
Today’s Modern Woman knows there is often a great chasm between what she should do and what she wants to do. Naturally there are times when duty’s dictates must take precedence. However, there are other times, notably when an attractive gentleman is involved, when she should throw caution to the wind and do what she wants.

A Ladies’ Guide to the Pursuit of

Personal Happiness and Intimate Fulfillment

by Charles Brightmore

Victoria planted her hands on her hips and stared down at Dr. Oliver, who appeared frozen in place, his expression unreadable-although she did not detect even a hint of the guilt that any decent person would have felt being caught in such a manner.

Hiking a disdainful brow, she said, “I cannot deny that on more than one occasion I’ve wished you on your knees, but in my thoughts you always knelt before me-not my portmanteau.”

Without taking his gaze from hers, he slowly rose. Instead of appearing in the least bit abashed, he had the audacity to wink at her. “Ah. So you have thought of me.”

“Not fondly, I assure you.”

He winced. “You wound me, madam.”

“No, not yet.” Her gaze flicked with unmistakable significance to the fire poker. “But that could be arranged.”

He shook his head and made a tsking sound. “I’d no idea you harbored such violent tendencies, my lady. As for kneeling before you? I fear that is a sight you shall never see.”

“Never say never, Dr. Oliver.”

He made a dismissive gesture with his hand. “I’m certain that’s no huge loss, as you’re undoubtedly quite accustomed to men playing your adoring slave.”

Victoria heard a muffled sound and realized it was her shoe tapping against the carpet. She forced her foot to remain still, then fixed her most glacial stare upon him. “My admirers are none of your concern, and do not think for a moment that your transparent ploy to divert my attention from your outrageous behavior has worked. Why were you rifling through my things?”

“I was not rifling.”

“Oh? And what would you call it?”

“I was merely looking.”

“For what?”

For an answer, the insufferable scoundrel cast a meaningful glance down at her portmanteau, which rested near his feet. “Interesting reading material you conceal in your luggage, Lady Victoria.”

Heat suffused Victoria’s face until she was certain she emitted a glow. Before she could recover herself to issue him the set-down he so richly deserved, he said in a silky voice, “I thought girls like you only read torrid novels and simpering poetry.”

Again Victoria forced her foot to remain still-but this time so that she did not give him a swift kick. “Girls like me? My my, a thief and so charming. And in case you’ve failed to notice-not surprising since your powers of observation are clearly not all they should be-I am no longer a girl. I am a woman.”

Something flashed in his eyes. His gaze dropped to her feet, then roamed upward in a slow, assessing perusal no decent gentleman would ever bestow upon a lady. A tingly warmth that surely was outrage began in her toes then worked its way upward in tandem with his gaze until even the roots of her hair felt hot. When he finished, their gazes met. The heated glimmer in his eyes hitched her breath.

“There is nothing wrong with my powers of observation, Lady Victoria. However, I am finished with these games.” His eyes narrowed. “Where is it?”

“Where is what?”

“Stop being coy. You know what I am talking about. The note that was secreted in the lining of your portmanteau. The correspondence belongs to me. Hand it over. Now.” He extended his hand in an imperious manner, and she fisted her fingers in the soft material of her gown to keep from slapping it away.

“Of all the unmitigated gall. Breaking into my bedchamber-”

“The door was unlocked.”

“-touching my personal items-”

“Only very briefly.”

“-then accusing me of stealing something from you! Why didn’t you retrieve this note you claim is your property the first time you searched my chamber?”

His gaze instantly sharpened and he lowered his hand. “The first time? What are you talking about?”

She glanced heavenward. “I thought you’d said you were finished with games. Is my meaning not obvious?”

He erased the distance between them in one long stride then clasped her upper arms. “This is no game. Are you saying that your room was searched earlier today?”

