She’d tried to steer him into releasing the bitterness but he tended to let the anger boil under the surface. They’d been gaining ground though until three weeks ago when his longtime girlfriend had dumped him on the spot after he’d proposed marriage.

Joy had been brokenhearted for him when he’d fallen apart in her office, admitting to her that the woman had refused because there was no way she’d be stuck with his last name. He had been kicked around hard his entire life.

Why is he coming after me? She’d given him sympathy and understanding but it had been rough on him when his therapist had retired and he’d been reassigned to her. Had missing their appointment while she’d been at Homeland set him off? Had that been the final straw? His next words confirmed her suspicions.

“I’m done being shit on by everyone.”

She hoped she could talk him into being reasonable. He needed to put her down and release the choking hold on her throat. She made a soft noise to indicate she wanted to speak. He tensed against her body but before he could say or do anything in response, a loud pounding started in the other room.

Douglas panicked and dropped her. She was free and slowly turned to face him. She started to speak but the gun he jerked from the back of his pants muted her instantly as she stared at the barrel.

“Joy? I know you’re inside. Open up.”

Moon! There was no doubt who that deep, growly voice belonged to.

“I’ll kill you,” Douglas swore. “Get rid of whoever that is.” He backed up, keeping the gun trained on her.

She trembled from head to foot as she followed the unstable man into her living room. The source of her fear changed from her own safety to Moon’s. No way would she risk his life.

Moon pounded his fist on Joy’s door again. She was there—he’d found her blue car parked behind the building. The background check had given him the license plate number so there was no mistake. The hood had been cold, indicating that it had been there a while. It was the only vehicle registered in her name so she had to be home.

“Joy?” He hated to raise his voice because she lived very close to other humans but he wasn’t going to allow her to hide. He’d break down the door if he had to. It wasn’t his first choice. Someone might call the police. “I’m not leaving until we speak.”

He listened, breathing through his mouth. The stench of the hallway bothered him. Whoever cleaned the floors had used strong chemicals and it competed with the offensive odor of trash. He turned his head, glaring at the bag of it down the hallway. Didn’t humans take it outside and seal it inside plastic containers? He raised his fist again and gave the door two sharp taps.

“Joy?” He backed up a few feet to evaluate the best place to plant his boot. The door didn’t appear too sturdy. One strong kick should bring it down.

A deadbolt slid and the door eased open a few inches. Joy’s face appeared as she peeked out at him. “What are you doing here, Moon?”

He winced. There was a trace of fear in her voice and her face looked unusually pale. He hadn’t meant to scare her. He stayed still instead of pushing forward to shoulder his way inside her home as he wanted to do. The other problem was that she seemed to be pressed tightly against the door. She might get hurt if he forced it open.

“Why did you leave?” His heart pounded as blood rushed to his ears. He wasn’t sure what he’d do if she ordered him to go away. He wouldn’t, not until he talked her into returning to Homeland. It was tough to keep his voice neutral when he wanted to snarl.

“An emergency came up at work.” She licked her lips and cleared her throat. “I’ll give you a call tomorrow. It’s late and I need to get some sleep.”

Her answer floored him. It wasn’t what he expected but it angered him after he let it settle. “You’ll call me?”

“Yes.” She pushed against the door until her cheek dented along the edge of it. “I love you.”

Three softly spoken words caused him to sway on his feet and forced him to shift his weight to keep upright. She loved him? The door slammed and the lock clicked. He blinked a few times while it sank in. She loved him? He wasn’t sure what to do. How could she tell him that but put a door between them? A variety of jumbled emotions burst forth. He wasn’t the only one with strong feelings. Love meant everything to him but what about her?

It pissed him off that she had blurted it out without warning. And slammed the door in my face. He backed up, paused, stepped forward. His hands twitched at his sides, wanting to touch her. He needed to know how she loved him. Humans were far too vague. They loved their friends, their cars, and possessions with seeming equality.

He lunged, not giving a damn if it startled her or sent her neighbors into a state of fear. No way would he turn and walk away from her when he wasn’t sure what loving him meant to her. His boot nailed the door inches from the handle. The snap of wood was far louder than he intended but the door flung open.

He expected Joy to jump or perhaps scream when he stormed inside to go after her. The sight of a male facing him across the small room with Joy between them halted his forward movement abruptly. The human’s face was mostly hidden by a floppy hood but the gun pointed directly at her head drew his attention.

Time seemed to stand still while he struggled to make sense of the situation. The arm holding the weapon jerked in his direction. Joy cried out and spun around to face him. Her hair whipped around so fast that the long strands snagged on the metal. She kicked upward and jumped in his direction. His reflexes were slow as her body plowed into his chest. A sharp bang deafened him in the small room.

He’d been off balance when Joy’s full weight tackled him and they were propelled backward. The feel of her was enough to jar him from his shock. His back crashed into the wall next to the door, the only thing that kept them from both hitting the floor. Instinct took over as he glanced to the side before he threw her into the kitchen. He didn’t have time to see if she landed safely behind the row of cabinets that separated it from the living room. All that mattered was that she was out of the line of fire.

He howled in rage and shoved away from the door. The human had shot at them. The male stumbled backward as Moon leapt at him, tripping on the coffee table. The male’s arm flew upward when he lost his balance. Another shot hit the ceiling, sending down white debris.

Moon landed on the human’s legs. The grunt of pain from him barely registered as he tore the weapon away. The male sucked in a sharp breath screamed as if he were a female. It was cut off when Moon threw all his rage behind his fist that plowed it into the pasty face that wasn’t hidden anymore. The human’s eyes rolled back, accompanied by the crunching sound of his jaw breaking from the blow. He didn’t move but he was alive as his chest rose and fell.

Moon snarled, ready to tear out the male’s throat.

“Don’t kill him,” Joy panted. “He’s sick.”

Moon didn’t give a damn. The human was inside Joy’s home and he’d taken a shot at them. Rage surged. Why was the male there in the first place? Was he the reason she’d left Homeland? Was he someone she cared about? Loved? He snarled and his fingers curved into claws as he eyed the exposed throat.

“Moon!” Joy sounded a little closer. “Please don’t kill him. Tie him up.” She tossed something at him that landed on the floor next to where he crouched.

He glanced at the dishtowel. It was black and thick.

“Tear strips and tie him up. I’m calling 9-1-1. Please, Moon? He’s a client of mine. He’s mentally ill.” She took a ragged breath. “He suffered abuse growing up. He is obviously delusional and dangerous now.”

I’d like to snap his neck, Moon grumbled to himself, battling the urge to kill the bastard. It would upset Joy more. He bent and grabbed the towel. It was easy to bite into an edge and tear it into three long strips. Moon wasn’t gentle when he rolled the human onto his stomach. It gave him satisfaction when he realized, from the odd way it was twisted, that one of the human’s legs was broken near the knee. It would be painful when he regained consciousness and hurt like hell.

The bindings might be too tight but he had no gentleness in him. Not when it came to Joy’s patient. He was tying a second binding a little higher than the first one when something caught his attention. He glanced at his thumb to see blood. He finished the job and examined his hands to see where he’d been cut. He wasn’t cut or wounded. He lifted his thumb to his nose to learn the scent of his enemy.

The stench of the gunpowder had left his senses a little dulled but the scent he picked up now stilled him. He knew it only too well. He turned his head to stare at Joy. She was in the kitchen on the other side of the counter, leaning heavily against it. One hand was holding her upper arm and blood seeped between her fingers.

He’d hurt her. It must have happened when he’d thrown her out of the way. Her arm must have slammed into a counter and cut her skin. Regret was instant as he stared at her. She was pale as she watched him. He glanced at her hand again as he rose to his feet.

“I’m sorry.”

Tears filled her eyes, spilling down her cheeks. “My phone is in the bedroom. Call 9-1-1. My cordless is in the charging cradle in there.”

He was torn between going to her and doing what she asked.

“Tell them we need the police and an ambulance.”

He growled, shooting a hate-filled glare at the unmoving human sprawled facedown on the floor. “I’ll tell them to come arrest him but I won’t ask for medical assistance. I want him to suffer for as long as possible.” He glanced back at her, hoping she knew what it had cost him not to kill the bastard in the first place.

“It’s not for him.” Her voice cracked. “It’s for me.”

Moon’s heart lurched. “I hurt you that much? Is your arm broken?”

She frowned. “You didn’t do this. I was the one who jumped in front of the bullet. I’m glad it hit me instead of you.”

He looked at her arm, noticing that she was bleeding a lot more. Her fingers were covered and it stained her shirt to the elbow. She’s been shot! The scene at the door replayed through his mind.

The human had stood across the room but Joy had been walking away from the door when it had come crashing open. She’d been much closer to him than the male holding the gun. She’d been facing the man so she must have seen him aim at Moon, ready to fire. The next part almost took him to his knees.

“You purposely got between us. You knew he was going to shoot me.”

“Call 9-1-1. I’m trying really hard to remain calm. I’ve never been shot before. It really hurts and did I even mention that I don’t handle the sight of blood well? I don’t. I am trying really hard not to pass out.”

He rushed to her and swept her up into his arms. She gasped but didn’t protest when he almost ran to her bedroom. It was easy to locate the bathroom. Human households were the same as Species. The light was already on in there when he placed her on the counter.

“What are you doing?” The pain in her eyes tore at him.

He gripped her hand tenderly and pulled it from the wound. Blood ran faster. It was too much for him to treat with any first-aid kit she might have stashed in the bathroom. He released her hand. “Put pressure on it.” She needed a doctor, not him.

She moaned. “I think I’m going to faint. I really can’t stand seeing blood.” She did what he demanded though, seeming to fight her reaction to the wound as she held on to it.

He slammed his knee into a corner of her bed as he ran into the bedroom, almost tripped, but recovered as he reached her desk. The small room was littered with too much furniture for him to easily maneuver. He noticed that his hand was coated in her blood when he jerked up the phone and found the talk button. He dialed with an unsteady finger.

“9-1-1. Please state your emergency,” a calm female answered.

“My female has been shot by a human male.”

There was a few seconds of silence.

“Did you hear me? Send an ambulance. She’s been shot in the arm and is bleeding.”

“All right.” The female didn’t sound alarmed by the news. “You said a female has been shot by a human male?”


“Is she human too?”

“Yes.” He carried the cordless receiver into the bathroom to check on Joy. She sat where he’d left her, holding her arm. He was afraid she’d fall over so he pressed closer, wrapping an arm around her waist. She leaned into him. “Send help.”

“Sir,” the female on the phone sighed. “9-1-1 is for real emergencies.”

“This is one. A human male has shot my female. She’s in need of medical care.”

“Okay. I’m routing a patrol car to your location. The responding officers will be able to help you.”

“I need an ambulance.”

“I’m sure they’ll be happy to call one if you need more assistance than they can give you.” She paused. “Do you take medication?”

He growled. “You think I’m insane? My female is bleeding. The human male is tied up in the living room.”

Joy looked up at him and he hated the way she swayed before her lids lowered. He hoped it was her aversion to blood that made her woozy. He adjusted his arm behind her and shoved her fingers out of the way, hating to hurt her as he clamped down hard to apply pressure to the wound. It could be from the trauma of being shot or blood loss but he wasn’t going to take any chances with her life. She dropped her face against his chest and whimpered. He didn’t ease his hold.

