Chapter Twenty-One

Six months later . . .

Kish and Georgia sat on the front porch of Kish’s house—their house. She’d moved in six months ago and had never looked back, never had one single regret. The balmy air of the summer night swam around them.

“I’m scared, Kish.” Georgia whispered past the lump in her throat.

“I know, sweetheart. But I’m right here. I promise after the first time, when you change it’l be a piece of cake.”

Two nights ago, Georgia had agreed to let Kish change her, and tonight was the ful moon. He’d told her that her first shift would be brought on by the ful moon, but after that, she could shift whenever she pleased.

She’d sensed the worry in him at her decision, probably because he was afraid she’d regret it. But at the same time, she’d felt his happiness that she would soon be like him. She knew he held back to some degree when they made love because he was afraid of hurting her. After she changed, he wouldn’t have to worry about that. She would no longer be a delicate human. She’d be stronger, faster.

She’d live longer, which was something she was immensely relieved about. Not because she feared death, but because she’d have so much more time with Kish. She’d finaly gotten Kish to confess how old he was. He’d warned her that his answer would take some time to fuly sink in. He was an ancient after al. He’d been around for decades. And when he explained that while lycans were not immortal, they had extremely long life spans. It wasn’t uncommon for his species to live for several hundreds of years.

Yes, it had been hard for her to wrap her mind around that, but once she had, it only made her happier. To find your soul mate was one thing, but to have the chance to live several lives with them was priceless.

She was also now aware of the danger she may be in from any rogues that got close enough to smel her scent, and how lucky she’d been to have never been found. But the one thing that bothered her most about the change was not the pain, not the fact that she’d become a lycan, not the fact that her whole life was about to change, but that her eyesight would most likely be restored.

She’d dreamed about being able to see Kish’s face, but now that it might actualy become reality, it scared the hel out of her. Not because she was worried she wouldn’t find Kish attractive, but because she’d never had her sight. And although she wanted her sight, it was a frightening and awing concept.

On one hand, she wanted her sight, but on the other, she was unsure of the unknown. The thought of looking into Kish’s green eyes—he’d confirmed the color for her—was what kept her nerves in check.

“You know when some people have been fortunate enough to gain their sight from surgery after years of being blind, they haven’t been able to cope.”

He put his arm around her and puled her close to him. “You wil cope just fine. I wil help you. You wil love your sight. We’l take it slow. I’m with you, okay? I won’t let anything happen to you. We’l get through this together.”

“I know.” She frowned. “I can’t help but worry.

I’m trying not to.”

“If anyone has a reason to worry, it’s me,” he muttered.

She suddenly felt foolish for her worries. She was getting a gift, and he was right, she’d cherish it, she’d embrace it, and her life would be richer with her sight.

He, on the other hand, was obviously worried about her seeing him, or more accurately, his scars, for the first time.”

She reached up and cupped the right side of his face. “Nothing wil change between us. I think you are gorgeous with or without my sight.”

He sighed. “We’l see.”

“Yes, we wil. And then you can apologize to me for doubting me al this time.”

He kissed her long and lazy. “I don’t mean to doubt you.”

“I know.”

He’d come a long way. They’d come a long way.

She couldn’t wait to show him she’d never see him as anything other than the sexy man he had always been —he always would be—to her.

“I’m sorry, sweetheart.” He blew out an exasperated breath. “This is an extraordinary thing that is about to happen to you, and I’m ruining it with my insecurities. I do trust you, you know?”

“I know that too. Even if you don’t at times.” She smiled. “I don’t—” Suddenly, pain shot through her abdomen. “Oh!” She grabbed her stomach.

He puled her onto his lap, her back to his chest, and pressed his mouth to her ear. “Breathe, sweetheart. Just breathe through it.”

“I can’t! Oh God! It hurts so bad. It feels like there are hot pokers in my stomach. Kissshh!”

“Listen to me,” he said a bit more forcefuly. “Do as I say and it wil ease the shift for you.”

She nodded. “I’l try,” she groaned as tears ran down her cheeks.

“Listen to my voice. Feel my body against yours.

Take comfort from me, sweetheart.”

