“There’s a guy in reception. He doesn’t have an appointment. And he has flowers.”
Karma looked up to find Brittany standing inside her office, frowning. The frown was her first hint that her unexpected visitor wasn’t Prometheus. Brittany seemed to adore the bastard, for reasons Karma didn’t try to comprehend.
“Does this guy have a name?”
“Carlton something. I don’t trust him.”
Brittany generally had good instincts, so Karma sat forward and inquired, “Why don’t you trust him?”
“Calla lilies. He’s trying too hard to be unique. And he looks like a movie star.”
“Which one?”
“All of them. Like he’s only convincing when he’s playing someone else. That sort of Madame Tussaud’s wax museum look. I don’t think he’s a real person. He doesn’t exfoliate, he polishes. Much too shiny.”
“Okay then. Well, real boy or not, you’d better show him in.” Karma closed her laptop and slid it back into its drawer, tidying her desk for the meeting. Not that she was anal about being tidy. She just liked things to be orderly. It didn’t mean anything. “Brittany?” She stopped the secretary before she could open the door. “Do you think I have a stick up my ass?” If anyone would be honest with her, Brittany would.
Brittany cocked her head to the side, thinking about it. And thinking. And thinking some more.
Damn it. I’ve got a stick up my ass. A “no” would not have taken so much rumination. “Never mind. Please send my visitor in.”
Brittany bobbed a nod and vanished through the door, leaving Karma to mope in private.
Of all the things Prometheus had said to her last night that was the one that had stuck with her when she woke up this morning. Had she really forgotten how to unwind? When had she become so rigid? When was the last time she’d let herself have fun? She couldn’t remember. That couldn’t be a good sign.
“Ms. Cox?”
“Karma, please.” Karma rose, smiling professionally at the walking Ken doll who’d entered her office with a fistful of Calla lilies. She suddenly understood what Brittany had meant. If anyone was ever too perfect, with every hair too perfectly in place and every plane of his face too perfectly sculpted, it was this man. She almost expected his teeth to sparkle when he smiled. “What can I do for you, Mister…?”
“Norris. Carlton Norris. You may remember my Aunt Regina.” He lifted the lilies. “These are from her. She’s very grateful for your help with her ghost problem. She’d been saying that house was haunted for years but I’m afraid none of my cousins took her very seriously.”
“I remember Regina. She was very passionate.” Karma came around her desk to accept the proffered flowers. “I suppose you were her one supporter?”
“Actually I was as bad as any of them.” He gave a self-deprecating shrug. “Until I saw a ghost for myself. Suffice it to say, it opened my eyes to a number of things.”
“Such as?”
“Such as life is too short to spend in a boardroom and if my aunt is right about her house being haunted, what else might she be right about? Like the fact that I should ask out the pretty proprietress of the company that saved her house.”
Karma gave him her most professional smile. It wasn’t the first time a former client had come by to say thank you, though it was the first time she’d had one try to pimp out her nephew in the process. “Mr. Norris, I’m flattered—”
“Before you blow me off, give me a chance to plead my case.”
It was on the tip of her tongue to tell him she didn’t date and usher him out the door when she drew up short. What kind of person had a unilateral policy against dating? A person with a stick up her ass. Damn it. She looked at the flowers in her hands. She couldn’t get back to work until she put them in water anyway. “You have five minutes to convince me.”
“I would have settled for three.” Carlton Norris smiled, all matinee idol teeth, exactly like she’d imagined. Then, as she found a vase and ducked into her washroom to fill it with water, he began itemizing all the ways he was the perfect catch—financially solvent, always opened doors for ladies and sent his mother flowers on Mother’s Day, and preferred classical music though he’d taken his little sister to her first boy band concert—which he argued should have qualified him for imminent sainthood, but all he was asking for was a date. He was charming, singing his own praises with a wry self-deprecation that struck precisely the right balance of pride and humility, and he even came bearing a letter of reference from his Aunt Regina, should she doubt his sincerity.
