Chapter Five

Heather cooked.

She wasn’t a great lover of fine dining or anything, but she could make bacon and eggs, and rage left her wanting to eat. She beat the hell out of half a dozen eggs, watching the yolks and whites come together to make a gooey mess.

“You okay, babe?” Danny slid up behind her, his arms going around her waist.

It cracked her shit up that he called her and Lee both “babe,” just like Lee called them both “baby.” Boys. So predictable. “I’m all right.” Luckily, she hadn’t turned the heat on under the pan she’d laid the bacon out in, or she might have started to burn something. Danny was getting grabby hands. “What about you?”

“I’m mad. I would have been scared a while ago, but right now, I’m mad. I wanted to be able to look forward to our first moon together, not worry about the Boogeyman.”

“Yeah.” Yeah, that was it exactly. She wanted to tear something apart with her teeth, damn it. Danny deserved to run with the pack.

“Where the hell is Lee, anyway?”

Heather snorted. “Fucking Logan.”

“What?” Danny recoiled just enough for her to turn and face him.

“Don’t get all indignant. Logan is the alpha. That’s the way it works. Besides, your ass will thank Logan later for letting Lee get all that aggression out. He’s a bear when he’s pissy.”

“Shouldn’t that be a wolf?”

“Ha.” She whapped his chest, right above his nipple. “I’m sorry, Dan.”

“For what?” His eyebrows went up, his mouth quirking a little.

“For getting all your stuff messed up. I mean, if I hadn’t hooked up with you…”

“I blame Lee.” She started, and Danny laughed, his eyes twinkling. “Think about it. You’ve flirted with a lot of guys. Maybe more. Lee was the one who decided to keep me.”

“True.” Huh. She’d never thought of it that way. Call her shallow, but it helped with the guilt. “Sweet. Wanna neck?”

“God, yes.”

Half hour later they were still on the couch, kissing slowly, taking comfort from the touch, when Lee came in. It hadn’t gotten wild and hot. It was just being close.

“Hey, you two. Everyone okay?” Lee moved her butt so Heather was more on Danny’s lap, Lee sitting behind her, his body crowding them both. Oh, he smelled good. Hot, musky, all bruised up.

“We’re good.” Danny peered around her head at Lee. “You?”

“Fine. Better, anyway. Sorry, I had to have a beer with Logan and all.”

“A beer.” Turning slightly, Heather whapped him just like she had with Danny earlier. “We’re not stupid.”

“I needed to unwind before I came back here.” Lee drew in a deep breath. “ Logan is looking into it. I’m supposed to keep an eye on you two.”

“Nice.” No wonder Lee had needed to work off tension. He hated to have control taken out of his hands. “What about the moon?”

“Well, if Logan doesn’t catch the guy before then, he’s got a plan.” She could tell by the way Lee’s shoulders went up that he didn’t like the plan. Not one bit.

“He’ll find the guy, right? I mean, how big can a pack be here in Wyoming?” Danny asked.

“Not as big now that we’re off the endangered list, but bigger than you think.”

“Oh.” Suddenly Danny seemed a heck of a lot more unsure.

Heather bent back around to kiss the left side of his mouth. “It’ll be fine, honey. You’ll see.”

“I hope so.” Danny gave them a smile that was almost convincing. “Can we all go take a shower now?”

Lee hooted. “You saying I stink?”

Heather answered that one. “You reek. Come on, baby. Dan. We’ll go scrub up.”

She knew what Danny was feeling. Like he was dirty because his stuff was. Lee would probably never get it; he had all the emotional maturity of a carrot. She understood.

Hopefully, Logan would just find the guy fast and that would be that. An example would be made, the pack would close ranks. That was the best case scenario. Heather really didn’t want to think about the worst.
