Chapter 10


"Dore Tuning and Consulting," she said, hitting the lights. She watched Vincent scamper across the room to where she kept a locked box of rez-brush paints and a canvas to entertain him during the long workdays.

"Miss Dore, please."

The voice was male, smooth, authoritative, with just the right amount of upper-class power vibe. Not one of her regulars.

"Speaking," she said.

"This is Wilson Revere. I understand you're something of an expert on rare ambers."

She froze, excitement pulsing through her. It was, of course, entirely possible that there was more than one Wilson Revere in Frequency City. But how many of them would be interested in a tuner who could handle rare ambers?

She cleared her throat and tried to assume an assured tone. "Would this be Wilson Revere of the RezStone corporation?"

He laughed. "One and the same. Sorry, I should have done a better job of introducing myself. Call me Wilson."

"What can I do for you, uh, Wilson?"

"There's an auction at the Fairstead Gallery tomorrow afternoon. I understand that there will be some interesting raw stones of rare amber up for sale. One of the specimens is amethyst. The consultant I usually employ for this sort of thing has no experience with that particular variety. I'd like you to attend the preview with me and give me your opinion before I bid. Are you free?"

She gripped the phone tighter. It was all she could do to maintain her cool, professional voice. "Let me check my appointment book."


She forced herself to let a few seconds pass before she spoke to him again.

"Yes, Mr. Revere, it appears I'm free tomorrow afternoon. I'll meet you at the Fairstead Gallery."

"That will be fine. And, remember, it's Wilson."

"Right. Wilson."

"Thank you, Miss Dore. I'll look forward to meeting you in person tomorrow."

He ended the connection.

Lyra looked at Vincent, who was perched on top of the rez-brush paint box, waiting for her to open it.

"I don't think we'll mention the name of my new client to Cruz," she said. "I get the feeling there's some bad blood between the Reveres and the Sweetwaters. Remember the tuner's motto: 'What happens in a tuner's shop stays in a tuner's shop. »
