Chapter Twenty-Three

Sydney gasped at the sight of the newly built, Penn’s Landing, riverfront condo building. Swanky. She could not believe Tristan would let her live in this place rent-free for a week or so, let alone the couple of months she’d planned on. She had a feeling she’d never want to leave considering the incredible view of the river and city. Why wasn’t Tristan living in this fabulous location? She knew he dabbled in real estate, but had no idea that he owned a place down on the waterfront.

Sydney double checked the address before pulling her car into the valet parking. A bellman approached her car and leaned forward. “Excuse me, Miss, but do you need assistance with your luggage?”

Sydney coughed trying desperately to compose herself, hoping she was in the right place. “Uh...yes. I have some clothing in the trunk, a few bags. My friend, Tristan Livingston, is letting me stay in his condo for a while.”

“Of course, Miss. We’ve been expecting you. I’ll take your keys, park your car, and bring your things to you shortly.” Smiling, he opened her car door gesturing for her to get out.

She gave him the keys confidently striding toward the door where another bellman awaited her. “Hello...I’m Sydney Willows. I....”

“Greetings, Miss Willows. My name is Bernard. Welcome to Riverfront Estates. As Fred indicated, we’ve been expecting you. Please follow me, and I will escort you home.”

Home? Sydney obediently followed Bernard having no idea where she was going. It dawned on her that Tristan failed to provide her with the condo number. She didn’t want to appear as if she didn’t belong, so she trusted that she’d figure it out from Bernard eventually. Standing in the elevator, Sydney noticed the numbers went up to forty floors. Nervously playing with the key, she tried to remember which button Bernard pushed. The elevator was moving, but no numbers were illuminated.

As the elevator settled and the doors slid open, she saw a small foyer that led to a lone set of double doors. “Your condo, Miss. Do you need me to open the door, or show you about? Your bags will be up in just a little bit via the service elevator.”

“No thank you. Please, just leave my things in the hallway here. Seeing as this is the only condo on this floor, my things should be okay for a little while. I have a phone call to make, and it's important that I’m not interrupted. Thanks again.” She stepped into the vestibule, reaching for a tip.

“Thank you, but please, no tips. This is your home now.” He waved as the elevator doors silently closed.

Finally alone, she blew out a deep breath. My God, this place was unbelievable. She could hardly wait to see the view of the river. Not knowing what floor she was on, she sensed she was up fairly high, given the amount of time on the elevator. She steadied the key, slid it into the lock and quickly opened the deadlock. Secure door, very nice.

As Sydney clasped her palm around the door handle, she felt it. A warm, tingly sensation ran up her spine. He was here. Kade. What was he doing here? After everything she’d been through in the past week, she trusted her instincts enough to know that Kade was behind this door. Taking a deep breath, she tried desperately to gather her thoughts. What would she say to him? Take it easy Sydney...apologize...just pretend he is on the end of the phone like you were planning. But, he wasn’t on the phone in New Orleans. No, he was truly here in Philadelphia. In Tristan’s condo. Shit. Shit. Shit. Breathe, Sydney, breathe. Feeling as if she could use an oxygen mask, she sucked in a deep breath, turned the handle and pushed the door open.

Across the great room, Kade gazed at the river, the muscular frame of his silhouette darkly carved against the incandescent moonlight. Sydney’s soul wrenched begging her to go to him so she could lose herself in his embrace, but he was a dark, lethal predator who she'd wounded. She didn’t have the courage to seek what she needed from him. No, she would approach him cautiously, thoughtfully. She needed to make things right with him.

“Kade, I’m sorry.” He said nothing. She looked around the condo, investigating her surroundings. The incredible, open space led to a large balcony. The cathedral ceiling held sunlights that allowed the moonlight to illuminate the entire room. Glancing into the kitchen, she spied black, pearly granite countertops and stainless steel appliances that reflected off each other sparkling in the light. As she crept slowly toward Kade, she noticed the condo was completely void of furniture, save for patio furniture on the enormous, outdoor terrace. A stray thought passed through her mind as she wondered why Tristan would send her to an unfurnished property. Oh well, a minor issue compared to the menacing, aggravated vampire standing in front of her.

