TRISH BOWRATHER WAS backing her midnight-blue Jaguar out of her garage when Whitney arrived. Brandy was in the passenger seat, his head out the window. Trish slammed on the brakes and rolled down her window, yelling, “You’re late.”
Whitney jumped out of the Jeep and ran over. “I’m sorry. My ex-husband showed up unexpectedly. He wouldn’t let me out of the driveway until a neighbor helped get rid of him.”
She hated bringing up personal issues, but she had no idea what else to say. She’d never had Miranda’s aptitude for shading the truth.
Trish’s eyes became distracted for a second, as if she was recalling something from long, long ago. “I thought your divorce was final.”
“It is. He claims there was some mix-up in the paperwork involving the property settlement. I think I should have an attorney look over these new documents before I sign.”
“Absolutely!” Trish stepped out of the car, dressed in a chic black suit accented with sterling-silver jewelry. “You need a lawyer to check. It sounds highly unusual.”
“That’s what I thought.”
Trish studied her a moment, an understanding expression softening her features. “Was he physical with you?”
Whitney realized she must still appear shaken from the incident. “Well…a little, I guess. Ryan didn’t hit me or anything but he grabbed my shoulders-”
“File a police report. Then get a restraining order,” Trish shot back, conviction underscoring every word. “That’ll keep that bastard away from you.”
Whitney managed a weak nod. She didn’t want to antagonize Ryan any more than she already had. There probably wasn’t a valid reason not to sign the documents, but a little voice kept insisting she consult an attorney.
Trish put her hand on Whitney’s arm. “Look. Take Brandy for his walk. Stop by the Daily Grind for a latte. Relax a little bit, then drop Brandy off at the gallery. There’s a police station nearby. File a report. If the jerk threatens you again, get a restraining order.”
An unconvincing “Good idea” was the best Whitney could muster.
“Here, Brandy,” Trish called, and the dog scrambled out of the open driver’s door, his leash in his mouth.
“Take your time,” Trish advised as she walked back to the Jag. “Calm down. Don’t let that creep ruin your day.”
“Don’t worry. I won’t,” Whitney said to appease her.
Whitney watched Trish speed away. She couldn’t help being shocked at the change in the woman since yesterday. Evidently, Trish had suffered through a very rough divorce. She understood how unreasonable ex-husbands could be.
Get a restraining order?
She reluctantly admitted to herself that Trish had struck a nervous chord. Today Whitney had seen a side of Ryan that he hadn’t revealed in nine years of marriage. Ryan had been cold and verbally abusive at times, but he’d never been rough with her.
Was he cracking up?
Surely not. Ryan was just stressed out, she assured herself as she hooked Brandy to his leash and opened the door for Lexi. Her ex’s switch to cosmetic surgery had meant leaving his old partners and finding a new practice. Cosmetic surgeons needed to maintain a certain image. Sophisticated offices and the latest in equipment attracted the kind of clientele who gladly parted with stratospheric sums of money in order to appear more youthful. That consumed cash at a rapid rate.
Most people believed doctors made boodles of money, but that was no longer as true as it once had been. Malpractice insurance and the cost of equipment had eroded doctors’ earning power. Ryan had compounded his problems by making several bad investments, like the property with the toxic chemicals in the soil.
Well, he’d gotten what he deserved, she assured herself. During the last year of their marriage, Ryan had behaved unforgivably. Always moody and temperamental, he’d become more so. She’d asked him dozens and dozens of times if she could do anything to help. He’d denied anything was wrong, claiming it was just the pressure of his first year in practice. His long hours became longer and more erratic, his fuse shorter. Still, Whitney hadn’t suspected anything until she’d discovered the receipt from LaValencia, an expensive hotel in La Jolla.
He could have leveled with her and said he’d fallen for another woman, but he hadn’t. Even when she confronted him, Ryan continued to deny it until she’d told him that she’d called the hotel and found out he’d registered with his “wife.” When she’d had him dead to rights, Ryan had walked out the door “to find himself.”
She was halfway down the street, with Brandy and Lexi on their leashes and Da Vinci snuggled into his custom-built sling harnessed to her chest, when her cell phone rang. She switched the leashes to one hand and grabbed the phone clipped to her waist.
“I hope you’ve had time to come to your senses.”
She was tempted to hang up on Ryan, but that wouldn’t deliver the message she really wanted to send. She’d had all she was ever going to take from this man.
“Well, Ryan,” she replied in the sweetest tone she could manage. “You were unforgivably physical with me and I have a witness. I’m filing a police report and if you come near me again, I’ll get a restraining order. You may recall that I have a friend who works for the Tribune. I’ll make sure this appears in the paper. Should do worlds of good for your business, don’t you think?”
