Chapter Six

Monty did his best not to growl every time one of his dickhead pridemates touched his mate. The cats had become touchy-feely all of a sudden, and the females acted no better. The cats questioned her like it was the inquisition, although he now knew a helluva lot more about his pretty little mate than he had before. The important things he’d always known, but the minutiae had escaped him.

They sat around the large dining table, feasting on chicken. Yard bird. Eh. He preferred a good rare steak. He smiled, realizing Sophie did too. He knew enough about her, and he liked their similarities. Hell, right now he could tell she’d rather be anywhere but here. Just like him. Yet another thing they had in common.

“I still don’t understand how you can live in that great big house. You say your alpha’s brother owns it?” Stacey had no problem asking nosy questions.

Dean winked at him.

“Um, yeah.” Sophie snuck a glance at him before turning her attention back to Stacey. “Theo kind of introduced me to Cougar Falls. He actually owns the grocery store, but he’s never in town, so he told me I could run it if I wanted.” She shrugged and stuck her fork into a hunk of chicken. “I like it.”

Stacey raised a perfect blond brow. “Really? The local grocery store?”

Monty didn’t like her tone, and then Gabby stepped in. “I like it too. It has a homey, small-town feel, and if you think about it, without the town store, we’d have to shop in Whitefish for supplies.”

The women shivered.

“What’s wrong with Whitefish?” Burke sounded offended. “Chastell Tours is there.”

“Yes, dear, it is.” Rachel’s wifely tone made Sophie smile.

Monty smiled with her.

“Rachel…” Burke frowned at her. “You can’t use being pregnant as an excuse to be snarky forever.”

Ty leaned toward Sophie and whispered in a loud voice, “Snarky. I taught him that. Big word for a little brain, you know.”

Sophie enjoyed the interplay until Burke shot Ty a glare, and she automatically tensed when the pride leader growled, “Keep it up and I’ll use your bones for toothpicks, fox.” Burke’s scowl unnerved her, but she felt Monty’s hand on her leg under the table and eased.

God, I am such a moron. Relax, damn it!

The others didn’t seem to notice her distress, and the remainder of the dinner focused on the other members of the pride, enough that she finally felt like one of the crowd instead of the main attraction. Quiet Joel started talking about his vegetables and didn’t stop. He’d just gathered beets, broccoli and cabbage and anticipated a heaping of carrots in another week or so. The man had shoulders as big as a football field, but whenever he glanced at his wife, his entire mien softened.

Sophie liked him instinctively. Though she’d been to the pride often enough, she normally spent her time with her fox friends at their respective cabins. A few movie nights at the house had been spent with other women. This huge dinner with everyone was a first for her, and it definitely showed her who was who.

Ty played peacemaker throughout the meal, at times baiting and at other times easing tempers while Julia encouraged him. Sly foxes. Gabby and Grady spent most of their time staring at each other, the newly mated couple still enrapt in each other. For all that Dean and Stacey had just committed to each other, the pair acted like an old married couple that had that sexual spark zinging between them. She found them amusing, though she kept a slight distance from Stacey. Sophie could clearly see the predator in the blonde’s cool blue eyes.

She also liked the way Monty acted among his friends. He seemed more at ease here than he acted in town. Not so guarded, and he teased the female cats from the old Miami pride, treating them like bothersome sisters. Family, not potential sexual partners. Good. His attitude soothed her wolf, and she found herself easing into the pride’s rhythm. The teasing and laughter made her feel like part of something bigger, and without thinking about it, she took Monty’s hand in hers and smiled, feeling so much love for her mate she could taste it.

He clutched her hand tightly in his and leaned in for a kiss. The soft, possessive gesture made her sigh, because her wolf rolled over and howled with delight. He’d acknowledged her openly in front of the pack with that simple peck. His wolf. Her wolf. Together.

Not pack, pride, she corrected her animal spirit, then froze when she realized the room had gone quiet.

Monty kept her hand in his and kissed her again. He winked at her and turned to the gathering. “I have an announcement to make.”

“About frickin’ time,” Grady muttered.

Gabby elbowed him and huffed.

“No shit.” Dean received a slap upside the head from Joel. “Ow. Why is everyone always hitting me?”

