Chapter Four

Levi would have kicked his own ass if he could’ve reached it. Not that it would have helped matters any. What was done was done.

He was just grateful Linda wasn’t running screaming from him. Yes, she’d come. He’d made sure of that before taking his own pleasure. But he’d been rough and hard. And he’d taken her for the first time against the damn door.

So much for his plans of taking it slow and coaxing her into his bed. He’d been all over her like some damn marauder, pounding into her until they’d both cried out.

His body hummed with pleasure and his cock was getting hard again. Linda made him feel like he was sixteen again, not a man staring forty in the eye.

She stood there looking more beautiful than ever. Her hair was sticking up on end, her lips were moist and her skin was damp with sweat. And he could smell her. The scent of roses mixed with the raw smell of sex. It might be barbaric, but it turned him on.

What he didn’t like was the look of uncertainty on her face and the fact that she felt she had to hide her body from him after what had just happened between them. He’d messed up again when he’d sworn and said it shouldn’t have happened. Linda had taken it the wrong way and he’d tried, in his own inept way, to correct that assumption.

When she spoke, his attention was riveted to her. Tension melted away when she smiled and said she’d enjoyed it. He felt the corners of his mouth turning upward. “I enjoyed every minute of it too.” Reaching out, he cupped her chin in his hand. “But I still should have been more gentle with you.”

He stroked his thumb over her bottom lip. Her eyes lost focus and her lips parted. Small puffs of breath caressed his thumb. She was still aroused.

She swallowed, the slender column of her neck rippling. “It was…” she broke off and gave a shaky laugh. “It was good. Real good.”

“I can do better.”

Linda seemed to hold her breath, her eyes growing even wider.

“I barely got started.” He let his hand slide down her neck. The pulse there beat frantically. “You mentioned a bath earlier. How about you get a bath and we’ll go from there?”

She licked her lips. “Okay. A bath would be…good.” She shook her head and sighed. “I’d like a bath.”

Levi reached down and scooped her into his arms. The wool pants she’d been clutching tight in her hands fell to the floor, forgotten, as she grabbed onto him. For such a tall woman, Linda hardly weighed anything. He frowned as he carried her toward the bathroom. He’d have to feed her more often.

Linda slid one of her hands around to the back of his neck and rested the other one against his chest. Her head was nestled into the curve of his shoulder. Levi didn’t want to put her down. Only the thought that he’d get to hold her throughout the long night ahead allowed him to release her.

He let her legs down slowly, holding her until she was steady. The small window and the street light just beyond gave him more than enough light to work by. He had excellent night vision, which had come in handy in his former profession.

Leaving her leaning against the vanity, he flicked on the taps in the tub, fixing the water until it was the right temperature. It was a large, claw-foot tub that he’d refinished, bringing it back to its former beauty. He was glad that Linda had found two of the old-fashioned tubs at the salvage yard when she’d been searching for one for her apartment. While he’d worked on it, he’d imagined what she’d look like lounging in it, naked and wet. His dick stirred again, reminding him he was still wearing a condom.

Linda stood beside the sink looking uncertain, her hands tugging at the tails of her blouse.

“I’ll be back.” Striding out to the dining table, he plucked up the two candles and carried them to the bathroom, placing them on the counter. She’d been busy while he’d been gone. Her bra and blouse were on the floor and she was sitting in the tub, her legs pulled up to her chest.

Levi pulled out a clean washcloth and towel, placing them on the counter across from the tub. “You relax.” Whether she did or not remained to be seen.

Leaving her, he went back to the kitchen and removed the condom, dumping it in the garbage. Grabbing a piece of paper towel, he wet it and cleaned himself up. When that was done, he finished clearing up from the meal, putting everything where it belonged.

Finally, he went to the front door and picked up Linda’s shoes, placing them on the small welcome mat. He shook out her slacks and panties and socks, draping them across one of the kitchen chairs. He smoothed his hand over the silky underwear. The garment was ridiculously small and fragile.

Removing his hand, he stepped away from her clothes. He’d only touched her underwear and he was as hard as steel and hurting. Muttering under his breath, he grabbed his T-shirt and tossed it over his shoulder.

A splash caught his attention. Sometime in the past few minutes the water had stopped running. Unable to wait any longer, he went to the bathroom as if drawn by an invisible thread. Linda lounged against the end of the tub, the washcloth draped over her breasts and her right leg curved inward, hiding her soft thatch of pubic hair. Her eyes were closed, but popped open when he entered.

