THE baby emerged writhing and covered in amniotic fluid. Cradling the child, unable to curb the proud and relieved smile breaking on her sweaty face, Dr. Julia Cabot reached across the bed and placed him on his weary mother’s belly and chest. Annette, one of the three nurses assisting, quickly covered him with a blanket, then suctioned his nose and mouth with a bulb syringe. In seconds, a hearty wail erupted from the infant, the welcome sound pinging off the walls and calling forth a duet of sighs from the baby’s father and aunt.

Twenty-one hours of hard labor. This woman’s a freaking rock star. Julia glanced at the clock. “9:51 pm.”

“Got it,” Annette said, scribbling on the chart. “Do you want me to get his scores now, Doc?”

“Right on his mom’s chest will be fine.” Julia returned to her work, another nurse assisting as she delivered the placenta. “So, Mrs. Dubroux, do you have a name for your beautiful boy?”

“Garth,” the woman said, pulling her gaze from her little love and looking up at her husband. “Garth Allan Dubroux, just like his daddy.”

The man beamed.

“Nines across the board, Doc,” Annette announced, making the note in her chart.

“Well, well, you’ve got a strong one there,” Julia said, pulling off her gloves and letting the nurse take over with the cleaning. She walked around to the side of the bed and eyed the precious new family member. “Welcome to the world, Garth.”

As the baby rooted around on her chest, Mrs. Dubroux smiled up at Julia, tears brightening her eyes. “Thank you. Thank you so much.”

“You’re a godsend, Doctor Cabot,” Mr. Dubroux added, his arm tightening around his wife’s shoulders. “Marilyn would’ve been in the surgery room if it wasn’t for you.”

“It was my pleasure,” Julia said, trying to hold back the wave of emotion and sadness at such a lovely ending to her career at New Orleans General. “One of the nurses will help you with breastfeeding if you need it, and Doctor Salander will be coming in to check on the both of you very soon.” She gave them one last smile. “Congratulations, and good luck.”

“Nice work, Doc,” Annette said as they left the room. “Never seen anyone turn a baby like that. You have a gift.”

Julia headed for the nurses’ station. She needed to fill out some paperwork before she was done for the night. Before she was done, period. She didn’t want to be rude, but talking about her work right now…well, it was too painful. She was going to miss this place, the staff, the patients.

Sidling up next to her, Annette clucked her tongue as she watched Julia scribble on Marilyn Dubroux’s chart. “Damn shame. Best baby doctor this hospital’s ever seen.”

The words pinged inside Julia’s heart. She was good at her job because she believed in it so much, truly cared about each and every new family that came to the hospital. She wanted their first moments as a unit to be special because after they left, when they got home, sometimes things changed.

“You want to stay at my place tonight, Sugar?”

Julia turned to face the nurse. With her beehive of graying brown hair and warm, chocolate eyes, Annette Monty was hard to resist. She had that kind of older woman, motherly charm that was so irresistible to one who’d lost her own mother at a young age. But encouraging a connection that was just days away from being severed wasn’t wise.

“Thanks, Annette,” Julia said, giving the woman a soft smile. “But I have a hotel room.”

“He paying for it?”

The sour note in Annette’s voice made Julia flinch. “No.”


Julia’s lips pressed together and she returned to her charts.

“The worst kind of asshole,” Annette continued.

Yes. And what a fool she’d been to believe herself in love with him.

“Wish he wasn’t my boss.” The nurse sniffed with irritation. “If I didn’t need this job, I might just walk right into that new office of his and—”

That brought Julia’s chin up once again. She eyed the woman seriously. “Don’t even think about it. You have three teenagers at home, and Dell is still recovering from knee surgery.”

Impassioned brown eyes softened. “You’re a good, kind gal, Julia Cabot. That man should be strung up from the nearest light pole for hurting you like he did—not getting a gawd damn promotion.”

Head of pediatric surgery. It was amazing how some people were rewarded for bad behavior. Dr. Gary Share: mega-talented physician, desperately disappointing man.

Annette wasn’t about to let the subject go. Keeping her voice just above a whisper, she hissed, “Brings you all the way out here from California, promises you a home and a family, and,” her voice dropped to a whisper, “takes that salope into your bed.”

A still shot flashed in Julia’s mind, the same one she’d been seeing every day and night for a week. Lunch hour, coming home to bring Gary, who’d been up all night in surgery, a hot meal. She’d heard it, heard them, the minute she’d walked into the house, and yet she couldn’t stop herself. She’d walked up those stairs, heart pounding, food clutched in her shaking hands, and into the bedroom she shared with Gary.

It’s a surreal experience to see the person you care about and trust most in the world lying on their back, legs spread, with one of the new nurses from emergency on top of them. But it’s something else entirely when they don’t even stop, when they don’t pull out or even have the decency to look horrified when they utter breathlessly, “What are you doing here, Julia? You’re supposed to be at the hospital.”

“You going to stay here in New Orleans or go back home to Hollywood country?”

Annette’s question tore Julia from her unrelenting vision, and she cleared her throat. “I haven’t decided where I’m going.”

Or when.

It was a little pathetic to admit. She’d given her notice a week ago, been living in a hotel and she couldn’t seem to plan her next move. Where should she go? Where did she belong? Her mother was dead, her father had never been in the picture, and she had no siblings, and the few friends she’d managed to make in medical school were scattered around the country. It had been the main reason she’d accepted Gary’s offer to move to New Orleans. She’d been smitten with him, surely, and the idea of a new city, a job that was waiting for her. But the one thing she’d wanted above all else was a chance to create a life, a community—a family.

Lucky little Garth.

She smiled to herself as she handed all her files to the nurse behind the desk.

“Come stay with me, Sugar,” Annette said, touching Julia’s shoulder. “One night. We can play Yahtzee, watch something with a lot of hot men running around without their shirts on, and take down that box of wine I have in my pantry.”

Julia laughed softly, shook her head. “Did anyone ever tell you that you are the sweetest, kindest and pushiest woman…” Her words died as her gaze caught sight of something down the hall. Her heart leapt into her throat.

“That they have, Sugar,” Annette continued with a soft rumble of laughter. “So what do you say? I’m off in an hour.”

Air wasn’t getting into Julia’s lungs. She tried to breathe normally, but her insides refused to cooperate. Her hands formed fists and her lips went dry. Walking down the hall toward her, all five foot eleven, perfectly cropped blond hair, pressed pants and a coldly charming smile, was the slimeball himself.

Dr. Gary.

God, what was wrong with her? Why was she reacting like this? Insecure and embarrassed? He’d screwed her over! He’d kicked her out of the house he’d made sure to keep in his name, ‘suggested’ she find a new place to work, then moved his afternoon delight in before she’d even found herself a hotel.

“Turn around, Sugar, and face me. Don’t let that towheaded rat bastard see your face.”

Annette might have been one of the bossiest, most loveable irritants around, but at that moment, Julia had never been more grateful to have her near.

* * *

Inside the empty hospital room, Parish crouched near the open doorway, nostrils flaring as he took in the scent of his prey. A delectable combination of vanilla and female sweat. A low growl vibrated in his throat.

“What are you doing, Parish?” Michel hissed behind him. “You sound feral.”

Feral? Yes. Hungry. Always.

She smelled especially appetizing.

As he watched the human female interact with her co-worker, his body stirred, and even though Pantera couldn’t shift outside the magical boundaries of the Wildlands, his cat scratched at the base of his skull. The puma was intrigued by her, too.

Granted, he despised humans, didn’t trust them with anything but destruction, but he’d never scented anything like her—never seen something like her in his life. Skin the color of cream, hair, long and straight and sun-lightened yellow, eyes as pale blue as the bayou sky he awoke beneath every morning, and a smile that was equally sweet as it was sad. She wasn’t very tall. With the small heel on her sexy black shoes, maybe she’d reach his shoulder, but he liked that. His hands could easily wrap around her small waist as he gathered her in his arms, crushed her body to his and took off back to the Wildlands.

Another growl escaped his throat, and his breathing changed. Beside him, Michel cursed. The Suit was one of the many spies the Pantera had living and working outside the Wildlands, and was Parish’s New Orleans contact. The Political Faction of the Pantera was always on the alert, needing to know about any human-based threat to their species, or a physical one that could affect the magic of their land.

Tonight’s mission, however, was something vastly more important. The miracle the Pantera had spent over five decades praying for could finally be upon them, and the female with the addictive scent, sunlit hair and black kitten heels was the key to its success.

“Parish,” Michel said with more force than he’d shown all night. “Do I need to pull you back here?”

Parish grinned broadly. As if that were possible. “That’s my doctor.”

“Yes, but you can’t just barrel down the hospital hallway and take what you want.”

Watch me. His eyes narrowed into predatory slits and he moved forward, but Michel put a hand on his shoulder to stay him.

Parish shrugged him off, then growled, his canines vibrating with their need to drop.

“Goddamit, Hunter.” The Pantera spy cut in front of him. The male wasn’t as tall as Parish, but he was broad shouldered in his suit and tie, and his green eyes flashed with the thick heat of the bayou. “It doesn’t work this way. If we want to keep our alliance with human law enforcement, and the identities of our spies hidden, protocol and rules cannot be broken.”

“Rules don’t apply to Hunters,” Parish snarled.

Michel’s frown deepened. “Inside the Wildlands, that may be true. But this is the human world.”

Parish didn’t care where they were. “Raphael wants a female doctor for his pregnant human. She will help deliver the first Pantera child in decades.” His gaze cut once again to the blond woman who was bending over to retrieve her co-worker’s pen from the floor. Parish growled softly at her, his assignment. He suspected she would look very appealing on her hands and knees before him.

“I think this is a mistake,” Michel remarked dryly. “Perhaps someone from the Nurturer Faction should be sent—”

Parish’s gaze ripped back to the male before him. “Too late. I will have her.”

Michel cursed. “This is not a store, and she is not for purchase.”

“I’m not buying, Michel, I’m taking.”

Even as he said it, the possessive purr in Parish’s tone surprised him. He’d never felt such an immediate and intense need for a female. No doubt she’d be afraid of him when he approached. Most females were. Perpetually on the hunt, he didn’t have the softness, the easy manners of some other Pantera males. But he would try to be gentle with her.

The male shook his head and sighed. “I don’t understand Raphael’s choice in sending you.”

“Do you not?” It was in fact a job for both himself and his second-in-command, Bayon. But the other male had been called away on some emergency when they’d arrived in New Orleans. Knowing Bayon, the emergency probably had large breasts, a ripe ass and the morning free. “I am leader of the Hunters, and Raphael’s mate carries our future within her womb.” One dark eyebrow lifted sardonically. “Never send a Suit or a Nurturer to do a Hunter’s job.”

Michel reddened and his lip curled.

“You’ve done your part. Go back to work.” Parish pushed past the male, his nostrils already filling with her scent once again.

“Do not hurt her.”

Parish didn’t even glance back, but his lips did twist into a humorless smile as the woman left the nurses’ station and headed for the bank of elevators. “She will be well taken care of.”


THE French Quarter, the nerve center of downtown New Orleans, was overflowing with people, and yet the moment Julia hit Gravier Street, she knew she was being followed. Living in Los Angeles, always working late, taking the bus everywhere or walking home, her instincts had been tested, proven and finely honed. Just seconds after leaving the hospital, she’d felt something, sensed someone keeping pace with her, but she hadn’t stopped or turned around. That was an amateur’s move. One that could easily get the looker hurt or killed.

Don’t ever let the bogeyman know you know he’s there.

Her mother’s words, back when she’d still been able to communicate, had fallen on teenage know-it-all ears. But one night after a late class, Julia had found herself on the terrifying and ill-prepared end of a mugger’s switchblade. The lesson had cost her a computer, medical school books, ID, credit cards, cash and a week’s worth of sleep. From that day forward, her mother’s warning remained steadfast in her head.

Don’t ever let the bogeyman know you know he’s there until you’re ready to either lead him directly into the path of a cop, you have a clear and realistic way to ditch him, or you can bring him with you into a crowd of people and make a huge goddamn stink.

The hair on the back of Julia’s neck prickled and she quickened her pace, heading directly into the eye of the NOLA bar crawl.

Just a few blocks to the hotel.

As the sound of cool jazz, and the scents of body odor, grilling crawfish and stale beer came at her on the warm air, her eyes searched the massive crowd for a cop, but came up empty.

What did he want? she wondered, the concentrated sounds of revelry enveloping her, driving up her adrenaline, making her senses incredibly keen. Didn’t he know she had nothing?

Shit. Less than nothing?

Didn’t he know she’d already been robbed this week? Of a life, a future, a promise?