There was nothing but dead air on the other end of the phone. No doubt Ryan was in shock. She’d never talked back to him like this when they’d been married. He’d presumed she was going to do just what he wanted.
“You wouldn’t.” He didn’t sound as sure of himself as he usually did.
“I mean every word,” she bluffed. “Just mail me what you want signed. As soon as Rick and Miranda return, I’ll have him look over the documents. If he approves, I will, and I’ll get them back to you immediately.”
He grunted something that might have been “okay” and hung up. Whitney knew he was pissed. She told herself she was being prudent to wait until a lawyer could look over the papers, but a small part of her conceded she wanted to make things difficult for Ryan. What he’d done still hurt more than she cared to admit and she deserved a bit of revenge.
She’d first bumped into Ryan Fordham while rushing to a class at UCLA. He appeared to be another surfer being forced by his parents to study, but the opposite proved to be true. Ryan was brilliant-a fact not lost on the man-and he was attending college on an academic scholarship, studying premed.
He didn’t have time or money to date but he carved out a place for Whitney. Before she knew it, she’d moved in with him. When she’d been accepted to UC Davis to study veterinary medicine, she’d been faced with a choice. It was much harder to get into vet school than medical school. Still, she’d allowed Ryan to persuade her to put her plans on hold until he received his medical degree.
They’d married just after graduation. Ryan’s mother and Miranda, Whitney’s only living relative, accompanied them to the Santa Monica courthouse, where they were wed. For reasons Whitney still didn’t understand, Ryan hadn’t liked Miranda.
True, her cousin could be a bit of a wild child at times, but who could blame her? Miranda had been orphaned at fifteen when her parents died in a car crash. She’d appeared at their door with a social worker the day before the funeral. While the older woman met with Whitney’s mother, a single parent, Whitney had consoled Miranda.
“I don’t have anywhere to go,” her cousin had whispered, tears in her eyes.
Now it was Whitney who had nowhere to go-thanks to Ryan Fordham. She honestly didn’t know what she would have done without Miranda. Her cousin had taken her in without asking any questions.
Ryan could rot in hell until she had someone look over the papers. It wasn’t much, but she had to admit it gave her satisfaction to see him squirm.
ASHLEY FORDHAM HEARD THE opening bars of “Proud Mary” and knew she had a call on her cell phone. Whenever she heard the song, she fondly remembered her father. She could see him smiling, his slight overbite making him appear happier than he really was.
“Just a minute,” she told Preston Block, her personal trainer. “I’m expecting a call from Ryan.” She yanked her phone off the waistband of her yoga pants.
“It’s me, babe.” Ryan sounded discouraged.
“Did Whitney sign?”
A long beat of silence. “No. She wants to show the papers to an attorney.”
“Why? She signed them after arbitration.”
“Whitney’s just being difficult to get back at me,” Ryan said wearily.
Ashley caught Preston’s eye and smiled even though she wanted to scream. Why couldn’t Ryan have convinced the bitch to sign? How hard could it be?
Ashley tried for a teary voice. “We’ll lose the house.”
She had her heart set on a spectacular home with a dock for a yacht in Coronado Keys, just south of Ryan’s offices in downtown San Diego. In order to buy it, they needed to sell the monstrosity of a house Ryan and Whitney had owned.
“It’s not just the house,” Ryan replied, his voice charged with anger. “It’s…everything.”
Ashley used an encouraging tone. “You’ll think of something. You always do.”
He told her he loved her and they hung up. She loved him, too, and had from the first day she’d met him. She knew Ryan was under a lot of pressure right now. The expense of buying in to a new practice. Skyrocketing malpractice insurance. The house she wanted. She would do anything to help him.
Preston was still watching her, and she hoped her frustration and anger didn’t show on her face. No sense in getting frown lines over this. Too much was at stake. If Ryan couldn’t handle his ex, she would. Ryan didn’t have to know a thing. Like many men she’d encountered since childhood, Ryan needed to believe he was in charge.
“A problem?” Preston asked.
Ashley had been working out with Preston at Dr. Jox Fitness Center for the last three years. He had the hots for her. She could see it in his eyes as he put her through the workout he’d custom designed for her.
Ashley had known she was beautiful since her mother had entered her at age five in the Little Miss Idaho contest and she’d won. But years of countless contests hadn’t led to a first in the Miss USA or Miss America pageants. Worse, she hadn’t received the lucrative modeling contract that her mother expected. A ruptured appendix that she didn’t seek treatment for until it was too late unexpectedly cut her mother’s life short, leaving Ashley alone in San Diego to prepare for the Miss San Diego contest.
Ashley had decided she was sick of beauty pageants-something she’d never had the courage to tell her mother. At twenty-four, she was getting too old to compete. She had to find a job, but she just had a high-school diploma and no marketable skills except her looks.
