Chapter 2: Alexandra

“You okay, bro? You seem a little ... distracted. Did you not get a good night’s sleep?”

Michelle looked at me with genuine concern as she joined me at the dining table. I had been staring off into space, holding my spoon a few inches in the air above my bowl of Corn Chex, and I belatedly realized I had been grinding my teeth a bit. I blinked a few times and looked at her, shaking my head in the negative. “Uh, no, nothing like that. I slept great actually.”

It was true. I had slept like a baby. Well, not like a baby - waking up three times in the middle of the night screaming for milk or having wet underwear. Truly, that’s a strange idiom. But I digress...

I’d been doing that a lot this morning. Digressing, not wetting my underwear. One moment, I’d been pouring milk into my bowl of cereal. The next, I’d been remembering what Alex’s lips felt like as she nibbled on my mushroom head like a fuzzy caterpillar. Which is a really strange metaphor that I don’t understand. And I’m digressing again.

“I’m fine,” I lied to my little sister. “Just thinking about a quiz I have in ten minutes.”

I’m wondering if Lex hates me for what we did last night while simultaneously reminiscing about how supremely talented my sister is at giving blowjobs, I didn’t say.

“Uh-huh,” Michelle replied noncommittally. But she took her seat and said nothing further, digging into her own bowl of oatmeal.

“Morning, rugrats,” Alex greeted us with a perky grin as she tore into the kitchen like a tornado. Moving more quickly than I could believe, she grabbed coffee grounds from the pantry, stepped across the kitchen to the coffee maker, poured the coffee grounds into the coffee maker, put away the bag, crossed to cabinet, pulled out a big coffee mug, crossed to the sink, filled the mug with water, returned to the coffee maker, poured in the water, placed the mug under the spout, and hit the start button. And while that seems like very long run-on sentence, it doesn’t actually take very long to read, and yet somehow Alex managed to execute all those steps in even less time.

“Bye, rugrats,” she called in a sing-song voice as she exited the room to go back upstairs.

Michelle and I exchanged amused looks. “When was the last time Lex called us ‘rugrats’?” she wondered aloud.

I arched an eyebrow and thought about that. “She was probably still in high school.”

Michelle chuckled and shook her head. “I’m just glad she seems to be in a good mood. You’d think she got laid or something last night.”

I promptly choked on my next bite.

* * *

Alex really did seem happy this morning, as her perky-hyper mood continued when she returned downstairs to collect her coffee. Seriously, if the girl was moving that fast to begin with, why the hell would she even need the caffeine?

I’m digressing again.

The point is: I started to relax about the whole ‘Does my sister hate me’ thing. I had been at the sink rinsing out my bowl when she picked up her coffee mug, took a sip, and actually winked at me over the rim. I smiled in response, a reaction that only made her even happier, and I could’ve sworn she waggled her butt at me as she left the kitchen to go back upstairs.

It was a good thing Michelle had already left by then, taking her oatmeal and a glass of OJ up to her bedroom. Her class started five minutes before mine.

So with my mind much more at ease, I headed up to my own room to start classes for the day, worried less about whether or not Alex had irreparably harmed our relationship, and wondering more about what would happen next.

But I would have to wonder quite a bit longer. While Alex continued to spend more time with us, the same as she had done for the past week, there were no more late-night visits to my bedroom. She made no comment or reference to our illicit blowjob. She talked to me the same way she had always talked to me. She hugged me the same way she had always hugged me. And if I hadn’t been abso-smurfingly certain that the blowjob did indeed happen in real life, I might’ve started wondering if it wasn’t some kind of wet dream.

The rest of the school week passed without incident. On Saturday, the three of us masked-up and took a 4-mile loop trail through a canyon filled with spring wildflowers and topped out at a nice bluff with a view. Sunday, we played a few board games and watched a movie together, all three of us, and then FaceTimed our parents (and grandparents) just to check in. And Monday we went right back into the school routine.

I never said a word about what had happened.

Alex never said a word about what happened.

I wanted to ask her about it. I wanted to talk about it. But for some reason I could never bring myself to broach the subject. My big sister seemed inclined to let the whole thing pass as if it had never happened, as if we’d never crossed that line. Maybe if we both ignored the whole situation long enough, if we pretended like everything was completely normal, everything WOULD actually go back to normal.

So I jerked off to Pornhub and read erotica. Alex FaceTimed with her friends. And if I listened carefully enough outside her door at night, sometimes I could hear her moaning as she pleasured herself. I didn’t walk away quite as quickly as before – sometimes I would linger and listen for a little bit. But apart from moments like that, as time went on, I thought less and less about the blowjob that never should have happened. Maybe it really WAS just a wet dream. I came to realize that it had been a one-time thing, destined to never be repeated or mentioned ever again. And with that realization came acceptance.

Which is why what happened next came as such a surprise.

* * *

Something tickled my balls, and with a start, I jerked awake.

“Mmph!” somebody groaned, and as I sat up, I realized I’d just shoved my dick an inch into a girl’s throat. She took it like a trouper, gagging only slightly and keeping her head down, breathing heavily through her nose until I pulled back. And then she resumed rhythmically pumping my shaft in her hands and sucking on the mushroom head as if I’d never interrupted her.

My eyes fluttered for a brief second, giving me just enough time to see my sister’s head bobbing up and down in my lap. A fleeting concept of an idea about saying something briefly fluttered into my head, but she chose that moment to deep-throat me, causing bursts of pleasure to explode in my brain, and all I could do was set my head back down on my pillow and groan in exquisite agony.

Sometime later (I have no idea how much later), conscious thought managed to bubble up through the haze of pleasure into my mind. I was able to direct my right hand to rest atop my sister’s head, just holding it for a bit before sliding down to stroke her hair and caress her cheek. I heard her moan at my touch, the vibration of her voice causing wonderful things to happen to my dick. And then she caved in her cheeks to give me even more intense suction.

