Monday morning came much sooner than Claire had desired. She held Tristan’s hand and fidgeted nervously as they rode to work together. She never liked being the center of controversy and felt like her presence alone had caused all the problems they were facing. Tristan seemed to sense what Claire was thinking and reassured her that Mike had brought this on himself.

Entering Cam’s office, Tristan and Claire were greeted by a man who didn’t appear to be much older than they were. In his business casual attire of khaki pants and a polo shirt, he smiled and held out his hand to Tristan, introducing himself while barely acknowledging Claire’s presence. That did not go unnoticed by Tristan. By way of greeting, she simply nodded her head and did not accept the handshake.

Claire had only met Eugene Morris once before and wondered why Suarez had allowed an inexperienced member of the management team to handle this situation. He had only been promoted to the position of human resources manager six months before she received her promotion.

He quickly got down to business and asked Claire to recount the events between her and Mike. After Claire explained everything in detail, she sat quietly as Eugene made notes. After a few more minutes of silence, which seemed like an eternity to Claire and Tristan, Eugene spoke.

“I agree his behavior was totally inappropriate, but I think with a transfer and a letter of reprimand, he will understand the seriousness of his actions.” Avoiding looking at Tristan and Claire, Eugene addressed Cameron casually.


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Tristan could not hide her anger. “So, what you’re saying is, you plan to slap him on the hand and make him someone else’s problem?”

“Miss Delacroix, with all due respect, I don’t believe we should end this man’s career for his lack of judgment on this matter.”

Tristan was about to retort when she was interrupted by Cam.

“Mr. Morris, from what I have heard here today, I believe Mike has some problems. I cannot force you to fire him, but I do not expect to ever see him anywhere near here after today.

Furthermore, he is not to have any contact with Miss Murray at all.

No emails, phone calls, or any sort of correspondence whatsoever.”

Eugene was about to say something when Cam cut him off. “Mr.

Morris, I’ve run this company for a long time. Let me say first that I don’t like your attitude toward Miss Murray. The first thing you should have done was apologize for the behavior of one of your employees. You have downplayed this situation by simply giving him a transfer.

“With that in mind, I have decided to hire Miss Murray as our travel manager. Her first assignment will be to acquire a new travel agency to attend our needs. Please inform your superiors that we will no longer require the services of Suarez Travel.”

Eugene paled at the thought of losing such a lucrative contract. “I assure you, Mr. Hughes, we will make sure that Mike has no contact with Claire or anyone associated with Valor. We appreciate your business, and we will do whatever we can within reason to make sure you are satisfied.”

It was Tristan who interrupted then. “If you are finished with the ass kissing, I would like that piece of crap taking up my office space removed now.”

Ever the professional, Cam shot Tristan a look and tried hard not to laugh at the incredulous glare Eugene was giving Tristan. She stared back into his eyes until he had to look away.

Cam addressed Eugene again. “Mr. Morris, we can consider this meeting adjourned. I’ll have security escort you upstairs to inform your employees of the changes that are being made. You can make whatever arrangements you need to clear your equipment out of the building, and I would like that done today.”


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Cam opened his door and allowed two security guards to enter his office. “These gentlemen will escort you upstairs, and you and your staff will leave without incident, or I will have the police here in a matter of minutes. Do I make myself clear?”

Eugene Morris nodded mutely as he gathered his things and followed the security staff out of the office.

“Claire, I’m sorry that I didn’t give you more warning on what I had planned to do. I was hoping that he would have been a little more aggressive in handling this issue. He made it apparent when you walked in the room with whom he had chosen to side.

“I’ve seen it many times before. The one who files the complaint is often treated worse than the offending party. I hope you’re okay with the decision I made for you. I will assure you that you will have much better benefits with the Valor family, and we will treat you with dignity and respect.”

Shocked by the change of events, Claire had not realized fully that Cameron had submitted her resignation and hired her in a matter of minutes. “Thank you,” she replied, still dumbstruck by all that transpired.

Tristan was equally stupefied. “Cam, don’t get me wrong when I say this, but couldn’t you have at least given us a heads up on what you were planning?”

“I’m sorry, Tris, but I just didn’t like what I heard. Claire has become important to Lucy and me both, and there was no way I was going to leave all this up to that little prick to handle,” Cam replied apologetically.

Claire stood and hugged Cam, surprising him and Tristan.

