Chapter Twelve

Rose’s cheeks burned when Knox changed back, as he now stood before her naked. The stitches had come out of his neck when he’d shifted, and the injury was nothing more than a passing memory. Not one extra ounce of fat resided on his muscular frame, and she saw that he was big . . . everywhere. She licked her lips as he looked around at the bloody towels and bodies.

“I’m sorry about the mess. I’ll clean it up.”

“What are we supposed to do with the bodies?”

He bent down and retrieved his jeans from the floor, stepped into them, and pulled them up over his lean hips. She wanted to touch him, but now was not the time. How could the need to run her fingers over his skin so effectively block out the carnage in her bedroom?

“They have to be burned and the remains buried so no one will find them.”

“I’ll clean up the towels and blood.”

He went to her, pulled her into his arms, and rested his chin on top of her head. She laid her ear against his bare chest and listened to the steady rhythm of his heart.

“I’m sorry I let you down with Russell.”

She pulled back, looked up at him, and felt sad when she saw the shadow of guilt in his eyes. She laid her palm against his cheek.

“You didn’t let me down. If you hadn’t pulled him off me—and I don’t know how you managed to do so in your condition—he would have killed me. And if you hadn’t told me about the iron, no telling what would have happened. You saved me, Knox.”

When he started to protest, she stood on tiptoe and kissed him. He groaned and dipped his tongue between her lips to taste her. After a few moments, she reluctantly pulled away.

“Let’s get this mess cleaned up.”

“Yes, let’s do because we need to talk.” He put the rest of his clothes on before getting to work.

* * *

Three hours later, the snowstorm continued to rage outside. Knox had managed to dispose of all of the bodies, and she had bagged up the bloody towels and thrown them out before scrubbing the floor in the bedroom. It was late, and she was tired, but her body wanted something other than sleep. It ached for Knox.

He now sat across from her at the kitchen table eating the hamburgers she’d made him. When he was finished, she threw the paper plate away and sat back down.

“So we can, um, communicate in our dreams, huh?”

“Yes, we can. But I don’t think that’s really what you want to ask me, is it?” His gaze penetrated her, making her want to squirm in her chair.

“You said it was a thing mates could do.”


“Damn it. You know what I’m asking.” She fidgeted with a piece of her hair.

“Then ask.”

“Are we . . . are we—what I mean is . . .” She growled in frustration.

He reached over, took her hands in his, and scooted close until her legs were trapped between his thighs and their faces were only inches apart.

“Yes. We are mates. You are my mate, and while I’m sorry that that may be distressing news to you, I’ll never regret that it is so. I love you. I’ve loved you from the first moment I saw you, even after you tried to kill me.”

“I know.”

He raised a brow. “You know?”

She nodded. “Yes. When you trusted me enough to tell me about iron, I had a hunch, but when you refused to change because you thought I would hate you for it, I was certain. And by the way, don’t you ever do anything—or not do something—that might endanger your life to save my feelings again. I would never want you to die because of me.”

He cupped her cheek in his palm, and she leaned against him, soaking up the warmth of his touch.

“I would do anything to keep from hurting you.”

“I know. But you dying would be the thing that would hurt me most. I love you too.”

He sucked in a sharp breath before a grin broke over his full lips. “Say it again.”

She giggled. “I love you.”

“Again.” He kissed her eyelids.

“You heard me, man. I love you. Now, if you don’t mind, I need a shower.”

He kissed her, and her blood heated as he tasted her thoroughly, stealing the breath from her lungs.

When he broke the kiss, her stomach clenched when she witnessed the searing desire that burned in his glowing eyes. The searing desire she stirred within him.

“I need a shower too.”

He picked her up, carried her to the bathroom, set her down, and started the shower. After he pulled off his shirt, he reached for her, and tugged her against his chest so he could nuzzle her ear.

When she shivered, he growled and blew on the lobe before licking, then sucking on it.

“I want you so much. You can’t imagine how hard it’s been for me to keep my hands off you,” he whispered.

She lightly ran her fingers over the bulge in his jeans. “I think I have an idea how hard it’s been.”

He grunted, and pushed his hips against her. “I’m having a very difficult time taking this slow.”

