Aubrey, William Hickman Smith, The National and Domestic History of England

Birch, Thomas, The Court and Times of Charles I

Bone, Quentin, Henrietta Maria

Burnet, Gilbert (Bishop of Salisbury), Bishop Burnet’s History of his Own Time

Cartwright, Julia, Madame: Memoirs of Henrietta Duchess of Orleans

Clarendon, Edward Earl of (edited by W. Dunn Macray), The History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England

Davies, Godfrey, England under the Early Stuarts

Diary of John Evelyn (edited by William Bray, Prefatory Notes by George W. E. Russell)

Firth, C. H., Oliver Cromwell and the Rule of the Puritans in England

Fraser, Antonia, Cromwell, Our Chief of Men

Gardiner, Samuel Rawson, History of England from the Accession of James I to the Outbreak of the Civil War

Green, Mary Anne Everett, Letters of Royal and Illustrious Ladies

Green, Mary Anne Everett, Lives of the Princesses of England

Guizot, M. (edited by Robert Black), History of France

Hexter, J. H., King Pym

Hume, David, History of England

Jackson, Lady Catherine Charlotte, Old Paris: Its Court and Literary Salons

Kenyon, J. P., The Stuarts

Letters of Charles I to Henrietta Maria (edited by John Bruce)

Macaulay, Lord, History of England

Mann, Heinrich, The Last Days of Henri Quatre

The Trial of Charles I Memoirs of Sir Thomas Herbert and John Rush-worth (edited by Roger Lockyer, with Introduction by C. V. Wedgwood)

Patmore, Katherine Alexandra, The Court of Louis XIII

Pepys, Samuel, Diary and Correspondence of

Quennell, Marjorie and Peter, A History of Everyday Things in England 1500–1799

Roots, Ivan, The Great Rebellion

Sir Leslie Stevens and Sir Sydney Lee (editors), The Dictionary of National Biography

Timbs, John and Gunn, Alexander, Abbeys, Castles and Ancient Halls of England and Wales

Trevelyan, George Macaulay, England under the Stuarts

Wade, John, British History

Wedgwood, C.V., The King’s Peace

Wedgwood, C.V., The King’s War

Wingfield-Stratford, Esmé, King Charles and the Conspirators