“Thank you for taking care of me, Cam. I’ll never forget it.”

“I’ll always stand up for my girls,” he said as he winked at Tristan. He made it clear that Claire was more than just a member of the Valor family, she had been welcomed into his family, as well.

“Now if you two will excuse me, I want to make sure my orders are being followed, then I have to call my attorney. Suarez may be foolish enough to give me grief over the broken contract.”

Tristan reached over and took Claire’s hand into hers. “Are you okay with all this?”

“Of course I’m okay. I just lost one job and got another all in one day.”


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Tristan couldn’t help but chuckle. “I think I’m still in shock.

Let’s go over to human resources and make this official. You have a lot of paperwork to fill out.”

“I have to do one thing first. I need to tell Ellen about this. She will kill me if she finds out from someone else,” Claire said as she pulled Tristan into her arms and kissed her.

Claire had moved most of her belongings into Tristan’s house, and very little of her furniture remained in her apartment. Their house began to feel like a home for both of them. Even though they shared the master bedroom, Tristan set aside one room just for Claire to do with what she wanted.

One Saturday afternoon, Tristan went out to the yard to clean the flowerbeds of the plants that died due to an early October frost.

Claire spent time in her room setting up her home computer and sorting out her belongings. She came across the box that contained all her copies of the pictures sent to her by the stalker. She debated throwing them away but thought better of it.

She wanted to store them in a safe place and remembered how Tristan kept her storage room under lock and key. She reasoned that the locked room would be the perfect place to keep such items. She walked into the kitchen and got Tristan’s key ring off the hook where she always kept it. Claire would just slip them inside the door without invading the sacred space that held Tristan’s memories of her father.

Walking back through the house, Claire caught a glimpse of her lover working in the yard. Tristan was absorbed in her work, down on her hands and knees. She pruned shrubs and pulled the dead plants out of the beds and was applying a new layer of mulch.

Claire smiled as she watched Tristan doing one of the things she truly loved. Ralph ran around the yard, pouncing on insects dislodged from their homes as Tristan worked. Claire sighed with contentment, feeling so happy and peaceful in her surroundings.

With her box at her feet, Claire fumbled with the keys until she found the right one. When she stepped into the room, the mustiness of it assaulted her sinuses. She made a mental note to air it out. Along the far wall were plastic storage bins full of all sorts 178

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of equipment she recognized from her tour of one of the towboats.

She figured they were the belongings of Tristan’s dad.

Claire noticed something out of place in the dusty room. In the corner sat a workstation, complete with a computer, printer, and scanner. Claire took her box over to the desk and sat down. She felt a strange foreboding as she stared at the equipment. Slowly, she opened one of the hutch doors. Her eyes widened as she looked at the contents inside.

She picked up a camera no larger than an ink pen and studied it.

Dumbstruck by all the digital camera equipment, she pulled out each piece. Claire wondered if perhaps Tristan had been storing the equipment for her mother. She remembered Tristan saying at the Myrtles that she didn’t even own a camera. Why would she lie?

Claire wondered.

Sitting on the corner of the table was one of Tristan’s purses. It struck Claire as odd that Tristan would leave a purse in this room.

She picked it up and noticed something strange on the strap. Close inspection revealed something that nearly made Claire’s heart stop. A small digital camera no bigger than a pager was clipped to the strap.

Claire’s heart pounded when she remembered that the purse she held in her hands was the one Tristan carried on their first date to the Mexican restaurant. She dug frantically through the contents on the table. Her hands shook when she found a clear plastic storage box. When she opened the lid, tears of anguish slipped down her cheeks. There inside were the same pictures she had been receiving over the past year. Now, she knew for sure why Tristan kept this room locked.

She nearly fainted when she rounded the corner and came face-to-face with Tristan. The look on Tristan’s face confirmed her worst fears. Claire backed up a step from her stalker

“Claire? What were you doing in that room?”

“All this time, I’ve been living a nightmare, and it was you.”

Claire’s voice was barely a whisper. She watched myriad expressions cross Tristan’s face as she stood in front of her.

“You know what’s really sad? I pushed so hard to make you believe it was Mike that I started to believe it myself.” Tristan could not make herself look Claire in the eyes. “You’re afraid of me. I can feel it.”


