Ariel hated not being able to talk to Ral. After their implants had been removed, he had led her outside where a driver and vehicle waited. They’d left the city for a forested area. Ral’s home was at the edge of a village. Other large homes were within sight, but they were distant enough that there was privacy.

Ral had a beautiful home, though Zorn homes were not like houses back on Earth.

Zorn homes were made out of a pretty red stone. The walls were smooth to the touch as if they had been polished. They had wood furniture but the colors didn’t come from any type of trees Arial had ever seen—shades of red and deep purples, some were even black. The cloth material on the couches and on the Zorn clothing was thick, soft cotton-like blends.

Ral gave Ariel a tour of each room in his house. He smiled at her as he led her to a large bedroom last. He softly growled at her as he swept her into his arms, taking her to the bed. He growled at her again. She knew he was talking—it wasn’t just him growling at her—but she couldn’t understand him.

Their eyes met as Ral pinned her under him. He touched her throat with his finger and ran it up to her mouth. He growled at her.

“Do you want to hear what I sound like when I talk without the translator on?”

Nodding his head, Ral grinned. He either understood what she was asking or maybe he just wanted to encourage her to keep speaking.

“I love your house. It’s bigger than I thought it would be and I love the darker tones. I never really enjoyed the color red or thought there were so many shades of red but there are. I love them. I also never thought purple would be in a straight man’s home, but we’re not on Earth. Purple definitely is sexy around a hunk like you.”

Ral chuckled. No translation was needed for that sound. His amazing eyes sparkled with amusement as his head lowered. He brushed his lips over hers. Ariel wrapped her arms around his neck to pull him closer. She was addicted to sex with the man since she’d met him. They had no problem communicating when they touched. They both knew exactly what they were saying as the kiss deepened. They wanted each other.

A loud buzz sounded. Ral’s body tensed. He broke the kiss, reluctantly pulling his mouth from hers. He snarled something as he climbed off her. He eyed her body with a long hungry look. Holding his hand palm out to her, he turned around walking out of the bedroom. She stayed in bed like his hand indicated.

Minutes passed until Ariel heard a loud sound. It sounded like glass smashing.

Snarls were the next thing she heard. She jumped off the bed to run out of the bedroom.

Panic washed over her—something was wrong. She came to a halt as she saw the living room.

Ral was facing off with a snarling Zorn woman. The female was tall and muscular.

She was attractive. Dark brown hair flowed down her back to her knees. Much of her athletic body was showing in the dress she wore, low cut at her breasts and raised high on her shapely legs. Both of them were oblivious to Ariel.

The woman grabbed Ral’s arm with a snarl. He slapped her hand away, snarling something back at her that didn’t sound nice. The woman let her hand drop. They glared at each other. The woman’s nostrils flared. She snapped her head in Ariel’s direction to glare at her. Ariel didn’t need a translator to understand the woman hated her. Rage was evident. The woman snarled and took a step in Ariel’s direction.

Ral moved in the woman’s path to Ariel. He snarled at the woman for a while. Ariel got that he was angry from his tone. Ariel couldn’t see the woman anymore with Ral’s body between them but when he stopped snarling the woman snarled back. They were obviously arguing. Ral pointed to the front door and snarled.

Nope, Ariel thought. She didn’t need a translation. The woman was furious that Ral was with her and he wanted the woman to leave. The woman didn’t leave. Instead she lunged at Ral. He took a step back when the woman attacked him and grabbed the fists pelting him. He threw the woman away from him and she landed hard on her ass by the door. Ral snarled again, pointing at the front door.

Ariel could see her now. The woman shot her a glare as she softly growled. She got to her knees and reached for her hem. In shock, Ariel saw the woman yank the dress over her head. It looked like Zorn women didn’t wear undergarments because the woman was now completely naked.

Zorn women weren’t that different. Her breast looked the same but between her legs was slightly different. The woman obviously didn’t own a much-needed razor. It put a new spin on the term bush. The woman’s eyes locked on Ral as she dropped to her hands and knees. She softly growled at him, lowering her head, her arms bent at the elbows. She lowered her breasts to the floor and it put her ass high in the air as she spread her thighs about a foot apart.

“Oh hell no,” Ariel gasped. She was shocked but again she didn’t need a translator.

The woman was offering herself sexually to Ral.

Ral turned to frown at Ariel. She met his eyes. He pointed to the bedroom. Pain shot through Ariel hard. Was he going to accept the bitch’s offer? He wanted Ariel to return to their room. That was clear. She shook her head no at him. She felt a burst of emotions—jealousy and hurt were the strongest initial feelings. Anger and shock came in at a close second. Ral took a deep breath. He continued to frown at Ariel. He pointed again to the bedroom.

“Fuck you,” she said softly. She shook her head no, crossing her arms. “If you touch that bitch I’m out of here.”