“I’m not implying anything, sir. Officers should be there within a few minutes. Do you have a weapon? You said she was shot?”

“Not by me. It was a human!” Did they think he’d hurt Joy? It angered him.

“All right. As opposed to what? Aliens?”

It suddenly made sense. “I’m New Species,” he snarled. “I’m calling Homeland. They’ll send a helicopter to us if you won’t help.” He hung up and hit talk again. The phone beeped at him but he heard a dial tone. He called the NSO.

“You’ve reached the NSO. How may I help you?” He recognized the male’s voice.

“Book, this is Moon. I need help immediately.” He rattled off Joy’s address. “Scramble a team to this location and we need a doctor. My female has been shot. The human police are on their way.” All hell was going to break loose at Homeland but it didn’t matter. He’d face whatever punishment came his way. “I sneaked out to find Joy. Tell Justice and everyone that I’m sorry. You should call Harley too. I want him on that helicopter.”

“Shit!” Book snarled. “This isn’t a joke, is it? This is coming from an outside line.”

“No.” He lowered his chin to rest on top of Joy’s head, pressing her tighter against him. He hated feeling helpless. “Did you write down that address? Hurry. She’s bleeding. A human shot her in the arm.”

“Don’t hang up,” Book demanded. “I’m on this. We’re coming.” He put his hand over the mouthpiece but it barely muffled the sound of him yelling out orders to the Species around him. He finally spoke directly into the phone again. “Listen to me. You ready? I’ve got Justice on one line and Trisha on another. Fury just got on the line too. I can hear them but you can’t. I’m putting you on speaker so they can hear you.”

The other line kept beeping but Moon ignored it. It was probably the annoying operator trying to call him back. “I understand.”

“Tell the humans who arrive at the scene that you’re New Species. I’m sure they will see that but state it loud and clear so there’s no mistake. They have no jurisdiction over the NSO. They can’t arrest you but they could shoot you first from a distance if they don’t know what you are.” He paused. “Fury says they are contacting the local police to make sure they know you are Species and know the laws concerning us. We might be able to keep them from entering her home.”

“I brought a gun with me but haven’t used it.”

Book hesitated. “Don’t point it at anyone. Where is it?”

“Tucked into my pants in the back.”

Book hesitated again. “You’re allowed to carry it. Their laws don’t apply to us. Tell the humans you have it and where it’s located. Do not touch it. They might panic.”


Moon’s keen hearing picked up the sound of footsteps. “They are here. Someone is anyway. They just entered her living space.”

“Yell out that you’re New Species,” Book paused. “Now.”

Moon closed his eyes, his back to the door, not wanting to jar Joy. “I’m New Species!” he stated loudly. “I’m armed but it’s tucked into the back of my waistband. I won’t use the gun. I’m on the phone with Homeland.”

“Put me on speaker,” Book demanded.

“I don’t think her phone has that option.” Moon glanced at it. He didn’t see it on the face. “It doesn’t.”

He raised his chin, his sense of smell confirming what his hearing told him. He slowly turned his head, meeting the gaze of a uniformed human officer. The male had a gun pointed at him from the doorway but lowered it. He gripped the mic attached to his shoulder.

“It’s not a prank,” the male stated to whoever was on the other end of it. He cocked his head, listening to the device in his ear. “Confirmed. I’m looking right at him. He is New Species.” He released the mic and slowly holstered his weapon. “Easy.” One palm extended, as if he wanted to hold Moon back if he attacked.

“I’m not a danger to you.”

The male swallowed hard. “Sorry. We’re not trained, um, I’ve never met one of you before.” He glanced at the mirror behind Moon, eased a little to the left, and his mouth tightened into a grim line. “She’s hurt?”

“She was shot in the arm. The human who did it is in the living room. Joy is a shrink and he was her patient.” He wouldn’t ever be again if Moon had anything to say about it. He’d hunt down and kill the male first before he ever allowed him near his female again. “The NSO is sending a helicopter for us.” He held out the phone. “They want to speak to you.”

The officer hesitated but stepped closer, accepting it. He didn’t put the receiver up to his ear right away. “Can we send in help to her when the paramedics arrive?”


The cop pinched his mic again. “Send in the paramedics when they arrive. The situation is calm inside the bathroom. Evacuate the man in the front room.” He put the phone up to his ear. “This is Officer Ventino. Who am I speaking to?” He listened, making one-word responses before disconnecting. He warily regarded Moon the entire time.

Irritation flashed through Moon but he understood his fear. He was glad that they weren’t attempting to kill him or rip Joy out of his arms. He turned away, rested his chin on her head and closed his eyes. She was breathing but so slowly that he knew she’d lost consciousness.

“Please tell the ambulance to hurry.”

“Yes, sir,” the officer responded. “Maybe she’d be more comfortable on the bed?” He backed out of the bathroom. “I’ll clear a spot.”

Moon gently lifted Joy, keeping his hand in place against her wound. Her head rolled against his chest. He peered down at her and knew he’d lose his mind if she died. The officer stayed at least four feet away as he entered the bedroom. Moon watched him shove two heavy suitcases to the floor.

Moon sat with her in his lap. He ignored the officer watching him, barely paid attention to the noises coming from the other room while two more officers came to take away the bastard who’d shot Joy. It didn’t even make him smile, hearing his agonized protests when it jostled him to consciousness. He kept Joy as still as possible, every breath she took a relief.

“Is there anything I can do, sir?”

Moon opened his eyes and stared at the human. Compassion was reflected in the human’s eyes. Moon glanced at the male’s left hand, which sported a gold band. “You have a mate?”

“I’m married. Yes.”

“My name is Moon. I can’t lose Joy. Is there any way to get medical help here faster?”

Loud sirens drew closer. “They will have cleared the front of the building and another officer will hold the elevator doors open so they can get up here faster. There’s another one who will direct them right to the front door.” He stepped closer and bent, gripping the bottom of the blanket. “Let me help. She’s lost a lot of blood. We’ll keep her warm to help prevent her from going into shock.”

Moon was touched that the human cared. He noticed the way the male tucked in the blanket around Joy’s body as if he were a parent tending a child.

“I’m John.” The officer crouched. “Can you tell me what happened here, Moon?”

“I came to see Joy but her patient was here before I arrived. He had a gun on her and I kicked in the door.” He paused, not clarifying that he hadn’t known that at the time. “He tried to shoot me but Joy got between us.” It was purely unacceptable to show weakness in front of humans but tears welled in Moon’s eyes as the reality of it all slammed into him full force. “She did it on purpose.” He stared down at her beautiful face. “She could die because she risked her life for mine.”

“She must love you a lot and I can see how much you love her.” A hesitant hand patted his knee in an attempt to give comfort. “I don’t think it’s fatal, okay? I’ve seen victims in far worse condition make it. I’m sure she’ll pull through.”

Moon knew he’d lose his mind if she didn’t. A commotion drew their attention as a male in a different uniform slowly eased into the room. Fear was etched on his face. “I’m a paramedic. Can we come in?” His attention shifted from Moon to Joy. “We want to help her.”

A human female pushed against the male but he threw out an arm, holding her back. She met Moon’s gaze and paled, her fear apparent.

“Help her,” he rasped. “I’m not a threat.”

They eased into the room with their medical equipment. It was frustrating how fearful they were, as if he’d bite or attack them. It quickly became apparent that they wouldn’t get too close so he lifted Joy and scooted off the bed to lay her flat. He kept hold of her arm.

“I’ve been applying pressure.”

The female braved coming into contact with him first when she pressed against his side. “Please move your hand. I’ve got it.”

He hated the sight of their gloves as they took over Joy’s care. It reminded him of Mercile. He backed away until his ass hit the desk to give them more room to work when they tore open packages from their medical kits.

John drew his attention when he stepped to stand next to Moon. “She’ll be okay. They are starting fluids and will transfer her as soon as they stabilize her.”

“Transfer her to where?”

The human was tall enough to hold his gaze level. “She needs a hospital. The guy on the phone ordered me to keep you both here and said neither of you were allowed to leave. I know the NSO is sending a helicopter but if that were my wife, I’d wanted her treated as soon as possible. I’ll go with you both if you let them take her. We can ride with her in the ambulance.”

It made sense and he didn’t want Joy to suffer. “I stay with her at all times.”

“Nobody wants this to go bad, okay?” His voice lowered. “If they try to pull rank at the hospital, remind them that you’re New Species. I’ll back you up. We’ll say it’s a security risk if they attempt to ban us from following her into a trauma bay.”

Moon glanced at him.

John winked and raised his left hand, flashing his ring. “I get it.”

“Thank you. Let’s take her to the hospital.”

John gripped his mic. “We’re rolling with her.” He let it go to give orders to the paramedics. “You heard him. Get her stable and en route to the hospital.”

Chapter Fifteen

Joy had a hard time opening her eyes. Her tongue seemed swollen and it was tough to wake. She tried to roll but a big hand pressed against her chest to hold her in place. She was able to finally shove away the haze and peer up at a dim light above her. A fuzzy shape blocked it suddenly. She blinked and stared into dark, beautiful eyes.

She’d survived being shot by Douglas. The professional side of her wondered what had happened to him but she wasn’t naïve enough to question Moon about his fate. It had been a miracle she’d talked a Species out of killing someone who’d attacked with deadly intent. It only showed how much New Species had acclimated since their release. They’d learned to quash their tempers while using reason instead of acting on pure impulse.

“Joy,” Moon rasped. “You will be fine. They said the bullet passed through your arm but you lost a lot of blood. It missed the bone.” His voice turned gruff. “The doctor said you were lucky but I don’t agree. You were shot. Luck would have been if the bastard missed you completely.”

There wasn’t any pain but she chalked that up to really good painkillers when what he said struck her as hysterically funny. She laughed.

Moon scowled. “What is funny?”


“You’ve been shot. Do you understand that?”

“Yes. I remember.” She tried to be serious but his expression kind of reminded her of an astonished fish. She laughed again. “You’re too cute.”

His chin jerked up and he growled as he glared at something. “What is wrong with her?”

“She’s higher than a kite,” a male voice answered. “They gave her the good shit. It’s normal. She’ll be dopey for a while. My wife laughed like a loon when she broke her leg and they gave her a shot for pain after she came out of surgery. You’d have thought she was drunk.”

Joy turned her head to peer at the cop leaning against the wall next to her bed. He winked. She figured he was there to take her statement. That didn’t seem so funny. Poor Douglas. He might be beyond help. She felt guilty for not realizing how unstable he’d grown. She’d actually believed he was starting to become a more adjusted individual. Moon brushed her hair off her cheek and she looked up at him.

Moon leaned in closer to peer into her eyes. “I am glad you’re feeling good enough to find humor in something. I can’t.”

She reached up and cupped his face. She realized her fingers must be cold against his very warm skin. She hoped he didn’t mind. “You look like hell.” His hair was messy, as if he hadn’t combed it in a while and the whites of his eyes were a little red. “What are you doing here?”

“Did you think I’d allow them to take you away without going to the hospital with you? I haven’t left your side.”

