Dear Reader,

I hope you enjoyed Melting the Ice. The next book in the Play-by-Play series is Straddling the Line, Trevor and Haven’s story, coming out in July 2014.

We’ve all lost people we love in our lives, people we relied on, those we thought would be with us longer. For Haven Briscoe, losing her father has left a deep hole in her heart. Her father was her rock, the man she went to for guidance and advice. Now, her career seems empty, and she isn’t sure her job as a sports reporter has the thrill and excitement it once held.

But when she’s assigned to do an exposé on her college-crush-turned-pro-athlete, Trevor Shay, it brings them close again. Trevor knows Haven is grieving over her father, and he’s determined to do whatever it takes to help her while still competing in professional baseball and football.

Trevor and Haven’s story is deeply emotional, but also fun, exciting, and sexy. Please keep reading for a sneak peak at the first chapter.

In addition, I’m also including the first chapter of Hope Ignites, book two of the Hope Novels, my contemporary romance series, releasing in April 2014. This series focuses on the people who inhabit a small town in Oklahoma.

Logan McCormack is a busy rancher and doesn’t have time for frivolous pursuits. He agrees to let a movie crew film on his land because the money is too good to pass up. However, when he meets Desiree Jenkins, the actress starring in the movie, he doesn’t know what to make of the fiery, outspoken young woman. Nearly ten years younger than him, Logan thinks Des is off-limits. But Des is attracted to Logan and isn’t afraid to state her intentions. She’s in love with the wide-open spaces of the ranch, so different from where she lives in Los Angeles. She’s also taken with Logan’s quiet strength and work ethic, and the two of them embark on a very unusual romance.

But is theirs a forever type of romance, or a movie-set fling?

I hope you enjoy the first chapter of Hope Ignites, and fall in love with the town of Hope and all its characters, just as I have.

Happy reading!