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Fear turned to anger for Claire. She lunged at Tristan, beating her in the chest, sending her backwards down the hallway and into the living room. Claire was hysterically screaming as she backed Tristan nearly into the sunroom.

“Make me understand, Tristan! Make me understand how you could do something like this to someone you profess to love! How the hell could you do this to me?”

Tristan’s voice was low and calm. “Claire, calm down, and just hear me out.”

Anger surged through Claire’s veins, and she shoved Tristan hard into the door facing off the sunroom. Tristan reacted out of shock and pain. She slapped Claire hard enough across the face that the impact of the hit slung Claire’s face to the side. When Claire faced her again, Tristan could see a thin trickle of blood coming from her lip.

Tristan brought shaking hands to her face. “Oh, my God, Claire!

I’m so sorry.” Tristan took a step back in horror. She sat down on one of the wicker chairs in the sunroom and buried her face in her hands.

Claire stood in the doorway, her facial features obscured by her hair clinging to the blood and tears on her face. “Why, Tristan?

Tell me why,” she demanded as she ripped the lobster necklace from around her neck. Tears spilled down Tristan’s cheeks in earnest as she watched the necklace drop to the floor.

“A year ago, Valor sent me to Houston to assist in the renegotiation of our travel contract. Since I would be working so closely with the travel department, I accompanied Ellen to the meetings with Suarez. It was obvious to me when you got here that you didn’t remember me, but I remembered you.

“During our stay at the Suarez home office, I noticed you. From the minute I laid eyes on you, I was consumed. I was too afraid to approach you, so I took every chance I could to just catch a glimpse. When I returned home, I couldn’t get you off my mind.

The following weekend, I returned to Houston. I sat outside your office until you left for the day, and I followed you home.

“I would drive to Houston on my weekends and take pictures. I could look at them when I got home, and I didn’t feel so separated from you. I honestly thought the pictures would be the only things 180

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I would ever have of you. I never dreamed that someone so beautiful would want to be involved with someone like me.”

Claire was spellbound as Tristan made her confession. It was like a bad dream that she was sure she would wake up from at any moment. She was so overwhelmed that she was afraid she would become sick or pass out.

Tristan continued; her voice was monotone. “I know it seems strange, but I started to send the pictures to you because it made me feel as though I had a connection to you in some way.

“I was so happy when I learned that you lived alone. I felt a glimmer of hope. Then, I saw you go out with that girl and kiss her good night. I was so heartbroken, so jealous. That’s why I sent you the note. I was hoping you wouldn’t see her again.

“During the negotiations at Suarez, I developed a rapport with your superiors. All it took was one call, and they honored my request to have you come to Valor. I tried to force Rhonda out to make a spot for you. As it happened, things worked out perfectly with her getting pregnant.

“We got off to such a rocky start. I felt like I had alienated you, so I continued to take your picture. In some strange way, I felt it bound us together. After our first date went so well, I stopped. I was so afraid you would find out somehow, so I tried to divert suspicion to the travel agents. When Mike started his shit, it all fell into place. I swore to myself I would never do that to you again, but when Mike continued to pursue you, I felt threatened, so I sent you the pictures of us.

“I think the reason I kept all that equipment and the pictures is that subconsciously I wanted you to find them. I wanted to be caught. I wanted an excuse to come clean with you. I was just too afraid to admit what I had done.”

Tristan stood up and walked slowly toward Claire. “I know you’re upset with me, but please believe I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

She reached out to Claire, hoping she would accept her apology.

Something in Claire snapped. Fear and anger boiled up within her.

In a rage, she slammed her hands into Tristan’s chest. The unexpected blow sent Tristan tumbling backwards into the French doors that gave way in a shower of glass.


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Claire felt numb from head to toe. She walked to the doorway and looked at Tristan’s unconscious form sprawled out across the deck. Tristan’s breath rose up in little puffs of steam above her in the cold air, confirming that she was still alive. Her arm lay at an odd angle; Claire knew it was broken.

Claire stood over Tristan for what seemed like an eternity.

Thoughts ran through her mind like a tape recorder, replaying the conversations from the past year. She remembered what Cam and Lucy had told her about Tristan’s childhood. She remembered the conversation with the silver-headed woman in the kitchen one morning. Sometimes, God puts you in the path of just one person, and you and that person are changed forever.

Claire looked at the woman lying before her and made the decision that would forever change her life. She picked up the phone and dialed 911. Then, she went through the house and made a few adjustments. She went back to sit at Tristan’s side and waited.