“Maybe because you’re an idiot?” Grady offered.

Gabby groaned. “Would you two shut up? I’m sorry for them. Sincerely. Go ahead, Monty.”

“You two cats are a major pain in my ass,” he snapped, then turned to Sophie with an apologetic smile. “Sorry, honey.” He cleared his throat. “As I was saying, I have something to say.”

“So talk already. Christ,” Dean grumbled and dodged another slap aimed for his head.

Monty continued. “As you know, I’ve been waiting for the right time to approach Sophie, so I could do what I’ve been dying to since I first saw her. Sophie and I have mated.”

Not that she didn’t already know that, but from what she’d been told, claiming a mate in front of witnesses was as good as throwing on rings and saying “I do.”

The others cheered and congratulated them. And somehow dinner turned into a party full of booze, dancing and laughter.

Sophie had a terrific time swinging around in the arms of her wolf. Monty had sidestepped a bunch of questions about their future and where they might live, saying only that he and Sophie were still discussing things, which of course they hadn’t yet.

But even that didn’t faze her. She had the mate of her dreams, Ac-taw who knew her, liked her and accepted her. The future she’d always wanted seemed right here, right now. Hers to keep. Yet that niggling worry remained. What would they think if they knew the real her? Worse, what would Monty think? She didn’t like the vague anxiety that wouldn’t go away, so she decided to ignore it. She’d hold on to tonight, and as she swung in Monty’s arms, she made a memory. His face, that smile, those eyes—she’d cherish him forever. She only prayed she could keep the man himself, and not a lot of bittersweet memories to keep her warm at night.

Monty thought the night had gone off without a hitch…if it weren’t for the shadows he could see in his mate’s eyes. He had a feeling he’d pushed too hard too soon, but fuck it all, he needed his pack—pride—to know his mate. His wolf wanted validation, acknowledgement and a nod from his alpha.

Burke had taken him aside earlier and congratulated him wholeheartedly. “You lucked out, you mangy mutt. I don’t know what she sees in you, but don’t fuck it up.”

“Thanks, Burke,” he’d drawled back. “That’s really uplifting.”

Burke had laughed, swung Sophie around for a dance, and then handed her winded and wild-eyed back to Monty.

But now, as he and Sophie stood in front of his cabin, nerves struck again. What if she felt pressure and not the vast love he felt? What if she didn’t actually want all this cloying belonging, used to being alone for so long? Hell, he’d gone through the same emotions upon returning to town. A lone wolf thrust back into Ac-taw society. The order had been a nightmare and Burke his saving grace. But he knew Burke. The cat gave him whatever space he needed to roam. What did Sophie need?

He pulled her with him inside his place, glad he’d had the foresight to ask Rachel to help him straighten up. Rather, he’d asked Rachel to have cleaning people out to his place. They’d done a bang-up job. The bad food smell and dirty clothes all over the floor had vanished. The small two-bedroom cabin smelled fresh, like lemons. The rustic furniture gleamed with polish, and his crap had been neatly organized into stacks of stuff—books and women magazines he’d purchased to understand Sophie, a few spare parts for his truck, some sporting equipment and ammo.

Sophie took it all in as he tried to find the right words to say what was on his mind. Finally, unable to think of a good way to say it, he simply asked, “Is this a mistake?”

She turned around, wide eyes on him. “What?”

“Us. Do you think we’re a mistake? I can smell your worry. What the hell’s wrong? It was too much, right? Too many people.” He wanted to hear a yes, so he’d know he wasn’t the problem.

She remained quiet long enough to worry him.

“Sophie?” Should he tell her how he felt about her? Would she believe him now, or would she think he said the L word to convince her to stay with him? Shit. He hated not knowing how to deal with her this way. He could handle sex and the happy crap, but Monty normally dealt with conflict by killing it or beating it up.

“It’s not you, Monty. Or your friends. They’re great.” She took a deep breath, and to his horror, he heard it hitch. “It’s all so terrific. I’m just afraid it will go away.”

She looked up at him and her eyes glinted like diamonds. The sheen of tears literally hurt him smack dab in the heart.