The heat from his hands seemed to burn her through the thin material of her gown. Victoria jerked herself free from his grasp then took a step back. “Yes, that is what I am saying, as if you didn’t know.” Her anger almost made her forget the heated sensation of his hands on her. Almost. “Tell me, do you impose upon all your guests in this unseemly manner, or am I the only fortunate one?”

“How do you know your room was searched?” he asked, ignoring her sarcasm as well as her question.

“It is my habit to be very precise about how and where I place my possessions. ‘Twas obvious my things had been disturbed, and my abigail Winifred was not responsible. I’d assumed a Creston Manor maid was to blame-until I caught you red-handed.”

“If you suspected a Creston Manor maid, why did you not report the incident?”

“Because nothing was missing. I saw no reason to instigate an inquiry that would most certainly end in disciplinary action against someone who was merely curious.”

Although his expression didn’t change, she sensed his surprise at her words. Determined to make the most of that small advantage, she lifted her chin. “I’ve answered your questions and I demand the same courtesy of you-although I suspect that the word ‘courtesy’ is lost upon you.”

“You haven’t begun to answer my questions.” He jerked his head toward the wardrobe. “That portmanteau-is it the only one you own?”

“Certainly not. I’ve half a dozen.”

“Where are they?”

Pretending to give the matter serious consideration, she tapped her chin and frowned. “Two are at the London town house, and three at Wexhall Manor. Or are there three in London and only two in the country-”

He made a low noise that sounded like a growl. “Here. Do you have any others with you here in Cornwall?”

Victoria barely suppressed a smile at his frustration and made her eyes go round with innocence. “Oh. No. That is the only one I brought to Cornwall.”

Without shifting his gaze from her, he reached down and behind him. Holding the open case against his chest, he pointed to the ripped lining. “How did this happen?”

“Surely you should be the one explaining that to me.”

He advanced a step and Victoria had to fight the urge to back up. His eyes glittered in the firelight and a muscle jerked in his cheek.

“Lady Victoria,” he said in a deceptively soft, silky voice, “you are severely testing my patience.”

“Excellent. I would hate to think I was alone in being irritated.”

He pressed his lips together and she could almost hear him counting to ten. “When I arrived, this lining had already been ripped, then very sloppily repaired.” He said the words slowly, pronouncing each syllable very precisely, as if he were speaking to a child-a fact that raised her hackles even further. “Do you know anything about how that came about?”

“As a matter of fact I do.”

Nathan stared at her, waiting for her to elaborate, his patience, normally so even and reliable, straining dangerously close to the end of its tenuous tether. She stood before him, chin raised, brows hoisted up, lips pursed, looking as impatient as he felt, which of course was impossible, as he would have laid odds that at this moment he was the most impatient individual in the entire bloody country. Which further served to annoy him, as he was not an impatient man, in any facet of his life. But something about this woman brought out the worst in him.

After taking a slow, deep breath, Nathan said in a perfectly calm voice, “Tell me what you know.”

“I’m afraid I do not respond well to imperious orders, Dr. Oliver,” she replied in a haughty tone. “Perhaps if you couched your request more politely…”

Her words trailed off, and Nathan swore his teeth would be reduced to nubs before this interview was over. “Please,” he forced out between his clenched lips.

“Much better,” she said in a prim tone. “Although I’m not certain you deserve an explanation after insulting my sewing abilities.”

You sewed the lining?”

“I did.”


“Earlier this evening.” She paused again, but clearly whatever she read in his gaze wisely compelled her to continue without further prodding. “After freshening up from our journey, my aunt and I took a turn around the gardens-which are lovely, by the way.”

“Thank you. Go on.”

“Hmmm. Some politeness, although rather brusque. As I was saying, we walked the gardens. When I returned to my bedchamber to prepare for dinner, I realized someone had been in my room. The disturbances were subtle-a wrinkle on the counterpane, my perfume bottle not precisely where I’d left it, the wardrobe door closed rather than open several inches to aid in the airing of my gowns, the latch of my trunk open. If only one thing or one part of the room had showed signs of being tampered with, I would have simply attributed it to a servant, but it was all about the room. My things had been unpacked and put away before I left for the gardens, so there wouldn’t have been any reason for anyone to touch the wardrobe or my trunk.”