The noise grew in strength, and the crowd thickened. Instead of fear, anger started to stir within her. Anger that had been festering in her chest, waiting, squeezing, aching to find release. Maybe this was it. The time.

The bogeyman.

It was in that moment she felt a hand brush her waist. Her pulse jerked in her blood and instinct fed her already jacked-up rage. Coming to a sudden halt, she whirled around and faced the bastard who had just dared to touch her.

Eyes the color of melted gold met her.

Julia froze where she stood, her anger leaking from her gut like a punctured balloon. All she could do was stare at the creature before her. He was stunning, incredible, unlike anything she had ever seen before. Around her, the crowd noise dissipated to a dull hum, but she barely noticed. Her gaze was slowly traveling the length of him, taking in his predatory stance and powerful muscle and tanned skin. He wore plain clothes; jeans and a black T-shirt with scuffed combat boots. But he was the furthest thing from plain she’d ever seen. Far over six feet tall with broad shoulders and long, ink-black hair that was tied back at his neck. A few stray pieces had escaped and were licking at the ridges of his sharply drawn features. His face was shockingly handsome, tan and smooth, except for the two healed scars near his right ear and mouth. Her nails scraped against her palms as she thought about running her index finger over the small white lines.

A low growl sounded, but Julia didn’t register where the noise was coming from. Her head was far too fuzzy, and her skin felt uncomfortably warm. It was only when a heavily muscled arm snaked around her waist and pulled her close that she snapped out of the haze enveloping her.

“I like the way you look at me,” he said, his voice a dark, sensual rumble. “For once, I am the prey.”

His words and the feel of his breath against her face turned her legs to rubber. What the hell was going on here? What was wrong with her that she was reacting like this? She brought her hands to his chest and pushed like hell, but he didn’t budge.

“You don’t have to be afraid of me,” he said, his eyes cutting away for a moment to check their surroundings. “I would never hurt you.”

The man’s dark, erotic scent rushed into Julia’s nostrils and she whimpered. Where were her guts? Why wasn’t she screaming in terror? That coveted ability she thought she possessed, the one where she kept her shit together in the face of danger, lay completely out of her reach as his golden eyes, now flecked with blue and gray, returned to hers and all but urged her to relinquish her very soul to him.

Her mind raced, her feet were rooted to the ground, the drunk New Orleans crowd just continued to party around them, and instead of wanting to knee him in the balls and run, she actually wanted to move closer, nuzzle her face against the steely wall of his chest.

His lips curved into a sexy smile, those small white scars calling out to her as he spoke. “I understand Raphael’s need for his human woman now.”


Human woman?

The words snaked through Julia’s brain, tugging at her rational thought, waking her fear center. Oh shit. Her pulse jumped in her throat and she swallowed. For the first time since she’d laid eyes on this man, she found her voice.

“Let me go,” she whispered.

The gold in his incredible eyes receded for a moment and black irises emerged.

Adrenaline pumping, she eased back from him. “Let me go,” she said again, far more firmly this time. Her heartbeat was so loud now she heard it in her ears. “I’ll scream. I’ll scream so goddamn loud the cops will be on you in a second.”

The man’s face fell. He looked completely taken aback by her words, maybe even offended. But he didn’t let her go. “There’s no reason to be afraid, Doctor Cabot.”

Julia’s insides went cold with terror. He knows who I am. How does he know who I am?

She started to struggle, panic causing her skin to prickle. “Why are you following me? What do you want?”

“I was sent to find you.”

Sent? “By who?” she demanded, trying to get her arm free, her knee, anything she could use.

“You need to calm down,” he urged softly, his arm tightening around her waist as, once again, he looked around, up at a few buildings, then into the crowd. “Your heart beats too fast.”

Who would send someone after her? She didn’t know anyone outside the hospital. She didn’t have family. She didn’t—

She stopped struggling and stared up at him, her mouth dry. “Is this Gary’s doing?” she said hoarsely as a group of drunk college girls stumbled past them. Oh god. That bastard. He’d told her he would hire a lawyer if she didn’t go away quietly—if she tried to stake a claim to the house or any of its contents. “Are you a private detective or something? Is he actually having me followed? Because that would be both incredibly shitty of him and unnecessary since I want nothing from him.”

“Gary?” The man’s nostrils flared. “Is this your male?”

“My male?” she repeated with an almost hysterical laugh. “Gary was my boyfriend until I found him in our bed, balls-deep in one of my nurses. Or didn’t he tell you that part?”

Dark brows lifted over those extraordinary eyes.

“You can tell that jackass that there’s no reason to follow me. I don’t want anything from him.” Her voice broke. Goddamit. She hated tears. They were worthless and made a person look weak. “Except my cat. I want my cat.”

That damn cat. She missed him like crazy.

A large hand moved slowly up her back and held her possessively between the shoulder blades. “You don’t wish to return to this Gary?” the man said with a slight snarl. “This male who betrayed you?”

“I’d rather eat my own hand.” She gritted her teeth. “And you can tell him as soon as I’m out of the hotel and living somewhere permanent, I’ll send someone to get Fangs.”

“Who is Fangs?” he asked.

“My cat.”

She saw a flicker of a grin on his dark, rugged face. “The female likes cats.”

Before Julia could say another word, the man pressed her closer to his chest and took off into the crowd. He moved so quickly that all she saw before she passed out was a blur of city lights, and all she felt were his arms around her and air rushing over her skin.

* * *

“What the hell where you thinking?” Raphael admonished.

Pacing near the bed in the medical ward, Parish glanced up and flashed his canines at yet another Diplomat. “I did what I was sent to do.”

“You were supposed to talk to her—”

“I did talk to her,” Parish cut in. He continued to pace. It bothered him to look at the woman, unconscious and pale behind the white sheet. He hadn’t meant for this to happen. He hadn’t known she would pass out from the burst of speed he’d used to get them out of the crowd and on their way to the Wildlands. “She has quit her job and has no family. She’s broken things off with a bastard male who fucked another female right in front of her.” He growled softly, his cat itching to spring free and hunt down this human called Gary. “Just like a human to go sniffing around when he has something beautiful and perfect in his bed.”

“Dammit, Parish.” Raphael’s green eyes flashed with irritation. “Gathering personal information was not the assignment. You were supposed to talk with her about Ashe and the child. You were supposed to explain our situation and our offer. Invite her to come here. Instead you snatched her off the street, rendering her unconscious in the process.”

“I am a Hunter. I do not ask. When you ask, you give your prey the opportunity to say no.”

Even as he said the words, Parish’s gaze cut to the woman on the bed. As much as he wanted to think of her as prey, as human—as nothing at all to him—there was something inside of him that had already connected to her. She was the most beautiful female he’d ever seen. Her smooth, pale skin called to him, as did her full pink mouth. She had to wake. She must. He needed to hear her voice again, see her eyes flash in anger and heat as he held her against him.

He turned from the bed with a frustrated snarl.

“This is your fault,” Raphael called to Bayon. The massive blond Hunter leaned against the doorframe, refusing to commit to entering either the medical room or the conversation. “Running off while one of our wildest takes on a human alone.”

Parish quick-flashed the Suit his puma, then drew it back inside before continuing to pace. He needed air, needed his clothes off and his fur on just for a few hours. But he couldn’t leave the woman.


Just her name made his body stir.

“Parish was with Michel,” Bayon said. “The meet, greet and offer with the doctor was all set up. It should’ve gone smoothly.”

Raphael hissed. “Where the hell were you?”

“I had something to take care of.”

“That’s not an answer, Bayon.”

“It is the only answer I’m willing to give.”

“Something to take care of – more like someone, right?”

Bayon’s eyes narrowed. “Cage your cat before I have to.”

“You were off hunting tail instead of backing up your leader!” Raphael roared.

“Enough!” Parish growled, coming to stand between the warring shifters. He would not have Julia upset, awakening to a verbal brawl in a strange room. He turned on Raphael, prowling closer to the dark blond male. “You sent the leader of the Hunters to bring back the best female baby doctor in New Orleans.” He cocked his head. “And I did.”

Nostrils flared, Raphael seemed to be searching for patience. “She’s unconscious, Parish.”

The words twisted in Parish’s gut. He’d never thought about his reckless, instinctive ways before. Never felt so unsure of himself until now. “It’s only for a short time. She is well. Pulse, breathing, vital signs. Our doctors have said so.”

“If this gets out, if any of the Diplomats learn of this—”

“Handle it. Suit business is for you to figure out.”

“You’re right about that,” Raphael ground out. “Go. You’re done here.” He knocked his chin toward Bayon and the door. “I’ll make sure this doesn’t become a problem.”

Panic flared within Parish and his gaze cut to the bed. “But the female…”

Cold authority bled from the Suit’s tone. “I’ll assign someone to take care of the doctor.”

“No!” The sudden rush of anger and possessiveness toward the woman surprised Parish. And Raphael too by the look on his face.

“She’s going to need a guard,” he said. “Like you, there are many Pantera who do not welcome humans. They’re tolerant of Ashe because she carries my child, and the hope for our species. But they may not feel we need a human doctor. They might see it as an insult. When she wakes up, after I have spoken to her, explained things, and if she agrees to remain, one of the Nurturer guards will take her—”

A snarl ripped from Parish’s throat.

“—Will take her to and from her quarters and make sure no harm comes to her.”

Parish moved closer to the bed, blocking Julia from Raphael’s view, his stance aggressive, protective.

“Ease up, Parish.” Bayon stepped inside the room, moved toward his leader. “What is it? Are you losing control of your hatred for humans? We can’t risk her…”

Parish ground his molars. They didn’t get it. Shit, he barely understood his irrational anger and desperate need himself. But the one thing he did know was that he couldn’t leave Julia.

He glanced down at the woman. Her color was coming back and beneath her pale lids, he saw movement. His chest expanded with hope. She would awaken soon, and the first face he wanted her to see was his own.

“I found her,” he said softly. “I took her. She is mine.”

Bayon cursed behind him.

“Yours?” Raphael said.

Parish’s hand inched forward, toward her until his fingers met her elbow. As irrational and impossible as it was, he wanted to claim her, announce to both Raphael and Bayon that something had happened on the street in New Orleans when he’d pulled this woman into his arms and gazed down into her lovely face. A connection, a need, a pull he’d never imagined he’d ever feel for a female, much less a human woman. And the idea of being separated from her made not only him but his cat ache.

But he pushed back the urge. He knew such a declaration would sound insane. He would do better to claim her as a Hunter, a protector.

“To guard,” he amended, his gaze moving over her face. “The doctor is mine to guard. She will live with me, have my full protection as she cares for Ashe.”

Bayon started to laugh, then abruptly stopped when Parish turned and glared at him.

“You’re serious? Live with you in the caves? A human female?” The blond male tossed a look at Raphael. “Presuming she actually agrees, she won’t last a minute in that dank, uncivilized rock. She’ll be running from us.”

She won’t get far.

“I will agree to you guarding her, Parish,” Raphael said slowly. “But it will be somewhere with hot water and clean sheets.”

There was nothing Parish wanted more in that moment then to scoop her up in his arms and take her home to his caves, but he knew Raphael’s mind, knew how far to push the male when it came to protocol. And perhaps the beautiful doctor deserved a little pampering after what he’d put her through. He nodded at Raphael. “Fine. I’ll bring her to Natty’s.”

“She may very well be afraid of you. She’s not going to soften around the feline who shut down her mind and abducted her.”

Parish’s lip curled, but the ire was more for himself than for the Suit. “I won’t be harsh with her. I won’t scare her.”

The male looked unconvinced. “Can you truly promise that? Your dislike of humans is legendary. And understandably so.”

“She is different.”

She is mine.

“She is special.” Raphael came to stand beside him at the bed, his puma’s face flashing momentarily from its normally controlled cage. “I cannot have this go wrong.”

Parish knew exactly how important this was, for the both of them. “I give you my word. I will keep her safe and well.”

Golden green eyes searched his. “All right. If the woman agrees, she is yours to protect.”

The cat inside of Parish purred.


JULIA returned to consciousness slowly, her mind still wrapped in a delectable dream. One she wasn’t all that keen on releasing.

She was on her bed in the hotel. It was night and the windows were open, letting in the glow of moonlight and the balmy New Orleans breeze. Beneath her lay a man with bronze skin and hungry, gold cat eyes. His long black hair kissed his broad shoulders and chest, both of which were beaded with sweat. As she rode him, he growled at her, his hands gripping her hips.