And then the sensations were gone. I wasn’t yet awake enough to process the passage of time. She could have left me for thirty seconds or she could have left me for an hour; I really don’t know. All I really know is that the next time I felt her physical presence, the weight of her body had shifted the surface of the mattress. Her thighs were pressed to the outer sides of my own. There was moisture pressing against the tip of my cock, a different feeling from the inside of her mouth. And then suddenly constricting, concentric pleasure was pushing down around my shaft, reminding me of the way she had deep-throated me before and yet so very, VERY different.

“Soooo ... biiiig...” she moaned softly.

That’s when my state of awareness finally woke up enough to inform me that I was having sex. For the first time in two months, I was having sex. I knew with absolute certainty that I was balls-deep inside a hot, moist pussy. And it felt so, SO good.

“Holy shit,” I muttered softly.

Surprised? Yes. I was shocked more like it. But I didn’t question it. Why would I question it? I was getting fucked and I wasn’t about to do or say anything that might result in NOT getting fucked anymore.

My eyes fluttered again; this time remaining open. I didn’t sleep with nightlights or anything like that. Illumination in the room came from the tiny LEDs of electronic devices like the power cable plug on my laptop and the clock on my nightstand, so it wasn’t pitch black, but I still couldn’t see more than a hazy outline of the figure that undulated in my lap.

I had other senses, however. Strength poured into my limbs and I slid both hands up the bare skin of my sister’s thighs. I held her hips for a few seconds, gripping them for leverage to thrust upward a couple of times. She whimpered as I did so, clearly enjoying the sensations, but I didn’t let my hands linger. I slid my hands further upward, feeling the fabric of her shirt against my knuckles as my fingers slid underneath it. Moments later, my palms cupped her breasts, big D-cups that confirmed her identity as Alex for me. She moaned and raised her own hands to cover mine, our skin separated by her shirt. But she directed me to squeeze and fondle her mammaries, something I did with a happy sigh. And after another minute, she reached down and ripped her nightshirt over her head, leaving her completely naked as she writhed and wriggled atop me.

This is FUN. Why didn’t we start doing this sooner? I asked myself, still not daring to say anything aloud lest I break the spell. Instead, I was happy to go along for the ride as long as she did.

I was still tweaking her nipples, rolling the tips between my thumbs and forefingers, when she suddenly bent forward and kissed me fiercely. This motion knocked my hands out of the way, but I was perfectly happy to grab hold of her juicy round buttcheeks and squeeze and fondle those instead. Alex’s tongue tangled with mine and she moaned into our liplock. She fucked me with a little more urgency, speeding up and pressing her clit down harder against my pelvic bone. She wrapped her arms around the back of my head, pushing forward so that instead of her big boobs being crushed against my chest, her big boobs were now mashed right up against my face. I could barely breathe, being smothered by my sister’s mammaries. But if I was gonna die tonight, oh what a way to go.

Neither of us said a word for most of that fuck, apart from her initial statement about how big I felt inside her and my ‘Holy shit’ exclamation. There were no whispered endearments or whimpered requests to fuck her harder, squeeze her boobs, or anything else like that. As much as I wanted to, I didn’t tell her how amazing it felt to be inside her, or how beautiful she looked riding my dick. We simply held each other, grunting and groaning as we humped each other in the dark like crazy teenagers trying not to get caught. Because when I thought about it, we really didn’t want to get caught. Michelle’s bedroom and mine shared a wall, after all.

Alex came first. Gritting her teeth, she bit down hard to stifle a scream while squeezing my head so hard against her tits I literally couldn’t breathe. Her hips slammed down hard, keeping me at full depth while I planted my feet flat on the bed to provide leverage enough to keep pumping her. But eventually her trembling body went limp and she collapsed flat on my chest.

My turn.

I gave her fifteen seconds or so to recover, not enough for her but an eternity for me. Then I swiftly rolled us over, a movement that disengaged our loins, and then paused to strip my pajamas off completely. But within moments, I fisted my cock, centered it on her cunt, and slammed myself back inside.

She groaned as the sudden penetration but remained passive beneath me. All four limbs were splayed out to the sides as I hooked my arms beneath her shoulders and started laying down the lumber. I luxuriated in the feel of Alex’s snatch surrounding every last inch of my solid shaft, but seeking to get even deeper, I reached back to grab hold of her legs, hooking her knees over my elbows before leaning over her to start pounding her once again.

Eventually, Alex’s eyes were able to focus on me once more. Again, she didn’t speak. She merely stared at me, eyes hooded with obvious lust. But she did silently mouth the words, “Fuck me. Fuck me. Fuck me,” taking care with her lips to shape every syllable so that there would be no doubt of her meaning.

I fucked her.

I REALLY fucked her.

I didn’t care one whit that she was my sister, that we were committing incest, and that what we were doing was considered morally wrong by polite society. I just knew that I loved her, that fucking her felt wholly and completely RIGHT in my heart.

And yeah, physically it felt fucking good.

Much like that night she gave me a blowjob, Alex seemed satisfied now that she’d had her monster orgasm. She didn’t need another one and instead focused on pleasing me. She stared up at me with an expression of mixed wonder and curiosity, like a child staring into the vastness of the night sky trying to count the stars. She reached up with both hands to rub my pecs, traced her fingers down across my washboard abs, and finally held my shoulders while continuing to look at me with deep adoration. At the same time, I could feel her clenching her cunt muscles and doing her best to match my rhythm with her own, thrusting her pelvis forward to meet my every thrust.

We didn’t get the timing right every time. We were not familiar with each other’s cadence, and I couldn’t predict what she’d do next. I actually got a little frustrated with her and grabbed both of her legs, hooking them over my shoulders as I got to my knees and grabbed her hips to try and keep her pinned in place so I could just jackhammer her at my own pace.

Turned out, she liked that quite a lot. Alex clenched her eyes shut, grit her teeth, and started tossing her head left and right while I went to town on her poor pussy. She whimpered and moaned, an aria of arousal that fed my motor, giving me extra energy to keep up the pace far longer than I would have normally done. Her hands had originally been holding my shoulders, but now they flopped back beside her head, half-propped against the headboard.

