Chapter Eight

Katie lost all ability to breathe when Cain swept her up into his embrace and carried her from the rooftop garden. She caught glimpses of his harsh features as he passed quickly through the apartment. His green eye glittered like that of some wild animal on the hunt. Knowing she was the prey made her slightly nervous.

Cain was a huge man, and with a black leather patch over his left eye and his long black hair covering half of his face, he could easily be taken for a pirate. Picturing him in tight breeches and a leather vest swinging a cutlass on the deck of a ship was no problem. She wondered half hysterically if he’d make her walk the plank if she didn’t perform to his liking. The solid thud of him kicking a door closed behind him gave her a sense of finality. There was no going back now. And, truthfully, she didn’t think she wanted to.

Her legs were shaking as he released them and she clung to his shoulders for support. She was shivering both from fear and arousal. She suddenly realized that she’d put her sexuality in the deep freeze after the whole fiasco with Kent. Cain was the only man since then who’d been able to thaw her. The problem was he not only thawed her, he made her red-hot. That meant that Cain was becoming important to her. And, unfortunately, that gave him power over her.

His hands glided down her back and cupped her behind before pulling her closer and rubbing her against his rock-hard arousal. Her body responded instantly and she could feel the wetness and the ache between her legs. It didn’t seem to matter if she wanted to lose control to Cain. He was going to wrest it from her.

“I’m going to fuck you, then I’m going to make love to you,” he whispered in her ear as he bent to run his tongue around the edge. His tongue flicked inside her ear for a moment, and she shivered and clung to him.

“What’s the difference?” Desperately, she tried to retain control. But Cain was busily licking and nipping at her neck and she arched her throat back to give him better access.

“There is a difference, but you’ll like both,” he promised hotly. He pulled back and his eye glittered in the faint light from the window as he reached out and slid her sweater off. Tossing it over his shoulder, he tugged her silk shirt from the waistband of her pants. Not giving her any time to object, the shirt followed her sweater to the floor.

She stood there feeling vulnerable in her bra and slacks, but allowed him to look at her. Raising his hands to her bra, he covered the white lace with his hands, which looked big and rough next to the delicate fabric. Molding her breasts with his fingers, he teased the nipples through the fabric. They were hard nubs, aching for more. Pushing them more firmly into his hands, she silently begged for more.

“Yes,” he murmured as he unhooked the front clasp of her bra. He tugged it off and immediately reached for the waistband of her wool slacks. The zipper made a hissing noise as he lowered it and then dragged both her slacks and her panties down together.

Before she could contemplate her nakedness, he picked her up and sat her on the end of his bed. Boots, pants, and underwear were pulled away and she was left naked on the end of his bed.

“Beautiful,” he muttered as he stood back to look at her.

Her arms came up to cover her breasts in a reflexive action, but he wasn’t having any of that. “No, Katie.” Gently, he tugged her hands away. “I want to see your breasts.”

He urged her up further on the bed until her head was on the pillows and he was sitting next to her. Stroking his hands over her arms, he devoured her with his good eye. Taking his time, he ran his fingers lightly over her collarbone, dipping into the hollow just above it. Returning to the center of her chest, he drew a line with one finger to the point between her breasts. He made little circles with his finger, gradually expanding them until he was tracing a figure eight around her breasts, but not touching them.

Having his hands so close to her breasts but not touching them was torture, and she was sighed in relief when he finally palmed her breasts. He seemed enthralled as he shaped and squeezed them in his hands. Katie had never been well-endowed, but Cain made her feel like the sexiest woman on the face of the planet. He teased her nipples between his thumb and forefinger, seeming pleased when she moaned and arched her back in pleasure.

“Cain.” She reached for him, wanting him with her. It was a shock when he grabbed her hands, raised them over her head, and clasped them around two slats on the headboard. He wrapped them tightly around the hard wood, and he made sure she had a good grip before sliding his hands back down her arms.

“Don’t move your hands,” he whispered. “I want you to let me do whatever I want to you.” Leaning over he kissed her gently on the lips. Her hands came away from the headboard to hold him close, but he clasped them firmly and returned them to the headboard.

“We’ve been through this before. If you can’t do it on your own, I’ll have to help you.” He opened the drawer on the table next to the bed and withdrew a long black scarf. He teased her breasts with the end of the silk making her nipples pucker even tighter.