Ariel hesitated and then pointed at the woman. She pointed at the door. She pointed at Ral and then showed him her hand. She pointed to him and then the woman.

Then she pointed to herself and the door. She hoped he understood what she meant.

She let her anger show. She growled at him.

Ral was still frowning. He looked confused. Ariel stormed over to him and looked up to stare into his eyes. She pointed to herself and then him. She pointed to the woman and then him. She shook her head no at him. He knew what that meant—no was no universally from what she had seen on the shaking of a head movement. Hot tears fill her eyes. If he touched that woman she’d leave him. She didn’t care what happened to her out on his planet. She wasn’t going to stay with a man who’d fuck another woman.

Ral’s frown softened. He pointed to the woman, shaking his head no. He touched his chest and then hers. He sighed as his eyes left hers to look down at the naked woman bent over on the floor. He growled something at her.

Ariel watched the woman’s response. The woman snarled as she lifted her chest from the floor. She looked pissed as hell as she reached for her discarded dress. She yanked it over her head and down over her body as she got to her feet. She snarled before she lunged at Ariel.

Ral moved fast and wrapped his arm around Ariel to jerk her out of reach of the furious woman. He dropped Ariel to her feet behind him and shoved the woman toward the door again with the arm not locked around Ariel. He snarled as he released Ariel.

The woman lunged for Ariel again, but Ral grabbed her by the throat. He lifted her, stomped to the front door and jerked it open. In seconds he dropped the uninjured woman outside the door and slammed it shut, locking it. His blue eyes met Ariel’s before he advanced.

Ariel gasped as Ral grabbed her. He softly growled at her as he hoisted her into his arms and marched for the bedroom. Behind them the woman outside pounded on the door. She rang the annoying bell over and over. Ral ignored it as he carried Ariel into their bedroom. He turned to kick the door shut. It almost muted the sounds of the woman attacking his front door and doorbell. He walked to the bed easing Ariel to her feet.

She undressed as Ral did. Relief flooded Ariel. He wanted her. He’d kicked the other woman out of his house. He climbed on the bed and flipped on his back. He smiled and softly growled at her. He patted his thighs, giving her a look she knew well.

Being ridden was his favorite position.

She climbed on the bed after him. Straddling his hips, she kept his erection behind her. Ariel grinned as she ran her fingertips over his chest wall. The man had a body she wanted to lick so she didn’t hesitate to do it. She lowered her head and started at his right nipple. Groans were also universal. Ral also suffered from heavy breathing after a few minutes of Ariel using her tongue and teeth on him.

Ral gripped her hips, lifting her. She gasped. She was always surprised at his strength as he lowered her onto his body so she was right over his cock. She spread her thighs a little wider. She was wet and ready as he eased himself into her. She threw her head back moaning as she settled down on him so he was seated deep inside her. The sensation was amazing.

Ariel rode Ral at a slow pace. She twisted her hips as she moved up and down on Ral so every thick inch of him hit nerves inside her that drove her passion level up. She locked her eyes with his. Ral ran his hands over her body down to the vee of her thighs to finger her clit. He brushed the sensitive nub gently as he softly growled at her. The look in his eyes told her whatever he was saying was good. She really missed knowing what he was saying to her. She knew he thought she was wet and tight. She knew he loved the way she felt surrounding him tightly as her body gripped his cock. She squeezed her muscles tighter when she moved faster.

Ariel came with a shout. The climax hit her when Ral rubbed her clit faster with his fingertips applying more pressure. Ral pulsed and throbbed hard inside her as he exploded. She collapsed on his chest.

Ral let his hands run up and down her spine. Ariel loved his rough-textured hands on her bare skin and she shivered. He started to harden again inside her, his rapid recovery time impressive. Zorn men were a lot like human men in some ways yet so different in others. Ral had the stamina of at least five human men. He gently rolled them over until she was pinned to the bed under him.

Ariel grinned up at him. “I love you.”

Ral eyed her and tilted his head. Ariel touched her heart and then his. A grin split his face. He shifted his hips and then drove into her. He moved fast and hard. Ariel locked her legs high around his waist so her heels dug into his moving ass. She clung to him and rolled her hips as he pounded into her. Ecstasy flowed through her body, her inner muscles quivering around his cock, and screamed out again minutes later as she came hard. Ral followed her and collapsed on her. He was careful not to crush her. He kissed her neck, a growl rumbling from him.

She had to admit when he softly growled like that into her skin it turned her on as much as his loving words did. She caressed his hair as her fingers slid into his thick tresses. She loved his long hair. She never thought she’d find really long hair sexy on a man but everything about Ral turned her on.

He climbed off Ariel. He smiled as held out his hand to her. She gripped his hand to let him help lift her off his bed. He led her silently into the bathroom where they showered together. She loved to wash Ral. He seemed to love to run his soapy hands over her body.