She didn’t doubt it. Moon was honorable and protective of women. Two of the many traits she admired about him. “I meant here. Why did you leave Homeland?”

“You left me again but this time I wasn’t unable to do something about it. I know how to read a map and looked up your address.”

He’d come to find her. He had either been so angry he needed to yell at her because she’d left or he cared enough to come after her. “I went home to pack my clothes. I was coming back. I didn’t even have a phone number to call you. Didn’t you read the note?”

“What note?”

“I left it taped on the door in case you came back tonight. Isn’t that how you found out I’d left Homeland?”

“No. I didn’t go back to human housing. You were planning to come back?”

“I’d say so. Those suitcases on her bed were heavy.”

They both glanced at the cop who’d spoken. He smiled.

“I left a message too. I was planning to leave a message at the gate but there was a doctor there who said he was on his way to your home. I talked to him while they were searching my car. He offered to relay my message.”

“Kregkor,” Moon mumbled then growled. He had to suppress the urge to hunt down and beat on the shrink.

Joy turned Moon’s face toward hers so she could see his eyes again. “You thought I took off on you again, didn’t you? Did you come to my place to yell at me or to ask me to go back with you?”

He licked his lips, hesitating.

It hurt when she decided it had been anger that had driven him to seek her out. “I see. I know you have reason not to trust me but I was called away by my boss on an emergency. I had to go to my office. Someone broke into our file cabinets. Douglas admitted doing it but we didn’t know that at the time.”

“Why did he do it? Did he say? Why was he at your condo with a gun?”

She turned her head to answer the cop’s questions. “He’s a client of mine with emotional problems. I can’t tell you too much more. It’s a matter of confidentiality. I will highly recommend he be held on a seventy-two-hour observation though. I’m assuming he’s been admitted to the hospital too?”

“He is. I’m guessing he’s lucky to be alive.”

“It wasn’t luck.” Moon growled the words. “She didn’t want him hurt and begged me to tie him up. The bastard is here, Joy. The police have him in the emergency room restrained with handcuffs and he’s being watched closely by them. I was promised he would be sent to jail after the doctors are done giving him treatment.”

The cop cast a knowing look at Moon. “The perp is still breathing. I’m not sure of how severely he’s hurt but it looked damn painful when I entered the residence. The—” He paused and gripped the mic attached to his arm. “Understood.” He released it and pushed away from the wall. “The NSO has arrived. They just landed.”

“Damn,” Moon grumbled.

“What’s wrong?” Joy hated the way he pulled away from her touch to straighten, stepping out of her reach.

“Will you do me a favor, John? Stay with her.”

“Sure thing. I won’t leave her side until you get back.”

Moon quickly left the room and closed the door behind him. She tried to sit up. The officer gently slid a hand behind her back to give her a boost while using the control for the bed to lift up the back so she had support.

“What is going on?” she asked him.

He took a seat in the chair. “My guess? It is a guess. I don’t think the NSO knew where he was until you were hurt. I’ve been listening to the chatter.” He pointed to his ear. “Moon came alone. Some bigwig from there called our station after the 9-1-1 call was placed from your residence to demand immediate and full police protection for their New Species. They were frantic to make sure we got as many available officers on scene as soon as possible.”

He leaned in a little, lowering his voice. “We were asked to lock down your entire building and clear it of everyone except you and him because we were told he was in danger without an escort. If they wanted to make sure he was safe they wouldn’t have let him go anywhere without adequate security in the first place, right? It took them almost an hour to arrive.”

Joy’s mind was still a bit sluggish from the drugs but it was clearing fast. “An hour?”

“Yeah.” He glanced at his watch. “They flew here by helicopter. I’m assuming it took that much time to assemble a team and put them in the air. I served six years in the army. You add in distance to here from Homeland, the time it takes to warm up the blades, and that’s a fast response.”

“He couldn’t leave without permission. You should see the security they have at Homeland. It took me almost ten minutes to be processed out when I left. They search your person and car going in and out. There are guards on the walls and at the gates.”

The officer shrugged. “Did he seem happy to you to go out and meet them? He did bust up your shooter but that was self-defense. Will the NSO have something against that?”


“I rest my case.” He leaned back. “I also noticed you two seem tense with each other. I’ve overheard enough to piece some of it together. You left and he thought you weren’t coming back. You’re obviously a couple.”

She said nothing. It wasn’t any of his business and she didn’t want her relationship with Moon to become a story on the evening news if he repeated anything to reporters.

“Whatever argument you had, whatever it was about, that guy is crazy about you. I’ve been on the job for twelve years and seen a lot of shit go down. Excuse my language. He looks pretty tough but he lost it when you passed out. Maybe he doesn’t talk enough the way you want him to or doesn’t show his feelings easily.” He paused. “One thing he couldn’t hide though was how much you mean to him, okay? Give him a break by not busting his balls if you two had an argument. He almost made the staff here piss their pants because he threatened to toss them around if they tried to make him leave your side when they were stitching up your arm. They got you in and out of the trauma bay so fast because they were terrified of him mistaking any drag time as not giving you the best care possible. He demanded it.”

“Thank you for telling me that. I don’t remember much after I was shot.” She looked down at the thick white bandage on her arm. “I think I fainted.”

“You’re going to be weak for a few days and the doctor suggested you try to get plenty of bed rest and fluids. They want to keep you overnight. You’re also not allowed to move around without assistance. He said something about dizziness and possible fainting spells. The doctor discussed giving you other medications besides something for the pain but Moon refused to allow it.” He chuckled. “He said the NSO doctors could treat you. He wasn’t really trusting of anyone.”

“He wouldn’t be.”

The cop nodded grimly. “Right. I bet doctors and nurses aren’t his favorite people.”

“It’s tough for Species to trust us. The only people they dealt with most of their lives were the ones you handcuff and haul before a judge.”


Joy glanced at the phone on the table, debating if she should ask the officer to hand it to her. She should call her family and tell them she was in the hospital. I’ll have to explain about Moon. She discarded the idea. It was best if she waited to see if they even had a future before she involved them in her personal life. It would only hurt their feelings that she’d kept him a secret for so long. It had been to protect Moon’s privacy but they wouldn’t understand.

“Do you want some juice?”

She forced a smile. “I’d love some. Thank you.”

She stared at the door while she pondered what was going on out there. Had Moon left Homeland without permission? She dismissed it. There wasn’t any way to get over those thirty-foot walls without someone knowing about it. The 466 she’d known would have enjoyed the defiance of the act. It had been almost a game to him to lose the guards and explore wherever he wasn’t allowed at site four. As much as she wished time could stop so they could step right back into the past, things had changed a lot and so had he.

She’d said “I love you” to Moon. The words had slipped out when she realized she might never get the chance to tell him if things went wrong. It had suddenly been important that he know how she felt. His reaction had been one she’d never forget. He’d taken a step back. It had been a very slight motion but she hadn’t missed it.

She closed her eyes. Slow things down. Don’t rush him. I never stopped loving him but he’s probably tried really hard to forget about me.

Moon knew he was in deep shit when Tim Oberto stomped down the hallway with six team members in full riot gear in formation behind him. The male didn’t hide his annoyance. “Moon.”

“Hello, Tim.”

He caught Trey’s eye. The male didn’t show any signs of his normal humor. His lips pulled into a grim line as he stared at the task force leader’s back.

“Where is Harley?” Moon was pretty sure he’d asked for him though the details were a little vague since he’d been so stressed at the time.

“He’s been ordered to stay inside the helicopter, out of sight. We didn’t want to draw any more attention than necessary. There are four news crews camped out down in reception.” Tim’s tone implied his disgust.

Moon muffled a groan.

“Let’s move out before it gets any worse. Every minute on the ground will bring more of them. You’re to go straight to Justice’s office when we land.” Tim jerked his head to indicate Moon should walk first. “That way.”

“I’m not leaving without Joy.”

Tim’s features reddened and his voice lowered as he glanced around to make sure they couldn’t be overheard. “Your orders are to immediately return to Homeland.”

Moon growled and took a step back. He’d fight anyone who attempted to prevent him from returning to her room, if they dared. “Not without Joy.”

Trey stepped up next to Tim. “We don’t want to leave Dr. Yards here. The reporters will be all over her if we do. They’ll try to sneak past security and you know they are way more lax about that stuff than we are. Hell, all they have to do is put on a pair of jeans with a T-shirt, stop at the gift shop to grab flowers and a teddy bear, and they could walk right into her room before anyone is aware.”

“She’s not my problem. He is.” Tim pointed at Moon.

Trey sighed. “Think, Tim. I know we’re all grouchy after being pulled out of bed to fly here. She’s important enough to Moon that he left Homeland to come all this way to see her. She’s also hurt. How do you think he’s going to react when he sees her on the news tomorrow, lying in a hospital bed with a camera shoved in her face? Do you really believe he won’t find another way off Homeland to get to her?”

“Fuck.” Tim gave in. “Fine. Grab her and let’s go. I mean that—grab her now. I’m not sticking around for them to do paperwork to release her into our care. We’re off the ground in four minutes. No excuses.”

Moon spun around and rushed down the hallway. Heavy footsteps followed him into Joy’s room. He eyed the stuff hooked to her and began jerking off the clip on her finger that tracked her oxygen level and the wires from her chest that monitored her heart rate. The machines protested loudly. Trey was there to push buttons to silence them.

“I have some experience at this,” he explained when Moon glanced at him.

“What are you doing?” John didn’t attempt to stop them.

Moon paused to study the human. “We’re leaving. She’s coming with me. She’ll be safer at Homeland.”

The officer turned and grabbed a bag of fluid that was hooked to Joy’s arm. “Don’t pull out her IV. Take this. Keep it elevated.”

“Thank you for everything, John. I deeply appreciate it.”

“No problem. I was glad to finally get to meet a New Species.”

Joy lifted her arms when Moon shoved down one side of the bedrail so he could scoop her up. It warmed his heart that she didn’t argue. The bedding came with her since he didn’t want her to be cold. Her good arm wrapped behind his neck and she cradled the injured one against her stomach.

“I wish I’d been able to get clothes,” she mumbled. “Now I’ve lost my only good outfit because I bled all over it and my car is at my condo. I don’t even have my purse or keys.”

Trey accepted the bag of saline from John. “We have a few men at your place already, Dr. Yards. Tell me what you want and I’ll have them grab it before leaving the scene.”

“Why are they there?” Moon frowned, not enjoying the idea of team members trampling through her personal quarters.

“To clean up the mess and make sure they deal with any issues that have arisen. They are answering questions from the police and handling the press.”

“Call me Joy.” She flashed Trey a grin that sent a flurry of jealousy through Moon. “I’d love it if they could get my purse and both suitcases in my room. I have a travel case under the counter in my bathroom too. It’s blue. They can’t miss it.” She turned her head, peering at Moon. “Am I too heavy? I could walk.”

He growled, stalking around the hospital bed with her in his arms. Did she really expect him to put her on her feet after she’d been so hurt? It was irritating and insulting. Trey had to scramble to stay within a close distance since the bag in his hand was hooked to Joy.

“I can’t wait for the drugs to leave your system.”

