There was nothing else she could do, and after a while, Emma began to wonder how much was actually happening and how much she was dreaming. It didn’t seem possible that only hours before she’d been in Raul’s arms in Samaipata. The warmth of his embrace, the gentle kisses he’d given her, the hours of lovemaking in the old abbey-had they really happened, or was the harsh floor where she now huddled in fear the dream? She hadn’t had an opportunity to grab her watch, so she had no idea how many hours had passed. Time blurred and so did her thinking.

At one point, she even imagined herself back home. She felt the tiny hands of her children on her face, their touch sweet and fleeting against her skin. The smell of baby powder hung in the air, along with the cry of the mockingbirds that nested by the nursery windows every year. She whispered their names. “Sarah? Jake?”

But no one answered.

She thought then of the bag the men had found. She had no idea what had been in it or how it’d gotten there. A point of trivia popped into her discombobulated brain: Bolivia was the world’s third-largest cultivator of coca. She’d seen the green leafy plants herself, growing on the mountain sides on the way to Samaipata. A certain amount was allowed each person. The locals drank tea made from the leaves and chewed them on occasion, sometimes using it in ceremonies. The cocaleros who grew more turned the plant into black paste, then shipped it to Colombia to be refined. Powdered cocaine was as illegal here as it was in the States, but there was one difference: it wasn’t often found inside the country. How had it gotten inside her house?

The drum of boots on the tile floor in the corridor outside finally broke her reverie. She jerked into awareness, every hair on her neck standing up, every nerve in her body quivering. She’d spent what seemed like forever listening for a sound-any sound-but nothing had happened. Now, as the noise replaced the silence, she longed for the quiet once more.

They were coming for her.

She leaped to her feet, then almost fell, her legs numb from sitting on the concrete floor, her back and shoulder stabbed with pain. She caught her balance and brought herself upright, just as the key rasped in the lock.

The scarred door flew open a second later. Emma’s mouth fell open when she saw the man who stood on the threshold.
