Chapter Six

Her breaths puffed out in clouds as she ran through the woods. She felt free, unconfined, exhilarated, and peaceful. The tops of the trees were thick and blocked out the sun, shading the forest in deep grays. The breeze ruffled her fur as she ran through the white snow silently. Wait. Fur? What the hell was going on? A moment of unbound freedom suddenly turned to a fight between reality and something that wasn’t possible. She stopped and looked down at her hands, or at what used to be her hands. Paws and long claws now peeked at her. She’d seen those claws before, in the alley on Anthony.

Suddenly, she was human once again, and just as suddenly, a pain ripped through her and brought her to her knees. Something trying to get out tore at her insides. She grabbed her stomach and cried out in pain. She was scared. She was alone and in the woods. She was lost. How had she gotten there in the first place? She couldn’t remember. Panic numbed her muscles and a fine sheen of sweat broke out on her nude body even though she was kneeling in the snow.

“Karen. Come on, baby, you’re having a nightmare.”

A familiar voice floated through her unconscious brain, penetrating the walls of the dream, yet she continued to panic. She was terrified, but something told her to follow the voice and she’d be okay.

“Karen. Wake up, baby! It’s just a dream.”

Karen’s eyes flew wide and she found herself looking into Anthony’s face. He was holding her so tight that she could barely breathe. “Anthony. What’s wrong?”

“You were having a bad dream.”

He loosened his grip a little on her and she took several deep breaths. The nightmare came rushing back, and when it did, her arm started throbbing. She grabbed it and gasped at the pain, then gasped again when she looked down and saw that it was nearly healed. How could it hurt so badly when the wound was almost gone? Had it gotten infected? “Oh. Yeah, I guess I was.”

“We need to talk.”

She didn’t like the look on his face. He was about to tell her something dire, something she didn’t want to hear. A strange sensation crawled over her skin and made her shiver. It felt like a warning. A warning that she wasn’t going to like what he was about to tell her. She had an overwhelming urge to get off the bed and run as far and as fast as she could away from him. Thinking of earlier, she knew that wouldn’t be wise because he hadn’t had any trouble catching her before. “Wh-what is it?”

“You’re going to find what I say very hard to believe, but I promise you, I would never lie to you. So, please, listen to me, okay?”

She nodded, and he continued. “I know I scared you yesterday in the alley, and I know you thought I was some kind of stalker or something because I knew your name and where you lived. I’m not, though—a stalker, I mean. I know all about you because you are my mate.”

She began to speak, but he held his hand up to plead her silence and she remained quiet. “Just wait until I’m finished, and then you can ask me whatever you want.” She nodded again. “I know you are my mate because of your scent. Our mates have two unique scents. One that draws all of our kind and one that can only be detected by a mate. That is the reason why all the other pups were after you.”

What the hell was he talking about? She was his mate because he could smell her? What kind of crap was that? She was confused and had a feeling things were going to get even worse. “What do you mean your kind?”

“I mean my kind as in lycans.”

She laughed, and stopped abruptly when she realized he was dead serious. “You mean like werewolves?” He nodded. “Uh, I don’t think so.” Yet, now some things were making sense like the claws, the teeth, the glowing eyes, the sniffing. Holy shit! Could he actually be telling the truth? “No. This can’t be happening. I mean, the claws and all, that was just a Halloween costume right?”

“No, it wasn’t a Halloween costume, Karen. Don’t you remember last night in the club when you asked me why I wasn’t wearing a costume?”

“You told me you had your own built-in costume.”

“Yes. That’s exactly what I meant.”

“No. I don’t believe it. I must still be dreaming.”

Anthony shook his head slowly. “Well, it’s the truth and you better get used to it because when that bastard bit you he made you into one of us. You will change for the first time in about twenty-four hours, give or take.”

She sat up slowly and looked at him. She didn’t know if she wanted to laugh or cry or . . . what. “You have got to be kidding me. Are you playing some horrible joke on me or something?”

“Karen, I’m not joking and I’m not kidding. You are going to change for the first time soon and I’m sorry it happened this way. I know you know it’s the truth because I saw your nightmare. It’s your mind’s way of preparing you for what’s coming.” He put his hand up to stop her reply and cradled her arm between his palms. “Look, I know it has been painful for you so far. Had I been the one to change you, you wouldn’t have suffered at all. We aren’t supposed to change anyone but our mates.” He rubbed his thumb gently over the nearly healed bite mark marring her skin.

