Chapter Nineteen

Three months later

“He looks really good.” Alli hugged her waist, overcome with so many emotions she wasn’t sure which one was the strongest. Obsidian played soccer with over a dozen males on the side yard next to the men’s dorm. His hair was down, the silky strands blew in the wind, and her fingers flexed from the desire to touch him.

He’d filled out more, judging by his arms and chest, which were displayed in the red tank top that also accented his tanner skin. He ran across the grass barefoot, kicked the ball and it made it past the goalie. He turned—she was sure he smiled and high-fived another male wearing the same-colored shirt.

“He’s healthier and stronger,” Breeze agreed.

“He’s not as lean as when you last saw him. I told you all this when you arrived. Do you believe me now? Why are we hiding inside Smiley’s room spying on your male?”

That was the problem. Is he still mine? Fear wrapped its icy tentacles around her heart. She’d been a mess since she’d received the call three hours before from Homeland. They’d offered her the option to visit Obsidian. It had been a dream come true but at the same time, worry had nearly given her an ulcer.

Sixteen weeks and three days had passed since she’d been escorted by a few members of the NSO task force to one of their vans. Fuller Prison was less than an hour’s drive from Homeland.

The new boss had been an asshole with a Napoleon complex—she’d barely tolerated him. The entire facility had been contained by high walls similar to Homeland but it was a lot smaller. The job sucked but she’d endured treating the prisoners, hoping to get “the call” saying she could see Obsidian.


She refused to look away from the man she loved as he ran the length of the yard. “Yeah?”

“Are you well? Was it bad at Fuller?”

“I thought about him every day. It helped battle the loneliness.”

“You didn’t make new friends?” Breeze’s voice drew closer.

“No.” She pushed back unpleasant memories of the time she’d spent away. “It was a coin toss whether the prisoners or the guards were more offensive.”

“Did they offer to share sex with you?”

Too many times to count. The question did make her curious enough to turn her head and stare at her friend. “I was the only woman working there. What do you think?”

Breeze sniffed loudly. “I don’t smell a male on you. Is that it? Did you form a bond with someone else?”

“Hell no.” She took a calming breath, the sharp retort revealing too much of her anger. “Sorry.

Let’s just say it isn’t the best job in the world. I’d be a billionaire if I got a dollar for every time one of them hit on me.” She gazed back out the window of the third-floor apartment to locate Obsidian. “Has he missed me?” Hope flared while she watched him kick the ball.

“He doesn’t speak of you at all.”

Ouch. The jab to her heart felt as though a knife had been shoved into it.

“He did at first, maybe two weeks. After that he stopped.”


“I think it made him too angry.”

Alli glanced back. “At me?”

“At you being gone. He knows you didn’t abandon him. I left no doubt in his mind that you had no choice. Moon and I were very blunt with him.” She lowered her voice. “Although I wanted to break it to him more gently.”

“What does that mean?”

Breeze moved close enough to peer outside.

“Moon and I had different ideas of the best way to handle Obsidian. It worked out well though.

He’s made friends and has a job.”

“Really?” That was good news.

“Lots of friends. Moon taught him how to drive and guessed right when he believed he’d take well to delivering things around Homeland.”

She wanted to ask about women but couldn’t stand to hear the answer. It might very well shatter her heart if Breeze named off the ones Obsidian had slept with. She turned, spotting him again.

It wasn’t hard to do since her eye was naturally drawn to his tall frame. It was torture being so close yet so far away from him.

“Aren’t you curious?”

“About what?”

“If he bonded with another female.”

The knife in her heart turned into a javelin.

She said nothing, didn’t even look back, unable to face that possibility yet. In her mind, she liked to imagine he pined for her as much as she did for him. The bad thing about daydreams was reality had to come crashing in at some point.


“Don’t,” she whispered. “I don’t want to know.” I couldn’t take it.

“You no longer care about Obsidian? I am surprised.”

Her head whipped around, gaping at Breeze.

“I still love him. Not a day has gone by when I didn’t worry that he’d meet someone else and forget all about me. I just…” emotion choked her.

A smile played at the Species’ lips. “There were none. He refused all offers to share sex.”

Knees weakened in relief. “Really?”

A sharp nod. “He said he was done with females.”

That respite was short-lived. “What does that mean?”