As Tristan awoke, she felt a dull aching pain in her head. She felt nauseated when she tried to turn toward the sounds in the room.

Her right arm felt heavy, and it ached even more so than her head.

As her vision came into focus, she noticed Claire standing next to the bed, then realized she was in a hospital room.

Claire looked down at her and spoke quickly. “When they realize you’re awake, the police will want to question you, so listen very carefully to me, Tristan. If you do not agree to what I have to say, I will tell them the truth, and you will go to jail. Are you with me so far?”

Tristan tried to nod her head, but a sharp pain prevented her from doing so. She tried to speak, but her throat was too dry to utter a word. Claire gave her a sip of water.

“I understand, Claire,” she croaked.

“You probably don’t remember, but I shoved you through the French doors of the sunroom. You suffered a broken arm, a mild concussion, and several deep cuts that required suturing. To avoid you being arrested, I lied to the police. Before they arrived, I punched out one of the windowpanes in the back door to make it look as though someone broke in. I told the officers that a man was in the house when we got home. We both fought with him, 182

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and he knocked you through the doors before escaping. You will need to corroborate this story.”

Tristan lay in silence, listening as Claire spoke.

“Now, here is the part I want you to pay special attention to. I love you, Tristan. I kind of understand why you did what you did, but you need some help. I want you to see a therapist, and I will stand beside you and help anyway I can. Should you fail to honor this, I will go to the police for your sake and mine. So, what I need to know now is, will you agree to this?”

Tears streamed down Tristan’s face. “I will do anything you ask of me, Claire. I swear it.” Tristan’s body trembled with her sobs.

Claire stood close by while Detective Salmetti questioned Tristan. She was surprised that Tristan was able to remember the description she had given her of their attacker so their stories would be the same. Claire was sure to include that the assailant’s description and build did not resemble Mike’s. He had been guilty of many things, but she would not allow him to take the blame for this.

After the detective left, Tristan drifted off to sleep with the aid of pain medication. Claire called Cam and Lucy, and just as she figured, they were adamant about coming to the hospital. Claire met them at the door to Tristan’s room.

“Like I explained on the phone, she is not seriously hurt. They are keeping her for observation because of the concussion, and she will be released first thing in the morning. She’s sleeping right now. Both of you are welcome to go in and see her, but afterward, I would like to speak to you alone.”

Cam and Lucy exchanged glances for a moment, then went into the room. Standing on opposite sides of the bed, they both felt Tristan’s skin, just to assure themselves that she was indeed all right. Claire gave them a rundown of Tristan’s injuries and relayed what the doctor had said. Cam and Lucy visibly relaxed. Once Lucy was confident that Tristan would fully recover, she asked Claire to tell them what happened.

Claire glanced at Cam. “Would you mind staying with Tristan while Lucy accompanies me downstairs to smoke? My nerves are at the breaking point, and I just need to relax a minute before I rehash the events of the evening.”


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Lucy wrapped her arm around Claire and led her out the door.

Claire was comforted by the motherly touch. She wondered how Lucy would feel after she told her that she had been the one who inflicted her adopted daughter with such injuries. They rode in silence down the elevator to the ground floor. Lucy guided Claire over to a bench just outside the emergency room door.

They sat quietly for a few minutes as Claire smoked her cigarette and gathered her thoughts. She could not stop the flow of tears that rained from her eyes. Lucy pulled her close and stroked her back in an attempt to comfort her.

“Lucy, I’m sorry, but I’ve lied to you and Cam. There was no break-in. I shoved Tristan through the French doors. I lied to the police to cover up what really happened.”

Lucy recoiled at the things she heard. “Then what the hell happened?”

Claire looked at her through tear-filled eyes. “Lucy, there is so much to explain. I don’t know where to start.”

“Start from the beginning,” Lucy replied as calmly as she could.

Claire took a deep breath. “When I lived in Houston, I received pictures taken of me by an anonymous photographer. Sometimes, a typed note would accompany them, accusing me of being a slut.

When I was offered the Valor job, I jumped at the chance to leave Houston, hoping that would resolve the problem.

“Not long after I arrived here, the photos started coming again. I confided in Tristan, and we began to suspect Mike and Lauren, the travel agents. When Mike started behaving the way he did, I was convinced it was him. I even reported my suspicions to the police.