“So, you are saying that I’m going to be a werewolf and that you had planned to do this to me even if I hadn’t been bitten by psycho crazy boy in the alley?” She tried to pull her arm from him, but he held on to her firmly.

“Karen, I would have never changed you until I talked to you about it and you had agreed. I would never force you to do anything unless it was for your own protection. I am not capable of hurting you.”

He finally let her arm slip from his hold and reached for her. She evaded his hands and scooted to the end of the bed. She jumped off the thick mattress, darted for the bathroom, and slammed and locked the door behind her.

She pressed her cheek against the cool door. This could not be happening. This was not real. She kept telling herself that over and over, yet something deep inside her disagreed. The claws, the eyes, the sniffing, the dreams, her nightmare, they all were consistent with everything he told her. She couldn’t become a werewolf. Would she change every time there was a full moon? Would she want to kill and eat animals? Could she hurt someone while being a werewolf? She had so many questions. She was living and breathing her own real-life horror movie.

She did believe Anthony about two things without question. He wouldn’t hurt her, and he would never have forced this on her. Even if she didn’t understand all of what was going on, there was never any doubt about how protective he was with her. He’d already risked his life twice to keep her safe.

She turned on the shower and, standing under the hot spray, let the steam numb her brain. She stayed under the water until her skin started to prune before shutting the tap off. She stepped out and wrapped a huge, fluffy towel around her that fell to her knees and scrunched her hair up in a smaller one. Her clothes were ruined and she had nothing else to wear. She didn’t know if that was a good thing or a bad thing because even wearing a towel was probably better than having to put that hooker getup back on. She took a few deep breaths, opened the door, and was surprised to see a duffel bag sitting on the bed that upon closer inspection, was full of her clothes. She didn’t want to know when or how he had gotten them, but she was glad she had them nonetheless. She pulled out a T-shirt and sweatpants and rummaged through a big dresser by the door until she found of pair of Anthony’s thick socks. They were too big, but they were very warm. She brushed out her still-damp hair and decided to follow the smell of cooking food to its source.

Anthony’s house was absolutely gorgeous. Cathedral ceilings were in every room, and skylights lined the ceiling of the living room. One whole wall of the living room was also glass and overlooked a dense, snow-covered forest. It was breathtaking, and she could envision living here instead of the city. The house had an open floor plan and the kitchen was no less spectacular. Black granite, speckled with tiny flecks of gold, countertops lay over handcrafted dark wood cabinets. The stainless steel appliances would make any cook envious. Over the matching island, stainless cookware dangled from a pot rack hanging from the ceiling by long chains.

Karen sucked in a breath when she saw Anthony standing at the stove cooking. The only thing he wore was a pair of black jeans, and when he turned toward her and gave her a hesitant smile, she noticed he hadn’t bothered to button the top button, which allowed the denim to ride low on his lean hips. The trail of black hair that ran from the bottom of his navel and disappeared into those low riders nearly made her mouth water. The man was beautiful.

“Have a seat. The food’s almost done.” He turned back to the stove and grabbed the toast when it popped out of the toaster.

She sat on a stool in front of the island. Within a few moments, he slid a plate of eggs, bacon, pancakes, hash browns, and toast in front of her. He set another plate with the same beside her, poured two cups of coffee and brought them over before sitting next to her. It smelled heavenly, and her belly rumbled.

“I was beginning to wonder if you were going to stay locked in the bathroom all day.” He nodded at her plate. “Dig in.”

“Thanks.” She took a big bite of eggs. “Mmm. This is really good. A man who knows how to cook”

One corner of his mouth turned up as he chewed on a piece of bacon. “You’d be surprised by what I know how to do.”

Somehow, she didn’t doubt that. She had so many questions to ask him about the werewolf thing, but she didn’t want to discuss it over this wonderful meal. She crunched on some toast and found even it was done to perfection. “This is a beautiful house, Anthony. But, don’t you get lonely up here all by yourself?” He frowned. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have asked you that.”

“Why not? You can ask me anything you want. And the answer to your question is, yes, I get very lonely up here sometimes. But, most of the time, I’m very happy here.”

“It just seems so secluded.”

“Yes, but I have a need for seclusion.”

