Chapter Six

Roan didn’t let her down until he had them behind the closed door of what Ansley presumed had to be his bedroom. She only managed to get a quick look at the very solid, masculine furnishings and large bed before Roan pulled her to him. He took her lips in a demanding kiss as he lifted her so he could grind his erection against her pussy. Just like that, her embarrassment slipped away to be replaced by an intense wave of arousal. Ansley even forgot about Roan’s brothers downstairs. All that mattered was getting closer to the hard bulge in his pants.

When she squirmed against him, Roan let her slide down his body until her feet touched the floor. He took a step back and slowly started to take his clothes off. Ansley watched his every movement while she too started to strip out of hers. Once they were both naked, Ansley closed the space between them and ran her hands up Roan’s chest to the tops of his shoulders. She went up on tiptoe, cupped the back of his head with her hand, and brought his lips down to hers. She nipped and licked at his mouth until he opened for her.

She swept the inside of his mouth with her tongue and brushed the tips of her breasts against his chest. Roan growled softly. She left his mouth and pressed her lips along his firm jaw to his ear. She swirled her tongue inside it before she took his earlobe between her teeth and gave it a small tug. Roan moaned when she left his ear and kissed a path down the side of his throat to where his neck and shoulder met. He stiffened and moved to wrap his arms around her as she dragged her tongue over the bite mark. Ansley pulled back and shook her head. “Let me have my way with you this time. Remember, I said I wanted to lick and kiss every inch of you.”

Roan let his hands fall away with a groan. “You make me want to howl, in a good way.”

Moving closer again, Ansley licked and kissed her way along the thick muscles of his chest and down to his flat nipples. She placed her hands on Roan’s sides and licked a nipple with the tip of her tongue before she sucked the small nub between her teeth. Roan ground his hard cock against her as she moved to his other nipple and did the same to it. She continued her downward trail to his washboard abs. His stomach muscles quivered as she licked her way down even farther. Ansley went down on her knees before Roan and looked up at him. His light blue eyes glowed mutedly. Turning her attention to his erect cock, she rubbed the drop of pre-cum on the tip into his skin before she wrapped her hand around his shaft. Her tongue flicked out and she ran it around the head. Roan groaned and pressed his hips closer.

With a firm grip on his cock, Ansley stroked her tongue along Roan’s full length. An ache built inside her pussy. She grew wet with desire. She swirled her tongue around the tip of him, then opened her mouth to take as much of his length as she could handle inside. Roan’s hands threaded through her hair and moaned/growled deep inside his chest. He pumped his hips while she sucked on his cock. Pleasuring Roan in this way aroused Ansley even more. She sucked harder and brought up her other hand to cup the heavy flesh between his legs.

Roan’s movements grew jerky. His cock hardened even more inside her mouth.

“Enough, Ansley. I need my cock in you. Now.”

He pulled her up on her feet. Roan lifted her in his arms as he took her mouth in a heated kiss. Ansley wrapped her legs around his waist and ground her wet pussy against his hard shaft. Roan switched his grip to her bottom. He positioned the tip of his cock at the entrance to her body. He flexed his hips and sheathed himself to the hilt inside her pussy with one stroke. She tightly held on to him as he carried her to the bed, keeping their bodies joined. Each of his steps drove his cock deeper inside her body. Roan placed her on the center of his large bed so she lay on her back. Supporting his weight on his bent arms, he slowly started to thrust. Ansley moaned into his mouth at the feel of his thick, hard cock working in and out of her. Stretched and filled to capacity, she matched his strokes. She clutched his shaft with her inner muscles, increasing the pleasure she felt.

Angling his strokes higher up on her body so his shaft rubbed her clit, Roan pumped his hips faster. Ansley felt her release build deep inside her pussy. She knew it wouldn’t take much to push her over the edge. She lifted her head and nipped the bite mark on Roan’s neck. He moaned loudly before he turned his head slightly to the side to give her better access. Knowing how much Roan had found it a turn-on when she’d bitten him before, Ansley bit down on the same spot and held on with her teeth. She didn’t break the skin, but she bit hard enough that she knew she would leave another mark on him. Roan cupped her bottom in his hands and lifted her hips as he pounded into her. Ansley continued to hold him with her teeth until she felt the first flutter of her orgasm. When it hit, she let her head fall back on the bed and moaned. With her pussy clutching at his shaft, gripping his cock in a tight fist, Roan’s moans joined hers as he too came deep inside her.