“Yesterday, I decided to store those pictures in the room that Tristan keeps under lock and key. I got her key ring and let myself in. I found a lot of very expensive digital camera equipment in there, and among those cameras, I found copies of the exact pictures I had been receiving.”

Lucy shook her head as though she did not comprehend. “What are you saying? That Tristan is a stalker? Claire, that just does not make sense! How can you be saying these things?”

“Because Tristan admitted to it, Lucy! She told me in great detail how she did it. She even photographed us on our first date using a lapel camera. She has some major problems upstairs!”


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Lucy sat in stunned silence. “Oh, my God.” As the truth sank in, she began to cry.

Claire tentatively reached over and patted Lucy on the shoulder.

“Lucy, Tristan needs some help. I told her I would not tell the police anything if she would agree to see a therapist. I’ll stand by her and help her anyway I can. Not having her in my life is something I cannot even fathom. Believe it or not, I truly do love her.

“When she started toward me, I just freaked out, and I shoved her back. I didn’t mean to hurt her. You have to believe I would never do anything like that intentionally. I was just so overwhelmed and shocked.”

Lucy pointed to the pack of cigarettes. “You mind if I have one of those? I need something to calm my nerves before I tell all this to Cam.”

Claire handed her a cigarette and lit it for her. Lucy inhaled the smoke and exhaled slowly with a little cough. She looked at Claire. “So, what are we going to do?”

Claire shrugged. “I think we need a little time apart. I may stay at my apartment for a while until we get things sorted out, the lease is not up yet. I love her so much, but on the same hand, I’m little fearful. There’s a side to her I know nothing about. All those months, a faceless monster terrified me. To suddenly find out that it was the woman I love and have committed myself to is more than shocking. I don’t even know how to cope with all this.”

“Claire, I’m not making excuses for her behavior because I know she knows the difference between wrong and right. I’m just trying to understand why she would do something like this. What was going on in that head of hers?” Lucy’s hand trembled as she brought the cigarette to her lips.

“I suppose it has something to do with the way her mother treated her. She said some things tonight that have made me wonder about that. She made the comment that she thought I would never be interested in someone like her. I had no idea her self-esteem was that low.”

Lucy swiped another cigarette and lit it, coughing again as she drew the smoke into her lungs. “Claire, you do realize that you are the first real relationship she has had? She has dated a few girls, but nothing has ever developed beyond a few dates. Frankly, I 185

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think it was just sex. The girls would call for her, but she would avoid them. She never got attached to anyone for any length of time before you.”

“She’s admitted that. I have no idea how I’ll deal with this, but I can tell you that I will not turn away from her. I just need some time to work through it, then I can focus on Tristan.”

After a few more cigarettes, the women made their way back upstairs to Tristan’s room. When they walked through the door, they could hear Tristan’s sobs before they got fully into the room.

Cam held her gently in his arms, her face buried in his chest.

When he looked up at Lucy and Claire, his eyes were filled with tears, as well.

Due to Tristan’s injuries, Cam and Lucy insisted that she stay with them for a while. Claire returned to Tristan’s house and oversaw the repairs made to the doors and windows. Claire called to check on Tristan each day, but Lucy explained that Tristan was so ashamed of her behavior that she was barely speaking to anyone.

Tristan did honor her word and had Lucy help her find a therapist. The only time she left the sanctuary of Cam and Lucy’s was to go to her appointments. Claire did her best to stay out of the way and let Tristan heal physically and emotionally. She could not help but wonder if things would be normal between them again.

When she could stand it no longer, Claire found herself on the Hughes’ doorstep one afternoon. Lucy greeted her warmly and invited her in. “Is there any chance that Tristan will see me?”

Claire asked, the emotion obvious in her voice.

“Sweetie, she really hasn’t had too much to say to Cam and me.

She won’t eat unless I take her meals into her room, and even then, she merely picks at the food. I’ve been very concerned for her. To be honest, I don’t know if it would be a good idea for you to see her right now.” Lucy patted Claire on the hand, trying to comfort the emotionally distraught woman.

“I miss her so much,” Claire sobbed. “She’s shutting me out, and I can’t take it. I know she is ashamed of her actions, but I have already forgiven her. I made a commitment to her, and I’ll keep 186

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it.” Claire wiped the tears that ran down her cheeks. “She’s become my whole world.”