“Oh.” Yeah, she guessed being a werewolf would require a certain amount of privacy. Good God! The word werewolf sent shivers down her spine. Suddenly, she wanted to know everything about the man sitting next to her. She felt a need for some kind of normalcy. “Where did you grow up?”

He chuckled. “In a cave with the rest of my pack.”

“Oookay.” Maybe that wasn’t such a good question. “What’s your favorite color?”


“Favorite movie?”

He laughed again. “American Werewolf In London.”

She laughed too. “Yeah, I like that one, too. Favorite holiday?”

“Hmmm. I never really celebrated them much, but I guess since it’s coming up and you’re here, I’d have to say Halloween.”

“And here I thought Christmas was everyone’s favorite holiday.”

He shrugged. “Don’t know too much about Christmas. I’ve never celebrated it.”

She nearly choked on her food. “What! Why not?”

“Well, I guess because I’ve never really had anyone to celebrate it with.”

“But what about your family, your friends?”

He shrugged again. “Karen, my family is not like a traditional family. One like you are probably used to. We don’t really keep in touch. I know this may sound cavemanlike to you, but the men in my family are, um, let’s just say very territorial, especially the ones who have mates. We don’t hang out too much. Don’t get me wrong. If something happened or we needed something, the pack would come together and be there in a moment.”

“Oh. Well, I can’t pretend to understand all of that, but I can’t really say that I have a traditional family myself. I mean, I don’t really talk to my sister all that much, and she lives on a different continent. And my mother, well, she’s not completely there mentally any more and has decided that she no longer needs me in her life.”

Anthony reached over and squeezed her hand briefly to comfort her. “What about your father?”

“He died.”

“Oh. I’m sorry, Karen.”

“It’s okay. It happens, you know? Anyway, this year you should celebrate Christmas.” She couldn’t believe he didn’t celebrate the holiday. She was sad that he’d never experienced it. She’d make sure to remedy that this year. She’d buy him presents and make him help her put up a tree and bake cookies and . . . She sighed. Would she be with Anthony at Christmas? A part of her doubted everything he’d told her and another part knew their meeting was more than just a coincidence. That part of her knew that she and Anthony would be together for a long, long time.

Thoughtful, she chewed while they ate the rest of the meal in silence. When she was finished, she picked up her plate and took it to the sink. She took a couple more sips of her coffee, put it in the sink also, and made her way to the windows overlooking the snow-capped trees. She glanced at Anthony, and knew it was time to clear the air.

* * *

Anthony came up behind her and pulled her back against his chest. She resisted at first, then gave up and relaxed. He smelled her damp hair and sighed. He loved her, even though he knew that she might never love him. He had no choice, and even if he did, he knew deep in his heart that he’d still choose to love her. He’d give his life for this woman without hesitation. He hoped she could come to care for him because there was absolutely no way on earth he would let her go. He couldn’t. It was that simple and that complicated.

“You were telling me the truth, weren’t you?”


“Your eyes were glowing last night in the alley, and you ha-had claws and fangs, didn’t you?”

“Yes.” She shivered, and he pulled her tighter against him.

“It really wasn’t a Halloween costume?”

“No.” He sighed and rested his chin on top of her head.

“Can it be stopped?”


She turned to him and her pleading eyes nearly drove him to his knees. “Will I hurt people? Will I turn into a horrible monster every time there’s a full moon?”

He rubbed his hands up and down her arms. “No. I won’t lie, though. You will find that you have a natural predatory instinct to run, hunt and protect. Those feelings will be strong, but you will know exactly who you are the whole time and will never do anything against your nature. It’s really not so bad, baby. In fact, it’s wonderful. You will feel free, unrestrained by society. You will be stronger, faster, and when you get older, you will even be able to control how much you change. That’s what you saw me do last night—a partial change. And the full moon has nothing to do with it. You can change any time, day or night, whenever you want. The first time is the only time you can’t control it.”

“Oh, Anthony. Are you sure I won’t hurt anyone? I couldn’t live with it if I did.”

“Karen, think about this for a moment, okay. Remember the other night? Did I look like I was completely crazy and uncontrollable, or did it look as if I was aware of what I was doing?”

Her brows furrowed, and he knew she was remembering the fight in the alleyway. “Did you kill that man the other night, the one that bit me?”