Beside the bed, watching, his expression strangled and confused, was Gary. Blond, buttoned-up, cheater, liar and all around heel, Gary. He kept whispering the words, “You’re supposed to be at the hospital, Julia,” over and over, but Julia barely spared him a glance. She was close, so close. The one beneath her, the one inside her, the one who growled and snarled at her as he made her come again, was the only thing that mattered.

You belong to me!”

Julia collapsed onto his chest, his possessive roar echoing in her ears as his hot seed filled her sex.

“Julia?” A voice, female and insistent, was trying to reach her, break in to her wonderful dream.

“Julia?” the voice said again. “Her breathing’s worrying me, Raphael. And she looks flushed.”

Julia felt something cold on her face and gasped. Body on fire, limbs shaking, her eyes flickered open. It took her several seconds to focus, but when she did fear gripped her. The dream was gone, and the woman who sat beside her, on what Julia could only guess was a hospital bed, was a complete stranger.

“I’m Ashe.” Long black hair framed a beautiful, concerned face. “Please don’t be scared.”

“What’s going on?” Julia demanded, trying to sit up, but failing immediately. “Did I pass out?”

The woman glanced behind her and Julia followed her line of vision. A man stood several feet away. He was tall and imposing and reminded her of someone. Why couldn’t she remember?

“The effects will wear off,” Ashe said, her gaze returning to Julia’s. “It just takes a little while.”

The effects? The effects of what?

Her heart started to pound.

“Do you remember anything?” Ashe asked gently. “Where you were before you… Who you were with?”

Julia’s hands gripped the sheet that covered her. Did she remember? God, she hated this. Her mind felt blank. Fuzzy as hell, but blank. “I was at the hospital,” she said, struggling to see past the white noise in her brain. “I delivered a baby. Garth. It was a really difficult delivery, but everything turned out well.” She squinted. “It was my last day, and I was going back to my hotel. I was walking down Gravier when I thought someone was…”

She jerked her head up, her gaze crashing into Ashe’s. “Oh my god. The guy…”

The woman inched forward on the bed, her eyes heavy with concern. “Please. I need you to stay calm.”

Shit. Her heart was now slamming painfully against her ribs. Calm was the last thing she felt. “Did you see that guy? The one who followed me? Did he bring me here? He has black, long hair and golden eyes...” Her head began to pound and she winced. “That sounds impossible, I know. Was I drugged?”

“No.” The woman cursed, and once again glanced over her shoulder. “Listen, I’ll tell you. Everything. But I need you to promise me you won’t freak out until after I’m done.”

How could she promise that? How could she promise anything to a stranger? Someone who might know the man who took her, who brought her here. But desperation to know the truth, get any kind of information, had her agreeing. “Okay.”

“Have you ever heard of the Pantera?”

Julia frowned, struggling with the fog weighing down her mind. “No.”

“They’re a group of…people who live deep in the bayou,” Ashe explained, her expression uneasy. “They’re rumored to have magical powers and an ability to shape-shift.”

Julia’s head continued to pound, competing for the highest decibel level with her heart. Maybe she was still lost in a dream. Maybe she was in her hotel room. “I don’t know,” she managed, her mouth irritatingly dry. “I may have heard some crazy legend about cat people or something. But what does that have to do with me? With that guy who followed me? Who grabbed me and—” Her chest tightened as she recalled the feel of his body against her own. “This isn’t my hospital, is it?”

Ma chère,” called the man at the door, his gaze on Ashe. “Maybe I should talk with her…explain what has happened…”

“No,” Ashe insisted, her worried gaze locked with Julia’s. “She’s here because of me. She needs to know the truth before anything else.” The woman gave Julia a small smile. “The Pantera, the cat people you’ve heard about, are not a legend. They live in the bayou, in a secret, sacred place called the Wildlands. They are shape shifters.”

Had she hit her head? Had the gorgeous man dropped her? Was he even real? Or was she imagining him? “I don’t believe you. I don’t believe any of this.” She tried to sit up again, and this time, her brain didn’t balk, didn’t feel like it wanted to explode. God, she needed to get out of here, back to what she knew to be real.

“You’re in the medical facility in the Wildlands,” Ashe continued quickly. “You were brought here. For me. To help me.”

Julia inched backward into the pillows. “I’m in the psyc ward, right? I had a breakdown over this shit with Gary?” She cursed again. “Seriously, I can’t believe I’m this weak.”

“You’re not weak,” Ashe said, reaching out and taking her hand. “And don’t say that guy’s name again. It’s not worthy of crossing your lips.”

“You know Gary?” Julia asked, stunned. What the hell was this? What had she got mixed up in?

“Parish told us about him. What he did to you.” Her eyes narrowed. “Sounds like a real jerk.”

Julia shook her head. “Who the hell is Parish?”

A low growl sounded, echoed throughout the room. Julia hunched in terror, ready to throw herself off the bed. Find escape. But the voice at the door froze her.

“I told you to stay out until we spoke with her.” It was the man who’d called Ashe “ma chère”.

“You spoke with her,” came another male voice from outside the door. “I heard it. I refuse to walk the halls another goddamn second.”

Julia’s heart dropped into her stomach. She knew that voice, had just dreamt of that voice and the man who owned it. The man who had followed her from the hospital, who’d held her close and gazed down at her like he’d wanted to consume her very breath. Or was that part of her dream, too? She eased her hand from Ashe’s and closed her eyes, trying to sort reality from fiction.

But that voice resumed its assault on her senses.

“How are you feeling, Julia?”

Julia couldn’t help herself. She lifted her lids and her gaze shot to the man walking toward her. Holy shit. He was real. Flesh and blood, and if it were possible, even more gorgeous than she remembered. When he’d pulled her close on Gravier Street his hair had been back off his face, but now it hung loose and wild and sexy around his beautiful, scarred face. Like before, he wore jeans, but instead of a T-shirt, he had on a black tank that revealed heavily muscled shoulders and arms.

Her mouth dropped open as she stared at him.

“I’m confused,” she managed. What had happened? How had she ended up here? And where exactly was she?

His dark eyes, eyes that had once been golden, grew concerned as he approached the bed. “I’m sorry for the way I brought you here. I’m not used to asking or discussing.”

That she believed. Her gaze ran up his body. He was so tall, such a fierce presence beside her bed. “What did you do to me?”

He winced, looking guilty, and his gaze cut away for a moment. “The speed at which I move was too disorienting for your mind. And my musk, the one I used to try and calm you, is more potent than most Pantera’s. I should’ve known.” His eyes slid back to connect with hers once again. “I apologize.”

“Musk?” Julia felt suddenly exhausted. It was like they were all speaking another language. “What’s this musk? A drug?”

“No,” he said, worry etching his expression. “It’s magic we can release—

“Magic.” There was that word again.

“—a scent to calm or soothe or arouse. …It’s nothing permanent.”

She had to be freaking dreaming.

“You will be able to get up soon, walk—”

“Walk out of here?” Julia said, her pulse jumping against her neck. “I can leave?”

His eyes shuttered. “I would not like that.”

“Okay. Go.” Ashe pointed at Parish, then glanced over her shoulder at the other male. “Leave. Both of you.”

Parish growled, and the sound penetrated Julia’s skin and vibrated through her. She practically moaned. “God, what was that?”

“It’s Parish being rude and insensitive,” Ashe said, her tone nearly lethal now. She glared at the man. “You’re scaring her, confusing her. I will explain things, woman to woman.”

“You heard my female,” said the other man, who continued to remain near the door. “Let’s go, Parish.”

Parish’s gaze moved down Julia’s body, then back to her face. His nostrils flared. “Fine,” he muttered. “But I’ll be back.”

He turned and stormed out. The other man gave Ashe a quick, tight smile before turning and walking…

Julia gasped, her blood suddenly fire hot in her veins. Impossible. She blinked, then stared hard at the empty doorway. The man was now gone, but she swore…No. She shook her head. It was the drugs or the head injury or the story Ashe had just told her. She did not just see the back end of a large cat where the man had been.

Or a long golden tail.

She let her head fall back against the pillows and closed her eyes, tried to calm her breathing. After a moment, when she felt in control, she opened them and focused on the nearly empty room. It seemed darker now, colder. Julia frowned at her odd reaction. She should be able to breathe easier with him gone, shouldn’t she?

Still seated beside the bed, Ashe gave her an understanding, tight-lipped smile. “I know it’s overwhelming. They tend to be pretty protective. And possessive. Parish seems to think he’s responsible for you after how he handled things. But don’t worry, Raphael will take care of that.”

“Raphael?” Unbearable confusion tested the last of Julia’s patience. She fixed her gaze on Ashe and repeated her question. “Who is Raphael?”

“My mate.” She smiled, her eyes softening. “First, let me say that I know exactly how you’re feeling. It’s confusing and impossible sounding.” She laughed. “I’m pretty sure my face had that exact same expression when I found out.”

“Found out what?” Julia ground out. “That you were being drugged? That you were living in a dream state?

Ashe shook her head, her eyes bright. “That magic truly does exist. That the man I fell in love with is a puma shifter.” She bit her bottom lip. “And that the baby I’m carrying is half human, half Pantera.”

“What?” Julia said on a gasp, her gaze slipping down to the woman’s flat belly.

“I’m only six weeks along.” Ashe grabbed Julia’s hand again, her eyes imploring. “I’m scared. I have no idea what to expect. No clue as to how long I’ll be pregnant, what the gestational period of a puma/human hybrid will be.” She swallowed. “I want this baby to be okay. And having a human doctor…” She shook her head. “I can’t believe Parish just took you without telling you anything.”

Parish. Just hearing his name made her skin tighten. This was madness. A puma/human hybrid. Christ. This woman didn’t need an OB, she needed a shrink. And I need to get the hell out of here before I’m sucked in further.

“I know. I know where your head’s at.” Ashe leaned toward her. “And I don’t blame you. I’m just asking for some time.”

“Time for what?”

Ashe licked her lips. “To prove it to you. To show you. Them.”

Pale gold fur, a set of feline hips and a long, thick tail moved slowly through Julia’s mind. She gritted her teeth against the vision. She couldn’t believe Ashe, she refused to. But if she wanted to get out of here, maybe she needed to play their game for a little while.

Julia held the woman’s gaze and sighed. “If all this is true, and I’m not saying it is, wouldn’t it be better to have a doctor who’s a...” Shit, she could barely get the word out because it was so ludicrous. “Shifter?”

“There are plenty of those here. But they’ve only dealt with puma births. Plus, they haven’t delivered a child in over fifty years.”

Puma. Births. And yet, her damn doctor’s curiosity had her asking, “Why not?”

“The female Pantera either couldn’t get pregnant or were unable to carry the babies to full-term. It’s a horrific situation. They even tried to impregnate humans, willing test subjects, but nothing happened.”

“Until you,” Julia said softly, eyeing her sharply.

Ashe nodded.

This poor woman needed help. Serious, professional help. Julia was going to do her best to find a way out of here. Maybe she could convince Ashe to go with her.

“Listen, Ashe,” she said in a gentle voice. “I know some really incredible doctors back in the city—”

Squeezing her hand tightly, Ashe implored her, “Please don’t say no. Don’t say anything. Not yet.” Ashe released her hand after one final squeeze and quickly got to her feet. “I’ll leave you alone. Let you try and sort this out. It took me a while…Hell, I think I’m still reeling from the truth. But know this: you’ll have whatever you need and want here. A home, salary, protection, freedom.” She smiled down at Julia with the most stable, yet concerned expression. “If you decide to leave, though, no one’s going to hold you here against your will—not even Parish.”

Was it true? She could go if she wanted? Julia lifted a brow. “I don’t know about that. Parish seems pretty intent on me staying.” And god, I think I like that part of this dream.

Ashe shrugged. “He’s a Hunter. He’s wild, untamed, used to taking what he wants. And he doesn’t have the best manners. But he’s also honorable.”

Honorable. She hadn’t met an honorable man in a long time.

Ashe was almost at the door when she glanced back. “Like you, I don’t have much back home. Nothing I want to run to, anyway. My family is Raphael and…well,” she touched her belly again. “Little No-Name here.” She smiled. “It would be great to have a friend as well as a doctor.”

Julia stared at the woman, watched her leave the room, and as soon as the door closed she pivoted to sit on the edge of the bed. Her head felt light, but okay. She had to find a way out, a way home. To the hotel and the jobless, family-less life. She couldn’t stay here. Right? With the crazy lady and shape-shifting Pantera? With the gorgeous, golden-eyed male who looked at her with unmasked desire and hope?

It was reality vs. fantasy. And as a doctor, a scientist, she was nothing if she couldn’t choose fact over fiction.