Lucy wrapped Claire in her arms. “Claire, honey, give her a little time. She’s in a very fragile state right now. I believe, given a little time, Tristan will come to terms with what she has done. Give the therapist a little time to work with her; she may very well need you to attend some of the appointments with her.”

Claire sniffed and wiped her face again. “Oh, Lucy, I miss her so much. You don’t know how hard it is to resist the temptation to run into her room and take her into my arms. You’re right, though.

I suppose I do need to give her some time.”

“Off the subject, how are you and that little orange menace Ralph getting along?”

Claire chuckled halfheartedly. “Well, he still refuses to sleep in the cat bed that Tristan got him. The high side is that he is storing in there all the stuff he steals. I have found two socks and a bra in there, although neither vaguely resembles what it originally was. I know he misses Tris, too; he seems a little confused by her absence.”

Later, Claire returned to their empty-feeling home. She fed Ralph and actually enjoyed playing with him and his mouse on a string.

The only good thing about her separation from Tristan was that she and Ralph had begun to get along a little better.

After dinner, she settled down on the sofa to watch TV. Shortly after, Ralph joined her and curled up into a ball in her lap. He seemed to sense her pain and loneliness. He allowed her to pet him, and before long, he was purring contentedly.

Claire stared off into space as she absently stroked his fur. It was then that she noticed something shiny on the floor near the sunroom. She stood, laying Ralph back on the sofa, and walked over to see what the object was. With trembling hands, she picked up the lobster necklace and remembered the significance of it. She remembered the look on Tristan’s face when she ripped it from her neck. That one action had hurt Tristan more than the physical blow she was dealt.


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Claire knew it when the defeat had registered so clearly in Tristan’s brown eyes. Tears streamed down her face as she clutched it to her chest and rejoined Ralph on the sofa.

Lucy opened the door to Tristan’s room after knocking.

Receiving no response, she couldn’t simply walk away. She was more worried about Tristan than she would admit. Deep in her heart, she knew that Tristan would not harm herself, but she wasn’t taking any chances with her at this point.

As she entered the darkened room, Lucy could make out Tristan’s long form lying across the bed. “I’m fine, Lucy.”

Tristan’s voice startled her. “Can I skip dinner tonight? I’m really not hungry,” Tristan said without turning to face her.

“My love, you’re not passing up any more meals,” Lucy said as she sat on the bed and stroked Tristan’s hair lovingly. “You had a visitor today. Claire came by, but I told her that you weren’t quite up to seeing anyone yet. She misses you very much and wants you to come home soon.”

“Why on earth would she want to see me? I don’t deserve her,”

Tristan said with no emotion in her voice.

“Tristan, you have to quit beating yourself up over this. She has forgiven you and wants you to come home. I know it’s hard for you to believe, but she truly misses you. Her love for you has not dwindled one bit.”

“I’m too ashamed to face her. Lucy, I was there! I saw what I did to her, and I don’t think I can ever forgive myself. I’ve put her through so much this past year. I have lied and deceived her while she has been nothing but good to me. How will she ever be able to trust me again?” Tristan said as tears formed in her eyes.

“Tris, she wants to work this out, and in time, she’ll trust you again if you let her. Baby, the way Mallory raised you, it’s no wonder you could think that Claire could simply walk away.

Claire is committed to you and loves you very much. She’s willing to give you a chance, won’t you give her one?”

Tristan lay silent for a while before she spoke again. “I miss her, too. I just don’t know if I’m ready to face her yet.”

“Well, you are going to face my meatloaf in the kitchen,” Lucy said as she tugged Tristan’s hand. “Tonight, you will come down 188

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and have dinner with me and Cam. I have made your beloved chocolate cheesecake for dessert. Then, we can sit out on the patio and talk until the cows come home.”

Cam was surprised and relieved as Lucy and Tristan walked into the kitchen with tear-stained faces. Cam tried to appear as though everything was normal, but his heart secretly broke for Tristan; he had never seen her look so broken. As they ate dinner, he brought her up to date on all the happenings at the office, watching Tristan’s face intently as he spoke. Uncharacteristically, Tristan did not seem remotely interested.

After dessert, Cam sent his two favorite women out to the patio while he cleaned the kitchen. Occasionally, he would glance outside and watch them as they talked. Tristan’s eyes were downcast the entire time. He wanted so badly to run out there and take her into his arms. At least she was out of her room.