I could feel myself getting close, and only then did it occur to me that I had no idea if Alex was still taking her birth control. After more than a month isolated in the house during a pandemic, why would she? So I grunted in worry, “Are you safe?”

“Yes ... yes ... yes...” she moaned with her eyes still closed, but the rhythm of her responses matched my thrusts, so I wasn’t sure if she’d actually answered my question.

“Lex...” I warned, getting closer. “Do I need to pull out?”

“Cum in me ... I wanna feel it,” she crooned.

That wasn’t exactly a confirmation of birth control, but I was too far gone to care anymore. Gritting my teeth, I put every ounce of energy I had into pounding the hell out of my big sister’s little pussy, rapidly reaching the point of no return.

Her lower lip quivered, her chest thrust upward as she arched her back, and all of a sudden she was stifling another scream. Alex’s cunt clenched down HARD at the same time as the brand-new climax tore through her body. The incredible sensations milked my cock for its creamy cum, and my balls responded to fulfill her silent request. Both barrels fired, blasting away with heavy spurts of spunk that swiftly stuffed her snatch with steaming-hot semen. Alex shuddered suddenly, as if she could feel each impact deep inside her, and she couldn’t stifle a loud moan as the sensations swallowed up her sanity for just a moment.

I couldn’t control the volume of my groaning either, fireworks of pleasure lighting up my brain as I poured what felt like gallons of sperm into my big sister’s body. Twice more I jerked, digging my toes into the mattress to try and cram another two centimeters of cock into Alex’s cunt as I spurted the last few times. And then I collapsed, letting her legs fall away to the sides as I buried my forehead into the pillow beside my sister’s head and crushed her big bosoms beneath my chest.

Alex kissed my cheek, wrapped her arms around my neck, and raised her legs to cross her ankles behind my butt, hugging me tightly. She hummed quite happily while I continued gasping for breath, only now feeling a sense of disbelief that we’d crossed this line and actually committed incest.

But I didn’t regret it.

Not one bit.

It just felt... right...

Because I loved her.

No, I didn’t LOVE her love her. I mean, I wasn’t “in love” with her or anything like that. But I loved my big sister. I’d always loved her. And I always would.

So I told her that. “I love you, Lex.”

Turning her head to face me, she flashed me a brilliant smile and murmured back tiredly, “I love you, too.”

And then we slept.

* * *

Alex was gone when my alarm went off in the morning, the stickiness of dried fluids stuck to my inner thighs and my nudity beneath my blanket the only evidence of our nocturnal activities. Actually, there was a slightly damp, slightly crusty spot on my bedsheets where our mingled jism must’ve leaked out of her overnight. I debated whether or not to wash the sheets or leave the spot there as a reminder that I hadn’t imagined the whole thing (Yes, I washed the sheets).

Getting out of bed, I went through my morning routine, dressed, and went down to get breakfast before class. Michelle had no reason to comment about my distracted state because I wasn’t distracted in the slightest. My mind wasn’t wandering with ruminations about the consequences of my actions. I didn’t find myself “digressing”. I simply went about my day feeling completely at peace with where I was in my life.

No regrets.

No second-guessing myself.

It had just felt so right.

I loved her.

She loved me.

We weren’t going to try and get married or anything. But for now, in the middle of this pandemic, I knew I had found a way to support my big sister and keep up her spirits, immunocompromised or not. And I felt good about that.

Alex, on the other hand, didn’t look quite so peaceful. When she came down to start her morning coffee, she couldn’t quite look me in the eye. Michelle remarked that SHE looked distracted, and Alex just waved her off muttering something about not getting a full night’s sleep. And then my big sister was gone.

And NOW I started second-guessing myself.

* * *

I waited until a time when I knew Michelle had a Zoom class and Alex didn’t. After listening just outside Michelle’s closed bedroom door to make sure her class had started, I silently padded down the hall to Alex’s door and knocked twice.

“Who’s there?” she called.

“It’s me,” I said softly, not wanting my voice to carry loud enough for Michelle to hear, closed door or not. There was a pause, as ten seconds turned into twenty, and then thirty. Feeling a sense of déjà vu, I thought about saying something further, but before I could, the door popped open and Alex stood there with a resigned expression on her face. She waved me in, and I headed for her desk chair while she closed the door behind me.

“I’m sorry about last night,” she began with furrowed eyebrows as she took a seat on her bed and crossed her legs. She was dressed for school in a cute blouse over a spaghetti-strap camisole, suitable for a Zoom class, but comfy sweatpants on the bottom.

I popped my eyebrows. “You don’t have apologize for that.”

She fiddled with her fingers in her lap. “I took advantage of you while you were sleeping.”

I arched an eyebrow. “Is THAT what you’re telling yourself?”

She frowned. “It’s a fact. I snuck into my little brother’s room, molested him in my sleep, sucked his dick, and then mounted myself on him before he could really wake up and give verbal consent. That’s basically rape. Had the situations been reversed and you shoved yourself into Chelley while she was still asleep...”

I scowled and nodded reluctantly. “You may have a point, but (A) I’m a guy, and (B) I was more than happy to roll you over and hammer you into the mattress. As for not giving verbal consent, I was afraid you were a dream and I didn’t want to break the spell.”

Alex exhaled slowly, conceding, “I suppose.”

“To be clear: You have my consent. Anytime, anywhere, even if it’s in the middle of the night. Okay, maybe not anywhere. Like, probably best if you don’t strip me and try to start fucking while we’re hiking up on some ridge with Michelle and a bunch of other people around. But other than that ... Yeah. Consent anytime.”

Alex rolled her eyes, muttering, “You enjoyed yourself.”

“Of course I did! You were absofreakingly incredible. You were fan-fucking-tastic. I’m daydreaming about doing it again right now.” I arched an eyebrow again. “Didn’t you enjoy yourself?”

“Yes...” My sister sighed and looked out the window. “But that doesn’t make it right.”