A shaft of light spilled into the room then, snaking across her legs and coating the metal door beyond. Completely taken by its brilliant, pale glow, Julia pushed to her feet and followed its origin. The long picture window was closed, but when she arrived at the glass and looked out over the unfamiliar setting, she gasped in amazement.

* * *

Parish opened the door and entered with the silent predatory grace he was known for as leader of the Hunters. His gaze went first to the bed, then shifted to the window where she stood looking out over the courtyard. He wondered how long she’d been standing there; poised at the glass, her arms spread, her hands curled around the edges of the sill. His gaze moved deliberately, covetously down her body. The sun was bathing her in its warm light, allowing him to see through her white T-shirt to the curves beneath. Deadly, brain-altering curves. His mouth filled with saliva and his cat scratched to get out, run at her and pounce.

He had to convince her to stay, but more importantly he had to convince her that he was the best male to protect her. Just the idea of Raphael assigning another male to guard her, another puma sniffing around her, looking at her with a desire only he should feel, made him insane with jealousy.

He wasn’t willing to admit his claim on her out loud, but he would make damn sure the Wildlands’ males felt it, sensed it, scented it, every time they got close to her.

He growled softly, and she instantly turned around. He waited for fear to ignite in her eyes, but all that appeared in her expression was relief. His heart softened, pressed against his chest as if it wanted to get to her. She didn’t fear him. Unlike so many other females, she didn’t fear him.

“I can’t believe this place,” she said, turning back to the window. “It’s incredible. I thought I might be dreaming, but now I’m convinced of it.”

He came to stand beside her. “You shouldn’t be out of bed.” His words were meant to be gentle, caring, but they came out slightly gruff as his mind conjured images of taking her back to bed himself. Maybe curling beside her and purring against her neck.

“What is it called again? This place?”

“The Wildlands.”

“I’ve never seen anything so beautiful.”

Leaning against the window, Parish stared at her. No, neither had he. Far too beautiful for the likes of a scarred Hunter with a bad attitude. And yet, he couldn’t look away from her, couldn’t stand the thought of her leaving the bayou. How was this possible? Taken with a human? He hated humans. They had no conscience, no honor. They destroyed the good and the innocent.

They’d destroyed her.

His gut tightened with pain as it did every time he thought of Keira. How could he even think of caring for a human? Giving his protection to one?

“It’s so green.” Julia glanced over at him, the smile curving her mouth echoed in her eyes. “But shades of green I’ve never seen before. I mean, I’ve been to the bayou. Several times, in fact, but I’ve never seen anything like this. It’s paradise.”

He had always thought humans were attracted to electronics, tall buildings, glass and metal. Not the wild, untamed landscape he’d been born to, protected and loved fiercely. But the fact that Julia saw it as he did pleased him.

“Do people know about it?” she asked. “Do they come here?”

“It’s masked,” he told her. “To keep out intruders.”

“Like me.” Her eyes flashed with sudden and unexpected humor.

He shook his head slowly. “Unwanted humans.”

“And you are,” her eyes cut to the landscape, then back at him, “what exactly?”

His brows drew together. “Ashe told you. We are Pantera.”

“Cat shifters,” she said.

“Puma,” he corrected.

She laughed softly and shook her head, returned her gaze to the Wildlands.

“You don’t believe it.” He stared at her. It hadn’t occurred to him she would need convincing. Not after what happened on the street in New Orleans. She couldn’t have missed the rush of magic. “You must believe.”

She glanced back at him. “Why? Why should this unwanted human—”

“You’re different,” he interrupted in a tone far too fierce for his liking. “Ashe may want you here, but I need you, Julia Cabot.”

The humor in her gaze instantly retreated.

Parish turned and rubbed his forehead against the cool glass. “I don’t know how to explain it. These feelings I have for you. I’m not good with words. Or making others feel at ease.”

“You’re doing all right,” she said.

Parish turned and looked at her. She wore a confused expression and her eyes looked incredibly blue and vulnerable. The sun blazed in through the window, turning her blond hair almost white. She looked like an angel. What was he to do about this, about her? He reached out and lifted a piece of her pale hair from her cheek, rolled it gently between his fingers. “Soft.”

Her eyes never left his, but her lips parted to draw in a shaky breath. Whether she accepted it or not, she was as affected by him as he was by her.

“Will you stay here, Julia?” he whispered, moving closer, his hand opening to cup her cheek. “In this paradise? This dream you’re not sure is real? Help Ashe? Allow me to protect you? I would consider it a great honor.”

“Parish…” she whispered.

He groaned. “Say my name like that again, Doc, and my mouth’ll be on yours before you can take another breath.”

Someone coughed. Someone by the door. Then a familiar female voice remarked, “You’re up. And Parish is back.”

Damn woman. Parish growled blackly as Julia turned away from him. Raphael’s woman was really starting to get on his nerves.

In the doorway, Ashe stood beside another female, small and grinning broadly as she looked from Julia to Parish with giddy interest. Parish believed the female to be Nurturer Faction, but in that moment he couldn’t care less. He wanted her gone. Ashe, too. He wanted that moment of mutual need between Julia and him back. Now.

“Seems like the musk has worn off.” Ashe looked only at Julia. “I thought if you felt up to it, we might take you to lunch. There’s something I want to show you.”

Parish narrowed his eyes at the woman. Forget the males sniffing around his human. What he truly needed to worry about was Ashe. Only one resident of the Wildlands was going to protect Dr. Julia Cabot, and it was going to be him.


THE Pantera ate lunch as a community. A spirited, tightly woven community who gathered around the fifty or so intricately carved wooden tables that ran along the bayou. Dressed with pale green cloth, each table was piled high with boiled shrimp, crawfish pie, étoufée, potatoes, corn, bread pudding, buttermilk cake and iced sweet tea. For Julia, who normally grabbed a salad or a cup of soup in the hospital cafeteria whenever she had a second free during the day, this sprawling, home-style picnic of a lunch was as overwhelming as it was delicious.

She glanced across the table at Ashe and grinned. “This is the best meal I’ve ever had.”

Ashe laughed. “I know, right?” She offered Julia another helping of creamy grits, then spooned some onto her own plate. “At first I thought it was the pregnancy, but then I realized the food’s just different here. Super fresh, homemade, and you know,” she winked, “maybe there’s a little magic in there.”

Julia didn’t say anything. She’d been reminding herself how imperative it was for her to find the Wildlands’ exit and get back home to New Orleans, that this wasn’t real, and there was no such thing as puma shifters. But it wasn’t so easy. The land surrounding the charming village was vast and completely rural. Where was she going to go? She didn’t know this area. How dangerous would it be to just go walking off into the bayou?

And then there was the undeniable curiosity she couldn’t seem to shed. About Parish and the Wildlands. She hated to admit it, and had used her concern for Ashe as an excuse, but she was interested in this place, how it came to be, how it remained off the tourist trade’s radar.

“Oh, there’s magic in everything here.” Ines, the small woman with the dark hair and sable cat eyes who’d come to Julia’s room with Ashe, sat at the head of the table. “It’s in the air and the earth and the water. Makes the food irresistible.” With a grin, she added, “The males, too.”

Julia’s mind instantly filled with images of Parish and she tried to combat them with a hefty spoonful of grits.

Ashe snorted. “I believe mine was irresistible way before I came to the Wildlands.”

“Well, you’re special,” Ines said, reaching for the ladle in a nearby bowl. “Have some of this, Ashe. Creole alligator. Cook’s specialty. He was fresh caught this morning and very tender.” Not waiting for an answer, the woman dropped a helping on Ashe’s plate. “You’ll love it. As will your cub.”

Julia looked up from her plate. “Cub?”

“Her child,” Ines said, passing an entire buttermilk pie to the table behind them. “It will be half puma. When it shifts for the first time from human form to cat, it’ll no longer be considered a baby.”

With wide eyes, Ashe glanced over at Julia. “You see why I need a little human help here?”

The woman’s face was so momentarily panic-stricken, Julia couldn’t help but laugh. She didn’t believe what Ines was saying, couldn’t, and wanted to scold the woman and find out why they were all feeding Ashe’s psychosis. But as she sat there near the slowly moving bayou water, with the fish jumping over the floating vegetation and the sun filtering through the trees above, granting them a gentle, tolerable warmth, she couldn’t bring herself to break the incredible mood of this village’s picnic.

Maybe she was a coward.

Or maybe the magic of the Wildlands was starting to affect her, too.

“If you decide to stay, Dr. Julia,” Ines said, a forkful of buttermilk pie on its way to her mouth. “I would love to assist you. I’m a Nurturer, and trained to work with young, but so far I haven’t been able to use my skills.”

In that moment Julia turned away from the table and glanced around. She ignored the gentle, sweet breeze on her skin, the laughter, and the incredible scenery, to take in the people – the Pantera – at the tables nearest to them. She hadn’t noticed it before, even on the walk over here, but there were no children anywhere. She’d heard what Ashe had said back in the medical facility, but she hadn’t given it any thought. She hadn’t believed it. The world around the bayou carried no infantile sounds, no cries or coos, no immature squabbles or echoes of pint-sized laughter coming from up and down the shoreline. Her heart clenched. It wasn’t possible. Maybe they were at school. This couldn’t truly be a community without young.

Her eyes cut to the woman who was leaning back in her chair, her hands spread protectively over her still-flat belly. “How many weeks did you say you were?”


“How are you feeling?” she asked, unable to stop herself from slipping into doctor mode.

“With the pregnancy?” Ashe asked. “Good. Strong.” She grinned. “Happy.”

“No pain? Spotting?”

She shook her head. “I’m a little tired, and hungry. Always hungry.”

“Hungry’s good. Can I have your hand?” Julia reached out and instantly curled her fingers around the woman’s wrist. For one minute, she felt Ashe’s steady pulse. “Have you had your blood pressure taken? Any tests?”

“Nothing yet. I haven’t been here that long.” Ashe cocked her head to the side, her eyes playfully narrowed on Julia. “You’re sounding like a doctor, Doctor.”

“Hard habit to break.”

“Then don’t break it,” Ashe said, her eyes soft. “Stay.”

“I don’t think I can,” Julia told her. “It’s complicated, I’m not sure…”

Ashe’s eyes darkened. “It’s Parish, isn’t it? He’s coming on too strongly.”

Strongly, sensually, irresistibly.

“He can’t help it,” Ines said, leaning forward. “Hunters can be very intense, but Parish most of all. He lives in the caves, you know, rarely changes out of his puma state, and I don’t think I’ve ever seen him smile.”

“Really?” Julia said, deciding she hadn’t heard the part about him rarely changing out of his puma state.

“He’s smiling now, Ines,” Ashe remarked with a note of concern in her voice.

“What? Where?”

“Over at the Hunters’ table.” She pointed behind Julia. “I didn’t want to make you self-conscious, but he hasn’t been able to take his eyes off you since we got here.”

Julia glanced over her shoulder, heart jumping into her throat as her gaze searched for the man with the long black hair and eyes that held such intensity, such heat. She’d wondered where he was, if he was having lunch with the rest of them, the Pantera. She spotted him about twenty yards away at a table that sat among a stand of river birch, its four legs submerged in an inch or two of water. Clustered around the table were ten or so of the most wild-looking, barely clothed, heavily muscled men and women she’d ever seen. And at the head, standing on a branch a foot above them all was Parish. He was barefoot and tanned, and wearing only a pair of faded jeans, which rested just below his hipbones. His hair was wild and the scar near his mouth winked in the sunlight. Julia’s gaze moved covetously over every inch of him. His narrow waist and ripped stomach that widened to a broad chest, powerful shoulders and lean, muscular arms. He looked ready to spring. And the muscles in Julia’s belly turned to liquid fire as she watched him watch her.

“The Hunters moved their table to the water about ten years ago,” Ines was saying. “They like to see if they can catch prey from the bank. I swear they never tire. A wild bunch, but incredible at what they do. Most of the Factions take midday meal together, but Hunters always do.”

“He’s very taken with you, Julia,” Ashe said, not sounding all that pleased. “Say the word and I’ll tell Raphael to speak with him, get him to back off.”

“No, don’t do that.” She said the words very quickly, a fact that wasn’t lost on Ashe.

“You find him attractive. I can see that, but be careful.”

“Yes,” Ines agreed. “He is not the soft, gentle human male you’re no doubt used to.”

Good. I think I’m tired of human males.

She mentally kicked herself for the thought. As the warm, sultry breeze moved over her skin and the trees listed back and forth overhead, her gaze held Parish’s. She couldn’t look away. She didn’t believe in magic, but goddammit, she wanted to believe in him, in whatever this was that burned between them.

“Don’t worry, Ashe,” Ines continued. “With his history, he won’t think of her in a serious way.”

