Chapter Fifteen

Two years later . . .

A cool breeze blew over them as they sat on the hill overlooking a pond reflecting a full moon hanging lazily in the sky. They were naked and Sherry sat between Piers legs, her back to his chest. His arms were around her, and he held her snugly against him. He’d taken her to his favorite campsite tonight so they could be alone on this momentous occasion.

Over the last two years, he’d shown her the beauty of nature. She couldn’t believe how much she’d missed out on. She still didn’t care for bugs all that much, but she loved watching the deer, rabbits and other animals in their natural habitat. She’d asked Piers to change for her several times, but he’d always refused, saying he’d wait until she decided to be turned. She’d grown to love him even more, if that were possible, and had realized that she couldn’t bear to grow old and make him watch her die.

She would have been a very stupid woman if she didn’t embrace every single moment she could spend with Piers, and if becoming a lycan would give her extra time with him, she’d do it. Once she’d gotten used to the idea, it really didn’t seem all that bad. He’d told her that she never had to change after the first time if she didn’t want to, but she had a feeling running with him in lycan form would be an experience all of its own.

Two nights ago, they’d made love and he’d bitten her to start the change.

He told her it wouldn’t hurt, that the only time it was painful was if another lycan besides her mate turned her. She’d still been scared, but fear had quickly turned to blinding ecstasy that she’d never imagined could exist when his teeth had punctured her flesh. When he’d taken her body and finally claimed her, she’d had an orgasm so intense she’d nearly passed out.

“Are you scared?”

“A little, but I know it will be okay as long as you are here.”

“I promise it won’t hurt too much. The first time is the worst, but after that, it’s nothing.”

She nodded, but as she went to reassure him again that she’d be fine, her muscles clenched.


She looked down at her hands and claws sprang from her fingertips while tiny coppery hairs popped through her skin by the hundreds, growing until they were about an inch long. He held her tight as she gasped for air while spasms wracked her body. It wasn’t unbearable, but it was a bit more than uncomfortable, to say the least.

Her nerves burned, and she itched from the inside out. His hands on her comforted her through it all. Suddenly, she was standing on all fours looking out at the pond. The transformation was complete, and she turned around to find a splendid coal black wolf standing behind her watching her with golden brown eyes. She trotted over and stood beside him, and just like in human form, he was double her size.

“You are beautiful.”

“You aren’t so bad yourself, big boy.”

His laughter floated through her mind.

He turned and ran to the edge of the tree line where he disappeared. She ran after him, and was soon running beside him. They ran for several minutes, the breeze ruffled her fur, and Piers yipped and nipped at her playfully. He stopped at an outcropping, walked to it, and stood on a big boulder. She followed him and was amazed at the awe-inspiring, picturesque landscape that greeted her.

They were at the edge of a steep cliff, and the moon glistened off the tree tops below them. Millions of stars blinked and winked in a clear midnight blue sky.

Wow.” She couldn’t believe she’d never given nature a chance.


“Can we go back to the tent now? I have this sudden urge to make love to you.”

Piers shifted and stood before her, his naked body glorious in the moonlight. She changed back to human form, as well, and he reached out and tugged her to him by the waist.

“We don’t have to wait until we get all the way back to the tent.”

He caught her lips with his mouth and she welcomed his tongue into her mouth. She loved him, loved the way he caressed her and kissed her, even loved his over protectiveness. She felt safe with him, like nothing could ever hurt her. He’d sacrificed so much for her the past two years.

He’d moved in to her tiny apartment and had patiently shown her his world. They’d stayed at his house several times, and she knew he was happier at his place, which sat on hundreds of acres of land. She also knew he’d never ask her to move there with him unless he was sure she could be completely happy.

She sighed when he bent and took one nipple into his mouth after tonguing it to a pebbled peak. They sank to the ground, and he covered her.

She loved the feel of him wrapped around her, and opened her thighs to cradle his hips between them. He was hot and hard and nudged at her already wet opening. She was always ready for him, any time, any place, and he was always up for any occasion…literally. He was a fierce but gentle lover who always put her pleasure above his, although she made sure he was as satisfied as she was each time they made love.

The look on his face when she made him come turned her on like nothing else could. The knowledge that she could please her man was a mighty aphrodisiac. The way he gave himself over to her, let her explore him as she pleased, submitted to her if she asked even though it went against his dominant nature, proved his love for her.

She tilted her hips, and he slid in with ease. She’d never get used to the way he stretched and filled her. No matter how many times they were together, it was amazing.

She kissed his chest and circled one flat nipple with her tongue. He growled and thrust into her harder, faster until she had to lock her legs around his hips to hang on. She met him thrust for thrust, their bodies slamming together over and over until they both slipped over the edge at the same moment. She screamed his name, he yelled out hers, and her muscles contracted around him until he’d spent every last drop of his seed inside her.

“I love you, Piers, and I want to move to your house.”

“Are you sure you want to be that far away from your sister?” He hugged her tighter.

“I’ll be happy as long as I’m with you. You are my home now.” She kissed his cheek.

“I have a better idea.”

“Oh yeah?” She sat up and waited, curious for his answer.

“Yeah. I know your sister and Raze spend every weekend at Sanctuary.

There is a place not far from there for sale. It has nearly as much acreage as I have now, and it would be closer to your family.”

“Oh, Piers!” She smiled and flung herself at him.

“I take it that is acceptable to you?” He chuckled.

“Oh yes!” She rained kisses over his face and chest.

“Would you mind if we helped out at Sanctuary as well?”

“Are you sure? I mean after everything that happened with the others?”

“Yes.” He nodded. “We’ve worked everything out now, and if I can save others before they get as bad as my brother, I want to try.”

“Then yes, I would love to do that.” She kissed his lips, but when she started to pull back, he tangled his fingers in her hair and deepened the kiss.

By the time his mouth left hers, she was panting with need.

“It’s settled then.” He rolled on his back and pulled her over him until she was straddling his hips. His erection lay hard and ready again against her belly.

“You are a wicked, wicked man.”

“And you are a wicked woman. Now show me just how wicked you can be.”

“As you wish.” She made love to him with a light heart and a contented soul that had found its other half.

The End
