Jill Shalvis
Natural Blond Instincts

© 2003

Dear Reader,

First of all, let me come right out and say that my heroine, Kenna Mallory, has a bit of an attitude problem. As I have attitude issues myself-just ask anyone, especially my husband and editor; they’ll be happy to confirm this as fact-you’d think she would have been easy to write. Nope.

Kenna Mallory just didn’t want to conform. She had to torture me the entire way. She didn’t want to wear what I wanted her to wear, didn’t want to say what I wanted her to say and she didn’t want to fall in love because I said she should.

I’m afraid she didn’t torture just me. She tortured everyone she came in contact with-her family, her co-workers and especially one Mr. Weston Roth, the man sharing her position on the corporate ladder.

But don’t feel too sorry for Wes. Tall, muscled and sharp as a tack, he thought he had Kenna all figured out. Unfortunately he was wrong. As a matter of fact, he was a lot wrong. Ah, the mess these two had to go through before they came to somewhat of a shocking realization.

What realization, you ask? You’ll have to read to find out. I’ll give you one hint-this is a romance!

Happy reading!

Jill Shalvis

P.S. I love to hear from readers! Come visit my Web site at www.jillshalvis.com to drop me a line and to check out my new releases.