Katie knew what he was silently asking of her and she hesitated. Her only experience with this kind of game had been the other night in the park, and that had been incredibly intense. Only in her fantasies had she ever considered giving up control to a man by allowing him to tie her to the bed while he made love to her.

It was both frightening and arousing at the same time. Yet, there was an element of freedom in bondage. If she was tied to the bed, then she would have to accept whatever pleasure he allowed her. Everything was up to him. The only question was did she want to relinquish control to him again? Did she trust him enough to play this game again now that she understood what it entailed?

Cain watched her patiently as all her emotions played across her face. She knew he could tell when she’d made up her mind, as a small smile crossed his face before he reached up and carefully wrapped the silk around her wrists then the headboard. When he was finished, he stood. She tested the restraints, and though they weren’t tight, she was securely tied to the bed.

With her arms over her head, her breasts were thrust up as an offering to him. And Cain, he just stood back and surveyed her naked body like some satisfied sultan. His body was still, but incredibly tense and it was with some shock that she realized he was still completely dressed.

“Take off your clothes, Cain.” She wanted him in bed with her so she wouldn’t feel so vulnerable.

“Make me.” At her puzzled look, he elaborated. “Entice me. Spread your legs and show me you want me.” His voice was thick with desire. “Offer yourself to me.”

Katie struggled between her mounting desire and the fear of losing any more control to this dominant man. Something in his eyes almost pleaded with her to comply, as if he needed her to completely surrender to her desire for him.

Gathering her courage, she spread her legs wide apart and looked him straight in the eye. “Take off your clothes.”

“Wider,” he taunted.

Spreading her legs as wide as possible, she planted her feet on the mattress and arched her back. She was open wide to him now. He could see her sex glistening with arousal and waiting for him.

“Do you want me now?” she goaded him, wanting him as out of control as she was.

He swore savagely in the darkness and she heard the sound of a drawer being jerked open. Then came the sound of a packet being opened and a zipper being lowered. She knew he was sheathing himself in a condom, but he still was fully dressed.

Feeling wanton and bold, she taunted him with her womanly power. “I’m waiting,” she purred as she arched her hips again.

“Fuck, yes,” was his reply as he crawled up the bed and over her. Grabbing her knees with his hands, he held her wide open as he pushed his pulsing cock inside her.

He was so large she didn’t know how she would take him. She tensed as he pushed forward, waiting for him to thrust deep, but he inserted just the tip and rocked himself slowly in and out of her. As she relaxed, he slid deeper inside her.

“That’s it,” he crooned. “You can take all of me. I know you can.” He continued to rock into her a little more each time. “Hold on tight to the bed and relax.” His voice was almost hypnotic as he spoke and she found herself responding to his instructions.

She had no control over the depths of his strokes as he kept her legs bent and spread wide. He looked large and slightly wild above her and she reveled in the fact that this big, dangerous, gorgeous man wanted her. It made her feel powerful and daring, and she thrust her hips up, daring him to go deeper.

As if she had finally unleashed the sleeping giant, he thrust himself to the hilt and although she had encouraged him to do it, she found it a little uncomfortable. But he was relentless and held himself deep inside her.

“Good girl,” he soothed. “I knew you could take me.” Placing her feet firmly against his shoulders, he then slid his hands down her legs, and around to her bottom. Squeezing both cheeks, he got a good grip on her. “I love your tight ass. Soon, I want you on your hands and knees with your ass in the air as I fuck you.”

She had no time to think about that promise as he began to plunge in and out of her. Slowly at first and then harder and faster. Every time he thrust forward, her knees were pushed towards her head. Katie hung on to the headboard as Cain pounded in and out of her body. There was no room left for anything but Cain as he filled her body and her mind completely.

Gripping her bottom with one hand he pushed the other hand between their joined bodies and flicked her clitoris with one of his fingers. Katie could feel her entire body tighten from the top of her head to the soles of her feet. Her inner muscles clamped down hard on his thrusting cock and he moaned and thrust harder all the while his fingers worked their magic.

“Come for me, Katie.” His voice was uneven as he continued to work her body.

Katie had no other thought in her head except completion. Being totally open to Cain and having him control their lovemaking made her even hotter. She tried to move her hips as she writhed on the bed, but he kept the same hard, fast pace, not slowing or changing. She tugged on her bonds in a desperate attempt to be free so she could make him do what she wanted.