“So you conducted a search of your own to see what, if anything, was missing.”

“Yes. And nothing was missing. Not even from my jewel case. But during my search, I discovered a faulty seam in my portmanteau, which very much distressed me, as the bag had belonged to my mother and is a favorite of mine. Upon closer examination, it was clear that the stitches were extremely amateurish. Certainly not the work of any reputable tailor or my mother, who was very accomplished with a needle and thread. My curiosity was aroused and I pulled out the stitches. When I finished, I felt around in the space behind the lining.”

“You discovered a letter.” It wasn’t a question.

“I did.”

Bloody hell. “Did you read it?” Not that it would matter, as naturally Wexhall would have written it in code.

“Really, Dr. Oliver, I think the pertinent question here is: How did you know a letter was secreted in the lining of my luggage?”

Nathan studied her for several long seconds. Damn it to hell, this was a complication he didn’t need. Or want. Indeed, he hadn’t wanted or needed any of this. He should be in Little Longstone, tending to his patients, caring for his animals, enjoying the peaceful existence he’d worked so hard to achieve. Instead he stood facing a veritable termagant who had his note and by the stubborn look of her wouldn’t give it up easily.

A half-dozen lies rose to his lips, but a sudden overwhelming weariness washed over him. God, he was sick of lying. And why should he? His service to the Crown was completed. He was no longer sworn to secrecy. How easy and refreshing it would be to simply tell the truth.

Watching her carefully, he said, “I knew the letter was there because it was meant for me.”

“And why would a letter meant for you be hidden in my portmanteau?”

“Because as you were traveling to Cornwall, it was the most expeditious way to get the note to me.”

“If that is so, then why was it hidden? Why couldn’t I have simply been given the note with instructions to hand it over to you when I arrived?”

“Because it contains top secret information that is meant for my eyes only.”

“Top secret? You make this sound like some sort of spy adventure.”

When he did nothing to deny or confirm her statement, her eyes narrowed and she studied him. Finally she said, “Are you implying that you’re some sort of… spy?”

“I’m not implying anything. I’m stating it outright.”

She blinked. “That you’re a spy.”

Was a spy,” he corrected, in keeping with his new policy of honesty. “I retired from my service as an operative three years ago, but have been temporarily reactivated.”

She stared at him for a full ten seconds. Then her lips twitched. “You must be joking,” she said, unsuccessfully trying to disguise her laughter.

“I assure you I am not,” Nathan said stiffly.

She laughed outright. “Surely you don’t think I would fall for such a Banbury tale.”

“Actually, I can’t fathom why you wouldn’t believe me.”

“For starters, you’re clearly hard of hearing. Whoever heard of a spy with afflicted hearing?”

“My hearing is perfectly sound.”

She uttered a distinctly snortlike sound. “I entered the room and walked right up to you, yet you still didn’t know I was there until I spoke.”

Bloody hell. Because of that damn Guide and the erotic images it had inspired. “I was, er, distracted.” Before she could launch into more reasons, he said, “I was involved in a mission three years ago that failed and resulted in my resignation. That note contains information that could afford me the opportunity to reverse the mission’s failure.” And to retrieve what I lost.

Clearly still amused, she nodded encouragingly and made a rolling motion with her hand. “Oh, please do continue. This is more entertaining than any torrid novel a girl like me might read.”

Nathan took a second to wonder if he’d ever met a more aggravating woman and knew without a doubt that he had not. Narrowing his gaze, he dropped her bag to the floor then took a step toward her, taking perverse delight in the sudden flicker of uncertainty that flashed in her eyes.