The woman’s words cut the invisible string that had locked her gaze to Parish’s, and she whirled around to face Ines. “What do you mean?”

Ines shrugged one shoulder. “Just that he’ll never mate with a human. Not after what happened to his sister.”

Julia looked first at Ashe, who shook her head, then back at Ines, who was now loading up her plate with a massive helping of bread pudding. “What happened to his sister?”

“His twin actually, and the leader of the Hunters for nearly a decade. Keira was a complete warrior female. She was brilliant and tough and stunningly beautiful, and she was the only family Parish had. But she wasn’t happy here. She wanted to see the world. She wanted to work outside the Wildlands.”

“What happened?” Though even as she asked, she felt the answer in her gut.

Ines looked down at her plate and said in a small voice, “She was killed. By the human male she fell in love with.”

“How terrible,” Ashe remarked.

“Since then, Parish has preferred his puma state, keeping to himself.” Ines’s eyes lifted, found hers again. “I’m surprised he’s showing an interest in you. It’ll make our females jealous. Though some fear him, there are many who hope to catch his eye.”

Julia glanced over her shoulder again, found Parish standing on the bank near his table. His attention was now on his Hunters, and as he spoke to them, one shuddered almost violently, then stretched his neck abnormally far forward. Julia’s heart jumped into her throat. What was happening to him? A strange silver mist appeared, from the bayou or out of nowhere, Julia couldn’t tell. But it moved over the man, and as it did his clothing seemed to melt into his skin. It was almost tattoo-like until—

“Oh my god,” Julia uttered, her gaze pinned on the man. No. He wasn’t a man. Not anymore.

This had to be a dream. Or drugs. Maybe she wasn’t even awake. She’d hit her head.

She gasped, gripped the table, as another man shuddered. Same stretch, same mist, same shift into golden brown…

“They’re going back to work,” Ines remarked as though the sight before them was nothing out of the ordinary. “The hunt’s tomorrow and they have to secure the borders.”

“Oh, Julia,” Ashe exclaimed excitedly, “you have to stay now. I’ve never seen the hunt, but I hear it’s amazing. We could go together.”

Julia was only barely listening. Her gaze cut to Parish. Two large, golden eyed pumas were bracketing him. Pumas who had once been...human? How was this possible?

“Parish leads the hunt,” Ines said with a grin in her voice. “He’s incredible to watch. His cat is one of the fastest and fiercest predators I’ve ever seen.”

The very moment Ines stopped talking, Parish looked over at Julia. Her heart thudded in her chest, her ears, her blood. Her lips parted as if she was going to speak, but instead her breath came out in a rush. Before her eyes, Parish shuddered, and in a wave of silver mist, he shifted into a large, powerfully built, slate gray cat. Julia might’ve said something or whimpered, she wasn’t sure. Her heart was pounding so hard she was afraid it would rupture inside her chest. Her entire focus was trained on the incredible magic she’d just witnessed. The magic she could no longer deny. She’d thought the first puma she’d seen shift was beautiful, but he was nothing—absolutely nothing—to Parish. His broad head and luscious coat were formidable, but it was his eyes, gold flecked with blue and gray, rimmed with the darkest, deepest black, that took her breath away.

“Seeing is believing,” Ashe said behind her.

Julia stared at the male, the cat.


She didn’t turn back to face the women as she uttered breathlessly, “It’s real. He’s real.”

He’s magic.

* * *

The puma opened his mouth and attempted to draw her scent deeper into his lungs. Now that she had proof of what he was, he wanted to see if, as she stared at him, her chemical reaction to him changed. Was she disgusted by his feline form or curious?

The slight hint of arousal that met the roof of his mouth made him growl.

He wanted to spring across the green, over tables and capture her between his teeth, toss her onto his back and return her to her room at Medical. He didn’t like some of the looks the other Pantera males were giving her. They would need to be shown just to whom this new doctor belonged.

But before he could move a paw in her direction, two massive gold cats came bounding up to the table.

North border is secure, Mercier said, his deep voice booming inside Parish’s head.

It was how they communicated in their puma form, but only when they were on duty. Rules regarding privacy had been established long ago. A Hunter never spoke or listened in to the thoughts of other Hunters unless they were working.

Parish turned to the other for her report. Rosalie?

Her silence instantly drew his concern. What is it?

Could be nothing, she said, nodding at a few of the other Hunters who stood nearby. Could be big game or a few nosy locals, but I picked up traces of human male scent near the east border.

Parish’s gut tightened. How many?


Shit. And right before the hunt. He cut his gaze to Mercier. Let’s go. You, me, Rosalie and Hiss. I want to see what we’re dealing with. He turned to the other five Hunters who had already shifted and were calmly and attentively waiting for their orders. Split up. Run the west and southern borders. I want every inch scented.

Parish took off along the water’s edge, glancing at Julia as he passed. She was watching him with wide eyes and a stunned expression. He’d wanted to stay with her, get her reaction to his cat firsthand and find out when she could be moved to Natty’s house. But it looked as though he’d have to wait until later. In the meantime, she would be protected at Medical, and he would make sure she, and every Pantera in the Wildlands, remained safe from those who might wish them harm.


THE three-story Greek Revival house sat on an impressive expanse of lawn, with a small stream a few yards from the front door, and several raised Creole cottages in the distance. On her way there, walking through the Wildlands’ village, with Raphael at her side and men and women shifting in and out of their puma states as they went about their day, Julia had pretty much stopped questioning her surroundings, the magic, the shifting creatures, and how such a remote spot so deep within the bayou could be the most incredible oasis she’d ever laid eyes on.

Maybe tomorrow she’d wake up to a different reality, but for now, for tonight, she was living among the Pantera.

“I thought this would suit your needs rather nicely.” Miss Nathalie, the proprietor of the boarding house, stood in the doorway of the top floor bedroom, her hands on her hips as she looked around. “But I have two others downstairs that’re unoccupied I could show you.”

Julia smiled at the tall, pin-thin woman who appeared to be in her early sixties. “It’s perfect.” And it was. Spacious, yet cozy, the room sported white and pale blue wallpaper and linens, elegant handmade furniture, and a clawfoot bathtub in a small alcove that overlooked a massive oak tree. It was like something out of a magazine. “You have a beautiful home,” she told her.

The woman grinned, leaning against the doorframe. “Oldest one in the Wildlands. My great, great grandparents built it…or maybe they conjured it with magic.” When she laughed, her pale green eyes sparkled with gold. “Never can be sure.”

“I’d believe the magic part.” Julia’s eyes came to rest on the bed. Queen-sized with dark wood that rose to an intricately carved canopy.

“My children did, too,” Miss Nathalie remarked a bit wistfully. “They loved it here, but they’re gone now. Livin’ on their own. Both of ‘em Suits. Diplomatic Faction, like Raphael. Not sure how that happened when their papa and I are Nurturer. But the Shaman always knows.”

Julia’s attention shifted back to the woman. “The Shaman?”

“Ah, yes. She’s been here longer than anybody, even the elders.” As her grin widened, the woman looked about twenty years old. “She’s magic, she is. Predicted the placement of every Pantera cub born.”

How incredible, Julia thought, and yet completely in keeping with the mystery of this secret bayou village. “So you don’t decide which Faction you’re going to be in, or your child’s going to be in?”

“No, Gal. The magic decides. You’re born to it. It’s already inside you. Been a long time since we’ve seen the Shaman make a prediction.” Her eyes suddenly brightened. “But if you stick around you might see for yourself.”

She was speaking of Raphael and Ashe’s child. The one Julia had been asked to help bring into the world. The more she learned about the history and complications of the Pantera race, the more interested she became, and the more pressure she felt. She wanted to help them, help Ashe, but frankly, she wasn’t sure she had the skills. This child, and Ashe’s pregnancy, they would be something she’d never experienced before.

“Glad you’re here, Gal,” Miss Nathalie said as she moved into the room and headed for the window. “Nice to have a female around.”

“You don’t get many female boarders?”

“Most who come here are males.” She turned, pressed her back to the large pane of glass. “Mates who’ve been sent away by their females.”

Julia laughed. “Really? Why?”

“Got mated too quick, without understanding the way a female works.”

Julia felt her cheeks warm. “I see.”

Miss Nathalie laughed at her expression. “No, no. Not that way, Gal. Every Pantera male is gifted when it comes to sex. Their animal takes over, knows innately how to please their partner. But with the animal comes a lack of personal skills. Some of our males, even the Nurturers, don’t know how to listen, comfort, be a friend to their mates. That’s where I come in. And this place. They stay, and I talk to ‘em, school ‘em until they’re ready to go home.”

“In other words,” came an irritated male snarl near the bedroom door. “She has them neutered and declawed.”

Julia’s heart lurched into her throat and she turned to see Parish standing in the doorway. She always forgot how tall and broad he was. He looked gorgeous, freshly showered, in jeans and a black T-shirt, his expression wicked. And those eyes, they still glowed with the gold heat of his puma.

Julia couldn’t tell herself it wasn’t true anymore. She’d seen it with her own eyes. And damn, if it hadn’t been the most glorious sight ever.

“Your time’ll come, Parish Montreuil,” Miss Nathalie said with a soft chuckle. “If you ever meet the right gal, that is.”

Parish didn’t answer her. He was too busy looking at Julia. His gaze raked down her body, a combination of desire, concern and anger shadowing his expression. “Raphael will feel my fangs for this.”

“What are you going on about, Hunter?” Miss Nathalie asked, her teasing, motherly tone dissolving as she sensed his ire.

“Looking after Dr. Cabot here. Guarding her.” His eyes cut to Miss Nathalie. “She was moved from Medical without my knowledge or my consent.”

“Raphael brought me here,” Julia said, not understanding his fierceness. “He didn’t say anything about me having a guard.”

Parish’s gaze ripped back to her and he growled softly. “Well, you do. And it’s me.”

Julia’s heart leapt in her chest and she felt slightly breathless. The way this man looked at her, with the animal behind his eyes, was as worrisome as it was erotic.

“Oh my.” Her expression brimming with humor, Miss Nathalie turned to Julia, her eyebrows raised. “What do you say to this, Miss Julia? Shall I kick this self-important feline out of my house, or do you want to accept his care?”

“She has no choice,” Parish said quickly, moving into the room, toward her.

No choice? Oh, he wasn’t going to take it there, was he? He might be the sexiest, most gorgeous man she’d ever known, but no one was going to run Julia Cabot’s life but her. Not anymore. Not even in this amazing place where magic actually existed. She glared at him as he approached, and spoke slowly and clearly. “I will always have a choice, Parish Montreuil. Got it?”

Dark brows lifted over blazing gold eyes.

Miss Nathalie chuckled. “I like this human gal.”

Parish looked stunned, as though he wasn’t used to being scolded or contradicted. He moved past her, his gaze going from the tub to the bed. “You need someone to protect you, Dr. Cabot. A human living among the Pantera, it’s asking for trouble.”

“Maybe I like trouble,” Julia found herself saying. Maybe I’m even asking for it.

Parish turned to face her. At first his expression was tight, and Julia thought he was gearing up for another verbal argument. But after moment, his face broke into a broad smile, then he started to laugh. “I think I might like this human gal too, Natty.”

“Peas in a pot, I never thought I’d see this day,” Miss Nathalie uttered, shaking her head. “Cave-dwelling, arsenic-spewing Parish Montreuil, laughing his fool head off.”

“I’ll be staying for supper, Natty,” Parish said, though his eyes remained fixed on Julia. “So make sure it’s a good one.”

“It’s Miss Nathalie to you, and you’ll eat whatever I put in front of you. And you’ll like it.”

He growled playfully low in his throat, and Julia felt the sound all the way to her toes.

“Growl like that at me again, Feline, and I’ll have you peeling potatoes with your canines.”

“Can’t.” Parish reached out suddenly, and took Julia’s hand. “I’m taking Miss Julia for a walk.” He purposefully gentled his tone. “If she accepts my care, that is.”

His hand felt strong and callused in hers, and she had the strangest desire to tighten her grip on him. The warmth of him seeped through the skin of her palm and into her blood. She had to force herself to breathe as she looked up at him. “She accepts. For now.”

Miss Nathalie snorted. “Well, be back before the sun goes down.” She was on her way out the door when she added, “Supper’s at six-thirty sharp.”

The minute she was gone, Parish rounded on Julia, pulled her close until they were just a foot apart. His dark eyes flashed with gold as he gazed down at her. “Don’t do that to me again, Doc.”

Breathing still felt awkward. “What?”

“Leave. Without telling me first.”

Heat was pouring off his body. “I didn’t. Raphael came—”

“I know,” he said quickly. “But I’m asking you, wait for me next time.”