She’d landed a position as a receptionist with a group of cosmetic surgeons. It didn’t take her long to see how much money the doctors made from nips and tucks. She allowed one of the doctors to enhance her naturally pouty lips with a touch of Restalyne and had a chemical peel that made her flawless skin look perfect even without a bit of makeup.
When she could claim she’d been “enhanced” by the cosmetic group, she moved up the food chain from the entry-level receptionist’s position to “spokeswoman” for the group. She met with patients in “preliminary sessions” to show what could be achieved with their services. Ashley was living proof of how skilled the surgeons were.
Prospective clients assumed her breasts were silicone and her naturally high cheekbones a result of implants. Liposuction must account for her trim tummy and slim thighs. Ashley merely smiled and never mentioned Mother Nature’s gifts. Instead, she encouraged the women-and a growing number of men-to use the doctors’ services.
She was good-invaluable really-a natural-born salesperson who could persuade anyone to go under the knife without them realizing they’d been conned. After years of automatically turning on the charm in her quest for a beauty title, this was a no-brainer. Within a year her salary quadrupled based upon the number of patients who mentioned her when they signed up for cosmetic “enhancements.”
Ashley knew what she wanted-a husband with a successful cosmetic surgery practice. Then she could give up the parading around and convincing ugly women that surgery could improve them. She didn’t want to pitch plastic surgery all her life. She wanted her own home; she’d been on the road since childhood. She planned to take courses in interior design and decorate her own home herself. Eventually she might open a design studio, but she wasn’t sure she wanted the headaches owning a business might bring.
Ryan Fordham had appeared at the cosmetic group-an answer to her prayers. She’d been contemplating starting an affair with an older member of the group who had a wife who could haunt a house and charge by the room. But Ryan had immediately changed her mind. He could have had his pick of beautiful women, but he was genuinely interested in her.
They’d gone for coffee-to discuss a “spokesperson’s role” in promoting a cosmetic surgeon’s practice. After their short conversation, for reasons Ashley could never explain, she was totally in love with Ryan Fordham. She’d never been in love before, but now she knew how her mother had felt when she’d met Ashley’s father. Ashley thanked her lucky stars that Ryan was a doctor, not an electrician. If he had been, Ashley still would have loved him just the way Ashley’s mother had loved her father. Even after her father left them, her mother never looked at another man.
She’d known when Ryan first gazed at her that he was interested. Men were so transparent. They tried to hide what they were thinking, but she could always detect their lust. It was a skill her mother had taught her before she was eight. Judges, even those evaluating little girls, had that telltale glaze in their eyes. You smiled, batted your lashes, twitched your fanny and played them to your advantage.
The more time she spent with Ryan, the more she loved him. He was driven to be successful, which was second only to his valiant attempts to make her happy. She’d assured him she was happy; he was the man of her dreams. Still, Ashley wanted more-for him and for herself.
If he had any drawbacks, Ryan was weak with his ex-wife. Ashley understood. It was guilt-plain and simple. The woman had sacrificed to put him through medical school. Whitney had played the martyr to the hilt, exiting the marriage, asking for nothing except a beat-up SUV and a dog. Ashley had to be careful not to appear conniving while handling this for Ryan.
“I do have a bit of a problem,” she confessed to Preston. Even though he wanted her just like countless other men had over the years, she needed Preston as a friend. The problem with being so beautiful was that other women were jealous. Preston was her only friend and sleeping with him would ruin their relationship. More important, she would never cheat on Ryan. Still, she realized she could use sex to manipulate Preston.
“Enough for today,” she told him. “Let’s hit the juice bar.”
Dr. Jox had a pricey juice bar that served fresh squeezed juices and made healthy smoothies. Ashley ordered pomegranate juice because its antioxidant properties would keep her skin flawless, while Preston asked for a wheatgrass smoothie. She signed the tab for both drinks and they went outside to one of the small tables under the canopy of a towering ficus tree.
“What’s the problem, Ashley?”
She told him part of the story and kept the emphasis on the ex-wife who was so jealous that she was refusing to sign papers she’d already signed once. She laid it on thick about never having had a home and always being on the road. Just when she’d found her dream home, the conniving ex was determined to ruin everything.
“There might be a way,” Preston said when she’d finished with tears studding her long eyelashes. “What does the ex value the most?”
Ashley hadn’t a clue. Whitney was an attractive blonde with innocent green eyes, but she was nowhere near Ashley’s league. They’d never met, but Ashley had seen photographs of Whitney in an album she’d found in the trash.
Then it hit her. The mutt. Ryan’s ex had demanded the dog. “She’s crazy about her Golden retriever.”
“That’s the key,” Preston assured her with a confident smile. “Use the dog as leverage.”