“Hi.” He crossed his arms over his chest and leaned against the doorframe. She looked so pretty lolling in the water. He could stand there all night and just watch her. His erection flexed in protest.

“Hi.” She smiled at him and held out her hand.

Levi pushed away from the doorframe and went toward the tub, tossing his shirt aside before taking her hand in his. Such a strong hand, yet so fine boned and delicate at the same time. He gave her fingers a gentle squeeze and then released them.

Bending down, he unlaced his boots, shucking them one at a time. His socks followed. He straightened and placed his hands over his zipper, giving her time to object. When she said nothing, he undid his jeans and pulled them off, taking his underwear with them.

Naked, and fully aroused, he stood by the side of the tub. “Shift forward.”

Linda scooted ahead and Levi climbed in behind her, settling himself against the end of the porcelain tub. His legs surrounded hers as he gripped her shoulders and eased her back. “Relax and let me take care of you.”

Linda felt almost drunk with pleasure, arousal still pulsing deep within her. She’d never felt like this in her entire life. There was something about Levi, something about this night that was unique. A time out of time.

She knew she was acting out of character, but she didn’t care. Levi was special. Plus, she trusted him. He wasn’t offering her forever, but he wouldn’t hurt her either. Not intentionally. As long as she went into tonight with her eyes open, there was no reason she shouldn’t enjoy herself.

Every woman deserved one night of unfettered passion. One night with an incredible lover who made her feel like the most special woman in the world.

And that’s how Levi made her feel.

He wasn’t interested in what she could do for him or using her family’s connections for his own personal gain. He didn’t care that she owned and operated an antique store. He wanted her—Linda, the woman. There was no greater turn-on than that.

His big body surrounded her as he slipped in behind her and pulled her back to rest against him. His erection pressed against the center of her back, a tangible reminder that he wanted her again.

“This is nice.” What an understatement. Linda had never bathed with a man before, never would have imagined even doing so.

Levi reached around her, plucked a bar of soap from the holder and began to rub it between his large palms. Bubbles poked out from between his fingers as he built a thick lather. Dropping the soap back into the dish, he placed his hands on her stomach and began to rub.

“This is very nice,” he agreed as his hands continued their lazy circles, moving steadily upward.

Linda let her head fall back against his shoulder and stared up at him. In the flickering candlelight, he looked barbaric and untamed with his hair flowing down to his shoulders. His expression was one of total concentration as his fingers skimmed the undersides of her breasts.

Her nipples tightened, puckering into pointy nubs. Levi gave a low hum of pleasure as he circled her breasts, coating them in soap and bubbles. His fingers slid easily around her nipples, not quite touching them.

“Levi,” she moaned, her hips shifting. The motion pushed her back against his erection. His hands tightened around her breasts. She could feel his shaft pulsing, hot and heavy.

“Not yet.” He plucked at her distended nipples, tugging gently with his thumbs and forefingers.

Lightning shot from her breasts to between her thighs. She tilted her head back further, wanting to see him better. Levi gave a growl of pleasure. His mouth came down to cover hers.

This. This was what she wanted. Hot, mindless kisses that went on and on. Tongues dueling. Twining. Levi tasted hot and male and absolutely perfect. She’d never met a man quite like him. He was so self-contained, but she’d always sensed the depths beneath the layers.

She reached behind her, gripping his hair in her hand and tugging him closer. One of his hands continued to tease her nipples while the other one slid lower. She parted her legs for him. Eager. Ready.

A sexy rumble came from deep in his chest as he stroked over her wet, soapy flesh. Linda gasped, breaking away from their kiss when he slipped two thick fingers into her snug channel. Yes, they’d had sex once, but she was still tight.

“Damn, you’re so perfect.” He stroked his fingers inward, curling them upward on the outward stroke.

Linda cried his name. He’d found her sweet spot. She whimpered, arching upward. She needed him deeper. Harder.

He pressed his thumb against her swollen clit and she bucked, sending a wave of water over the side of the tub. Levi gave a sensual, satisfied laugh and touched her clit again.

“Come for me.” He pressed his fingers deep. When he withdrew, he spread them apart, widening her, preparing her. “Give me everything.”