Her smile faded and she tucked her chin. “Sorry.”

“Don’t be. I’m in a bad mood,” he admitted. He hadn’t even gotten the satisfaction of killing the bastard who’d shot her. She was too soft-hearted. “You handle stressful situations in a way that I find difficult to understand.”

“I’m feeling really good.” She looked at his mouth. “I bet I could think of something to do that would cheer you up.” She used the hand resting on the curve of his shoulder to knead the muscles there. “Mr. Grumpy needs to relax and find his sense of humor.”

Trey laughed. “Morphine?”

“I don’t know what they gave her. She’s very happy.”

“Enjoy it,” Trey laughed. “It beats the alternative.”

It was a reminder to Moon that Joy could have died. The two of them were going to have a long talk once the pain medication left her system. She never should have taken a bullet meant for him. He could withstand more damage to his body and heal faster than she could.

Trey glanced over at him as they hurried down the hallway side by side. “I meant she could be bitchy or worse, whining from the pain. I didn’t mean, hell…you know. I saw all the blood at her place. I bet it was scarier than shit before the medics arrived.”

Moon didn’t want to talk about how helpless he’d felt, even if he liked the human. Tim and the team were waiting at the end of the corridor. Tim took point.

“Let’s keep to the stairs and avoid the lobby. No one stops us.” He ordered the team to surround Moon with Trey on his left side. “The pilot is ready to take us to Homeland. We’ll go straight out the back door to the helicopter.”

Moon wasn’t looking forward to what awaited him. His quick trip into the out world had turned into a possible publicity firestorm. It had been selfish to break the protocol that kept all Species out of the spotlight. He should have gone through proper channels and asked for an escort to take with him when he left Homeland.

He hadn’t wanted to admit Joy had left him again or seem weak to everyone by stating how much she mattered to him. Harley’s teasing had really stung his pride. Moon didn’t blame his friend for finding humor in his obsession with Joy. He’d have done the same if their roles were reversed but it had made him act in an irresponsible way. That responsibility rested squarely on his shoulders.

He refused to dodge the truth. Many Species looked up to him, as if he were a role model. He’d failed them by his impulsive act. He hadn’t considered all the risks. It wasn’t as if he’d known things would become violent or that a crazy human would show up at Joy’s home with a gun but a dozen other worst-case scenarios popped into his head now that he had hindsight. The direst one was that now Joy was linked to him. She’d become a target of anyone who disliked Species.

The soft female in his arms soothed some of his shame. His only real regret was that True had done him a favor and now there would be no way to conceal how he’d left. It would be a matter of fixing a security weakness, which meant he’d have to be honest so others didn’t use the same way to leave Homeland. Somehow he’d make it up to the male if he was reprimanded in any way. It was a given that Moon would demand to take full responsibility.

Justice and the council members were going to be disappointed. It wasn’t as if they’d lock him up for what he’d done but everyone would hear the story by morning. He climbed into the waiting helicopter and sat, keeping Joy in his lap. Trey took the seat next to them, hooking her saline bag above their heads.

Moon held Harley’s gaze. He didn’t say a word but he knew him too well. They were going to argue when they were alone. It wouldn’t be pleasant.

I’ll make this right no matter what it takes.

Chapter Sixteen

Moon didn’t bother to take a seat since there wasn’t any sitting room left. Two of the council members weren’t there. They had stayed at Reservation, but Jaded and Bestial were currently in residence at Homeland. He wished it were Brawn and Cedar instead. They were more easygoing.

He glanced around the room, seeing that Slade, Fury, Justice, Darkness, and Jericho were among those present. Breeze’s absence was noted and grieved. She’d have at least brought a sense of humor into the grim situation. He took a position in the center of the office instead of leaning against a wall. Harley hovered close, as if he were protecting his back.

Justice waited until the door closed before he spoke from the seat behind his desk, addressing Slade instead of him. “Trisha is treating the shrink?”

“Yes. She spoke to the hospital and they’ve emailed all records to Medical. Joy will fully recover. The human male wasn’t a skilled marksman and only managed to pierce the flesh of her upper arm. The bullet missed the bone and arteries. My mate is examining her now to make certain they didn’t miss anything. She’s in good hands.”

Justice put his elbows on his desk and bent his arms to rest his chin on both fists when his gaze fell on Moon. “I don’t even know what to say except I’m glad everyone is alive.”

Darkness growled. “That’s it?” Almost-black eyes glared at Moon. “How did you leave? I’ve spent the past ninety minutes reviewing the camera footage along the walls and at both gates. You were not caught on any of them.”

“Easy,” Fury warned. “We’ll get to that.”

“If he could get out, someone could sneak in the same way,” Darkness protested. “We could be breached at any moment. My team needs to know how he did it.”

“I exited from the hidden gate we recently constructed. I knew cameras hadn’t been installed there yet.” Moon took a deep breath. “It’s not True’s fault. He’s new and I’m higher ranking. I told him I was going on patrol on my motorcycle and used my authority, believing he wouldn’t question it if I lied by stating it was something I occasionally do.” He closed his mouth, not admitting more. He wasn’t going to give up True for showing him compassion.

“You lied?” Jericho made that deep sound in his chest that set everyone in the room on edge. It wasn’t exactly a growl but more of a disturbing grumble. “Why? Are you still suffering from the drugs? You were to turn yourself in to Medical immediately if you weren’t completely in control of your actions. You ditched the males assigned to keep an eye on you. They weren’t even aware you were gone until the call came in to Book.”

“It wasn’t the drugs.” He held Justice’s gaze. “Joy left me again. She did that before at site four and I just had to accept her loss. We knew so little about the out world then, or how to find humans who lived there. I wasn’t about to let her run away from me this time without going after her. I know I could have asked for an escort but my pride wouldn’t allow it. I thought I could return before anyone missed me.”

“Pride?” Jaded’s bright-green eyes flashed with anger as he hissed the word. “That’s what this was about? You got the urge to go hunting because a female got away from you?” He shot a frustrated look at Justice. “I think he should be returned to Medical. He’s obviously still feeling a bit primal from the drugs. He was released too early.”

“She’s mine,” Moon stated, refusing to allow them to blame his actions on side effects from the attack. “I’ve had strong feelings for Joy since we met and having her back in my life only made me realize why I’m so drawn to her.” He gazed at Justice. “She’s mine, Justice, and when she left me again it drove me to do something stupid.” He glanced around. “I’ve teased males when they found their mates. It was funny watching them go a little nuts but it’s not amusing when it happens to you. It’s humiliating that I am so hung up on a female who has rejected me not once but twice. I didn’t want anyone feeling sorry for me by asking for help. I wanted to talk her into coming back here.”

“Damn,” Harley muttered. “I apologize.”

He glanced back. “Don’t. I’m the one with a weakness.”

Justice stood, drawing his attention. The male frowned. “It’s called being in love. It’s more frightening than confronting your deepest fear and opens you to being hurt beyond the physical plane.” He placed a hand over his heart. “It might seem as though it’s a weakness to you but it is proof that we are more than numbers, experiments, or whatever else Mercile intended us to be. It takes bravery and strength to feel such strong emotions for one person when we were denied from birth the chance to ever care about anything or anyone. I’m not saying it’s easy or painless. It is probably one of the most complex things I’ve experienced. Jessie is my life. My heart beats for her and I will admit to all that I wouldn’t want to go on if I lost her.”

Justice glanced around the room before he smiled at Moon. “The unmated ones don’t understand and are currently looking confused or horrified.” He chuckled. “I’m hopeful they’ll know the ups and downs of falling in love one day. It’s a gift and a curse at times but everyone should experience it. It’s a part of life and we are survivors.”

Moon would have spoken but a lump of emotion closed his throat. He wanted to thank Justice for understanding exactly what he was going through. He suddenly didn’t feel as if he’d become a horrible example to other Species by being somehow flawed.

“It wasn’t as if we had parents to give us guidance when we fell in love or ever saw examples of it to watch and learn from.” Justice dropped his hand to his side. “I made a mess of things with Jessie at first while I tried to figure out what the hell I was doing. I had no idea how to deal with the insane jealousy and possessiveness that suddenly had me wondering if I’d lost my grasp on sanity. Her being human only made it more confusing. You should have at least spoken to one of the mated males when you realized how much you love Joy before doing something so rash as to endanger your own life. We would have gladly assigned a team to take you to her if you’d asked.”

“I’m sorry.”

Justice nodded. “I know, Moon. You’re a good male. It’s been trying lately, hasn’t it?”


“Bottom line, you’re healthy and safe at Homeland with your female.” He glanced at Jericho and Darkness. “Fix it so there are cameras on that new gate and make sure whoever is guarding it knows that no one is to leave that way unless it comes through proper channels first.” He turned to Fury. “Let’s hold a meeting tomorrow to figure out the best reading materials we can find to cover what to expect when falling in love and get them passed out. We need to reach out to our people so they are more aware of what is involved and develop better ways to handle it. We don’t want a bunch of males sneaking beyond the safety of our walls to seek out females.”

“I’m sorry,” Moon muttered.

“You should be,” Jericho rumbled again. His eyes narrowed, the red in them pronounced. “I don’t see any reason to take this lightly, Justice. A human male was injured by Moon. That’s going to cause us problems with the out world.”

“He shot my female,” Moon growled, his temper surging. It was one thing to know he was wrong to have left Homeland without permission but he didn’t feel an ounce of remorse over making Douglas bleed.

Jaded stepped between them. “No fighting. Jericho wasn’t implying the human didn’t deserve it. He’s only stating a fact that it drew attention to us. We’re always evolving and learning from our mistakes. I agree with Justice. This is something that needs to be dealt with because falling in love is a phenomenon that is increasing with our people. I’m not concerned about the human public getting upset because a Species beat on one of their own when it’s clear that the male was a menace to their society. They should thank Moon.”

“Phenomenon?” Slade chuckled. “I can’t wait for the right female to cross your path, Jaded. I’m going to remind you of the term you used when you’re doing irrational things in the name of love.”

“No more teasing,” Fury ordered, attempting to appear stern but failing when humor curved his lips upward. He did make a point of staring at Jericho. “Keep questioning the prisoner from Fuller about the drug trials at Mercile.”

“He doesn’t know anything that is useful to us concerning Moon. The drug given to Moon is new, something they hadn’t developed.”

“You’re sure?” Justice was grim.


“Damn.” The Species leader shook his head. “These humans are good at hiding from us with their connections in other countries. I’ll bet the one who shot Moon is already back with the person who hired the mercenaries who were paid to steal Beauty. I will have Jessie make some calls to get an update from her brother. He keeps promising that the ones responsible will be found. I believe he’s getting closer to discovering their location.”

“I want them to pay for what was done to me and everyone harmed during the attack on Reservation,” Moon stated.

“We all do.” Justice ran his fingers through his hair, frustrated. “It seems we have a bit more patience to learn. Our enemies are cunning but we’ll never give up. We’re done here. Meeting adjourned.”

Moon hesitated. “That’s it? You aren’t going to confine me to my house or lecture me?”

Justice resumed his seat. “Do you want me to?”

“No. I’d like to return to Medical and speak with Joy.”