“Well, it’s about time you called me. Since you and Tristan have gotten together, I rarely hear from you anymore,” Ellen playfully teased when Claire called her out of the blue.

“Remember when you adopted me as a little sister?” Claire asked, fighting the urge to cry. “Well, I need my big sister right now.”

It seemed to Claire that she had no sooner hung up the phone than Ellen arrived. She opened the door to her friend, whose arms were heavy laden with baked goods. “I figured some homemade goodies would help Tristan mend quicker. I have no business having this stuff in my house anyway,” Ellen chattered excitedly as she laid the boxes on the kitchen table.

The second Ellen’s arms were free, Claire launched herself into them and gave into the tears she had been holding back. “Claire, honey, what’s the matter?” Ellen asked as she held her friend tightly in her arms.

Claire took full advantage of Ellen’s warm embrace and cried until Ellen’s curiosity and concern could stand it no longer. She guided Claire to the kitchen table where they sat down. “What has you so upset, and where is Tristan?”

“There’s a lot I need to explain, Ellen. I just don’t know where to start.” Claire wiped her eyes and lit up a cigarette. “Tristan is 189

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staying with Cam and Lucy right now, and I’m here with the cat from Hell.” She laughed mirthlessly. “This may take a while. How about some coffee?”

Claire set two cups of freshly brewed coffee on the table and took her seat as Ellen looked at her with eyes filled with concern. “This can go no farther than this room, Ellen. Cam and Lucy would be very disappointed if this were to get out.”

“Whatever you say will go to the grave with me, I promise, but if you don’t spill it soon, I’m going to go insane,” Ellen said as she lit her own cigarette, preparing herself for what she was sure was not going to be good.

Claire relayed the whole story of the mysterious stalker, and Ellen listened in rapt attention, having to remind herself that it wasn’t a plot line of a movie. “So, do you think it was Mike who broke in here?” Ellen asked, feeling afraid for Claire and Tristan.

Claire looked at the pile of cigarettes in the ashtray and realized she had smoked a lot just to relay half the story. She was beginning to think she’d need a Valium to finish. Nevertheless, she lit another and took a deep breath before going on. “I know for certain that Mike is not the stalker.”

“Then, who? And how are you so certain it’s not Mike?”

“Ellen, it was Tristan all along. I found the pictures and the camera equipment in this house.” Claire paused, giving Ellen a second to absorb what she had just said. Ellen sat speechless in front of her.

Ellen shook her head emphatically. “No, Claire, I’ll never believe that.”

“She admitted it to me herself when I found the stuff,” Claire said as the tears began anew.

Ellen stammered, unsure how to react or what to say. “How ... I mean ... is she in jail?”

“I told the police there was an intruder in the house when we got home. I protected her.” Claire’s hands shook as she picked up her coffee cup. “When she realized that I knew it was her, she explained why she did it. I was so shocked and upset, and when she tried to touch me, I went crazy and shoved her through the French doors. When she was released from the hospital, Cam and Lucy took her home with them, so I could sort things out.”


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Ellen held her hands up, trying to grasp what she assumed Claire was trying to say. “So, you didn’t tell the police, you just let Cam and Lucy take care of it all? And why the hell are you still in this house? I’d have packed up my things and found a new place far away from here by now.”

“I’m not leaving her, Ellen. I love her, and she’s getting help like she promised.”

“Do you realize you sound just like one of those battered wives who ends up hacked to bits because she thought she could change her mate? She’s got some serious problems, Claire!” Ellen said exasperated with Claire’s naïveté.

“She won’t hurt me. I know it. Lucy has been taking her to therapy, and I’m hoping that she will come home soon.”

Ellen got up from the table and began to pace. “Do you honestly think a few therapy sessions are going to make the difference? She needs some serious inpatient care and, hell, maybe even some good drugs! One thing’s for sure, you can’t stay here with that nut case!”

Claire jumped up from her chair and came face-to-face with Ellen. “Don’t you ever refer to her like that, Ellen! She’s had a rough life, and if stalking me was the worst thing she’s ever done as a result, then she’s turned out pretty damn good!”

Shocked by the way Claire vehemently defended Tristan, Ellen tried her best not to upset her further. Lowering her voice, she asked, “Is that the worst thing she’s ever done? You’ve just admitted that she’s had a rough life. Could there be something else that you don’t know about?” Ellen stared into Claire’s eyes, watching her mull over her words.