“You want the torrid tale?” he asked in a silky tone. “I’d be delighted to tell you. From both a military and smuggling perspective, this estate is located in a very advantageous location. During the war, I was recruited by the Crown to perform various tasks, which included spying on the French and retrieving goods being smuggled in and out of England. Three years ago I was assigned to recover a cache of jewels, but the mission did not… go as planned and the jewels went missing. I left the Crown’s service shortly thereafter. Recently, new information regarding the jewel’s possible whereabouts came to light. Since I was most familiar with the case, I was asked to return to Cornwall to help recover them. The new information regarding the jewels is in the note you found-a note which, as I’m sure you now understand, belongs to me.” He crossed his arms over his chest, gratified to see that she no longer looked amused. She did not, however, look entirely convinced. “As I trust I’ve satisfied your curiosity, I would appreciate it if you would now return the note to me.”

“Actually, you’ve only succeeded in whetting my curiosity, Dr. Oliver.”

“A pity, as that is all the explanation I’m prepared to give you.” He held out his hand. “My letter, if you please, Lady Victoria.”

Instead of complying, she commenced pacing in front of him. He could almost hear the gears turning in her head as she considered all he’d said. With a resigned sigh, he lowered his hand and watched her. The firelight cast her in a soft, gilded glow, highlighting her shiny hair. Her gown, a burnished bronze silk that accentuated her blue eyes while complimenting her creamy complexion, swirled about her ankles as she turned.

His gaze settled on the delicate curve of her slender neck, left enticingly bare by the upswept Grecian knot in which her hair was arranged. He found himself fascinated by the spot where her neck met the gentle slope of her shoulder… by that delicate hollow formed at the juncture of the base of her throat and her collarbone. His fingers and lips suddenly itched with an overwhelming desire to touch her there. Taste her there. Experience the silky smoothness of that vulnerable spot. Breathe in the elusive rosy fragrance he knew would be clinging to her skin.

She turned again and pursed her lips, drawing his attention to their rosy plumpness. In spite of the passage of three years, he recalled every exact detail of those lips. Their smooth texture. Their lush fullness. Their delicious taste. The sensuous glide of them against his mouth and tongue. He’d kissed his fair share of women before that stolen moment with Lady Victoria, but those few minutes with her in the gallery had effectively wiped his memory clean of those previous encounters.

He’d also kissed his fair share of women after that stolen moment with Lady Victoria. To his profound puzzlement-and annoyance-he’d discovered that while other lips might feel nice and taste fine, no other lips felt quite like hers. Tasted quite like hers. Indeed, the need to prove to himself that he was wrong on this score had turned into something of a quest-until he’d started feeling like the prince in the Cinderella fairy tale, only rather than trying to discover whose foot fit the glass slipper, he attempted to find a set of lips that suited him as well. The prince had eventually succeeded. Unfortunately, he had yet to be so lucky.

Perhaps because you’ve been looking in the wrong places, his inner voice whispered. Kissing the wrong women. Perhaps you should look no further than this very room

Nathan consigned his damn inner voice to the devil then clenched his hands at his sides to keep from reaching out to snag Lady Victoria as she paced by him again, to snatch her into his arms and kiss her. Prove to himself that he’d attached far too much significance to a meaningless kiss. It couldn’t have been that good. Yes, he’d obviously blown the entire episode out of proportion. And there was one sure way to prove that.

Before he could move, however, Lady Victoria ceased pacing and swirled to face him. “If this tale you’ve related is true,” she said, eyeing him with the sort of ripe suspicion a mouse would cast upon a hungry tabby, “then my father must somehow be involved.”

Damn. He’d known she might add two and two and arrive at the correct sum. He’d hoped she would not, gambled that like many women of her station, her head would be filled with nothing more than gossip and fashions. Clearly Lady Victoria wasn’t a fool. A denial rose to his lips, but he somehow couldn’t bring himself to voice it. Instead he found himself fascinated to hear what she’d say next.