“That’s what I thought. I know you regret the trouble you caused and it won’t happen again. You need to figure out how she feels about you but don’t allow your pride to stop you from being totally honest with her. That’s my best advice. She won’t see it as weakness if you admit you need her in your life as a mate. Come talk to me or another mated male if you need advice or if you feel compelled to do something you know is wrong.” His gaze sharpened. “That’s an order.”

“I will. Thank you.” Moon fled the office, feeling grateful that most of them had been so understanding.

Harley stayed at his side until they reached one of the Jeeps parked outside. He grabbed Moon’s upper arm, halting him from using it to drive to Medical. “I wish you’d told me your plan to leave Homeland.”

“You would have tried to stop me and I had to see her.”

“I would have gone with you as backup in case you ran into trouble. You did and I wasn’t there to help. That torments me. We’re brothers. You let me make jokes when you could have told me how raw you felt inside. I wouldn’t have given you any shit over it.”

It was a good description to fit his emotions. It was tough to hold his friend’s gaze. “I need your respect. It’s important to me that I always keep it.”

Harley suddenly yanked him into a hug. “You always have that.” He stepped back. “You could cry like a human little girl and I’d still have your back, man.” He grinned. “It might disturb the hell out of me but we’re bros. I’d hand you tissues and buy you a teddy bear.”

Moon started to laugh. “Trey’s right. You’re such a dick at times. I wouldn’t want you to change though.”

“Okay.” Harley grew serious. “So what’s your next move? How do you plan to get Joy to become your mate? I’m here for you. Name it and I’ll do it. Should I snag handcuffs from Security so you can chain her to you? She sure couldn’t get past the gates to leave again if she were dragging your body behind her.”

“My body?”

“Yeah. In case she knocks you out trying to run away. She’s kind of sneaky, isn’t she? It’s a human thing, I guess, but they are cute. I see the draw.”

Moon turned and climbed into the Jeep. “You’re doing wonders for my confidence.”

Harley jumped into the passenger seat. “You want my advice? Sex. Lots of it. Keep her too tired to run.”

Moon started the engine. “You’re not being helpful.”

“I am. I’m throwing out backup plans in case talking doesn’t work. I wouldn’t know what to say to convince any female to move into my house and stay there. Do you?”

Moon was at a loss. “No.”

“You’ll figure it out. You’re smart. Besides, she did have a few of the task force members bring some of her belongings. I heard Trey giving them the list over the headset on the helicopter. They’ll arrive in a few hours when that team returns. That means she wants to stay here for a bit at least. That’s half the battle won.”

He’d forgotten about that. “John said both of her suitcases were heavy. I’m hoping that means she brought lots of clothes.”

“Who knows what humans pack? She might have brought her favorite barbells.”

“I don’t think Joy lifts weights.” Moon was very familiar with her body and appreciated that she wasn’t muscular.

“Everyone loves to work out.”

“Not all humans do.”

“Right. I don’t understand that.” Harley turned his head and frowned. “Who is John?”

“I’ll tell you about him on the way to Medical.”

* * * * *

“It’s going to be an ugly scar, isn’t it?” Joy had to look away from her arm as Trisha worked to change the bandage. There wasn’t much blood at least and none of it was fresh.

“No. They did a really good job. The stitches are first rate. You need to take it easy and keep the arm immobile for a few days. Keep it dry so when you shower, put plastic over it. I have something you could use for that. It’s going to be difficult to wash your hair one-handed but the wound needs time to heal. I’m giving you a sling as a reminder and to limit your movement.

“You really need to take better care of yourself. You lost a lot of blood. Not enough to need a transfusion but enough to make you feel weak and wobbly for several days. The pain meds will make you a little groggy until they wear off. Especially since you haven’t eaten enough, nor gotten much sleep, and you’ve been so focused on Moon that you’ve ignored your health. Your body was already worn down and now you’ve gotten hurt on top of it. I’m ordering you to stay in bed and food is on the way. Eat, then sleep, in that order.”


The doctor finished and stepped back. “Now that we’ve dealt with the physical side of this, we need to discuss a few things.”

That piqued Joy’s curiosity. “What do you want to talk about?”

Trisha pulled over a stool and sat next to her bed. “I wanted to prepare you for what is to come.”

“What do you mean?”

“You’re involved with a New Species. I don’t know the specifics of your relationship with Moon but what happened in your home is going to—”

Joy stopped her right there. “I appreciate you taking the time to explain his elevated levels of aggression but I’m not afraid of Moon in any way. Are you worried that I would be after he attacked my client? It was self-defense. I’m very impressed that he was able to avoid killing him. It showed great restraint.”

“That didn’t even cross my mind. I’m glad to hear it though.”

“Oh.” Joy felt a bit foolish. “Okay. Sorry.”

“No need for that. Moon called 9-1-1 when you were shot and that means it hit the news as soon as they heard the police and ambulance respond to the call. Those bastards seem to have scanners glued to their ears so they can overhear all the emergency responders’ communications. I wanted to prepare you for how they work.” She paused. “I won’t sugarcoat it because I know what you do for a living. By now the reporters have probably spoken to all your neighbors, dug through your trash, and are trying to locate any friends or family they can hit up for interviews.”

A ball of anxiety formed inside Joy’s stomach. “You’re sure they know?”

“It has already hit some of the internet sites. The major television news stations will run the story on their first broadcasts in the morning and you can be sure there are some very busy newspaper employees scrambling to get it to print for the morning edition. The reporters had the address of the shooting to work with to discover your name. Moon stated he was New Species because the dispatcher thought it was a prank. He said a human had shot you and she naturally assumed he wasn’t quite…” She floundered for a description.

“She thought he was nuts.” Joy sighed. “The average person doesn’t describe another person as human.”

“Exactly. I was sent a copy of the 9-1-1 call and listened to it. I got the impression she believed she was dealing with someone who believes in UFOs.”

The ramifications of what Trisha was telling her sank in and she panicked for a moment. What had happened in her condo would be major news. Breathe. A hundred thoughts streamed through her head at once. She forced them all back to focus on her first priority.

“Can you please give me access to a phone? I would rather my parents hear about Moon and my being shot from me than some stranger knocking at their door or seeing it on television while they eat breakfast. I need to call them.”

“They didn’t know you worked with New Species or were seeing one?”


Trisha stood. “I’ll get you one of the disposable cell phones we keep on hand in the reception area. You need to stay in that bed and this room doesn’t have a landline.”

“Why do you keep any at all?” She was glad for the distraction.

Trisha flashed a grin. “Let’s just say Species play and work hard. They come here for treatment when they get hurt. Their personal phones don’t always survive whatever brought them in so we keep a batch of spares to lend out until they get replacements. It’s how they keep in contact with Security in case they are needed somewhere.”

Joy was left alone to make a mental list of who she needed to call after her parents. Meg was a given. She would leave it up to her mother to contact other family members. The woman loved to gossip and was the artery of information that kept everyone linked.

Trisha returned.

“Here you go. I’ll give you some privacy and see if I can hurry them along on bringing you a hearty meal. Eating something will also help keep down nausea caused by the drugs.”

“Thank you.” She accepted the cell phone. “Where is Moon?”

“He’s in a meeting.”

“Is he in trouble for what happened at my condo? He had no choice but to take my client out of commission.”

“I’m sure he’s fine. This proves my point. He’s a big male who can take care of himself. Right now focus on yourself.” She left before Joy could ask any more questions. She dialed, flinching over the lateness of the hour. Her mother answered on the third ring.

“Hi, Mom. I’m okay. I’m sorry I woke you but there are a few important things I need to tell you. It can’t wait.”

“Who is it? What do they want?” Her father sounded groggy and annoyed in the background.

“What’s wrong?” Her mom’s voice sharpened. “What do you mean you’re okay? Why wouldn’t you be?”

She took a deep breath. “A client had a meltdown. I was hurt but I’m fine.”

“Oh my god, Joyce. I knew this would happen. Did he hit you? Stab you?”

She bit her lip. She couldn’t try to downplay it because they’d hear the details on the news.

“What happened to our girl? Is she okay?”

Her father sounded much closer, as if he were right up against the receiver. She could almost see them huddled together in the middle of their bed with the phone held between them. It would never occur to them to hit the speakerphone button. They never used it despite her taking the time to buy them an updated system for Christmas.

“I’m fine. I only needed a few stitches, okay? It’s going to sound much worse than what it really was.”

“What did one of those nutballs do to you?” Her father was worked up. “I told you to become a chef. Cooking is much safer. I warned you how dangerous it is to work with crazy folks.”

Oh boy, not this again. He always thinks everyone I deal with is a serial killer. She sighed.

“Enough,” her mother ordered. “What happened?”

“I’m fine,” she repeated, knowing they’d overreact when she gave them the rest of the details. She was their only child and they were very protective. “I was grazed by a bullet.” That sounded better than stating she’d been shot. Silence. She winced. “It’s a scratch.” Another lie but she could live with it.

“What hospital are you at? Honey, get dressed.”

“Dad? I’m not at a hospital.” Medical at Homeland wasn’t technically one, at least not that she was aware of. “I don’t need you to get out of bed and rush to my side. I wanted to tell you that I’m fine before you see it on the news.”

“The news?”

Joy pulled the phone away from her ear. “Don’t yell, Mom. There’s one more thing I need to tell you. I’ve been seeing someone recently that you don’t know about. Our relationship is kind of new so I wanted to wait until we figured out where it was going before I introduced you to him.”

Joy hated feeling as though she was fifteen again but she did. It was her job to counsel people on how to relate to others but her parents had a way of negating all her training.

“Kind of new?”

Dad had to pick up on that, didn’t he? “Well, we only started spending time together recently,” she hedged. “He was with me when I was shot at.” She chose her words with more care. “His name is Moon and he saved my life.” She was pretty sure Douglas would have taken more shots at them if he hadn’t ended up unconscious and bleeding on her living room carpet after Moon was done with him.

“Moon? What kind of name is that? Are his parents hippies?” Her dad didn’t sound happy.

“Tell me he’s not some rock star or actor,” her mother pleaded. “They always pick odd stage names and I read about them getting divorced all the time. Your father and I want you to have what we do.”

She bit her lip, muffling a groan. They seemed to have forgotten she’d been shot at but that wasn’t necessarily a good thing. She knew them too well.

“Marriage is a serious commitment so you make sure the boy is going to treat you right,” her dad stated. “Does he have a good job? Are his parents still married?”

“He didn’t ask me to marry me. Why are you even talking about this?” Joy kept her tone calm. “I called to tell you that I was hurt but I’m fine. I also wanted to tell you about Moon. He—”

“Are you having intercourse with him?” Her mother whispered the words. “Are you being careful? Are you using condoms and did you have him tested for those diseases you young people get these days?”

“Oh my god.” Joy wanted to bang her head on the bedrail. “I’m not pregnant if that’s what you’re going to ask next. I’m a responsible person and my sex life isn’t up for discussion. Will you let me talk? Please?”

Their silence indicated they would.

“Thank you. He saved my life,” she repeated, hoping they’d focus on that. “He’s really nice,” she rushed on. “I think you’d like him if we keep seeing each other and you get to meet him.” She paused. “He’s New Species.”