“His mate rejected him and he was separated from you. He said he didn’t want another female to matter to him.”

She gazed back out the window, silently suffering. “Were there a lot of women who hit on him?”

It was pathetic to ask but she couldn’t resist.

“Many. He’s attractive and mysterious to our kind since he’s different. They are accustomed to being pursued by males and he isn’t into the chase.”

Had Breeze hit on him? She bit that question back, smothering it in a blanket of jealousy. It was stupid to feel that way since he wasn’t hers.

Regret was a bitter pill to swallow. She should have signed those mate papers. It would have given her access to him sooner, possibly even prevented her from being sent away in the first place.

“He is also exceedingly polite and courteous.

Many of our females are charmed by him when he drops off packages and supplies to them during his work shifts. Some believe he is too shy to touch them while others think he might be too embarrassed to reveal his bare skin if he has scars.”

That had Alli not only stunned but gaping at Breeze. It had to be a joke but there wasn’t a hint of a smile or humor when she studied her closely.

There were a lot of ways Alli could describe Obsidian but none of those fit the man she’d known.

He was aggressive, a bully, opinionated, blunt, and sometimes downright crude. He also didn’t have a modest bone in his body when it came to stripping out of his clothes or taking them off a woman.

“Obsidian?” Maybe Breeze had started to talk about someone else and she’d been too distracted to notice.

“Yes. He is very sweet and docile now. He’s really taken to Species life. You should be very proud of him.”

She turned to the window again, not wanting Breeze to see her pain. It seemed her leaving might have been the best thing to happen to him.

His personality had undergone a drastic change and he’d thrived in her absence. Guilt nagged at her when she identified her disappointment. It wasn’t right but she’d hoped he’d been like a bear with a thorn stuck in his paw and only she’d be able to make it all better for him when she returned. Reality bit her hard in the ass.

Obsidian laughed at something someone said, smiling so big she could see the white of his teeth from three floors above. He seemed really happy and carefree as he played and interacted with his new friends. He had found a home finally and she wasn’t a part of it.

Breeze touched her shoulder. “They will be finished soon and scatter when the game ends.

We need to hurry to make sure we don’t have to track him down to another location. He will be surprised to see you.”

“No one told him I was coming?” She figured they would have but she’d obviously been wrong.

“We thought it would better if he just saw you.”

Warily she faced Breeze, carefully studying her. The only reason to avoid telling him of her visit was if they expected him to take the news in a negative light. She’d asked to see him from afar just so she didn’t act like an idiot by gawking at him or throw herself into his arms. Instead the time watching him hadn’t given her a moment of composure first. It had just shown her how he didn’t need her anymore.

The other woman avoided eye contact, her smile seeming a little forced. “Let’s go.”

Alli didn’t budge. “What is going on? Why wasn’t he told I was invited to visit him?”

Breeze glanced at the floor, the wall, even at the ceiling before finally meeting her gaze. “We weren’t sure how he would respond. He has refused to speak of you at all. Every time Moon or I, anyone for that matter, says your name, he just walks away. No discussion, no explanation. He just avoids us for a day.”

That was really disheartening and telling at the same time. “Take me back to the gates. The task force is waiting there to drive me back to Fuller.”

Dark-brown eyes narrowed. “We’re going to surprise him downstairs.”

“I’m leaving.” Alli inched around Breeze, heading for the door.

The woman gripped her shoulder, holding her fast. “Not so fast.”

Frustration, fear of the unknown and possible heartache battled. “You didn’t tell him I was coming and you said he gets angry just hearing my name. It’s obvious that he won’t want to see me.

I’m not going to do that to myself.”

“Do what?”

“Watch him reject me,” she admitted. “It would tear me apart.”

“Leaving without talking to him would do the same. You won’t know how he reacts until you face him. Both of you were once bonded. The attraction could still be very alive.”

It was on her part but Obsidian might have grown to resent her. All the fears she’d had of him using her for a crutch to get past the pain of losing his mate and waking in a new world brought her insecurities to the front again.

“You’ll regret leaving if you don’t at least say hello. What could it hurt?”

“It would destroy me from the inside out if he looks at me any different than he used to,” she whispered, admitting her deepest fear. “I still love him. I never stopped.”