His voice was thick with need as he plucked one swollen nipple, then another. Back and forth he went, working his fingers in and out of her channel. Her pussy was on fire.

She needed to come. Had to come.

Breathing was impossible. She panted hard, sucking in air. Her hips arched upward and she cried out. More water sloshed out of the tub and onto the floor. Her entire body coiled. She came, hard and fast. Spasms shook her while she rode out the waves of pleasure.

Through it all, Levi was there with her, touching her, coaxing her onward. Her orgasm seemed to spin on forever. When it was over, she collapsed back against him totally spent.

He shifted her so she wasn’t pressing so hard against his erection. It was then it dawned on her that this had been a solo flight. He’d made it all about her.

“What about you?” Her voice was lazy. Sleepy.

“Not here. No condom.” He grabbed the cloth and began to wash her. A strange lethargy filled her and she let him clean her from head to toe. She grumbled when he set her away from him and stood. But then she realized what a wonderful view she had as he stepped to the other end of the tub and gave himself a quick wash.

His legs were like tree trunks, so long and strong. Muscles roped over his thighs and arms and he dragged the cloth over them. His chest was slick. Linda wanted to lick the beads of water that slid over his hard, brown nipples and down his abs.

But it was what was between his thighs that captured her attention the most. His cock was long and broad. The plum-shaped head was dark and smooth. His shaft was thick and engorged with blood. The sac below it was heavy and full.

Reaching out, she lightly ran her fingers over his length. Levi groaned, dropping the cloth into the water. It landed with a heavy plop, forgotten by them both. Linda went up on her knees in front of him.

“This isn’t a good idea.”

She ran her thumb over the crown, spreading the bead of moisture that seeped from the slit. The muscles in his stomach clenched.

“This is an excellent idea,” she countered, letting her hand slide down his shaft. His skin was so soft and hot to touch. She cupped the heavy sac and gave a gentle squeeze. Levi groaned. His hands clenched into fists at his sides, but he made no move to stop her.

Licking her lips, she leaned forward, blowing softly. His cock flexed and Levi shuddered. His hand cupped the back of her head, urging her forward. Linda leaned inward, wanting to taste him.

She circled her tongue over the head of his cock. He tasted slightly salty and musky. She liked it. Opening her mouth, she took him inside. His hips thrust forward. She took as much of him as she could, wrapping her hand around his shaft and squeezing.

Sucking, she began to move up and down his cock. Levi’s fingers tightened in her hair, guiding her movements. Linda was surprised by how aroused she was getting again. His pleasure was feeding her own.

He tugged back, his voice ragged. “Stop. You have to stop.”

She didn’t want to stop and kept sucking.

Levi groaned and tugged a bit hard. “I want to be inside you when I come again.”

She released him with a wet pop. Levi was out of the tub before she could blink. Reaching in, he hauled her out of the tub and into his arms. He paused long enough to blow out the candles before carrying her down the hall and into his bedroom.

The light from the streetlamp beyond was the only illumination, but it was enough for her to make out a king-size bed, a nightstand and a chest of drawers. Levi dumped her on the bed, following her down.

He leaned over her, arms braced on either side, blocking out the light. “You are so beautiful.” There was wonder in his voice as he peppered her forehead, cheeks and chin with tender kisses.

She knew she wasn’t beautiful. She was average and had some good features. She knew how to dress well for her body type and had long since stopped worrying about the rest of it.

Her mother had lamented the fact that Linda wouldn’t dye her hair or get surgery to correct the fact that her nose wasn’t quite perfect. All she’d heard while she was growing up was that she’d have to make the most of what little she had in the looks department. But Levi made her feel beautiful.

The comforter beneath her was getting damp as their bodies dried. She shivered. Not because she was cold, but because she wanted him again.

She’d already come twice and still she ached.

She stroked his powerful shoulders, feeling the muscle ripple beneath her fingers. “How do you do this to me?” she moaned.

“Do what?” He trailed kisses up the side of her neck before stroking his tongue over the whorls of her ear.

“That.” Her fingernails dug into his skin. “Make me want you so much.”

Levi stilled and then levered himself up, supporting himself on his hands. He stared down at her, his eyes smoldering with sexual tension. “That’s a dangerous thing to tell a man.”

She shrugged. There was no point in lying about it. He had to know she wanted him. The signs were all there.

“Linda—” He broke off as if he suddenly wasn’t sure what to say.