Her father responded first, sounding stunned. “What?”

“Moon is a New Species,” Joy explained. “He’s super sweet and not scary at all.” She tried to imagine what concerns they’d have to address before they spoke again. “We’ve been seeing each other and I’m hoping you’ll be okay with that because I’m serious about him. I know you don’t know much about them but I do. They are really good people. I love him.” She waited to see how they’d take the news.

Her mother surprised her. “I like them. Is he handsome?”

“Very. I think so anyway.”

“What kind is he?” Her father didn’t sound upset.

“Does he have those cat eyes?” Her mother sounded excited. “Those are so pretty.”

“Canine,” Joy offered. “So no, he doesn’t.” They were taking it way better than she expected and she was grateful for that.

“Dogs are very loyal. That’s really good.”

“Dad!” She was aghast that he’d said that.

“I didn’t mean anything by it, honey. It’s a compliment.”

“I know. Please don’t ever say that if you meet him,” she pleaded.

“We want to meet him. Isn’t this wonderful?” Her mom laughed. “Our baby is dating a New Species.”

“I can’t wait to tell the guys on my bowling team. I’m so sick of hearing about Bob’s son dating some author. This is way better.”

Joy did groan then. “Come on, Dad. Really? You’re going to use Moon to impress your bowling buddies?”

A familiar deep snarl came from somewhere down the hallway of Medical.

“I said no! Get out of my way!”

Joy almost dropped the phone when a loud crash followed. Moon was nearby and he sounded furious. She remembered her parents then.

“Let me call you back. I love you both.” She hung up before they could protest, shoving at the covers to free her legs so she could swing them over the edge of the bed.

“You are not going to ignore me, Moon.” She knew that voice and he sounded equally as angry, minus the snarl. “I am ordering you to my office.”

“No. Stop blocking the hallway or the next thing I throw will be you.”

“The only place you’re going is to my office. I’ve called for officers. You can walk on your own or they can take you there.”

“Not now.” Moon was worked up. “I don’t want to hurt you but I will. Get out of my way.”

“Help!” the man yelled. “I need assistance!”

“What is going on?” That was Trisha’s voice.

“I’m going to see Joy,” Moon declared.

“He’s not going anywhere but to my office.” The guy had a whiny tone now. “Nurse? Bring a sedative. He’s having a psychotic break.”

Joy slid off the bed and her bare feet touched cold tile. A wave of dizziness hit, reminding her she still hadn’t eaten, but she wanted to get to Moon. She used the bed and then the wall to keep her balance to reach the door. She paused in the doorway, staring down the corridor.

An average-size man had planted himself in the middle of the hall about ten feet away with his back to her. Both his arms were outstretched so his fingertips almost touched the walls to keep Moon from getting past him. A cart lay on its side between them, the source of the crashing sound.

Moon glared at the guy, his hands fisted at his sides. His lips curled back as a deep snarl tore from him. Trisha stood at his side, looking equally angry, minus the show of teeth.

“Why are you here, Kregkor? No one called you to come in. You’re not on duty.” Trisha didn’t hide her anger as she spoke.

“I got a call about what happened. He ran away from Homeland, attacked someone, and had to be brought back by force.”

Trisha frowned. “That’s not what happened. Someone from Homeland called you? Who? I want a name.”

“A friend of mine read it on the internet and knows I work with New Species. He gave me the heads-up. No one here bothered to inform me. I’m going to be speaking to my supervisors about that, and Justice too. I’m sure the president will be very concerned when he hears that you’ve got a Species running around a major city on a rampage and you tried to cover it up. This is my patient and he needs treatment. I’m tired of being prevented from doing my job.”

“Your information is wrong.” Trisha attempted to calm the situation when she used a professional voice. “Moon is fine. He—”

“This isn’t any of your concern. You’re not qualified to tell me how my patient is. You’re out of your league, physician. I’ll send him to you if he gets a broken leg or a cut but right now you’re out of line.”

Paul rushed from the reception area, looking as if he’d just woken. “What’s wrong?”

“I need a sedative and restraints,” Kregkor demanded. “Call for more officers in case he puts up a fight. My patient is having an episode.”

Joy resisted rushing forward, even though she wanted to. It was hard enough to stay on her feet when her knees wanted to collapse but she refused to return to bed.

She needed to assess the situation before she proceeded. It was tough to even pretend to be emotionally detached when the jerk blocking the hallway was threatening the man she loved. She knew Dr. Kregkor was the resident psychiatrist at Homeland but he was an idiot if he honestly believed Moon could have done any of the things he’d accused.

“Get out of my way,” Moon snarled, his gaze landing on Joy.

Trisha gripped his arm to draw his attention. “He’s not worth it, Moon. I get it. Trust me. He’s an asshole but are you really going to make me patch him up?”

“I told you to get me a sedative and call for orderlies to help us restrain my patient, nurse. Do your job,” Kregkor snapped.

Paul shook his head as he took a few steps back. “I don’t take orders from you.”

“You’re fired.”

Trisha released Moon. “You can’t fire my nurse. You’re the one totally out of line here, Kregkor. You’re making a big mistake if you believe that bullshit you just said. Your friend shared information with you from some story on the internet? Are you serious? Moon didn’t run away and he sure didn’t go on some rampage attacking humans. If you will be reasonable and lis—”

“I’m calling my supervisors.” He dug into his pocket and jerked out a cell phone. “You people are harboring a danger to society. They were justified in sending me here to keep an eye on how things are run. I’ll call a news conference if that’s what it takes to force you to allow me to treat these unfortunate souls. Allowing them loose on society isn’t acceptable. He could have killed someone and you’re trying to cover it up!”

Joy’d had enough. She kept her hand on the wall to steady herself as she moved closer to the son of a bitch. He was pushing buttons when she reached out and snatched the phone from him. He started and spun, gaping at her. She canceled the call with her thumb and tossed the phone Moon’s way, assuming he’d either catch it or let it hit the floor. It didn’t matter to her either way.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?”

“Hello, Dr. Kregkor. We met at the front gate, remember? I assume you know by now that we’re both in the same field of medicine.” She struck out her chin, giving him a chilly stare. She didn’t offer him a hand to shake. “You are going to close your mouth and behave like a rational, functional adult or I’m going to kindly ask the nurse to bring me a sedative to give you.”

“How dare you!”

She leaned in closer. “How dare you!” Her temper flared and she barely managed to retain her composure. “I have been assessing the situation. You admitted that you came here with preconceived notions from information you obtained from an unreliable source, prepared to act upon it, without even bothering to actually do your job, which would be to calmly speak to the client to determine mental status before formulating the best course of action to assist him.”

She had to shove her hip against the wall to remain steady. She was still shaky from the adrenaline rush as well as the drugs she’d been given. “The fact that you’re using your authority to threaten someone with the use of drugs and restraints justifies my assessment of you. You’re agitated, causing a scene, and purposely attempting to provoke others into committing violence.”

“Do you know who I am?” He thrust out his chest, his eyes gleaming with outrage.

She didn’t feel well and was tired of dealing with him. “I can tell you what you are. Incompetent. I’ll be more than happy to speak to your supervisors to let them know it as well.” She waved a finger toward the ceiling. “You forgot about the cameras. I’m positive that the security office here at Homeland will be happy to send your boss a copy of you storming into this building to accuse someone of being psychotic without any foundation for that diagnosis.

“We both know the seriousness of malpractice and abuse of power. I’m also certain they’d be happy to pass out the footage to any members of the press you speak to. You have breached the NSO contract I’m sure you had to sign. Think of what will happen to you professionally.” Her voice lowered. “And you’d look like a complete and total ass.”

Kregkor jerked his head up to glare at the cameras. In his anger, he’d obviously forgotten about them. They were all over the building and easy to spot. Everyone who came into Homeland was informed of the security measures. He had paled a bit when he looked back at her.

“You bitch,” he whispered, probably hoping the audio on the cameras wouldn’t catch his words. “Who the hell do you think you are to threaten me? I’ll destroy your career before you ever get the chance to smear my reputation.”

Moon suddenly lunged forward. He didn’t strike Kregkor but his chest shoved into the man’s arm, pushing him away from Joy. He snarled. “She’s my mate. Don’t ever speak to her that way again.”

Joy wrapped her arms around his waist and hugged him. One of his arms instantly curved around her back to pull her even tighter against his side. She didn’t want him to physically assault the jerk. There’d been enough violence in one night to last her for a while.

It took a second to realize what Moon had said to Kregkor. His mate? She lifted her head and started at him in bewilderment.

He snarled again, nostrils flared, and his sharp canines were prominently displayed while he keenly regarded the other man with open hostility. Moon had clearly said she was his mate. New Species didn’t use that word unless…

Her hand slid up his stomach, feeling his firm abs through his shirt. She gripped the material near his ribs as a wave of lightheadedness struck but she wasn’t so sure it was from blood loss or drugs this time. Her heart rate increased and a sense of urgency came with it.


He didn’t look down, still intent on intimidating Kregkor. It must have worked because the gasbag didn’t say a word.

“Moon?” She put a little more firmness in her voice.

He growled but flicked his gaze to her face. “I won’t kill him. I’d settle for a few broken bones. No one calls you names or threatens you.” He resumed glaring at his target.


She really needed to know if he meant what he’d said. Was it a slip? Maybe he’d only said it to scare the shit out of Kregkor. What if he means it? I need to know. Does he love me too?

Any intelligent person knew Species would protect a mate to any extreme. She had kept tabs on their progress as much as possible through news stories. Most of it had been speculation on the part of the reporters but she’d watched the video footage many times.

She’d never forget when Fury was shot after he and his mate were attacked during a press conference. He’d used his body to shield her, kept running despite being wounded, to get her to safety inside the NSO gates. Tiger had jumped onto a burning RV to go after his mate, prepared to walk through flames to save her. The entire world had no doubt a Species would go to hell and back for a woman he’d mated.

“Please ignore him. Look at me, Moon.”

He didn’t look happy when he complied but he met her gaze.

“Mate?” She hoped he wouldn’t call her that unless it was true.

His expression froze, his eyes widened, and he flushed a little. There was no instant denial though. She sucked in air.

“I’m your mate?” Answer me, damn it. Please.

“You are mine.” The fear displayed in his gaze was apparent and it wrenched her heart. “Am I yours too or are you going to reject me again?”

She forgot the cameras and the people watching them because nothing else mattered except Moon. She’d sell her condo, quit her job, and do anything to be with him. “You’re mine. I’ll never leave you again. I swear.” Tears blinded her but she tried to blink them back. “I love you.”

His entire expression changed to one of sheer elation. “I’m never going to let you go.”

“You won’t ever have to.” Another dizzy spell hit and her legs finally gave out.

“Joy!” Moon kept her from falling, sweeping her up into his arms. “Trisha?”

“She’s weak and she needs to eat. Get her back to bed,” the doctor ordered. “Paul? Escort Kregkor out of here.”

“We’ve got this.” Harley had joined them. “He’s leaving Homeland and I’ll destroy his visitor’s pass myself. We were called by Security. They said we were needed inside the building and why.”