“Doesn’t make it wrong, either.”

“Of course it’s wrong. I’m your sister.”

“I’m aware of that fact.”

“We committed incest. Aren’t you torn up about that?”

“Not really.”

Alex shook her head in mild disgust. “Men. All they care about is whether or not you have a working vagina, emotions be damned.”

“Hey!” I got up from the chair and sat beside Alex, reaching over to rub her spine up and down before pulling her against my shoulder side-to-side. “I LOVE you, Lex. Now I’m not in love with you. And yeah, I haven’t necessarily felt it was a requirement to feel deep-seated emotions for a girl before I started having sex with her. But please don’t lump me in with your idea of a stereotypical male just out to get his rocks off. I DO have strong emotions for you. You KNOW I care about your happiness. I’m just saying that the whole ‘incest’ thing? Well ... no ... it doesn’t really bother me. We’re in the middle of a pandemic. All we have is each other. I do happen to have the only working erection in this house, and for the first time in two months I feel like there’s ACTUALLY something I can do to improve your mood! I’m thrilled!”

“You sure you’re not ‘thrilled’ because I let you blow a massive load of sperm into my twat?”

“Well of course I’m thrilled about that too. And I didn’t hear you complaining at the time.”

“Only because I didn’t want to make enough noise for Michelle to hear.”

I leveled a look at her, not believing the lie.

“Okay fine. I had one of the greatest orgasms of my life feeling you spurt inside me. Happy now?”

“Yes! Knowing that I did that for you makes me very happy.” I grinned, but then took a deep breath and turned myself to face her a little more directly. And I stated with heartfelt sincerity, “At the same time, I’m only happy if you’re okay with this. I want to make perfectly clear that you did NOT rape me. I don’t regret what we did, and I’d love to continue ... assisting ... you in satisfying your sexual urges from time to time. But if the incest thing really bothers you and you want everything to go back to the way it was before, that’s okay too. I love you and I’ll accept whatever it is that you need.”

Alex blinked a few times and looked down at her fiddling fingers in her lap for a long time. She inhaled and exhaled slowly, controlling her breathing as if she were in a yoga class. And she closed her eyes for several seconds before opening them and then fixing me with a look I couldn’t quite decipher right away.

“Do you really mean all that?” she asked softly.

I nodded. “Every word.”

She reached one hand up, caressing my cheek as she stared into my eyes, searching for ... something. I tried to pour all my love and affection into my gaze, willing her to understand. Her hand caressed my cheek for a little longer, and the hint of a smile started to tug at the corners of her lips. And then quite slowly and deliberately, she slid her hand behind my head, drew me closer to her face, and she pressed her lips to mine.

The kiss didn’t last long, but it was long enough for her to sigh happily and press her tongue into my mouth for a little while. It was over way before I wanted it to be over, but she turned her head away and stared into her lap, fiddling with her fingers.

Shaking her head, Alex muttered, “You really DO have the only working penis in the house. It’s been less than two months of quarantine and already my vibrators aren’t cutting it.”

“We can tell. You bitch about it to Emily often enough.”

Sighing, Alex groaned, “I thought I could handle that one night I gave you a blowjob. It was such a... naughty ... thing to do. I got an illicit charge out of that, and it definitely put me in a good mood for a few days. But at the same time, it didn’t get ME off. I went into your room last night thinking I would just suck you off again, maybe finger myself while I was doing it. I wasn’t planning to fuck you, but you have such a beautiful dick, and I couldn’t get the idea of riding it out of my head.”

Her voice trailed off, but sensing she wasn’t done yet, I didn’t speak.

“I still can’t get the idea out of my head,” she added.

I smirked. “Well now -I- can’t get it out of my head, either.”

Alex rolled her eyes and got off the bed.

“Hey Lex?” I called.

She glanced back at me.

“Uhhh, I just wanted to confirm. Are you still on the pill? I tried to ask last night but you were a little ... vague.”

She chuckled. “Yes. Not that I was expecting to get laid or anything, but my periods can get irregular so I’ve kept taking them.”

I visibly relaxed.

“That doesn’t mean it’s okay for us to keep fucking.”

“Fair enough.”

Walking over to the door, she reached out and grabbed the handle but did not yet turn it.

“I don’t know what I want yet,” she explained. “I’m not saying it’s never going to happen again, but I’m not saying it is. You may be fine with what we’re doing, but I need to think about this a little more, okay?”

“Okay.” I nodded my understanding as I got off the bed and approached her, saying sincerely, “I love you, Lex.”

She smiled at me and nodded. “I love you, too.”

And then I left.

* * *

Nothing happened between me and Alex for the next several days. I never woke up in the middle of the night feeling something tickle my balls. She never invited me into her bedroom. She never even gave me more than a simple hug during the day. On the bright side, she wasn’t standoffish, and she could smile and have a conversation with me face-to-face without getting all awkward. We ate our meals, attended our classes, and generally went about our normal pandemic-world routine. I played some video games, the girls FaceTimed their friends, we read some books, and streamed TV shows. In a word, everything was: normal.

On Saturday, the three of us went on a 10-mile bike ride, picked up fast food on the way home for dinner, and watched Extraction on Netflix. After the movie was over, I went into my room and cued up Pornhub.

But then came Sunday.

It started off normally enough. I woke up after 11am. Alex was in her room but had the door open while she worked on a school project. Michelle was in the kitchen and said she was making brunch for everyone. I gave her a big hug of thanks and then went to pour myself some orange juice.

Alex joined us for the meal, and we chatted about nothing in particular. Michelle announced that she was doing a Costco run that evening as we were running low on some of the supplies and asked us to write down anything we needed. We scribbled a few things onto Michelle’s notepad and left it next to the table where we kept the car keys, just in case someone thought of something else to buy between now and then, and split up to go our separate ways.

I started by washing the dishes and frying pan. Alex went back upstairs to finish her school project. And Michelle stretched out across the big sofa to read a book. Everything was utterly and completely “normal”, the way it had been now for days.