Breeze sighed softy. “You won’t know until you face him. Love is so complicated. I’m glad I don’t suffer from it and hope I never do. It’s amazing how smart, strong people turn into frail, frightened idiots once their hearts are involved.”

The hand dropped away. “Let’s go and get this over with. At best, you’ll be dealing with a male who is starved of sex and he’ll make up for lost time between you two. At worst, he’ll state that your coming for this visit was a mistake. You’ll have your answer either way.”

“I’m terrified.”

“He won’t harm you physically. I can guarantee that.”

“That’s not what I’m afraid of.”

“I know. I was trying to use humor during a stressful moment. Big fail on my part. Let’s go.

You’re still stalling.”

“Shouldn’t you warn him first or something?

Give him a minute at least to let it sink in that I’m here before he’s confronted?”

Breeze latched on to her hand, tugging. “Good try but no dice. Now is a good time.”

Alli stumbled a few times, her legs leaden with dread. Her world might be about to come crashing down on her head. There would be no mental barriers she could erect that would protect her if the time they had spent together were moments he regretted.

The game was still in full swing when they left the side door of the dorm. Some males were sitting on the grass in the shade of the building. Alli could feel their stares turning her way but she only had eyes for Obsidian. He was bent slightly, watching the ball about to be tossed in from the sideline where it had gone out, but frowned when the one holding it paused.

The other players began to turn in her direction, watching her approach with Breeze. They were either fascinated by two women at the game or they knew who Dr. Allison Baker was. Obsidian finally realized there was a stir and glanced their way.

He spotted Breeze first and smiled openly, welcoming her presence. His gaze shifted to Alli. She stopped walking, unable to move when his expression hardened, became closed and his dark eyes narrowed.

“Allison has come to speak to you,” Breeze stated loudly. “Doesn’t she look wonderful, Obsidian?”

Someone growled and Alli was pretty certain the unhappy sound had come from the man she loved. It hurt when he turned his head away to say something to one of the males closest to him.

She wished the ground would open under her, just take her somewhere dark, where she could fall apart privately away from the prying eyes of everyone within sight. He obviously wasn’t happy to see her as he continued to ignore her.

Her heel caught on the grass when she stepped back to make a hasty retreat. Breeze saved her from an embarrassing fall by gripping her arm.

The Species hissed. “He’s being an ass.”

“Thank you.” She gently wiggled out of her hold. “I’m leaving.”

“Don’t. Give him time.”

Alli spun, carefully watching her step as she fled. It was difficult to keep it to a fast walk when she really wanted to run. The man she’d known never would have shunned her but he had.

It seemed more than his appearance had changed.

Grief threatened to spill out loudly, along with the tears she fought to contain.

She made it to the front of the building where an escort leaned against a Jeep. Flame smiled when he saw her.

“That was fast. Are you ready to leave, Dr. Allison?”

“Yes.” She desperately tried to keep it together until she could fall apart in private. “Please.”

He noticed her distressed state. “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine,” she lied.

He nodded sharply. “Is there anywhere else you’d like to visit while you’re at Homeland?”

“No. Just take me to the main gate.”

She inwardly winced at the way her voice cracked. The Species officer studied her face suspiciously. His next words confirmed it.

“Did a male inside frighten you? You are not fine.” His hand snatched hers, long fingers curling around the back of it, and clung. “I’m here.

Talk to me and tell me what happened.”

“Don’t touch her,” a deep, masculine voice snarled.

Alli’s spine stiffened. She’d remember that harsh, angry tone anywhere. And the man.

“What’s wrong, Obsidian?” Flame let go, frowning at something behind her. “I wasn’t harming her. She’s distressed about something that happened inside.”

Turn around. Look at him. Her mind ordered her to do it but her feet may as well have been stuck in concrete. She just couldn’t do it. Why had he even followed her to the street?

“I’ve waited three months to talk to you yet you couldn’t wait two minutes to talk to me? I was excusing myself from the game.” His voice was still deep but the rough edges had gone out of it.

She swallowed hard and moved, facing him slowly. He was just feet away, bigger than life.

The changes in his face were more evident up close as she studied every inch of it. His cheeks were fuller, the scars either faded or just hidden by the slightly longer hair along his temples. The sun had darkened his skin slightly from the hours he must have spent outside.