“Come for me,” he repeated. “You’re so close, baby.”

Katie thought she’d go mad if she didn’t come. Now. “More, Cain,” she cried. She tilted her head back and clenched her teeth as he continued to stroke her clitoris. The tension built and the explosion came from deep within her. She screamed as her body contracted around his.

Cain never stopped but pushed her feet off his shoulders, wrapped his arms around her hips, and continued to pound her body. He came in one long shudder and then collapsed on top of her, burying his face between her breasts.

Katie’s legs were sprawled wide open and she could feel the fabric of Cain’s pants against her thighs. He raised his head up long enough to reach up, untie her hands from the headboard, and remove the black silk scarf from her wrists. Slowly, he drew her arms down to her sides, and dropped his head back to her chest. Her hands tunneled through his long, beautiful hair. The silky strands slipped easily through her fingers. He made a muffled sound, but didn’t budge from his prone position.

Making no move to disturb him, Katie continued to play with his hair. His head was pillowed on her breast and she could feel his hot breath on her skin. Her nipples were hard, aching nubs. She could feel his penis quivering inside her and her own body responded as her inner muscles squeezed him tight.

She felt the rumbling in his chest before she heard his laugh. “I better clean up first before we go again.” He pulled out of her and off the bed in one motion.

Unable to summon the energy to move, she lay there sprawled on the bed and watched as Cain removed the used condom and dumped it into a wastepaper basket that was tucked next to the bedside table. Since meeting Cain, she’d had new and exciting erotic experiences, one after another, but this one had taken her to an entirely new level. What they’d just done together had been the most amazing sexual experience of her entire life.

Her whole body was still vibrating from her amazing climax and she realized that she felt a warmth in her chest. It took her a moment to recognize the feeling. She felt happy and wrapped her arms around herself to hug the feeling tight.

Katie was still basking in the afterglow when Cain came back to stand beside the bed. “How do you feel, Katie?” Casting an immense shadow, he covered her in darkness.

“I feel wonderful.” Her reply was more of a breathy sigh.

“Good. I’m glad.” He released a breath he’d been holding. “Because I’m just getting started.”

He shucked his pants and underwear and slowly unbuttoned the soft cotton shirt that he wore, but kept it on. “I want to do everything with you, Katie. I want to suck your tits until you come. I want to eat your pussy until you scream. I want you to suck on my dick until I come and then I want to fuck you again.” His words made her squirm and he smiled when he noticed.

“My hot little Katie. Will you let me do that? Will you do that for me?”

Her reply came without thought. “Yes.” She held her arms out to him. For the first time in her life she wanted everything. Craved it. Whatever pleased him. That was what she wanted him to do. Then she wanted her turn at him. The thought of that big, hard body at her command made her moan. Cupping her breasts in her hands she plumped them up and offered them to him.

Cain had never seen a more erotic sight in his life. The trust Katie showed him by lying there and offering herself to him took his breath away. She looked like a pagan sacrifice spread out on his bed. Every muscle of his body was clenched tight. His dick was already hard again. He hadn’t recovered this quick since he was a teenager.

His words had been purposely crude and explicit as he described what he wanted from her. Inwardly, he admitted that he was testing her to see if she would turn away from the darker, rougher aspects of him. They existed whether he wanted them to or not. Better for her to know now than later. He shook his head and smiled. Not his Katie, she was made of tougher stuff than that. If a little light bondage hadn’t frightened her away, then a few crude words certainly wouldn’t.

Lowering himself to the bed next to her, he reached out and ran the tip of his finger over one of her taut nipples. “You look like a sexy slave girl offering herself up to her lord and master.” Bending down he flicked the tip of her nipple with his tongue. “I like that.”

He tongued one rigid peak and then leaned over to play with the other one. He teased her until she was moaning and squirming. “Do you want more?”

“Yessss.” Her legs moved restlessly on the mattress.

“Tell me what you want.” Blowing gently on one wet nipple, he watched her as she moaned louder and the peak of her breast grew even tighter.

“Suck them, please.”

“Such a polite little slave girl, you are. Are you sure that’s what you really want?” he teased.