In the afternoon, Alex chatted with her friends for a bit, but we convinced her to play games with us for a while. And then it was time for Michelle to make her Costco run.

Ever since we were kids our family had gone to Costco around 5 to 5:30pm on a weekend. We could eat cheap hot dogs and pizza for dinner (always a treat for a kid), and more importantly, it was never that busy right before closing time. This was especially important during a pandemic to keep down the risk of bringing coronavirus home to Alex, so Michelle put on her N95 mask and headed out. For some reason, Alex went to the front window and pulled back the curtain a few inches, watching the car back out of the driveway, turn down the street, and drive away.

And then she POUNCED.

I had turned on Netflix before the car had even left the garage. I’d been rapidly thumbing the arrows, scrolling around somewhat aimlessly hoping something would trigger an impulse inside me saying, “Watch me! I’ll actually be interesting!”

The point is, I had NO idea my arms would be suddenly full of horny sister until the moment they were. And then suddenly Alex’s tongue was in my mouth while her hands slid beneath the hem of my shirt to scratch her fingernails over my abs.

Now this is interesting...

Seconds later, she broke our kiss to cross her arms and abruptly rip her baggy sweatshirt over her head, baring those big boobs to my gaze supported by a flesh-toned bra.

“Lex?” I questioned just once while staring at her breasts.

“I wanna do it on the couch,” she husked breathlessly while reaching behind herself to unsnap the bra. The cups popped forward as if on springs, and she quickly shucked the garment off her arms before grabbing my head and yanking it into her cleavage.

I nodded my agreement wordlessly, brushing my nose across her nipple. My arms wrapped around her body as I kissed and licked the globes of Alex’s bountiful bosom, finally pulling back far enough to take a puffy pink nub into my mouth. I suckled like a baby while she cooed at me, stroking my hair. Meanwhile, her hand inverted and slid down into my shorts, grasping my rapidly growing erection.

She gave me enough time to switch boobs, suckling at the other teat. I couldn’t decide yet which one was my favorite breast. More taste testing would be required, I was sure. But for now, my sister dismounted me, stood up, and started yanking down her sweatpants and gestured for me to do the same.

Seconds later, she stood up, fully naked, while I hadn’t removed a thing. She gave me an annoyed look, gesturing at me and saying expectantly, “Well?”

I blinked a few times and only then started to pull off my shirt. When it was off, I apologized by saying, “Sorry, but I just had to stop and stare at you. You’re gorgeous, Lex.”

She practically melted and immediately hopped her bare-naked body right back into my lap, wrapping her arms and kissing me warmly. But a few seconds later, she got off me again, muttering, “Hurry up!” She suited actions to words by grabbing the waistband of my shorts and yanking them down to my knees.

“Hey, hey, relax,” I told her, reaching out to caress my sister’s cheek. “Michelle will be gone for at least an hour, maybe even two.”

“Yeah well maybe I want to fuck you more than once, maybe even thrice.”

My jaw dropped. “Three times?”

She flashed me a wicked grin. “If you can get it up, I’d love to help you make it go back down.”

* * *

No, we didn’t make it to “thrice”, but we did make it to “twice”. After she got me naked, Alex knelt on the floor in front of me, worshiping my cock with her mouth and hands for a few minutes to make sure I was as hard as an iron pole before climbing aboard and riding me. I slobbered all over her tits and squeezed her butt-cheeks, using them as handholds to pin her clit down against my pelvic bone and really grind her against me. With nobody else in the house she didn’t have to stifle her screams, although she made sure not to get loud enough to alert the neighbors or anything like that.

After cumming, Alex got off me and then bent herself over the backrest, wiggling her juicy butt back at me. I happily stepped between her legs, held her hips, and slammed my way in from behind. As before, my sister had been satisfied by her first orgasm and seemed happy to let me seek out my own. Also as before, she enjoyed my up-tempo hammering enough to climax a second time.

I had stopped myself from busting my nut inside her while she recovered from that second orgasm. And when she realized I was still hard, she looked back at me with a coy smile and asked, “Do you wanna cum inside me? Or do you wanna cum ON me?”

My eyes grew as big as saucers for a moment, and she already knew my answer. She leaned forward far enough to disengage us, spun around to kneel atop the couch cushions, and wrapped her lips around my shaft. Grabbing hold of my ass, she directed me to face-fuck her a bit while she tried to open her throat, not quite succeeding all the time, and she had to stop and cough a bit.

At that, I stopped face-fucking her, unable to see my big sister in tears. But she waved me off and simply grabbed on with both hands, twisting and stroking and begging me to squirt my jizz all over her pretty face.

About a minute later, I did just that, the first shot splattering across her nose and forehead. She closed her eyes and leaned in, coaxing out more and more cream while she circled her face to one side or the other, trying to spread out my spunk until she was literally covered in incestuous brother-cum.

“How do I look?” she asked with an impish smile.

“You look amazing,” I said truthfully.

“You know what I love about you?” she asked, scraping a glob of cum off her eyelid with one finger and popping it into her mouth, sucking on it like a lollipop.


“I love the heat in your voice when you give me these compliments, or when you tell me you love me. I know with one hundred percent certainty that you mean every last syllable.”

“I do. I really do.”

She giggled, scooped up more cum into her mouth, and then got up to go clean the rest of her face off.

I sat back to catch my breath for a bit, and then went into the kitchen to get a glass of water. I had a feeling I’d need to stay hydrated around her. Alex returned a few minutes later, checked the clock, and started gathering up her clothing. From the kitchen, I frowned and shot her a puppy dog look, complaining, “I thought you said you wanted to go for ‘thrice’.”

Alex smiled. “We took about a half-hour. I want at least one more round, but we should probably take this upstairs, just in case Michelle comes back early. We’ll hear the garage door go up and you can scramble back to your room if need be.”

I nodded and replied, “Makes sense.”

Alex nodded and started heading for the stairs, looking quite giddy that we were doing this. But after three steps, she stopped and looked back at me, an almost nervous expression on her face.

