help us out." She told Sam in a serious tone of voice.

Sam was momentarily speechless. She felt her chest tighten and she choked up. "You

would have my baby?" she asked tearfully.

"In a heartbeat." Riley assured her. "There's only one problem Sweetheart."

Sam was reeling. Riley really was serious, she wanted her child. It was more than she'd

ever dared hoped for. She fought to clear her thoughts and respond.

"What problem?" she asked nervously.

"A baby needs two parents... two married parents. Will you marry me Sam?"

Sam felt the tears pour down her cheeks. "Yes!" she cried. "Yes I'll marry you."

Tears of joy trailed down both their cheeks as they shared a searing kiss to seal the


The End.

I hope you enjoyed the story. Feedback and constructive comments are always welcome.

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