
Natalie stood silently staring at the reflection in the mirror. The dress was simple, but elegant. Her hair was pulled up with ringlets left loose to float around her face. Her makeup was subtle. She’d never felt more gorgeous.

“No, Charity. It’s fine.” Rachel’s gaze met hers in the mirror, and Rachel rolled her eyes. She continued to talk into the phone, “No, it’s not wrinkled. Woman, it’s called a vacation. I’ve got everything on this end. Go relax somewhere.” Rachel snapped the phone shut.

“Okay, where were we?” Rachel picked up a slip of paper. “I think we got everything on Charity’s checklist.”

“I’m surprised she sent you a checklist.” Natalie turned and smiled at Rachel.

“I’m not.” Rachel set the list down. “But you’re gorgeous, Natalie. Every man out there is going to wish he was the one standing there.”

A short rap on the door sounded before it was cracked open. “It’s time.”

Rachel grabbed the bouquets and studied Natalie’s face intently. “I’m so happy for you.”

Rachel pulled Natalie into a brief hug before handing her a bouquet.

For a moment, Natalie’s butterflies took flight in her stomach. After this, Chase and she were headed to Hawaii for a week, where they could be alone. The butterflies settled and she followed Rachel out the door.

Her father took her hand as she entered the church, which normally sat a few hundred. The pews were full, and people were standing along the sides.

As they stepped forward after Rachel, Natalie’s eyes connected with Chase’s. His smile took her breath away, and even though the paparazzi were outside the church waiting, she couldn’t be nervous.

Her future waited for her at the end of the aisle. A future that included the man she loved and trusted to keep her heart safe.

When her father passed her hands to Chase’s, Chase leaned down next to her ear and whispered, “I’d give up my entire world for one more moment in your arms. One more night by your side. I want it all. All of you. I want you to have it all. All my love, all my heart, all of me.”

Her eyes misted over, and she leaned into him. “I want you for who you are. I trust you with my heart. I love you, Chase Booker, whether the spotlight is on or off.”

His finger brushed aside the tear on her cheek. He brought her hand to his lips and pressed a kiss to her knuckles. “Forever.”

“Forever.” She turned with him to step up the stairs to the awaiting minister. Ready to spend every day in the fishbowl as long as Chase was by her side.