Ansley held Roan tight after he collapsed on top of her. His cock was still a thick, hard length buried inside her pussy. It made her wonder if Roan would always be able to sustain an erection even after he had come. If he could, she knew he would spoil her for other men. She would expect the next guy to be able to keep it up for just as long a Roan could.

Roan propped himself up on his arms and kissed the tip of her nose. “What are you thinking about?”

She smiled. “You.”

He smiled back. “I hope they’re all good thoughts and not bad.”

“Oh, they’re definitely good thoughts. I can’t help but notice your little talent here.”

Ansley gave his still hard cock a squeeze with her inner muscles. “I have a feeling the more I sleep with you the more the chances are I’ll expect every man I take to my bed to be able to do the same.”

Ansley had kept her words teasing and light, so she didn’t expect the kind of reaction she got out of Roan. His upper lip curled up on a loud growl. Ansley found her hands held over head and pressed to the mattress by one of Roan’s before she had time to protest. He took her lips in a hard kiss that left her breathless once he lifted his head.

“The only man in your bed will be me,” he snarled softly. “There will be no others.”

She stared up at him, not sure Roan meant what she thought he had meant. “What do you mean? Are you saying that you already know I’m the one for you? That soon I can expect you to get down on bended knee and ask me to marry you?”

“I don’t need to do that,” Roan said in a husky voice. He pulled back until his cock was almost free of her body, then pushed back into her. “You’re already mine.”

Roan took her mouth in a hard kiss. This time he took her hard and fast. He hooked one of her legs over his arm and pounded into her. Swept away by the sensations that surged through her body, Ansley could only hold on to Roan. His thick cock plunged into her over and over again until she reached her release. Coming at the same time, Roan let his head fall back with a howl that Ansley would have thought sounded too animalistic to be human if she hadn’t been limp and sated with pleasure. Pulling his still hard cock from her body, Roan lay on his back and gathered her close so she lay on her side with her head pillowed on his chest. Beyond relaxed, Ansley let her eyes drift shut and snuggled closer to Roan.

* * *

Roan and she ended up making love for most of the night. Inconceivably, Roan had been able to keep his erection for hours at a time. He’d also taken her in every position imaginable. Near dawn, he had finally allowed her to sleep for more than an hour. Not that Ansley had complained about the way Roan had kept her up for most of the night. Ansley stretched and slowly came awake. She cringed a bit when she felt all the aches she had in the intimate places of her body. She smiled to herself. After the marathon of sex she and Roan had participated in during the night, she guessed it had to be expected. She hadn’t ever had that much sex in one night. Turning her head toward the other side of the bed, she found the spot where Roan had slept beside her empty. Ansley rolled to her side and pressed her face into his pillow. His scent still lingered on the pillowcase.

She rolled over onto her back and pulled the covers up to her shoulders. Not knowing exactly where Roan had gone, and not wanting to run into one of his brothers or sister if she went in search of him, Ansley decided she would just stay in bed until he came back. When the minutes ticked by and Roan still hadn’t returned, she began to wonder if she shouldn’t get dressed and go look for him after all. About to get out of bed, the bedroom door slammed open. Ansley let out a small shriek and pulled the covers up to her chin when she saw Leif enter the room. He gave her a smile and lifted his arm to show her he carried her overnight bag, which she had left downstairs the day before.

“I thought I would bring this up to you,” Leif said while he placed it on the floor next to the bed. He gave her a smile that Ansley felt sure more than one woman had found hard to resist.

Keeping a stranglehold on the sheets, Ansley gave Leif a tentative smile. “Ah, thanks.”

Leif made no move to leave. “Did you and Roan have a chance to talk during the night, or did he keep you too … busy … for conversation?”

Ansley felt her cheeks heat as she blushed. How was she supposed to answer that question? No way in hell she was going to tell Roan’s brother that Roan had been too busy screwing her brains out to have had any kind of conversation during the night. “Um

… well…”

Leif chuckled. “I’m going to take that for a no.”

A loud growl suddenly filled the room. Much to Ansley’s relief, she looked over in the direction the growl had come from to find Roan framed in the doorway. His brow grew thunderous when his gaze landed on Leif. With two long strides, he crossed the room to his brother and grabbed Leif by the back of his t-shirt. Roan then took hold of the back of Leif’s jeans and literally threw Leif out of the room. Ansley cringed when she heard Leif hit the opposite wall outside in the hallway. Leif’s loud cursing told her Roan had been far from gentle. Of course the sound of the ruckus drew the rest of the occupants of the house to Roan’s bedroom door, which still stood wide open. Naked under the sheets, Ansley wondered if the situation could get any worse. It did. When Roan’s brothers found out what all the commotion had been about, they all started telling Leif off. Somehow, while they talked loudly over each other, Jager, Skylar and Dirk ended up inside the bedroom with Roan, while Leif and Kye stayed outside in the hallway. Luckily for Ansley, they had their backs to her and hadn’t noticed her in the bed.