In response, she grabbed his hair and dragged him back to her breast. “I guess you’re sure.” Cain rewarded her by tugging one ripe, rosy nipple into his mouth. He teased the tip with his tongue before nibbling at it with his teeth. Then without warning, he began to suck.

He feasted on her breasts, first one than the other. Back and forth, he licked and sucked, teased, and taunted until Katie was thrashing like a wild woman on the bed. His cock was hard and throbbing so he spread her legs with his thighs and pushed it against the hard nub of her clit. Her hips moved up and down as she used his cock to pleasure herself. God, she was hot.

He continued stimulating her tits with both his mouth and his hands. His cock was wet with her arousal as she continued to stroke herself on her dick. He could feel the heat of her throbbing pussy as it moved over his length, and for a second, he thought he was going to come on her stomach.

Every muscle in his body was screaming for release, but he wouldn’t give in. Not yet. He turned every ounce of his attention to making Katie come. Finally, he was rewarded when she stiffened and began to convulse on the bed.

A low, long squeal filled the air as she came and Katie covered her mouth with her hands as if to try and keep her orgasm silent. He was having none of it. Reaching up, he tugged her hands away. “I want all of it. I want to feel it, to see it, to touch it, to taste it and to smell it. Everything, Katie. Give me everything.”

Katie indeed gave him everything and when she was finally lying limp on the bed, Cain amused himself by blowing lightly on the turgid peaks. He pushed his dick hard against her leg for some relief, but he wasn’t finished playing with her yet.

“Well, that’s one.”

“One what?” Katie asked in a sleepy, confused voice.

“That’s the first thing I said I wanted to do to you.” He ran one finger around her nipple and then trailed it down her stomach to her navel. Leaning over, he trailed his lips over her open mouth. Her lips raised and opened to him of their own accord, and her pink tongue flicked out to taste his. He shuddered for a moment, enjoying her playfulness.

“I sucked your tits until you came,” he reminded her. “Now, I’m going to eat your pussy until you come again.” Her eyes widened in surprise as he moved lower down on the mattress. “You didn’t think I’d forget my promise, did you?”

Turning her body slightly sideways, he found a comfortable position on his side. No matter how he turned her, he couldn’t see her in the pale light. Sighing, he sat up and moved to sit by her head. “We have a problem.”

“What.” Katie reached out and stroked his arm all the way down to his hand. “You’re still wearing your shirt.” Now she sounded perplexed.

“That’s the problem. I want to turn on the light and look at you. To be able to take off my shirt and enjoy myself.” He reached over the side of the bed and picked up the familiar long black scarf.

“I don’t understand.”

He folded the scarf in half lengthwise and held it loosely in both hands. “I want to blindfold you so you can’t see me. It will be better for both of us that way.” He trailed the silk scarf over her belly and then her breasts.

Katie shivered as the fabric tugged on her sensitive nipples. Her hands gripped the sheets tight. Sensing her hesitation, he used the scarf to tease her breasts again. “You’ll find even greater pleasure if you rely on your remaining senses,” he promised. “It will heighten your response.”

Sensing her uncertainty, he bent forward and kissed her. It was a long, lingering kiss full of promise. When he pulled away, Katie gave a little moan of distress. “Please, for me.” Softly, he kissed her lips, her cheek, her eyes. “You liked what I did to you earlier,” he reminded her.

Katie gave him a hesitant nod and he wasted no time pulling her into a sitting position. Wrapping the length of cloth around her head several times before tying it in the back, he then turned her in the bed until her head was near the bottom and her feet were facing the headboard.

The click of the light switch made her jump, but other than that she made no move. Like a deer caught in the blinding glare of headlights she couldn’t even see, Katie seemed frozen in place.

“You’re like a fantasy.” Cain tore off his shirt and flung it to the floor, never taking his eyes off her pearly white body.

Her eyes were obscured behind the black blindfold, but her cheeks were pink and her lips were slightly swollen from his kisses. A small bite mark was evident on one shoulder and he felt an almost savage pleasure that he’d marked her as his. Her nipples were distended and cherry red after all the attention he’d given them and made a luscious sight against the pale skin of her breasts.

Getting comfortable between her legs, he bent forward and took a deep breath, inhaling her enticing scent. “You smell hot and sexy.” His finger traced a line up the inside of one smooth, white thigh and then through the soft hair covering her mound. “It’s curly,” he noted. “In my fantasy it was straight, but this is so much better.”