The strength and intensity of his gaze was affecting her brain, how it processed. “You were worried?”

His nostrils flared and he growled at her softly. “Out of my mind. Until Ashe told me where you were.”

“I’m sorry.”

“No.” He squeezed her hand. “You have nothing to be sorry about. I know I’m overbearing and blunt and a scarred-up wreck of a male, but I have to protect you.” He looked like he wanted to say more, but held himself back.

“Because of the baby,” Julia prompted, her breathing still uneven and shallow as she stared up at him.

“It should be because of the baby.”

“But it’s not.”

He shook his head, his gaze fierce with wanting.

Julia’s skin prickled and her mouth felt suddenly dry. No one had ever looked at her like this. No one had ever said such words as their eyes filled with deep, vulnerable need. And yet, even with her newfound belief in magic and honorable, sexy, shape-shifting males, the fear of failure, of getting hurt, of what had happened with Gary—with all the Garys in her past—clung tightly to her heart.

“You’ve got to understand something,” she began, “I’m just getting out of a relationship. I don’t want to—”

“That wasn’t a relationship, Julia.” His thumb rubbed her palm gently, but his expression was resolute. “That was a lie told by an arrogant, self-centered piece of shit who had no idea what he had. What he was blessed with.” As his gaze roamed her face, his eyes turned completely gold. “If I was lucky enough to be claimed by you, I’d never give you cause to wonder.”

Tears formed in Julia’s throat. His words, his gaze…the blatant sincerity behind both…this man had the power to change her, her heart and her soul, if she would ever allow it.

“Come, Miss Julia,” Parish said, turning and leading her toward the door. “You think what you saw today at midday meal and out your window was beautiful, you haven’t seen anything yet.”

* * *

She felt like heaven on his back.

The weight of her, the way her thighs gripped the sides of his body. And her hands, fisting the fur at his nape as he ran the familiar course, weaving in and out of trees with the warm bayou air against his face.

Damn, he could get used to this.

Several feet from the bluff, his puma came to a halt. For one exceptional moment, he looked out over his sacred space and purred as Julia leaned down, wrapped her arms around his neck and squeezed. He’d never brought anyone here. It was the secret hideout he and Keira had spent hours playing in as cubs, then the home Parish had created after she’d left. No…after she’d been murdered. A mile from anything Pantera, anything that wanted to talk, lecture or demand, the caves had been his solace. While the scent of the bayou, the sharpness of the rocks, and even the intensity of the heat had become his family. He’d never needed more than that to feel whole, never craved more.

Until now.

Until her.

Parish allowed Julia a moment to slide off his back, then quickly shifted and walked to the very edge of the bluff. As was his daily custom, he took a visual inventory of each curve of rugged hillside and the caves above, the heavy vegetation that hung from the rocks and dipped gently into the warm water of the bayou pool below. He sensed nothing unusual or threatening, and his muscles relaxed.

“Incredible,” Julia said behind him, her tone awestruck.

Glancing over his shoulder, Parish eyed her with just a hint of playful arrogance. “Me or the landscape?”

She smiled. “You within the landscape.”

“Thank you for that.” He smiled back and reached for her hand. When she instantly curled her fingers around his, his cat purred. Her touch did what nothing else could: comforted him, made him feel something remarkably close to happiness.

Keeping her protectively at his side, Parish led her down the incline to the grassy bank near the pool. The scent of bayou coated the insides of his nostrils, and he breathed it deeper into his lungs.

“I’m not sure of the reason,” he said. “But the water here is incredibly warm.”

“And clear.”

“And remarkably free of critters.”

She laughed. “Do you bathe in it?”

He turned. “I do.”

Her eyes flashed with sensual interest. “I thought cats weren’t supposed to like the water.”

“I’m not your typical cat.”


He nodded.

“Prove it.”

His eyebrows lifted. “You want me to go in the water? Bathe in your presence?”

She pretended to think for a moment, then she smiled. “Yes, I believe I do.”

He chuckled. “Fine, but you’re going with me.”

“What?” A choked giggle erupted from her as he slid one arm around her back and another under her knees. “No. Wait.”

He lifted her up and started walking into the water. “Don’t struggle, Doc. I might drop you.”

“Okay, okay,” she said, laughing, kicking her feet. “You called my bluff.”

“Never dare a Pantera.” He waded farther in.

“Come on, bring me back.”

“You want me wet and I want you—”

“Parish!” she cried out in shock.

He stopped, the water swirling around his waist, his entire body tense as he gazed down at her. “What did you call me?”

“Parish,” she said, this time with a wave of heat attached to each syllable. She bit her bottom lip, suppressing a giggle.

He lowered his head and lapped at that bottom lip with his tongue. “Oh, Doc,” he uttered. “I warned you what would happen the next time you said my name like that.”

Her eyes flashed. “Yes, you did.”

His mouth closed over hers, hard and hungry, and he groaned with the instant and incredible feel of her soft, wet lips. She could drive him insane with just her scent, her warm breath. He suckled her bottom lip, then nipped it, and when she whispered his name again and pressed herself closer, he thrust his tongue inside her hot mouth and claimed her.

Christ, how did he tell her?

How did he form the words, then release them?

How did he make her understand when he himself barely did? She didn’t live in his world or understand how things were when a Pantera male claimed a female.

How could he explain to her that there was no going back? That she belonged to him now.

His hands gripped her thighs and waist as he caressed her tongue with his own, then plunged it deep inside her mouth, over and over until they were both panting. There. See how much I want you, Julia Cabot. Understand that you are mine.

Water splashed as she suddenly struggled in his arms, trying to turn, reposition herself. When she faced him, her legs wrapping around his waist and squeezing, Parish growled and caged her ass in his palms as he took her mouth again. Fuck. She was wet. And not just from the splash of the warm bayou water around them. He could feel her damp pussy through the fabric of her jeans. It ground against him, calling to his rigid cock, begging to be filled, fed. And he wanted to oblige. He wanted take her, rip her clothes from her body and sink himself balls-deep into her tight, tender flesh.

Just the thought of it made him mad with lust. He’d never wanted anything or anyone like he wanted her. The intensity of his desire almost frightened him.

He ripped his mouth from hers and nuzzled her neck, ran his sharp canines gently across her pounding pulse.

“Parish?” she uttered on a moan.

He lapped at her pulse, wondered what her blood would taste like. “Hmmmm?”

She gasped, pressed her breasts against his chest. “You said this pool was free of critters.”


“Then…what’s that behind you?”

His mind came awake like a shock of electricity. He drew back from her neck and whirled around, coming face to face with a small alligator. The thing was only about two feet long, but it was packing a set of impressively sharp teeth. Protective of his woman, his puma rose to the surface and growled, flashing the small creature his own set of sharp and deadly hardware. The alligator instantly turned around and swam the other way.

“Damn reptile,” Parish grumbled, still gripping Julia’s sweet ass as he carried her to shore. His body screamed with need, his cock hard as stone and pulsing. But he wasn’t risking another encounter with sharp teeth.

Other than his own.

If she was willing.

His puma purred at the thought. For a second, he wondered about taking her to the caves above, where he lived and slept. But it didn’t seem right, didn’t feel like the proper place to take the female he intended on claiming as his mate. Not for their first time together, anyway. He had enough cold, hard stone to deal with as it was.

At the bank, he gently eased her to her feet and tried to get his mind to focus on something else, something that would make his cock calm the hell down. But one look her way, one brief trip down her body, had the thing creaming at the tip.

Wet clothes clinging to delectable hips, round succulent breasts and erect nipples.


He grabbed her hand and started up the incline to the bluff. “Sun’s going down. We should get back.” His tone was nearly a growl. “Natty’ll have my hide if I bring you home late for supper.”

“Can’t have that.” The thread of unfulfilled desire in her tone was unmistakable.

Parish cursed inwardly. “Nope.”

“You’re probably hungry.”

You have no idea, Doc.

“Parish?” she said as they reached the top of the hill.


“Was that magic?”

His head came around, and his eyes met her hers. “What?”

She looked disheveled in the sexiest of ways: pink cheeked, and eyes wide and heavy with lust. “Not the alligator or your shift, but what happened in the pool, between us. Was that magic?”

Parish felt his heart squeeze inside his chest. “No, Doc.” He drew her closer. “That was so much more.” That was just the beginning.

Before he took her right there on the bluff, he shifted back into his puma, then waited for her to climb onto his back and fist his fur. He couldn’t wait much longer to have her. When the moon rose and stole the bayou heat, she’d lie beneath him, and she wouldn’t just be speaking his name. She’d be screaming it.

His puma roared into the coming eve and he took off into the trees.


DINNER had been fantastic. Or at least Julia assumed it had. Her plate was clean, she just couldn’t remember actually tasting any of it. Ever since she’d returned to the boarding house, all her tongue seemed to want to register was Parish. And if that wasn’t bad enough, all her mind wanted to bring forth were images of their incredible time at the bayou pool.

She let out a long breath. She could still feel his arms around her, so tight, so possessive, his mouth working hers with soft kisses, hungry bites and snarls of arousal. She’d known what he’d wanted from her. Not because it was pressed against her belly, inciting the blazing heat inside her sex to liquefy, but because it was exactly the same thing she’d wanted from him.

The deepest, most intensely erotic fuck of her life.

Her body contracted at the thought, and she gripped the table. What would it be like to be touched by him? Her back to the mattress, Parish looming above her, the muscles in his arms and chest and stomach pulled tight under sweat-laced, tanned skin?

“Dr. Cabot?” came a soft male growl.

Julia glanced up from her empty plate and caught Parish staring at her across the dinner table with a mask of sensual ferocity, his black hair loose to his shoulders. He was so sexy. Every inch of his face, from his eyes to the scar near his lips, tempted her, made her mouth water.

His nostrils flared. He glanced left, saw Nathalie chatting it up with one of the other boarders down the table, then returned his gaze to Julia as he leaned forward.

“You have to stop thinking about us or I won’t be able to stop myself from throwing you over my shoulder and hauling your sexy ass upstairs to bed.”

Julia’s mouth dropped open. “How did you know—?”

“Your scent.”

My scent?? She tilted her head in the direction of Miss Nathalie. “Does she know?”


Oh my god. “I’m so embarrassed.”

“Don’t be. She knows how I feel about you.” He grinned, molten gold flashing in his eyes. “And now she knows that as you’re thinking about my tongue in your mouth,” his voice dropped, his chin too, “I’m thinking about my tongue somewhere else.”

Julia’s eyes widened, yet everything below her neck went hot and tight. “Stop that,” she whispered.

“Impossible. Your scent makes me insane.” His canines lengthened.

“You’re not the only one,” remarked the male down at the far end of the table beside Nathalie.

Julia turned apple red and cursed, while Parish flashed the male his puma. “Don’t even think about it, Mace. In fact, keep your eyes on your plate.”

The male grunted. “I’m mated, Hunter.”

“Then you remember exactly what’s running through my blood right now,” Parish said with a deep growl.

Nathalie stared at Parish, but spoke to Julia. “Perhaps you should retire, Miss Julia. Might I suggest a bath?” She sighed. “With soap.”

At first, Julia was so consumed with the aggressive banter of the two males at the table she didn’t catch the woman’s meaning right away. But when she did, she closed her eyes and winced with humiliation. She was turned on thinking about Parish, every damn feline in the room could smell it, and she was being told to get upstairs and wash it off. What the hell ever happened to privacy? She pushed back her chair and scrambled to her feet. Her eyes were drawn to Parish. “Are you staying tonight or…”

“He’ll be sleeping on the porch,” Miss Nathalie said quickly.

Parish hissed at her. “I will sleep wherever I want, Female.”

“Outside?” Julia said. “But—”

“Not to worry, Miss Julia,” Nathalie continued. “He’s used to it.”

“Isn’t it time to clean up?” Parish growled softly, his eyes narrowed on the older female.

Miss Nathalie ignored him. “After all, he still sleeps in those caves a mile out, don’t you, Parish?”

“Dammit, Natty!” He pushed back his chair and stood.

“What?” she grumbled. “Isn’t a secret, now is it?”

Julia turned to him, confused. “You live there? Where we were today?”

He didn’t answer. His nostrils were flared with irritation as he continued to glare at Miss Nathalie.

Julia stared at him. Why wouldn’t he have told her that? And why was he refusing to look at her? Was he hiding something? Or was it that he just didn’t think her important enough to share information about his personal life?

A spark of apprehension moved through her. She hated this feeling, that something was being kept from her. That the man she’d just been fantasizing about, had just kissed like she’d needed it, needed him, to breathe, wasn’t being honest with her. It gave her a killer sense of déjà vu.