She realized as they touched each other that it was more than just cleaning. Her body heated up and she grinned as Ral obviously grew aroused. She let her soapy hands run down his stomach to wash every muscle along the way and finally her hand lowered to the hard flesh pointed at her. Both of her hands closed over him and she explored him with her fingers.

Ral leaned back against the wall and his eyes narrowed with lust. Ariel watched his expression as she rubbed him and let her fingernails lightly rake his balls. Ral’s eyes shut and a moan escaped. He tilted his head back. His lips parted so she could see his sharp teeth. Those teeth had once frightened her. Now she knew the wonderful feeling of when he raked them over her skin.

Ral came with a roar. He jerked with the violence of his release. Ariel smiled up at him when he finally opened his eyes. His grin was wide and happy as he stared down at her. He reached up and cupped her face with both his hands. He lowered his head to brush his lips over hers. They got dressed in the bedroom.

As she got dressed irritation surged through her that the woman outside hadn’t given up. The doorbell was still going off with the occasional thump from the woman kicking or punching the door. Ral eyed Ariel. He touched his heart and then hers. He walked out of the bedroom. Ariel followed him.

She was stunned as she watched Ral open the front door and move out of the way.

The woman stormed into Ral’s house snarling. Her dark eyes narrowed. Hatred poured from their depths as she shot a glare at Ariel. The woman snapped her head in Ral’s direction when she spoke to him softly.

Ral’s eyes went to Ariel and he touched his chest and pointed to Ariel. He was telling her that he loved her. Ariel frowned and her eyes went back to the woman. If he loved her then why in the hell was that woman in their home?

The woman dropped to her knees and reached for her dress again. She started to tug up her outfit. Rage slammed through Ariel. If Ral thought he could have them both he was about to get a serious reality check. Ariel stormed for the front door. She was leaving. She didn’t care what his people did with her. She’d probably end up at the medical center like a guinea pig but it would be better than watching Ral touch another woman.

She saw Ral frown as she stormed past him. Opening the front door, she stormed out and slammed it shut behind her. She just stared—it was foreign to her on Zorn. Red tinged almost everything. She started to walk for the road, fighting back tears. Ral had brought her to his world, refused to let her go home, and now he’d discarded her.

Maybe discarded wasn’t the right word she admitted. He hadn’t asked her to leave.

He’d just let a naked woman into their lives.

She heard a roar seconds before the front door was torn open behind her. Ariel didn’t turn around. She didn’t run even though she was a little scared. It sounded like Ral was pretty pissed off. Well, too damn bad, she thought. She was hurt by his actions and furious with him. She wasn’t the sharing kind. She’d be damned if she stayed with a two-timing son of a bitch. She made it to the street before Ral grabbed her arm and spun her around to face him.

Ariel saw the confusion and rage on Ral’s face. He spoke to her. She shrugged her shoulders. “I don’t understand a damn thing you’ve said and I know you don’t understand me but go to hell. I won’t stand there while you fuck another woman. Screw you, buddy. I’m out of here. Don’t glare down at me like that and act all pissy. I don’t have a naked man on his hands and knees in my house, you jerk.”

He looked frustrated as hell. Ariel yanked hard to free her arm as she turned to start walking away again. Ral roared in rage as he grabbed her arm. All Ariel could do was gasp as she found herself spun and tossed over his shoulder. Two arms locked tightly around her thighs as he stormed back for the house. He’d left the front door wide open.

He gently put her down on her feet in the living room. Ariel took in her surroundings once she was right-side up. The bitch was still on her knees on the floor, still naked, and obviously still waiting for Ral to fuck her. Ral glared down at Ariel as he touched his heart and then brushed his fingertips over Ariel’s chest.

“You love me? You want to remind me we’re bound? What in the hell does that mean? Damn you, Ral!” She pointed to the naked woman on the floor and shook her head as she yelled at him. “No way in hell are you having us both, you jackass. If screwing around is your world’s version of a relationship then just forget it. Let your father unbound us. I won’t stay.”

Ral growled softly. He spun and walked to the communication device on the wall.

It was kind of like an amplified wireless phone in Ariel’s opinion. She listened to him talk to someone since the device broadcast both sides of the conversation. It was a female he spoke to. Minutes later he looked frustrated. His eyes went to Ariel as he made another call to a male. When he hung up he let his eyes shift to the naked woman.

He growled something at her.

Whatever he said, the woman wasn’t happy. She shot Ariel a murderous look as she finally got off her knees. She put her dress back on. Ral was going to send the woman away. He must have understood Ariel’s I’m-out-of-here-if-you-touch-her message. The woman didn’t leave though. She headed for the kitchen.