Sydney intrepidly approached Kade, her heels clicking softly on the hardwood floors. Attraction did not begin to describe the intense desire that grew in her belly.

Kade silently waited as she came to him, sensing his prey ever closer. He could smell her desire. He fought the urge to ravage her right there on the floor, burying himself within her hot depths. But he needed to teach this stubborn, sexy woman a lesson she would not soon forget. She ran from him, not willing to discuss her emotions, her fears, or their life together. Not acceptable. No, she needed to learn that without a doubt they belonged together...forever. And that he loved her more than life itself, and was willing to do anything to keep her in his life.

Sydney extended her fingertips, letting them graze the hard planes of his back. “Kade, please. What are you doing here? How did you get in this house?”

Not looking back at her, he took a deep breath. “Ah, Sydney love, I am here...because this home is my home...our home.” He pivoted around, pulling her toward him settling her body so that she also faced the river. Grasping her hands, he rested them on the cool terrace railing. The view of the river was magnificent. Lights sparkled from the boats in the night and twinkled from the bridge spanning across the rushing water.

Sydney did not know what he meant. His home? Our home? This was Tristan’s house. He sent her the key. She asked him to stay here. Tristan must have ratted her out. Tricky wolf. “What do you mean our home? This is Tristan’s condo. He's letting me stay here. Did Tristan tell you I was here?” she asked.

Snaking his hand around her waist, he pulled her into him so that their sides pressed against each other. At his demanding touch, Sydney felt electric sparks run all over her body. It seemed as if every sensual cell in her body stood wide awake, ready to engage with him. She shivered under his fingers.

Smiling at her response, Kade continued making his point. “Precisely what I meant Sydney. This is our home. I bought this property last night after you so very cleverly left New Orleans.” He turned her body so it was flush with his, hip to hip, their lips were mere inches apart. She did not attempt to move away from him, allowing Kade to hold her tightly in his warm, muscular arms. His blue eyes pierced down into her soul as his lips tightened somberly. “You see Sydney; you did not seem to quite understand what I meant when I said you are mine. I thought we established things in my office that fine day, but it appears you need another lesson.”

Oh shit. Guilty there. Okay, here it comes. She knew it wouldn’t be that easy. He was pissed. “Kade, I...I...I,” she stammered, her words caught in her throat.

He lifted a finger to her lips, silencing her excuses. “Don’t say a word, not one word. It is my turn to talk, your turn to listen.” This couldn’t be good. “I want to be very clear...that you never misunderstand me again, Sydney. You are mine, I am yours. We are bonded. I love you Sydney, not just this minute, not just today, not just this year, I love you forever. This means the next time you get upset or confused, you do not run out on me. Never again will you do that, understand? We, us...we work on things together from here on out. You lean on me. You share with me. We are one together, no longer on our own. Together and always we shall figure out this world.”

“Now, before you say anything or even attempt to protest, I am going to tell you how this is going to work. Since you left me in New Orleans...instead of working together on answers to how we would make our relationship work, I took it upon myself to figure that out for us.”

What the hell? No, he did not just say that. “But Kade,” Sydney protested still trying to capture control over the situation. Something she was failing at miserably at the moment.

Kade jerked her closer into his body, silencing her protest, grinding the hardness of his maleness into her belly. He leaned in close almost touching her lips with his. “Shhhh. You really have trouble listening, don’t you, woman?”

A small giggle escaped Sydney’s lips, releasing a nervous energy. What did he do? What decisions did he make? I can’t think straight with his lips so close to mine, just kiss me already.

Dominating her space further, he parted her legs with his thigh. He wanted to take her right there and fuck her senseless, but first he needed her to accept their future as it would be. “First, your career. I would never ask you to give up your career. You’ve worked hard to get where you are, and I will support you in whatever you decide. That being said, I will not let you rush foolishly into supernatural cases least not without me. I took the liberty of speaking with the powers that be, and your police department has graciously agreed to lend you to my security forces as a consultant whenever I see fit. Therefore, you can work here in Philadelphia for months at a time, should you choose to do so, and then we can go back to New Orleans and work down there for however long we need to remain. Your city is close to New York, and I frequently have business there, so this location is advantageous for me as well. We will live in both locations.”