I had started to follow her but stopped and arch an eyebrow. “What is it?”

My sister blushed and gave me a hopeful look. “Would you go down on me?”

I snorted. “Is THAT what you’re worried about? Of course, Lex. Anytime, anywhere.”

* * *

“Michelle, wake up your brother,” Mom drawled on the screen.

My sister elbowed me in the ribs, pretty hard, startling me from my daydream. “Huh? Whuh?”

“I was asking,” Mom scolded me, “If you’re taking good care of Alexandra.”

I blinked twice in shock as panic set in. “Whu-what?” I squawked.

From the other side of Michelle on the couch, Alex leaned toward the middle of the camera frame and explained, “He’s taking care of me just fine, Mom. Picked up my meds on Tuesday and I know he’s being careful to social distance. Plus, the door hinge broke off the bathroom cabinet on Wednesday and he patched it up. He cleaned up the yard. He vacuumed the TV room. He does everything I tell him to do like an obedient little brother.”

Michelle grumped. “Well he didn’t help ME bring in any of the Costco stuff when I got home today.”

Blushing pink, I muttered, “I was ... uh ... kinda busy.”

Michelle rolled her eyes and explained, “He was jerking off to internet porn.”

“Chelle!” I squawked.

“Please don’t ever tell me about that stuff.” Mom facepalmed and shook her head. “Speaking of Costco, are you well-stocked on supplies? Toilet paper?”

“Yeah, we got plenty,” Michelle replied before continuing to list off everything we had. I thought a simple ‘yes’ would have sufficed, but women think a little differently than I do. And while my little sister prattled on, I went back to reminiscing about what Alex and I had been doing during that Costco run.

I had indeed gone down on my sister as soon as we got into her bedroom. I loved hearing her moan and groan in reaction to everything I did, and I happily feasted on her for twenty minutes and I know she had at least three orgasms. She especially liked it when I sucked on her clit while ramming two fingers in and out of her cunt. And when I flipped my hand so that I could curl those fingers in a “come here” gesture, she screamed her pretty little head off and dumped a fresh load of girlcum all over my face.

After that, she grabbed my hair and yanked on it none too gently, calling for me to climb on and fuck her. I actually wanted to try giving her one more oral orgasm, but she drummed her heels on my back and ordered me in her Big Sister voice to obey, and laughing, I slid up the lush wonderland of her body, pausing to suck both tits along the way.

Giggling, she commented about how wet my face was and told me to grab a few tissues, but not before holding my head in her hands and licking my lips, moaning as she tasted her own pussy juice. After that, I dried off as best I could, settled back between her legs, and she guided my dick into her steaming snatch with her own hand.

Alex only had one more orgasm while we fucked. Not even me jack-hammering the hell out of her toward the end was enough to set her off again, not that she seemed to mind. If anything, she seemed distracted, no longer paying attention to the way my prick pounded in and out of her pussy. She was watching my face, staring at me with a look of sweet adoration. And toward the end she hooked her ankles around my calves, holding me close so that I couldn’t take really big lunges into her body.

Instead, we practically cuddled, albeit with me inside her. I made short grinding motions, keeping myself at full depth carving my cock counterclockwise around the inner walls of her cunt. We kissed and we kissed and we kissed some more. When I stopped to think about it, Alex and I were no longer fucking just to relieve pent up sexual cravings. Those needs had already been satisfied and now...

Now ... we’d started making love.

And as if to reinforce that idea, the next time we broke for air, Alex batted her eyelashes at me, gave me the sweetest look, and craned her neck up so she could peck my nose, crooning, “I love you, squirt.”

I grinned and kissed her back, saying, “I love you, too.”

And then I came, and the world was filled with light.

Five minutes later, the real world came back to me. I was still buried inside of her, Alex murmuring happy mumbles into my neck while she stroked my sweaty back and rubbed my shoulders. I realized my heavy weight must have been crushing her, so I tried to push myself up and off, but she cinched her ankles around my calves again and clutched me close, not ready yet to let me go.

And that’s when we felt a low rumble under the floor beneath us. Alex’s bedroom was right on top of the garage, and we both heard the sounds of the garage door rolling up. Michelle was home.

Alex practically threw me off her, my dick exiting her sodden pussy with a squish, and she scrambled to grab my clothes and toss them to me. “Go to your room,” she hissed. “I’m gonna jump in the shower.”

I nodded and started to get dressed. “I’ll go help Michelle bring in all the Costco stuff.”

“NO! Are you crazy!” Alex hissed even louder. “You smell like you’ve been fucking me for an hour and your face still has dried pussy juice on it! Go to your room!”

I gestured out the door. “But she’ll get upset if I don’t help her carry everything in!”

“Then she’ll get upset. You smell like sex and then she’ll know. Just go to your room! After I’ve finished, you can take a shower too, alright? I’ll tell her we decided to do a workout video together while she was out, and then you went upstairs to fantasize about porking Pamela Reif.”

“Fine, fine.” I’d only managed to pull my shorts on but held my shirt in my hands. I headed for the door, but just before I got there, Alex caught my arms and stopped me.

“I mean it,” she said sincerely. “I love you.”

I grinned, replied, “I love you, too.” I kissed her and then fled. A minute later, I heard the shower start up in the bathroom.

A minute after that, Michelle started complaining loudly from downstairs that I wasn’t helping her bring in all the stuff from Costco. I locked my bedroom door and tried to ignore her. And when I finally took a shower and came downstairs, she was still pretty mad. It only occurred to me afterward that there was no reason I couldn’t have been taking a shower at the same time Alex was. We did have two bathrooms after all.

But I wasn’t worried about it. Michelle and I had a strong enough relationship that she’d get over it. I’d probably have to do some chore or another to make it up to her, though.

