In the early twenty-first century, in the small village of Stewart, Massachusetts, 1.5 miles west of Salem, site of the now infamous Witch Trials, a brave, smart Perkins female broke the infamous Corwin Curse. And in case anyone dared to suggest otherwise, for good measure, she married the remaining young single Corwin man, uniting their families in blood and in love.

THE CURSE NOW LIFTED, even the older Corwin generation found love, including the starched, stuffy Thomas and the more cantankerous Hank. They married sisters, who happily moved into their joint home. Across town, Clara and Edward also married and lived happily, their home shared with Edward’s descented skunk.

For the younger generation of Corwin men, babies abounded, beginning with a girl for Derek and Gabrielle, followed by another girl for Mike and Amber. Jason and Lauren became the proud parents of triplet boys, destined to carry on the Corwin name.

And so it was that the Corwins, who had once lost everything, invested the money from the diamonds, and prospered.

Broken curse?


Or was luck blessing them at last?