He closed his eyes. Maybe he shouldn’t have used the incident as an example. He didn’t want her to know what he’d done. He knew she had to know on some level that he’d killed the pup, but he didn’t want to say it out loud. He was worried she’d see him as a monster. “Karen, please don’t make me answer that.”

She stepped closer to him. “Please. I need to know.”

“Yes. I killed him, and I’d do it again. If anyone ever tries to hurt you, I’ll kill them. I’m sorry, but this is one of the things you’re going to have to learn to deal with when it comes to my nature. I feel very protective toward you. I wasn’t joking about us being very territorial and protective.”

“I understand that you had to do it, Anthony. Really I do. I don’t like it, but knowing what he did to me in such a small amount of time, and thinking of what he’d do to other women, he deserved what he got. I’ll never pretend to condone killing for no reason, or to like it when there is a reason, but I don’t condemn you for protecting me.”

He hugged her to him. Relief so sweet poured through him, releasing his tense muscles. “Thank you.”

Her brows turned down. “I can’t believe this is happening. I keep thinking I’m going to wake up from some bizarre dream.”

“I know, baby. I’m so sorry it had to come about like this.” He kissed the top of her head. I never wanted to hurt you. I never wanted to scare you.”

“I believe you. But, Anthony, I am scared.”

He hugged her back to him. “I know, but there is nothing to be scared of. I promise. And I’ll be here with you the whole time. I have to tell you everything, though. I won’t lie to you.” He took a deep breath. “I love you, and I will never let you go. I will be dead before you will ever be away from me again, and as you’ve seen, I’m not that easy to kill. We will be together a long, long time. I can promise you I will never betray you and I will spend every minute of my life making you happy. I will protect you and put your well being before any other. Do you understand?”

No. He’d never let her go again. He’d spent too many lonely nights waking up to even lonelier mornings. Even the times he’d had a woman in his bed throughout his long years, something had always been missing. Now he knew exactly what that something had been. Karen, his blue-eyed, red-haired mate. The one woman on the face of the entire earth that could make his life whole, fill the gaping void of his soul.

She turned to him. “No, not really. I don’t understand any of this, Anthony. I mean, how can you love me? You don’t even know me.”

He took her face in his hands. “I’ve known you for a long time. I’ve known you in your dreams, and you’ve been a part of me since the day I first took breath. You were destined to be mine and you were imprinted with me at birth. From the day you were born, we were fated to find each other. I would have found you no matter what.”

“Oh, Anthony. It’s just so much to take in all at once.” She hugged him to her and looked up into his hooded eyes. “How long do I have until I change?”

“It will happen sometime tomorrow night.” He stroked her back, massaging the muscles gently.

“It figures. Halloween night.”

He chuckled. “Yes. And that’s also when the full moon will take place.”

“It looked pretty full the other night to me.”

“Yeah, but not quite there all the way. Tomorrow you’ll see.”

“Will it hurt?”


“I don’t even want to think about it at the moment.”

He took her hand and led her to the cushy, black leather couch. He grabbed a remote off the glass coffee table and sat down, pulled her onto his lap and snuggled her to his chest. He pressed a button and a panel on the wall slid open, revealing a huge plasma TV. He pressed another button and a movie started. She chuckled when she realized it was indeed American Werewolf in London. And it was at the best part. He tucked her head under his chin and wrapped his arms around her just as Credence Clearwater Revival blasted through the room. A bad moon and trouble looked to be the least of the poor guy’s problems as he writhed on the screen.

* * *

They watched three movies and she never moved, too content snuggled into his warmth. He surrounded her, invaded her. She was aware of everything about him from his hard muscles to his spicy scent. Her body grew hot and needy. She wanted him even if her mind screamed that it was too much too fast. Her heart still knew better. It was the one thing that never wavered, never doubted what was between her and Anthony since the first time they had been together in her dreams. What exactly? She didn’t know. But she did know it was something elemental, natural. It was something meant to be.

Toward the end of the third movie, she couldn’t bear to keep her hands off him any longer. She turned her head and nuzzled his neck with her lips. His skin was hot under her mouth. She breathed him deep into her lungs and gave him a wicked lick. He growled, and heat flooded her womb.

“Baby, if you keep doing that, I’m going to have you right here on this couch.”