She gave him a gentle squeeze, and a tiny sliver of apprehension ran through her when she remembered how big he was. She was burning up for him, but his size was intimidating. “I want you too, Knox.”

“Have you ever been with a man?”

She shook her head, and he smiled.

“I can’t tell you how much that pleases me. I promise I’ll be as careful as I can with you the first time, no matter how much it kills me.”

“I’ll be okay. I think you are aware by now that I’m no delicate flower.”

He took her chin between his fingers. “Hey, look at me. I don’t want you to be ‘okay.’ I want you to be delirious. I want to make you feel so damn good you’ll scream out my name as you come apart in my arms with me buried deep inside you.”

“I want to be with you. You’re just a tad intimidating.” She bit her bottom lip as she glanced down at the bulge in his jeans.

“We’ll be great together.”

“I know. I’ve just got a case of the jitters.”

“Let’s see if we can do something about that.”

And he proceeded to do something about it, because after his mouth came down on hers, all hesitation fled, and the only thing she wanted was to touch him, taste him, love him. She was glad she’d never been with another man, as she had no doubt all of them would have paled in comparison to Knox. When his tongue dipped inside her mouth, she moaned in pleasure and wrapped her arms around his neck to anchor him to her.

She went up in flames under his touch and barely noticed when he stripped her clothes from her, until his hand cupped her bare breast. She gasped as his fingers flicked her nipple and played with the stiff peaks, each tug pulling on invisible strings of pleasure that were connected to her core. Tension built inside her, and when he bent and covered her with his mouth, her knees buckled.

He held her up effortlessly while he sucked her breast deep before letting it pop out of his mouth, and tongued her nipple before gently rubbing his stubbled jaw over her, then sucking her back into his mouth. She cried out, and he trailed his hand down her back, over her ass and hip, and around to her mound. He stroked her slick folds while he continued to lick and nip her nipples. She arched into him, and he slid one finger inside.

Her muscles clenched around him as he moved deeper, and she tangled her fingers in his hair, holding him against her.

“You are so hot, so wet, so tight just for me. I’m aching to be inside you.” He dipped his finger deeper and pulled it almost out before thrusting back in, mimicking what he would soon do with his body, mimicking what she craved him to do with his body.


He bent down and licked a trail to her stomach, down to her thigh, then to her calf, where he proceeded to kiss every scar she had. Each stroke of his tongue was in perfect sync with each thrust of his finger. He’d lit a stick of dynamite inside her, and she was about to explode. He kissed his way back up to her breasts, and she cried out as she teetered on the edge of release.

She rocked against him, and when his thumb circled her clit again, the building tension spiraled inside her and burst into a million pieces. Her climax hit her hard, and he coaxed wave after wave from her with his fingers and mouth. After the last tremor of her orgasm shivered through her, he stood and pulled his jeans off.

She had no time for apprehension over his size as he picked her up and stepped into the shower.

He turned her to face the wall and lathered a loofah up with soap. He stretched her arms above her and placed her palms on either side of her head.

“Stay still for me.”

He began washing her shoulders in slow circles before journeying down her back. When he reached her ass, she closed her eyes and moaned, pushing back at him as he soaped her. He growled, and the loofah hit the floor as he stepped closer and his lips trailed along her neck, heating her skin everywhere they touched.

He urged her hips back until her cheeks cradled his hard cock. He rocked against her, and she pushed at him, brazenly begging for more. When she reached back to touch him, he guided her palms back to the wall and held her firmly in place with his hands.

“You know that if I bite you it will turn you?”

She froze when his words came close to her ear.

“I’m not telling you to scare you. I want you to know that I would never do it unless you agreed. I don’t want you to be afraid of me or unsure of what I may or may not do. I swear to you, it will never happen without your consent.”

She believed him. He had never lied to her before, and she didn’t believe he’d do so now. He wouldn’t have bothered telling her if he’d planned to change her regardless of her feelings. He tensed behind her as if waiting for her protest, but he would not get one from her.

She pushed against him again, and he groaned. “I know you would never hurt me. You’ve proved it time and again, almost at the cost of your own life, which you better never do again.”