She obliged him by rushing on. “Even if Father wasn’t the person who hid the note in my bag, he must have known of its existence. He was most emphatic that I travel to Cornwall. Too emphatic, now that I ponder upon it.” She slowly shook her head, her frown growing more pronounced as her gaze shifted to the flames dancing in the grate. “It would explain so much…” she murmured.

Nathan kept his features completely impassive-a talent left over from his spying days-and simply watched her. After nearly a full minute of silence, her gaze swiveled and bore into him. “My father works for the Crown.”

The words were a statement rather than a question, and said in an utterly flat tone.

Nathan saw no point in prevaricating. “Yes.”

A humorless sound escaped her. “It’s all so clear now… the late night clandestine meetings in his study, his frequent absences, the worried look in his eyes when he thought himself unobserved.” She blew out a long breath and shook her head. “I knew, in my heart, that he wasn’t being truthful, that there was more going on than just the gambling and male frivolity he used as excuses, but I never pressed him.” Her expression changed to one of profound hurt, and the area around his heart seemed to collapse in on itself at that distressed look. “I thought he had a mistress and was merely being circumvent and discreet for the sake of my sensibilities.”

“I’m afraid secrecy goes hand in hand with spying.”

“Secrecy? You mean lying.”

He could see she was floundering, trying to assimilate her emotions, and seeing her straggle affected him in a way he couldn’t name. Walking to her, he lightly grasped her upper arms.

“I mean saying and doing what is necessary to keep your association with the Crown concealed so as to carry out your duty to protect this country’s interests. To keep yourself, your friends, your family safe.”

Her gaze searched his, then she asked, “That night you came to our town house to see my father… was that about the mission involving the jewels?”

A muscle ticked in Nathan’s jaw. “Yes.”

“My father was involved?”

Up to his bloody damn neck. “He was.” He released her, and then, after a quick debate with himself, decided there was no point in not telling her. “Your father coordinated the mission. He is the person who recruited us.”

She absorbed that, then said, “So Father is more than simply a spy. He’s a… boss of other spies?”


“And who besides you is included in this ‘us’ he recruited?”

“My brother and Lord Alwyck.”

She nodded slowly, her gaze never leaving his. “So at dinner this evening I sat between two spies and across from another one.”

Former spies. Yes.”

“Was your father also a spy?”


“Your butler? Housekeeper? Valet?”

One corner of his mouth hiked up. “Not that I’m aware of.”

“How refreshing. But let us not forget my absent-minded, genial father who I clearly do not know at all.” Her voice trembled on the last word, and she lowered her chin to stare at the floor.

Nathan again experienced that hollow feeling in his chest. Touching a single finger under her chin, he gently urged her head up until their gazes met. “The fact that he is regarded as absentminded and genial worked greatly to his advantage. The work he coordinated saved hundreds of British soldiers’ lives. In order for him to do that, there were aspects of his life that he couldn’t share with you, or anyone else.”

She swallowed, her slender throat working, her eyes brimming with questions. “I can understand that,” she finally said. “But what I don’t understand is why send this note to you with me? Why not send one of his spy people? Or summon you to London?”

Before answering, he slid his finger from beneath her chin, allowing its tip to trail over her skin for the merest fraction of an inch. Soft. Bloody hell, she was so soft. His hands all but twitched with the need to touch her again. The desire was so intense, he had to move away from her to ensure he wouldn’t give in to the need.

After walking to the mantel, he stared into the glowing flames and engaged in a quick internal debate. Then he turned to face her. “Your father sent you to Cornwall because he believes you’re in danger. He wanted you out of London and the information brought to Cornwall, so he accomplished both goals with one journey.”

“Danger?” she repeated, her tone expressing both doubt and surprise. “What sort of danger? And why would he think such a thing?”

“He didn’t say specifically, but he clearly believes some harm might befall you. As to why, I would guess that he has either received a threat against you or he has himself been threatened and therefore fears you might be harmed in the melee. Perhaps both.”

Her face paled. “You believe my father is in some sort of danger?”