There was no good reason for her to say anything but yes—and still Karma wanted to say no. She could come up with excuses all day long—he was too perfect, too slick, too smooth—but the truth was, she simply didn’t want to go out with him. She felt nothing when she looked at him. But was that his fault? Or something defective in her? Had she buried her own libido under so many layers of inhibition that she didn’t even feel it anymore? Her reactions to Prometheus called bullshit on that last supposition. She just wasn’t attracted to Carlton Norris—though he was exactly the kind of man she should be dating. Stable. Steady. Reliable. Good.
“Come on, Karma. My aunt’s psychic says I’m exactly what you need.”
Since his aunt’s psychic was on her payroll, Karma couldn’t fault the information, but… “What about what you need?” And why did Mr. Perfect here need his aunt’s psychic to get him a date? There had to be a catch. But what if there wasn’t? What if he really was her perfect and psychically ordained match and Prometheus had her so primed to question every motive that she ruined her best chance at happiness?
“All I need is a chance. So what do you say? Give a guy a shot? It’s only dinner.” Carlton smiled winningly.
And Karma felt nothing. But she forced herself to smile back—even though she had no particular desire to spend an evening with him. “I’d love to,” she lied, to drown out the sound of Prometheus’s voice telling her to let her hair down. “How’s tomorrow evening?”
Carlton Norris left her office with plans to pick her up at seven and Karma tried to feel a giddy swoop of anticipation, but all she felt was a fierce determination to prove there were no sticks anywhere in the vicinity of her ass. She was going to let her hair down, damn it. If it was the last thing she did.
“I have presents for you.”
Prometheus burst into her office, five minutes early this time, and Karma frowned. She knew better than to trust a warlock bearing gifts, especially a punctual one. When he reached her desk, he pulled one hand from behind his back with a magician’s flourish. An odd silver charm that couldn’t seem to decide if it was a Celtic knot or a yin-yang sign dangled from the leather thong in his fist.
“This is to give you a focal point, something external to center your magic through so you don’t have to break down your fortress of solitude to work your magic, and this is to help you relax.” The other hand appeared, holding a giant, economy-sized bottle of Stolichnaya.
Karma glowered. “That’s your master plan to train me? Vodka?”
“It’s a time honored technique for helping people relax. Why fight history?”
“History has taught us that people are idiotic when drunk.”
“And? You could use some idiocy in your life.”
“I’m getting tired of you telling me what I need in my life.”
“Do you want my help?”
She ground out, “I do.”
“Then you need me in your life. And tonight, vodka.” He smiled, a curve of the lips that was almost feral, in no way resembling the perfectly civil curve of Carlton Norris’s perfectly civil lips. Karma felt something low in her belly stir. “Aren’t you going to look at your present?” He swung the charm, rocking it like a hypnosis aid from his long fingers.
“Set it there.” She wouldn’t touch it until she’d had a chance to test it for traps. Not that she thought Prometheus would actually hurt her—they’d gone beyond that—but manipulate her? That he’d do without blinking.
He spread it before her on the desk with a flourish and stepped back. Another man might have been insulted by her obvious mistrust, but Prometheus seemed to take it as a compliment. “Do you have ice?” he asked as he backed away.
“The freezer in the break room. Down the hall to the left.”
Then he was gone, taking his massive presence—and massive bottle of vodka—with him and leaving her alone with the charm.
It was an elegant piece of work, both physically and magically, layers of pressed metal and subtle tendrils of spells. Confidence and strength folded over focus and something else she couldn’t quite describe, though if she’d had to put it into words, she would have called it one-with-the-universeness, a sort of cosmic acceptance. She looked for booby traps, probing into the soft layers of spell, but found nothing suspect. Just clean, white magic. Not the slightest oily slick of dark. Even the leather thong was harmless. She brushed a finger over it tentatively, alert for any spells that activated at her touch, but nothing changed, no spell trap snapped closed around her. Had he really given her a gift to help her with no strings attached?
“Did I pass?”
She looked up to see him cupping a tumbler filled with ice in one palm while the other hand gripped the neck of the massive bottle.