“Did you dream of me?” Katie’s breathing was getting more rapid. He could see the pulse fluttering in her neck as her arousal grew.

“Dreaming of you is all I’ve done lately. But what about you? Did your dreams include being spread out for my pleasure while I explore you at my leisure?” He continued to comb through the dark hair, coming close but never touching her clitoris.

“I asked about your dreams. What do you want?” She raised her arms over her head and arched her body towards him. Katie was as seductive as any siren, luring him onward.

Trailing his tongue up the inside of her thigh, he paused and nuzzled her pubic hair. “I want to taste you. To pleasure you.”

His tongue flicked out and circled the nub of her arousal. Her hips rose to meet his mouth and he caught her clit gently between his teeth and flicked it softly. Katie moaned and thrust her hips higher.

Giving it one final flick, he licked the soft, slick folds of her opening. She was so pink and wet and his. He took a deep breath and knew if he weren’t careful he’d come on the damn sheets. Katie turned him on like no other woman ever had.

Continuing his exploration of her soft slick flesh, he slowly inserted a finger inside her, not stopping until it was buried to the hilt. She writhed on the bed, trying to coax him to move his finger.

“Cain!” she wailed when he kept his finger still inside her. Instead, he slowly pushed another finger inside to join the first. She wailed again as her hips lifted off the mattress.

“Hold still, Katie.” He blew on her heated flesh as he watched her body flush.

“I can’t,” she muttered. “Do something.”

Cain began to slowly move his fingers within her while at the same time finding her clit and beginning to suck on it. This time he didn’t stop. Starting slow at first, he built a steady rhythm until Katie’s head was thrashing from side to side, her hands fisted in the sheets. Her hips pumped wildly in the air as she encouraged him.

“God, yes. More. Again.” Katie gasped out as she continued to reach for release. Her breathless entreaties spurred him on.

Pushing his fingers all the way inside her hot, wet body, he tongued her clit and was rewarded when he felt her inner muscles clench around his fingers.

He didn’t let up, but kept up the steady pressure even as Katie started screaming her release. When she was finished, he slowly removed his fingers and nuzzled her sensitive skin. Stroking her legs and her stomach, he waited patiently until she was relaxed once again.

“That was amazing.” Katie sounded well satisfied and that pleased him greatly.

Moving up slightly on the bed, he kissed her stomach and her breasts and finally he placed a soft kiss on her lips. “Taste how sexy you are.” Running the two fingers that he’d used to make her come along her lips, he waited for her to taste herself.

Her tongue flicked out and ran down the length of one finger making him groan. Pushing his dick against her soft stomach to help ease the ache, he waited to see what she would do next.

Capturing both fingers in her mouth, she licked and sucked them both. “Mmm. Good,” she moaned.

She was killing him, but there was no way he was going to stop her. He ground his arousal against her body and allowed her to do as she wished.

Easing her fingers out of her mouth, she surprised him with her request. “That’s number one and two. Isn’t it time for number three?”

Cain pulled away from her and bolted upright, gasping for air. The image of her taking him in her mouth and sucking him almost made him come right there and then. He ran both hands through his hair and desperately tried to regain control. Katie didn’t help matters any as she continued to run her feet up and down his flanks while he sat back and stared at her enticing body.

“Well, isn’t it my turn?” she teased him with a saucy smile on her face. When he didn’t respond immediately, she began to frown and look concerned. “Cain?”

Reaching out, he lifted one of her hands to his lips and kissed her palm before placing it against his cheek. “Everything is all right, but we may have to skip that one and go right to the last one. I don’t think I’d last a minute with your sexy mouth on my cock.” How was that for honesty?

“Okay. We can always do that later.” Katie opened her arms to him and he was lost.

“Let me love you, Katie.” Stretching out beside her, he placed frantic kisses on her upturned face.

“That’s not what you said you wanted earlier.” Katie tried to wrap her arms around his shoulders, but he captured them and held them in one of his hands. Slowly, he lifted them over her head.

“Forget what I said earlier. Earlier, I was being an ass.” Cain took Katie’s mouth in a long, hot kiss. He didn’t just kiss her. He devoured her. Wanting— no, needing— to please her, give back to her, and take from her.

“Love me, Cain,” Katie demanded.