“I don’t know.” He shot her a significant look. “I’m certain that the letter he sent me via your portmanteau contains the answer to your question.”

“I read the letter. There was no mention of danger. Indeed, it read only of-” She snapped her lips together. After a pause she said, “It did not mention danger.”

“Not that you or any other lay person would be able to discern. Your father would have written to me in code.”

A long, strained silence stretched between them. Finally she lifted her chin, her eyes troubled. “What if Father is hurt-or worse-while I’m so far away?”

The worry in her eyes unsettled him in a way he couldn’t explain. All he knew was that he wanted that look to vanish. “Your father is an extremely clever and resourceful man,” he said quietly, “with great resources and manpower at his disposal. I’ve no doubt he will outwit whoever challenges him.”

A strangled sound emerged from her throat. “That does not sound at all like my father, but obviously you know him far better than I.” Some of the worry faded from her gaze, replaced by speculation. “ ‘Tis clear you’re more than the simple country doctor you pretend to be.”

“I’ve never pretended to be a doctor. I am one. A damned good one.” He inclined his head. “ ‘Tis clear you’re more than the empty-headed heiress you pretend to be.”

“I’ve never pretended to be an heiress. I am one. Nor have I ever been empty-headed-that is just your arrogance and unfounded assumptions talking.”

“I want that note, Lady Victoria.”

“Yes, I know. How unfortunate for you that it is in my possession.”

“I cannot hope to protect you without knowing what danger your father fears is imminent.”

“You? Protect me?” she said in a scoffing tone. “You who are as deaf as a post? What is your plan to protect me-order your hens and ducks to nibble into submission ‘he who would threaten my safety’?”

Good God. Had he ever considered her attractive? Surely he was mad. She was infuriating. And clearly toying with him. Bloody hell, she was nothing more than… an infuriating toyer-wither. And his patience had officially been stretched to its limit.

With his narrowed gaze steady on hers, Nathan demanded, “Why are you refusing to return the note to me?”

“I haven’t refused.”

“Then you’ll comply with my request?”

“No… at least not yet.”

“I’m not the sort of man to dance to your merry tune, Lady Victoria.”

“I never said I wanted you to dance to a merry tune.”

“Good. But clearly you want something.”

“I do.”

“How fortunate I am not prone to swooning at hearing shocking statements. What do you want?”

“I want to be included. I want to help you.”

“Help me what?”

“Accomplish the mission my father assigned to you. To recover the jewels.”

Luckily his jaw was attached to his face or it would have landed on his boots. As it was, he couldn’t contain a bark of incredulous laughter. “Absolutely not.”

She shrugged. “Well, then I’m afraid I cannot give you your letter.”

“Why would you want to involve yourself in something that is not only none of your concern, but could potentially be dangerous?”

“Seeing as how both my father and myself may be in danger, and that that letter is the reason I was dispatched to this godforsaken end-of-the-earth place, I believe this is very much my concern. It is now clear to me that I have been subjected to lies and secrecy for more years than I care to contemplate. I refuse to be subjected to them any longer.” Her expression hardened, turning angry. And resolute. Two expressions that would put any man immediately on his guard. “Do you know what it’s like to be lied to, Dr. Oliver?”

He did. And he had not enjoyed the experience. He inclined his head to acknowledge she’d scored a point. “But you cannot be so foolish as to harbor anger because your father did not tell you things that would have compromised the security of this country.”

“No, although I cannot deny feeling foolish-and resentful-that I clearly know very little about the man I grew up with, who I thought I knew and understood extremely well. I am, however, very angry that he did not tell me he might be in danger.”

“I told you-he can take care of himself. And more efficiently if he wasn’t distracted by worrying about the safety of his daughter. He wanted, needed, you to leave London. He obviously thought you would not if you knew the truth.”