His whispered words were like a jolt of electricity sizzling her already achy body. She smiled and nibbled a path from his neck to his ear and whispered, “Do it, Anthony. I need you.” He tossed her gently onto her back and covered her with his warm weight. She felt safe, protected, cherished when he was wrapped around her. She tangled her fingers in his hair and his mouth came down on hers roughly, possessively.

She moaned and he began pulling at her clothes, nearly ripping them off her until she was completely naked except for his socks. “Anthony, if you keep tearing my clothes off me, I’ll have nothing left to wear.”

“Honey, I guarantee that I’ll be tearing your clothes off a lot. But don’t worry. I promise I’ll buy you as many clothes as you want.” He raked her bare body with his eyes. “I never knew my socks could look so damn sexy. Nearly as sexy as those fishnet stockings and garters you had on the other night.”

He ran his hands up and down her thighs, stroking her delicate skin, easing closer to the glistening curls hiding the place she wanted him to touch most. “Those fishnet stockings were ghastly. I hated that hooker getup.” She gasped when his thumb moved in a lazy circle around her clit.

“The hooker getup was sexy as hell on you.” He parted her knees and laid her wide open to his hot gaze. He licked his lips. “Not nearly as sexy as nothing is on you, though.” He swooped down and gave her one, long lick.

She cried out. Her body was so achy it hurt. “Please, Anthony.”

“Believe me, baby, I will please. Remember when you had your little fun with me in the shower?” Her eyes widened and she nodded. “It’s my turn.”

He flipped her on her stomach and pulled her hips back until she was on her knees. He turned her to face the back of the couch and placed her palms flat on the top of the leather. He placed his mouth close to her ear. “Don’t move and hang on cause the ride’s about to begin.”

His low words vibrated through her, exciting her until she thought she’d cry out in frustration. She wanted him in her. She didn’t move as he stood. She listened to the rustling of him removing his clothes and moaned when she heard the rasp of the metal teeth on his zipper. An image of his magnificent body flashed in her brain, and she moaned again. Within moments, he nudged her knees wider and kneeled between them. He kissed her back while he rubbed his fingertips down her spine. She broke out in a cold sweat.

“Do it, Anthony, Now!”

“Almost, baby. Almost.” He kissed the side of her neck while he toyed with her nipples, ran his long fingers down her belly, his bare chest pressing her forward into the soft cushion of the couch. He found her slit, creamy and wet, and ran one long finger over her until she squirmed. Her breaths grew ragged and she cried out his name. He yanked her hips back and seated his cock so deep inside her she thought she’d faint at the feel of him completely filling her almost to the point of pain.

He fisted her hair and pulled her head back for his kiss while he pumped eagerly into her. She opened her mouth and her body, welcoming him, begging him, screaming for him and his possession. The tide built fast and out of control and swept her over the edge. He threw his head back in a guttural cry seconds later and wrapped one arm around her waist to anchor her to him while his seed pulsed deep into her. She couldn’t move. She was spent, replete.

* * *

He sat back, pulled her into his lap once again, and snuggled her against his chest.

“I don’t understand how I can feel this way about you, Anthony. I just met you.”

He stroked her hair. “That’s okay, baby. I understand it.”

He gazed into her wide, confused eyes. But he glimpsed something else in the fathoms of blue. A fire burning that matched his. He knew she desired him, wanted him, but he’d be a liar if he didn’t admit that it bothered him she hadn’t said she loved him back. He hadn’t really expected her to say it. Hoped, longed and prayed she would, but expected . . . no. He had to believe that she would in time, if she didn’t end up hating him for what she was about to become.

He picked her up and carried her to his bedroom where he laid her out like a feast offered up to a god on his big bed. And he felt like a god at the moment, for surely no mere mortal deserved a goddess of such beauty. He kissed every inch of her body before concentrating on the one part of her he’d been dying to taste. He licked her slick entrance and growled at the thought of being inside her again. She arched off the bed, and he held her to him by her hips. He alternated burying his tongue deep inside her and sucking gently on the little nub that brought her so much pleasure. She gasped and let out a small cry. When her muscles tightened, signaling she was nearing release, he climbed over her and took her. She wrapped her legs around his waist, and he rode her hard until sweat glistened on their skin and they both fell over the edge and lay in an exhausted, limp, and satiated heap.

They slept for a while and awoke in each other’s arms, the fire igniting once again. They made love so many times after that he lost count.