“Shockingly, yes. Thank you for the charm.”
“You should wear it constantly. The more you use it, the better it will be. It tunes to you.” He set the tumbler on the desk and unscrewed the cap on the vodka with a twist of his wrist. The seals crackled as they broke and clear liquid draped itself across the ice like a lover as he poured. He set the bottle on the desk and grabbed a chair. She knew that chair, knew it was heavy, but he spun it around to the side of her desk without even a grimace of effort and sprawled his long, lean body into it.
He waved for her to proceed and Karma arched a brow at the single glass. “If you think I’m getting trashed while you stay sober, you’re crazier than I thought.” If she hadn’t been watching him, she wouldn’t have noticed the minute hesitation, the way his eyes flicked to the side. He didn’t want to drink it. Of course. “I should’ve known. What’s in it? What did you spike it with?”
His hand shot out like a snake striking, snatching up the glass. He’d thrown back the contents and slammed the glass back onto her desk with a clink before she could do more than blink. “There? See? Harmless. But you’re right. It’s bad form to drink alone.” He flicked his fingers and a second glass appeared beside her right hand where it rested on the desk.
He filled her glass, then refilled his own, but she was getting better at seeing beneath his bluster and Prometheus looked uneasy. He lifted his refilled glass, arching a brow when she didn’t raise hers to meet his toast. “Watching for signs of cyanide poisoning?”
“I’d pegged you as more of an arsenic guy.”
He snorted. “My God, did Karma just make a joke?”
“Why are you so nervous, Prometheus? What’s in the vodka?”
“Distilled grains, if you believe the Russians.” When she made no move to lift her own glass, he lowered his own. “I don’t generally imbibe, okay? Alcohol tends to affect me rather strongly. The last time I drank, I accidentally summoned a demon because at the time it seemed like a good way of getting your attention.” He raised his glass again. “But I’m willing to take one for the team. To prove my good intentions.”
She looked at the bottle, still dubious, but starting to feel like a fool and prude for resisting. “How does this work?”
“You drink it.”
“That’s all there is to this plan, Karma. You drink, you relax, and I help you figure out how to go with the flow rather than fighting the tide of your own power all the time. Simple. Which is good because if I’m gonna be hammered too, we probably should avoid plans with a lot of moving parts. Just think of me as the tour guide for your powers. I’ll drive the bus. You sit back and take in the sights.”
Simple. Simple sounded good. So did letting someone else be responsible for keeping her afloat for a while.
Karma lifted the vodka, pressing down the shiver of misgiving that seemed to tingle through her fingers and up her arm. The first mouthful of vodka kissed her tongue and then punched her in the back of the throat. She shook her head sharply, fighting down a cough as her eyes started to water.
Prometheus chuckled. “You get used to it.”
She glared at him and defiantly took another swallow. This one went down easier, just a twitch of her chin betraying the way it kicked as it slid down her throat. Prometheus silently toasted her and took a sip from his own glass.
“Why does alcohol affect you so much? Is it because of your heart?” She frowned, studying him. He looked normal. You would never know it was only magic keeping him alive. Like a vampire. How alive was he? “Do you eat? I mean, I know your heart doesn’t pump your blood, but is everything else about your physiology normal?”
“I can get it up, if that’s what you’re asking.”
Her face flamed. “That is not what I asked.”
He gave a low, dark laugh and took a long drink. “I eat. I drink. I even sleep on occasion. My hair grows and when I try to grow a beard, it itches like a bitch, same as any other guy. The difference is the more magic I use, the more it sort of speeds up my body. I need to eat more often, shave two or three times a day, and I might as well be narcoleptic if I’m really burning hot, cuz I’ll pass out and wake up fifteen minutes later ready to do it all over again. So while I get drunk fast—one more of these and I’m gonna be singing show tunes—I also sober up fast.”
“What happens when you don’t use magic?”
He smiled. “I always use magic.” Their glasses refilled with a wave of his hand, the level in the bottle dropping in concert.