“He took away my choices,” Lady Victoria said hotly. “I deserved to know. To be given an opportunity to help him. To know the real reason why I was being sent away. To know I might be in danger as well.” She huffed out a breath. “At least that would have granted me the opportunity to prepare myself. To raise my guard. But no, instead I was patted on the head and toddled off to the wilderness to be looked after by a man I barely know and whom I haven’t seen in three years, as if because I’m a woman I’m helpless.” Her entire demeanor exuded stubborn determination. “Well, he made an error. I am a Modern Woman. I will not be shunted aside and treated as if I am a feeble nitwit. I have devised a plan, and unlike you and my father, I am willing to be honest and share it with you. It is a simple plan, one even you won’t have trouble understanding: I have your note. I will return it to you if you agree to include me in your mission.”

“And if I refuse to agree?”

She smiled brightly. “Then I shall not return it to you. See? I told you it was simple.”

Nathan stepped away from the fireplace and moved slowly toward her, like a jungle cat stalking his prey. Her smile faded and she slowly backed away from him. He kept pace with her retreat, shifting so as to maneuver her toward the corner-exactly where he wanted her both physically and strategically. She took another step back and her shoulders bumped into the vee where the two walls met. Surprise flashed in her eyes, then she drew herself up and raised her chin another notch, her eyes wide but meeting his gaze unflinchingly. If Nathan had not been so irritated with her, he would have admired her pluck at realizing she was trapped and braving her way through it. She might be a thorn in his side, but she wasn’t a coward. Surprising, as he’d have wagered the word “danger” would have sent her running for the hartshorn.

“You’ll not bully me into giving you the note,” she said, her voice not displaying the slightest tremor.

Nathan planted a hand on each wall, bracketing her in. “I’ve never had to bully a woman into giving me what I want, Lady Victoria.”

Her gaze flicked to his arms, positioned near her head, before returning to his face. “You’ll never find it.”

“I assure you I shall.”

“No. It’s hidden in a place where you will never locate it.”

Nathan hid his triumph at her inadvertent admission that the note was still intact and that she hadn’t destroyed it. He allowed his gaze to wander slowly down then up her form. When his gaze once again met hers, he said softly, “You’re wearing it. The question is, is it tucked into one of your garters, or…” He glanced down at the swell of creamy skin rising from her bronze bodice. “… or nestled between your breasts?”

Her startled expression, coupled with her furious blush, confirmed the accuracy of his guess.

“That was the most ungentlemanly scrutiny I have ever been subjected to,” she said, sounding as if she’d just darted up a flight of stairs.

He brushed a single fingertip slowly over her cheekbone, memorizing the silky texture of her warm skin and the sound of her quick intake of breath. “If you think I’ll believe this crimson stain is the result of mere maidenly outrage, you underestimate me, Lady Victoria, and that would be a mistake.”

She swallowed, hard, then said, “Of course I am outraged. And since you clearly are not aware, a gentleman asks for permission before touching a lady.”

“I’ve never claimed to be a gentleman.” Because he couldn’t resist, he glided the pad of his thumb over that enticing blush once more before resettling his hand against the wall. “I prefer to ask for forgiveness afterward-if it’s necessary-than to request permission beforehand.”

“How convenient for your conscience-although I’d wager you do not possess one.”

“On the contrary, I do. In fact, right now it is instructing me to ask if you would have granted me permission to touch you.”

“Certainly not.”

“Ah, then you can see why my method is much more preferable.”

“Yes-for you.”

“Then I shall ask for your forgiveness.”


Nathan blew out a long put-upon breath and shook his head. “It appears you are determined to deny me in all matters this evening.” He moved a step closer to her, then leaned down so his lips hovered just above her ear. The subtle scent of roses filled his head, and his hands fisted against the silk wall covering. “You’ll have to remove your clothes eventually, my lady. And now you’ve given me a great incentive to make certain that I’m present when you do.”

She sucked in a hissing breath. He leaned back, cursing the alluring scent of her now branded in his mind. “That will never happen, I assure you.”

“Never say never, Lady Victoria.”