She turned from him and offered Miss Nathalie a small smile. “Good night. Thank you for dinner.”

She needed a moment to herself. Needed to really think about what she was doing here, and how long—

As she walked out of the room, she heard Parish growl behind her. “Julia.”

“Let her be, Parish,” Nathalie scolded.

“Like hell I will.”

“You’re acting like a jackass.”

“No,” said Mace. “He’s acting like a mated Pantera male.”

Julia only made it to her bedroom door before Parish was upon her.

* * *

“I didn’t tell you about the caves for a good reason.” He followed her inside the blue and white bedroom suite.

“They’re all good reasons,” she said, heading for the windows.

“I know what you’re doing, Doc.” He kicked the door closed behind him. “Don’t compare me to that lying bastard who cheated on you.”

“I’m not.”

“Turn around.”

She heaved a great sigh and turned to face him. Her cheeks were flushed, her eyes a shocking blue against the pale hair that hung about her face.

“I’m not comparing you to Gary,” she said. “There is no comparison. He was a mistake, and you…you’re a hope, a dream…magic…” Shadows moved over her eyes. “It just scares me, Parish.”

Fear was the last thing he ever wanted her to feel with him. “What scares you?”

“I’ve never wanted to be with anyone more than I want to be with you.” Her voice caught as she spoke, and her eyes brimmed with tears. “I actually ache for you. I think about you every second.” She shook her head. “My body responds to your voice like it’s your touch. That’s not normal.”

He hated how upset she was, how fearful she sounded because to him her words were his magic, his potential first step back into life, and a future he never thought he’d see. He crossed the room and pulled her into his arms. “Look at me.” One hand raked up her spine to her neck. “That’s our normal, Doc. My mind is filled with you, too. Your tears make my fucking heart ache. I don’t know what to do with this desperate need I feel for you, except…this.” He dropped his head and kissed her, groaning at the raw hunger and blatant need between them. When he pulled back, he found beautiful, stormy blue eyes gazing up at him. “Julia…”

“I love when you say my name,” she whispered.

His gut tightened. “I didn’t tell you about the caves because I was ashamed.”

Her brow furrowed. “What?”

“I know you’re aware of what happened to Keira.” The damned tortured sound in his voice never went away. “Ashe told me. But what you don’t know is that she was my everything, my only family, my best goddamn friend, and when she left, when she was killed I…fuck…I went to the one place where I felt closest to her.”

“The caves,” Julia whispered.

He nodded. “I never left. Never wanted to.” He reached up and cupped her chin and cheek in his palm. “Until you.”

“Oh, Parish…”

He smiled. “I love it when you say my name too, Doc.” He captured her mouth again, kissing her frantically. “I want you.” He nipped her lip. “Christ, the scent of your heat. It calls to me, begs me to taste.” With one hand around her waist, he easily lifted her. “Let me earn my way into your bed.”

“You already have,” she said breathlessly.

He tossed her onto the bed, then drew back. “Not even close.” He stripped bare, and grinned as her gaze moved hungrily over him. “You know what I am.”

Her eyes lifted, connected to his. She nodded.

He growled softly at her. “Then open your legs for me, Julia. This cat must have his cream.”


JULIA had never been undressed so quickly, so frantically, and with such desperate hunger in her life.

And she loved it.

Her back to the mattress, her legs bent and spread, Julia trembled with heat and desire as she stared up at Parish. Without clothes, he wasn’t just sexy—he was stunning. Drool-worthy. His powerful body flexed with every movement, each muscle defined. But it was the long, thick muscle standing hard and proud against the six-pack of abdominal perfection that made her mouth water. What would he feel like in her mouth, taste like against her tongue? She almost reached for him when he knelt, placed his hands under her buttocks and yanked her to the edge of the mattress.

His breath fanned her stomach and hipbones. “I’ve thought about this ever since we met. How you looked, scented…” He lowered his head and lapped at her. Just once. Julia gasped and arched her back. “How you tasted.”

How was it possible that just one swipe of his tongue made every muscle in her body jump? He was magic. There was no other explanation for it. She lifted her head to see what he was doing, and the blood rushed to her sex. Nostrils flared, dark eyes glittering with exotic desire, his gaze was locked between her thighs.

A soft growl came from his throat. “You’re so beautiful, Doc. Every inch of you is soaking wet. Your pussy’s like a ripe peach, juice running down your leg.” Once again, he dropped his head, but this time he ran his tongue up her inner thigh.

Julia nearly came right then. His tongue. It wasn’t smooth like a human’s. It was slightly rough, like a…

She stared at him.

“Cat,” he said with a grin, lapping at just the edges of her sex. “So sweet. Christ, I think I’ll drown in you.”

The heat building inside her burst into flames. Her ass clenched, her breasts tightened into sensitive buds and she felt her pussy cream right before him.

Parish saw it too and his canines dropped. “My cock’s crying for you too, Doc. But first I’m going to fuck you with my tongue.” Without another word, he curled his fingers around her knees and spread her wider. He purred, his eyes glowing. “Oh, yes…there it is. Your clit is ripe, Doc. So damn pretty. So pink.”

Julia’s legs shook, her sex pulsed and ached to be filled, touched, eaten. God, she was going to go out of her mind just from the way he talked. “Please, Parish…” she moaned, letting her head fall back on the mattress.

“Spread yourself for me,” he commanded, his breath fanning her wet sex. “Wide. I want my entire mouth on you, my tongue thrusting inside you as my lips suck that plump little clit.”

With trembling fingers, Julia moved her hands down her belly, over her hips and into her hair. She gasped at how wet she was, how sensitive.

“Hurry, Doc,” he growled with need, his fingers digging gently into her thighs. “I want to taste you before you come, and you’re so ready.”

His shoulders pushed between her legs, and the minute she spread herself wide, he latched onto her clit, suckling gently as his tongue flicked feather-light. In seconds, she came. Spasming on the mattress, her hips slamming upward, pumping as she moaned. Dammit. It’s too soon. Too fast.

Just as she was about to lift her head, Parish chuckled against her sex, his hot breath making her writhe. “Now, we can begin.” Without another word, he thrust his tongue up into her, and fucked her in slow, rhythmic strokes.

Her hands fisting the bedspread, Julia tried to focus but it was impossible. She was so tense, so heated, her body refusing to come down from the orgasm. It wanted more. It craved more.

He drew back then, eased his tongue out of her and replaced it with two thick fingers. “I feel you around me,” he growled, thrusting into her so deeply she felt it at her belly. “You’re so wet, suckling my finger.”

“Oh, god,” she moaned as he started licking her again, using his entire tongue in greedy circles.

Julia didn’t know what to do with this feeling. She’d never experienced such mind-numbing pleasure. She wanted him so badly, yet didn’t want him to stop licking her or thrusting his fingers inside her.

She released her pussy lips and plowed her fingers through his soft, thick, hair. She scratched at his scalp as he ate her. Instantly, he started to purr, the sound making his lips and tongue vibrate against her. Her eyes slammed open and she gasped in a breath. She was going to come. Again.

“Parish, please,” she begged, rocking her hips against his face, her juices pouring out of her, down her thighs. “I want you inside me.”

But he wouldn’t stop. Hungry and determined, he drank her down, his purr coiling around her aching clit.

The climax that tore through her was raw and shocking. For a moment, she was blind and deaf, all her senses pooling below her waist. She cried out, pumping wildly, barely feeling him draw back and loom over her. She could hardly breathe, and her eyes were as wet as her sex. Nothing could feel better. Nothing.

And then she felt something nudge against her sensitive mound. Instinct blossomed inside of her and she reached out and grasped him. Hot, rock-hard cock filled her hand, and she moaned a hungry, “Yes.” Up and down, she stroked him until he started to breathe differently, moan, curse, and pump himself off in her palm.

“Inside,” he growled. “I need you. I need to be up inside you where it’s hot and tight and still shaking from your climax.”

She released him, and he entered her with one quick, deep, gasp-inducing thrust. Julia gripped his shoulders, her nails digging into his skin. He felt so right there, so perfect.

“Wrap your legs around me, Doc. I want to ride you.”

She groaned, closing her thighs, her heels squeezing his tight ass. For one moment, his eyes met hers and he grinned. Then he started to fuck her, deep and slow, all the way to her womb. Oh, the pleasure. The heat.

“You’ve claimed my heart, Julia Cabot,” he whispered against her mouth as his thrusts quickened. “It’s useless to anyone else, but full of life and love and desire for you. I want no one but you.”

Oh, god yes. She wanted him, too. But… “I’m scared.”

“Of what? Being loved? Taken care of? Respected and desired? Of never having to worry about my devotion, my commitment?” His kissed her, then settled in the curve of her neck. “Pantera mate for life, Julia.”

She gasped as he bit her gently.

“Tell me I can claim you.”

She moaned.

“Tell me you want not only my cock inside of you, but my mark on your body.”

“I want you,” she cried out, climax so close she could taste it. “All of you.”

He growled harshly, “Mine…all mine,” as he scored the skin between her waist and navel with his claws and pounded her deep into the mattress.

Julia came with a jolt and a scream, and as she did, Parish roared out her name, pumping his hot seed into her soaked and sensitive pussy. Freefalling, Julia slapped her arms around him, holding on tight as he continued to come inside of her.

Long minutes passed before he rolled to his side, but when he did, he didn’t break their connection. His powerful arms curled her snugly against his chest, where she rested and tried to catch her breath. Tears threatened as she gripped him possessively, almost fearfully. Had he truly marked her? Was that the delicious sting she felt on her abdomen? And if so, what did it mean?

Oh, god

Parish kissed her hair and whispered, his voice raw with emotion. “Tell me you’re going to stay. Here. In the Wildlands with me. I need to hear it.”

Her heart squeezed. “I want to.”

“But something holds you back. What is it?”

She rubbed her face against his hard pectoral. “I don’t know. I have nothing back there, nothing but my cat. But how do I trust my wants and desires when they’ve always led me into failed misery?”

He tipped her face up to meet his, brushed the hair from her cheek so lovingly she nearly burst into tears. “Perhaps this time you should trust your gut and your instincts. I watched you that day in the hospital. You used them delivering the child, didn’t you?”

Her breath caught in her throat. He’d been watching her? “Yes.”

He smiled. “You have Pantera in you, I think. When I looked at you for the first time I felt need and desire unlike anything I’d ever felt. But you were human, and I was lost in anger and grief. It was my gut and my instinct that told me we belonged together.”

Stunned, Julia just stared at him. She’d never heard such a thing. No man had ever talked to her like this, told her to trust herself and her instincts. What more was she looking for? A sign? Christ, she had magic.

Exhaustion overtook her thoughts and she cuddled in close to Parish as he kissed her hair and stroked her back until she fell asleep.


JULIA woke to a strange, yet familiar sound.

The emerging light of dawn filtered into the room, casting shadows on the walls and floor. Beneath the covers she was warm, but instinctively she knew that Parish was gone. The hunt. He would need to prepare before dawn.


Julia’s head jerked around to where Parish had lain on his side, holding her, still connected to her as he soothed her to sleep. He was gone, but something else was curled atop his pillow. Julia screeched with joy, and threw off her blanket. How had he managed it? And when?

Rousing from his own sleep, gazing at her with narrowed yellow eyes, was Fangs.

“How the hell did you get here?” she asked the cat, reaching out and scooping him up, cuddling him to her chest.

He immediately balked at the closeness, clawing and mewling until she let him down. When his paws hit the sheets, he took off toward the headboard, leapt onto the edge and remained there, perfectly balanced on all four feet.

That’s when Julia noticed the note, taped to the wood.

He didn’t come quietly. At least until he realized who I was bringing him to.

Fangs is here, Doc.

Now you must stay.


I will look for you at the hunt.


Julia stared at the note for long seconds, then glanced down at her belly, her naked flesh, scored with four silvery claw marks. She ran her fingers over the smooth, healed tattoo. He’d truly marked her as his, and given her his heart in both action and deed. The night before she’d thought about and rejected the idea of a sign. Parish didn’t have to prove anything to her. She knew that now. And yet…he’d gone to New Orleans sometime in the night while she slept. Broke into Gary’s house, and retrieved the only thing she valued outside the Wildlands.

No, this wasn’t a sign.

It was love and caring and listening and hoping. It was everything she’d ever wanted, ever wished for.

She gave Fangs a quick rub under his chin, jumped out of bed and headed for the shower.

* * *

“I’ve never seen you wound so tight,” Bayon remarked, his puma shifting in and out of his leaf-green gaze as he readied for the hunt.