Her words had barely left when he bit down on her shoulder hard enough to hold her still, but not break the skin. She gasped when he shifted, and his cock slid between her legs and nudged at her slick, swollen folds.

Apprehension at the size of him gripped her again, but was quickly forgotten when he reached down and circled her clit with his finger.

She cried out as tension built in her once again, and was on the brink of another orgasm, when he slipped inside her. She froze at the foreign sensation he created. He was only partway in, but stretched her to the point of pain. Yet every tiny movement sparked nerve endings to life and encouraged her inner muscles to clamp around him, greedily coaxing him deeper.

His finger circled her clit again, and she gasped as he sank another inch inside her and stilled. “Rose! I don’t want to hurt you, but it’s killing me, baby.”

She gritted her teeth and realized, at the moment, she didn’t care if it hurt the first time—she needed him inside her right now. “Just do it, Knox.”

This time when she pushed against him, he slammed his hips against her and slid home through her barrier. The pain was momentary, but the way he filled her was overwhelming. He stretched her until she thought she might tear, but his possession felt right. This was where he belonged—inside her. He hadn’t moved after breaching her virginity, and the urge to rock against him tore at her, but he held her still by the hips.


“I’m sorry I hurt you.”

“It doesn’t hurt anymore. Please. Move,” she begged him through clenched teeth.

He obliged and eased out of her before sliding back in, excruciatingly slow, through her wet channel before pulling out again. His breathing was heavy against her shoulder, and she ached, needed more from him.

“Please. God. I need—”

She gasped when he slammed home and started pumping into her frantically. She braced her arms against the wall and met him thrust for thrust, sobbing from the pressure that threatened to rip her apart. He plowed through her tightness again and again, her muscles clamped around him each time he withdrew, trying to bring him back inside, and within moments she shattered. She screamed out his name over and over as she quivered around him. Moments later, she was still crying out when he roared her name as his hot seed shot inside her, pulse after pulse, with his release.

When he slipped from her, she wanted to protest the loss, but he began to tenderly wash her, and she welcomed the glide of his hands over her sensitive, wet skin. When he finished, he dried and carried her to the bed, where he made love to her once again. This time was a less frantic, unhurried, thorough loving, and now she lay in his arms, head resting on his pec, body aching deliciously from his possession. She trailed her fingers over his chest, letting them tangle in the light dusting of blond hair sprinkled over his golden skin. He was a gorgeous man, and he was hers. It amazed her that she could go from hating him to loving him so quickly, but her heart, her soul had recognized that they were mates, just as he’d said.

“Are you too sore?”

“A little, but not too.” She smiled against him, loving his concern for her.

“I was too rough the first time.” He hugged her.

“No. You weren’t. You were perfect.” And he had been. “I was thinking. You remember what you did to me in our dream?”

His mouth turned up at the corner. “Hmm. Which dream?”

She sat up and playfully smacked him.

“Oh. You mean the one where you had on that sexy-as-hell blue nightie?”


His eyes glowed, and she nearly stopped breathing.

“I could never forget what I did to you because I plan on doing it many, many more times.”

“Down, boy.” She pushed him back onto the bed when he reached for her. “I was thinking I’d like to try that on you.” His eyes widened, and she laughed. “Unless you don’t want me to.”

She looked down and saw that his impressive erection was standing at full attention, and she licked her lips. “I guess you wouldn’t mind after all.”

She slid down to his stomach, where she kissed his navel and followed the thin trail of hair to his cock. He tangled one hand in her hair, and she kissed the tip of his cock before giving it a tentative lick. When he growled deep in his throat, it was all the encouragement she needed. She circled him with her hand and sucked him deep down her throat. He rolled his hips up and slid even deeper.

He tasted salty and spicy. He tasted wonderfully wild, and she lapped at him as if he were a Popsicle. He guided her up and down with his hand, showing her what he liked, and she licked and sucked and stroked him until he cried out in release. He pulled her up and kissed her long and hard, the familiar tension building in her once again.

She snuggled against him and smiled knowing she’d never be alone again. He’d always be by her side, and he’d protect her with his life as she would him.

“I love you.”

“I love you too.”