She panted uncontrolably as the hot pokers in her stomach grew in intensity then faded then grew time and again. Her skin began itching, and tiny needles felt as if they were protruding through every pore of her skin. She focused on Kish, his body, his heartbeat, his voice, the best she could. It did help the pain to some extent, but not enough to keep her from writhing in agony.

Sweat beaded her brow, and Kish whispered to her to breathe. She tried, but every bone, every muscle, every cel in her body contracted and then retracted then contracted over and over. She thought she might pass out, throw up, or both when suddenly, she was on the ground. The first thing she noticed was that the pain was gone, and in it’s wake was a dul throb, a reminder of the agony she’d just experienced. The second thing she noticed was that she could see.

She fel sideways, unused to the strange phenomenon of sight. Her balance was off, and even though it was nighttime, the different movements of al the strange things she was seeing for the first time overwhelmed her senses.

“Close your eyes, sweetheart. Just for a moment.”

Kish’s voice was soothing inside her mind, and she did what he asked. Fur rubbed against her body, and she was instantly aware that Kish had shifted with her. Even in wolf form, he was much larger than she was.

“Now that you know it’s me, look at me.”

She slowly opened her eyes and focused on Kish.

So that’s what a wolf looked like. Her balance was stil off, and she kept tripping over her own feet—uh, paws. He was gorgeous. His fur was thick and luscious and she wanted to run her fingers through it except she didn’t have any.

“You’re beautiful. What color are you?”

“Reddish brown. You are blonde, nearly the same color as your hair.”

“I want to see your eyes, Kish.”

He looked at her and her legs nearly buckled underneath her. This was the man she loved. This was Kish. Damn, he was lovely. She now understood what people meant about eyes being the windows to one’s soul. She was positive she could see a milion pairs of green eyes and be able to pick his out of them al in an instant. She was confident there would be no one that had eyes exactly like his. She couldn’t explain it, but these eyes were Kish’s and his only.

“Are you okay?”

“Yes. It’s going to take some time to get used to seeing for the first time, but I’m okay.”

She now knew what worry looked like because it burned brightly in his eyes.

“We can’t run tonight, sweetheart. Not until you get used to your sight.”

She nodded in agreement. “How do I shift back?”

“Easy. Just relax and picture yourself, your human self.”

It wasn’t quite as easy as he indicated, but she accomplished it in the end. She was as unsteady on two feet with her restored sight as she had been on four.

She looked up at Kish in awe of the man standing in front of her. She couldn’t be any more thankful that they were both nude. She didn’t want anything between them the first time she saw him. She reached out to touch him, and she didn’t miss the way he seemed to flinch when she touched the scarred side of his face.

“You are amazing,” she breathed as she ran her fingers over him, learning what he looked like for the first time with her eyes. “You’re so big.”

“I think you’re just smal, and you are the one that’s amazing.”

He winced again when she ran her fingers over the scars on his shoulder.

“The scars didn’t matter to me when I couldn’t see, and they don’t make a difference now. They in no way make you less of a man in my eyes or detract from your sexiness one tiny bit.”

He growled, and she sucked in a breath. “They do glow,” she whispered.

He nodded. “Yes.”

“Only when you have strong emotions?”

“Yes, which means right about now I’m about to throw you down and take you right here on the ground.”

Heat rushed to her cheeks and between her legs.

“I’d rather make out in your truck like a teenager.

You promised me we’d do that sometime.


He nodded. “Yep.”

She squeaked when he picked her up. Damn, the man was glorious, and she couldn’t wait to get a closer look at certain parts of him. Up close and personal.

Within a couple minutes, he had her inside the truck and pinned under his big body. She ran her fingers over every part of him she could reach and he groaned.

“I know you want to explore, sweetheart, but right now I need to be inside you.”

She nodded. “I’d like that very much.”

He took her mouth, and she threaded her fingers through his thick, reddish-brown hair. The stubble on his face chafed her skin as he kissed her, and she loved every minute of it. As he sank inside her body, she opened her legs wider and arched her hips to welcome him home.

She had so much to look forward to. Exploring her new wolf side, her newly gained sight, and Kish. No matter how long they were together, she’d never grow tired of exploring him.

She moaned as he drove his hips deeper and she dug her nails into his shoulders.

“I love you sweetheart,” he rasped.

“I love you too, Kish. Always and forever.”