A long, shrill whistle soon cut through the men’s voices. The men fell silent. They covered their ears with their hands until the whistle stopped. From her position on the bed, Ansley watched a woman accompanied by another man walk into the middle of the gathered men. Ansley figured this had to be Roan’s sister. She gave each of her brothers a look that said she’d heard more than enough. She then took charge of the situation. Roan’s sister pointed at Leif. “You should have known better. Going into Roan’s bedroom while Roan wasn’t there, you were only asking for trouble. And well you know it.” She turned to Kye. “Make sure Leif goes downstairs and stays there until we come down for breakfast.” Kye nodded then waited for Leif to walk past him before he too left. She turned to the rest of her brothers. “Jager, Skylar and Dirk, get the hell out of Roan’s bedroom unless you want to be thrown out the same way he threw Leif out.”

Each man looked around as if they noticed for the first time where they were. None of them turned to look at her. They filed out one by one until only Roan’s sister, the man who had arrived with her, and Roan remained. Ansley found herself in awe of his sister. She had managed to rein in all her brothers with very little effort on her part, which Ansley thought had to be no small feat. Even though Roan’s sister was tall for a woman, her brothers still towered over her, and had three times the muscle mass. His sister cinched the belt of her housecoat tighter around her waist. She walked into the bedroom and made her way over to the bed. Her long light blonde hair looked a little mussed as if she’d just gotten out of bed. She smiled at Ansley. “We haven’t been properly introduced yet. I’m Saskia York.” She nodded her head in the direction of the hallway. “Over there is my husband, Eli.”

Ansley nodded at Eli, then returned Saskia’s smile. “I’m Ansley Conry. Nice to meet you.”

“Likewise. Sorry about that. Leif tends to be a bit of a knucklehead at times. He’s harmless. He just wanted to yank Roan’s chain.”

“Which he succeeded in doing,” Roan said drolly. He moved over to the bed and sat down next to Ansley. He turned to her. “I hope he didn’t bother you too much before I threw him out.”

Ansley shook her head. “No, he didn’t. He just brought up my overnight bag and asked if you and I had a chance to talk yet.” Roan and Saskia exchanged a meaningful look. Ansley could only guess what it meant.

“I’ll go have a chat with Leif,” Saskia said to Roan. “He had no right to ask that. I’ll make sure he keeps his nose out of where it doesn’t belong.”

Roan got up and kissed Saskia on the cheek. “Thanks. Now if you don’t mind, I’m sure Ansley would like to get up.”

Saskia nodded. “I’ll see the two of you downstairs shortly.” She went back out into the hallway to her husband. Eli wrapped an arm around Saskia’s shoulders. “Just don’t take too long or you’ll end up with nothing to eat for breakfast. The food supply is starting to get a little low. For punishment, I think I’ll send Leif out to do the grocery shopping.”

As the other couple walked away, Roan shut the bedroom door. He then came back to the bed and lay down on top of the sheets next to Ansley. “If I had known Leif would pull a stunt like that I wouldn’t have left you alone.”

Ansley turned to her side and brushed her lips against his. “No harm done, but I can think of a way for you to make it up to me,” she said in a husky voice. Roan chuckled. “After last night, I thought you would have had enough of me by now.”

She lifted herself up on her elbow and let her gaze run down Roan’s body. He only wore a pair of jeans and nothing else. “I don’t think I’ll ever get enough of you.”

He reached over and slapped her on the butt. “Insatiable, aren’t you?”

“Only when it comes to you.”

“I’m glad you feel that way, but I think you’d better get up before I never let you out of here. For one thing you must be starved. I know I am. And Saskia wasn’t kidding when she said we had better not take too long. There is a good chance my brothers will eat all the food before we get down there if we aren’t lucky. You can have the bathroom first.” Roan pointed to the en suite bathroom. “There’s a shower in there too. So help yourself.”

At first, Ansley thought maybe she could persuade Roan to change his mind, but then her stomach started to growl. Considering Roan and she had not once left his bedroom last night, not even to eat supper, Ansley knew she had to be running on fumes. With a sigh of regret, she slipped out of bed and grabbed her overnight bag on her way to the bathroom. She felt Roan’s gaze follow her as she stepped inside and shut the door. Ansley decided she would satisfy her hunger for food, then she would satisfy her other hunger.