“Hell, yes.” He jerked up in the bed, grabbed a condom, and sheathed himself in record time. Quickly, he burrowed between her legs and thrust himself inside her waiting warmth.

Where he’d been frantic before, now that he was inside her, something deep inside him relaxed. He bent all his considerable skill towards arousing Katie all over again. Kissing her delectable lips and her luscious breasts was like indulging in a veritable feast. His senses filled with the scent and taste of Katie.

And Katie responded as if she had been made especially for him. Her arousal was almost instantaneous and in only moments she was meeting his thrusts and kissing whatever part of him she could reach. Lifting her head, she lightly bit his shoulder and he lost all control.

Like a madman, he thrust into her. His balls tightened and then came blessed release. He continued to thrust until he had emptied himself into her and then he collapsed, taking care not to crush her beneath him.

Cain didn’t know how much time had passed when he finally gained enough energy to move. It was only then that he realized Katie was gently rubbing his hair and his shoulder. He closed his eyes, swallowed hard, and gave thanks that it was his good shoulder and not his scarred one.

Reluctantly, he withdrew from her body and her embrace. Katie treated him with a tenderness that he’d never had in his entire life. If he weren’t careful, she’d make him weak and then where would he be? His resolve hardened and he pulled back from her.

“Come back.” She held her arms out to him.

“I need to clean up first.” He knew his voice was harsh when she flinched slightly and dropped her hands. Unable to bear her withdrawal from him, he softened his rejection by dropping a kiss on her stomach.

“But let’s get you comfortable first.” Reaching behind him, he clicked off the light and plunged the room back into darkness. It took a moment for his eye to adjust and then he lifted Katie until her back was turned to him. Kissing her neck, he unwound the blindfold and returned it to the nightstand.

Guiding her to the pillows, he tucked her in before leaving her. “I’ll be back in a minute.”

“I’ll be here.”

In the bathroom, Cain disposed of the used condom and cleaned himself up with a warm washcloth. Bracing both arms on the counter, he stared at his reflection in the dim light from the night-light. “You’re a hard bastard, Benjamin.” He nodded at his reflection in agreement. But even knowing that, he knew there was no way he would let Katie go. He would do everything in his power to tie her to him, to make her want to stay with him, but there was no way he would be able to give up any control to her. It had to be his way or no way.

Having shored up his defenses, he tugged on a shirt that had hung on the back of the bathroom door. Taking a lukewarm damp washcloth with him, he returned to the bed and ran the cloth all over Katie’s body, making her more comfortable. Crawling in behind her sleepy form, he pulled her close, wrapping both arms around her warm body.

“Sleep,” he whispered in her ear. Katie responded by snuggling closer to him, automatically curling into his body like she’d been doing it for years. She fit him perfectly. But it was more than that. Katie felt right lying here in his arms and in his bed. It was if this woman had been fashioned especially for him. That thought was both exhilarating and worrisome at the same time.

Katie moved restlessly in her sleep, so he gathered her closer and whispered reassuringly in her ear. She responded immediately to his voice, cuddling closer to him. Making a pillow out of his chest, she finally sank into a deep sleep. Her breath stirred the hairs on his chest, and it wasn’t long before he was painfully aroused again.

His cock twitched against the sheet, but he made no move to wake Katie. She was obviously exhausted from the unaccustomed sexual activity, and he figured she was probably a little sore. Instead, he just enjoyed the feel of her against his body. He held her there in the dark for several hours not willing to risk losing any of his time with her to sleep.

An hour before dawn, he reluctantly dragged himself out of bed and gathered her clothing together. Laying it all on the bed, he stood there and took one final lingering look at her. When he’d risen, she’d rolled over and snuggled into his pillow, as if seeking his warmth. Bending over, he kissed her awake and told her to get dressed.

He sensed her sleepy confusion as she slowly dressed, but he ignored it and pulled on his own clothes. Wrapping his arms around her, he ushered her into her coat and down the elevator to the garage. As per his instructions of the previous night, Quentin had the limo waiting outside. Unable to resist, Cain wrapped Katie in his arms and pulled her close to his chest for one final hug.

“I’ll be away for a few days. Be good while I’m gone.” He held her face in his hands and gave her one last, hard kiss. “Miss me,” he ordered as he settled her in the car.

It was only when the car had pulled away that Cain realized that Katie hadn’t said a single word.