Back to the parental FaceTime, Alex and Mom were talking about something, and I started thinking back over everything that had happened ever since that fateful moment when my towel had slipped to the floor in the hallway after my shower. I thought about her sneaking into my bedroom later that night to pull my cock out through my pajama pants and then panicking when I woke up. I thought about her barging in on me while I’d been jerking off to that Billionaire story. I thought about her giving me a blowjob in her room, then having sex in my room, and finally everything we’d just done today.

In all that time, she’d never before said “I love you” to me. I mean, she said she loved my cock, and she replied “I love you, too” after I’d said the words first.

But this time... she’d said it first.


And I got a silly smile on my face.

Michelle elbowed me in the ribs, muttering, “He’s not paying attention again. Must be thinking about sex because he’s got a pretty big tent in his shorts.”

I sat up straight and covered my crotch with both hands, blushing pink.

Mom groaned and facepalmed again. “I TOLD you not to tell me that stuff.”

* * *

Given that a week had passed between Alex’s first blowjob and then her mounting me in my bedroom, and then several days had passed until we banged twice while Michelle had gone to Costco, I wasn’t expecting an encore anytime soon.

I was prepared to act like everything was normal for a while, going about our daily routines until Alex got an urge again and initiated something. But it turned out I wouldn’t need to wait nearly that long.

Monday night, I woke up in the middle of the night to find my sister’s lips wrapped around my schlong. She only sucked me long enough to get me rock hard, and then flopped onto her back so I could do all the work. We actually spent more time exploring each other’s bodies like kids checking out new playgrounds instead of being quite so orgasm-focused. But of course she still went back to her room with a squishy load in her snatch.

Tuesday afternoon, Michelle went for a run around the neighborhood. I had been eating chips and salsa as an after-school snack, and two minutes after Michelle left, Alex pulled down my shorts and fed on my prick until SHE got an after-school snack.

Wednesday, we didn’t do anything, but on Thursday night, Alex woke me with a sweet kiss while her fingernails scratched my abs. Her hand then slid into my pants, began stroking my shaft, and she told me she wanted to fuck in her room. Being further down the hall, we could at least be a little louder. My ejaculation was so good that I fell asleep in her bed again. But she woke up around 5am and urgently shooed me out, lest we get caught. That had been a close one, and she scolded me not to fall asleep in her bed anymore.

And then came Friday.

* * *

“You’ve seemed pretty happy, lately,” Michelle commented as she pushed her pawn to F5.

I arched an eyebrow and asked, “What do you mean?” I moved my bishop to H5. “Check”.

“You’re smirking,” my little sister explained.

“Because you’re in check.”

“You’ve been smirking for days.”

I shrugged. “I’ve been in a good mood.”

“I just said you’ve been in a good mood. I’m just wondering why.”

I shrugged again. “Am I really acting abnormally?”

She mused on that, finally sighing and moving her king out of check. “‘Abnormally’ isn’t the right word. You’ve just been ... perky!”

I chuckled and slid my queen over to D4. “Check. I’m having a good week.”

“I’ll say.” She frowned, trying to figure out how to get out of my trap. “You meet some hot chick on Snapchat or something?”

“What? No. Not even looking.” I frowned, a lightbulb suddenly turning on above my head. Mom had once explained that nobody ever asked a question without that topic being on their mind first. “Wait, have you met somebody on Snapchat?”

Michelle jerked her head back, her ears turning pink. “What are you talking about? No...” But she couldn’t look me in the eyes and immediately started fidgeting.

“You have, haven’t you?”

“I have a boyfriend,” she sputtered.

“A boyfriend you haven’t seen since before the pandemic and never talk to on the phone. I think the appropriate phrase is that you were ‘dating’ somebody but aren’t dating him anymore.”

Michelle regained some composure and pursed her lips. “I really haven’t met anybody on Snapchat, alright?”

“But you’ve been surfing, haven’t you? Checking out guys?” I chuckled. “If you’re looking for masturbation material, I can certainly say Pornhub will provide more immediate gratification.”

“Eww, don’t be gross. And there’s nothing wrong with ... browsing ... on Snapchat.”

“You posting sexy videos of yourself?”

“Seriously, no.” Michelle made a face. “I’m not like that.”

“You slide into the DMs of somebody? A hunky Zac Efron-type with washboard abs?”

She giggled. “Would you be jealous if I did?”

I snorted. “You’re my sister. I wouldn’t be jealous, just overprotective. I’d threaten to drive over to the guy’s house with a baseball bat.”

“Please don’t.”

“Did some guy DM you back?”

She turned to look away. “I’m not saying.”

I arched an eyebrow. “Are you DM’ing him videos of yourself in your underwear?”

“We are NOT having this conversation.”

“Fine, fine.” I gestured to the board. “You’re still in check.”

Michelle nodded glumly, still trying to figure a way out of my trap. She wasn’t in checkmate ... yet. But unless she came up with something unexpected, she would be in just two more moves. But before she moved a piece, her head came up sharply. “Waitaminute! I was grilling YOU. How the hell did we get talking about ME?”

I just grinned and replied, “Checkmate.”

* * *

“Hey guys. Mind if I join you?”

Michelle and I looked behind us, surprised to see Alex standing by the wall wearing a hot pink sports bra and black workout pants. She had workout gloves on her hands and held a set of dumbbells.

I had my hand on the remote, thumbing through videos, I was about to pick a Sydney Cummings workout, but gave Michelle a questioning look first.

“Yeah, of course,” Michelle replied with a smile. “You were the one that put us onto these videos in the first place.”

“That’s what I thought,” Lex said. “I figured, why do this alone in my room when we’re all watching the same videos anyway.”

I took a quick look around and decided to slide the coffee table out of the way. We had enough floor space in front of the TV for both me and Michelle to exercise, but not all three of us. Afterwards, I set up my stuff in the spot where the coffee table used to be and cued up the video. Alex got into position in my usual spot, and then turned and looked back at me over her shoulder.

“I think he just wants to stare at our butts from back there,” Alex quipped.

Michelle giggled and looked back at me. She nodded and smirked at her big sister, “I think you’re right.”