She didn’t want to talk. Didn’t want to hear that this was just a one-night thing. She wanted Levi touching her, taking her. Tomorrow she’d deal with the fallout, but tonight she just wanted to forget the past and the future. There was only now.

Reaching between their bodies, she gripped his erection and stroked. Levi moaned, collapsed on top of her and rolled to one side. Throwing one thigh across her legs to keep them still, he captured one of her nipples between his teeth and gently tugged.

Linda stroked his shoulders, his head, his chest—wherever she could reach him. Levi shifted lower in the bed, kissing a path down her torso. He licked her hipbones and teased her bellybutton. She parted her legs, encouraging his exploration.

“I have to taste you.” He made a space for himself between her thighs, his broad shoulders pushing them wider. Using his thumbs, he spread her slick folds wide and licked at her sensitive flesh.

Linda closed her eyes and let herself just feel. Her toes curled into the damp comforter, her back arched as she pushed her hips upward, her nipples tightened into hard nubs of pleasure. She wanted to remember everything about tonight.

Levi’s hands were so big, yet so gentle as he continued to caress her. He teased her with his lips and circled her swollen clit with his tongue, wringing a groan of pleasure from deep within her.

“I wish I could see your pussy better. You’re so hot and wet. I could spend hours eating you up.”

Her inner muscles clenched tight. The man was seducing her with words alone. If he didn’t stop soon, she was going to come again.

“You taste so sweet. Like honey.” He lapped at her folds before returning to suck on her clit. She twisted her head from side to side on the pillow and dug her fingers into the comforter for support. “But spicy too.” He blew on her heated flesh and she cried out at the delicious sensation.

“Levi.” His name was a hoarse whisper. She needed him. Now.

He rolled to one side and yanked on the drawer to the nightstand. She opened her eyes and watched as he pulled out a condom, ripped the packet open and quickly sheathed himself. He crawled between her legs and shoved his arms beneath her thighs, placing his hands flat on the bed beside her.

The position opened her wide, allowing him to control everything. Excitement flooded her and her cream flowed, coating her, preparing her for penetration.

Levi flexed his hips forward. He pushed inward, not stopping until he was buried as deep as he could go. He didn’t rush it. Just a slow steady push that joined them together.

He held himself steady as he leaned over her. Watching. Assessing. She liked the out-of-control Levi better. Flexing her inner muscles, she gripped his cock tight.

Groaning, he dropped his head down until it rested against hers. “I’m trying to be gentle.”

Grasping his face in her hands, she kissed him. She could feel the heavy pulse of his shaft inside her. “I don’t need gentle. Not now. Be gentle later.”

Levi gave a short, harsh laugh that turned into a moan. Linda tightened her inner muscles again and Levi began to move. He thrust hard and fast, getting faster each time he pumped his hips until he was pounding into her.

It was just like when he took her against the door. It was fast and hot and made her explode.

“Levi!” she screamed. Every muscle in her body clenched and released. Her body shuddered and strained as he continued to fuck her, drawing her orgasm out.

He yelled, his hips driving hard one final time. She felt his cock rippling inside her. His head was thrown back, his teeth bared and every muscle tense. Linda loved that she was able to give him this, give him the same pleasure he’d given her.

He pulled out and collapsed facedown beside her, snaking out his arm and drawing her close. Linda snuggled against his side and sighed, content in a way she’d never been before.

It wasn’t long before the cold began to seep into her skin. The comforter was damp because they hadn’t taken the time to dry off after their bath.

Levi levered himself up at her first shiver. Without saying a word, he picked her up and yanked back the covers, placing her beneath them and pulling them around her. He dumped the damp comforter on the floor before disappearing down the hallway. She heard the water draining from the tub. Snuggling down, she tried to get warm. She missed Levi beside her, his heat surrounding her.

As if her thoughts conjured him, he was back. As silent as a wraith, he slid into bed beside her, gathering her into his arms. She went easily, ignoring the voice in the back of her head that was urging caution. She knew she had to get up soon, get dressed and go to her own apartment.

In a minute, she promised herself. For now she wanted to bask in the afterglow and be held in Levi’s arms. The man gave off more heat than an electric blanket and she snuggled closer, wanting to soak up the warmth. He rested his hand on her hip, pulling her tighter against him.

Sighing, Linda relaxed. Just one more minute. Just one more.