Sydney was about to interrupt, but she chewed her lip instead. Sensing her imminent interruption attempt, Kade raised an eyebrow at her challenging her to disobey his earlier request to finish speaking. “Secondly, you shall drink a scant amount of my blood...just often enough so that you do not age or become ill. In doing so, we can be together throughout eternity. I am quite sure that I will be doing enough worrying about your safety due to the nature of your job. I certainly don’t need to worry about you getting sick from human diseases as well. Likewise, I will drink from you whenever possible, as I want no other woman for my sustenance. I am quite sure that you would agree to this point given you would not want me with another woman, especially given the erotic, intimate nature of feeding.”

Kade stopped speaking for a minute, drinking in the silence of the night. The crux of his argument rested solely upon point number three. He sighed, hoping he would say all the right words so she finally understood how very much she meant to him. “Third, and most importantly, I love you, Miss Sydney Willows. When I asked you to move in with me and stay in New Orleans...let’s just say, I do not take commitment lightly. I told you before that there have been few women in my long lifetime who I have considered a lover, but there has been no woman that I have ever considered a soul mate. Or a wife...until now.” Kade pressed his forehead to Sydney’s. He desired so deeply to make love with her, but he wanted her head clear of the throes of sexual passion so she never doubted his intentions...or her answer.

Tears ran down her face as he withdrew a small, blue and white box from his pocket. “You, Sydney...You came into my life unexpectedly. You are a stubborn woman, infuriating at times. A woman filled with a heart of courage so large...well, what can I say? Even though you feel fear, you continue to fight in the name of justice giving everything you have...willing to give your life to save others. Blood, sweat, tears. Then there is the soft side of lover: caring, sexy, beautiful. I am simply enchanted by you. More importantly, I love you. I want to be with you forever. I want you to be my wife. Marry me, Sydney.”

Kade opened the small box, offering his gift to his bride-to-be. An enormous, princess cut diamond, encased in a diamond studded, platinum setting sparkled in the moon light. Sydney was shocked. Her romantic vampire. Why did she ever run from him? She knew he loved her. She didn’t need to think twice about her answer. “Yes, Kade, yes. I would be honored to become your wife.”

As Kade slipped the ring on her finger, Sydney felt as if she was floating on air. Feeling guilty for how she ran out on Kade, she pulled out of his embrace, but did not release his hands. “Kade, I'm so sorry I left without telling you. I was just so overwhelmed. You have to understand. I never thought I could love someone, let alone as much as I love you. I was scared. Worried about my job and the children’s center. So when you asked me to move...I just panicked. It was wrong, and I am really, really sorry for hurting you. Please forgive me?” she purred.

“Sydney, my future wife, I will forgive you but perhaps I should punish you first,” he teased. “Ah yes, a spanking perhaps?”

Sydney laughed. “I guess I would agree to a consensual spanking every now and then,” she winked. “But, you know it goes both ways!”

“I forgive you, love. Now come to me, my sweet fiancée. I plan to make love to you in every room of this penthouse!” No longer able to control his lust, Kade leaned forward and pressed his lips to Sydney’s. Their tongues danced in delirium, finally sealing their future. Kade speared his fingers through Sydney’s soft, blonde hair, pulling her head into his. She tasted like sweet honey on a fine summer day. His lover...soon to be his wife.

Sydney moaned in delight, breaking away from his lips for a second. “Ummm....Kade, considering we have no furniture in our home yet.” She glanced over to the oversized, outdoor day bed. “Maybe we should start right here on our wonderful balcony.” She grabbed his hand, led him over to the soft bedding and pushed him backward so he lay on his back at her mercy. “Kade, I plan to make it up to you and then some...over and over again for the rest of our lives.” She straightened above him, seductively stripping off her clothes until she was completely naked in the moonlight.

Kade groaned and massaged his rock hard cock through his jeans. “ are such a naughty woman. The way your skin shines in the moonlight, I cannot resist you for one minute longer. Come here, Sydney,” he demanded.