Ariel clenched her teeth. Ral moved to stand in front of Ariel, frowning down at her. His eyes softened as he rubbed her arms with his large, hot hands. It was a comforting gesture. Ariel didn’t know what in the hell was going on but she wasn’t happy.

She glared up at Ral before jerking out of his hold. He frowned at her. He reached for her again. His hand was gentle as it gripped her arm. He led her to the front door.

Shock tore through Ariel. Was he going to kick her out now? He’d just chased after her and carried her back into his house. He opened the front door, pulling them both outside, and shutting the door behind them. He walked with her toward the street. She saw a vehicle approach.

Pain sliced through her. Ral was sending her away. The vehicle stopped and Ral kept hold of her arm as he opened the back door. He gently pushed her toward the vehicle’s interior.

Ariel fought tears as she climbed inside the back of the vehicle. She sat stiffly and then gasped as Ral pushed at her to move over. He climbed in the back of the vehicle with her. He shut the door, closing them in together. Ariel stared at him still clueless about what was going on. He wasn’t sending her away.

He touched his heart and then her heart. He pulled her onto his lap to hold her as he spoke to the driver. The vehicle took off. Ariel cuddled into his arms. She had no idea where they were going but they were together. She felt relief that he wasn’t just sending her away. She was confused, angry and wanted answers.

Ral held her while they took a long drive back to the city. When they parked she recognized the building the driver had stopped in front of was the medical building.

Ral lifted her from his lap as he eased out of the vehicle. He held out his hand. Ariel took it. She hoped they had her translator fixed and working. She really wanted to talk to Ral.

Inside she saw other Zorn. Ral kept hold of her and moved down the hallway. She spotted Ahhu walking to meet them. Ahhu smiled at Ral but gave Ariel a grim look. Ral growled at the woman. She growled back. Ariel didn’t understand a damn word but wished she could so she’d know what was going on. Ahhu spun around. Ral held on to Ariel as they both followed the Zorn woman.

Ahhu showed them into a new exam room. Ariel watched the woman walk to what looked like a computer. Ral shut the door firmly behind them, closing the three of them in the room. Ral spoke to the woman as she worked in front of the console. Finally Ahhu turned to face them.

“Can you understand me now?” Her eyes went to Ariel.

Joy filled her. “Yes!”

Ral chuckled. “We can understand you too. I’ve missed your words.” He grinned down at her.

“This is a program of the ear device we took off you,” Ahhu explained. “The conis is running it for us. We haven’t worked it out fully so we don’t have a new implant to give either of you yet but in here you can talk.”

Ral’s eyes jerked from Ariel’s and glared at the woman. “Damn it, Ahhu. We need to be able to understand each other at all times. It has caused us problems.”

“I can copy the program so it can be run in your home in a room to communicate. It is tricky to try to implement a foreign program into our implant translators. It won’t read it. The only reason it works on the conis is because it can run most any program.”

Conis?” Ariel said softly.

Ahhu pointed to the computer device. Ariel nodded.

“Got it.” She eyed Ral. “Do you have a conis at home? I don’t remember seeing one.”

“I can get one.” He eyed Ahhu. “Leave us please. Get me a copy of that program.

Tell Abroo I need a conis immediately to take home with us.”

Ahhu hesitated. “While you are here I need to run more tests.”

“No,” Ral snarled.

“Your father has ordered them, Ral. He is concerned greatly.”

Ral snarled again. There was no translation but it came across as “I’m really pissed off” to Ariel. “He needs not concern himself.”

“He is very concerned. Let me run the tests. It will set his mind at ease. He’s ordered the other-world species from our planet, Argis Ral. He will order her gone as well. Let me run the tests to prove to him that she is no danger to your health and well-being.”

Rage hit Ral’s face. “He’s ordered our men to give up their off-world bound women?”

Ahhu hesitated. “None of them bound to those women, Ral. Only you bound one to you. They just shared sex. The other males were easily willing to give up those women.

They are working to find their planets to return them to their worlds.”

“I will not give her up. If he orders her off our world then I will go live on her planet. Leave us.” He paused. “What tests do you need to do now? I won’t allow her to be pained in any way.”

Ahhu walked to cabinets along one wall. She removed a few things before walking to a table. She eyed Ral. “Your father has demanded I make sure she doesn’t have sexual control over you. I need her sex fluids to test to make sure they aren’t working as a drug into your system. I will also need sex fluids from you to test to see if her fluids cause a reaction in your own body.”

Ral growled. “Fine.”

“You can’t mix the fluids. Will this be a problem?” Ahhu eyed Ariel. “Does she have fluids?”

“Yes. Get out. I’ll take care of the testing. Lock the door on your way out.”

Ahhu nodded and left the room. It locked with a loud click from the other side. Ral sighed as he turned around, his full attention was on Ariel.