“Aw, baby. Don’t cry. Please.” He took her in his arms and hugged her, rocking her against him. “If you tell me what’s wrong, I’ll fix it. Is this about me pushing you to shift so we can run together?” It still bothered him he hadn’t seen Sophie’s wolf. The woman had a problem with her animal spirit made flesh, but she was working on it. Or so Gabby had told him the other day when he’d asked her. Sophie, stubborn as a mule, didn’t like talking about her problems. And since he was the same way, he figured he had little room to judge. When the woman felt ready to run with him, she would. Or so he hoped.

“You can’t fix the past, Monty. I wish you could.”

He felt himself tense. “My past or yours?”

“Either. Both. Does it matter? We never talk about it, and I don’t want to talk about it. I’m just afraid…”

“I don’t know what happened to you. And until you’re ready to tell me, if you ever are, I don’t care. I want you for you, baby. What happened made you who you are. It’s a part of you, and it doesn’t matter to me. You matter, Sophie Tanner.” He swallowed hard and reached for his back pocket. He withdrew a small box—it had cost him two months’ pay and a lot of ribbing from annoying cats. But when he’d seen the stone downtown, he’d known it would look right around her neck. A diamond pendant she could slip on and off when not in wolf form. “I want to marry you.” Shit. He was supposed to ask.

He wanted to go to one knee, but she had a death grip on his arms, so he cleared his throat and pulled back enough to open the box and put it under her nose. “If you’ll have me, I’d be honored if you’d wear this.” Close enough to asking, he figured.

She blinked at the necklace, then at him. “You want me to marry you?” she whispered.

“Yes,” he whispered back, on edge. His wolf paced, not liking this reversal in the way things should be. He’d mated the female already. What the hell did he need a wedding and human ceremony for?

“You don’t care about before? About where I was before, I mean?” she asked, and she sounded so hopeful his heart hurt for her.

“No, baby. I don’t care about your past, only our present and future. Marry me, Sophie. I can’t promise you Paris in a Learjet, but I can promise I’ll love you.” He let out a breath, realizing he’d never said it before. And neither had she. “I love you,” he repeated.

She didn’t say anything. And then she plastered herself to his chest and kissed the breath out of him. “I love you so much.” She was laughing and crying and planting kisses all over his face. And before he knew it, they were somehow naked in his bed, his necklace around her throat, making love like two halves of a whole.

He pushed while she pulled. Their lips and bodies met, magnets of affection connected in the deepest of places. His animal spirit curled around hers and protected, offering everything for her to take. When her spirit accepted his gift, he sighed into her and gave his essence, his soul, to his other half.

She arched into his touch and sighed his name, and as he poured his seed into her with a moan and a plea, she took him in her arms and gave him the haven he’d needed for far too long.

The next two weeks passed in bliss. They’d decided to move her out of Theo’s old house and into his cabin. She had no furniture, only clothing and a few odds and ends to take with her, which he found distressing. Sophie needed girlie things, and he set about trying to fill his house with stuff she liked. Flowers, fancy tea pots and lingerie to suit his bride-to-be. So okay, the lacey crap was more for him than her, but it made her happy.

And hel-lo, but his woman had the sweetest pussy he’d ever had the pleasure of licking, sucking and eating. She wanted sex as much, if not more, than he did. He was in heaven.

She made no more mention of whatever troubled her, and he refused to pry. He wanted nothing to mar his bright future. He tried to put Norris out of his mind, satisfied the order could do its damn job and protect the town. Even Rafe’s brief talk hadn’t elicited any anger. The gray wolf had bumped into him on the street, warned him to protect Sophie and treat her right, then moved on as if he’d never tried to take the woman for his own. Not the actions of a man pining for a lost mate.

Satisfied Sheridan had never intended more than a physical joining, Monty’s wolf eased, especially since the bastard had never and would never lay a paw on Sophie Tanner, soon to be Sophie GrayClaw.

Just the thought of marrying his girl made him smile.

“Oh hell. Another dopey dog fantasy? Did I come at a bad time?” Miles Bermin, a cat Monty had prayed he’d seen the last of, had apparently returned from Florida. He walked into Chastell Tours like he owned it and took a seat across from the desk Monty currently worked behind.