Sydney moved over him straddling his legs. Kneeling, she slowly leaned over, gently kissing Kade, her soft hair falling onto his face and shoulders. Without warning, she rose resting her hands on his shoulders, rubbing her plump, ripe breasts into his face. He moaned as he cupped and suckled her soft peaks teasing them until they hardened in pain. “Yes, Kade. Oh my God. Yes...I want to taste you. Now,” she begged.

Slithering down his body, she made quick work of his pants freeing his bulging manhood. Taking him into her mouth, she greedily sucked him, moaning in pleasure as she tasted his salty essence. Sydney grazed her teeth along his hardness teasing him, hoping to make him beg. Finally, her vampire cracked, his breath began to quicken into pants. “ need to be inside you. Hurry...I want to come inside you.”

Sydney smiled. Her big, bad vampire’s begging was music to her ears. Like a tiger hunting her prey, she crawled up him slowly and lowered herself onto him until her sex settled fully onto his straining shaft. Sydney’s receptive body welcomed him, her hands clutching his shoulders for support. “Yes, Kade. You feel so good inside of me. I have never loved another man like I love you. You are everything to me,” she said staring deep into his blue eyes.

Connecting on a higher level, Kade and Sydney slowly rocked together as one in total harmony, allowing their arousal to consume them both. Pressing her hips into Kade, she gradually increased the pace, her climax building as he stimulated her most sensitive area. Kade moved his hands grasping her by the waist, supporting Sydney while she seated herself perpendicularly on him taking every inch of his throbbing hardness. Throwing her head back, she moaned in pleasure, undulating against him with reckless abandon. “Oh Yes, Kade. I love you! Please...I’m coming,” she cried out as her explosive orgasm slammed into her. She splintered in glorious rapture, writhing above him.

In a swift move, never leaving her body, Kade pulled her down so they faced each other on their sides. He swung his leg possessively over hers, pressing them together. In a delirious frenzy, Kade and Sydney passionately kissed while he thrust up into her again and again. Sydney surrendered to his rhythm losing herself in his rich, intoxicating scent. She loved this man with all her heart.

Kade slowed his movement within her warm sheath reluctantly pulling his lips from hers. He pressed his forehead to hers once again, gazing into her eyes. “Sydney, love. You are everything to me. My future, my love, my wife. I love you.”

Awaiting his erotic bite, she bared her throat freely, offering her blood to him. Her gift of submission sparked a primal instinct deep within Kade. He growled possessively and powerfully thrust into her and pierced her soft flesh with his fangs. Sydney excitedly drove her fingers through Kade’s hair pressing his mouth into her neck. She screamed in sheer bliss as her release shattered simultaneously with his. Kade sated his thirst, losing control as he pulsed himself deep into her.

They lay still within each other’s arms, embracing, not wanting the moment to end. Sydney was elated knowing that not only had he forgiven her for leaving, but he was totally committed to her in every way. She never thought in a million years she’d be the kind of woman who could fall in love so completely, but she had. And now, she would never let her vampire go. “Mmmm....Kade, you are amazing, do you know that?”

Kade chuckled softly. “ love, it is you who are amazing. I am not sure how I ever survived all these centuries without you.”

Sydney smiled realizing the reality of just making love outside on the balcony. “Kade, as much as I love being naked in your arms outside on the terrace, the sun will be rising soon. People could see us out here. Where are we going to sleep?”

Kade laughed at her question. “Funny thing, since I was short on time, I only purchased the bare necessities for our penthouse. In doing so, I realized that most furniture is highly overrated. However, a bed, my love, is most definitely a necessity when it comes to you and me. And since I planned on making love to you all night and well into tomorrow, I purchased two beds: an outdoor bed, so we could make love under the stars, and our king sized bed in the master bedroom. If you’re ready, we can test that one out now. Shall we adjourn to our bedroom, love?”

Sydney laughed softly. At the moment, she could hardly argue his logic. “I would love that.” Sydney kissed him once again. Feeling light as a feather, she let Kade lift her up into his arms and carry her into their bedroom.