“I bet you couldn’t go one day without casting a spell.”
“And you would win that bet.” He shrugged, unapologetic.
She’d expected him to puff up at the challenge, but he tipped back in his chair, rocking it onto the hind legs as he swirled the vodka in his glass, calm and utterly unoffended. She really didn’t know this man. He’d been her greatest frustration for months, but what did she really know about him?
“What kind of name is Prometheus?” The vodka made her tongue feel loose and easy, words spilling right off it.
“But why call yourself that?”
“The man who stole fire from the gods and gave it to the masses, then was doomed to lose internal organs as a punishment? Somehow it seemed fitting.”
“But Prometheus. Don’t you ever wish your name was Steve or something?”
“You probably fantasize about being called Beth, don’t you?”
“Katharine, actually.” She blinked and frowned at her glass—she’d never told anyone that.
He laughed. “Sweetheart, you’re no Kate. People like us need names that could never belong to anyone else.”
“People like us. What does that even mean?”
“You’re saying one of your parents was a god?”
“Fine, I’m not a demigod by the strictest definition. Maybe just a minor deity. But demigod has such a nice ring to it, don’t you think?”
“You aren’t a god, Prometheus,” she said dryly. “Demi or otherwise.”
“I guess that depends on your definition. What is a god anyway? I have the power to bend the world to my whim. Isn’t that godlike?”
She ignored the question, realizing he was trying to pivot the conversation away from his past. There was so much more she wanted to know. “You changed your name after you traded your heart?”
“About that time, yeah.”
“What was your name before that?”
“That’s a useless question.”
“Why?” She noticed she was holding the charm he’d made for her and dropped it over her neck. It settled against her breastbone, warm and right, expanding her sense of calm.
“I’ve been Prometheus for longer now than I was ever known as anything else, and it’s more who I am than any other identity ever was. You won’t know me by looking back there. In all ways that matter, I was born a little over nineteen years ago.”
He rocked his chair and drained his glass. Karma sipped her drink. The vodka wasn’t kicking anymore. It slid down smooth and easy, warm and welcome. The glasses kept refilling on their own and now that she thought about it, the glass felt different in her hand, bigger. Or maybe it was her hand that felt different. Tingly and sort of swollen—like there was a delay between her skin and the nerves, a padding that filtered everything she touched.
And her lips, they tingled too. She ran her tongue over them, fascinated by the feel. She might be drunk. Was Prometheus drunk too? She looked at him, wondering if his lips felt tingly and flushed like hers. He looked relaxed, tipped back in his chair, his lead lolling back loosely as he rested his drink against his stomach. He nagged at her about relaxing, but he didn’t let his guard down around anyone else either. It was ingrained, that distance he kept between himself and the rest of the world.
“Did you like growing up in foster care?”
The chair legs thumped as they slammed back to the floor. Prometheus wasn’t relaxed anymore. His black eyes bored into her. She hadn’t meant to say it. Her filters were down and that knowledge that sometimes hit her had popped out of her mouth before it had even really had a chance to register on her brain.
“No one likes growing up in foster care.” He reached for the bottle, refilling their glasses by hand.
“I didn’t mean to—”
“You pulled that out of thin air, didn’t you? Post-cognition too, huh? Some fucking gift you’ve got there.” His face was tight. She’d never seen him angry before. She’d been furious in his presence, but he’d never gone past I-don’t-give-a-damn on the emotional spectrum. It was a little scary, seeing him like this. She felt the most animalistic part of her brain screaming at her to run like hell, there was a pissed off predator a few feet away from her, but she stayed perfectly still, watching him.
“Does it all make sense now?” he snapped. “Why I don’t give a shit about my birth name? Why I can’t understand why you wouldn’t have any curiosity about your birth father? What is with that? I’ll never know who my biological parents were and that shit makes me nuts. How does it not make you crazy?” He lurched up out of the chair, his long legs covering the ground to the couch in three strides.