“Well, well. The Sunshine state’s big bad kitty’s come back. What’s wrong, Miles? They mean to you down South? Need to come back so we can save your ass yet again?” Monty put just enough sneer in the insult to be effective, and the annoyance in the other male’s face pleased the hell out of him.

“As a matter of fact, yes.” The admission came as a hiss.

Monty was floored. “Come again?” It hadn’t escaped him that he’d deliberately steered clear of Hunter talk while courting Sophie. This new together time with her had to be cherished, and he refused to consider death and killing while cementing his ties to his mate.

“Look, wolf. I’ve looked everywhere I possibly can. She’s got to be here.”

“What?” Monty glanced around. Dean and Grady had to be setting him up. No way Miles there’s a permanent stick up my designer ass Bermin was actually asking him for help. Voluntarily.

“It’s Joy. Ever since we left a month ago, she’s been here and gone. And by here, I mean in Miami, and by gone, I mean she checks in by phone, but that’s it. She says she’s finding herself, but after that mess with Stacey and not capturing all the Hunters involved in the kidnapping, I’m worried she’s in danger.”

“And Quince?” The Florida cat had purportedly been working with rogue Ac-taw and maybe Hunters. Yet evidence had proven he’d been trying to take down the rogues all along. Maybe.

Miles’s lips thinned. “He’s gone too. I don’t know what the fuck is going on, and you’re the best tracker I know. Hell, everyone I asked for help recommended you. When it comes to Hunters, you’re the expert.”

A fact he hated. “Yeah, well, I’m mated now. I’m hanging it up.” He didn’t like the look on Miles’s face. As much as the cat plain irritated him, Monty felt for the guy. “Shit. You sure Joy is in trouble and not fucking with you? This is Joy we’re talking about.” He paused. “You see Burke yet?”

“Yes and no. I know Joy can be a handful.”

Monty snorted. The she-devil caused trouble like Dean on a bad day. And she was pretty, so she got out of it as much as she was in it.

Miles continued, “Last she and I spoke, she told me she was coming back to Cougar Falls to sort things out. That was three days ago. I haven’t heard from her since. I haven’t been to town yet to see Burke, but I’ve kept in touch on the phone. He has no idea where she is either, and he mentioned I should talk to you. That you were looking into the Hunter problem.” Miles met his gaze, and the worry there touched a chord in Monty. “Look. I know you and I don’t exactly get along. I’m not asking you to involve yourself in this for me. But for Joy. She’s innocent beneath all that trickery. And Hunters—”

“You don’t have to tell me about Hunters,” he interrupted. He felt sick to his stomach, imagining her in the hands of someone like Norris. Letting someone else deal with the prick wouldn’t work anyway. Before long, Sophie would want to leave town for one reason or another, and Monty would freak out that she might be in danger, that Norris was still looking for him. Might as well face it head-on.

“Hell. I’ve put this off anyway. We’ve been looking for the Hunters that got away that day, after they grabbed Stacey and Dean. The order took out five of them since you left. The last one went down a few days ago. No word of their ringleader yet.” No Ted Norris. “But that doesn’t mean he’s involved in Joy’s disappearance.”

“And it doesn’t mean he’s not. Miami is in a shit sandwich, everyone jockeying to be pride leader. Joy’s better off up here in town. But I can’t find her, Quince is suddenly missing and there are stirrings in Tennessee that some big Hunter’s Folly is going down.”

Monty paled. Hunter’s Folly was what those murderous dickheads called their main fighting event. The ultimate challenge where Hunter owners pitted their enslaved Ac-taw against one another, a death match to end all death matches. He rubbed his wrist, fingering the silvery scar left by a cougar’s sharp teeth.

“Look. I’ll dig into it. Tennessee, you said?”

Miles shook his head. “That’s where I heard the rumor, but the Folly is supposedly going down outside of Kalispell real soon. Funny thing, them having the festivities in Montana so close, don’t you think?”

Ted Norris sat at the center of this Hunter’s Folly. Monty could feel it in his bones.

“You told anyone else about this?” He stood, already planning what to do and say to Sophie to explain his coming absence. He didn’t want to leave her, but if Norris was indeed up to his old tricks, he’d take down Sophie, the pride and anyone else Monty deemed important in his life. Monty needed to take the fight to him.