“When you married your husband, did you know all there was to know about him? How does anyone know what goes on in the mind of another person?” Irritation was apparent in Claire’s voice as she spoke.

Ellen gently placed her hand on Claire’s shoulder. “I care a lot about you, that’s why I’m so upset. I put a lot of faith in Cam and Lucy, and they love her, too, but neither of them knew what she was doing. Am I right?” Ellen asked gently.

“I know you care for me, Ellen, and I’m sorry I blew up, but I know Tristan would never physically hurt me. I love her, and I’m going to stand by her. She needs someone. She needs me.”


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Ellen sighed. “Okay, do you have anything stronger than coffee?

I need something to calm my nerves, and I think you do, too. We can talk this out some more, and I promise not to lose my temper again, kiddo.”

Claire grinned and hugged Ellen. “We have some rum, but we’re out of Coke. Will Pepsi do?”

“Hmm, rum and Pepsi, that might just work,” Ellen said as she headed for the refrigerator.

Claire returned to work after being gone nearly three weeks. She hated that Lauren had been transferred when Suarez lost its account. Ellen worked closely with her on finding a new travel contract and spent most of her evenings with Claire, talking and being there for her adopted little sister.

Everything in Claire’s life had completely changed. Nothing familiar remained for her to cling to but Ellen. Suarez was gone, and she was adapting to a new position. Tristan had still not returned to work, and the office almost seemed foreign without her.

Claire immersed herself in her work, trying to fill the void created by Tristan’s absence. She would often glance over at the empty office next to hers and wish Tristan were still sitting there waiting impatiently to take her to lunch. A part of her wished that she had never found out about what Tristan had done, but there was no undoing what had taken place

. Sometimes, she questioned her sanity, choosing to stay with Tristan after all the pain she had caused her. Other times, she felt she could hardly stand another moment without her. As the days passed with no word from Tristan, Claire became more desperate.

She had not given up on Tristan. Would Tristan give up on her?

“I’m not ready, Lucy!” Tristan exploded as Lucy drove her home from the therapist’s office. “To be honest, I don’t know if I can ever face her again. I don’t deserve her.”

“Then, would you at least talk to her? You owe her that. That poor child has called the house every day, and I think she is 192

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beginning to think you don’t want her anymore,” Lucy said as she gripped the wheel trying to remain calm

. “Would you want to be with Cam if he made your life a living hell?” Tristan asked as she looked out the window.

“You’re making her life a living hell now, Tris. She misses you and feels lost without you. You may think that you are punishing yourself by staying cooped up in that room and barely eating, but it’s not just you suffering. The people who love you are suffering, too.”

Tristan slumped in the seat, her mind a jumble of thoughts. It would be so much easier to just disappear and let everyone go on with his or her life. She cursed herself for lacking the courage to just take off in the middle of the night.

“I know what you’re thinking, Tris,” Lucy said, tearing Tristan from her thoughts of self-loathing. She pulled the car into a parking lot and turned off the ignition to give Tristan her full attention. “You’re thinking life would be better for all of us without you, aren’t you?”

Tristan failed to hide her surprise at Lucy’s words. “Are you now a mind reader?” she asked sarcastically.

“No, but I consider you my child, and I know you well. I know how you think, Tristan. Now, let me set some things straight for you. No, it would not make things better by running away. Cam and I would be distraught, and not one day would go by without wondering where you were and if you were alive or dead.

“It would be equally hard for Claire. There is something you have not taken into consideration about her. She lost her family when she was still a teen. I’m sure you can relate because of the loss of your own father, but to lose her whole family in a split second must have been a tremendous blow. You’ve become family to her now, Tris, and once again, that is being taken away from her.”

Tristan’s eyes filled with tears. Up until that moment, she had felt nothing but numb. Now, she was filled with a new hurt for Claire.

“She told me the night we went to the hospital that she loved you and would stand beside you come what may. She has not wavered on that stance this entire time. Tristan, that is the definition of love. She is making a conscious decision to remain with you even 193

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when things are tough. Do you love her enough to be that committed?”

Tristan fell silent, pondering what Lucy told her. Lucy started the car and headed for home, hoping that what she said would break through the guilt and shame Tristan was attempting to drown herself in.


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