I blushed, stared at my feet, and didn’t respond. I really did want to stare at their butts. I mean Alex’s butt. She truly was “built for comfort” as my friends would say. I figured it was okay to perve on her since we were fucking, but I was still trying to be a good brother about NOT treating my little sister like a sex object. Thankfully, ever since Alex had started sucking on my schlong, I’d been able to keep myself from fantasizing about Michelle masturbating in the shower. But now that the girls had put the idea in my head, I knew I wouldn’t be able to NOT think about gawking at my little sister’s tight ass in those super-small volleyball shorts. If Alex was built for comfort, then Michelle was built for speed.

Stop thinking that!

Forty minutes later, all three of us were flat on our backs across the carpet, staring at the ceiling and sucking wind. That workout had been INTENSE. I still had a little bit of water in my bottle, and without getting up I chugged whatever was left.

“Good workout, all,” Michelle said encouragingly. “We made it.”

“Speak for yourself,” I wheezed. “I think I died five minutes ago.”

“That was fun,” Alex commented, sitting up first. She didn’t even look that tired. I had long known she was the gym rat of the family. “Thanks for letting me join.”

“Anytime,” Michelle replied. “You were always welcome.”

“Yeah, totally,” I added without really thinking about it. “Anytime, anywhere.”

Alex shot me a look, a warning in her eyes, but I just chuckled and went back to staring at the ceiling. Michelle didn’t notice as she had started getting up.

“I call dibs on first shower,” my little sister said while nudging me with her foot. “YOU can put away the weights.”

I waved her off. I’d been putting away the weights all week, and doing any other minor chores Michelle could think of, as penance for not helping bring in the Costco stuff on Sunday. Michelle left, and after taking several deep breaths, I finally started to think about getting up.

But before I could, I felt my gym shorts being pulled down and my limp penis was suddenly exposed to the air. I jerked in surprise and looked own to find Alex shushing me with an index finger in front of her lips, and then she bent to take a slow, languid lick along my dick from balls to tip. It started growing immediately.

“What are you doing?” I whispered. “She could still come back downstairs!”

“I can’t wait,” Alex moaned softly, nursing my prick with her lips and tongue while scratching my balls with her fingernails. After staring at my sister’s asses for the last 40 minutes, watching them move and jiggle and flex in their skintight clothing, I’d already been half-aroused and her ministrations took me to full hardness quite quickly.

“At least wait until you hear the shower turn on,” I muttered, trying to pull my shorts back up.

Alex sighed, sitting up next to me and nodding her agreement. I managed to get my erection tucked back in, although she lay her hand atop the bulge and rubbed it slowly. Ears cocked and eyes toward the stairway, she remained alert for any sign of Michelle coming back down while mumbling softly, “I still remember the first time I saw him.”

I frowned, not understanding as a small pang of jealousy hit me. “Him?”

Alex glanced down, saw my expression, and giggled before returning her attention toward the stairs. Still outside my shorts, she squeezed my dick for emphasis, repeating, “Him.”

I finally understood she was referring to my dick, and I barked a short laugh. “Oh, him.”

“You were in the bathroom taking a shower, so I just went to Mom and Dad’s room to pee. You came outside in such a hurry, with SUCH big tent in your towel it was comical.”

I covered my face and groaned, recalling that night when I couldn’t get the thought of Michelle masturbating out of my head. Unwilling to jerk off to thoughts of my little sister, I’d simply tried to escape to my room and was thoroughly unsuccessful at doing so without exposing myself.

Breathing hard, Alex continued while letting her hand slide beneath my waistband once again. I was rock hard, and her cool fingers wrapped around my shaft, pumping slowly. “The step aside to avoid bumping into me, the towel slipped ... and there he was.”

“You can stop talking now,” I mumbled into my hands.

“He was beautiful. I couldn’t get him out of my head.”

“Which is why you snuck into my room that night to get another look.”

Alex frowned and looked down at me. “Wait, what?”

I frowned right back at her, furrowing my eyebrows. “You don’t remember or something? It was like 3am. You snuck into my room, pulled me out through the flap in my pajamas, and got me hard. I woke up and you ran away. A guy doesn’t forget the first time his big sister grabs his penis.”

My big sister blinked at me rapidly while shaking her head, looking thoughtful. “I think you’re confused with the first night when I snuck into your room, started sucking you off, and then mounted you before you even woke up. I never snuck into your room before that.”

My frown deepened as I propped myself up on my elbows while Alex pulled her hand out of my shorts. “Waitaminute. If YOU didn’t sneak into my room that night, then...”

“It was me,” Michelle said quietly from somewhere behind me. I jerked my head around in surprise to find that she was standing by the wall, still clad in her sports bra and volleyball shorts, although she’d removed the tank top. She’d never started a shower.

In a panic, I glanced at Alex, exchanged a ‘holy-shit-what-do-we-do-now-how-much-did-she-hear’ look with her, and then turned back to Michelle.

With a torn expression, Michelle looked down, fidgeted with her fingers, and admitted shyly, “I was horny and we were checking each other out a little bit that night. I started masturbating in the shower thinking about you but stopped because it felt really dirty but then I couldn’t get you out of my mind because I’ve seen you get hard every now and again and for some reason I got super-curious just how BIG your cock really was so I started tossing and turning and couldn’t sleep and figured I could just sneak in and take a peek but then you weren’t even hard so I started jacking you off and it just got like ... HUGE ... but then you woke up and I freaked out and ran away.”

Michelle was out of breath by the end of that, her face having gone beyond a pink blush to a deeper red. She refused to look me in the eye, instead staring down at her fidgeting fingers. And heaven help me, I was staring at her super-hard nipples pointing like bullets through her sports bra.

A long, awkward silence followed. Michelle was blushing in embarrassment, Alex and I gawked at each other a couple of times, but neither of us knew what to say.

But eventually, Michelle spoke again. Still breathing hard, she picked her head up, fixed Alex with a very intense stare, and intoned softly, “But I never mounted myself on him before he even woke up. You HAVE to tell me what THAT was like.”