Miles stood with him. “Not yet. After meeting with you, I’m going to see Burke and the town council. They need to be informed about this possible threat.”

“Good.” Monty moved to the door then stopped. He turned and stared Miles in the eye. “I’m going to settle this. Don’t worry. I’ll take care of the Hunters for good this time.” Norris had to die. “I’m not sure they’re behind Joy being missing, but if they are, I’ll find her.”

“That’s all I can ask.” Miles stuck out his hand.

“Hell. Do I have to shake it?”

Miles cracked a smile. “Quit whining, wolf. And hey, look at it this way. I hear you’re planning to get married to that pretty she-wolf you mated. In lieu of owing you a favor—God forbid—I’m hiring you to look into this Folly thing. Ten grand to cover your time and expenses.”

Monty blinked. “Ten grand?”

“Yep.” Miles smirked. “Do I need to count out the zeroes for you?”

Monty snarled at Miles as he left, but he couldn’t stop thinking. Ten thousand dollars could buy Sophie a lot of shit she probably needed. They could put an addition on the cabin, though she seemed to think it was big enough. Or he could throw her a huge wedding. Not that he needed money to go after pricks like Norris, but if Miles was offering, he’d sure as shit take the money. And it wasn’t a handout, considering when Monty did catch Norris, he’d be in for the fight of his life.

He locked up the shop, left Whitefish behind and returned home, determined to make things right with Sophie before he sought out and destroyed his enemy. He only hoped that once he told her his story, she’d understand why he had to put their future in jeopardy.

Arriving home to the smell of a thick, hearty stew and his mate, Monty took in the scene and smiled. She stood behind the kitchen counter stirring something, her grin wide and welcoming when she saw him.

“There you are. I was getting worried.” Sophie looked pretty as a picture with her long brown hair down and her eyes crinkled in a smile. Her lips parted, and he hurried to take advantage with a kiss before he realized what little she wore underneath her oversized apron.

“Good Christ.” He blinked and stared down at the gaping fabric. Two perfect breasts with two tight little nipples poked the coarse material. He looked further down and noticed high heels accentuating her sexy legs.

“There’s a scene we haven’t played out yet,” she murmured and ran her hands over his chest. As usual, he didn’t need to work to get hard for his mate. Just scenting her aroused him. But this, an apron, a thong and heels?

“Hold on,” he said in a hoarse voice. He fumbled for his cell phone and called Burke. “I talked to Bermin. I’m on it tomorrow. I’ll see you then, and not before. Tonight is mine.”

Burke understood. Thank God. Because Monty had a hard time functioning when Sophie smiled shyly at him and grabbed him by the collar. Then she backed into the cabin, toward the bedroom, and pulled him in.

Lit candles gave the room a romantic glow. A fat dildo, tub of lube and towel on the nightstand had his heart racing. He’d been preparing her for a while. Would she let him take her ass tonight? He wanted to, but he questioned himself. Did he have the right to roll around in the sack without telling her he’d be leaving tomorrow, and why?

“No thinking, wolf of mine.” She yanked his shirt over his head and off him and tossed it to the side. Then she untied the apron she wore and let it fall to the floor.

The thong barely covered her sweet pussy, and Monty could smell her creaming for him. She moved to the bed and sat back, propped on her hands. Sophie spread her thighs and raised her knees, bringing attention to her shapely calves accented by those fuck-me heels.

“I want you to eat me up, my big bad wolf.” She batted her lashes, and Monty hurried to join her and dropped to his knees like a stone.

It always amazed him that his normally quiet little she-wolf could be so hedonistic and free with him. “You are the absolute best. Mate. Ever.”

Her laugh turned into a groan when Monty ran his thumbs up and down the inside of her thighs. “You’re slick, baby. That pretty pussy is making your thighs so wet.” He leaned close and inhaled, surprised his tongue wasn’t hanging out as he panted. Shit, he was harder than steel.

“I want your mouth on me.”

He swore and spread her thighs wider. Then he leaned close and shoved his face into her pussy. He licked her through the silky thong, loving her response. She gripped his hair tight and wrapped her legs around his torso, her heels digging into his back. So fucking sexy.

Then Monty shoved aside her thong and licked her, and he lost himself in the love of his mate.
