
That evening in bed, after all the celebrations wound down, Maylee curled her fingers in Griffin’s happy trail and felt incredibly content. The rock on her finger was weighing her entire hand down, and it was a rather ugly cuss of a ring, but it meant that she belonged to Griffin and so she loved it.

He’d chosen her above everyone else. Her. Simple, country girl Maylee. And she hadn’t even been dressed up all fancy. She’d been wearing jeans and a summery short-sleeved sweater, her hair its usual corkscrew mess of curls.

But Griffin hadn’t cared. He’d stared down at her with such love in his eyes as he’d draped the jewelry on her and put the ring on her finger, and the photographer had taken so many photos and asked so many questions that her head had been spinning.

And he’d done it in front of his closest friends. He was trying to show her what she meant to him, and she got it now. She really, really got it.

Her hand slid down to his cock, feathering her fingers over it. They’d just had sex a few minutes ago, but she bet she could get him erect again in no time. “Hey, Griff?”

“Hmmm?” His voice was deliciously sleepy, his hand stroking through her hair as she rested her cheek on his stomach.

Her hand stroked his cock again, and she was pleased to see it stir and begin to harden once more. Such a delicious sight. She continued to stroke it, enjoying that Griffin groaned and began to pump into her hand.

“Remember how I told you that I wanted to be your employee until I trusted you? Really trusted you?”

He stilled under her, despite the fact that she was still working him with her hand. “I remember.”

“Okay. Well, I quit.”

A second later, Maylee found herself flipped onto her back in the bed, and she giggled as Griffin pinned her to the mattress, a wild grin on his face. It was so unlike his normal reserved expression. “You do?”

“I do, I quit. I totally, totally quit.” She couldn’t stop smiling.

He leaned in and kissed her so fiercely that her lips felt bruised, but she didn’t care. “That’s wonderful.”

She grinned at him. “I think since I’m unemployed, I might eventually see about opening up a yarn shop somewhere around here.”

“You can,” he agreed. “But can it wait? I’d love to take you to Spain next month so we can spend more time in Cadiz. And then maybe head to Greece afterward to stop at a few sites mentioned in Homer’s works.”

More travel? “That sounds wonderful.”

His eyes lit up. “You don’t mind traveling? I do quite a bit of it, but I can hold off if you’d rather stay here and create a business.”

“I can wait on the yarn shop.” She snuggled close to him. “I’d rather spend time with you.”

“I love you, Maylee. I really do.”

“I know you do,” she said softly, and her fingers stroked down his cheek. He said he didn’t know how to show affection, but God, he was a fast learner.

He kissed her hand and then reached over her to grab another condom off the side of the bed. Then, he leaned in and kissed her fiercely once more as he slipped it on, and she spread her legs underneath him, waiting in anticipation.

When he thrust inside her, she cried out his name with pleasure.

The sex was quick and brutal. Maylee bit and scratched at Griffin’s skin as he thrust roughly into her, and his fingers sought her clit to bring her to orgasm just before he came a few moments later. Then, panting, they went back to kissing.

“I love you,” she said softly into his ear.

“I love you, too,” he murmured. “I’m sorry I was such a prat to you all those times.”

She grinned and bit his earlobe. “You’ll just have to make it up to me.”

“Mmm, I can think of a few ways.” He began to move slowly inside her again.

She could, too. She could think of a million ways.