The memory of his powerful stare paled in comparison to the real thing. His eyes seemed a softer brown than she remembered, more beautiful, and his black eyelashes longer. He blinked but didn’t move otherwise while they watched each other.

“Is everything okay?” the New Species officer asked but she ignored him.

“Go away, Flame,” Obsidian rasped. “Now.”

“I’m assigned to Dr. Allison while she visits Homeland.” Flame didn’t take orders well. “I can’t.”

Obsidian’s gaze shifted away from her, breaking contact with hers. “Go away, Flame.” He frowned. “I’ll take responsibility for her well-being. We need to talk in private.”

“Oh. Um. Okay. I’ll take a walk. Maybe grab a sandwich inside.” He skirted around them with a wide berth, striding to the front doors of the dorm quickly.

“Hi,” she managed to whisper, cleared her throat, and spoke louder. “You have gained weight. It looks good.”

He stared at her again and his frown deepened.

The uncomfortable moment was painful. All her daydreams of seeing him again were a bitter pill to swallow. He didn’t respond at all.

She decided to try again. “I saw you playing soccer. I’m glad you seem to have made so many friends.”

Silence. He blinked, the frown still firmly marring the skin shadowing the sides of his lips.

Maybe she should ask him a question, something to respond to. It was worth a try. “How have you been?”

Eyebrows lifted, widening his eyes slightly. He didn’t reply.

Slow-burning anger and sadness combined inside her. “You followed me out here to order Flame not to touch me because you wanted to have a staring contest? Is that it?”

“I waited for three months to see you and you couldn’t wait one minute for me to excuse myself from the game?”

He took one step, paused, then another. He crouched in front of her and she had no idea why he did it. She glanced at the ground between them to see if maybe she’d dropped something but he suddenly plowed into her as if he were performing a tackle. He hit her hips with enough force to knock her off her feet but she never slammed into the ground. He straightened as he continued to sweep his body forward and slung her over his shoulder as though she were a sack of potatoes. One hand gripped her ass firmly to hold her in place while his other arm hooked behind her knees to pin them against his chest.

“We’re not doing this here,” he grumbled, spinning fast enough to make her dizzy before storming in the direction of the dorm.

Alli was astonished that she was draped over Obsidian’s shoulder while he carried her inside the door. The sound of men talking ceased instantaneously as soon as the doors closed.

“Is there a problem, Obsidian?”

She twisted around, trying to identify the speaker but her hair and his blinded her.

“No. I’m going to my room. This is Alli.” He kept moving, not slowing his pace. “She’s visiting me.”

“Um, okay.”

“Have fun?” The hesitant, unsure tone of some guy’s voice was clear.

“It seems he might not be immune to females after all,” another one laughed. “Don’t break her.”

“Thank you for the advice!” Obsidian yelled.

“I appreciate it.”

He didn’t take the elevator, instead he jogged up the stairs, jarring her with every tread. Her hips bounced on his broad shoulder and she was grateful she’d been too nervous after getting the call from Homeland to eat lunch. He turned on the second-floor landing and strode quickly down a carpeted hallway, which she caught glimpses of as their hair swayed in and out of her face. He paused, opened a door and stepped inside.

They were alone in his room. The locks clicked into place, the distinctive sound loud. He spun away from the door, took four long steps and halted. She grunted when he dumped her onto the couch, not really gentle about it. It was a soft landing but hard enough to knock a hard breath from her lungs.

Obsidian stood over her looking anything but calm or reserved when she focused on his face.

His lips were parted, fangs showed and his eyes were narrowed on her. “Alli.”

He said her name in a way that made her uncertain if she should be afraid or happy. The husky tenor was certainly filled with emotion. She just wasn’t sure which one. Anger or passion?

“Stand up.”

She shifted a little to sit upright and used the couch arm to push to a standing position. Her knees managed to hold her when she put weight on her legs. He was close enough to touch if she reached out a few inches but she just tilted her chin up to peer at his face.


Her mind blanked, refused to work, then his demand sank in. “What?”

He dipped his head a little closer. “Take off your clothes.”

Her mouth hung open, that being the last thing she’d expected him to say.

“Do it or I’ll rip them off you.” His breathing increased as his broad chest rose and fell faster.

“My control is at the limit.”