“I’m fine,” Parish uttered, his eyes cutting from one entry point to the other.

Where was she?

Raphael had promised to bring Julia early. Didn’t the Suit understand how desperately Parish needed to see his woman, scent her? Christ, he wanted her to see him hunt, recognize that he was a worthy male—that he could provide for her, always protect her.

“Rosalie asked if you were going to the swim afterwards.” Bayon eyed him curiously. “She’s invited the two new apprentices. One of the females is a redhead, both in and out of shift.” He grinned broadly. “What do you say? I’d be happy to share.”

Washing the blood from their skin in the bayou was always done after a hunt, but playing with females held absolutely no interest for him. He started to pace back and forth over the cold ground. “I’m going to my Julia.”

Your Julia?” Bayon repeated. “Since when does she belong to you?”

“I’ve marked her. She’s mine, my family now.”

Bayon didn’t say anything at first. Parish’s second-in-command was undeniably one of the top Hunters in the Faction, but to him females were for play and pleasure, and commitment was to be avoided. Which made his thoughtful, almost gentle gaze pretty damned significant.

“It’s good to see,” Bayon said finally, as the dawn broke around them and Hunters stalked about in the open field near the shore of the bayou. “You know Keira and I never saw eye to eye—”

“You hated her, and she hated you,” Parish said with a quick grin.

A grin Bayon picked up and held. “Yeah, well. She was a hardass, unforgiving, forgot she was a female most of the time, and probably the best goddamn Hunter I’ve ever witnessed. No offense.”

“None taken.”

“But when she…” Bayon stared at the ground, shook his head. “I thought you died that day too, brother.”

“Yeah,” Parish uttered, his own gaze running the landscape. “Well, maybe I did.” Until her. Julia.

He needed her. He needed her here. Had she gotten his note? His gift?

Christ, he could still taste her. All he could think about was being inside her.

Her body.

Her heart.

Then he caught sight of Ashe and Raphael, walking through the trees. His heart pounded in his chest. Right beside them was Julia. Beautiful, desirable, fearful Julia. For a moment it was as if time stood still. He stared at her over the expanse of vegetation, willing her to look at him, and when she did, when her eyes met and held his, he released the breath inside his lungs.

When Ashe and Raphael stopped to speak with a group of Suits, Julia continued forward. Her face split into a wide grin as she jumped up on a rock and raised something above her head. It took Parish a moment to understand what it was. White and thin. Paper.

His note.

The one he’d taped to her headboard just a few hours ago. And there was something written over his words in big, bold red marker. His heart started to pump loudly, heavily in his chest. Was she refusing him? Was she returning to the outside world with her cat, and the heart he’d claimed last night? He narrowed his eyes to read:


Parish would never be able to explain the overwhelming relief and intensity of feeling that surged through him in that moment, but his puma did. Even in his male form, the cat could not be reigned in. It broke from Parish’s throat, roaring loudly and clearly and happily into the early morning air as its master ran at her. Mine, it screamed. Mine, Parish agreed as he jumped upon the rock beside her and pulled her into his arms.

“Welcome home, Doc.”

“Thank you.” She nipped at his lower lip and grinned. “For everything. Fangs, the magic, for being you. I feel so…”


Her eyes filled with tears, and she wrapped her arms around his neck and squeezed. “Yes.”

Parish growled and nuzzled her neck and felt as if his heart would explode from wanting. He had love and family, and he would never allow anything or anyone to take it from him again.

“Where’s my gorgeous puma?” she asked, drawing back, her blue eyes bright.

He growled again, soft and sensual. “I got your puma right here, Doc.” He stepped back, grinned, and in a plume of silver mist, he shifted. He roared into the cool, dawn air, then turned on the rock and called out to everyone present, “I’ve caught the prey of a lifetime, Pantera, but she has come to see a hunt, and we will give it to her!”

* * *

Silver mist coated the air around them as they floated down the bayou with the rest of the Pantera spectators. Along with Ashe and Raphael, Julia and two other Pantera, one female and one male, sat within the low-bottomed boat, following the pack of puma Hunters as they raced down river. The strange, six-foot long skiff had no motor, but it was definitely moving through the water as if it did.

Animal or magic? Julia wasn’t sure she wanted to know.

“It’s the best way to watch the hunt,” Raphael remarked, pointing to the gold and black cats breaking through the trees, stopping momentarily, nostrils flaring, mouths open, trying to catch a scent before taking off once again.

Parish’s roar after he’d read her note still echoed through Julia’s mind and body. She’d hoped he’d have that kind of reaction, and she couldn’t wait to curl up against him later and show him just how happy he made her, and how deeply touched she felt about Fangs.

A loud, feral squeal tore through the mist then, and ripped Julia from her thoughts. What was it? she wondered. The prey they sought? Or an injury to one of the Hunters, perhaps?

She felt equal pangs of curiosity and horror, but along with everyone else on the boat, she lifted her chin and narrowed her eyes on the bank. At first she saw nothing but green, stands of trees and moving fur. She heard growling, followed by another squeal, then a cut off feral scream.

She turned to Raphael, so did Ashe.

“That was quick. Parish is fired up.” Raphael grinned at his woman. “My cub will have bacon tonight.”

Ashe turned slightly pale. “Oh, jeez. Not a visual that’s working for me right now, my love.”

“Sorry, ma chère. I promise, no more details—”

“Look!” cried the female beside Julia. “They’re coming.”

“Maybe you want to keep your eyes closed, my love,” Raphael said gently as the boat slowed, then stopped.

Turning from Ashe, Julia scrambled to her knees. Her gaze shot to the bank. She combed the water’s edge until— There. She watched as the group emerged from behind a stand of cypress. Julia’s heart jumped into her throat and she grinned. Out in front strode Parish’s slate gray puma. Broad and fearsome, he searched each boat with his golden gaze. When he spotted her, his cat grinned with pride, blood covering its muzzle and teeth.

Julia beamed, waved at him. She’d never felt so proud, so possessive. That was her puma. The Hunter, the protector.

But her giddiness came to an abrupt halt when the boat jerked violently and she was tossed backwards onto the metal floor. Pain slammed into her elbow, and she saw the male Pantera passenger fall into the water, followed by something else. Her vision blurred and she felt slightly nauseous. All she could think was that they’d hit something, a rock or a tree. The wind was knocked from her lungs, and as she tried to capture breath, she heard Parish’s roar ringing in her ears, then Raphael’s cry.

Cry? Why was he crying?

She tried to push herself into a sitting position. Her elbow stung and stars swam before her eyes, but at least air was coming in and going out. She heard Raphael again. Then a female Pantera. They were screaming, roaring. But who were they screaming—


Oh, god…they were screaming for Ashe.

The boat rocked and jerked, and Julia heard a loud splash to her right, then water hit her face. She gasped as sound rushed her from all sides. Everyone was screaming, calling out for Ashe.

“The bastard took her over the side with him!” someone yelled.

“Who was it?” said another. “What Faction?”

“I think he’s Nurturer.”

Julia blinked several times, trying like hell to get her bearings. What the hell was happening? Her vision cleared just as Raphael roared from somewhere in the water, “He’s swimming toward the other bank! We’re close to the border! Go! Fuck! Go after him. I have Ashe.”

Fully alert now, her heart slamming against her ribs, Julia scooted over to the edge of the boat. The water and the bank were complete chaos. Pantera were everywhere. She scanned the water for Raphael and Ashe. When she spotted them, her heart stopped. Raphael was swimming madly toward shore, Ashe tucked against him on her back. Julia could see the woman’s face clearly in the burgeoning light of day. She looked cold and pale and quiet.

Without thinking, Julia dove into the water and swam hell-bent for shore. Once there, she scrambled to her feet and ran, neither noticing her aching lungs or how dripping wet and cold she was. She needed to get to Ashe, to her patient.

Pantera crowded around Raphael and his mate, but Julia pushed her way through. She slid to her knees beside Ashe, put her face near the woman’s mouth and assessed her breathing.

“She’s bleeding.”

Julia glanced up.

It was Raphael. He stared at Julia, horror-struck, terrified beyond measure. “The baby.”


PARISH had lost the piece of shit right as he’d crossed the border of the Wildlands.

Poof. Gone.

The instant his traitorous feet had touched down on human soil.

Parish had no idea how such a thing could be possible, or how a traitor had lived among them without detection. Because that was exactly what the bastard was. Ashe was Raphael’s mate, which made her and her child Pantera. And when you attack within your clan you’re a goddamn, good-for-nothing-but-gator-bait traitor.

But Parish and his Hunters were going to find him. In fact, every Hunter he had was patrolling the border at this very moment. Except Bayon. The male was tight with Raphael, and had insisted on staying by his side at Medical. If anyone could keep Raphael from knocking down the door to Ashe’s room, it was Bayon. Julia had made both Bayon and Parish promise to keep Raphael out until she knew what was going on. But it was becoming a nearly impossible task. Understandably, the Suit was losing it. He looked feral, terrified as shit, pacing and cursing and swearing that once he knew Ashe was all right he was going to find and disembowel the one who’d dared to hurt his woman and child.

It had been one hour since they’d arrived, since Julia and several other Pantera doctors had whisked Ashe away. Parish was so proud of his female. He’d never seen hands that worked so quickly, eyes that saw everything, a mind so clear and strong.

“Julia will have news soon,” he told Raphael, who looked as though he wasn’t even aware of Parish’s presence.

“She’s a good doctor,” Bayon added, his gaze on Raphael even though he was speaking to Parish. “We’re lucky in that, as are you, Parish. She’s going to make you a fine mate.”

It was news to Raphael, but he didn’t acknowledge it. He was pacing, hissing, cursing at nothing but his thoughts.

“You must go to the Elders,” Bayon continued. “I’d like to see their face when they hear another Pantera has taken a human as his mate.” His eyes once again cut to Raphael. He was trying to pull the male back into reality. “Where will you live?”

Parish eyed the other Hunter, nodded. “Not in my cave. Can’t have a female and child there.”

“Child?” Raphael stopped in his tracks. “She’s not pregnant?”

Bayon released a breath, cursed.

“Not yet,” Parish told him. “But if you can make cubs with your human, so can I. For now, we’ll take a house close to town, and to Medical.”

The door behind Parish opened then, and Julia, along with three Pantera doctors, emerged. Her thoughtful blue eyes flickered momentarily to Parish, then quickly focused on Raphael.

“First, let me say, the baby’s perfect. All vital signs are normal; heartbeat, fluid within the—”

“Ashe?” Raphael demanded, his expression terrified as he rushed toward her. “Is she all right? Tell me!”

“Easy,” Parish said, holding the male’s shoulder.

“She’s okay,” Julia said quickly. “Stable, and her vital signs are good.”

Raphael seemed dumbstruck, his breathing shallow. Parish had never seen a male react this way, and yet he knew that if it were Julia inside that room, he’d be acting the same way. Maybe worse.

“Do you know what happened?” Bayon asked her.

“As far as I can tell, she was injected with something.”

Raphael growled, his canines dropping. Parish and Bayon drew nearer to him as calm, cool Dr. Julia Cabot explained, “I believe whoever did this was aiming for her uterus—”

“The child?” Parish uttered, slightly stunned. The attack was not on Ashe. It was on the baby.

Raphael hissed. “I will bleed that bastard out so slowly and painfully he will beg me for death.”

Julia swallowed, her face tight. “Ashe must’ve deflected somehow, and under the water. She’s already an amazing mother. The needle didn’t puncture anything vital.”

“I need to see her,” Raphael said, advancing on her. “I need to see my Ashe.”

Julia blocked the door, her eyes down.

“What is your woman doing, Parish?” Raphael said with a terrifying growl.

One Parish matched with his own. “Stop and listen, Raphael.”

“I know this is hard,” Julia said, taking a deep breath, then letting it out. “As I said, she’s physically well, healing properly, and all her vitals are stabilized.” She glanced at the Pantera doctor to her right.

The male Nurturer stepped forward. “I have only seen this once in our lifetime, brother. But whatever your woman was injected with…well, it has made her…” He paused.

“What!” Raphael roared.

“Unstable,” the male finished. “Dark magic now runs through Ashe’s bloodstream.” He locked eyes with Raphael. “Something is trying to possess her.”

The End


Author of the Bestselling Mark of the Vampire series, Laura Wright spent the early years of her life immersed in the worlds of singing, acting and competitive ballroom dancing. But when she started writing, she knew she’d found her true calling. Laura lives in Los Angeles, California with her husband, two children, three dogs, two frogs and two fish. She’s been thrice nominated for a Romantic Times Reviewer’s Choice Award, and loves hearing from her readers.