Karma rose, the room swooping dizzily for a moment, and followed, drawn toward him like a tether connected them. She knew the answer to his question, but she didn’t say it. She had a family. Her parents. Jake. Sure, she’d been different. The ocean of power inside her had set her apart from them, made it so they could never wholly understand her, but they had always loved her. That’s why she didn’t need to know who had supplied the sperm to create her. Prometheus hadn’t had that. He’d been alone, trying to figure out who he was in a vacuum.
It was easy to picture him—she wasn’t sure whether it was imagination or some facet of her abilities supplying the images, but she saw them all the same. Smart, independent, resourceful, often in trouble. The system would not have rewarded his defiant brand of ingenuity.
She toed off her heels and sank onto the soft, ivory leather of the couch beside him, careful to keep all traces of sympathy from her expression. He wouldn’t want it. The topic was a minefield and she was too fuzzy to navigate it well, so she hid the way the thought of him as a kid made her ache, letting him see only the respect she had for what he’d become.
She raised her glass to him. “To hacking out a place for yourself in the world.”
That obsidian gaze landed hard on her. He went preternaturally still and for a moment, she saw the predator, pure and unvarnished, looking back at her. Her stomach clenched. Then he blinked, something unlocked and suddenly his mouth was twisted in a wry smile, his glass clinking against hers. “To hacking it out.”
Karma took a breath, belatedly realizing she’d been holding it, and they both drank. After the tension of the moment, relief made her head spin. Or maybe that was the alcohol. The vodka slid over her tongue like silk now and pooled pleasantly with the warmth in her stomach. She could focus on him, but the rest of the room had taken on a distant, fuzzy quality. Houston, we’ve achieved orbit. She frowned, squinting blurrily at the ice clinking merrily in her glass. “Why isn’t the ice melting?”
“Magic,” he rumbled. And just like that, he was relaxed again. How did he do that? He stretched an arm along the back of the sofa, his fingertips grazing the back of her neck as he lazed there, like a lion sunning in the afternoon. Even when he relaxed, he brought to mind predators. There was probably something seriously wrong with her psyche that she got a charge out of the little shivers when he made her feel like prey. It certainly said something about her defective survival instincts, but everything was loose and liquid right now, her entire body warm and mushy, and she couldn’t make herself care. Or move. Especially as his finger began to repeat a slow, deliberate stroke down the nape of her neck.
She’d always been sensitive there, but it had never felt quite like this, like every single individual cell was humming. His fingertip was an electric charge, sizzle sizzle sizzling down her spine and out to her extremities in warm, heavy waves. She was tuned to his touch, each new stroke awakening another inch of her body she’d never known could be erogenous. And that was just from brushing the back of her neck. What would happen if she gave him carte blanche with her body? The thought worked a delicious shudder through her.
Why was she resisting this? Why was she resisting him? He was this wild, sexy, utterly unpredictable, insanely masculine specimen of a man. She was never going to meet anyone else like him and she was wasting it because she was too much of a prude to listen to her own body, which was currently screaming at her to pounce on him.
“I’ve been thinking about what you said.”
“Mm?” His eyes were closed, head lolled against the back of the sofa.
“About casual sex.”
His finger stilled on the back of her neck, then resumed its lazy stroke. “Oh?”
“And fun.”
“Sex should be fun,” he rumbled agreeably, still without opening his eyes or moving a muscle. “Otherwise you’re doing it wrong.”
“I’ve definitely been doing it wrong.” The profoundness of this statement seemed to echo in her thoughts, distracting her.
His lashes lifted, the ebony depths they veiled watching her with careful neutrality. “Now that is a shame.”
“I agree.” His hand fell away from her neck and she resisted the urge to pout and demand it back. She tucked her legs up underneath her so she was kneeling, facing him. “I need more fun in my life. And more sex.”
He plucked her glass from her hand and set both tumblers on the floor. “That’s enough of that,” he muttered under his breath. Then, louder, “Why don’t we see about accessing that gift of yours?”
“Okay.” She swung a leg over his so she was seated, straddling his lap.