Joy peered over Moon’s shoulder as he cradled her in his arms, carrying her back to her room. Harley and two other Species males were glaring at a flustered Kregkor, surrounding him, and she almost felt pity for him.

Trisha walked behind them, her smile looking forced. “You’re going to be fine. When I said take it easy, I meant stay in bed for the next few days.”

“Sorry.” Joy licked her lips, her mind working as she hugged Moon around his neck. “Do you think the NSO will replace Kregkor? I’m suddenly looking for a position at Homeland.”

Moon carefully placed her on the bed and cupped her face, leaning in close. “You’ve got a job. You’re my mate.”

“I can’t wait to start that one. You’ll have to work sometimes though and I’d like to do the same and do some good. I know Species way better than that asshole ever will.”

Chapter Seventeen

Joy watched Moon closely, still reeling from hearing him say she was his mate. He sat on the edge of her bed as he took her hand. They had a lot of issues to resolve. Relationships were complicated but he loved her. They had a foundation to build upon.

“You shouldn’t have gotten out of bed.”

“I’m glad I did.” She wasn’t sure where to start so she went with the thing that worried her most. “Can you ever forgive me for leaving you at site four? It’s the biggest regret of my life.”


“Please let me finish.”

He nodded.

“I really didn’t see a way of staying. I thought it would cause you more harm than good if we slept together. You don’t know how many times I lay awake at night wishing I had the nerve to visit you at Homeland after it opened. I was too afraid you’d either refuse to see me or worse, wonder why I even bothered to come. I fell in love with you but I wasn’t sure if you felt the same way about me.”

He scowled. “You knew I was obsessed with you.”

“Sex isn’t always about love. You wanted me but you’d recently experienced a substantial transition in your life. I knew it was possible that I was only a distraction to keep you from facing that you had an entirely new set of problems that came with gaining your freedom from Mercile. I spent a lot of nights wondering if you forgot about me as soon as you were taken from the desert.”

His thumb caressed the back of her hand as his fingers tightened their hold. “You were always in my thoughts. How could you not be? I was furious that you left and got away from me. I looked you up on the internet once when my stung pride allowed it.”

She flashed back to her conversation with Flame in the Jeep when he told her about that. “I wish you’d contacted me.”

He shrugged. “I didn’t think you’d take my call. You’d already rejected me.”

“I’m so sorry that’s how you viewed it.”

“I understand now but it hurt deeply after you were gone.” He leaned in close enough that she thought he might kiss her but he didn’t brush his lips over hers. “The only thing that matters to me now is that you’re here with me and that you stay, Joy. The past is behind us. I’m more concerned with our future.”

She blew out a soft breath. “I’ve been so lonely and miserable without you.”

“Me too. No more though, sweetness. You’re my mate. We’ll spend the rest of our lives together. I’ll hold you every night and get to wake with you in my arms.”

“It’s not going to be easy,” she warned. “We used to be really close and now there’s this big gap of time between us. There’s a lot we’ll need to learn about each other. We’ve changed.” Him more so than her. “You play sports.”

His eyebrow arched.

“Harley showed me a video.” A streak of jealousy rose but she shoved it down. It was completely unreasonable to think about all the women he might have been intimate with. “You’re so much more social now.”

“It’s all Harley’s fault.” He smiled. “He’s really annoying and refused to allow me to sulk. He challenged me to compete with him in games and I found out I enjoy them.”

“I like him.”

He growled low. “How do you like him?”

He was jealous. “I think he’s a wonderful friend who loves you very much.” She slid her hands up to his hair, playing with the strands. “You know you’re the only male I want. I understand what a mate is and the level of commitment that goes with it. You are it for me. No one is sexier than you. He totally doesn’t appeal to me in that way, okay? Everyone pales in comparison to you.”

He relaxed. “Sorry.”

“I know you can’t help it. It’s one of the many things I love about you. I don’t expect or want you to tone down who you are. Be one hundred percent yourself. Am I clear?”

“I won’t be easy to live with sometimes. Mates are crazy.” The look on his face was almost comical.

“They are, huh? Tell me why you think that.”

“They are sex-starved for their mates all the time. Males are prepared to draw blood if other males even glance at their females. They need their females’ scent all over them and can’t stand it when it fades. Most of the mated males always use at least one of their work breaks to go visit their female to hug and rub up against them.” He sighed loudly. “I know I’ll do that. I am already addicted to how good you smell.”

It was hard to smother a laugh. He melted her heart. “Lots of sex and touching doesn’t sound so bad to me.”

“That’s true.” He brightened, his gaze lowering to the gown the hospital had put her in. “That’s not very attractive. I should take it off you.”

She clung to his hand. “Not here. I want to wait until we’re alone so no one will barge in. There’s never any privacy in these places.”

He moved fast, using that Species agility, to sweep her into his arms, snagging the blanket as he lifted her off the bed. “I’m taking you home.”

“To your place?” She hooked her good arm around his neck.

“To ours. You’re my mate, sweetness.” His tone deepened into a sexy growl. “You live with me now and share my bed.”

Her belly quivered and she couldn’t wait to see his home. Ours, she corrected. He carried her down the corridor into reception. Paul was playing video games at one of the computers at the desk. Trisha was at another one flipping through a folder. Harley had hopped up onto the counter to perch on the edge of it. Three pairs of eyes turned their way.

“I’m taking my mate home. I’ll keep her in bed, Trisha.”

The doctor sighed, dropping the folder. “She’s suffered moderate blood loss but I know better than to even try to dissuade you from holding off on sex for a few days. I know you’ll take excellent care of her. Make sure she gets plenty of sleep, food, and fluids when you’re not keeping her otherwise occupied. And feed her first. She still hasn’t eaten and it appears she’ll need her strength. There shouldn’t be much pain, mostly soreness, but I’ll send over a mild pain reliever for later, just in case.” She picked up the receiver of the phone. “I’ll call Slade and tell him you want the mate paperwork right away.”

“It can wait for a few days. I don’t want anyone disturbing us.”

Harley jumped down. “Not even me? We’re brothers and you’re banning me from coming to your house?”

Moon frowned.

“I’m kidding.” Harley grinned. “Bond with your mate. I’ll make sure your work shifts are covered and don’t worry about a thing. I’ll even make you both dinner and drop it off around six o’clock every night so you won’t have to cook. I’ll leave it on the porch.”

“Thank you.”

“Consider it a mating gift.” Harley winked at Joy. “Be good to him.”

“I promise. I will be.”

Harley stepped closer to the double doors, triggering the sensor that slid them apart. Moon carried her outside to a Jeep and carefully tucked the blanket around her legs. He even put on her belt.

“I could do that.”

“You have a mate. I like to do things for you. You’re mine to care for.”

She appreciated the special treatment. “I can think of a few things I’d like to do for you.”

He rounded the Jeep, grinning. “Good things?”

“Yes. You’ll have to be naked though. Will that be a problem?”

He laughed. “No. Hang on, sweetness. I can’t wait to get you home.”

He drove slowly though, almost as if he were afraid of jostling her around too much.



“What about your job? Your home? Will you resent giving them up for me?” His tone was tense. “I’m almost afraid to ask about your family. Will they be unhappy that you live here with me?”

“I’m hoping I’ll get Kregkor’s job. It makes me shudder, thinking that any New Species had to deal with him. The hospital will be able to replace me pretty fast. I have some vacation days left, which means I’ll call them tomorrow and quit. That’s not a full notice but they’ll have time to find a replacement before I was due back. I won’t get a glowing recommendation from my boss but that’s fine. I liked my condo but I wasn’t really in love with it. It was affordable and close to work. I’m sure it will sell in a reasonable timeframe once I hire a few people to go in there to move out my stuff and replace the front door and carpet.”

“You’re very calm about making so many changes to your life.” He reached across the space between the seats to clasp her hand, keeping the other on the steering wheel. “I’m sorry I can’t move in with you. It isn’t fair that you’re the one who has to give up so much. I’ll make it up to you.”

It touched her that he was so considerate. “I get to be with you. That’s all that matters to me. I’ve totally focused on my career since we parted, but trust me, it’s not more important to me than you are. I’d have traded it all to be with you again, in a heartbeat.”

He pulled into the driveway of a house on a quiet street and shut off the engine. He didn’t get out but instead turned in his seat to face her. “What about your family and the people you love? How do they feel about Species? Will they believe I’m dangerous to you or that I’d be abusive?”

It was hard to see his face in the shadows. “My parents are going to love you. I’m more worried about what you’re going to think of them.”


She sighed. “I love them but they are kind of weird, Moon. They blurt out anything they think and it’s embarrassing. They never mean to be offensive but it comes across that way sometimes. They drive me crazy.”

He chuckled.

“What’s so funny?”

“You’re a shrink.”

She shrugged and smiled. Moon released her hand and climbed out to come to her side of the vehicle.

“I won’t growl at them, okay? I’ll even hide my teeth.” He picked her up. “Can you twist the handle on the front door when we reach it? It’s not locked. We don’t have to worry about break-ins here.”

“Harley told me it’s much safer to live at Homeland. I need to give you fair warning about my parents, though. You won’t be able to hide your teeth. My mom is going to want to see them. Probably my dad too. Don’t hold it against me if they ask weird questions like if you ever get the urge to chase cars or chew on bones, okay? They are harmless but I can totally see them doing that. Sometimes I wonder if I chose my profession only as a way to save money. My best friend Meg and I both decided to become therapists in high school. We never charge each other for sessions when we talk.”

He laughed, shaking her a bit in his arms. “I’m sure I’ll like them, sweetness. They made you for me.” He paused. “Open the door and welcome to your new home. I am going to make you very happy here.”

She had no doubt. “It’s a two-way street, Moon. I’m completely committed to making this work. I don’t want to live my life without you anymore.”

Moon kicked the door closed behind him and peered around the room, grateful Harley had kept him from punching holes in the walls when he’d discovered Joy had left Homeland. It was clean and tidy. He worked a lot of hours but that would change. He had a mate to spend time with now. He studied his home with a fresh perspective.

“You can alter the color of the walls and buy new furniture that’s more to your taste. I want you to be happy.”

Joy lifted her face up to him and smiled. “All I care about is the bed. Where is it?”

She was his kind of female. It sank in. No, she is my female. My mate. A warm sensation flowed through him. All his worries faded into excitement at the anticipation of claiming her for good.

The bed wasn’t made but the sheets had only been slept on once by him. He inhaled the scent of what humans believed mimicked a warm spring day according to the bottle of laundry soap. They were wrong but it was pleasant all the same. He set her on the end of the bed and crouched.

She shifted as he freed her from the blanket. The hospital gown was thin material and he took care to ease it over her bandage, which reminded him of how he could have lost her. “Are you in pain?”

“Trisha gave me something because the other stuff was wearing off but don’t worry,” she smiled, “it’s a mild painkiller. I won’t get another case of the giggles.”

He stilled. “You’re still on drugs?”

She removed the rest of the gown and tossed it on the floor. His gaze swept down her nude body, his dick instantly hardening in response. He wanted her so much it hurt but what she’d said could change everything.

“What is that look for?”

