Lizzie Nichols’s Wedding Gown Guide

It’s in the bag!

Ever wonder what a bride should carry on her wedding day? Well, I’m here to let you in on the mystery:

—Lipstick, pressed powder (to control shine), and concealer (in case of blemishes)—

Even if you have your makeup done by a professional, carry these items with you in a small pouch or clutch. You will need them—especially between toasts at the reception (brides, be subtle with makeup fixes at the table… excuse yourself for anything more than a quick check in the compact mirror).

—Breath mints—

Trust me, you’re going to need them.


If you are prone to migraines, count on getting one on your wedding day. Migraines are often brought on by stress, and what’s more stressful than committing yourself for all eternity to your lover in front of hundreds of friends and family members? Make sure you have your prescription migraine medication with you on your special day, or any other medications that might help you through the day, including aspirin, muscle relaxants (go easy on these), beta-blockers, and homeopathics like aromatherapy oils.


If you perspire more than average, especially when stressed or overheated, have a mini-tube of this in your bag for emergencies. You won’t regret it.

—Feminine hygiene products—

It happens. Some of us will be having our period on our big day. If you’re due for yours, wear protection just in case, and carry some extra for even more security.

And, of course,


You know you’re going to cry—or someone close to you will, anyway. So come prepared.