She remained motionless, trying to make sense of what was going on. He’d ignored her, carried her off to his room, and now wanted her naked.

One word slipped out. “Why?”

“It would be difficult to spin you around, bend you over the back of the couch and fuck you otherwise.”

She sank back down on the couch when her knees turned to jelly. Obsidian crouched in front of her. “Do you want me taking you this way?”

His gaze lowered down her body, hesitating over her breasts but focusing on the vee of her thighs.

“I am hungry.”

Alli reached out and her fingertips brushed his face. He looked up. A hundred questions filled her mind. She was confused, not sure where to even start. His mouth tightened into a white line and his hands gripped the edges of the cushions on both sides of her hips.

“I understand.” His eyes closed. “Slow down.

Too fast,” he growled. His eyes opened and his tone changed, sounded calmer. “Did I say I missed you?”

It seemed as if a thousand pounds lifted off her chest. That confession was one of the best things she’d ever heard. He hadn’t forgotten about her after all. She was pretty sure he’d been talking to himself more than her when he’d closed his eyes.

It meant they were both nervous.

“You did?”

His eyes closed again as his nose flared, inching closer while he tilted his head. Is he going to kiss me? Her heart pounded and she licked her lips in anticipation. Obsidian’s face buried against her throat at the side, breathing her in as his nose nuzzled her skin. A soft groan came from him.

“You still smell of food,” he rasped. “Do you know how often I ate French toast just to be reminded of you?”

Her hand slid into his hair, stroking the silky mass as her other hand gripped one broad shoulder. He pressed tighter against her body, his chest firm and solid. She wanted to cling to him and only resisted for a second before she hugged him tightly, both arms sliding around his back.

“They sent you away,” he rasped. “It drove me insane.” His nose rubbed the column of her throat, one hand slipping behind her back to pull her flush against him. “I’ve needed you.”

“Me too,” she admitted. “So much. Every single day.”

Obsidian bumped against her knee and she spread her thighs to allow him to wedge his hips between them. He really was bigger, the weight he’d put on over the months wasn’t just visible, she could feel it. That wasn’t the only thing that seemed bigger. The rigid press of his cock nudged against her pussy.

“You smell so good. So mine.”

His warm breath gave her the good kind of chills as it fanned across her skin with every breath he took. She regretted not removing her clothes when he’d ordered her to, hating the barriers between them. All she wanted was to be skin to skin with him.

“Let me go.”

“No.” He pulled her closer. “Never.”

“I want you.”

Those three words had a powerful effect on him. Air filled his chest enough to crush it against hers when he sharply inhaled and a rumbled growl was the sexiest thing she’d heard in three months. The hand on the small of her back dug lower until he cupped her ass, jerking her more firmly against his cock.

Alli softly moaned when his hips rocked, rubbing against her clit with the drag of his long, hard shaft. Even clothes couldn’t deter the pleasure. He grinded against her in a slow, steady pace that drove all thoughts from her mind. Her hands fisted his shirt, clawing at it, seeking skin.

Both of them panted, low moans filling the room, and his teeth nipped at the curve where her shoulder began. The feel of his fangs set her on fire, the sharp points not breaking skin but the danger of it was there.

“Mine,” he groaned near her ear when he kissed upward, trailing his hot tongue along the path.

Oh yeah, she agreed. All yours. His hips moved a little faster, the friction between them increasing as they heated up. Raw ecstasy hovered just out of her reach. She didn’t even care if she came faster than a rocket going off. It had been too long, too many lonely nights remembering the intimate memories they shared. Fantasy wasn’t as good as the real thing.

He snarled, his hips bucking in wild, rough jerks and it was enough. It was that last little element she needed to come. The climax centered where their bodies touched and she cried out his name before her breath was stolen away when her brain was hit with the first sharp blast of rapture.

They clung to each other, riding through it, and warmth seeped across her lower belly through her clothes. Obsidian had come with her. He stilled but his hold on her didn’t ease. She didn’t mind having a hard time catching her breath, being pressed between him and the back cushions of the couch.

Her eyes were closed and she kept them that way, tenderly exploring his back with her hands.

She longed to feel his smooth, hot skin. The shirt was in the way and she refused to ask him to put enough space between them to remove it. At times she’d been afraid she’d never get the opportunity again.