“You said you’d be my mate but what if you change your mind tomorrow? You—”

Her finger pressed against his mouth to silence him. “I’m of very sound mind, Moon. I know what I’m doing and what I want.” Her fingertip teased his lips as it trailed lower, down over his chin to his throat, and only stopped when it reached the neckline of his shirt. “I was hesitant to make love to you too, due the drugs in your system because I was afraid you might regret it later. You said a few things to me when our roles were reversed that I’m going to say to you now.”

“What did I say?”

“No excuses. I want you.” She paused. “I’m certain of that.”

He reached for his shirt and slowly yanked it upward. He threw it over his shoulder and satisfaction filled him when her gaze lovingly scanned his bare chest. He tore at his footwear, not even bothering to stand to get them off. The snaps of his pants opened when he gave them a rough jerk. He pushed them down his hips until they were bunched around his thighs, freeing his dick from the tight confines. “Lie back.”

“Stand up.”

Was she testing him? He didn’t want to fail as a mate. Species males were dominant by nature but they would bend to the will of their mates. “Why? Do you want to see if I’ll blindly do as you ask as proof of my love?”

She licked her lips. “I believe you love me.” She stared down at his lap. “I said on the way here that I want to do things to you. Please stand up?”

Blood rushed to his groin to make his dick painfully taut. He didn’t care anymore if it was a test. It seemed a win to him either way if she wanted his hips level with her face. He almost tripped on his way up, forgetting he hadn’t lost the pants entirely yet. He pushed them down and kicked them out of the way. His focus fixed on Joy when she reached out to brush the pad of her thumb over the crown of his dick.

Her tongue wet her lips again and he knew what she was going to do. Her hot breath fanning across the tip of his dick forced him to clench his teeth. She deserved a mate who could control the sounds he wanted to make as she made one of his deepest fantasies come true.

The first lick of her hot, soft tongue forced him to lock his knees. One of her hands braced on the curve of his hip, her fingernails digging slightly into his ass cheek. He barely noticed that as she curled her other hand around his shaft to take him inside her wet, hot mouth. His balls tightened. She moved slowly, gliding up and down but tightening her hold on him.

Fuck! It felt way better than he’d ever imagined. He wanted to tangle his fingers in her hair but was afraid she’d stop. He fisted his hands instead, not sure what else to do with them. Raw pleasure rolled through him, his muscles clenching as she sucked and licked him and took him deeper. It was pure torture when she withdrew a little but she pushed forward again.

“Joy,” he rasped, looking down to watch her turn him inside out.

Her gorgeous blue eyes lifted and he almost came. He withdrew then, too afraid of choking her if he ejaculated. It was hell forcing his dick from between her lips when he rolled his hips back, gently holding her uninjured shoulder to keep her from moving with him.

“Why did you stop me?” She looked slightly confused.

“I won’t last, Joy. I’m new at this.”


He lowered to his knees. “That was my first time. Be impressed with my control. Trust me on that.”

Her mouth fell open as she gawked at him. It was more than a bit embarrassing but it would have been worse if his balls had seized and he’d spilled his seed.

“Damn. This mating thing is going to be tough sometimes, isn’t it? I’ve never had a female do that before. It feels too good, do you understand? I really hope you want to do it again, often, but wait until I’m not already dying to be inside you. I’ve got some pride.”

“You’ve never had oral sex?”

“I’ve never been a receiver. No.”


“You have no words?”

She still said nothing.

He chuckled. “I’ve made you speechless. I have missed being able to do that.” He invaded her space, slowly pushing her flat on the bed. “I missed you. Open those pretty thighs for me. It’s my turn to put my tongue on you. Let’s see how long you last, sweetness.”

“Not long.” She spread her legs and he loved the sight. “And I’m not ashamed to admit it.” She reached out to touch his cheek as he bent to brush a kiss on her inner thigh and started working his way up to her clit.

“Nobody has ever done that to you? Really?”

He paused, looking at her. “Why does that surprise you?”

“I thought that there would have been a lot of, um, experiences you’d had since leaving the desert.”

There was a catch in her voice. Jealousy? It didn’t amuse him, knowing she felt it. His mate hurt and he wanted to soothe her pain.

“I won’t lie to you. I’ve been with females but they never touched me the way you do, Joy—inside or out. None ever wanted to love me. You give me that gift.” Justice was right. He’d never felt so alive as he was with the female who had become his heart. “I will cherish it and you.”

“I love you too.” She slid her fingers into his hair, stroking his scalp. “Let’s talk about this later though.” She squirmed under him.

“Maybe we should wait. You are still weak.”

“I’m lying down. We’ll be careful and I want you too much to wait.”

His thumb brushed against her clit and she jerked under him, spreading her thighs wider. The scent of her arousal filled his nose as he breathed her in, rubbing slow circles around the bundle of nerves. Her nipples grew stiff as she arched her back. “You drive me crazy.”

She softly moaned as her hips bucked against his hand. “Well, you’re mated to a shrink. Perfect, aren’t we?”

He dipped his thumb, drawing from the wetness her desire caused, to tease the bundle of nerves again. Two fingers gently probed the opening of her pussy, his dick envious as they sank inside her, stretching the tight channel to make sure she was prepared for his thick shaft.

He curved his fingertips upward to press tightly against the spot that drew a louder moan from her as he began to fuck her slowly. She fisted his hair and he grinned, ignoring the slight pain. He watched her writhe under him, her hips bucking in a frantic attempt to reach climax. She was so beautiful to him.

“Moon,” she pleaded.

She was close. He rose, withdrawing his fingers from her sex. He gripped her hips and dragged them to the edge of the mattress, being careful not to jostle her arm. He closed his eyes as his dick plunged inside her pussy. Her muscles clenched as she cried out. He placed his hand near her injured arm, ready to protect it if she showed any sign of distress, but he rode her hard, pumping his hips furiously, and lost his seed to a haze of white-hot rapture when she came around him.

He collapsed over her but braced his elbows to make sure he didn’t put any pressure on her wound. His mate lifted her hand and surfed his biceps with her palm. He turned his head, placing a kiss on her exposed throat.

“How is your arm?”

“What arm?” She laughed. “Oh, that. It’s perfect.”

He chuckled. “Everything is, isn’t it?”

Almost. He had a mate to protect. New Species had enemies who could still hurt them. The attack on him had brought Joy back into his life and he could almost forgive what was done because of it. Next time someone else might not be so lucky though.

Joy stirred. “Stop worrying.”

He raised his head to stare at her, wondering how she’d known.

She grinned. “It’s your nature. I only want you to love me and be exactly who you are. Things will work out. We have each other to always lean on, regardless of anything we face. We’ll do it together.”

“I love you.” He wanted her to know how much.

“I love you too. You can’t get rid of me.” She glanced down between their bodies. “I’m practically glued to you.” She met his gaze. “You make me happy. That’s never going to change and we’re going to have a long lifetime to spend together. Don’t worry about the small stuff.”

His dick flexed inside her. “All I’m thinking about now are the larger things.”

She laughed. “I feel.” Her thighs tightened around him.

“Trisha said I must feed you.”

“Not now. Kiss me instead.”

He pushed away all thoughts and focused on her. His mood lightened. “Where?”

She laughed, the sound reminding him of the blessings in his life he’d been given. “Anywhere you want to, mate.”

“My pleasure.” His tongue traced the shell of her ear.


“Yes, sweetness?”

“Growl for me. Don’t hold back. Have I even mentioned how much it turns me on?”

The low rumble started in his chest. “Like this?”

Her fingernails dug into his skin. “Yes.”

“I howl too.”

“Mmmmm.” She turned her face into his neck, lightly nipping him. “Show me.”

“Anything for my mate.” He trailed his mouth lower and paused, pulling away. “I’ll try to avoid biting you. I’m sorry for the scar.”

She smiled. “You’re upset you hurt me but you’re not really sorry that you marked me. It’s proof that I belong to you, right? I get it.” She licked her lips. “You can do it all you want. Just try to avoid drawing blood though. Love bites are sexy and I enjoy it when you nip me during sex. It makes me so hot.”

He couldn’t miss the sincerity of her words. “You could mark me and I don’t mind if you draw blood. I love when you dig your nails into my back.”

“Then stop talking and do something to encourage me.” She arched under him. “You might have learned patience but I’m horrible at it. My pain medication is still working. I want you.”

“You’ve got me, sweetness.”

About Laurann Dohner

I’m a full-time “in-house supervisor” (sounds much better than plain ol’ housewife), mother and writer. I’m addicted to caramel iced coffee, the occasional candy bar (or two) and trying to get at least five hours of sleep at night.

I love to write all kinds of stories. I think the best part about writing is the fact that real life is always uncertain, always tossing things at us that we have no control over, but when you write, you can make sure there’s always a happy ending. I love that about writing. I love to sit down at my computer desk, put on my headphones and listen to loud music to block out the world around me, so I can create worlds in front of me.

Laurann welcomes comments from readers. You can find her website and email addresses on her author bio page at

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Also by Laurann Dohner

Cyborg Seduction 1: Burning Up Flint

Cyborg Seduction 2: Kissing Steel

Cyborg Seduction 3: Melting Iron

Cyborg Seduction 4: Touching Ice

Cyborg Seduction 5: Stealing Coal

Cyborg Seduction 6: Redeeming Zorus

Cyborg Seduction 7: Taunting Krell

Mating Heat 1: Mate Set

Mating Heat 2: His Purrfect Mate

New Species 1: Fury

New Species 2: Slade

New Species 3: Valiant

New Species 4: Justice

New Species 5: Brawn

New Species 6: Wrath

New Species 7: Tiger

New Species 8: Obsidian

New Species 9: Shadow

Riding the Raines 1: Propositioning Mr. Raine

Riding the Raines 2: Raine on Me

Something Wicked This Way Comes, Volume 1 anthology

Something Wicked This Way Comes, Volume 2 anthology

Zorn Warriors 1: Ral’s Woman

Zorn Warriors 2: Kidnapping Casey

Zorn Warriors 3: Tempting Rever

Zorn Warriors 4: Berrr’s Vow

Print books by Laurann Dohner

Cyborg Seduction 1: Burning Up Flint

Cyborg Seduction 2: Kissing Steel

Cyborg Seduction 3: Melting Iron

Cyborg Seduction 4: Touching Ice

Cyborg Seduction 5: Stealing Coal

Cyborg Seduction 6: Redeeming Zorus

Cyborg Seduction 7: Taunting Krell

Mating Heat 1: Mate Set

Mating Heat 2: His Purrfect Mate

New Species 1: Fury

New Species 2: Slade

New Species 4: Justice

New Species 5: Brawn

Riding the Raines 1: Propositioning Mr. Raine

Riding the Raines 2: Raine on Me

Something Wicked This Way Comes, Volume 1 anthology

Something Wicked This Way Comes, Volume 2 anthology

Zorn Warriors 1 & 2: Loving Zorn

Zorn Warriors 3: Tempting Rever

Zorn Warriors 4: Berrr’s Vow

Ellora’s Cave Publishing


ISBN 9781419940552


Moon Copyright © 2013 Laurann Dohner

Edited by Pamela Campbell

Cover design by Syneca

Cover photography by Vishstudios/

Electronic book publication May 2013

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Table of Contents


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen
