THE FIRST TIME AROUND, Kenna sat with Wes in a two-seater kart. He took the track like a pro-meaning full speed-making her scream with far more terror than laughter.

Hands and body in full control of the kart, whipping them around the track, he glanced over. “Stop?”


That caused a smile, and by the end of their lap time, she wanted to do it herself.

They picked out their karts and before the laps started, when they were side by side, waiting for the green flag, he looked over at her and revved his engine.

That was such a guy thing, she laughed. “I’m going to win,” she called to him.

“No, you’re not.”

And true to his word, he beat her, the first two times in fact, but on the third, she pulled ahead of him in the last lap and won by a hair. She got out of the go-kart and marched right up to him.

He was grinning, until she stabbed a finger into his chest-a chest that didn’t give an inch. “You let me win. Don’t ever let me win.”

“Then stop driving like a girl.”

Oh, that did it. “One more.” She got back into her kart, and on the fourth try beat him for real.

“I didn’t let you win,” he said when it was over.

“I know.” Coolly, she let him move ahead of her before doing a little victory dance.

But when he looked back over his shoulder and caught her at it, he grinned.

And once again, the air sizzled around them.

They got back into his Jag. For a long moment, the air was tight with everything they’d repressed, with a longing and a need neither of them dared put into words.

“You had fun,” he said quietly.

She lifted a shoulder. “It was okay.”

“You had fun. I have the hearing loss from your screams to prove it.”

“Yeah? So wear ear plugs next time.”

“Say it, Kenna.”

When he looked at her like that, all dangerous smile and intense eyes, she knew she’d tell him whatever he wanted to hear.

But this time, it was the utter truth. “I had fun.”


“And…” She drew a deep breath. “And if you’d stop looking at me like that, I might have the smallest chance of being relaxed. Very relaxed.”

With a grin, he started the car.

THE DAYS PASSED and work went on. Kenna buried herself in it, happy enough. One afternoon she took herself to a conference room to work, where she could spread out her papers, where there was no phone and no interruptions.

And okay, maybe she didn’t want anyone to see what she was working on.

For several hours, she was alone, and she read and worked away, until, without a knock, without any warning at all, the door opened and in came Wes.

He shut the door behind him and leaned against it, not saying a word.

Her heart leapt right into her throat, annoying her. More so when his gaze took itself on a little tour of her body. She wore a perfectly acceptable dress, with long snug sleeves and a tight bodice. It went up to her neck at least, and was even a rather sedate color of blue, but the way his eyes heated made her feel as though she was in a bathing suit.

She snapped shut the files and slid her notes beneath them.

“Whatcha doing?”

“Nothing.” She winced at the lie. She should have come up with something.

“Nothing, huh?” He pushed away from the door to come toward her.

Damn it, she wasn’t ready to show him. Standing, she lifted the file and her notes and held them to her. “I’m just doing…stuff.”

“Really? What kind of stuff.”

“I don’t know, just stuff.”

“I share with you. Now you share with me. Come on, share your ‘stuff.”’

“Not today- Hey!”

They did a tug-of-war over the files for a moment, but Wes won. He stared down at them. “My postmortem acquisition file with my summary on the hotel and its merger potential with the sister hotel your father is looking at.” Confused, he looked at Kenna. “What are you doing with this?”


“I’m presenting this information to the board next week.”

“I know.” She tossed up her hands. “Okay, listen. I didn’t want to tell you until I’d finished my own report, but I thought I’d add it to yours. I’d hoped you’d let me present it with you, as a team. Let’s just hope they’re wearing color that day.”

He shook his head as if it hurt. “What does that have to do with anything?”

“It’s just that I’ve got this theory. The more color in their shoes or ties-since God forbid we pick a suit other than dark or darker-the better things go for me.”

“That’s…an interesting observation.”

“It’s true. Look at you and me. Once I got you to wear color, we started getting along better.”

He shook his head. “That’s just true enough to be scary. What do you want to add to my report?”

“Lots, actually. In looking back, the personnel expenses seem off. They seemed too high given what I know the employees are getting, both in salaries and benefits.”

He was watching her very carefully, listening. Valuing what she was saying, which for some stupid reason, gave her a surge of pride. Good. If she didn’t have passion for this job, then at least she could have pride. “When I took a closer look,” she said. “I found that at the executive level, there were some interesting bonuses given.”

“Yes, of course. For getting each phase of the renovations completed on time, bonuses were awarded.”

“But those bonuses were all paid out whether the deadlines were met or not.”

His forehead creased. “You’re certain?”

“Very. If we knock that kind of crap off, we could give the employees some of the benefits we refused them.”

Knock that kind of crap off…you going to use that terminology in your report?”

She bit back a smile because she could hear his in his voice. “I’ll try to control myself. Look, I just want to prove myself.”

“Who the hell to?” He laughed. “Your dad owns the place.”

But she didn’t laugh with him, and he sobered. “Okay, you feel the need to prove yourself. But you’ve been doing that.”

“I want to do more. I have good ideas, too, Wes. Ideas for the employees that would make things simpler regarding scheduling and overtime, and give a sense of company pride. I’m serious about this job, you know. Just as serious as you.”


“No, I mean it.”

He scrubbed a hand over his face, then startled her by reaching out and wrapping his fingers around her arm, pulling her a little closer. “I know. And it’s to my discredit that I haven’t really done anything to help you, I’ve just let you go, thinking you’ll get tired or bored and move on.”

“Because that’s what I’ve always done. Move on.”

“I’m sorry, Kenna. You deserved more from me.”

She had no idea that a man uttering those two little words, I’m sorry, could be so utterly sexy.

And empowering. “Don’t be sorry. Make it up to me. I have research and cost projections-” She opened up her spreadsheets to show him. “See?”

He leaned over her shoulder, so close she could feel his warm breath on her cheek. “Where did you get all this?”

“I got some studies off the Internet for comparison. Here’s a draft of where I see the presentation going…” With bated breath, she waited while he flipped through. “What do you think?”

He glanced at her, his eyes unreadable. “What do I think?”

She’d never cared what another person had thought about her, but she cared now.

Far too much. “Yeah.” Suddenly they were much closer than she’d realized, and she became breathing-challenged.

“I’m not sure I should say what I’m thinking,” he said softly. “As it has nothing, nothing at all, to do with work.”
